The historical school follows the concept of man-made laws. ‘Law is formulated
for the people and by the people’ means that the law should be according to the
changing needs of the people. And everyone understand their own need better
than anyone else.
Sir Henry Maine was the founder of the English Historical School of Law.
Savigny’s, father of the Historical schools views of Historical school was carried
forward in England by Sir Henry Maine. Maine made very valuable contributions
to legal philosophy by way of historic comparative method.
Static societies
Societies which does not progress and develop their legal structure after the
fourth stage of development of law are Static society. Static societies don’t
progress beyond the era of codes.
Progressive Society
Legal Fiction
Legal Fiction change the law according to the changing needs of the
society without making any change in the letters of the law. Legal
fiction harmonizes the legal order but made the law difficult to
According to Maine, “Equity is a body of rules existing by the side of
the original civil law & founded on distinct principles”. Equity consists of
those principles which are considered to be invested with a higher
sacredness than those of positive law. It is used to modify the rigour of
The legislation is the most effective and desirable method of legal change. Laws
will be enacted and became operative officially. It is the most direct and
systematic method of lae making.
As to the legal conditions prevailing at the end of general course of evolution,
i.e. of static societies, Maine calls them ‘Status’. The rights and liabilities of a
member of a community depend on his belonging to a particular group. For
example the right & duties of a member of a family depend on his being ‘pater
familias’ or a dependent. In progressive societies the idea of status is
disintegrated. There is ‘gradual dissolution of family dependency & growth of
individual obligation comes at its place. The individual is steadily substituted for
the family, as the unit of which civil laws take account.
Gradually the institution of pater familas withers away. Slave gets more and
more freedom, and now rights and obligations depend on contract/free
negotiations of the individuals. After tracing this course of dev Maine propounds
his thesis –‘The mvmt of preogrssive socieities has hitherto been a movement
from status to contratc’
Maines contribution
Criticism of Maine
Theory no longer holds good :Indvidual freedom of contract curtailed
It was realized that the idea of freedom of contract between powerful capitalist
& starving workman was – ridiculous & hollow. Orgns to protect workmen came
into existence. Employers too frmed their associatios. Group bargaining came in
place of individuals freedom of contract.
Custom has been defined by various jurists as per their notion, understanding, philosophy, views and
Austin: - According to Austin, “custom is a rule of conduct which the governed observe spontaneously
and not in a pursuance of law set by a political superior”.
Harprasad v. Shivdayal. In this case the judicial committee of the Privy Council observed, custom as a
rule which in a particular family or in a particular district or in a particular sect, class or tribe, has from
long usage obtained the force of a law
Place of custom as source of law can elucidated wrt (1)Recognition of customs reasons & (2)Position
of customs in various legal systems
Hindu Law
Most potent force in moulding hindu law. Variances in laws in smritis were due to their incorporating
local customs of places where they were written. Lordships in the privy council observed that in Hindu
law “the clear proof of usage will outweigh the written text of the law”
Mohammedan Law
Genus of Mohd Law is considered to be hostile to customs. But cud not free itself from them. On the
basis of customs that sunnis interpreted many provisions of the law.In india many sects of
Mohammedans in many matters are governed by local customary law.
English Law
Very imp role in moulding.Chief Justice Coke –“customs as one of the main triangles of laws of England”.
Essentials of Valid Custom
The grounds of valid custom as follows.
The primary trial of a legitimate custom is that it must be prevalent from time
immemorial. It must be old or old and must not be of the ongoing
source. Manu stated, “Immemorial custom is supernatural law”. Days of ancient
times imply in the Civil law in the frameworks inferred consequently and initially
implied in England and additional time is so remote that no living man can
recollect it or give proof concerning it.
Reasonability/No Arbitrariness
The Bombay High Court, in Narayan v. Living, held that a custom allowing a
lady to forsake her better half at her pleasure and marry again without mutual
agreement to be shameless and arbitrary on one spouse. The topic of
reasonability is one of law for the court. The standard which the courts apply has
been characterized by the Divisional Court of the King’s Bench in Produce
Brokers co. vs Olympia oil and coke co., considered grounds of valid customs
as “reasonable and legitimate and for example, sensible, genuine and
impartial men”.
The most important test of a valid and essential custom is that a particular custom
must be specific and less from ambiguity. If a particular custom is ambiguous,
vague and not understandable by the parties then the particular custom will be
declared as null and void by the court, the same was ruled by Privy Council
in Wilson vs. Wilson.
Juridical Nature
No analogical deductions
Black’s Law Dictionary defines ‘Delegation’ as ‘the act of entrusting another with authority or
empowering another to act as an agent or representative
The Principle of Delegated Legislation has been defined as:
“This principle which has been well-established is that the legislature must lay down the
guidelines, the principles of policy for the authority to whom power to make subordinate
legislation is entrusted.” Delegation of powers means the powers passed on by the higher
authority to the lower authority to make laws. Delegated legislation means the powers given by the
legislature to the executive or administration to enact certain law
M.P. Jain, “the term ‘delegated legislation’ is used in two senses: (a) exercise by a subordinate
agency of the legislative power delegated to it by the legislature, or (b) the subsidiary rules
themselves which are made by the subordinate authority in pursuance of the power conferred on it
by the legislature .”
Delegated legislation is law made by some person or body other than parliament,
but with the authority of parliament. What the Government has often done,
therefore, is to pass an ‘enabling Act setting up the main framework of the
reform on which it has decided, and then empowering some subordinate body
,often a Minister to enact the detailed rules necessary to complete the scheme.
An example of enabling Acts includes the Criminal justice Act 2003 which gives
the Secretary of State the power to make delegated legislation in several areas.
One of these powers enables code of practice to be created for the use of
conditional cautions. A conditional caution is used instead of taking an offender
to court.
1) Orders in Council – made by Crown and Privy Council.
2) Statutory instruments – made by Government Ministers.
3) Bylaws – made by local authorities and public corporations.
3. Emergencies Met:
It is better to clothe the administrative agencies with the necessary
discretion to deal with the possible contingencies which may arise in
the application of law since the legislature is unable to foresee and
provide for all them.
5. Average Legislator:
An average legislator is a layman. He is not acquainted with the
complexities of modern legislation. Hence he passes the bills in
skeleton form and leaves the details to be filled up by the executive.