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Chapter 3


This chapter provides a fully detailed account of the research methodology, the

reasons that the various research strategies were selected and the rationale for the

sample selection process. It also deals with the issues of why the particular survey

instrument was selected as being appropriate for the current study. To start with, the

study site were introduced, followed by a presentation of research design, the sample

selection, and data collection process, the data collection tool and further more a

description of how the data will be analyzed.

Research Method

For this study, the qualitative method of research shall be used for data

collection. The primary source of data are the facts and figures gathered from the

results of the survey-questionnaire. The survey-questionnaire contains 20 questions

which shall help answer the study's problem and sub-problems.

Qualitative research methods originated in the social and behavioral sciences.

Today our world is more complicated and it is difficult to understand what people think

and perceive. Qualitative research methods make it easier to understand that as it is

more communicative and descriptive. This method is not only about what people think

but also why they think so.

Research Environment

This research includes a survey-questionnaire where research is locally needed

and proven. In the conduct of this study, the respondents are the students of Argao

National High Shool

Argao National High School is a public secondary educational institution located

at the municipality of Argao, Cebu. The school was just recently established in 2010 by

the passing of Republic Act 9924, and since then, the institution served as a venue for

innovative learning for the youth of Argao.

Currently, the school offers a general high school curriculum which is duly

recognized by DepEd. Also offered is a K-12 program open for students who can

choose different strands under its Academic and Technical-Vocational tracks. A strand

in ABM is open under its academic track, as well as the HUMSS strand. Moreover, its

TVL track offers a wide range of courses from Agri-fishery, Home Economics, and

Information and Communications Technology strands.

Argao National High School is a research university. Students in this school have

a great percentage to use Social Media. They use computers because it helps them

with their studies and for doing some academic related tasks. Teachers did not require

the students to buy books. They are given a photocopy of their lessons and if they have

assignments and research to be done that is the time they are required to use internet.

Assignments and research that would be done using the internet often lead to the use of

Social Media Sites instead.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are the students of Argao National HIgh School.

Researchers argue that Junior High students are more exposed in the use of Social

Media especially facebook because it helps them in meeting their academic needs,

maintaining their social connection and communication with friends. They are also more

knowledgeable in using this modern technology - including Social Media or Social

Networking Sites.

In this research, there are a total of respondents for the survey-questions. All

are students of Argao National High School that have been enrolled for the school year

2019-2020. A total of 20 survey-questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents

where in each questionnaire contains.

Research Instrument

The questions that will be included in the research contain the following areas:

facebook usage among Argao National High School students specifically from

freshmen to senior year in terms of their purpose; effects of facebook sites to the

students, and the respondent’s communication effectiveness with the presence of social

networking sites.

The survey-questionnaire comprises of two main parts. The first section is the

profile question which consist the gender, age, year level, strand, name (optional) and

the specific social media sites used by the respondents. These profile questions have

been included in the first part to gather additional background of the respondents in
order to know the range of facebook usage to Argao National High School students

based on their characteristics.

The next section of the survey-questionnaire is the survey proper which contains

the different questions aiming to answer the problems and sub-problems that are

mentioned in the study. Some questions are designed to come up with the frequency,

communication behavior, and purpose of the respondents’ use of social media, as well

as the activities they are engaged in during their use of the said media. It also scoped

out how these social media sites affect the effectiveness of students’ interpersonal


The survey entails 15 questions in order to target the answer of the problem and

sub-problems of the study.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission form the dean of the School of Education to

administer the student-respondants of the study ( Appendix A ) and then the copy will

be submitted and furnished to the office of the dean of the School of Education of Argao

National High School.

The researchers personally submitted the questionaires to the respondents and

assure them of confidentaility to be able to obtain honesty in the respondent's answer.

The data was collected through the administration of a survey consisting of 61

items.The surveys were administered under normal testing procedures to several

groups of participants in order to be efficient. Participants were each given an

instructional packet which included the statement of informed consent and question

statements as well as a Scantron answer sheet on which to provide their responses to

the questions statements. Students were allowed adequate time to complete the


Treatment of data

The data and results gathered from the survey proper will be carefully examined

and interpreted in order to attain the needed information to be discussed. All of these

information shall then be put in to figures for a clearer and more comprehensive


The figures would then be further analysed and discussed to see whether the

data acquired is indeed valid and true. It would then signify whether or not the data

either supports or contradicts the hypotheses of the study.

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