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School Mapandan National High School Grade Level Cookery A/ CSS A

GRADE 11 Teacher Myla P. Gabica Learning Area Practical Research 1

Teaching Dates and Time Week 8 Quarter 1st

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
A. Content Standards 1. the criteria in selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature
2. ethical standards in writing related literature
The learner is able to:
B. Performance 1. select, cite, and synthesize properly related literature
Standards 2. use sources according to ethical standards
3. present written review of related literature
The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
1. Compare and contrast the styles of 1. Compare and contrast the styles 1. Compare and contrast the
review of related literature 1. Differentiate the three stages of and patterns of in-text citations styles and patterns of in-text
2. Carry out a review of related review of related literature 2. Enumerate the purposes of citations
C. Learning literature properly. 2. distinguish a superior source of citations. 2. Enumerate the purposes of
Competencies data from an inferior one 3. Evaluate the accuracy of citations citations.
3. write a literature review in a to reading materials. 3. Evaluate the accuracy of
critical or argumentative manner 4. Identify the causes and effects of citations to reading materials.
plagiarism. 4. Identify the causes and
effects of plagiarism.
Styles or Approaches of Review of The Process of Review of Related Standard Styles in Review of Related Standard Styles in Review of
II. CONTENT related literature. Literature Literature, Citation, or References Related Literature, Citation, or
Practical Research 1 by: Nelia G. Prieto Practical Research 1 by: Nelia G. Practical Research 1 by: Nelia G. Practical Research 1 by: Nelia
Prieto Prieto G. Prieto
Victoria C. Naval
Victoria C. Naval Victoria C. Naval Victoria C. Naval
Teresita G. Carey
A. References Teresita G. Carey Teresita G. Carey Teresita G. Carey
- Practical Research 1 by:
Esther L. Baraceros - Practical Research 1 by: - Practical Research 1 by: - Practical Research 1
Esther L. Baraceros Esther L. Baraceros by: Esther L.
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing the Lesson
or Presenting the New
B. Establishing a
purpose for the lesson
FLASHBACK…. FLASHBACK…. How will you compare the
FLASHBACK…. text in the frame with an
Look back into one period essay you encountered in
of your life when you were so eager the past? Why does this
or desirous to know someone or text look like this?
something in this world. What did
you do to satisfy your want to know One recent study by
more about search such person or (Castro, 2016) defined
thing? intercultural competence as
an ability to interact
harmoniously with people
C. Presenting from different cultural
examples/instances of background. Giving this
the new lesson expression another name,
(David, 2017) calls it
Cross-cultural or Inter-
culture Competence.
Described by Tolentino
(2018, p.38) as a social
based activity, intercultural
competence has context as
its “One latest study by
(Tuazon, 2018) explains
context as a broad term
that refers to all the
circumstances affecting
social interaction.
The teacher will show a video about 1. Explain the process of review of 1. Explain the 3 Terms
review of literature. related literature. 1. Explain the 3 Terms used used to express your
Basic Types of literature sources to express your appreciation appreciation
1. General references • Acknowledgement •
Will direct you to the location of • References or Acknowledge
other resources Bibliography ment
2. Primary sources • Citation or In-text • References
Direct report or present a person’s Citation or Bibliography
own experiences
2. What are the purposes of • Citation or In-
3. Secondary sources
citation? text Citation
Report or describe other people’s
To give importance and 2. What are the
Stage 1: Search for the Literature respect purposes of citation?
1. Choose previous research To give authority, validity, To give importance
findings that are closely related to and credibility and respect
your research. To prove your broad and To give authority,
2. Give more weight to studies by extensive reading validity, and credibility
D. Discussing new people possessing expertise or To help readers find or To prove your broad
Concepts and practicing authority in the field of knowledge contact the sources of ideas and extensive reading
new skills # 1 to which the research studies easily To help readers find or
belong To permit readers to check contact the sources of
3. Consider primary data than to the accuracy of your work ideas easily
secondary data. To save yourself from To permit readers to
4. Consider peer-reviewed plagiarism check the accuracy of
materials than from general reading
3. Styles in citation your work
Integral Citation To save yourself from
Stage 2: Reading the source
material  Use verb like claim, plagiarism
you need to think interpretatively assert, state, etc. to 3. Styles in citation
through these way of inferential report the author’s Integral Citation
thinking: predicting, generalizing, idea.  Use verb like
concluding, and assuming. Non- integral Citation claim, assert,
Stage 3: Writing the review  The stress is given state, etc. to
in writing the review, based on the to the piece of report the
focus, theme, or theory underlying information rather author’s idea.
your research, you are free to fuse than to the owner Non- integral Citation
your opinions with author’s ideas. of the ideas.  The stress is
(Corti 2014). 4. Patterns of Citation given to the
it give you a chance to express Summary piece of
your genuine or opinionated Paraphrase information
knowledge about the topic; thereby, Short Direct Quotation rather than to
increasing the enthusiasm of Long Direct Quotation or the owner of
people in reading your work. Block Quotation, or Extract the ideas.
(Radylyer 2013)
4. Patterns of Citation
Short Direct
Long Direct
Quotation or Block
Quotation, or Extract
Explain the different styles of review of
related literature.

1. Traditional Review of Literature

•To summarize present forms
of knowledge on a specific
•To give an expanded or new
understanding of an existing
E. Discussing new
•It does not require you to
Concepts and practicing
describe your method of
new skills # 2
reviewing literature but
expects you to state your
intentions in conducting the
review and to name the
sources of information
2. Systematic Review of Literature
• methodical style of RRL that
involves sequential acts of a
review related literature.
•It is bias-free style.
F. Developing Mastery
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making The teacher will explain the
generalizations and process of Review of Related
abstractions about the Literature
PAIR WORK. Together with
your partner, do these two
things about each sentence or
paragraph. First, identify the
citation style used; second,
comment on the accuracy of
each text based on what you
learned about in-text citation.
Write your answers on the lines
1. Many gave their comments
about the medicinal powers of
ampalaya. For instance, the
latest study by Santos and
Gomez revealed that the juice
of this vegetable can be a good
cure against diabetes.
I. Evaluating Learning
2. De Jesus and Roces felt that
one research study by
(Collanto and Fernandez p.88)
and Vallejo, 2015 validated
Meneses findings on the Ebola
3. A number of medicinal plants
can be found in ones family’s
backyard. Fruit trees like
santol, mango, guava,
tamarind, atis, and guyabano,
among others, grow robustly in
any spacious area in a yard.
Needing no regular watering,
these plants always make
themselves available to people
believing in their medicinal
qualities. (Rafael Corpuz)
J. Additional activities for -
application or
GROUP WORK. Form a group of
five, agree on one thing you want to
know more. Ask three questions
about this puzzling thing, and then
list down as many sources of
information as you can through
which you can obtain knowledge to
answer your questions.
Such information about your
chosen topic may come from your
school library and research
database and other online
resources. Read the articles found
in these sources of information, and
then synthesize or summarize them
into one coherent written discourse
or composition to shed light on your
research questions.
Using a comparison-contrast
organization technique, write a short
VI. REFLECTION essay about the two styles of review of
related literature. Give your work a
good title.
A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked: Reviewed: Approved:


Teacher II MT-II/HUMSS COORDINATOR Assistant Principal II Principal IV

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