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www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A.

Mansour, PE

Well Organized, Based on the Current California Board Test

Plan and References, Detailed Table of Contents, Computer
Generated Index (8 pages), Simplified Concepts, 66 Sample
Problems with Detailed Solutions, and 181 Supplemental
Practice Problems with Detailed Solutions.

The only book has

 A comprehensive summary of surveying equations,
tables, figures, and charts you need for the exam. All
what you need at one location and at your fingertips.

California Civil
Engineering License
A Concise and Comprehensive Summary of Surveying
Equations, Tables, and Figures is Included for a Quick
Access During the Exam

Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

First Edition
www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

ISBN: 978-0-9823726-3-0

© 2014 Professional Engineering Services (PES)

All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, without a
written permission from the author.

The author can be reached by email info@passpe.com

Current printing of this edition 3

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Control Number
www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE


O ur next generation of Civil PE books were carefully developed by Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, Ph.D.,
P.E., a nationally recognized expert in PE Exam Preparation courses and founder of Professional
Engineering Services, Inc., (PES). This generation is quickly becoming the Best in Class
solution for engineering professionals working to pass upcoming California Board and NCEES
exams. Each and every book in this comprehensive collection has been prepared with your readiness in
mind and will serve as a powerful guide throughout your PE Exam Preparation studies in Civil PE,
Seismic, and Surveying concentrations.
Dr. Mansour has taught and spoken to thousands of engineers and has been teaching PE, Seismic,
Surveying, and EIT/FE classes for the past 22 years enabling his products, classes, and seminars to
continuously evolve and adapt to the changing demands of this challenging field. His real-world
experience and intercommunication with so many engineers throughout America has greatly improved his
ability to craft concise and knowledgeable resources that work for professionals striving to pass their
Professional Engineering Licensing Board Exam and other California special exams.
One of the primary advantages of PES’ preparation books is their compact and succinct format. The
experiences and feedback of engineering students and professionals that have worked with these materials
affirms our effective use of good, factual diagrams and illustrations to more fully explain concepts
throughout each text. In fact, Dr. Mansour makes great use of this style of teaching through figures,
comparative tables, charts, and illustrations to concisely convey important information to engineers
preparing for the exam. The primary focus of each book in our collection is targeted on subjects that are
directly relevant to the PE exam. This method provides substantial time savings to students that simply
don’t have the wherewithal to digest leading competitive volumes, which typically exceed 1,000 pages.
Another strong asset of these next generation books is the separation of Breadth (a.m.) and Depth (p.m.)
topics. Each Civil PE, Seismic, and Surveying book is organized in accordance with the most current
exam specifications and has matured since their inception through the inputs, complaints, wishes, and
other feedback given from course participants and colleagues for over 22 years. Recent changes in the
format of the Civil PE exam have made it necessary to address the change from essay to multiple choice
problems, separation of a.m. and p.m. sections, and the introduction of the construction module. The
books’ improved organization is completed with a very detailed Table of Contents, which addresses both
the a.m. and p.m. subjects and more, making them a favored resource for preparation as well as exam
The best part in all this growth and continuous improvement is the ability to apply this knowledge and
experience to our supplemental products developed to give you the best head start for passing your
Professional Engineering Licensing Board Exam. Every book, DVD, seminar, and accompanying
Problems & Solutions workbooks are designed with all relevant codes, topics, board test plans, and
NCEES exam specifications. And, these study materials and seminars, also manage to cover these fields
of study in the same order as listed in the latest exam specifications for easy reference at-a-glance.
Not only are our next generation books written to be current and well-organized to save you time during
exam preparation and test taking; they are also affordable and authored by a highly qualified and
nationally recognized Civil Engineering Professor. Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, Ph.D., P.E has helped
thousands of students to pass their Professional Engineering Licensing Board Exam. His easy, step-by-
step approach to solving problems has gained him popularity and a great reputation among students and
professionals of all ages. We hope that you’ll find the many resources at Professional Engineering
Services, Inc. to be exceptional textbooks, DVDs, and seminars – and as valuable a resource as we believe
them to be.

www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

This publication is to help the candidates for the Special Surveying Exam for California PE Civil. This publication
expresses the opinion of the author. Every effort and care has been taken to ensure that all data, information,
solutions, concept and suggestions are as accurate as possible. The author cannot assume or accept the
responsibility or liability for errors in the data, information, solutions, concept and suggestions and the use of this
material in preparation for the exam or using it during the exam.

Also, Professional Engineering Services (PES) and the author are in no way responsible for the failure of registrants
in the exam, or liable for errors or omission in the solutions, or in the way they are interpreted by the registrants or
Errata Notification
PES and the author have made a substantial effort to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate. In
the event that corrections or clarifications are needed, these will be posted on PES web site at http://
www.passpe.com. PES and the author at their discretion, may or may not issue written errata. PES and the author
welcome comments or corrections which can be emailed to info@passpe.com

How to Use This Book

This book was written to help you in preparing for the Special Surveying Examination. A comprehensive summary
of surveying equations and topics is provided to help you in answering the questions. The following is a suggested
strategy for the exam:
1- Have all references organized before you start. Also, familiarize yourself with the comprehensive summary
provided in this book.
2- Read the questions and ALL answers carefully and look for KEYWORDS in the question and the 4
possible answers.
3- Solve the easy questions first (need no or minimum calculations) and record your answers on the answer
4- Work on questions that require lengthy calculations and record your answers on the answer sheet.
5- Questions that seem difficult or not familiar to you and may need considerable time in searching in your
references should be left to the end.
6- Never leave an answer blank.
7- Remember the D3 rule:

About the Author

Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE, has been teaching PE, Seismic, Surveying and EIT courses for the last 22 years. Dr.
Mansour taught Civil Engineering Courses for 8 years at New Mexico State University (NMSU), Las Cruces, NM,
USA. Also, he has been teaching Civil and Construction Engineering Courses (graduate & undergraduate) at CSU,
Fresno, CA, for the last 22 years.
Dr. Mansour has helped thousands of engineers to pass their Professional Engineering Licensing Board Exams
(Civil PE, Special Seismic and Surveying Exams). His easy, step-by-step approach to solving problems has gained
him popularity and a great reputation among students and professionals of all ages.
Dr. Mansour is a registered Civil Engineer in California. His educational background includes a BS degree in Civil
Engineering, a Master, and Ph.D. degrees in Structural Engineering from New Mexico State University (NMSU),
Las Cruces, NM, USA. Also, Dr. Mansour has two engineering degrees (B.S. & M.S.) from Faculty of
Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

iv Table of Contents
www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

No one walks alone on the journey of life. Just where do you start to thank those that joined you, walked
beside you, and helped you along the way continuously urged me to write a book.

Much of what I have learned over the years came as the result of being a father to 3 wonderful and
delightful children, Aroob, Munierah, and Abdallah all of whom, in their own ways inspired me and,
subconsciously contributed a tremendous amount to the content of this book. Without their nice work and
sincere commitments, this book would never have seen the road to the printing machine. A little bit of
each of them will be found here weaving in and out of the pages - Thanks kids!

I want to thank all Civil Engineers who attended my review classes for the last 23 years for their valuable
comments and suggestions to improve the quality of this book. They shared their knowledge, their ideas,
and numerous tips all of which culminated in the improvement of this book. Thanks guys!

Finally, I would like to give my special thanks to my wife Rufida whose patience, and love enabled me to
complete this work. With her unlimited support and encouragement most of my dreams came true.
Thank you my minster of interior!

www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

California Special Surveying Principles Exam (Test Plan November 2011) ….. 1
Summary of Surveying Equations ……………………………………………... 9
Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms……………………………….. 29
Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………… 37

Chapter 1- Introduction and CA Special Engineering Surveying Exam

1-1 Definition of Surveying……………………………………………………42

1-2 Types of Surveys …………………………………………………………. 43
1-3 Types of Maps…………………………………………………………….. 47
1-4 Professional Land Surveys Act…………………………………………… 48
1-5 Professional Engineers Act ………………………………………………. 48
1-6 Subdivision Map Act………………………………………………………48
1-7 California Special Surveying Exam………………………………………. 48
Supplemental Practice Problems………………………………………...... 49
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 52

Chapter 2- Theory of Measurements

2-1 Types of Measurements in Surveying …………………………………… 54
2-2 Units of Measurements ………………………………………………….. 54
2-3 Significant Figures ………………………………………………………. 55
2-4 Rounding off Numbers…………………………………………………… 56
2-5 Errors, Types and Magnitude of Errors in Measurements ……………...... 56
2-6 Probability and Measures of Precision …………………………………… 58
Practice Problems…………………………………………………………. 62
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 65

Chapter 3- Surveying Equipment & Field Notes

3-1 Introduction & Reasons for Field Notes………………………………….. 68

3-2 Requirements for Good Notes …………………………………………… 68
3-3 Kinds of Notes …………………………………………………………… 69
3-4 Arrangement of Fields Notes ……………..……………………………… 69
3-5 Suggestions on Recording Notes ………………………………………… 70
3-6 Surveying Methods and Equipment………………………………………. 71
3-7 Left Thumb Rule ………………………………………………………..... 73
Practice Problems………………………………………………………..... 74
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 74

vi Table of Contents
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Chapter 4- Horizontal Distance Measurements

4-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 76
4-2 Method of Measuring Horizontal Distances ……………………………... 76
4-3 Slope Computations & Approximate Formula …………………………... 87
4-4 Precision of Various Measuring Methods… …………………………….. 90
4-5 Sources of Error in Taping……………………………………………….. 91
4-6 Types of Error in Taping………………………………………………..... 91
4-7 Summary of Corrections of Errors in Taping ……………………………. 97
4-8 Types, Sources, and Classifications of Taping Errors …………………… 98
4-9 Combined Correction…………………………………………………….. 99
4-10 Stationing (STA), Post Mile (PM), and Kilo Post (KP)………………….. 99
4-11 Review of Sources of Errors in Taping…………………………………… 101
4-12 Common Mistakes………………………………………………………... 101
Practice Problems…………………………………………………………. 102
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 106
Chapter 5- Leveling-Theory, Equipment & Measurements
5-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 110
5-2 Leveling Definitions & Terms …………………………………………… 110
5-3 Types of Leveling………………………………………………………… 113
5-4 Leveling Equipment………………………………………………………. 114
5-5 Curvature and Refraction…………………………………………………. 118
5-6 Theory of Differential Leveling ………………………………………..... 119
5-7 Two-Peg Test …………………………………………………………….. 120
5-8 Three-Wire Leveling……………………..……………………………...... 121
5-9 Reciprocal Leveling ……………………………………………………… 121
5-10 Sources and Types of Errors in Leveling ………………………………… 123
Practice Problems ………………………………………………………… 124
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 128
Chapter 6- Angles, Bearings, Azimuths, & Compass
6-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 134
6-2 Interior, Exterior, and Deflection Angles…………………………………. 134
6-3 Bearings (True, Magnetic & Grid) ……………………………………….. 138
6-4 Azimuths (True, Magnetic & Grid) ……………………………………… 139
6-5 Comparison of Bearings and Azimuths…………………………………... 142
6-6 Magnetic Declination …………………………………………………….. 143
6-7 True, Grid & Magnetic Meridians ……………………………………….. 145
6-8 Methods of Determining Angles and Directions………………………..... 146
6-9 Vertical and Zenith Angles ………………………………………………. 147
Practice Problems………………………………………………………… 148
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems ………………………….. 150
Table of Contents vii
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Chapter 7- Traverse Computations

7-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 154
7-2 Measurements and Directions of Traverses ……………………………… 155
7-3 Latitudes and Departures ………………………………………………….156
7-4 Traverse Computations ……………………………………………………157
7-5 Balancing Angles ………………………………………………………… 158
7-6 Traverse Balancing (Adjustment)………………………………………… 159
7-7 Rectangular Coordinates …………………………………………………. 161
Practice Problems…………………………………………………………. 167
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 170

Chapter 8- Length, Area, Volume Computations & Mass Diagram

8-1 Length Computation ………………………………………………………174
8-2 Methods of Measuring Area ………………………………………………174
 Area by division into triangles and other shapes…………………….. 175
 Area by offsets from straight lines…………………………………... 177
 Area by double-meridian-distance method (DMD)…………………. 178
 Area by coordinates (criss-cross)……………………………………. 179
 Measurement of area by planimeter…………………………………. 181
8-3 Methods of Volume Measurement ……………………………………….. 182
 The cross-section method……………………………………………. 183
 Average-end –area formula………………………………………….. 183
8-4 Mass Diagram ……………………………………………………………. 187
Practice Problems ………………………………………………………… 197
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 200
Chapter 9- Topography
9-1 Introduction to Topography ……………………………………………… 204
9-2 Control for Topographic Surveys………………………………………….204
9-3 Methods for Obtaining Topography……………………………………….205
9-4 Topographic Maps…………………………………………………………206
9-5 Scales for Topographic Maps……………………………………………...206
9-6 Contours: Definitions and Properties……………………………………...207
9-7 Spot Elevations and Contour Index………………………………………..209
9-8 Direct and Indirect Methods of Locating Contours…….………………….209
9-9 Rules for Drawing (Plotting) Contours…………………………………… 213
9-10 Key Points for Contours…………………………………………………...214
9-11 Methods for Locating Contours……………………………………………216
Practice problems ………………………………………………………….217
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems ……………………………222
viii Table of Contents
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Chapter 10- Horizontal, Spiral and Vertical Curves

10-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………..226
10-2 Types of Horizontal Curves ……………………………………………….226
10-3 Terminology of Horizontal Curves………………………………………...227
10-4 Geometry of Circular Curves………………………………………………229
10-5 Deflection Angles, Chord, and Offset Calculations………………………..232
10-6 Moving up on the Curve……………………………………………………235
10-7 Compound Circular Curves………………………………………………...239
10-8 Reverse Curves……………………………………………………………..240
10-9 Spiral Curves……………………………………………………………….241
10-10 Vertical Curves……………………………………………………………..244
10-11 Vertical Terminology………………………………………………………244
10-12 Types of Vertical Curves…………………………………………………...245
10-13 Geometric Properties of the Parabola………………………………………246
10-14 High and Low Points on Vertical Curves…………………………………..248
10-15 Vertical Curves Under or Over an Obstruction…………………………….250
10-16 Asymmetrical (Unsymmetrical) Vertical Curves…………………………..253
Practice Problems…………………………………………………………..255
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems ……………………………258

Chapter 11- State Plane Coordinate System

11-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 262
11-2 Shape of the Earth ………………………………………………………...262
11-3 Advantages of the Rectangular Coordinate System .…………..………… 263
11-4 California Coordinate System of 1927&1983 (CCS 27& CCS 83 …….... 263
11-5 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection……………………………………. 265
11-6 Transverse Mercator Projection………………………………………….. 267
11-7 Ground Distance Versus Grid Distance…………………………………... 267
11-8 Conversion Between SPCS 27 & SPCS 83………………………………. 269
Practice Problems………………………………………………………….270
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………...272

Chapter 12-Construction Surveys

12-1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………….274
12-2 Cut and Fill Stakes ………………………………………………………..275
12-3 Header and Cluster Information …………………………………………..276
12-4 Slope Stake listing…………………………………………………………277
Practice Problems ………………………………………………………....283
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………...287
Caltrans Surveys Manual- Chapter 12 “ Construction Surveys” …………..289-312
Table of Contents ix
www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

Chapter 13- Photogrammetry

13-1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 314
13-2 Ground Control for Photogrammetry …………………………………….. 315
13-3 Aerial Cameras for Photogrammetry……………………………………... 316
13-4 Photograph Forward and Side Overlap………………………………….... 317
13-5 Photo Scale ……………………………………………………………...... 318
13-6 Map Scale…………………………………………………………………. 321
13-7 National Map Accuracy……………………………………………………322
13-8 Sources of Error in Photogrammetry………………………………………322
13-9 Mistakes in Photogrammetry………………………………………………322
Practice Problems ………………………………………………………….323
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems ……………………………326

Chapter 14- Surveys of Public Lands

14-1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………….330
14-2 Initial point………………………………………………………………... 331
14-3 Principal Meridian ……………………………………………………….. 332
14-4 Baseline ………………………………………………………………….. 332
14-5 Standard Parallels (Correction Lines)…………………………………….. 334
14-6 Guide Meridians…………………………………………………………... 334
14-7 Township and Range……………………………………………………… 334
14-8 Designation of Townships…………………………………………………334
14-9 Subdivision of Township into Sections……………………………………335
14-10 Subdivision of Sections…………………………………………………… 336
14-11 Fractional Sections………………………………………………………... 337
14-12 Witness Corners ………………………………………………………….. 338
14-13 Meander Corners………………………………………………………...... 338
14-14 Lost and Obliterated Corners …………………………………………….. 339
14-15 Description by Township, Sections, and Smaller Subdivision…………… 339
Practice Problems ………………………………………………………… 342
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems ………………………….. 345

x Table of Contents
www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

Chapter 15- Global Positioning System (GPS) & Geographic

Information Systems (GIS)
15.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 348
15.2 Theory of GPS……………………………………………………………..348
15.3 Differential GPS…………………………………………………………... 348
15.4 Weather Conditions ………………………………………………………. 351
15-5 Specifications for GPS Surveys ………………………………………….. 351
Practice Problems ………………………………………………………… 352
Solutions for Supplemental Practice Problems …………………………... 354

Index (8 pages – Computer generated index)……………………………………. 355

Facts About
“Surveying for California Civil PE License”
Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

 Based on the Special Civil Engineer Examination Test Plan of

November 2011 of California Board of Registration. Effective October
 Detailed table of contents (5 pages)
 15 chapters, 362 pages
 Well organized, simplified concepts, and concise approach of the
surveying topics and subjects
 An excellent 8 pages of computer generated index for keywords
 66 practice problems similar to the exam format with detailed solutions
 181 supplemental practice problems similar to the exam format with
detailed solutions
 A comprehensive summary of surveying equations, tables, charts &
and figures for an easy and quick access during the exam

Table of Contents xi
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xii Table of Contents

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List of Figures
Chapter 1- Introduction and California Special Engineering Surveying Exam
Figure 1.1 Types of Distances…………………………………………………………... 42
Figure 1.2 Differential Leveling Technique………………………………………......... 42
Figure 1.3 Horizontal & Vertical Angles………………………………………….......... 43
Figure 1.4 Leveling Equipment- Level and Rod……………………………………….. 46
Figure 1.5 True Horizontal Distance, Vertical Distance, Vertical and Zenith Angles…. 46

Chapter 2 - Theory of Measurements

Figure 2.1 Kinds of Measurements in Surveying……………………………………..... 54

Figure 2.2 Examples of Precision and Accuracy……………………………………….. 57
Figure 2.3 Probability with High Precision (left) and Low Precision (Right) ……....... 58
Figure 2.4 Relation Between Error and Percentage of Area Under Probability Curve… 58
Figure 2.5 Error of area………........................................................................................ 60

Chapter 3 - Field Notes & Surveying Equipment

Figure 3.1 Transit Essential Parts. Schematics diagram of an alidade ………………… 72
Figure 3.2 Using of Leveling Screw on a Three-Screw Instrument……………………. 73
Figure 3.3 Left Thumb Rule for Bubble Centering on a Three-Screw Instrument…….. 73

Chapter 4 - Horizontal Distance Measurements

Figure 4.1 Stadia principle for horizontal sight (external-focusing telescope) ………… 77
Figure 4.2 Stadia principle for inclined sight………………........................................... 78
Figure 4.3 Subtense bar………………………………………………………………... 79
Figure 4.4 Effect of temperature and pressure on EDM readings……………………….80
Figure 4.5 Principal of EDM……………………………………………………………. 81
Figure 4.6 Reduction of EDM slope distance to horizontal…………………................ 81
Figure 4.7 Effect of the prism offset……………………………………………………. 82
Figure 4.8 Method of determining the instrument-reflector constant……….................. 82
Figure 4.9 Gunter’s chain……………………………………………………………….. 83
Figure 4.10 (a) cut tape; (b) add tape; (c) fully graduated tape………………….............. 84
Figure 4.11 Taping Accessories………………………………………………………….. 85
Figure 4.12 Taping Accessories………………………………………………………….. 86
Figure 4.13 Error in 6-in misalignment………………………………………………….. 87
Figure 4.14 Slope measurement………………………………………………………… 87
Figure 4.15 Measuring horizontal distances by the "breaking tape" method…................ 88
Figure 4.16 Effect of sag…………………………………………………………………. 95
Figure 4.17 Stationing of a Project………………………………………………………. 100

List of Figures and Tables xiii

www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

Chapter 5 - Leveling-Theory, Equipment & Measurements

Figure 5.1Leveling Terms……………………………………………………………… 111
Figure 5.2Differential Leveling Concept……………………………………................ 111
Figure 5.3Turning Point and Turning Plate……………………………………………. 112
Figure 5.4(a) Philadelphia rod (Feet), (b) Philadelphia rod (Metric)
(c)Stadia Rod (Feet) (d) Stadia Rod (Metric)…………………………….. 116
Figure 5.5 Waving (Swinging) the Rod…………………………………………….. 117
Figure 5.6 Top and Bottom Hair Readings…………………………………………… 117
Figure 5.7 Curvature and refraction…………………………………………………….. 118
Figure 5.8 Differential leveling concept………………………………………………... 119
Figure 5.9 Differential Leveling Operation…………………………………………….. 119
Figure 5.10 Two-Peg Test……………………………………………………….……….. 120
Figure 5.11 Reciprocal Leveling………………………………….……….……….…….. 122

Chapter 6- Angles, Bearings, Azimuths & Compass

Figure 6.1 Direction by angles (left) & direction referred to the meridian (right)………134
Figure 6.2 Types of deflection angles…………………………………………………... 135
Figure 6.3 Types of horizontal angles………………………………………………….. 135
Figure 6.4 Internal angles…………………………………………………………......... 136
Figure 6-5 Bearings and angles…………………………………………………………. 138
Figure 6.6 Azimuths from the north (left) & from south (right) …………………......... 140
Figure 6.7 Concept of forward and back azimuths……………………………………... 140
Figure 6.8 Comparison of bearings and azimuths……………………………………… 142
Figure 6.9 Magnetic declination………………………………………………………... 143
Figure 6.10 Declination on a compass circle……………………………………………. 143
Figure 6.11 Vertical and Zenith Angles: above horizontal (left), below horizontal (right) 147

Chapter 7- Traverse Computations

Figure 7.1 Open Traverse………………………………………………………….......... 154
Figure 7.2 Closed Traverses – Loop (top) and Connecting (bottom) …………......... 155
Figure 7.3 Latitude and Departure of a Line……………………………………………. 156
Figure 7.4 Closure of a Traverse………………………………………………………... 157

Chapter 8- Length, Area, Volume Computations & Mass Diagram

Figure 8.1 Areas of Portions of a Circle………………………………………………... 176
Figure 8.2 Area by offsets from a straight line with a linear boundary……………….. 177
Figure 8.3 Area by offsets from a straight line with a curved boundary………………. 177
Figure 8.4 Double Meridian Distance (DMD) …………………………………………. 178
Figure 8.5 Concept of Area by Coordinates………………………………………........ 179
Figure 8.6 Cross Sections for Sample problem 8.8…………………………………….. 185
Figure 8.7 Original Ground versus Proposed Profile…………………………………… 188
Figure 8.8 Mass Diagram…………………………………………………………......... 188
xiv List of Figures and Tables
www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

Figure 8.9 Properties of Mass Diagram…………………………………………............ 190

Figure 8.10 Free Haul Distance……..…………...………………………………………. 191
Figure 8.11 Calculation of Overhaul………………………………………….................. 191
Figure 8.12 Shrinkage and Swell of Soil During Earthmoving………………………….. 193
Figure 8.13 Shrinkage and Swell Factors of Soil and Rock………………………........... 193

Chapter 9- Topography
Figure 9.1 Contours for a Creek (Stream of Water) …………………………………….. 208
Figure 9.2 Contours for a Ridge Line……………………………………….................... 208
Figure 9.3 Contour Map………………………………………...……………………….. 209
Figure 9.4 Locating Contours by Direct Method………………………………............... 210
Figure 9.5 Locating Contours by Indirect Method……………………………………..... 210
Figure 9.6 Drawing Contour line by Interpolation………………………………………. 214
Figure 9.7 Plan view of a Hill & Profile Views (I) and Saddle (II) …………………….. 215

Chapter 10- Horizontal, Spiral and Vertical Curves

Figure 10.1 Types of Horizontal Curves…………………………………………........... 226
Figure 10.2 Terminology of Horizontal Curve……………………………………........... 227
Figure 10.3 Deflection and Central Angles Relationship………………………………... 232
Figure 10.4 Layout by Deflection Angle Method……………………………………….. 233
Figure 10.5 Layout by Deflection Angle Method………………………………………... 234
Figure 10.6 Tangent Offset………………………………………………………………. 235
Figure 10.7 Moving Up on a Horizontal Curve………………………………………….. 236
Figure 10.8 Compound Circular Curve………………………………………….............239
Figure 10.9 Reverse Curves: Parallel Tangents (top) and Non-Parallel Tangent (bottom) 241
Figure 10.10 Spiral Curve………………………………………………………………... 242
Figure 10.11 Curve with and without spiral transition………………………………….. 243
Figure 10.12 Vertical Curves Terminology……………………………………………... 244
Figure 10.13 Sag (a) and Crest (b) Vertical Curves……………………………………... 246
Figure 10.14 Geometric of a Parabola…………………………………………................ 246
Figure 10.15 Crest and Sag Vertical Curves Terminology……………………………… 247
Figure 10.16 Low Point on a Sag Vertical Curve…………………………………........... 248
Figure 10.17 Unsymmetrical Vertical Curve…………………………………………. 253

Chapter 11- State Plane Coordinate System

Figure 11.1 Shape of the Earth.....………………………………………………………. 263
Figure 11.2 Surfaces of Lambert and Mercator Projections Uses in State Plane
Coordinate Systems……………………...……….………………………… 265
Figure 11.3 Lambert conformal conic projection used for SPCS83………………........... 266
Figure 11.4 The Transverse Mercator projection…………………………………............ 267
Figure 11.5 Reduction of lengths from surface observation of ellipsoid…………............ 268

List of Figures and Tables xv

www.passpe.com Surveying for California Civil PE License© Dr. Shahin A. Mansour, PE

Construction Surveys Ref. : Chapter 12 Caltrans Surveying Manual

Figure 12.1 Control Points…………...……...…………………………………………… 274
Figure 12.2 Slope Stake in Cut Section…………………………………………............. 275
Figure 12.3 Slope Stake in Fill Section. Case I: HI Above Subgrade…………………… 275
Figure 12.4 Slope Stake in Fill Section. Case II: HI Below Subgrade……………........... 276

Chapter 13- Photogrammetry

Figure 13.1 Steps of Photogrammetry…………………………………………................. 315
Figure 13.2 Aerial Target for Pre-marking………………………………………………... 315
Figure 13.4 Forward and Side Overlap…………………………………………................ 317
Figure 13.5 Scale of a Vertical Photograph……………………...………………………... 318

Chapter 14- Surveys of Public Lands

Figure 14.1 Gunter’s Chain…………………………………………...…………………. 331
Figure 14.2 Meridians and Initial Points in California……………………………….. 332
Figure 14.3 Ranges, Townships and Correction Line………………………… …….. 333
Figure 14.4 Initial Point and Base Line……………………………………………… 333
Figure 14.5 Order of Running Lines for Subdivision of a Township into Section… 335
Figure 14.6 Numbering Sections in a Township……………………………………….. 337
Figure 14.7 Fractional Sections…………………………………………........................ 338
Figure 14.8 Townships and Sections Relationship………………………….…………. 340
Figure 14.9 Ranges, Townships and Sections Relationships………………………….. 341

Chapter 15- Global Positioning System (GPS)

Figure 15.1 GPS Satellites in Orbit around the Earth………………………….………… 348
Figure 15.2 GPS Measurement…………………………………………...……………… 349

xvi List of Figures and Tables

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List of Tables
Chapter 1- Introduction and California Special Engineering Surveying Exam
Table 1-1 Plane And Geodetic Surveys………………………………………………... 45
Table 1-2 Ground, Aerial And Satellite Surveys…………………………………......... 46
Chapter 2 - Theory of Measurements
Table 2-1 Systematic Versus Random Errors………………………………………….. 56
Table 2-2 Traverse Specifications- United States……………………………………… 61

Chapter 3 - Field Notes & Surveying Equipment

Table 3-1 Surveying Methods Equipment……………………………………………... 71

Chapter 4 - Horizontal Distance Measurements

Table 4-1 Summary of Distance Measurement Methods……………………………… 90
Table 4-2 Summary of Distance Measurement Methods……………………………… 91
Table 4-3 Systematic Versus Random Errors………………………………………….. 91
Table 4-4 Sign Of The Correction To Be Applied…………………………………….. 93
Table 4-5 Corrections of Errors In Taping……………………………………………. 97
Table 4-6 Types, Source And Classification Of Errors In Taping……………………. 98
Table 4-7 Sources of Errors In Taping……………………………………………….. 101

Chapter 5 - Leveling-Theory, Equipment & Measurements

Table 5-1 1984 FGCS Vertical Control Survey Accuracy Standards………………….. 112
Table 5-2 Types of Leveling…………………………………………………………... 113
Table 5-3 Types of Levels……………………………………………………………... 114
Table 5-4 Types of Rods………………………………………………………………. 115

Chapter 6- Angles, Bearings, Azimuths & Compass

Table 6-1 Types of Angles…………………………………………………………….. 137

Table 6-2 Comparison Between Bearings And Azimuths……………………………... 142
Table 6-3 Comparison Between True, Grid And Magnetic Merdians……………....... 145
Table 6-4 Methods of Determining Angles And Directions…………………………… 146

Chapter 7- Traverse Computations

Table-7-1 Types of Traverses………………………………………………………... 154
Table 7.2 Traverse Specifications- United States…………………………………........ 158
Table 7-3 Methods of Traverse Adjustment………………………………………........ 159

List of Figures and Tables xvii

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Chapter 8- Length, Area, Volume Computations & Mass Diagram

Table 8-1 Methods of Measuring Areas…………………………………………………... 174
Table 8-2 English and Metric Units for Areas…………………………………….............. 175
Table 8-3 Formulas for Areas of a Circle…………………………………………............ 176
Table 8-4 Methods of Volume Measurement……………………………………………... 182
Table 8-5 Cross-Section Methods of Volume Measurement……………………………… 183
Table 8-6 Wedge and Prism (Pyramid) Volume Computation…………………………… 184
Table 8-7 Swell and Shrinkage Factors, BCY, LCY & CCY Relationships……………… 193

Chapter 9- Topography
Table 9-1 Methods of Obtaining Topography…………………………………………….. 205
Table 9-2 Planimetric versus Topography………………………………………………… 206
Table 9-3 Methods of Locating Contours…………………………………………............. 216

Chapter 10- Horizontal, Spiral and Vertical Curves

Table 10-1 Types of Horizontal Curves……………………………………………………226
Table 10-2 Chord and Arc Definitions for Horizontal Curves……………………............. 228

Chapter 11- State Plane Coordinate System

Table 11-1 CCS 27 and CCS 83 Comparison…………………………………………….. 264
Table 11-2 Clarke Spheriod and GRS 80 Comparison……………………………............. 264

Construction Surveys Ref. : Chapter 12 Caltrans Surveying Manual

Table 12-1 Moving and Fixed (Stationary) Control Point Comparison…………………... 277
Chapter 13- Photogrammetry

Chapter 14- Surveys of Public Lands

Chapter 15- Global Positioning System (GPS)

xviii List of Figures and Tables

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Special Civil Engineering Examinations Reference List

General References
The Professional Engineers Act (Business and Professions Code Sections 6700-6799)
The Board Rules (Title 16, California Code of Regulations sections 400-476)

1- Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers, 5th Edition, 2003

Edited by F.S. Merritt
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York
2- Subdivision Map Act, 2010
Subdivision Map Act, Section 66410 - 66499.58 of the Government Code (GC 66469-66499.58)
Available online from the Legislative Counsel's web site (check the box next to Government Code
and enter 66469 as the search term). Available for purchase from:
CELSOC (Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California)
1303 J Street, Suite 370
Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 441-7991
CLSA (California Land Surveyors Association)
P. O. Box 9098
Santa Rosa, CA 95405-9990
(707) 578-6016
3- Surveying, 10th Edition, 1997
F. H. Moffitt and J. Bossler
Prentice Hall
4- Surveying: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition, 1998
Davis, Foote, Anderson and Mikhail
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York
5- Surveying with Construction Applications, 6th Edition, 2006
Barry F. Kavanagh
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, N.J.
6- Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms, 2005
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
7- Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations, 2nd Edition, 2007
Tyler Hicks (Author)
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York
8- Civil Engineering Formulas, 2nd Edition, 2010
Tyler Hicks (Author)
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York
9- The Civil Engineering Handbook, New Directions in Civil Engineering
2nd Edition, 2003
W.F. Chen (Editor), J.Y. Richard Liew (Editor)
CRC Press, LLC

Board Surveying References (Per November 2011 Test Plan) 1

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Civil Engineer Examination

Engineering Surveying Test Plan
Revised November 2011(Effective October 2012 Examination)

Definition of Engineering Surveying

Engineering Surveying is defined as those activities involved in the practice and application of surveying
principles for the location, design, construction and maintenance and operation of engineered projects.

This area of practice is structured into five primary content areas:

I. Standards of Practice (6%)

II. Equipment and Uses (8%)
III. Field Measurements (28%)
IV. Calculations (33%)
V. Data Application Procedures (25%)

Glossary of Engineering Surveying Terms

As used in the test plan task statements, the following abilities are defined as:

Determine To establish or define after consideration, investigation, or calculation for use in an

engineering surveying activity.
Interpret To conceive and explain the meaning of engineering surveying terms, symbols and
Perform To execute and complete a task in accordance with the requirements of
engineering surveying practice.
Prepare To put together or make by combining various existing or newly created elements for use in
an engineering surveying activity.
Recognize To know or identify the engineering surveying elements of a project from past
experience or knowledge.

2 Board Test Plan – November 2011 (Effective October 2012)

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Standards of Practice include knowledge of the laws regulating engineering surveying and the
standards of care required.

Tasks and Knowledge Required Problem #

T01. Practice in accordance to laws regulating engineering surveying and

limits of practice
K01. Characteristics and purposes of subdivision maps (Subdivision Map Act)
as it applies to the Business and Professions Code 6731.1…………….
K02. Professional Engineer's (PE) Act……………………………………….

3 Board Test Plan – November 2011 (Effective October 2012)

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Engineering surveying equipment and uses include the types of equipment used and their application
for gathering and interpreting field data and for construction layout.

Tasks and Knowledge Required Problem #

T02. Distinguish the purposes and procedures of different survey types

K03 K03. Control surveys (purpose and procedures) …………………………….

K04. Construction surveys (purpose and procedures)……………………….
K05. Route surveys (purpose and procedures)………………………………
K06. Topographic surveys (purpose and procedures)……………………….

T03. Identify the capabilities and limitations of survey instruments and

K07. Total Station…………………………………………………………...
K08. Leveling equipment…………………………………………………….
K09. Global Positioning System (GPS)………………………………………
K10. Other surveying equipment (e.g., engineer's transit, survey prism, plumb
bob, Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM)……………………….

4 Board Test Plan – November 2011 (Effective October 2012)

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Engineering surveying field measurements include the methods and procedures for determining
distances, angles and elevations.

Tasks and Knowledge Required Problem #

T04. Perform construction surveying (e.g., construction staking)

K11. Construction layout requirements……………………………………..
K12. Horizontal and vertical curve layout………………………………….
K13. Horizontal and vertical control layout………………………………...
K14. Line and grade layout…………………………………………………
K15. Offset distance computations…………………………………………
K16. Procedures for establishing points on a line…………………………..
K17. Procedures for locating a single point…………………………………
K27. Geometric properties and equations of a curve……………………….
K28. Curve deflections……………………………………………………..
K29. Procedures for calculating a horizontal curve (e.g., beginning
of a curve, end of a curve, intersection)……………………………….
K30. Properties of compound and reversing curves…………………………
K31. Procedures for calculating the intersection of a curve and
a straight line…………………………………………………………..
K32. Procedures for calculating a vertical curve (e.g., stationing,
highest/lowest point, rate of gradient)…………………………………
K33. Procedures for calculating profile grade (slope) and elevations
on the tangents…………………………………………………………

T05. Perform the measurement of horizontal distances

K18. Measuring horizontal distances……………………………………….
K19. Measuring slope distances…………………………………………….

T06. Perform the measurement of angles

K20. Measuring horizontal angles………………………………………….
K21. Measuring deflection angles………………………………………….
K23. Relationships between azimuths, bearings, back bearings and angles

T07. Perform the measurement of elevations

K22. Measuring vertical (profile) distances…………………………………
K24. Leveling methods (e.g., differential, profile, trigonometric, cross-section)

5 Board Test Plan – November 2011 (Effective October 2012)

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Engineering surveying calculations are the analytical methods for applying the mathematical
relationships between measured distances, angles and elevations.

Tasks and Knowledge Required Problem #

T08. Perform leveling calculations from field data to determine elevations

K34. Leveling calculations (e.g., error analysis, checking and creating notes,

T09. Perform traverse survey calculations

K25. General trigonometric and geometric formulas (triangles, angles and

K34. Leveling calculations (e.g., error analysis, checking and creating notes,
K26. Trigonometric relationships to determine the area of a polygon……..
K35. Procedures for calculating distances from coordinates……………….
K36. Procedures for calculating bearings or azimuths from coordinates…..
K37. Coordinate geometry relationships (curves, points and lines)
K38. Procedures for calculating area……………………………………….

T10. Perform rectangular coordinate system calculations

K35. Procedures for calculating distances from coordinates………………..
K36. Procedures for calculating bearings or azimuths from coordinates……
K37. Coordinate geometry relationships (curves, points and lines)………….

T11. Perform calculations to determine quantities of construction

K39. Methods and procedures for calculating volumes of materials (e.g., mass
diagrams, average end, cross-sections)………………………………………..

6 Board Test Plan – November 2011 (Effective October 2012)

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Engineering surveying data application procedures include the research and planning for field surveys
and the conversion of field data to an engineering format.

Tasks and Knowledge Required Problem #

T12. Perform processing of field data

K40. Field notes formats………………………………………………….....
K41. Plotting profiles ……………………………………………………….
K42. Plotting cross-sections ………………………………………………..
K43. Plotting field points and data………………………………………….
K44. Applications of stationing……………………………………………..
K45. Relationship between grade lines and cross-sections………………….

T13. Obtain information from legal descriptions and easement data pertinent
to engineering surveying projects
K46. Formats and terminology of legal descriptions as it applies to the
Business and Professions Code 6731.1………………………………
K47. Different types of easement data ………………………………………

T14. Use of datums for horizontal and vertical control

K48. Different types of horizontal datums …………………………………
K49. Different types of vertical datums (e.g., bench marks)……………….

T15. Prepare topographic and planimetric maps

K50. Contour intervals……………………………………………………..
K51. Methods to plot contours from field information…………………….
K52. Methods for interpolating elevations…………………………………
K61. Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)…………….

T16. Interpret maps

K53. Map scales …………………………………………………………..
K54. Units of conversion…………………………………………………..
K55. Exaggerated scales……………………………………………………
K56. Plan and profile as it applies to the Business and Professions Code 6731.1
K57. Characteristics and purposes of underground mapping……………….
K58. Characteristics and purposes of topographic mapping………………..
K59. Characteristics and purposes of grading plans……………………………
K60. Characteristics and purposes of improvement plans (e.g., street, traffic signal,
storm drain, water)………………………………………………………..
K61. Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)…………………..

7 Board Test Plan – November 2011 (Effective October 2012)

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