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FMS Mba Full Time 2021 23

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L eaders are individuals who relentless-
ly toil to inspire others to contribute
towards the common good of all. Leadership
is all about unwavering faith in one’s values
and a tacit contract of symbiosis with one’s
environment. With a heritage of more than
65 years, FMS has a distinguished tradition
of preparing business leaders, professionals
and entrepreneurs who can deliver in the fast
changing digital world of today. With inno-
vative pedagogical methods and techniques,
a world renowned faculty, and mentorship
by our global alumni, we inspire our par-
ticipants to be thought leaders and pave the
way for creating a better tomorrow not just
for themselves but for the society at large.
FMS has the unique privilege of being a
part of one of the premier universities of the
world - the University of Delhi. It draws re-
sources from some of the finest departments
of Economics, Law, Sociology, Psychology,
Anthropology, Commerce and Operations
Research of University of Delhi. Our col-
laborative approach involves inputs from
various departments that give the benefit
of a much wider spectrum and deeper un-
derstanding of the concepts as well as the
context. Our frequent industry interactions,
strong industry interface and mentorship
programmes consistently add to knowledge
of the relevant tools, and the ability to deci-
sively think through problems and opportu-
nities. Our excellent placement record, over
the years, only reiterates the fact that, at FMS,
the values of pursuit of excellence, striving
for perfection and relentless perseverance are
the cornerstones of its rich cultural legacy.

2 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

Professor A. Dasgupta
Founder Dean
Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) University of Delhi

FMS in Historical Context

S hortly after independence, a band of visionaries led by Professor V.K.R.V. Rao and
supported by then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, were fired up by the
ambition to create a centre for advanced learning and research in the social sciences
comparable to the best in the world and worthy of an independent sub- continent.

Thus, in 1948 the Delhi School of Economics (DSE) was conceived on the lines of the
London School of Economics. Subsequently, when Prof. Rao became the
Vice- Chancellor of the University, the process of setting up four new departments,
namely, Sociology, Geography, Business Management and Commerce, was initiated.

Prof. Dasgupta was inducted into the Delhi School of Economics (DSE) by its founder,
Prof. V.K.R.V Rao, to nurture the newly constituted Department of Business Manage-
ment and Industrial Administration. Not unlike his mentor, Prof. Dasgupta too was an
institution builder par-excellence. His dream and vision was to take the Department to
the status of a full-fledged Faculty, a leading University based institution of management
education with the stature of an internationally known School of Business.
Guided by the vision of its founders, FMS lays the highest importance on maintaining
excellence in teaching, research, mentorship and collaboration with industry and

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 3

aculty of Management Studies (FMS, Delhi)
is one of the oldest B-Schools in the country,
established in 1954 under the aegis of the Uni-
he institute over the years has gained
prominence for its learned faculty and
students who today occupy coveted positions
versity of Delhi. The institute was started as a in the corporate world, both in India and
part of the Delhi School of Economics and has abroad.
grown to be a full-fledged management institute. Keeping in mind the need of the society and
Being a part of University system, it has been industry, FMS increased intake to its MBA
contributing to the industry, businesses, govern- (Full- Time) Programme from 60 to 90 in
ment and social sector at par with leading busi- 1991. The Golden Jubilee Year of FMS in
ness schools. 2004, witnessed launch of another two year
Having started with an evening Masters Pro- full-time programme namely MBA (Man-
gramme in Management in 1954, it commenced agement of Services) with an intake of 40
its MBA (Full-Time) Programme in 1967. FMS students. In 2011, it merged its two full-time
went on to establish Shanti Prasad Jain Ad- programmes with a combined intake of 226
vanced Management Research Centre at Univer- students. All its programmes today, viz. MBA
sity of Delhi-South Campus to promote research (Full-Time), MBA Executive, MBA Executive
and training of managers from India and abroad (Health Care Administration), and Ph.D. in
in the year 1982. Management are well accepted by the indus-

4 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

The business world around us is evolving rap- Those who have walked in through the
idly, and change is perhaps, the only constant. hallowed portals of FMS will agree that this
The intensity and speed with which the forces institution teaches you to take risks and not
around us are shaping our environment are im- be afraid to fail. It also imparts the true value
mensely complex and challenging. Thus, it has of human relationships and how success is
become all the more important for us to be able driven by it. We are confident about achiev-
to think strategically and master core business ing our goals, but we value our failures just as
disciplines in order to become the true leaders of much as our achievements. FMS respects and
innovation and change. appreciates your passion and fuels it, so that
Over the past 66 years, FMS has helped shape wherever you go, you leave behind a mark -
diverse personalities and unique talents in order the mark of a winner.
to imbibe the spirit of achieving excellence. The combination of a flexible curriculum,
The intellectual rigour and exposure that FMS a wide array of learning opportunities and
students receive is immense. FMS has carried a conducive academic environment is the
forward its legacy of 65 years by unifying aca- hallmark of this institute. The transforma-
demics with leadership skills, providing practical tional journey starts from day one and a new
experience and training, and most importantly, entrant is introduced to the culture and values
helping one attain the heights one aspires to of FMS through an enriching classroom ex-
reach. perience and intense mentorship programme.
What sets the MBA programme at FMS apart The learner is empowered to collaborate as
from any other institution’s, is the ideal mix of well as take independent initiatives through-
opportunities, corporate exposure, and the kind out the year. As much as it is possible to sum
of conducive academic environment that allows up a community, this is FMS having balanced
the students to realize their dreams, with the individuals who approach work and play with
flexibility in the curriculum. This journey has equal intensity; confident achievers who are
truly been transformational for all who have brave enough to make mistakes and humble
been part of the FMS legacy. The intense men- enough to accept them; and dreamers who are
torship programme and spectrum of activities grounded enough to know that getting to the
carried out, instils within every individual the top is more fun when the journey is shared. It
values and culture that this B-School has stood is this drive and enthusiasm that differentiates
for over all these years. At FMS, one has the and distinguishes us from all others, giving us
liberty to initiate new activities and the collab- the winning edge - wherever we go, whatever
orative spirit of students makes it possible for we do.
numerous such efforts to bear fruits every year.
Academic Programmes
FMS conducts these Academic MBA (Full time) Programme
Programmes Doctoral Programme
MBA Executive Programme*
MBA Executive (Health Care Administration) Programme*
*A separate Information Bullletin is available for candidates applying for MBA Executive and MBA Executive (Healthcare administration) Programmes

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 5

Programme Structure: At FMS, the MBA course structure is close-
MBA—the two year full time pro- ly aligned with the contemporary business
gramme is designed with the objective of de- requirements. The focus is on producing
veloping young men and women into highly managers with sound fundamentals to hit the
adept professional managers, capable of work- ground running when they enter the corporate
ing in diverse sectors, continuously striving world. The programme empowers students to
for excellence in performance, while propagat- demonstrate the ability to innovate, the abili-
ing thought leadership and contributing to the ty to execute the most daunting challenges in
welfare of the society at large. The curriculum the most trying of circumstances, the ability
of the continuously evolving MBA - two year to create synergies amongst the most diverse
full time programme rests on two pillars: one, set of variables and the ability to continuous-
providing a strong analytical foundation in key ly learn, improvise, adapt, energize, excel
functional areas and the other, enabling a high and grow.
degree of academic flexibility, thereby allowing
students to customize their MBA experience.
The first year introduces students to the essen- Application Procedure:
tial models and tools, with a focus on rigorous Applicants can register themselves for
training in the diverse disciplines in manage- admission to the MBA Programme (2021–
ment and the development of a strong founda- 2023) through FMS website www.fms.edu
tion of business knowledge and management by filling up online registration form and by
theory. The year concludes with a rigorous paying the requisite registration fee within
Summer Internship programme which allows the specified time period.
students to explore practical application of the
management concepts. Short-listing of Candidates
In the second year, the students decide on their
professional development plans by reflecting on for Interview Process:
their first year’s learning and Summer Intern- To encourage diversity of Gender and
ship experiences. This experience is augmented Academic Disciplines, different weightages
by interactions with an eclectic mix of world-re- shall be assigned to the scores of different
nowned faculty and corporate luminaries who sections of the CAT 2020 for the purpose of
together teach core and elective courses. After short-listing candidates for the Interview Pro-
two years of 360 degree learning, the students cess as well as for final Selection. A Weighted
move on to realize their dreams in the corporate Score shall be computed giving weightages of
world. 40%, 30%, and 30% to the scores of VARC (
The programme nurtures and develops world Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension),
class business leaders with personalized care DILR (Data Interpretation and Logical Rea-
and attention, in small work groups and teams soning) and QA (Quantitative Ability) sections
and in a practical, application-oriented environ- respectively, as provided by the CAT Centre
ment. Every year aspirants avail the opportunity for the CAT 2020 for candidates who apply to
of realizing their dreams through this pro- FMS. An additional 5 marks shall be added to
gramme after proving their mettle in one of the the Weighted Score in case of women candi-
most rigorous selection processes. dates for the purpose of
6 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23
Eligibility Criteria for MBA
shortlisting for the interview process. The inter- Candidates applying for admission to
view process may be held in online mode. the MBA programme must have pursued at
least a Bachelor’s Degree programme after
Selection Criteria: twelve years of formal schooling with at
least 50% marks at graduation level for the
unreserved category (SC/ST: Passing Marks;
From the list of candidates shortlisted for OBC Non-Creamy/EWS/PWD/CW: 45% as
the Interview Process, admission to the MBA per University Rules) or equivalent CGPA.
Full Time programme shall be based on the Candidates appearing for the final year exam-
following criteria and weight system: ination of Bachelor’s Degree may also apply.
Applicants with CGPA scores must clearly
1. Weighted CAT 2020 Score - 50% indicate the equivalent percentage of marks
2. Marks obtained in Class X - 10% (60% and furnish a copy of the official CGPA to
and above but less than 75%: 5%, 75% and Percentage conversion table of the concerned
above: 10%) university/institution.
3. Marks obtained in Class XII - 10% (60%
and above but less than 75%: 5%, 75% and Note: Candidates appearing in the final year
above 10%) examination of Bachelor’s Degree are eli-
4. Discussion on Statement of Purpose - gible to apply for admission irrespective of
10% their percentage of scores obtained till the
5. Extempore – 5% time of application, provided that they expect
6. Personal Interview - 15% to fulfil the eligibility criteria when their re-
sults are declared and which must be submit-
An additional 5 marks shall be awarded to the ted to the FMS office at the time of admission
women candidates who appear for the interview. to the programme.
Applicants who have not taken CAT 2020 will
not be considered for admission.

The candidates will be required to

produce their original certificates
and mark sheets at the time of the
interview. The final list of candidates
selected will be declared after
completing the process for all

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 7

Fee Structure:
The fee for various programmes is payable at the beginning of the academic year. The fee for various pro-
grammes is payable at the beginning of the academic year. The semester fee is currently approximately Rs.48,000
for MBA programme, per each semester. Students from PWD category shall be exempted from payment of all fees
except Admission fee and Identity Card fee. Please note that the fees for the various programmes and reservation
categories can be revised at any time before the commencement of or during the duration of the programmes, as
per instructions from the University of Delhi.

Reservations/Relaxations are provided to the candidates as per the guidelines issued by the University of
Delhi, as amended from time to time. At present, the reservations in MBA Programme 2021–2023 are as under:
• Total seats - 251
Unreserved: General - 101
Reserved: SC - 37, ST - 19, OBC – 69, EWS - 25
• Supernumerary seats: PWD - 12, CW - 12, FS - 12
Each applicant has to choose to apply in one of the following 21 Categories:
1. Open or Unreserved (Gen).
2. Scheduled Caste (SC).
3. Scheduled Tribe (ST).
4. Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)
5. Other Backward Class (OBC) - Non-Creamy layer only.
6. Physical Disability (PWD 1).
7. Intellectual disability, condition characterized by significant limitation both in intellectual functioning (rea-
soning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behaviour which covers a range of every day, social and
practical skills (PWD 2).
8. Mental Behaviour (PWD 3).
9. Disability caused due to chronic neurological conditions and blood disorder (PWD 4).
10. Multiple disabilities (more than one of the above specified disabilities) include deaf blindness which means a
condition in which a person may have combination of hearing and visual impairments causing severe com-
munication, developmental, and educational problems (PWD 5).
11. Any other disability notified by Central Government. (PWD 6)
12. Widows/Wards of Defence personnel killed in action. (CW 1)
13. Wards of disabled in action. (CW 2)
14. Widows/Wards of Defence Personnel who died while in service death attributable to military service. (CW 3)
15. Wards of disabled in service and boarded out with disability attributable to military service. (CW 4)
16. Wards of Ex-servicemen and serving personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards :- Param Vir Chakra;
Ashok Chakra; Maha Vir Chakra; Kirti Chakra; Vir Chakra; Shaurya Chakra; President’s Police Medal for
Gallantry; Sena, Nausena, Vayusena Medal; Mention – in – Dispatches; Police Medal for Gallantry. (CW 5)
17. Wards of Ex-Servicemen. (CW 6)
18. Wives of: (CW 7)
(i) Defence Personnel disabled in action and boarded out from service.
(ii) Defence Personnel disabled in service and boarded out with Disability.
(iii) Ex-Servicemen and Serving Personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards.
19.Wards of Serving Personnel. (CW 8)
20.Wives of serving personnel. (CW 9)
21.Foreign Nationals. (FS)

8 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

1. Applicants seeking admission under SC/ST/OBC/EWS category will have to produce for
verification certificates in their own names.

2. Reservation policy for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS): As per the University of Delhi
notifications, Reference No. Aca. I / Reservation of EWSs / 2019 / 63 Dated 28th March
2019 and Reference No. Aca. I / Reservation of EWSs / 2019 / 101 Dated 15th May 2019, for
the reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) Category, FMS has reserved seats for ad-
mission for the same. The eligibility of such applicants will be decided on the basis of fulfilling criteria
prescribed in the above notifications, and subject to submission of documents, issued by the competent
authority, in the format provided in Annexure IV - EWS Certificate from competent authority certify-
ing the applicant can claim reservation under this category. (The names of applicants claiming reserva-
tion under this category must match with the names that appear on their corresponding School Board
qualifying certificates; similarly their parents’ names must match in both sets of certificates).

3. OBC category candidates shall be given a relaxation in the minimum eligibility in the qualifying
examination to the extent of 10% of the minimum eligibility marks prescribed for the General Category
candidates. For example, if the minimum eligibility for admission to a course is 50% for the General
Category candidates, the minimum eligibility for the OBCs would be 45%, i.e. (50% less 10% of 50%).
All those OBC candidates who meet the minimum eligibility marks in the qualifying examination and
the minimum eligibility marks (if any) in the entrance test shall be eligible for admission in the order of
their merit, keeping in view the availability of seats reserved for them. The OBC candidates who belong
to the Non-Creamy Layer and whose castes appear in the Central List of the OBCs only shall be eligible
to be considered for admission under the OBC Category. Creamy Layer OBC candidates should apply
under General Category.

4. Not less than five percent (5%) seats are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWD)
candidates. Applicants must furnish a valid disability certificate issued by the competent authority,
bearing a photograph of the applicant. As per the guidelines approved by the Academic Council, ad-
missions of candidates belonging to the following specified categories of disabilities are eligible to get
benefit of the said reservation:

PWD 1 Physical Disability.

PWD 2 Intellectual disability, condition characterized by significant limta
tion both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem
solving) and in adaptive behavior which covers a range of every day,
social and practical skills.
PWD 3 Mental behavior.
PWD 4 Disability caused due to chronic neurological conditions and Blood
disor der.
PWD 5 Multiple disabilities (more than one of the above specified disabili
ties) include deaf blindness which means a condition in which a
person may have combination of hearing and visual impairments
causing severe communication, developmental, and educational
PWD 6 Any other disability notified by Central Government.

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 9

5. Five percent (5%) seats are reserved for Children/Widows of the eligible Armed Forces
Personnel (CW Category). A relaxation in minimum eligibility to the extent of 5% shall be giv-
en in the qualifying examination for CW category applicants.
As per the guidelines approved by the Academic Council of the University, admissions of can-
didates belonging to CW categories have to be made in the following order of priorities:

CW 1 Widows/Wards of Defence personnel killed in action.

CW 2 Wards of Defence Personnel disabled in action and boarded
out from service with disability attributable to military service
CW 3 Widows/Wards of Defence Personnel who died while in ser
vice with death attributable to military service.
CW 4 Wards of Defence Personnel disabled in service and boarded
out with disability attributable to military service.
CW 5 Wards of Ex-servicemen and serving personnel, including
personnel of police forces, who are in receipt of Gallantry
Awards :-
Param Vir Chakra;
Ashok Chakra;
Maha Vir Chakra;
Kirti Chakra;
Vir Chakra;
Shaurya Chakra;
President’s Police Medal for Gallantry;
Sena, Nausena,
Vayusena Medal;
Mention – in – Dispatches; Police Medal for Gallantry

CW 6 Wards of Ex-Servicemen.
CW 7 Wives of:
a. Defence Personnel disabled in action and boarded out from
b. Defence Personnel disabled in service and boarded out with
Disability attributable to military service
c. Ex-Servicemen and Serving Personnel who are in receipt of
Gallantry Awards.
CW 8 Wards of Serving Personnel.
CW 9 Wives of Serving Personnel.
Authorities competent to issue Educational Concession Certificates under CW category
• Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board, Delhi
• Secretary, Rajya Zila Sainik Board
• Officer-in-Charge, Records Office
• 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate
• Ministry of Home Affairs (for Police Personnel in receipt of
Gallantry Awards)
Benefit under CW Category may be extended to the wards of the personnel of Para-Military
Forces up to priority CW 5 only.
10 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23
6. The minimum eligibility requirement for the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates
will be that they must have passed the qualifying degree examination, provided that the min-
imum eligibility for admission to post-graduate courses be the minimum pass marks of the
qualifying examination of the University of Delhi. In the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe candidates who had passed the last qualifying examination from other Universities, they
should have secured at least the same percentage of pass marks at the qualifying examination as
prescribed for the equivalent examination of the University of Delhi for purposes of admission
to the Post-graduate course of the University of Delhi.

7. There is no quota for NRI/PIO/NCT of Delhi candidates.

8. The merit list for the general category seats will comprise of all the candidates in the or-
der of merit. No one will be excluded from the same. In other words, it will also include SC/
ST/ OBC/EWS/PWD/CW candidates if they come in the general merit. A candidate will not
be excluded from the general category merit list just because she/he belongs to SC/ST/OBC/
EWS /PWD /CW category. Such a candidate will be entitled to be considered under the general
category as well as the reserved category. Admission to general category seats will be strictly in
order of merit without excluding SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD/CW candidates.

9. The candidates will be eligible for admission only after the result of the qualifying exami-
nation has been declared and the candidates submit the result meeting the minimum eligibility
criteria before the last date notified by the University.

10. Change of category is not allowed after the initial registration by candidate in given catego-
ry. For example, if a candidate has registered while registering online as a general candidate and
later wants to change to any other category such as OBC, EWS, SC, ST, PWD, CW or vice-ver-
sa, such a change would not be permissible.

11. Admissions to various programmes at FMS shall be subject to the rules of Delhi University
as revised from time to time.

Foreign Nationals
All Foreign Nationals seeking admission to MBA programme should apply through the office
of the Deputy Dean (Foreign Students), Conference Centre, opposite Botany Department, Uni-
versity of Delhi, Delhi–110 007, India, by the specified closing date.
Such Foreign Nationals needs to secure GMAT score of 650. FMS may restrict admissions to
two candidates from each continent.

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 11

Attestations Online Payment
FMS accepts self-attested copies of docu-
ments/papers provided by the students. It
through Internet
is made clear that if any false attestation/
falsified records are detected, the student Payment Gateway
will be debarred from attending any course
in the University for the next five years and
1. You will be directed to the Internet
in addition, a criminal case under relevant
Payment Gateway of the Bank as men-
section of IPC (Viz.470, 471, 474 IPC etc.)
tioned in FMS website.
will be instituted against him/her.
Confirm payment through credit card/
debit card or other payment channels.

Mode of Application
2. After successful online payment,
you will be directed back to the FMS
Website. A confirmation of registration
will follow.
•All candidates are required to register using
the online registration system available on
•There will be no other mode of registration

Candidates need to check the www.fms.edu
website for all notifications, cut-offs, merit
lists, waiting lists etc. All communications
On-line Registration
with the candidates will be done through
the registered email address of the candi- 1. Visit the FMS website http://www.fms.
date. It is the responsibility of the candidates edu
to register using a valid email address. FMS 2. You will be directed to the On-line
does not take any responsibility of a wrong registration page. Fill in the required infor-
or non-functional email address of the can- mation correctly.
didate. Other than emails no other mode of 3. Verify the data entered. After the regis-
communication will be used. tration information is confirmed, no data
can be modified.
For any information or queries related to ad- 4. You will be able to pay the registration
missions, the applicants may contact us at: fee as per the procedure given below. Go to
Email : admissions@fms.edu the payment gateway only after you have
Telephone : 011-2766 6382 - 6388 confirmed your registration information.
(Working days between 10:00 and 17:00 Hrs)
Website : www.fms.edu

12 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

Technology Resources: Library:

FMS has technology resources and fa- FMS North Campus has air-conditioned
library housing over 40,000 Books and Journals
cilities in both its North and South Campus-
(including 60 foreign Journals). Learners also
es. Both the campuses of FMS are fully Wi-Fi have access to the Delhi University Library Sys-
enabled where students can access Live Da- tem which has a collection of over 600,000 books
tabases, Online Journals and the World Wide (through Online Public Access Catalogue) and
Web. FMS has a dedicated computer centre over 8,000 Journals (including Online Journals).
for students where they can access online In addition, learners also have access to 27 online
journals, keep themselves updated with day databases including ABI/INFORM, EBSCO Pub-
to day developments and also assist them- lishing, and UGC-InfoNet e-Shodh Sindhu.
selves in studies. The centre is equipped with The learners at the South Campus can also avail the
a variety of software systems. Business Simu- library facilities of S.P. Jain Advanced Management
lation and games on Investment Analysis and Research Centre along with the University of Delhi
- South Campus Library, both of which together
Portfolio Management are available to the
have more than 1,50,000 books and bound volumes
students. The learners can also make use of a
of periodicals. Access to various online journal is
host of Corporate Databases such as CMIE’s also available at the South Campus. A dedicated In-
PROWESS. FMS is also equipped with state ternet Access Centre is also available in the nearby
of the art Video Conferencing facility. UDSC Library.

Hostel Accomodation
Non-Delhi students of full-time programmes of FMS can apply for accommodation in the fol-
lowing University of Delhi hostels:

Men Women
•V.K.R.V. Rao Hostel, North Campus •University Hostel for Women, North Cam-
•D.S. Kothari Hostel, North Campus pus
•Gwyer Hall, North Campus •International Hostel for Women, North
•International Students’ House, North Campus
Campus •North East Council Hostel for Women,
•Mansarovar Hostel, North Campus North Campus
•Post-Graduate Men’s Hostel, North Cam- •Meghdoot Hostel, North Campus
•Jubilee Hall, North Campus

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 13

Faculty Information
The distinguished Faculty of FMS is one of its biggest strengths. Faculty members are ac-
tively engaged in teaching, research, collaboration with industry and government, consulting and
management development programmes.


Prof. Vivek Suneja
MA, MPhil, PhD
Strategic Management,
Public Policy


Dr. M.L. Singla

Management of Information
Technology, Computer Applica-
tion in Management, Business
Process Re-engineering

Dr. Sunita Singh Sengupta

Organizational Behaviour,
Spirituality and Management,
Indian Ethos in Management

14 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

Dr. Simrit Kaur
(On Leave)
Managerial Economics,
Economic Environment of

Dr. Sunil Sharma

MTech, MBA, PhD
Production & Operations,
Total Quality and Supply Chain
Integrated Management Systems

Dr. A. Venkatraman
Human Resource Management,
Health Systems Management

Dr. Kavita Singh

MA, MPhil, PhD
Organizational Behaviour,
Organization Effectiveness &
Business Ethics & CSR

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 15

Dr. Tanuja Agarwala
MA, MPhil, PhD
Human Resources Management,
Organizational Behaviour

Dr. Harsh V. Verma

MPhil, PhD
Marketing Management,
Marketing of Services,
Consumer Behaviour,
Brand Management

Dr. Pankaj Sinha

MSc, PhD
Financial Engineering,
Econometrics, Investment &
Risk Management

Dr. Debadyuti Das

Production and Operations
Supply Chain Management

16 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

Dr. Monica Singhania
MCom, PhD, FCA
Management Accounting,
Corporate Taxation

Dr. Amit Kumar Bardhan

MSc, PhD
Management Science,
Business & Healthcare Analytics


Dr. Anupama Vohra

Marketing Management

Dr. Garima Gupta

MPhil, PhD
Marketing Management,
Advertising Management, Sales
Retailing Management

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 17


Mr. Narain
MCom, MPhil
Financial Management &

Dr. Anjala Kalsie

MPhil, PhD
Financial Accounting,
Corporate Finance,
Valuation & Corporate

Dr. Mahima Thakur

Organizational Behaviour,
Change Management,
Industrial Relations,
Business Communication

Dr. Soma Dey

MPhil, PhD Managerial
Economics, Macroeconomics

18 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

The social service cell at FMS - Vihaan
believes in increasing awareness among the
students to various social causes and issues and
bringing about meaningful change in the society
through affirmative action. FMS students have
the right attitude and aptitude to use their skills
for the betterment of society by giving sustain-
able solutions while solving business cases for
NGOs during induction events ‘Abhiyaan’ and
‘Samadhaan’, or helping children in ‘Teach India’
and ‘Big Friend Little Friend’ program. Vihaan is
also associated with NGOs like Bhumi, Datri,
ENACTUS, Goonj, Jagruti, Prayaas, Rhythm
of Life, Rotary, Teach for India, Teach India,
Udayan Care and many more in fields ranging
from women empowerment, education and
blood donation to environmental awareness and
health improvement.
Some of the activities undertaken by Vihaan include:
• Gram Darshan in association with Reckitt Benckiser (RB) - Rural Out-bound learning
aimed at sensitizing the incoming batch to the realities of rural India
• Silent Auction - ` 1.3 Lakh donated by FMS students and faculty
• Cloth Collection drive with Goonj (approx. 400 Kg clothes donated till date)
• Paper collection drive with Jagruti (approx. 450 Kg paper donated till date)
• Blood donation Giving Week - Gifts worth ` 22,000+ shared with students at Prayaas
• FMS cleanliness drive in association with SBI
• Visits to various NGOs (Pratik, Prayaas, Rhythm of Life, Support My School)
• Samadhaan - Business Case Study Competition by RedDrop365
• Parikram and Responsible Entrepreneur - business plan contests focused at creating sus-
solutions to social problems
• Talk and awareness sessions by Datri (stem cell registry), Teach for India and Udayan

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 19

Student Activities at FMS
Management Science Association
The student body, the Management Science Association (MSA), manages many of the stu-
dent initiatives at FMS. With support and guidance of faculty members, MSA is instrumental in
channelizing student energy to achieve personal, professional, social and cultural goals.

Alumni Relations Society

The alumni network of FMS is spread across the world, with members occupying positions
of prestige in some of the largest corporations in the world. Alumni Relations Cell keeps alumni
connected with FMS and the current students, with its endeavour to strengthen alumni relations
by conducting Alumni Meets, Mentorship Programs and several other avenues for connecting to
the alumni. FMS Alumni Chapter Meets provides an opportunity for the alumni to get togeth-
er and rekindle memories of the time when they were students at their alma mater. It also gives
a platform to the current students to associate with their alumni. Chapter Meets are conducted
both internationally (Dubai, Singapore, Canada, UK) and within India (Delhi, Mumbai, Banga-
lore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad). With a large network of alumni in almost all spheres of the
industry, the Alumni Chapter Meets are highly awaited events. Through the GAMA or Global
Alumni Mentorship Allocation Program, 100+ mentors were allocated to the students sitting for
lateral and final placements in their respective domains, thereby witnessing the highest ever par-
ticipation. Under the Alumni Connect Program, first year students were allocated mentors from
the recent alumni. Buddy Network Program was conceptualized to connect the students with the
FMS Alumnus in their respective summer internship organizations. Job openings from across
the industry are shared by the alumni. CXO Mock Interview Series was conducted for lateral and
final placements candidates to help students with their preparations. Amongst other initiatives
is “Coffee with Your Alumni” under which informal interaction sessions between alumni and
students were conducted. The team also introduced “Alumni Hall of Fame” to increase the aware-
ness about the prominent alumni among the batches. AlumSoc also supports publication of the
Alumni Newsletter “Footprints”. The team also manages the social media handles on LinkedIn
and Facebook, and acts as an interface between the various societies in FMS and the alumni.

20 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

The Consulting Club

The Consulting Club (ConClub) at FMS aims to help students prepare for careers in
consulting and general management through various initiatives. It is also the focal point for the
business strategy domain at FMS.

Some of the activities undertaken by ConClub include:

• Corporate Tie-ups: Corporate Live Projects, National Competitions, Case Study Sessions,
Workshops, Guest Lectures.
• Content Generation: FMS Casebook, Sector Watch, Consulting Gyaan Sessions.
• Content Preparation: Mock Interviews, Mock Chairman’s GD, CaseTalk Sessions and
• Interest Generation: ConClub Connect, Consilium: Consulting Magazine, Intra College

The Cultural Society

The Cultural Society assures that amidst the hectic B-school schedule, students do not
miss out being exposed to the right platforms to showcase their flair across several cultural
domains. To provide a more engaging cultural platform, there are five interest based clubs under
the aegis of the Society.
• Aarohan - The Music Club
• Abhinaya - The Dramatics & Film Club
• Agamya - The Literary Club
• Nethra - The Photography Club
• Nritya - The Dance Club
In addition to the above, there is also an interest based group—The Design Team, for the aficio-
nados of fine arts and design.

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 21

The Finance Society

The Finance Society (FinSoc) at FMS facilitates interaction between corporate luminaries
and students to promote career opportunities in Finance. The society aims to supplement
classroom learning with industry oriented Workshops, Live Projects and other events.
Some of the activities undertaken by FinSoc are:
• Workshops: Brands like ICICI, Dun & Bradstreet and FLIP conducted workshops to
expose students to industry best practices in the fields of Valuation, Corporate Banking, Stock
Markets and Financial Modeling. In addition to these Finance workshops, an EXCEL workshop
was conducted to train the students with EXCEL skill sets required in the industry.
• National Case Study & Inter College Competitions: The FinSoc organized various com-
petitions including national level case study, quiz & trading during FMS Annual Management
Fest -’FIESTA’.
• Senior Analyst: The quarterly newsletter of FMS covers articles on all major economic
developments and their implications.
• Investment Club: An Investment Club is being initiated to enable our students to get ex-
posed to financial markets via trading and portfolio management.

FMS Scholastic Council

FMS Scholastic Council (FSC) was founded with the purpose of enhancing the learning
culture at FMS. One of the major focus areas for FSC lies in establishing international linkages,
aimed to catapult FMS onto a global scale by establishing exchange programs, global alliances and
conferences. The Council believes in supplementing the classroom learning by conducting work-
shops, organizing guest lectures and facilitating the arrangement of key study materials that allow
students to develop a holistic perspective of the management concepts.
Some of the activities undertaken by FSC include:
• Linkages with around 15 International B-Schools for Summer School Programs
• Foreign Language Courses (French & Spanish)
• Bulk deals for newspapers, magazines and books for students
• Maintenance and updation of academic resources, information reports, software etc.
• Academic Research Projects
• Paradigm - Annual Magazine
• Publication of current affairs capsules and sector reports
• Chanakya - National level competition on policy making
22 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23
The Systems Society

Systems Society (SysSoc), the IT, Analytics, E-commerce & Operations Society of FMS is
committed to provide the students opportunities to understand the concepts in the systems do-
mains during their MBA program and the indispensable knowledge to effectively interface with
the corporate world, providing them a window to best practices in various industry verticals
across IT, E-Commerce and Operations. Some of the activities undertaken by SysSoc are:
• Upkram Alum Session Series
• Simulation Games
• Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
• Product Management Workshop
• Industry Live Projects
• Operations and IT monthly newsletter-“NewsBytes”
• Pan India Operations & Technology Case Study Competition - Opsilium & TechArena
• Pan India IT/ Data Analytics Competition: DataMaze
• Ultimate CIO, COO & Product Manager of the year

Entrepreneurship Cell

Entrepreneurship Cell (E Cell) at FMS promotes the entrepreneurial spirit among stu-
dents by actively creating awareness and opportunities to develop a startup ecosystem. FMS stu-
dents are encouraged to opt for Placement Holiday - an initiative which supports and facilitates
students to start their own ventures and if they wish to, exercise the option to sit for placements
within 2 years. This provides them time to test their own mettle and skills in the world of entre-
preneurship with the benefit of a secure future. Some activities undertaken by E Cell include:
• International Entrepreneurship Challenge
• E-Summit
• Start-up Fair
• Entrospective Article Writing Competition in association with YourStory
• Tie-ups with NEN, TIE, Ace, Hatch and NSEF
• Support from Redwood Associates, Indian Angel Network, Mumbai Angels for Incuba-
• Rural trips and Industrial visits to start-ups and young companies
• Live Business Projects at start-ups like Invoxel etc.
• B-Plan making competition in association with startups pitching to investors
• Founder’s Talk - A series of guest lectures where founders interact with students
• Workshops to educate students on the basics of Entrepreneurship
• Merchants of Delhi, Apprentice, Bizcan
• Panel Discussion with multiple founders and experts
• Entrepreneurship awareness events in collaboration with other institutes
• AMA - online ‘Ask Me Anything’ with inspiring entrepreneurs
• TEDxFMS, independently organized TED event
• FMS Basecamp to facilitate startups of FMS alums & students and connect them with
Angel Investors & VCs
• Samadhaan: Live Case Study Event as part of Fiesta, the annual business festival of FMS.
FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 23

For any B-school to excel, it is imperative for it to develop excellent rapport with the cor-
porate world and peer campuses across the country. It is the constant endeavour of Team Fiesta to
strengthen these relations and showcase FMS to the external world as a powerful brand. Team Fi-
esta is entrusted with the management of our annual management fest, ‘Fiesta’, which has steadily
risen to become the largest management fest in North India since its inception in 2005. Attracting
participation from top B-schools across the country, ‘Fiesta’ has become a platform where the top
minds of the country exchange ideas through challenging business games, paper presentations,
case studies, workshops, B-Plan competitions etc.
Team Fiesta is also responsible for organizing Annual Conclave and Annual Convention of FMS
where luminaries from the fields of academics, corporate world, bureaucracy and politics are
invited to engage in fruitful and enlightening thematic discussions for the benefit of the student
community. Eminent dignitaries such as Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia
have in the past graced the occasions with their presence.

Some of the activities undertaken by Team Fiesta include:

• National Business Games: Domain specific events across Marketing, Operations, HR, Fi-
nance, Entrepreneurship etc.
• ICON: The flagship leadership event, which continues for over 40 gruelling hours to iden-
tify the sole winner across all business schools.

24 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

The HR & OB Society

The process of self-discovery lies at the heart of what the HR and OB Society does and its
rigorous preparation activities are what bring out the best among the students. Its objective is to
enrich and hone one’s personality through self-discovery and better expression of thoughts and
ideas to encourage a culture of open communication.
In addition to facilitating the summers, laterals and final placement processes by conducting
mock Group Discussions and Personal Interviews, the Society also presents a window into the
exciting world of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. Through its many initiatives, it
promotes a conducive environment for engagement of students with industry experts and acad-
emicians to cultivate interest which broaden their perspectives and keep them abreast with the
latest developments in the field.
Some of the key initiatives taken by The HR & OB Society include:
• Communication Gym – Interactive exercises conducted to improve communication skills
of students and encourage them to step out of their comfort zone.
• Know Thyself Workshop – A stimulating, one-of-a-kind workshop aimed at improving
self-awareness, making students cognizant of their strengths and weaknesses, and helping them
understand themselves and others based on their personalities and temperaments.
• HRegatta – The annual HR magazine published by the society, with articles from industry
experts, faculty, academicians and MBA students on contemporary themes.
• Enthrall – A national level HR-based case study competition which allows the participants
to deep-dive into the talent function of an organizations and come up with innovative solutions
to complex issues in the field of OB and HR.
• Anthropos – The flagship event provides a platform for inquisitive minds from across the
best B-schools of India to brainstorm over HR issues plaguing the industry and tests their critical
thinking and negotiation skills.
• HR Conclave - A confluence of today’s strategic minds aimed at enlightening the brightest
management minds about contemporary issues in HR. Some of the eminent speakers invited in
the past include Joyce Wicherts, HR Director, Philips and Aparna Sharma, HR Director, Deutsche
Bank, among others.

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 25

The Sports Society
Sports Society at FMS provides the hardworking students with a plethora of opportunities
to exercise their brawn cells. The scope of activities includes managing contingents to organiz-
ing intra and inter- college sports fests. Its goal is the holistic personality development, which
not only involves mental aptitude but also physical endurance. It has also proven to be one the
best facilitators of interactions between faculty members and students over chess, carom or the
perennial favourite table tennis.
Some of the new initiatives undertaken by the Society this year are:
• Launching of Elysium (Sports-Cultural Fest of FMS)
• Intra-college sports fest
• Friendly matches with B-Schools in and around Delhi/NCR

The Marketing Society

The Marketing Society (MarkSoc) takes care of all things ‘Marketing’. It works towards
empowering budding marketers through a unique combination of fun activities, knowledge ses-
sions, workshops, corporate interactions, competitions and live projects. Some of the activities
undertaken by MarkSoc are:
• MarkSoc Champions Trophy
• Emblazon: Marketing Seminar
• Marketing Triathlon: National Case Study Competition
• MarkArc: National Article Writing Competition
• Marketing Colosseum: Intra FMS clash
• Merchants of Delhi: Make money out of nothing
• Brand Yatra: Inspires innate understanding of brands
• Interview Preparation
• Industry Live Projects

26 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

Leadership Talks at FMS
Leadership Talks Series is unique to FMS Campus. Eminent personalities from the Corporate
World, Social and Government Sector, and Media are regularly invited to share their experiences
and insights with the current students. Some of the eminent personalities who have visited FMS
Campus include:

Arunabh Das Sharma - President, BCCL

Koichi Ikegami - Senior MD, Nomura
Nitish Kapoor - SVP, South Asia, RB
Rohit Jindal - Director Marketing-India, RB
Raj Kamal Sharma - Head of Exports, Nestle
Sanjeev Munjal - VP, Strategy and M&A, Airworks
Ashish Mehta - Associate Director, ANZ
Sushil Borde - VP, Innovation, Reliance
Sanjeev Bhargava - Managing Partner and Head, James Walter
Chandan Joshi - Partner, EY
Sudershan Sengupta - Management Consultant (Strategy &
Operations), Deloitte
Sanjeev Mohanty - MD, Benetton
Saket Modi - Co-founder and CEO, Lucideus
Rahul Gangal - Partner, Roland Berger
Pankaj Mathur - VP-Sales, Orange Business Services
Karan Singh Bains - Country Director, Pinkerton
Shyama V. Ramani - Founder, Friend in Need India
Vineet Pruthi - VP, Argus Capital and Financial Services
Sanjay Gupta - Marketing Head, Wellness and Youth, Marico
Vikram Subrahmanyam - MD, Citicorp Services India
Sonali Kaushik - BU VP, Schneider Electric
Santhosh Dharanikota - Group Head, Finance Governance, Lend
lease Australia
Girish Karira - SVP, GIC
Ramya Venkatraman - Founder & CEO, CENTA
Meera Chopra - VP and Global Head, Advertising, VuClip
Deepak Gera - Project Finance, Innogy SE
Anand Singh - Director Business Intelligence, Philip Morris
Nitin Kochhar - VP Categories, ShopClues
Mandeep Singh - MD, Brandtone
Kavinder Singh - MD and CEO, Mahindra Holidays
and Resorts
Mahesh Singhal - Director, Investment Banking, MintSmiths

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 27

Workshops at FMS
One of the regular learning features of FMS is focused workshops conducted by invited ex-
pert teams from various corporates having leadership positions in their respective domains. Some
of the workshops conducted this year include:
• Pillars of Equity Investments by ICICI
• Valuation by Dun & Bradstreet
• Marketing for Startups by CMO factory
• Digital Marketing by Afaqs
• Branding by General Mills
• Six Sigma Green belt by KPMG
• Marketing seminar series by Mad over Marketing
• Case solving session by Case Solvers Hungary
• CV building workshop by Deloitte.

Doctoral Research Programme

Faculty of Management Studies provides an excellent ambience for scholarly research. The
main objective of the Doctoral Research Programme at FMS is to encourage original work in
different aspects of management and to develop scholars who go on to make noticeable contri-
butions to the areas of teaching and research. The doctoral programme creates an energetic and
stimulating work environment and opens up opportunities for candidates from multi-disciplinary
backgrounds and diverse nationalities to pursue their dreams in their respective fields of research.
This programme enables the researchers to achieve competitive profile and to become part of
the next generation of faculty at the top business schools in the world. The doctoral students of
FMS are encouraged to share their research at various academic platforms including national and
international universities.

28 || FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23

Prominent Alumni of FMS
Finance Consulting & General
•Ajay Mahajan, Group Executive President,
IDFC Bank Management
•Manish Kohli, Managing Director, Global •Abhijeet Shetty, Principal, BCG
Head of Commercial Cards, Citi Bank •Amit Ganeriwalla, Partner and Director, BCG
•Porush Singh, Sr. VP Products , Asia/Pacific, •Anjani Kumar, Senior Director, Monitor
Middle East & Africa, Mastercard Worldwide Deloitte
•Ranu Vohra, Managing Director and CEO, •B.V. Sriraman, Managing Director, Accenture
Avendus Capital Management Consulting
•Sandeep Narayan, Assistant Vice President, •Chandan Joshi, Partner, Global Emerging
Citi Commercial Bank, Citibank India Markets Leader, Consumer Products & Retail,
•Sanjay Rishi, President, American Express EY
•Sanjay Vaid, Executive Director, Goldman •Harit Nagpal, MD, Tata Sky Ltd.
Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) •Manish Mathur, Partner, AT Kearney
•Shalini Sultania, Vice President - Credit Risk, •Manuj Ohri, Principal, BCG
Morgan Stanley •R. Mukundan, MD, Tata Chemicals Ltd.
•Somer Massey, Chief Executive Officer, Kotak •Vikas Saggi, Chief Strategy Officer (Global
Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. head of M&A/Strategy), WNS Global Services
•Suresh Sethi, Business Head/ CEO M-Pesa,
Vodafone India Ltd.

Operations, IT &
Sales & Marketing
•Akhil Chandra, Global Category Director, RB
•Anupam Vasudev, Chief Marketing Officer,
•Adarsh K Menon, Vice President, Electronics
Aircel & Auto, Flipkart
•Geetu Verma, Regional Cluster VP South Asia •Amandeep Lohan, Category Leader, Amazon
- Foods, Unilever •Amit Mohan, Co-founder, Healthpedia
•Himanshu Khanna, Director Sales & Market- •Arpanarghya Saha, Senior Director - Digital
ing, Indian Sub-Continent, Beam Suntory - Online Marketplace, Snapdeal
•Meghna Apparao, Global Marketing Director, •Ashutosh Tripathi, Principal Group Program
HUL Manager, Microsoft
•Mohit Khattar, Head - Retail Strategy & •Atul Kunwar, President & Chief Technology
Branding, Godrej Industries Limited Officer, Tech Mahindra
•Nitish Kapoor, SVP Regional Director, South •Gurmit Singh, Vice President & Managing
Asia, RB Director, Yahoo
•Rakshit Hargave, Managing Director, Nivea •Raghu Kochar, Executive Vice President
India Corporate Communications, Fortis Healthcare
•Rohit A. Jindal, Director-Marketing, RB Group
•Rohit Bhasin, Global Brand Vice President - •Rajpal Duggal, Head Group Strategy & Cor-
Unilever, HUL porate Planning, Oxigen
•Sridhar Krishnan, Former Senior Managing
Director & Region Head, Olam

FMS Information Bulletin MBA Full Time Programme 2021-23 || 29

FORMAT – CW Category
(On The Proper Letter Head)
(With complete address, telephone number/s and e-mail ID)
Office of the ................................................................................................

This is to certify that Mr. /Miss ..................................... is son/daughter of ..............................

(No. ..........) Resident of ......................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................. .

The above named Officer/JCO/OR :.........................................................................................

1. Widows/Wards of Defence personnel killed in action on………………..during

2. Wards of disabled in action on during and boarded out from service.
3. Widows/Wards of Defence Personnel who died while in service on with death attributable to
Military services.
4. Wards of Disabled in service and boarded out with disability attributable to military service.
5. (A) Wards of Ex-servicemen and serving personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards;
(i) Param Vir Chakra
(ii) Ashok Chakra
(iii) Sarvottam Yudhseva Medal
(iv) Mahavir Chakra
(v) Kirti Chakra
(vi) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal
(vii) Vir Chakra
(viii) Shaurya Chakra
(ix) Yudhseva Medal
(x) Sena, Nausena, Vayusena Medal
(xi) Mention – in – Dispatches
(B) Wards of the police personnel who are in receipt of President’s Police Medal for Gallantry,
Police Medal for Gallantry.
6. Wards of Ex-Servicemen
7. Wives of :
1. Defence Personnel disabled in action and boarded out from service.
2. Defence Personnel disabled in service and boarded out with Disability.
3. Ex-Servicemen and Serving Personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards.
8. Wards of Serving Personnel.
9. Wives of Serving Personnel.

Master/Miss son/daughter of ……………………………………

Officer/JCO/OR is eligible for educational concession for admission in University of Delhi
against the
Armed Forced category under Priority No. ……………….
No. : ………………………
Date: .....................................
Rubber stamp with Name & Designation

Annexure IV: Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections
Proforma for Income and Asset Certificate:

Government of…………………..
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)



Certificate No._____________


This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari________________________son/daughter/wife

of_______________________ permanent resident of______________________ Village/
Street____________________ Post Office________________ District____________ in the State/
Union Territory____________ Pin Code___________ whose photograph is attested below belongs
to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual income* of his /her family** is below to
Rs. 8 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year________ . His/her family does not own
or possess any of the following assets***:

i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari ______________________ belongs to the _________ caste which is not

recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central List).

Recent Passport
size attested
photograph of the
Signature with seal of Office_____________

*Note 1. Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
** Note 2. The term “Family” for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation,
his/her parents and sibling below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the
age of 18 years.
***Note 3. The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/cities have
been clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.

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