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Business Plan

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La Sarriete Spring Rolls

Without great support of La Sarriete it would be not possible to write this
business plan proposal. La Sarriete had always been very responsive in
providing necessary information, and without their generous support plan
would lack in accurate information on current developments.

In addtion, La Sarriete would like to thank Mrs. Elaba for her expert
contributions to this business plan. La Sarriete would also want to thank
Ma'am Luningning Balais, it is a genuine pleasure to express our deep
sense of thanks and gratitude for her dedication and interest to help us and
had solely responsible for completing our work.

The timely advice, scholarly advice and scientific approaches have helped
us to accomplish our tasks.

And lastly, our parents who supports us financially and morally, without
them this project would not be possible.

Feasibility Study

Survey Checklist

Name of the
interviewee: Epitacion Balais
1. How did you raise funding for your business?

-By earning all my daily money.

2. How did you build a successful customer base?

-By promotion of my product and for all 3 items there are 20% discount.

3. How do you market your business? Which tactics have been most successful?

-By merchandising my business in the street,by house to house saling.

4. What skills or tactics have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in
your daily business schedule?

-Based on my own I must focus on where the people mostly needed or being

5. What piece of advice would you give to those who want to start business like

-In starting a business do your job to fulfill your goals in your business and always
remember that in business there always have an competition so keep on improving.

6. Is there anytime that your business almost fail? How did you manage to cope up?

-Yes, i tried to think what possible action to do the raise again my business and ask
an advice to others successful business man just like mine.

7.What can you say about the stand of your business today?

-As for to day my business is quite improving and have an average of good.

Name of the interviewee: Betty Duran

1. How did you raise funding for your business?

-By loaning from card bank for my capital in order to start m

have been most successful?

-I market my business by putting it in a place that everyone would see my stand

and sometimes I sell them directly to my customer's houses.

4. What skills or tactics have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in
your daily business schedule?

- I discovered that being hardworking proprietor is very important as a skill in

keeping me focused in my daily business schedule.

5. What piece of advice would you give to those who want to start business like

- For those who want to start a business like me, he/she should prepare for
problems that he/she can encounter and be more productive.

6. Is there anytime that your business almost fail? How did you manage to cope up?

-Yes. When I was on the verge of my business, it almost fail. Goodthing I always
have a plan B that gives a big help when my business almost fail.

7. What can you say about the stand of your business today?

-As of today, my business is in good state.

Part I. Executive Summary

A. Business Name: The name of business is La Sarriette Spring Rolls. (pronounce as
La Sariyete)

B. Product offered: The business offers tasty, affordable yet healthy spring rolls that
could melt someone's mouth.

C. Goal/s: The goal of the business is to simply earn money or gain profit, to
increase efficiency, to capture a larger market and most
importantly to provide the best customer service.

D. Mission: The business main missions are to provide high product quality,
provide superior customer service, protect the quality of the
environment, ensure equal access to resources, and lastly to
encourage innovation/creativity.

E. Vision: The vision of the business is to become the best Spring Rolls that
could ever have in the whole scope of business' location. To be
patronized by everybody.

F. Values: The production will be well-secured, ensuring that the product is

safe, and free from food contamination.

Part II. Description of the Business

The product will be peddled by the personnel’s in Marketing Department, it is considered as a

partnership type of business since it is owned by more than 2 entrepreneurs. The corporation
consists a top manager and another four managers in every department (Production, Marketing,
Operation and Financial) to ensure the efficiency of the business.

The businesses ensure that the operation and the supplies including the production, will be free
from food contamination to avoid food poisoning towards the customers.

Short-term Goal: To gain a double profit in every quarter.

Long-Term Goal: To have a particular location and to have a personal stand in every school
in Balangiga E. Samar.

Part III. Description of the Product

Spring rolls (product) are a large variety of filled, rolled appetizers or it can be served as snacks.
The product is made up of fresh vegetables, wrapper and some secret ingredients that
everyone would love to eat. It is perfectly match with the delectable homemade sauce.

The businesses ensure that the operation and the supplies including the production, will be free
from food contamination to avoid food poisoning towards the customers.

Part IV. Market Analysis
A. The expected target market will be the students and also the teachers or anyone
who’s under the business' location. It can be sold to everyone since it is safe for
everyone. The product will be sold at 5.00 pesos each.

B. Competitors: The competitors are the vendors near at the school.

C. Benchmarking:

Things to La Sariette Spring Competitor A Competitor B

Benchmark: Rolls

The price is affordable

and the location is in
Strenghts favor of the customers They have proper They have two
since it will be packaging. flavored sauces.
peddled. (Sweet and Spicy)

It will only be peddled The product will not The location is far
during recess. be peddled and the away from the target
Weakness price is much market.

Part V. Strategy and Implementation

Since it is stated that the product will be sold at 7.00 pesos each, we offer that for every fhree
pieces of spring rolls that the customer would buy instead of 21.00 pesos it will be discounted to
20.00 pesos only.

The product will be peddled room to room during recess time.The business will accept orders.

Part VI. Organization and Management

A. Organizational Plan:

Top Manager

Mavy E. Mercado



Jane Cajanap & Crispin Lumagbas Clero Elairon & Presciousa


Argelyn Campanero & Zhervie


Dannah Bajar


B. Role Descriptions

1. Top Manager - she/he is the who’s in charge in managing the whole flow of business.

2. Manager/s - They are the one who manages in every department. Each department
has 1 manager.


Production: It where the product is produced.

Operation: It monitors the whole operation of the business if it is in good state or not.

Marketing: Where and how the products are being market.

Financial/Finance: It summarizes the total cost and profit that the business had been spent
or gained.

A. Income Statement

Income Statement
October, 2019

B. Balance Sheet


C. Cash Flow Statement.

Statement Of Cash Flow


For the past four (4) days of the business we've encountered so many
complications however we manage to cope up with it by working as a team and
making desicions for the success of the business. We recieved feedbacks and we
grant their requests and suggestions resulting to larger market. The business
gained a big profit and we can conclude that the business succeed.


1. Accounts Payable
Accounts payable is a business finance 101 term. This represents your small business’s
obligations to pay debts owed to lenders, suppliers, and creditors.
2. Accounts Receivable
Also known as A/R (or AR, good guess), accounts receivables is another business
finance 101 term that means the money owed to your small business by others for goods
or services rendered.

3.This business finance key term is anything that has value—whether tangible or
intangible—and is owned by the business is considered an asset.

4.Balance Sheet
Along with three other reports relating to the financial health of your small business, the
balance sheet is essential information that gives a “snapshot” of the company’s net
worth at any given time. The report is a summary of the business assets and liabilities.

Refers to the overall wealth of a business as demonstrated by its cash accounts, assets,
and investments.

6.Cash Flow
Every business needs cash to operate. The business finance term and definition cash
flow refers to the amount of operating cash that “flows” through the business and affects
the business’s liquidity.

7.Gross Profit
This business finance term and definition can be calculated as total sales (income) less
the costs (expenses) directly related to those sales

8.Income Statement
Here is one of the four most important reports lenders and investors want to see when
evaluating the viability of your small business.

9.Income Statement
Here is one of the four most important reports lenders and investors want to see when
evaluating the viability of your small business.

10. Net
The amount of profit remaining after deductions such as tax have been made.

11. Asset value

A way of measuring investment trusts. Take the total number of its assets minus its

Amounts of money received by (or owed to) a company for goods or services provided.


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