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Lary 24111 PDF
Laryngoscope 123: November 2013 Liang and Lane: Stenting in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
Summary of Randomized Control Trials on Stents in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy.
Study Cases Outcomes Follow-up Stent Duration Results
Al-Qahtani, 20124 173 Symptoms, endoscopy 12 months Not specified Stented group 97% success; nonstented group 90%
in study success; no significant difference
Unlu et al., 20093 38 Endoscopy, dye test 100 months 8 weeks Stented group 90% success; nonstented group 95%
success; no significant difference
Smirnov et al., 20082 46 Symptoms, dye test 6 months 8 weeks Stented group 78% success; nonstented group 100%
success; No significant difference
the failures in the Smirnov et al. study were in the nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Based on the external
stented group.2 A summary of these RCTs is listed in Ta- DCR literature and the established practice of
ble I. ophthalmologic surgeons, silicone stents have been
The lack of a clear benefit provided by stenting is fur- favored with endoscopic DCR and remain widely uti-
ther suggested by two recent meta-analyses. Feng et al. an- lized today. However, review of the current literature
alyzed five RCTs and four cohort studies and demonstrated demonstrates comparable outcomes in endoscopic
no advantage to the use of silicone stents in primary DCR DCR whether stents are used or not. Endoscopic DCR
(either external or endonasal).5 Gu and Cao analyzed two without stenting reduces the intensity of postoperative
RCTs and concluded that there was no difference in the management and avoids the potential for stent-related
success rates in endoscopic DCR, with a relative risk of complications.
0.85 and a 95% confidence interval of 0.71 to 1.02.6
A related unresolved issue is the duration of stent LEVEL OF EVIDENCE
placement, which is highly variable among surgeons. The level of evidence for review in the endoscopic
There have been no investigations comparing DCR out- dacryocystorhinostomy literature is strong, with multi-
comes as a function of the length of time stents remain ple level 1 evidence studies (RCTs).
in place after endoscopic DCR. Furthermore, the place-
ment of stents in specific clinical settings is not well
established. Early reports suggested a benefit of stents
in cases of revision surgery and concurrent canalicular
1. Toti A. Nuovo metodo conservatore di cura radicale delle suporazioni cro-
disease, but this has not been revisited in recent litera- niche del sacco lacrimale (dacriocistorinostomia). Clin Mod Firenze
ture. There have been no published analyses of the role 1904;10:385–389.
2. Smirnov G, Tuomilehto H, Terasvirta M, Nuutinen J, Seppa J.
of stents in endoscopic DCR in patients with concurrent Silicone tubing is not necessary after primary endoscopic dacryocystorhi-
rhinosinusitis. The technique of endoscopic DCR and nostomy: a prospective randomized study. Am J Rhinol 2008;22:
postoperative management in specific clinical scenarios 3. Unlu HH, Gunhan K, Baser EF, Songu M. Long-term results in endoscopic
will continue to evolve, and strong level 1 evidence stud- dacryocystorhinostomy: is intubation really required? Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg 2009;140:589–595.
ies will help illustrate optimal treatment strategies. 4. Al-Qahtani AS. Primary endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with or without
silicone tubing: a prospective randomized study. Am J Rhinol Allergy
5. Feng YF, Cai JQ, Zhang JY, Han XH. A meta-analysis of primary dacryo-
BEST PRACTICE cystorhinostomy with and without silicone intubation. Can J Ophthal-
mol 2011;46:521–527.
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy is a safe and 6. Gu Z, Cao Z. Silicone intubation and endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy:
effective surgery for treatment of epiphora due to a meta-analysis. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2010;39:710–713.
Laryngoscope 123: November 2013 Liang and Lane: Stenting in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy