ME 200 Thermodynamics Final
ME 200 Thermodynamics Final
ME 200 Thermodynamics Final
ME 200 Thermodynamics 1
Fall 2017 – Final Exam
Division 8: Meyer
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• Do not write on the back of any page because it will not be scanned so will not be graded
• This is a closed book and closed notes exam. Equation sheets and all needed tables are
• Significant credit for each problem is given if you identify your system and its boundary, draw
the relevant energy flows on a diagram i.e. Energy Flow Diagram (EFD), start your analysis
with the basic equations, list all relevant assumptions, and have appropriate units and use three
significant figures. There is no need to re-write the given and find.
• Do not hesitate to ask if you do not comprehend a problem statement. For your own benefit,
please write clearly and legibly. You must show your work to receive credit for your
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1. [25 points] Circle the one correct answer for each (no partial credit; no
justification required).
(b) (2 points) An ideal gas is contained in a closed rigid tank. The gas is heated
using heat transfer from a hot reservoir. During the process, the density of the gas:
(c) (3 points) For an ideal gas with constant specific heats, the change in internal
energy is ∆u = C v ∆T for which of the following processes?
(d) (4 points) For an ideal gas, the specific heat at constant volume is 1 kJ/kg-K
and the molecular weight is 8.314 kg/kmol. Which of the following is the specific
heat at constant pressure for this gas?
1 kJ/kg-K 2 kJ/kg-K
7.314 kJ/kg-K 9.314 kJ/kg-K
(e) (4 points) Superheated water vapor at 100 bar and 320°C (h = 2790 kJ/kg) is
throttled to 20 bar in an adiabatic, no work expansion valve. Which of the
following is the temperature at the exit of the throttling valve?
At 20 bar: T sat = 212°C, h f = 910 kJ/kg, h g = 2800 kJ/kg
64°C 212°C
320°C Insufficient Information
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Problem 1 (continued)
(g) (2 points) The cycle shown on the T-s diagram below could be a:
Rankine cycle
Refrigeration cycle
Brayton cycle
Insufficient information
Process 2-3 is adiabatic
Process 4-1 has heat transfer to the working fluid
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Problem 1 (continued)
(i) Given the two systems shown below (a closed piston-cylinder device and a
turbine with mass flow), for each blank indicate yes or no if the system can have
contributions of Pdv work or vdP work.
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
(a) Complete the properties in the table at each of the state points.
(b) Determine the rate and direction of heat transfer (kW) between the system and
the environment.
(c) Calculate the total rate of entropy generation (kW/K).
(d) If an external heat transfer of 350 kW from a source at 1000°C were to be used
instead of electrical heating power of 350 kW, then comment on whether the total
rate of entropy generation would increase, decrease, or remain the same. Justify
your answer with a basic equation.
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
The heat transfer from the air during the process from state 4 to 1 is used for the
heat transfer to air during the process from 2 to 3. The two heat transfers are equal
in magnitude and are internal to the system i.e. they do not interact with the
external environment.
(a) Show the cycle on P-v and T-s diagrams with relevant lines of constant
pressure and temperature. Label the axes and four states and indicate the process
directions with arrows.
(b) Calculate the specific heat transfer (kJ/kg) for process from state 1 to 2 and for
process from state 3 to 4.
(c) Determine the thermal efficiency (%) of the cycle.
Identify the system, show mass/energy interactions (EFD), list any assumptions
and basic equations, and provide your solution. There is no need to re-write the
given and find.
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
4. [25 points] The Brayton cycle shown in the schematic below is used to generate
electricity. Air enters the isentropic compressor at T 1 = 300 K and P 1 = 1 bar
(absolute) (State 1) with a mass flow rate of 1.5 kg/s. The combustor can be
modeled as a constant-pressure heat exchanger (P 2 = P 3 ) which supplies 1540 kW
of thermal power to the air. Air enters the turbine at T 3 = 1500 K (State 3) and
exits at P 4 = 1 bar (absolute) (State 4). The turbine is internally reversible, but not
adiabatic and the expansion through the turbine is polytropic with Pv1.3 = constant.
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______
Last Name:________________ First Name: _____________Thermo no. _______