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L e a d e r s h i p t h ro u g h E xc e l l e n c e i n Va l u e B a s e d
Management and Technology Education.

LBSIM's mission is to Impart Quality and Value Based

Management and Technology Education relevant to
Corporate and Societal Needs through Continuous
Learning, Societal Responsiveness supported by Strategic
National and International Partnerships.

“The economic issues are most vital for us and it is of the highest
importance that we should fight our biggest enemies – Poverty,
unemployment. Whether it is agriculture or industrial
development, or for that matter, development in other fields, the
basic fact remains – that it would serve the largest number of our
- Lal Bahadur Shastri

C o n t a c t s
Dr. G.L. Sharma
Mob: 9810833778
Email: glsharma@lbsim.ac.in
Website: www.lbsim.ac.in
Prof. Alok Pandey –Coordinator +91 9871166626
Prof. Anuj Verma - Member +91 9810145144
Prof. Praveen Gupta – Member +91 9818141123
Prof. Nidhi Malhotra – Member +91 9582222052


Mr. Nitin Kumar - Coordinator +91 7970606060
Ms. Aambi Srivastava - Joint Coordinator +91 8527166057


Mr. Naresh Wadhwa - Member Secretary +91 9953053525
Assistant Placement Officer +91 8750665566

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi
Plot No. 11/7, Sector 11, Near Metro Station, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075
placementcell@lbsim.ac.in, Tel Nos.: 011-25307724, 011-25307700
» From The Director
» From The Chairman - Placements
» The Institute
» The Focus
» Industry Institute Interaction
» The Programme
» Core Faculty - The Knowledge Bank
» Academic Administration
» Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award
» International Immersion Programme
» Convocation 2018
» Placement Batch 2016-2018
» Summer Placement Batch 2017-2019
» Batch Profile Class of 2019
» Advisory Body
» Board of Governors
1995 2000 2005
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of The Lal Bahadur Shastri National The Lal Bahadur Shastri Research
Management was founded based Award for Excellence in Public Centre for Public Policy and Social
on the principles of Late Shri Lal Administration, Academics and Change is established to facilitate
Bahadur Shastri Ji. Management is instituted. Late Dr. research on social, economic and
C.K. Prahlad becomes the first political Issues
recipient of the prestigious award.

2007 2010 2017

Po s t G ra d u a te D i p l o m a i n The move to a new institution IBM and LBSIM have collaborated
Management - Finance begins to facility in Dwarka which was to set up a state of the art analytics
equip students with the skills to inaugurated by Smt. Pratibha lab at the institute to provide real-
cater to the needs of the financial Devisingh Patil, President of India, world industry experience and
sector. Smt. Sheila Dikshit and Sh. Anil hands-on lab courses to the
Shastri. faculty members and students.
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management (LBSIM), New Delhi was set-up in 1995 to
perpetuate the memory of our second Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri ji. It is an
innovative institution with a distinct philosophy of management education that prepares
young minds to become future leaders in different walks of life. A due emphasis is laid on
developing a holistic personality with strong values to respond effectively to
organizational challenges. Educational experience at LBSIM equips students with
competencies that are a combination of knowledge, skill, and attitude that contribute to
personal effectiveness. LBSIM keeps experimenting and innovating in the field of
imparting management education that gives to its students courage to face the unknown,
commitment and persistence to achieve goals, virtues/values for pursuing excellence and
an attitude of "Can Do" spirit. We mentor our students to be the ambassadors of the
Shastrian values and leadership style by exemplifying values of integrity, honesty and
above all, humility. LBSIM processes of education gives due importance to western
approach towards management that emphasizes on providing a focus on efficiency,
dynamism and striving for excellence along with values of Buddhism that emphasize on
holistic attitude “happy society”, in terms of bahujanahitaya bahujanasukaya
lokanukampaya, meaning, “Each work and life for the good of the many, for the happiness
of the many, out of compassion for the world.”
I take this opportunity to welcome corporates to LBSIM for placement of our students,
who I am sure would contribute important role in the growth of their organisations by
performing much above the expectations and continuously coming out with innovative
solutions to challenges faced by their organization(s). We look forward for a long-lasting
relationship with corporate world to strengthen symbiotic relationship.

Dr. D.K. Srivastava

Director, LBSIM, Delhi

01 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

From the Chairman : Placements
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, established in the memory of Lal Bahadur
Shastri Ji, has completed twenty three years of providing value-based management
education to the youth of the country. Its primary focus is to nurture young minds,
inculcate team spirit and to cultivate in the students, a positive approach, in order to
achieve the desired objectives and empower them to become transformational leaders.
During their two years at LBSIM, the students undergo a metamorphosis. They are
provided with opportunities for unfolding their potential, developing skills and
stimulating intellectual growth. The emphasis is on learning pragmatic and contemporary
issues in the management field which are covered through dynamic, industry-oriented
syllabi. The institute has an active interface with various corporate to prepare the
students to emerge as business leaders with a strong sense of values. The academic rigour
of the institute helps the students to face the challenges of the highly competitive business
environment. Future comes one day at a time through flexible teaching pedagogy,
enriching seminars and conferences, cultural, management and social club activities,
outreach programmes, research projects and above all dedicated faculty support. All
these are hallmarks of this premier business school. The learning experience at LBSIM
focuses on inculcating the values of freedom and discipline in its students.
Business organizations and educational institutes have a symbiotic relationship. I
welcome the companies to come forward and help in building a long lasting and mutually
beneficial relationship with our institute.
Dr. G.L. Sharma
Chairman, Placements
LBSIM, Delhi

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 02

The Institute
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management
The world needs people who are thinkers — people who can innovate and come up with creative
solutions — and these thinkers need to be ethical and humane. If you are looking for such people, LBSIM
is the right place for you to recruit for talent. We take pride in being the best B-school that provides
value-based management education. Moreover, the students are the real drivers here and coupled with
the experienced faculty and strong alumni network, they together have ensured our constant rise. We
shifted to our new state-of-the-art campus in Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi in 2010. We have a splendid
auditorium with seating capacity of 300, a well-stocked library spanning two floors, an amphitheater
and spacious class rooms. The Institute has hostel facility for all outstation students.
At LBSIM, students are prepared for the real world through exposure to industry stalwarts, live
projects, conferences, alumni networking and various certifications.

Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD for:

Ÿ 15-Month Full-Time PGDM for Executives
• Two Year Full-Time PGDM
Ÿ Two Year Full-Time PGDM- Finance
Ÿ Two Year Full-Time PGDM (Research & Business Analytics)
Ÿ Two Year Full-Time PGDM (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Ÿ Three Year Part-Time PGDM for Working Executives

Other Courses
Ÿ Three Year Full-Time Program in MCA (Affiliated to GGSIPU)
Ÿ NSE Certified Capital Markets Professional Course
Ÿ Management Development Programmes
Association of Indian Universities (AIU) recognition for Two year Full-Time PGDM and Two year
Full-Time PGDM (Finance) as equivalent to MBA degree of an Indian University.

03 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

The Focus
At LBSIM, the focus is on:
LBSIM is guided by the ethics,
values and principles of Shri Lal
Bahadur Shastri. We are passionate
about performance and focusing on
quality is what gets us to perform.
We aim to create an able and
humane talent pool for the world
Corporate Interaction
we live in. These ambitions are
achieved through.... In our endeavour to maintain a
proactive industry oriented
Student Supervision curriculum, we have set aside one
Engaging the students from the start is one the essentials in order to day in a week for interaction with
inspire them to make the most out of their time at the institute.
industry stalwarts and/or field
Stimulating working Mentors, pre-joining assignments, and query-handlers ensure that
first year students have all the support, advice and help they need
environment when starting with their PGDM program.
A pleasant working environment Social Initiatives
and access to good facilities are As a part of the social
Teaching Pedagogy responsibilities undertaken by the
essential preconditions for work and
Good education is the focus area at LBSIM. Good education means an institute, the social welfare club of
study. To that end, we have a well
approach which is holistic, continuous and practical in design. Latest the institute , SPARSH, initiated and
equipped library, an auditorium, a pedagogical aids are used to impart knowledge to our students.
gymnasium, a badminton court and conducted the blood donation
other sports facilities on our campus. camp at the campus in association
LBSIM-Bloomberg Finance Laboratory with Rotary Bank. All the faculty
LBSIM has established a Bloomberg Finance Lab members as well as students
with 12 active terminals. It makes us one of the few participated enthusiastically and
business schools in the country to offer training & donated blood as an act of charity.
research in most advanced areas in finance. The
finance lab will help us in:
Simulation, Intergrated Theory with Real-World practices,
Empowering Students, Enriching Curriuculum in Finance &
Economics, Comprehensive Data Analysis, Providing multimedia
support for finance discipline

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 04

Industry Institute Interaction
Industry Institute Interaction
We live in a dynamic world where the industry needs keep changing. To keep pace with these changes and to make sure our students get the right
corporate exposure we have the Industry Institute Partnership Cell. The key responsibilities of the cell are-

Corporate Interface Day Annual Outreach Program

Ÿ Industry Interactions are an integral part of the curriculum and Ÿ It is a week long program where students visit various industrial
Corporate Interface day provides us a platform for the same. hubs across the country including Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore,
Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Noida, Gurgaon and Hyderabad.
Ÿ One day a week is set aside for corporate interactions through guest
lectures, live projects and industrial visits. Ÿ Pioneers of the program since 1997
Ÿ Focus is on providing industrial exposure and preparing students for Ÿ Direct interaction with industry heads and corporate HRs.
Ÿ Understanding the challenges and opportunities that exist in the
Ÿ Practical learning along with the regular classroom curriculum. corporate world.

Regular Review and Revision of Course Structure

The Faculty Council, rigorously deliberates on all the courses
including core and electives, particularly in terms of market need,
course content, pedagogy, readings, evaluation, feedback, etc. for Post
Graduate Diploma in Management (Full - Time), Post Graduate
Diploma in Management (Finance), PGDM (L&SCM), PGDM (R&BA),
three year part time PGDM (Working Executive), 15 month full time
PGDM (Executive) & PGDM (Evening). The points discussed and
accepted by the council are incorporated in the course content before
the starting of academic year.
Placement Cell 2018-19

05 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

15-Month Full-Time PGDM for Executives ( 2018-2019)

The PGDM Executive is a full-time AICTE approved 15-month programme in the nature of an accelerated MBA designed specifically for high-
performing professionals with work experience. Primarily aimed at grooming Experienced Executives for a General Management role in the
Functional Domain with a Global Orientation, the programme is designed with five distinct modules, namely, foundation, functional,
internationalization, integration, and dissertation. The programme brings a global perspective to the participants through an international
immersion module as a part of the curriculum. which is designed to give students an opportunity to broaden learning and deepen knowledge about an
increasingly globalized economic environment.
Structured around a visit to an emerging economy such as BRICS nations or Eastern European nation or to a developed one in the Asian region like
Singapore or South Korea, the class spends two weeks in the country and is hosted by one of the top local business schools. They attend lectures on the
country's economy and society with specific emphasis on issues affecting business and industry; go on field visits to local plants and corporate offices;
meet business and government leaders; attend cultural events and visit historical sites to help them understand the intricacies of the country. The
participants are also exposed to personal growth lab and an assessment center that ensures a better self-appreciation for the areas of strength and


• A full-time programme taught by the best of faculty and industry practitioners. Knowing by Doing & Experiential
• Contemporary course curriculum weaved in five phases of Foundation, Functional, Learning are the guiding principles of
Internationalization, Integration and Dissertation. Pedagogy for all LBSIM Executive
Programmes. The learning and
• Immersion programme in a foreign university for 7 to 10 days. The approximately fees given along pedagogy experience in the PGDM
with the fee structure of the programme. (Executive) course encompasses a broad
• The PGDM-EX programme provides participants the opportunity of a social immersion as a part of range of learning techniques including
the sustainability and social responsibility course. case studies, simulations; real life
projects; debates; discussions with
• Strong Industry Interface
senior executives of organizations, start-
• A unique course on contemporary issues in management offered by leading industry practitioners ups and consulting projects; courses and
allowing participants an opportunity to debate and discuss the current issues that managers and workshops.
leaders are occupied with.
• Based on the philosophy of 'Knowing by Doing' the programme architecture has an outcome-
centered Elements of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude which are built into the programme through
various courses, workshops, simulations, field projects and experiential learning social immersions.
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 06
07 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 08
Core Faculty-The Knowledge Bank
The Accounting and Finance Area strives to keep the participants abreast with the latest developments, tools and techniques in the ever changing and
dynamic financial environment. The faculty is actively engaged in pursuing research in various areas such as Asset Pricing, Market Efficiency,
Volatility Modelling, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance, Behavioural Finance, IFRS, Financial Institutions & Markets, and Strategic Cost
Sharma, G.L. Pandey, Alok Varshney, Pankaj
Professor Professor Associate Professor MFC
M.Com, Ph.D. (University of Rajasthan) MIBA (Banaras Hindu University), Ph.D. (University (University of Delhi), Ph.D. (University of Delhi)
of Lucknow)

Areas of Interest: Cost Management, Rural Areas of Interest: International Finance, Corporate Areas of Interest: Capital Markets, Financial
Management & Entrepreneurship, Regional Finance, Financial Markets, Investment & Risk Derivatives, Corporate Finance, Financial Services,
Economics, Business History, Financial Institution & Management. International Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions.

Verma, Anuj Agrawal, Anshu Bansal, Vishakha

Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
PhD, MBA, B.Com(Hons.) Ph.D (IIT Delhi), M. Com, M.A. (Economics), Ph. D, M.Com, University of Delhi

Areas of Interest: Accounting, Corporate Finance, Areas of Interest: Mergers and acquisitions Areas of Interest: Management Accounting,
Capital Markets, International Finance Financial Management, Financial Institutions
and Markets

Malhotra, Nidhi Agnihotri, Shalini

Asst. Professor Faculty Associate
Ph.D. (Finance) Ph. D (FMS - Delhi), MBA (Finance)
B.Sc (H) Biomedical Science
Areas of Interest: Investment Analysis & Areas of Interest: Management Accounting,
Portfolio Management, Merger & Acquisition, Financial Management, Financial Institutions
Financial Analysis. and Markets

09 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

The Marketing area aims to develop and enhance the skills and knowledge base of the participants by imparting the latest marketing theories and
industry best practices. The faculty is actively engaged in research and consultancy in areas such as Brand Management, Social Marketing, Customer
Relationship Management, Marketing Research and Marketing of Services.

Ketkar, S. P. Gupta, Praveen Tyagi, Shelendra K.

Professor Associate Professor (Sr.) Associate Professor
Ph.D (IIT, Delhi), MBA-IIM, Bangalore B.Sc. (Hons.), MSc. (Physics), MBA (FMS-Delhi) B.Tech. - Mechanical Engineering, PGCSM (IIM
Ph.D Kozhikode), MBA, Pursuing Ph.D

Area of Interest: Business Research, Consumer Areas of Interest: Marketing Management, B2B Area of Interest: Sales & Distribution Management,
Behaviour, International Marketing Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Sales and Marketing Research, Brand Management, Retail
Distribution Management, Strategic Management. Management, Marketing to Businesses & Industry,
Key Account Management, Social Marketing.

Sharma, Smita Joshi, Gaurav Priya, Samant Shant

Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor
MBA, Pursuing Ph.D MBA, Ph.D. (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture Ph. D, MBA
& Technology)

Areas of Interest: Innovations in Marketing, Areas of Interest: Marketing Research, Supply Areas of Interest: Strategic Management,
Integrated Marketing Communication, Strategic Chain Management, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing and Sales Management, Business
Brand Management, Digital & Social Media Advertising & Sales Promotion Management. Development

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 10

The HR area offers various courses which give the participants a thorough grounding in the concepts, expanded depth and width of knowledge,
contemporaneous skill sets and competence, and strong positive outlook towards the society. The area ensures that the graduating students are
sensitive to the needs of the environment and create value for the business and society as a whole.
Srivastava, Deepak Areas of Interest: Labour Management Parul Singh Areas of Interest: Organizational Culture,
Director - LBSIM Relation, Trade Unionism, Business Strategy, Visiting Faculty Organizational Design & Personal Effectiveness.
Gold Medalist from Corporate Governance.
University of Allahabad

Sharma, Rashmi Singh, Anupriya

Associate Professor Associate Professor (Sr.)
MBA- HR, M.Phil. (Management), Ph.D. Ph.D. (University of Delhi), MBA
(Banasthali University)
Areas of Interest: Compensation Management, Areas of Interest: Strategic Human Resource
Business Communication, HRM. Management, Performance Management, Industrial
Relations, Group Dynamics, Organization Behaviour.

Mishra, Moni Areas of Interest: Organizational Behaviour, Pathak Deepti Areas of Interest: Personal Effectiveness, Team-
Assistant Professor Human Resource Management, Organizational Assistant Professor HR & OB, building & Emotional Intelligence.
Ph.D. (University of Delhi) Culture, Organizational Design. PhD(HR), MBA, NET

The Operations Management area is involved in imparting knowledge and techniques concerned with overseeing, designing, and controlling
production processes such that the business operations are undertaken efficiently and effectively besides undertaking in research and providing
consultancy services in these areas.
Bali, Shivani Makkar, Sandhya Mittal, Rajkumari
Associate Professor Assistant Professor (Sr.) Assistant Professor
M.Sc. - Operations Research, Ph. D, (University of Delhi) Ph. D, (Banasthali University)
MBA -Information Technology, M.A. Operations Research BE, MBA
Ph.D. (University of Delhi)
Areas of Interest: Quantitative Methods for Areas of Interest: Supply Chain Optimization, Areas of Interest: Supply Chain Optimization,
Management, Management Science, Research Quantitative Methods, Operations Quantitative Methods, Operations
M e t h o d o l o g y, N u m e r i c a l Te c h n i q u e s , Management Management
Engineering Mathematics, Software Reliability.

11 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

The Economics Area provides the fundamental theoretical base in Micro and Macroeconomics such that the participants are able to understand and
appreciate the linkages in economic policy, implementation, and evaluation.

Kanungo, Anil Areas of Interest: International Business and Jha, Abhishek Areas of Interest: Agriculture Trade
Professor International Trade Professor Competitiveness, Trade Negotiations under RTS.
M.A. (Eco) M. Phil; PhD M.Phil from JNU

Chauhan, S. P. S. Areas of Interest: Managerial Economics, Chawla, R. L. Areas of Interest: Managerial Economics,
M.A., M. Phil International Economics, Indian Economy, M.A. & Ph.D. International Economics, Indian Economy.
Visiting Faculty Corporate Finance. Visiting Faculty

Strategy Area is committed to raising awareness regarding the emerging trends in diverse fields and giving a strategic focus amongst the participants
such that it helps organizations to take decisions leading to superior performance. The area is actively involved in providing consulting and training to
help firms deal with a wide spectrum of issues and challenges.
Mehra, Vikas Dixit, Sushil Kumar Mitra, R. K.
Professor Assistant Professor (Sr.) Professor (Visiting)
Ph.D (FMS, University of Delhi), Ph.D., MBA, LLB M.A.-Eco. (NBU), MBA
MBA (International University of Japan), B.Sc (IIT Delhi), Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
(University of Delhi).
Areas of Interest: Marketing Management, Areas of Interest: Strategic Management, Areas of Interest: Strategic Management, Marketing
Strategic Management. Research Methodology, Sales Management. Research, Digital Marketing. Competitive Strategy,
Strategy Evaluation & Implementation, Indian
Economy &Trade Policy.
Legal environment constitutes an important aspect of business - domestic and international. The area offers courses on Business Law, Corporate Law
and Environmental Law. The area strives to develop a sense of conducting business ethically amongst the participants.
Kasturi, G. C. Singh, Harpal
Visiting Faculty Visiting Faculty
M.Com., Ph.D. (University of Delhi) M.Com., Ph.D. (University of Delhi)

Areas of Interest: Agricultural Economics, Rural Areas of Interest: Legal Aspects of Business
Development & Public Policy, Legal Aspects of

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 12

The explosion of information technology in organisations and the wide web of local area networks, intranet and internet have changed the way
business could be conducted in future. Organisations have started using these technologies not only for automating their operations but also have
been using information technology (IT) for harnessing competitive advantage. Considering these developments, the Information Technology Area
offers various courses which help the participants to use and analyse information and information systems effectively.

Gupta, Rekha Kumar, Pradeep Sahi, Geetanjali

Associate Professor (Sr.) Associate Professor Associate Professor
MS-Comp. Sc., M.Tech.- Comp.Sc., Ph.D., M.Tech - CSE M. Phil., Ph. D. (Banasthali University)
M. Phil -Comp. Sc., Ph.D.
Areas of Interest: Linux Programming, Distributed Areas of Interest: Database Technology, Data Areas of Interest: Database Management Systems,
Databases, Data Warehousing and Mining, Artificial Mining, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Mining, Computer Networks,
Intelligence, Database Management Systems, C, C++, Discrete Maths, S/W Testing. Object Oriented Software Engineering and UML,
JAVA Programming. Software Project Management, Management
Information Systems.

Roy, Shuvro Bhasin, Vandana

Assistant Professor Associate Professor
M.Tech. -IT, MCA M.Tech. -IT, AMIE -Computer Science and
Engineering, Pursuing Ph.D.
Areas of Interest: C, C++, Data Structures, Operating Areas of Interest: Software Engineering, Object
Systems, Database Management Systems, Computer Oriented Software Engineering, Data Structures,
Networks, Software Engineering, Management Operating System, Linux, Computer Networks.
Information Systems.

Porwal, Rabins Sharma, Pallavi

Associate Professor (Sr.) Assistant Professor
M.Tech & Ph.D. M.Sc. - Computer Science and M.Tech.-Computer
Areas of Interest: Software Engineering, MIS, Areas of Interest: Networking, Software
Enterprise Systems, Software Project Engineering, Java.

13 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

Academic Administration
Prof. D. K. Srivastava

Prof. G.L. Sharma

Advisor : CI

Dr. Praveen Gupta Mr. S.P. Sharma

Area Conveners
Programme Coordinator-PGDM (General) IG (Retired)
Dr. Pankaj Varshney Dr. Alok Pandey
Programme Coordinator-PGDM (Finance) Area Convener-Finance Mr. Sachin Khera
Administrative Officer
Dr. Gautam Negi Dr. Vikas Mehra
Programme Coordinator-PGDM (Part-Time) Area Convener-General Management Dr. Nandi Nailwal
Dr. Anuj Verma Dr. Rashmi Sharma
Programme Coordinator- PGDM (Executive) Mr. S.P. Kaushik
Programme Co-ordinators

Area Convener-HR
Finance Officer
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dr. Rekha Gupta
Programme Coordinator-MCA Area Convener-Information Technology & Ms. Manisha Trikha
MCA P.S. to Director
Prof. S. K. Tyagi

MDP Coordinator Dr. S.P. Ketkar Mr. Rajesh Thakur
Area Convener-Marketing Technical Assistant-Computer Lab
Dr. Shivani Bali
Programme Coordinator- PGDM (R&BA) Dr. Shivani Bali Mr. Naresh Wadhwa
Area Convener-Operations Assistant Placement Officer
Dr. Rajkumari Mittal
Programme Coordinator- PGDM (L&SCM) Dr. Anil Kanungo Ms. Pooja Ahuja
Area Convener-Economics Academic Assistant

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 14

They Shared Their Experience
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Shri Vasudev Tribhuvan Mr. Sandeep Vasvani Prof. Jayanth Narayanan
Spiritual Leader Sr. Director - Biocon Ltd. Youth Empowerment & Assistant Professor,
Skills (Yesplus)Program, National University of
Shri T.K Srirang Mr. R.S. Kalsi The Art of Living Singapore Business School
Senior General Manager & Executive Director,
Head HR,ICICI Bank Maruti Suzuki India Dr. Kakoli Mitra Mr. Bimal Arora
Bio Physicist, Ph. D, CEO, Centre of Responsible
Mr. Vijay Deshpande Mr. S. K Sareen M. Phil., Yale University Business
VP- HR Former Air Chief Founder, Sramani Institute
JK Tyre & Industries Ltd Marshal- Gurgaon H.E. Hamza Yahia Cherif.
Ms. Manisha Pande Algerian Ambassador
Mr. Kapil Sharma Ms. Payal Vasudeva Global Leader Transfer Pricing
Global Head –Sales & Client Director – HR, SGS GE Oil & Gas
Collabera, Bangalore Mr. K. J Jawa Mr. Aseem Soni
Managing Director, CEO & Board Member
Admiral R.K. Dhowan (Retd.) Daikin (I) Pvt Ltd. , Gurgaon Modern Food Enterprise Pvt.
Former Chief - Naval Staff Ltd.
Chairman Mr. Kamal Hingorani
Senior VP, Spice jet Ltd. Mr Sumit Madan
Prof. Robert D. Hisrich New Delhi Bank Head,
Associate Dean International Au Small Finance Bank
Marketing, Kent State University Ms. Deepti Mittal
USA VP-HR, First Source Mr. Kadambari Joshi
Senior VP-HR,
Mr. Rajesh Tripathi General (Retd.) V.P. Malik Marsh & Mclennan
Former Chief of the Army Staff Mr. Rohit Sinha
Hon’ble Justice B.N Krishna Head HR,
Former Judge, Supreme Court Mr. Prahbhat Mishra Larsen & Tubro Ltd.
Of India, Chairman –FSLRC Account Director,
Ericsson Randstad Dr. A.K Balyan
Ms. Ruchira Jaitley Reliance Group
Shri Bijay Sahoo, President - HR
Director, Strategy & Dr. Rahul Altekar Oil & Gas Business Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai
Nutrition Challenges, DSM Director Strategic Service,
JDA Software Solutions

15 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

Lal Bahadur Shastri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award
For Excellence in Public Administration,
Memorial Lecture Academics and Management
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Memorial Trust in collaboration
with National Museum organized 24th Lal Bahadur Shastri
Memorial Lecture on January 12, 2019 at National Museum,
Delhi. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Noble Peace
Laureate Shri Kailash Satyarthi Ji who delivered the lecture on
“Safe Childhood, Safe India”. He is a founder of “Bachpan
Bachao Andolan”, The Kailash Satyarthi Children’s
Foundation, global march against child labour and goodweave
International. In his lecture, He touched upon many issued
ranging from safety of child’s right and against child labour. He Mr. Fali Sam Nariman receiving the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award 2018
also lauded Lal Bahadur Shastri ji's work and way of life.
The 19 Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence in Public
Administration, Academics and Management was organized on
October 2018 at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. The hon’ble Vice
President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu presented the award to
noted Senior Advocate Shri Fali Sam Nariman. He is one of India’s
most distinguished constitutional lawyers. He has been awarded the
Padma Vibhushan (in 2007) and Padma Bhushan (in 1991)
respectively the second and third highest honours granted to
civilians by th president of India. Both awards were for Nariman’s
contributions to jurisprudence and public affairs. He is also recipient
of the gruber prize for justice in 2002. Speaking on the occasion, the
Vice President of India said the occasion revived memories of former
Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. "He was an exceptional
Justice J.S. Khehar at the memorial lecture
leader who believed in simple living and gave the slogan 'Jai Jawan Jai
Kisan'," he said. The event was attended by eminent politicians and
dignitaries from all sectors.
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 16
Lal Bahadur Shastri Fellows

Prof. C. K. Prahalad - 2000 Shri Sam Pitroda - 2001 Shri N. R. Narayana Murthy - 2002 Dr. R. A. Mashelkar - 2003

Smt. Ela Ramesh Bhatt - 2004 Dr. C. P. Srivastava - 2005 Dr. Naresh Trehan - 2006 Dr. M.S. Swaminathan - 2007

Dr. E. Sreedharan - 2008 Shri Sunil Bharti Mittal - 2009 Smt. Aruna Roy - 2010 Prof. Yash Pal - 2011

Smt. Tessy Thomas - 2012 Dr. Rajendra Achyut Badwe - 2013 Dr. A. S. Pillai - 2014 Dr. Prannoy Roy - 2015

Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi - 2016 Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak - 2017

17 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

International Immersion Program
Recognizing the imperatives of globalization, PGDM Executive program has a well-designed, constantly-reviewed curriculum that equips
leader managers with the skills and competencies to succeed in the global marketplace. Skewed towards decision-making and honing of
skills for success in the global arena, the PGDM Executive experience includes participants with international exposure and the
international immersion segment. International Immersion Program is globally-networked, geographically-boundless and universally-
grounded. In this segment the students are immersed in two intensive weeks of academics in an international location.

Students from PGDM Executive program visited

Temasek, Polytechnic, Singapore for the 2-week
International Immersion Program. Addressing the
imperatives of globalization, the program helped
students gain deep and holistic insights about
Singapore Economies, Brand and Culture. Classroom
lectures by esteemed professors and visits helped
students to understand how the transformation of the
Singapore economy, business Culture over the past five
decades producing rapid economic growth and
delivering extraordinary improvements. Executive
Students learned Business strategies, innovative ideas
and how to implant the changes for betterment in
PGDM Executive Students & Professors
Country. Singapore has emerged among top places to
at Temasek
Justice Polytechnic,
J.S. Khehar Singapore
at the memorial lecture live and when you experience such great economy then
the knowledge you acquire is irreplaceable.

During the visit, students not only learned about the best practices and innovative problem-solving approaches but also presented
insights on Cross Culture & Singapore Brand, which was greatly appreciated. The immersion program was very enriching learning
experience, adding value to the global and cross-cultural quotient of our future business leaders.

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 18

Convocation 2018
Convocation 2018 was held on April 23, 2018. His holiness
Dalai Lama, was the Chief Guest for the occasion. He spoke
on the seven qualities that are required to be successful
which included purpose, character, faith and contribution
to society and nation. He advised the students to follow
their values and principles throughout their lives even
when the times are tough in the
corporate world. Shri Anil Shastri, Chairman, BOG, LBSIM,
Delhi in his address motivated the students to put their
education and management degree to the best use for
society and continue on the path of success with hard work
and determination.

A view of Convocation 2018

Following Students were awarded Gold Medals :-

Gold medals were also awarded by the chief guest to the following meritorious
students. Mr. Prashant Rana for standing Ist in PGDM (General) 2016-2018, Mr.
Abhishek Chadha for standing Ist in PGDM (Finance) 2016-2018, Ms. Ashita Kuckreja
for standing Ist in PGDM (Part Time) 2015-2018, Mr. Dilpreet Singh for standing Ist in
PGDM (Executive) 2016-2017, Mr. Yagansh Saxena for standing Ist in PGDM (General,
Indore) 2015-2017. Ms. Muskaan Ralhan received Smt. Lalita Shastri Medal for Best
Overall Performance in PGDM 2016-2018, Mr. Muthuraman C was given Amit Chopra
Medal for Social Service & Extra Curricular Activities 2016-2018. Mr. Joshi Sanchit
Vishnu was given gold medal for Best Summer Training Project, PGDM (General) 2016-
2018, Mr. Rajat Sharma for Best Summer Training Project, PGDM (Finance) 2016-2018,
Ms. Nabuttom Saikai for Best End Term Project, PGDM (General) 2016-2018, Ms.
Shriyaa Chana for Best End Term Project, PGDM (Finance) 2016-2018, Mr. Rajasekaran
V. for Best End Term Project, PGDM (Part Time) 2015-2018, Ms. Neha Oberoi for Best
Mr. Abhishek Chadha receiving Gold Medal from Chief Guest
End Term Project, PGDM (Executive) 2016-2017.

19 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

Placements Batch 2017-19
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management lived upto its glorious pastand witnessed another wonderful year for placements and internships. With
240 students participating in the placement process, LBSIM witnessed 262 offers from 109 companies. A host of companies visited the LBSIM campus
this year from a variety of sectors such as FMCG, Consulting, IT and ITES, Engineering and Durables, BFSI, Market Research, Education, Electronics etc.


Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 20

Summer Placements Batch 2017-19
Summer Internships provides an opportunity for students to implement theories, concepts and skills learnt during three trimesters. It allows
students to go beyond the realms of the classroom and gain insight into the corporate world. Over 106 companies visited the campus and offered
opportunities in diverse areas such as Banking and Financial services, Engineering and Durables, FMCG and IT/ITES amongst others.

Asian Paints HDFC Bank

Arcesium Hatsun Agro
Air India Healersathome Maximum Stipend Offered- Rs. 80,500 per month
Average Stipend Offered- Rs. 18,500 per month
Abhipra Capital Hero Fincorp
Adani Wilmar Ltd. Hindustan Copper
Axis Bank Hyderabad Industries
Bajaj Finserv Hyundai Motors
Bajaj Electricals IOCL
Bank of Baroda IBM
BlackBerrys Idea Cellular
Bharti Airtel Iffco Tokio
Britannia India Bulls
Byju’s IndusInd Bank
Careers 360 IDBI Network18 Shriram fortune
CBFR IL&FS Novonous Sharekhan
Cushman & Wakefield ITC Infotech Nielsen Samsung India Electronics
Citibank Kochartech NCDEX ShopClues
Daikin India Kotak Mahindra NTPC SBI
Deloitte KPMG Ogilvy & Mather Stock Holding Corporation of India
Dexter Consultancy Knowcraft Analytics ONGC Tata Motors
Edelweiss Larsen & Toubro Panasonic India Tata Teleservices
Ernst Young Limeroad Parle TCS
Food Corporation of India Macawber Beekay Pepsico India Holdings Trident
First Source MDRA Power Finance Corporation Titan Industries
GAIL Mahindra & Mahindra Power Grid Corporation Videocon Industries
General Motors Marsh & Mclennan Punjab National Bank Vodafone India
Godrej Maruti RBI Zee Entertainment
Godfrey Phillips India Manthan Advisors SAIL Wipro
Grant Thornton Media India SBI Life

21 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

Batch Profile Class of 2019
Work Experience
Educational Background

Science <1 Year

9% 30%
14% 1-2 Years
>2 Years
Arts &

PGDM General – Major Specialization PGDM General – Minor Specialization

2% 20% 5%
3% Marketing Marketing
51% 44%

31% HR

PGDM Finance - Specialization 1 PGDM Finance - Specialization 2


15% 26%
Management Investment
14% Risk Management Management
Risk Management
Strategic Accounting
47% and Control
Treasury 15% Strategic Accounting
Management and Control
36% Treasury

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 22

Batch Profile OF PGDM EXECUTIVE 2019

23 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

15 Months Full-Time PGDM (EXECUTIVES)
Major Specialization : Marketing
Minor Specialization : Finance
Qualification : Bachelor in Engineering
Specialization : Electronics & Communication
Experience (Months) : 131
Company : Ericsson, Nokia
Industry Background : IT, Telecom, Engineering, Product & Service Delivery, Project Management.

KEY SKILLS : GNSC Engineer / GNSC SPOC (Nokia – February Marketing and Cross-Culture.
Team Management, Performance & Quality 2009 to August 2009)
Analysis, Operation Management, Process Served as point of contact for troubleshooting of ACHIEVEMENTS :
Management, Technical Competency, Network live platform, Network, and system related Successful Launch of Airtel 3G in Bihar &
Management , Project Management. problems under Fault Management. Jharkhand Circle.
Co-ordination with Circle Team for proper Silver Medalist (IC, Engineering, SCSVMV
METHODOLOGIES : execution of Activities assigned. –Deemed University).
Project Management in IT & Telecom Industry, Represented District - Cluster (“Two Times”) at
F u n c t i o n a l C o n s u l t i n g i n N S S & VA S , Graduate Engineer Trainee / On Job Trainee Regional Level in Science Exhibition.
Performance KPI's. (Nokia – September 2007 to February 2009)
Ensure Health check of Network Core Nodes, SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE:
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : New Connectivity's , Nodes Backup. Technocrat 11 years of rich and insightful
Core Lead / Location Lead (Ericsson – January experience in IT & Telecom Industry. Worked on
2017 to August 2018) Project Trainee / Software Testing (Covansys – different pro iles in Project Management,
Responsible for Location Management , January 2007 to June 2007) Service & Product Delivery, Team Management
Customer Relationship, Team Management, Testing & Automation of application (Project - ,Operations Management, Performance &
Technical Implementations, Performance, Insurance, Ohio, USA), Win runner (Load 6.3). Quality Analysis, Voice Communications, VAS,
Quality, Report Analysis & Maintenance. Process Management, Switch-Core Functions,
Sr. NSS Core Engineer (Nokia – August 2009 to SAP MM, Selenium, Training on GSM basic by Dr.
December 2016) Pandian (Pandian Technologies Noida), certi ied Mail : nitin_kumar@lbsim.ac.in,
Ensure Delivery of de ined Performance KPIs, training in O & M by TCIL in ALTTC Ghaziabad, nitinkumar0084@gmail.com
Trouble shooting for Network Congestion, Core training by Dr. Pandian (Dr. Pandian Phone : +91 7970606060, +91 7369012501
Operation & Maintenance of Core Network technologies). Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/nitin
Nodes. International Immersion Program, Singapore on -kumar-69110b25/

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 24

15 Months Full-Time PGDM (EXECUTIVES)
Major Specialization : Marketing
Minor Specialization : Finance
Qualification : Bachelor in Engineering
Specialization : Electronics & Communication
Experience (Months) : 87
Company : Tata Consultancy Services
About Me : I am very cooperative person who has patience and endurance to handle
circumstances tactfully. A keen learner and observer, focused on achieving new
goals in life.

TECHNICAL SKILLS activities. Executed mainframe development development and Analytics using Python
Technology – Mainframes, Big data for Banking domain using mainframe tools programming language. The training was
Programming Languages: JCL, COBOL, CICS, and utilities. Responsibilities included from Dexlab Analytics, a training institute
Python. analyzing the design document, handling based in Gurgaon.
RDBMS: MySql Server, Db2 maintainance and enhancements requests
Systems: Linux (Ubuntu), Windows and interaction between business users and E-mail : dewanirajesh5@gmail.com
the team. rajeshdewani@lbsim.ac.in
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Phone : +91 9560258417
Royal Bank of Scotland (July 2011 to June 2018) ACHIEVEMENTS
• Got onsite opportunity to work with the
• Project 1: MPLEX Core Environments client in London and Edinburgh.
(September 2017 to June 2018) – Inducted as
a tech lead in my Second project. Involved in • Received 'Certi icate of Appreciation' from
leading team of around 14 members. Client as well as TCS Management.
Responsible for providing support and
building test environments for the client. TRAINING AND CERTIFICATIONS
• Initial Learning Program training (March
• Project 2: Centralized Testing Environment 2011 to June 2011), TCS Trivandrum.
(July 2011 to August 2017) – Played different
roles – Technical lead/Module Lead / • International Immersion Program,
Developer. Involved in leading a big team (8 Singapore on Marketing and Cross-Culture.
Tech leads controlling 45 people). Pro ile was
based in development, testing and support • 4 months training program on Big data

25 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

15 Months Full-Time PGDM (EXECUTIVES)
Major Specialization : Marketing
Minor Specialization : Finance
Qualification : Bachelor of Technology
Specialization : Electronics & Communication
Experience (Months) : 55
Company : BIS Research, Noida
Industry Background : Digital Marketing and Social Media Content Management and Software Professional.

KEY SKILLS: Management System, Website Management, etc. Electronics Limited, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad,
Social Media Marketing, Business to their clients. Worked as a project assistant at Abhiyan
Communication Skills, Process Management, Foundation, Green Park, New Delhi, C and C++
Operation Management, Microsoft of ice (Excel, Marketing and Media Relations Associate (BIS Certi ication from NIIT.
Word and Power Point), Basic knowledge of Research – August 2015 to September 2017)
Google Adwords. Was the part of BIS Research's journey from a ACHIEVEMENTS:
Worked on technical languages like C++, Java, SQL. start-up to a large scale company. BIS provides Promoted at early stage at BIS Research for good
marketing intelligence for Emerging work and maintaining good rapport with the
METHODOLOGIES: Technologies. Designing Newsletter, Blogs and clients.
Content writing, Blogs and Articles writing, News Articles writing, Maintained outstanding Awarded with “Outstanding Achiever” in BIS.
Letter Designing, Design and Development of relationship with clients and resellers through Won 1ST prize in State level singing competition
Software Applications following SDLC. effective communications, reporting and held at UP sangeet natak academy Azamgarh.
problem-solving, Led/Mentor a team of 4
Marketing Associate (Techromium Solutions A promising professional with 4.7 years of
–November 2017 to May 2018) Associate Software Engineer (e-Link Software experience in Digital Marketing, Social Media
Worked remotely with this startup, managing Technologies Pvt. Ltd. July 2013 to July 2015) Marketing and Developing Software Application.
Marketing Functions like producing new content Started my career as a Software Back-End Java An effective communicator with excellent
and writing it in an interesting and engrossing developer. Worked on the database Oracle using interpersonal & relationship management skills.
manner. Designing the layout and Graphical SQL. Enhance and develop the product according A quick learner, who can absorb new ideas and
presentation of the web page of their client. to client requirement. Unit test the low after the can communicate clearly and effectively.
Maintaining excellent relationship with the change, according to the test cases. This company
clients and approaching new clients by preparing provides IT solutions to their clients. Mail : srivasatavaaambi@lbsim.ac.in
presentation and documents on the products of aambiSrivastava91@gmail.com
the company. This company provides software TRAINING AND CERTIFICATIONS: Phone : +91 8527166057
solutions on Blood Bank System, School Six weeks internship/Training at Bharat
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 26
15 Months Full-Time PGDM (EXECUTIVES)
Major Specialization : Marketing
Minor Specialization : Finance
Qualification : BSC/MCA
Specialization : Computer Application
Experience (Months) : 74
Company : Web On, Yash Comp.
Industry Background : IT, Digital Marketing Project Management.

KEY SKILLS : Search & Display and other ad networks, G o o d p re s e n t a t i o n s k i l l s a n d a s t ro n g

Digital Marketing, Google Analytics, Email Overseeing daily performance, budget pacing and commitment to delivery.
M a rke t i n g , Te a m M a n a g e m e n t , P ro j e c t trends to meet campaign goals and continuously
Management, Content Marketing, Client improve pro itability., Weekly reporting and Good Analytical and Relationship Management
Servicing, C, C++, HTML summarizing performance including Daily, skills.
weekly, monthly and quarterly KPI reporting.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : Strategy & Planning, Project Management, Client 6.4 years of rich and insightful experience in
Digital Marketing Manager (Webon – April Servicing, Quality Control, Managing paid Digital Marketing including all areas of Strategy
2015 to April 2018) Campaign on Google Adword and Facebook., & Planning, Project Management, Team
Act as the point of contact for clients for digital Ensure Delivery of de ined Performance KPIs . Management, Client Relationship Management.
Marketing., Build strong, long-term client
relationships and maintain frequent contact.,Set TRAINING AND CERTIFICATIONS : Mail : shilpa_2018@lbsim.ac.in
digital strategies for assigned customers, and Certi icate in Google Adword, Certi icate in shilpamalik119@gmail.com
considering their speci ic requirements, Suggest, Business Management –IIT Delhi, C++ from NIIT Phone : +91 9899270076
design and implement digital projects to increase Rohtak. International Immersion program in Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/
customer ROI, Strategy & Planning , Project Singapore.(Temasec Singapore Institute). shilpakalra/
Management, Client Servicing, Quality Control,
Managing paid Campaign on Google Adword and PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH & SKILLS
Facebook. Pro icient experience in web development
maintenance and digital marketing.
Key Account Executive-Digital Marketing
(Yash Comp. – Jan 2012 to March 2015) Fast Learner, Result Oriented, Excellent Team
Managing Paid Campaigns on Google Adwords - Player.

27 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

15 Months Full-Time PGDM (EXECUTIVES)
Major Specialization : Marketing
Minor Specialization : Finance
Qualification : B.B.A.
Specialization : Honors
Experience (Months) : 77
Company : ICFAI Group, RUB Group, Just My e-Services Pvt. Ltd.
Industry Background : IT Services, Event, Education


With overall 7 Yrs. of experience into Marketing & Marketing Executive (ICFAI University - Sep MICA, Ahmedabad – PG Certi icate in Marketing
Sales with IT, Event and Education Industry. Well 2015 to Jul 2018) and Brand Management.
skilled in executing result-oriented performance Sales & Marketing, Vendor Management, Lead Entrepreneurship Development Institute of
to achieve business and service delivery levels. Generation, Lead Management, Corporate India, Ahmedabad – Diploma in
Some of my strengths includes maintaining Promotions, Report Management, Client Servicing, Entrepreneurship.
strong client relationships, planning goal- BTL Promotions. Google – AdWords Fundamental, Google
oriented strategies, market research, strong AdWords Search Specialist, Google Digital Sales,
interpersonal skills and communications. Always Asst. Manager - Marketing & Operation (RUB Google Analytics.
a team player who likes to take initiative and Group - May 2013 to June 2015) SAS India – Pursuing SAS Base & SAS Advance
works hard to get the goal achieved within Team Management, Event Management, Account Program.
deadlines. Management, Vendor Management, Business
Development. ACHIEVEMENTS:
KEY SKILLS: Certi icate of Appreciation: On achieving 72
Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Product Executive (Just My e-Services Pvt. Ltd - Units in Q1 of 2016-17 at ICFAI University.
Business, Facebook Ads, Social Media Marketing, Oct 2010 to Dec 2011) Certi icate of Proud Centurion: On achieving
Digital Marketing, Event Management, Corporate Software Testing, Sales, Sales Support, Software 135 Units & Second Highest in North Region in Q2
Promotions, BTL Promotions, Marketing Implementation, Report Management. of 2016-17 at ICFAI University.
Communications, Client Servicing, Team Certi icate of Appreciation: On achieving 91
Handling, Marketing, Brand Management, Sales, Units Q1 of 2017-18 at ICFAI University.
Vendor Management, SAS, Strategic Management.
Email : utsav_kumar@lbsim.ac.in
Phone : +91 9899512929
Linked In : linkedin.com/in/utsavkumar29

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 28

15 Months Full-Time PGDM (EXECUTIVES)
Major Specialization : Marketing
Minor Specialization : Finance
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engg.)
Specialization : Computer Application
Experience (Months) : 60
Company : Reliance industries

Glad to introduce myself as Mr. SUCHESH DEY, a KEY SKILLS : ACHIEVEMENTS :

Mechanical Engineer, with 5 years of experience Performance & Quality Analysis, Operation • Won irst prize in science exhibition in school.
Management, Process Management, Technical • Won irst prize in inter school volleyball
in Petroleum Re inery as Execution Engineer. My Competency, Ability to take initiative, Con ident, competition.
career is my passion, and it holds my fullest Positive attitude, Flexibility, Microsoft of ice skill • Second price in inter school table tennis
devotion, dedication and commitment. I belong competition.
to the ield of Construction and Operation METHODOLOGIES :
Execution and Management of work in re inery SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE:
Management, which had been the dream I had, Industry, Work force Management, • A promising professional with 5 years of
the obsession in me and the long-term desire Report Construction. • Experience in Petroleum Re inery (Pipe
that had lingered in me for a long while. And Fabrication and Erection) Construction
inally, when I got into this, I could give nothing PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : Engineer.
Worked at Reliance industries (Petrochemical • Work force Management
from me but the best. To add more value to the complex) Jamnagar Gujarat • An effective communicator with excellent
same, I have decided with the best thought of Executive Engineer (Construction work- Pipe interpersonal & relationship management
doing my master's degree from a reputed Fabrication and Erection) skills.
institution which would give me not only a Worked on J3 Project (Petrochemical Complex) at • A quick learner, who can absorb new ideas and
Reliance Industries. can communicate clearly and effectively.
degree but also a new style of learning with Also did work on the Reliance Jio signal towers
international standards, innovative methods of Mail : suchesh_dey@lbsim.ac.in
self-development skills and the ability of TRAINING AND CERTIFICATIONS : : suchesh.dey@live.com
• CAD Basic certi ication in engineering drawing Phone : +91 8107497377, +91 9529395900
survival among the ittest. Hence, I joined Lal
• Summer internship at NUCLEAR POWER Linked In : h t t p s : / / w w w. l i n k e d i n . c o m /
Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi. CO R P O R AT I O N O F I N D I A LT D. ( N P C I L ) in/suchesh-dey-66969079/
• International immersion program Singapore
on (Marketing and Cross-Culture).
29 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi
Board of Governors
Mr. Anil Shastri - Chairman
Former Union Minister

Mr. J. P. Aggarwal - Vice Chairman Mr. Shekhar Bhargava - Member

Industrialist Senior Advocate
New Delhi Indore

Prof. T. N. Kapoor - Member Mr. Jimmy Anklesaria - Member

Former Vice Chancellor Management Consultant &
Panjab University, Chandigarh Former Director - Business Development
Bajaj Corp. Ltd., Mumbai

Prof. D. K. Bandyopadhyay - Member Prof. D. P. Goyal - Member

Former Vice Chancellor Professor - Information Management
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi Management Development Institute, Gurgaon

Dr. R. L. Raina - Member Prof. Madhu Vij - Member

Vice Chancellor Professor of Finance & Accounting
J. K. Lakshmipat University, Jaipur Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University

Mr. Adarsh Shastri - Member Prof. P. K. Jain - Member

Member Legislative Assembly, Delhi Professor of Finance & Modi Chair Professor
Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Delhi

Prof. D.K. Srivastava - Member - Secretary

Director - LBSIM, Delhi

Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 30

Academic Advisory Body
Mr. Anil Shastri Mr. Pradeep Bakshi Dr. R.P. Mohanty Mr. Lagan Shastri
Chairman, Academic Advisory Body Managing Director & CEO Former Vice Chancellor, SOA University Vice President – Commercial
LBSIM, Delhi Voltas Ltd., New Delhi Bhubaneshwar, Orissa Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt.
Ltd. Gurgaon

Shri R. K. Dubey Prof. T.N. Kapoor Dr. Prachi Kaul Mr. Sanjay Kedia
Former CMD Former Vice Chancellor Director Country Head & CEO
Canara Bank Punjab University, Chandigarh Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Marsh India Insurance Brokers Pvt.

Mr. Vijay Deshpande Mr. M.P. Mehrotra Mr. P.N. Vijay Dr. Dinesh Tyagi
Vice President – HR Vice Chairman Chairman CEO
JK Tyre & Industries Ltd, New Delhi VLS Finance Ltd., New Delhi PN Vijay Financial Services CSC e-Governance Services India
Ltd., New Delhi

Mr. Pawan Kumar Jain Dr. A.K. Balyan Dr. R. N. Singh Dr. K.C. Mishra
Chairman CEO Member (Technical), Cyber Appellate Former Vice Chancellor
Safexpress Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Reliance Group Tribunal, Dept. of Electronics & IT Sri Sri University Bhubaneswar
Oil & Gas Business, Mumbai Ministry of Communication & IT Odisha

Mr. Rajiv Dubey Mr. P. Dwarkanath Prof. Madhu Vij Mr. Pavan Choudary
Group President (HR & Corporate Director Professor Managing Director
Services) & CEO (After Market Sector) Group Human Capital FMS, Delhi University Vygon India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon
Member of the Group Executive Board, Max India Ltd., New Delhi
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Dr. Punam Sehgal
Management Consultant, Delhi
Mr. B. Sherdiwala Mr. Debashish Ghosh Mr. Lalit Thusu
HR President Head – Northern Region Finance Controller Prof. D.K. Srivastava
ACC Ltd., Mumbai Tata Consultancy Services, New Delhi Aswati Inns Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru Director, LBSIM

Mr. Sanjay Nath Singh Mr. K.J. Jawa Dr. Prince Augustin Dr. G.L. Sharma
Resident Executive Managing Director Executive Vice President of Human Advisor CI & Head Projects
Tata Steel Limited, New Delhi DAIKIN (I) PVT. LTD., Gurgaon Capital, Mahindra & Mahindra LBSIM, Delhi

Mr. Bijay Kumar Sahoo Dr. Sanjeev Srivastava Mr. Shailesh Pathak Prof. Alok Pandey
President – HR Vice Chairman Executive Director Member Secretary & Professor-
Reliance Industries Ltd. LBSIMT, Bareilly Bhartiya Group, Gurgaon Finance, LBSIM, Delhi

31 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

The Citadel of Management
& Technology Studies
LBSIM, Dwarka Campus, New Delhi



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