Mtb12-Ilokano-Q4-W1-Maylin v. Talay
Mtb12-Ilokano-Q4-W1-Maylin v. Talay
Mtb12-Ilokano-Q4-W1-Maylin v. Talay
Lesson Plans for Multigrade Classes Teacher 1
Grades _1__ and __2__ Garab Elem.School/ Iguig District
Study Skills
demonstrates basic knowledge and skills to listen, read,
and write for specific purposes
Performance Standard
The learner
Oral Language
Uses beginning oral language skills to communicate Oral Language
personal experiences, ideas, and feelings in different Uses developing oral language to name and describe people,
contexts. places, and concrete objects and communicate personal
experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings in different
Phonological Skills contexts.
uses knowledge of phonological skills to discriminate and
manipulate sounds patterns Phonics and Word Recognition
Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and
Book and Print Knowledge spelling words independently
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the
organization and basic features of print Fluency
Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in
Phonics and Word Recognition reading grade level text.
Applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills in
reading, writing and spelling words Composing
Uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and
Fluency coherent sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters
Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper from a variety of stimulus materials
expression in reading grade level text.
Grammar Awareness
Composing Speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different
Uses basic knowledge and skills to write clear, coherent purposes using the basic grammar of the language.
sentences, and simple paragraphs based on a variety of
stimulus materials Vocabulary and Concept Development
Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral
and written forms.
Grammar Awareness
Speaks and/or writes correctly for different purposes Listening Comprehension
using the basic grammar of the language. Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and
informational texts.
Vocabulary and Concept Development
Uses developing vocabulary in both oral and written Reading Comprehension
form. Uses literary and narrative texts to develop comprehension
and appreciation of grade level appropriate reading materials.
Listening Comprehension
Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and Attitude Towards Reading
informational texts Values reading and writing as communicative activities.
Study Skills
Listens, reads, and writes for specific purpose.
Competencies MT2OL-IVa-b-10.1
MT1OL-IVa-i-6.2 Relate one’s own experiences and ideas related to the topics
Participate actively in class discussions on familiar using a variety of words with proper phrasing and intonation
topics. MT2VCD-IVa-i1.2
MT1OL-IVa-i-1.3 Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful
Talk about family, friends, and school using descriptive contexts.
words. MT2VCD-IVa-i-3.5
MT1OL-IVa-i-9.1 Identify and use words with multiple meanings in sentences.
Tell/retell legends, fables, and jokes. MT2LC-IVa-2.11
MT1VCD-IVa-i-2.1.1 Note important details in a grade level narrative or
Give meanings of words through: a. picture clues b. informational text.
context clues MT2F-IVa-i-1.4
MT1VCD-IVa-i-3.1 Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95 - 100%
Identify, give the meaning of, and use compound words MT2F-IVa-i-1.5
in sentences. Read grade level texts with appropriate speed. (Note: should
MT1VCD-IVa-i-3.2 include benchmarks on number of words per minute once
Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when research and data have been gathered)
applicable) and words with multiple meanings correctly MT2F-IVa-i-1.6
MT1LC-IVa-b-1.2 Read grade level texts with appropriate intonation, expression,
Note important details in grade level literary and and punctuation
informational texts listened to. MT2PWR-IVa-c-7.6
MT1F-III-IVa-i-1.3 Read content area-related words. (Math and Science terms)
Read grade 1 level words, phrases, sentences, MT2PWR-IVa-c-7.7
paragraph/story with proper expression. Read content area-related sight words. (Math and Science
MT1F-III-IVa-i-1.4 terms)
Read grade 1 level texts with an accuracy rate of 95 – MT2PW-IVa-i-6.3
100% Correctly spell grade level words.
MT1PWR-IVa-i-7.1 MT2RC-IVa-2.11
Read sight words Note important details in a grade level narrative or
MT1PWR-IVa-i-7.2.1 informational text.
Read phrases, sentences, and/ or short stories. MT2GA-IVa-2.4.1
MT1PWR-IVa-i-6.2 Identify and use adjectives in sentences.
Spell correctly grade one level words consisting of letters MT2ATR-IVa-c-5.1
already learned. Express individual choices and taste for texts.
MT1PWR-IVa-i-3.2.1 MT2C-IVa-i-3.1
Write phrases, and simple sentences correctly. Observe the conventions of writing in composing journal
MT1PWR-IVa-8.1 entries and letters (friendly letter, thank you letter, letter of
Observe proper mechanics (punctuation marks, invitation, birthday greetings).
capitalization, proper spacing between words, MT2C-IVa-i-2.4
indentions, and format) when copying/writing words, Write descriptive paragraphs, observing the conventions of
phrases, sentences, and short paragraphs. writing.
MT1RC-Iva-1.2 MT2SS-IVa-e-4.6
Note important details in grade level literary and Get information such as the title of a selection and/or pages
informational texts read. from a table of contents.
Identify describing words that refer to color, size, shape,
texture, temperature and feelings in sentences.
Show interest in texts by browsing/reading available
print materials.
Express ideas through phrases, sentences or longer texts
using both invented and conventional spelling.
Write sentences or longer texts with proper punctuation,
spacing, and capitalization
Get information from a simple bar graph.
Day 1
Lesson Objectives Identify describing words that refer to color, size, Observe the conventions of writing in composing journal
shape, texture, temperature and feelings in sentences. entries and letters (friendly letter, thank you letter, letter of
invitation, birthday greetings).
Observe proper mechanics (punctuation marks,
capitalization, proper spacing between words, Identify and use adjectives in sentences
indentions, and format) when copying/writing words,
phrases, sentences, and short paragraphs.
Relate one’s own experiences and ideas related to the topics
Spell correctly grade one level words consisting of letters using a variety of words with proper phrasing and intonation
already learned.
Correctly spell grade level words.
Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when
applicable) and words with multiple meanings
Note important details in a grade level narrative or
Give meanings of words through: a. picture clues b. informational text.
context clues
Subject Matter Identify describing words that refer to color, size, shape, Note important details in a grade level narrative or
texture, temperature and feelings in sentences. informational text.
Give meanings of words through: a. picture clues b. Identify and use adjectives in sentences
context clues
Relate one’s own experiences and ideas related to the topics
using a variety of words with proper phrasing and intonation
Process Skills: Fluency Reading grade one level text with Process Skills: Comprehension of Informational Text
an accuracy rate of 95 - 100%. Manifest comprehension of informational texts
through answering literal and higher level questions.
Values Integration: Maintaining Cleanliness Values Integration: Patronize your own product
Learning Resources LM TG CG BOW
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
Whole Class Ability Groups
Use these letter icons to Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the Friendship Groups
show methodology and introduction), where you may address all grade Other (specify)
assessment activities. levels as one group. Combination of Structures
Mixed Ability Groups
DT Direct Teaching Grade Groups
GW Group Work Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
IL Independent Learning
1 .Song: Let the pupils sing the song “Bahay Kubo”.
A Assessment Ask:
What are the different vegetables in the song?
Do you have them in your community?
Do you like to eat these vegetables?
( Appendix 5)
W Sharing one’s experiences base from the story.
( Appendix 6) Ania dagiti naduma-dima nga prutas ti adda ditoy lugar
I will describe a product in our locality.Tell me what
product is I am referring to.
a. Maysaak a produkto ti Kailokuan. Mausarak a paglutuan
ti makan. Idi umuna a panawen, siak pay ti pag-urnungan
ti danum a mainom.Ania ti naganko
( banga wenno burnay)
Do you like this product? Why?
How do we use this product?
List the materials used in this product?
b.Maysaak a gusgutuen a kanen. Nasam-it
ken napigketak no ngalngalen.Ania ti naganko
( kalamay)
( Appendix 7) W( Appendix 8)
( Appendix 9)
( Appendix 10) ( Appendix 11)
Day 2
Lesson Objectives Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when Write descriptive paragraphs, observing the conventions of
applicable) and words with multiple meanings writing.
Express ideas through phrases, sentences or longer texts Identify and use adjectives in sentences
using both invented and conventional spelling. Correctly spell grade level words.
Write sentences or longer texts with proper punctuation, Note important details in a grade level narrative or
spacing, and capitalization informational text.
Spell correctly grade one level words consisting of letters
already learned.
Subject Matter Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (when Write descriptive paragraphs, observing the conventions of
applicable) and words with multiple meanings writing.
Express ideas through phrases, sentences or longer texts Identify and use adjectives in sentences
using both invented and conventional spelling. Correctly spell grade level words.
Write sentences or longer texts with proper punctuation, Note important details in a grade level narrative or
spacing, and capitalization informational text.
W Riddle: Pugtuannak! Group 1 ( Appendix 15) Iti umuna a sentence, ania dagiti balikas a mangiladawan iti
Group 2: Game- Present a friend/Find a New Friend Iti maikadua a sentence, ania dagiti balikas a
Let each pupil describe the friend/new found friend. mangiladawan kenni Gemima?
Iti maikatlo a sentence, ania dagiti balikas a
mangiladawankenni Manong Erro?
Iti maikapat ken maikalima a sentence, ania dagiti balikas a
mangiladawan kenni Tata Ladio?
( Appendix 16) ( Appendix 17)
( Appendix 18) ( Appendix 19)
Day 3
Assessment Objectives
Answer the weekly test at least 80% mastery
Appendix 20 Appendix 21
MTBLE-Ilokano Teachers Guide, Grade 1- 2nd Edition 2012 MTBLE-Ilokano Teachers Guide, Grade 2- 2nd Edition 2012
MTBLE- Ilokano Learner’s Material MTBLE- Ilokano Learner’s Material
Group 1
Group 2
nasam-it duyaw
nalamuyot natangken
sangapulo pito
. nagaget Nasadut
. naasi Nadayaw
. napigsa nakapsut
. nasadut Naasi
. naasi nasaranta
Appendix 8
Group 1
Paulo ti Sarita
Dagiti Prutas
Dagiti Alingo
Napateg a Pasamak
Appendix 9
Appendix 10
Tukad: Petsa:
Appendix 12
Group 1
Iladawan ni Gemima
Appendix 14
Group 2
Group 1
Appendix 17
L_pi_ R_skas
As__ L_so
Sil__ W_g_s
Ray_s Ul_s
Bas_ W_ras
Lay_s Pis_
Appendix 18
Ni nana elena
Appendix 20
Tukad: Petsa:
Ti Manursuro
Insurat ni Leila P. Areola