Thunderstone Epic Variant 1.0
Thunderstone Epic Variant 1.0
Thunderstone Epic Variant 1.0
EPIC THUNDERSTONE ♦ Action Prepare (instead of visiting village / going to dungeon / resting):
Discard any number of cards from your hand, then draw the same number of cards.
☻= number of players ♦ Action Train (instead of visiting village / going to dungeon / resting):
Gain 1 XP. Discard your hand and draw six cards.
► Village setup
Sort all Village cards (except basic cards) into decks according to their type: level 1 Heroes, ♦ When visiting village, player can once per turn put one card from top of any Hero or Village stack
Weapons, Spells, Items, Villagers (including Village Cutpurse and Elite Militia). Then shuffle each to it’s bottom at any time.
deck separately. Make 14 stacks of cards by drawing cards from appropriate decks up to the number ♦ Game ends when all Thunderstones are in players decks. Keep track of how many Thunderstones
of players times 3 (for example in a 4 player game each stack has 12 cards). Then place four basic were in the Dungeon deck at the start of the game and how many were looted by players.
cards (Militia, Iron Rations, Dagger, Torch) in separate stacks nearby.
♦ Drawn Treasures and Thunderstones are attached to the next drawn Monster card from the
Dungeon deck. Put them partly under the Monster card with just the title showing. Each Monster can
Militia have only one Treasure and one Thunderstone attached! If more Treasures or Thunderstones are
☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ drawn for one monster, attach them to the next Monster without a Treasure/Thunderstone in a lower
Dagger Torch rank of the Dungeon. Treasures drawn at the start of the game are attached to the Monsters in the
x3 x3 x3 x3
4 random stacks of level 1 Heroes 4 stacks of basic cards highest ranks of the Dungeon.
The player that defeats the Monster with attached Treasure and/or Thunderstone places the Treasure
WEAPONS SHOP TAVERN in front of him and/or puts the Thunderstone into his discard pile. If Monster with attached card is
☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ returned to the Dungeon deck, either by ability or by being undefeated in a battle, any Treasure and/or
Thunderstone is returned to the Dungeon deck along with the Monster, keeping the position of being
x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 below the Monster card.
3 random stacks of Weapons 3 random stacks of Villagers ◄ including Village Cutpurse
and Elite Militia! ♦ Optional rule: Dungeon has 4 ranks. Light penalty at rank 4 is 4 (-8 attack). All cards referring to
MAGE TOWER MARKETPLACE rank 3 apply to rank 4 as well (i.e. Amazon, Feayn Sniper, Slynn, Short Bow...).
☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ♦ Optional starting player decks: 6x Militia, 2x Torch, 2x Short Spear, 2x Swamp Provisions.
x3 x3 x3 x3
2 random stacks of Spells 2 random stacks of Items ► Card errata
♦ all Gem Treasures – DUNGEON: Destroy to... (like all Treasures, Gems are one-time use only)
► Dungeon setup ♦ Sphinx (Monster) – SPOILS: At the end of battle, reveal six cards...
Sort all Monster cards into three decks (levels) according to their XP value: level 1 (XP ♦ Tempest Reaver/Warden (Hero) – If you defeat a monster worth 4 VP or less...
value 0 and 1), level 2 (XP value 2 and all Guardians), level 3 (XP value 3 or more). Then shuffle ♦ Trainer (Villager) – VILLAGE: Destroy one Militia to gain 1 XP.
each deck separately. Shuffle all Traps, Treasures and Thunderstones separately. ♦ Ulbrick’s Gauntlets (Treasure) – DUNGEON: If you defeat a monster worth 4 VP or less...
Create the Dungeon deck from three parts, shuffling each third separately before placing them on top ♦ Water Wrath (Monster) – BATTLE: All non-militia Heroes without equipped...
of another.
▬ top third : level 1 Monsters + ☻Treasures
2-3☻ 4-5☻
▬ middle third : level 2 Monsters + ☻Treasures + ☻Traps + Thunderstones: 1 TS 2 TS
▬ bottom third : level 3 Monsters + ☻Traps + Thunderstones : 2☻ 3-4☻ 5☻
1 TS 2 TS 3 TS
2 ☻ 3☻ 4☻ 5☻
Number of Monster cards in each third of the Dungeon deck :
6 8 10 12
Optional Final Boss fight: Shuffle Heart of Doom with the bottom 5 cards and add one random
Thunderstone into the top third of the Dungeon deck. Game ends with defeating the Heart of Doom.