Nasasabi Ang Mga Pamamaraan NG Pangangalaga Sa Komunidad Na Ginagalawan
Nasasabi Ang Mga Pamamaraan NG Pangangalaga Sa Komunidad Na Ginagalawan
Nasasabi Ang Mga Pamamaraan NG Pangangalaga Sa Komunidad Na Ginagalawan
C. Analysis:
• Asks:
a. What does the picture show?
b. In the portrait, is there lines and shapes?
c. How about your friend’s face? Can you distinguish the lines and shapes?
e. Can you draw your friend’s face using the lines and shapes
D. Abstraction:
1. What is a portrait?
2. Anybody who wants to share what have you learned from our lesson today?
E. Application: Think- Pair-Share/ Mtb Integration
Introduce the art activity of the day “ My Friend”
Explain the steps in doing the activity.
a. Let the pupils use lines and basic shapes to draw their friend’s face.
b. Using their pencil, pupils will draw their friend's face in a bond paper and color it.
c. Instruct them to give the title of their work.
3. Practice Talking time: Once done, have two volunteers to tell something about their work.
Siya adunay ___________
4. Assessment ESP Integration
Draw the on the blank before the number if the sentence is true and if the sentence is
______1. A portrait is consists of different lines.
______2. It is hard to draw a portrait using the different shapes.
______3. The eyes, nose, mouth and ears have the same shapes.
______4. A portrait is a painting of a person’s face.
______5. Everybody has his own unique feature.
5. Assignment Cut out different human faces from a magazine, calendar, brochure or a news paper and paste them
in your drawing book
Prepared by:
Hanay A Hanay
1. Pag-atiman sa mga tanom
4. Paglimpyo sa nataran