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TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall

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Objectives: WALLS
1: To Understand the Need of a Retaining

2: To Understand Rankine’s Theory of Earth


3: To Understand the different kinds of

Retaining Walls and their Applications

4: To Understand the Proportioning of a

Gravity Retaining Wall and to Study it’s

TOS V: Unit 6: Gravity Retaining Walls:

6.1 Need of Retaining Walls: These are walls meant to support soil, or materials such as
water, coal, ores etc. These walls are meant to provide or maintain ground at two different
levels. They become necessary in construction of Hill Roads, Embankments, Bridge
Abutments, Basement of Buildings, and Water Reservoirs.
Retaining walls are structures that support backfill and allow for a change in grade. As illustrated
below it can be used to retain fill along a slope or it can be used to support a cut into a slope.

To understand the importance of a Retaining Wall it is necessary to understand the term “Angle
of Repose”.

6.2Angle of Repose:
If a granular material like sand or earth is tipped on the ground, it will pile up in a heap. The Angle
of Repose is defined as the maximum angle made by the exterior face of the material with the

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


horizontal. It is the maximum slope, measured in degrees, from the horizontal at which a loose
solid granular material will remain without sliding.
A Retaining wall is meant to uphold all the material greater than the Angle of Repose. Greater the
friction between the grains of the Material, Larger will be the Angle of Repose and hence lesser
the material to be retained. Lesser the material to be retained, lesser the lateral pressure exerted
by the material on the Retaining Wall.
6.3 Rankine’s Theory of Earth Pressures
Pressure exerted by a fluid is very easy to compute and is given by the term ωh where ω is the
density of the fluid and h is the height of the fluid column, However pressure exerted by earth or
soil or sand cannot be determined in the same way. Empirical formulae have been derived based
on the Angle of Repose, Height of the material to be retained, and density of the material to be
retained. This Pressure exerted by Earth is very important in the study of Retaining walls and
Rankine’s Theory of Earth Pressures is used to calculate this and is based on the following basic
Basic Assumptions:
1. Retained material is homogenous and cohesion less, i.e. the material that is exerting pressure
is free from moisture and is dry
2. Back of the Retaining wall is smooth and the Friction between the Retaining wall and the
Retained material is zero
3. The failure of the retained material takes place along a plane called as the Rupture Plane.
4. The Retaining Wall is allowed to move (slide) away from the soil it is retaining, so that the soil
expands and evokes full shearing resistance and attains a state of Plastic Equilibrium. The
Pressure thus developed is called as Earth Pressure. Resultant Force is parallel to the back fill
There are two kinds of Earth Pressures.
1. Active Earth Pressure.
2. Passive Earth Pressure.
Active Earth Pressures: The pressure exerted by the retained material on the retaining wall is
called as Active Earth Pressure. As a result of the Active Earth Pressure, the retaining wall tends to
slide away from the retained earth; the retained earth expands and achieves a state of plastic
equilibrium. The intensity of the Earth Pressure at the bottom of the retaining wall is given by

Pa = ka ωh
Where ka is Rankine’s constant of Active Earth Pressure and is given by
1 − sin
1 + sin
Φ is the angle of repose; ω is density of retained earth, h is the height of the retaining wall

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


Passive Earth Pressures:

When the wall slides away from the retained earth, if there is any earth or soil on the opposite
side of the back fill, this earth will get compressed and the exert a pressure on the retaining wall
which is opposite in direction to the direction of the Active earth pressure. Intensity of the Passive
Earth Pressure is given by

1  sin
In order to develop Active Earth Pressure or Passive Earth Pressure, the wall must move. If the
wall does not move a sufficient amount, then full Active or full Passive pressures may not develop.
If the full Active Pressure does not develop, then the pressure will be higher than the expected
Active Pressure.

6.4 Types of Retaining Walls:

1. Gravity Retaining Walls. The structural action is entirely due to the weight of the walls.
2. Cantilever Retaining Walls. Consisting of a vertical Stem and Horizontal Base Slab (toe + heel).
3. Counterfort Type Retaining Walls. The wall is made of an upright slab spanning across
4. Buttress Type Retaining Walls.

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


6.5 Gravity Retaining Walls

As the name suggests these Retaining Walls are so called because it is the inertia of the wall or the
weight due to gravity of the wall that acts against all the forces acting on the wall i.e. the effects of
the forces due to the Retained Material.
1. These are economical up to a height of 5 to 6 meters.
2. These are made of Brick, Stones or Concrete.
3. These walls are so proportioned that the dead weight of the wall provides stability against the
thrust exerted by the backfill including the surcharge.
4. It is very important to remember that no tensile stresses should develop at any point IN the
wall or in any section of the wall under any conditions as the materials the walls are made of
have poor Tensile Resistance.
6.6 Gravity Retaining Walls – Forces acting against and for the stability

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


Salient Features of the above Diagram

1. The Pressure Diagram is Triangular with Max Pressure at Base P = kaωh and 0 at the top
2. The Horizontal Force = H = kaωh²/2 acts at the C.G of the Triangle i.e. at h/3
3. The Horizontal Force H Causes the Retaini8ng Wall to Slide
4. The Weight of the Retaining Wall against Friction = ΣW x μ acts against Sliding
5. The Moment of H @ toe i.e. O.T.M = kaωh³/6 causes Over turning of the wall
6. The Overturning is Prevented by The Stabilizing Moment = S.M

6.7 Conditions Of Stability For A Retaining Wall.

1. Wall should not Overturn : Desired Factor of Safety 2
2. Wall should not Slide: Desired Factor of Safety 1.5
3. Wall should not exert pressure at the base greater than the S.B.C of Soil to avoid soil being
crushed. Max Pressure at base < S.B.C
4. Wall should not exert tension at the base to avoid cracking of the soil beneath.
Min Pressure at base > 0 or the eccentricity e of the resultant force should be such that
1. Stability against Overturning.
The Retaining wall has a tendency to overturn on its toe due to the lateral pressure acting on its
vertical face (due to retained material). The Moment due to the lateral force about the toe is
called Overturning Moment (O.T.M.).This is resisted by the weight of the wall as also weight of
part retained material either on toe or heel or both. The moment due to this weight about the
toe is called Restoring Moment or Stabilizing Moment (S.M.).
F.O.S against overturning = .. > 2
2. Stability against Sliding.
The Retaining Wall has a tendency to slide along its base due to the lateral force. This is the Force
Causing Sliding. The weight of the wall acting against friction is the force resisting this tendency
and is called as the Force Against Sliding.
  !" #$ 
F.O.S against Sliding = > 1.5
 %&!  #$ 
3. Maximum Pressure at Base. The weight of the retaining wall added to the weight of the earth
on the heel exerts a pressure eccentric to the base. This pressure given by the term
'( +'(,
+ )*-
= ./0 1 234 (Refer Eccentrically Loaded Column TOS II)
Where ΣW = weight of retaining wall, b= 1m, d = width of base,
e = eccentricity of the resultant force hitting the base.
If the soil beneath is not to be crushed then.
56 " 7! < 9. :. ; <= 3<>?

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


4. Minimum Pressure at Base. The weight of the retaining wall added to the weight of the earth
on the heel exerts a pressure eccentric to the base. This pressure given by the term
'( +'(,
− = ./>@ 1 234
)* )*-
Where ΣW = weight of retaining wall, b= 1m, d = width of base,
e = eccentricity of the resultant force hitting the base.
If the soil beneath is not to be in tension, as soil has poor tensile resistance.

5 " 7! A 0
e is calculated by Varignon’s Principle
Let X be the distance from the toe as to where the resultant hits the base.
x = Net Moment/ Net Weight
x = (Stabilizing Moment – Overturning Moment)/ ΣW
4 = −x

6.8 Proportioning of A Gravity Retaining Wall

When a Gravity Retaining wall is to be provided then,

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


1. First Proportions are to be assumed. (I have taken the following from Indian Practical
Civil Engineers Handbook by P.N.Khanna).
I. Take Top Width as minimum 600mm for Stone Masonry and minimum 550 mm for Brick
II. Bottom Width Should be 1/3 x h to ½ x h to 2/3 x h should suffice in most cases to achieve
stability, where h = height of the masonry wall. The stability depends on a host of factors
III. Front face to have a batter of at-least 1:24 and maximum of 1:6

2. Study the Stability of the wall with respect to Sliding, Overturning, Maximum and
Minimum Pressure at base
3. If Stability is lacking in any one field, re-proportion the Wall and check Stability all over

Problem 1 A U.C.R Masonry wall is to be provided to retain Earth of density 18kN/M³, for a height of
4.5M. Take top width as 0.9M and bottom width of 0.6h. Density of masonry is 24kN/M³.
Angle of repose is 30°. Coefficient of Friction μ = 0.6. S.B.C of Soil = 250kN/M². Check Stability
of Wall w.r.t Sliding, Overturning and Maximum and Minimum Pressures at base. (Vertical
Face of Wall Retains the Earth). Also Draw Pressure Diagram at Base.

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


Take Bottom Width of the Wall as 0.6h = 0.6 x 4500 = 2700mm = 2.7M
Forces against the Stability
1 - SINØ 1 - SIN 30 1 - 0.5
1 ka = = = = 0.333 Rankine's Constant = ka
1 + SINØ 1 + SIN 30 1 + 0.5
2 P = ka ω h = 0.3 x 18 x 4.5 = 27.0 kN/M² Pressure P at Base
3 H = ka ω h²/2 = P x h/2 = 27 x 2.3 = 60.8 kN Horizontal Force = H
4 O.T.M = ka ω h³/6 = H x h/3 = 61 x 1.5 = 91.1 kNM Over Turning Moment

Forces for the Stability

Lever Arm
Vol = l x w x h Weight= Vol x Density in Restoring Moment = Weight x
Part Density l w h From Toe in
in M³ kN Lever Arm in kNM
A 24 0.9 1 4.5 4.05 97.2 2.25 218.70
B 24 1.8 1 4.5 4.05 97.2 1.20 116.64
ΣW = 194.4 S.M = 338.79

1 Stability Against Overturning

Stabilising Moment = 338.8 kNM
Over Turning Moment = 91.1 kNM
Factor of Safety Agaist 338.8
Overturning =
S.M/O.T.M = = 3.72 > 2 Safe in Overturning

2 Stability Against Sliding

Force Against Sliding = ΣW x μ = 194.4 x 0.6 = 116.64 kN
Force Causing Sliding = H = 60.75 kN
Factor of Safety against Force Against / 116.64
Sliding = Force Causing
= = 1.92 > 1.5 Safe in Sliding

3 Maximum and Minimum Pressure at Base

S.M - O.T.M 339 - 91.1
To Find Position of Resultant X from Toe = = = 1.27 X
ΣW 194.4
Eccentricity of Resultant = d/2 - X = - 1.27 = 0.08 e
ΣW 194.4
σd = Stress Direct Due to Resultant = = = 72.00 kN/M²
b x d 1 x 2.7
σb = Stress Bending Due to Eccentricity 6 x ΣW x e 6x 194.4 x 0.08
= = 12.16 kN/M²
of Resultant = b x d² 1 x 7.29
Maximum Pressure at Base = σd + σb = 72.0 + 12.16 = 84.16 kN/M²
Maximum Pressure at Base = 84.16 < 250 kN/M² Safe for given S.B.C
Minimum Pressure at Base = σd + σb = 72.0 - 12.16 = 59.84
Minimum Pressure at Base = 59.84 > 0 No Tension at Base

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


Important Note: In the Entire Problem the linear Dimensions are all in M and the Weights are
all in kN. This is easier as we are only dealing with densities and S.B.C

Problem 2 A U.C.R Masonry wall is to be provided to retain Earth of density 16kN/M³, for a height of
5.2M. Vertical Face of Wall Retains the Earth. Take top width as 1200mm and bottom width of
0.5h. Density of masonry is 23kN/M³. Angle of repose is 28°. Coefficient of Friction μ = 0.60
S.B.C of Soil = 225kN/M². Check Stability of Wall w.r.t Sliding, Overturning and Maximum and
Minimum Pressures at base. Also draw the pressure diagram at the base

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


Forces against the Stability

1 - SINØ 1 - SIN 28 1 - 0.5
1 ka = = = = 0.361 Rankine's Constant = ka
1 + SINØ 1 + SIN 28 1 + 0.5
2 P = ka ω h = 0.4 x 16 x 5.2 = 30.0 kN/M² Pressure P at Base
3 H = ka ω h²/2 = P x h/2 = 30 x 2.6 = 78.1 kN Horizontal Force = H
4 O.T.M = ka ω h³/6 = H x h/3 = 78 x 1.7 = 135.4 kNM Over Turning Moment

Forces for the Stability

Vol = l x w x h Weight= Vol x Density in Lever Arm Restoring Moment = Weight x
Part Density l w h
in M³ kN From Toe in M Lever Arm in kNM

A 23 1.2 1 5.2 6.24 143.52 2.00 287.04

B 23 1.4 1 5.2 3.64 83.72 0.93 78.14
ΣW = 227.24 S.M = 368.11

1 Stability Against Overturning

Stabilising Moment = 368.1 kNM
Over Turning Moment = 135.4 kNM
Factor of Safety Agaist 368.11
Overturning =
S.M/O.T.M = = 2.72 > 2 Safe in Overturning

2 Stability Against Sliding

Force Against Sliding = ΣW x μ = 227.24 x 0.6 = 136.34 kN
Force Causing Sliding = H = 78.10 kN
Factor of Safety against Force Against / 136.34
Sliding = Force Causing
= = 1.75 > 1.5 Safe in Sliding

3 Maximum and Minimum Pressure at Base

S.M - O.T.M 368 - 135.4
To Find Position of Resultant X from Toe = = = 1.02 X
ΣW 227.24
Eccentricity of Resultant = d/2 - X = - 1.02 = 0.28 e
ΣW 227.24
σd = Stress Direct Due to Resultant = = = 87.40 kN/M²
b x d 1 x 2.6
σb = Stress Bending Due to Eccentricity 6 x ΣW x e 6x 227.2 x 0.28
= = 55.63 kN/M²
of Resultant = b x d² 1 x 6.76
Maximum Pressure at Base = σd + σb = 87.4 + 55.63 = 143.03 kN/M²
Maximum Pressure at Base = 143.03 < 225 kN/M² Safe for given S.B.C
Minimum Pressure at Base = σd + σb = 87.4 - 55.63 = 31.77
Minimum Pressure at Base = 31.77 > 0 No Tension at Base

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho


A Nice Example of a Gravity Retaining Wall

TOS 5 Unit 6 Gravity Retaining Wall Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

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