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Disclaimer: “Topics and/or dates may be changed during the semester at the instructor’s discretion because of
scheduling issues, developments in the discipline, or other contingencies.”

Catalog Data: Petroleum Methods (3:3:0). Introduction to Petroleum Engineering and the close relationships of Geology,
Exploration, Formation Evaluation, Drilling, Production and Reservoir.
Prerequisites: Math 2450, PHYS 2401, CHEM 1307/1107
Co requisites: GEOL 4324
Textbook: 1) Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling & Production, Norman J. Hyne, 3rd Edition,
PennWell, Tulsa, OK USA, 2012, ISBN 978-1-59370-269-4.
2) Bateman, R.M.; 2012, Openhole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation, 2nd Edition, SPE. (ISBN 978-1-
3) Log Evaluation - Schlumberger free download
4) Drilling book – Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering, Robert F. Mitchell & Stefan Z. Miska, Vol. 12, SPE,
2011, ISBN: 978-1-55563-338-7.
5) Production Operations Engineering, SPE Petroleum Engineering Handbook- Vol. IV, Larry W. Lake (editor in
chief). SPE Bookstore, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55563-118-5 Free:

Reference: 1)Blackboard
2) Fundamentals of Petroleum, 5th Ed, D. Denehy, Petex, Austin, TX USA, 2011, ISBN 0-88698-231-6.
Reservoir & Drilling books - same used in Jr class
3) Oil and Gas Property Evaluation Beta or Alpha Test Version, Wright, J.D., Wright Consulting Company, Inc.,
Golden, Colorado, 2013.

Topics Lec* Outcomes (Goals) Assessment Method

Introduction 1 hrs. Class overview and introduction to petroleum Homework, Quizzes, Exams
Drilling Preliminaries 3 hrs. Determine Land & Leasing, Foreign Contracts, Authority Homework, Quizzes, Exams
for Expenditure, Drilling Contracts, Site Preparation, &
Government Regulations
Drilling Equipment 3 hrs. Describe Power, Hoisting, Rotating, Circulating, Drilling Homework, Quizzes, Exams
Drilling Problems & 3 hrs. Calculate the Risk Associated with Subsurface Homework, Quizzes, Exams
Techniques Conditions, Problems, Straight Hole, Directional,
Completion and 3 hrs. Describe the Importance of: Casing, Bottomhole Homework, Quizzes, Exams
production methods Completions, Tubing, Wellhead, Chokes, Perforating,
Well Stimulation. Surface facilities: flowlines, Water
Disposal, Separators, Gas Treatment, Storage and
Measurement. Explain the Equipment used in Workovers
and completions
EXAM 1– (1.5 hrs.) August 7th , 2015 Class time
Formation Evaluation 9 hrs. Formation Evaluation: Basic rock properties. Be able to Homework, Quizzes, Exams
determine lithology, calculate water saturation, porosity
and determine difference between pay and non-pay
using data from Drill Time Log, Mud Log, and resistivity,
sonic, density and neutron Well Logs. Ability to calculate
subsea elevation based on KB or reference elevation
EXAM 2 – (1.5 hrs.) August 13th, 2015 Class time
Reservoir Mechanics 2 hrs. Rock Properties, nature of oil and gas fluids (PVT), Homework, Quizzes, Exams
Formation Volume Factor and OOIP & OGIP
Reserves Methods 6 hrs. Determine: Gas material balance, Types of Reservoir Homework, Quizzes, Exams
Drive Mechanisms and Recovery Factors

* Dates are subject to change

Petroleum Production 7 hrs. Well and Reservoir Pressures, Well Testing/IPR’s, Homework, Quizzes, Exams
Decline Curves, Reserves Calculations, and Artificial Lift
Final Exam– (2.5 hrs.) August 21st, 2015 Class time

Coordinators: Talal Gamadi, Ph.D.

Instructor, Bob L. Herd department of Petroleum Engineering
TFPETR 234, talal.gamadi@ttu.edu
Office Hours: email for appointment

Lloyd R. Heinze, P.E. Ph.D.

Professor, Bob L. Herd department of Petroleum Engineering
TFPETR 228, Lloyd.Heinze@ttu.edu
Office Hours: email for appointment.

Marshall Watson, P.E. Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Chair Bob L. Herd department of Petroleum Engineering
TFPETR 210, Marshall.Watson@ttu.edu
Office Hours: email assistant Chelsey Reed <chelsey.r.reed@ttu.edu> for appointment.

Elias Pirayesh
Office hours: TBD
Location: 239. elias.pirayesh@ttu.edu
Attendance & Grading Absence and tardy policy – After the first week of classes you will be dropped from the class after
Policy: four absences (including the recitation). Attendance is mandatory for all lectures and exam sessions.
Any missed quizzes/homework will not be made up. Two quiz/homework will be dropped in
computing the quiz/homework grade. Homework is due as stated on the assignment via
blackboard; late homework will not be accepted.
Class Grad (CG): Quiz/homework average (10%), two exams (25% each) and final exam (40%) of the
course grade. If you miss an exam, and YOU HAVE A UNIVERSITY EXCUSE, that exam grade will be
made up by counting the final exam double; you must pass the final exam to pass the course. If you
miss an exam and do not have a university excuse, the exam grade will be a zero with NO MAKE-UP.
1. Must have valid TTU id on desk or WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE EXAM AND WILL FAIL
2. Back packs against walls with cell phone in them. Anyone caught with cell phone or any
type of communicating device on their person will be removed from the exam and given an
F for course
3. Pencil and/or pen, straight edge, NCEES approved calculator
4. Exams will be picked up when done. DO NOT GET OUT OF SEAT UNTIL EXAM IS PICKED UP-
6. No restroom breaks during exams
7. Must sit at assigned seat with your name on both the test and scantron
Hourly tests / preliminary tests/ midterms (etc.) will be reviewed in the discussion sections
immediately following the tests in the sections. Exams will not be handed back or solutions
posted. All grades will be posted and if a student has a question about their grade on that item
(homework, quiz, and exam), they must come see the TA within 1 day of the grades being
posted. Subsequent to that, exams may not be viewed again.
*You must pass final exam, and the course to pass the course.
Class and Exam Times & Lecture Time: M, T,W, R &F 9:00-11:50 am in TFPE 208
Location: Discussion Time: None
Exams: As scheduled
Course Web Site The University “blackboard” web site schedule of reading and homework assignments.
Notes: Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the
ADA Compliance: course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary
arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services
during the instructor’s office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to provide classroom
accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from Student Disability Services has
been provided. For additional information, you may contact the Student Disability Services office in
335 West Hall or 806-742-2405. (http://www.depts.ttu.edu/opmanual/OP34.22.pdf)

Calculators: Only approved NCEES calculators can be used during exams, tests and quizzes. A current list can be
found at http://www.ncees.org/exams/calculators/#policy

Academic Integrity: Academic Integrity is described in the Bulletin of Texas Tech University Undergraduate and
Graduate Catalogue and OP 34.12. The penalty for Academic dishonesty will be a grade of “F” for
the course.

All students are expected to come to class alert and ready to participate. If you must leave the class
before the end of the session, do not return. Sleeping, reading newspapers, surfing the net and
doing homework for other classes are not allowed during class. Students are expected to assist in
maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. PDA’s, cell phones, beepers and
other electronic devices are distracting and should be silenced during class time. No Tobacco
products are allowed. When exiting the classroom place your trash in the waste can, the next
student will appreciate your diligence.
Conduct Policy
Classroom Citizenship: Quizzes: Every lecture and discussion a quiz may be administered.
Prepared by / Date: Watson/Heinze/Gamadi July 24th 2015

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