Check-Up Exam
GE5/GE121 Purposive Communication
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I. Matching: Directions: Choose the part from the illustrated process that best represents the underlined words in
the situation given.
Note: Write only the letter of your answer. Be sure that your choice matches the underlined portion of the
statement rather than the statement as a whole.
_____ 1. The State of the Union Address by the president is being broadcast on public television.
_____ 2. Paul cannot quite hear Jana’s speech because there is a fire truck wailing outside the window.
_____ 3.Christy is giving a speech on air pollution.
_____ 4. Frank listens intently and seems to understand Sam’s speech about the Civil War.
_____ 5. Pam nods her head in agreements she listens to Jenny speak.
_____ 6. Juan tells Bob about the football game he watched on TV last night.
_____ 7. Joe uses the telephone to order the pasta pot after watching an infomercial on TV
_____ 8. Mary’s cell phone drops the signal when she is talking to her friend.
______9. The Principal announced the mechanics of the upcoming English Festival contest to the students right
after the flag ceremony.
_____10. Ana waved her hand upon seeing Bong.
II.A. Multiple Choice: Write only the letter of your answer on the space provided.
_____ 11. The fact that once a message is sent and cannot be taken back means that it is ________________.
A. Interactive B. Circular C. Irreversible
_____ 12. A wedding would be an example of ___________________.
A. Context B. Mass Communication C. Complexity
_____ 13. The receiver’s response to a message is what part of the communication process?
A. Channel B. Feedback C. Noise
_____ 14. What is something that interferes with a message and is usually temporary?
A. Intensity B. Noise C. Channel
_____ 15. Two friends passing notes during classwould be an example of what kind of communication?
A. One-to-group communication
B. Small Group Communication
C. Interpersonal Communication
_____ 16. The interpretation of the message by the receiver is called ___________________.
A. Translation B. Interference C. Decoding
_____ 17. What would the Top 9 at 9 count down on LOVE radio station be an example of?
A. Intrapersonal Communication B. Mass Communication C. Interpersonal Communication
_____ 18. A candidate making a campaign speech before a large audience in the community center would be an
example of what kind of communication?
A. One-to-group communication B. Small Group Communication C. Mass Communication
_____ 19. What is the difference between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication?
A. Interpersonal involves two or more people and intrapersonal is within a single person.
B. Intrapersonal involves two or more people and interpersonal is within a single person.
C. Interpersonal occurs at short distances and intrapersonal occurs over long distances.
_____20. Mass communication traditionally tends to be
A. One-way.
B. Communication from one (or a few) to many
C. Anonymous.
D. Communication to an audience that is largely a passive recipient of messages with little or no
opportunity for immediate feedback.
E. All of the above.
_____21. Which of the following is NOT part of the Shannon and Weaver Mathematical Theory?
A. Source B. Transmitter C. Computation D. Channel E. Receiver
_____22. Wilbur Schramm's simplified communication model (1954) has three main elements in communication.
Which of the following is NOT part of his simplified model?
A. Source
B. A message, or signal, which is transmitted
C. A destination, where receiver decodes it
D. A source, who encodes
E. None of the above
_____23. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary functions of mass communication?
A. Surveillance B. Correlation C. Cultural Transmission D. Entertainment E. Immunization
_____24. Which of the following is an example of cultural convergence?
A. Sex and the City becomes wildly popular among female officer workers in Thailand.
B. Harry Potter books become bestsellers in America.
C. Newsrooms place photographers, graphic artists, reporters and online writers in the same work pace.
D. A Mexican soap opera gets high ratings among audiences in Russia.
E. All of the above
_____25. The correlation function of mass communication is important because ________.
A. The media can help maintain social stability.
B. The media can keep audiences informed about issues, events and other developments in society.
C. The media help people learn society's rule and how to fit into society.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above
______26. What are some of the dangers of global communication?
A. False rumors can negatively impact company stocks.
B. Increased connectivity and engagement among people from different cultures can fuel rifts instead of
rational discussions.
C. Media organizations could become subject to greater government regulation.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above
______27. Which comparison of verbal and nonverbal communication is accurate?
A. Both verbal and nonverbal communication are formally taught.
B. The sender has more control over verbal communication.
C. More channels are used for verbal communication.
D. The setting is more restricted in nonverbal communications.
______28. A key difference between verbal and nonverbal communication is that:
A. Verbal communication is nonlinear.
B. Nonverbal communication is linear.
C. Verbal communication is linear and nonverbal communication is nonlinear.
D. There are no specific differences between verbal and nonverbal cues.
______29. When a college instructor pauses during a lecture and looks at students who are talking in order to
communicate that they should be quiet, what function is being fulfilled by the nonverbal message?
A. accenting B. complementing C. substituting D. contradicting
______30. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of nonverbal communication?
A. It remains unaffected by its setting. B. It often operates at a subconscious level.
C. It reveals feelings and attitudes. D. It may conflict with verbal messages.
______31. In a mixed message, the nonverbal communication is usually more reliable than the verbal message because
A. verbal messages are more likely to show your feelings.
B. the cultural setting has a greater impact on nonverbal communications.
C. it is much harder to control and manipulate nonverbal communications.
D. all of the above reasons.
______32. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of paralanguage?
A. facial expressions B. rate of speech C. pitch of voice D. volume of voice
______33. Which of the following statements best describes paralanguage?
A. It involves the speaker's choice of words. B. It can create a distinct impression of the speaker.
C. Its main component is body language. D. It exists beside language and interacts with it.
______34. The term kinesics refers to
A. paralinguistic cues that are used to persuade.
B. vocal fillers that regulate the flow of speaking.
C. body movements that directly translate into words.
D. all forms of body movement other than physical contact with another person.
______35. Which of the following categories of body movement is correctly defined?
A. Emblems are movements that directly translate into words.
B. Illustrators are movements that are universally recognized across cultures.
C. Regulators control the rate of speech at which the speakers are talking.
D. Adaptors are a form of feedback, signaling the listener's disagreement with the speaker.
______36. Which statement about adaptors is NOT correct?
A. They are habits that are not intended to communicate.
B. People use them when they are uncomfortable or nervous.
C. They are uniform to most communicators and easy to classify.
D. They are behaviors that satisfy physical or psychological needs.
_____37. Which statement concerning attractiveness is NOT correct?
A. Having an attractive wife is a universal sign of a man's status.
B. Young women are a sign of health and fertility, in men's eyes.
C. Women of all cultures are attracted more to wealth and power in men.
D. Attractiveness almost always correlates positively with good grades.
_____38. Which statement about attractiveness is FALSE?
A. Physical characteristics that a person can control are termed elective characteristics.
B. Context is an important factor when judging attractiveness.
C. Elective characteristics have more influence on how one sees the world.
D. Attractiveness pays off in the business world with more job offers.
______39. Compared to all other types of adornment, clothing gives the largest number of cues about a wearer.
Which of the following areas is NOT likely to be judged, based on clothing?
A. intelligence B. educational level C. level of success D. moral character
______40. According to this chapter, which type of dress gives the wearer the greatest degree of choice?
A. uniforms B. occupational dress C. leisure clothing D. costumes
______41. According to Edward Hall, North Americans use four distance zones when they communicate with
others. Which of the four is incorrectly described?
A. It is impossible to control intimate distance because it is easily violated.
B. Personal distance is used in casual conversations.
C. Social distance is observed in a conversation between two people who do not know each other very well.
D. Public distance is the most formal use of distance.
______42. Which statement about touch is FALSE?
A. Touch is the first of the five senses to develop.
B. Social-polite touch is the least intimate of the categories listed in the chapter.
C. A physician touching a patient for a physical exam is an example of functional-professional touch.
D. The situation at hand is one factor that influences touch.
______43. Which statement concerning chronemics, or the use of time, is incorrect?
A. Across cultures, the attitude towards time is more universal than the attitude towards touch.
B. The degree of control a person has over time changes with age and status.
C. A person can communicate nonverbally by being on time or late.
D. The way time is divided is an indication of the value placed on it.
______44. What category of communication strategies does e-mail fall into?
A. Verbal
B. Nonverbal
C. Visual
D. No answer is correct
______45. What are the major types of communication strategies?
A. Direct, indirect and visual
B. E-mail, verbal and phone
C. Sender and receiver
D. Verbal, nonverbal and visual
III. Modified True/False – If you are a girl Write “DARNA”, if you are a boy write “ PANDAY” if the
statement is true . If it “False”, underline the word that made the statement incorrect and replace it with the
correct word on the space provided.
____________ 1. A little voice inside you telling you that you should not eat another piece of cake is an
____________ 2. Small group communication involves three or more people that share a common goal.
____________ 5. Attempting to teach a five year old the quadratic formula would be an example of a barrier.
IV. ENUMERATION: Enumerate and briefly discussed what is asked in each number
1. 7 Barriers of Communication
2. 5 Elements of Communication
V. ESSAY: Answer each topic extensively. Each has an equal points of (10).
2. How communication skills help resolve problems, better understand new concepts and aid in your profession/course?
3. List various channels through which your love ones, family, friends, colleagues and other people connect with you. Which
channel/s do you find most effective? Why?
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