4 Draughtsman (Civil) 2017
4 Draughtsman (Civil) 2017
4 Draughtsman (Civil) 2017
(Duration: Two Years)
(Engineering Trade)
(Revised in 2017)
Version: 1.0
Developed By
The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates, Trade
Experts, Domain Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum. Special
acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had contributed
immensely in this curriculum.
List of Expert Members contributed/ participated for finalizing the course curriculum of
Draughtsman Civil trade on 13th January 2017 at CSTARI, Kolkata
5. Mr. Satish Gottipati M/s Precca Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Nominated by
Plot No 6, D. No. 2-9/5/6 Federation of
Venkat Sai Gateway, Green Land Indian Micro
Colony, Hyderabad-500032 and Small &
6. Dr. Anjan Dutta Indian Institute of Technology Nominated by
Professor Dept. of Civil Engg. Guwahati Indian Institute
Guwahati 781039, Assam, India of Technology,
7. Dr. Mahendra Singh Indian Institute of Technology Nominated by
Professor Roorkee Indian Institute
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India - of Technology,
247667 Roorkee
8. Pr. S.C. Dutta Indian Institute of Technology Nominated by
Professor Bhubaneswar Indian Institute
Bhubaneswar-751 013 of Technology,
Draughtsman Civil
During the two-years duration, a candidate is trained on subjects viz. Professional Skill,
Professional Knowledge, Workshop Science & Calculation and Employability Skills. In addition to
this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and Extra Curricular Activities to build up
confidence. The practical skills are imparted in simple to complex manner & simultaneously
theory subject is taught in the same fashion to apply cognitive knowledge while executing task.
The practical part starts with simple geometrical drawing and finally ends with preparing
sanction plan of Residential / Public building, drawing of roads, bridges, railway tracks, dams
and Estimation and costing of civil works at the end of the course.
The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:
1st Semester - The practical part starts with basic drawing (consisting geometrical figure,
symbols & representations). Later the drawing skills imparted are drawing of different scales,
projections, drawing of shoring, scaffolding, stone and brick masonry, foundation, damp
proofing, arches / lintel etc. and observation of all safety aspects is mandatory. The safety
aspects covers components like OSH&E, PPE, Fire extinguisher, First Aid and in addition 5S
being taught.
2nd Semester - Different site survey (using Chain & tape, Prismatic compass, Plane table,
Levelling instrument, Theodolite), field book entry, plotting, mapping, calculation of area,
Drawing of carpentry joints and Electrical wiring, drawing of floors, slabs, vertical movements
(viz.stair, lift well, ramp and escalator ), drawing of different types of roof truss are being taught
in the practical.
3rd Semester - Single storied building plan in traditional drawing. Knowledge and application of
Computer Aided Drafting. Workspace creating drawing using toolbars, commands, and menus.
Plotting drawing from CAD. 2D drafting of Doors, Windows, hand railing, wash basin, and
plumbing joints. Preparing library folders by creating blocks of regularly used items.
Preparation of a sanction plan of double storied RCC flat roof residential building using CAD.
Preparation of a drawing of public building by framed structure using CAD. Preparation of Bar
bending schedule. Drawing of different steel structure joints using CAD. Detail drawing of
sanitary fittings and sewerage arrangements using CAD.
4th Semester - Detail and sectional drawing of Roads, Bridges, culverts, railway tracks and
embankment, Dams, Barrages, Weir and cross drainage works using CAD, schematic diagram of
hydro electric project using CAD, Estimating and Cost analysis of different types of buildings and
structures, preparation of map using Total Station and location of station point using GPS are
being performed as part of practical training.
Draughtsman Civil
The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of the economy/ labour market. The vocational training programs are delivered under
the aegis of National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS)
and Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programs of NCVT for propagating
vocational training.
Draughtsman Civil trade under CTS is one of the most popular courses delivered
nationwide through network of ITIs. The course is of two-years (04 semester) duration. It
mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. In the Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical)
impart professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Workshop Calculation & science,
Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills) impart requisite core skill, knowledge and life
skills. After passing out the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate
(NTC) by NCVT which is recognized worldwide.
Draughtsman Civil
Notional Training
S No. Course Element
1. Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 2410
2. Professional Knowledge(trade theory) 504
3. Workshop Calculation & Science 168
4. Employability Skills 110
5. Library/ Extra-curricular activities 168
6. Inplant trg./ Project work 320
7. Revision & Examination 480
TOTAL 4160
a) The Internal Assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative Assessment
Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training
institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline. The
marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by NCVT at the end of each semester as per the
guideline of Government of India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by Govt.
of India from time to time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for
setting question papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also
check the individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for
practical examination.
The minimum pass percentage for practical is 60% & minimum pass percentage of
theory subjects is 40%. For the purposes of determining the overall result, 25% weightage is
applied to the result of each semester examination.
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate, High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
with minimal or no support in organization machine tools and workshop equipment.
and execution and with due regard for safety Above 80% tolerance dimension
procedures and practices, has produced work achieved while undertaking different
which demonstrates attainment of a high work with those demanded by the
standard of craftsmanship. component/job.
A high level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
Minimal or no support in completing the
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsperson, Civil; prepares drawings of buildings, stores, high ways, dams, culverts, etc.
from sketches, notes or data for purposes of construction or alternations. Takes instructions
form Civil Engineer studies sketches and calculates dimensions from notes or data. Draws to
given scale different elevations, plan, sectional views etc. of desired construction using drawing
instruments. Draws detailed drawings of specific portions as required. Indicates types of
materials to be used, artistic and structural features, etc. in drawing as necessary. May do
tracing and blue printing. May reduce or enlarge drawings. May prepare or check estimate
schedules for cost of materials and labour. May prepare tender schedules and draft
agreements. May work as Draughtsman Architectural.
Draught person, Structural; prepares drawings of bridges, steel structures, roof tresses etc.
From sketches, designs or data for purposes of construction, alteration or repairs. Studies
sketches, data, notes etc. and receives instructions from Structural or Mechanical Engineers
regarding details and types of drawings to be made. Calculates dimensions as necessary from
available notes, data etc. and by application of standard formulae. Draws to scale detail,
assembly and arrangement drawings showing sectional plan and other views as directed and
prints (writes) necessary instructions regarding materials to be used, limits, assembly etc. to
clearly indicate all aspects of structure to be manufactured. May prepare estimate and
operation schedules for labour and material costs. May prepare tender schedule and draft
agreements. May prepare tables showing requirements of bars, their numbers, sizes and
shapes. May trace and make blue prints.
Reference NCO-2015:
Draughtsman Civil
Desirable: -
Preference will be given to a candidate with CIC (Craft
Instructor Certificate) in Draughtsman Civil trade.
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD & A course under NCVT.
3. Employability Skill MBA OR BBA with two years experience OR Graduate in
Sociology/ Social Welfare/ Economics with Two years
experience OR Graduate/ Diploma with Two years
Draughtsman Civil
Total Hours Trade Work shop Employability
Trade Theory curricular
/week Practical Cal. & Sc. Skills
Draughtsman Civil
Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes
that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.
Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five domains,
known as level descriptors. These five domains are:
a. Process
b. professional knowledge
c. professional skill
d. core skill
e. Responsibility
The Broad Learning outcome of Draughtsman Civil trade under CTS mostly matches
with the Level descriptor at Level- 5.
LEVEL Process Required Professional Skill Core Skill Responsibility
Level 5 Job that requires Knowledge A range of cognitive Desired Responsibility
well developed skill, of facts, and mathematical for own
with clear choice of principles, practical skill, work and
procedures in processes and skills required to understanding learning and
familiar context general accomplish tasks of social political some
concepts, in a and solve problems and some skill of responsibility
field of work or by selecting and collecting and for other’s work
study applying basic organizing and learning
methods, tools, information,
materials and communication
Draughtsman Civil
1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
2. Work in a team, understand and practice soft skills, technical English to communicate
with required clarity.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic arithmetic, algebraic,
trigonometric, statistics, co-ordinate system and apply knowledge of specific area to
perform practical operations.
4. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
5. Understand and explain the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare
legislation and apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
6. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day
work by optimally using available resources.
7. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day
to day work for personal & societal growth.
8. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses
internet services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry.
9. Understand and apply management of workers, communications and team
management skills.
10. Draw free hand sketches of hand tools used in civil work.
11. Draw plane figures applying drawing instruments with proper layout and the method of
folding drawing sheets.
12. Construct plain scale, comparative scale, diagonal scale and vernier scale.
13. Draw orthographic projections of different objects with proper lines, lettering and
14. Draw Isometric / Oblique / Perspective views of different solid / hollow / cut sections
with proper lines, lettering and dimensioning.
Draughtsman Civil
15. Draw component parts of a single storied residential building with suitable symbols and
16. Draw different types of stone and brick masonry.
17. Draw different types of shallow and deep foundation.
18. Draw different types of shoring, scaffolding, underpinning, framework and timbering.
19. Draw different types of Damp proofing in different position.
20. Drawing of different types of arches and lintels with chajja.
21. Perform site survey with chain / tape and prepare site plan.
22. Perfom site survey with prismatic compass and prepare site plan.
23. Perform site survey with plane table and prepare a map.
24. Make topography map by contours with leveling instrument.
25. Perform site survey with Theodolite and prepare site plan.
26. Drawing of different types of carpentry joints.
27. Draw different types of doors and windows according to manner of construction,
Arrangement of component, and working operation.
28. Prepare the detailed drawing of electrical wiring system.
29. Draw types of ground and upper floors.
30. Draw different types of vertical movement according to shape, location, materials in
stair, lift, ramp and escalator.
31. Draw different types of roofs, truss according to shape, construction, purpose and
32. Draw single storied building site plan layout.
33. Create objects on CAD workspace using Toolbars, Commands, Menus, formatting layer
and style.
34. Draw a sanction plan of double storied flat roof residential building by using CAD.
35. Create objects on 3D modeling concept in CAD.
36. Prepare a drawing of public building detailing with roof and coloumns by frame
structures using CAD.
37. Prepare detailed drawing of RCC structures using CAD and prepare bar bending
38. Draw the details of a framed structure and portal frame of a residential building using
Draughtsman Civil
39. Draw the different types of steel sections, rivets and bolts using CAD.
40. Draw the details of girders, roof trusses and steel stanchions using CAD.
41. Prepare the detailed drawing showing the different types of sanitary fittings,
arrangements of manholes, details of septic tank using CAD.
42. Draw the details flow diagram of water treatment plant (WTP) and Swerage Treatment
plant (STP).
43. Draw the cross sectional view of different types of roads showing component parts
using CAD.
44. Draw the details of different types of culverts using CAD.
45. Prepare detailed drawing a bridge using CAD.
46. Draw the typical cross section of rail sections, railway tracks in cutting and
embankment using CAD.
47. Prepare detailed drawing of typical cross sections of Dam, barrages, weir and Cross
drainage works using CAD.
48. Draw the schematic diagram of different structures of Hydro electric project using CAD.
49. Prepare detailed estimate and cost analysis of different types of building and other
structures using application software.
50. Prepare rate analysis of different items of work.
51. Problems on preparing preliminary/Approximate estimates for building project.
52. Prepare a map using Total station.
53. Locate the station point using GPS and obtain a set of co-ordinates.
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
3. Demonstrate knowledge 3.1 Semester examination to test basic skills on arithmetic, algebra,
of concept and principles trigonometry and statistics.
of basic arithmetic,
3.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
algebraic, trigonometric,
assessable outcome and also tested during theory and practical
statistics, co-ordinate
system and apply
knowledge of specific
area to perform practical
4. Read and apply 4.1 Semester examination to test basic skills on engineering
engineering drawing for drawing.
different application in 4.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
the field of work. assessable outcome and also tested during theory and practical
5. Understand and explain 5.1 Semester examination to test the concept in productivity,
the concept in quality tools and labour welfare legislation.
productivity, quality tools, 5.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
and labour welfare assessable outcome.
legislation and apply such
in day to day work to
improve productivity &
8. Understand and apply 8.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on basic computer
basic computer working, working, basic operating system and uses internet services.
basic operating system 8.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
and uses internet services assessable outcome.
to get accustomed & take
benefit of IT
developments in the
Draughtsman Civil
10. Draw in Freehand 10.1 Ensure data and information received are sufficient for
Sketching of hand tools preparation of drawing.
used in civil work. 10.2 (a) sketch horizontal lines from left to right, vertical lines
downward, inclined lines in different angles by freehand,
(b) draw freehand sketches of tools (viz. hoe, head pan, trowel,
wooden float, plumb bob, sand screener)
10.3 Check the drawings to confirm their compliance with the
supplied design / object.
11. Draw Plain figures applying 11.1 (a) prepare Layout of drawing sheet,
drawing instruments with (b) prepare a Title block,
proper layout and the (c) set and fix drawing paper on the drawing board,
method of folding drawing (d) mark and fold on the designated drawing Sheet.
sheets. 11.2 (a) draw parallel lines using T-square and set-square
(b) draw angles of 15° increments by combination of set-
squares and check by protractor.
11.3 (a) construct different types of geometrical figures from given
(b) construct ellipse with the given conditions.and parabolic
curves using the various conditions given.
11.4 Add specifications as per the drawing requirements provided
and use relevant and appropriate symbols as per drawing
requirement to provide details in the drawings
11.5 Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
12. Construct plain scale, 12.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements. Ensure data
comparative scale, and information received are sufficient for preparation of
diagonal scale and vernier drawing.
scale. 12.2 Draw different types of scales.
12.3 Find out R.F of the scale, calculate the length of scale on
12.4 Construction of plain scales, comparative scales, diagonal
scales and vernier scales, mark the distance on the scale.
12.5 Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.
13. Draw Orthographic 13.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements. Ensure data
projection of different and information received are sufficient for preparation of
objects with proper lines, drawing.
lettering and dimensioning. 13.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Draughtsman Civil
14. Draw Isometric, oblique 14.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements. Ensure data
and perspective views of and information received are sufficient for preparation of
different solid, hollow and drawing.
cut sections with proper 14.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
lines and dimensions as per Various components/ parts of drawings.
standard convension. 14.3 Construct an Isometric scale to a given length. draw the
isometric projection of regular solids.
14.4 Draw the isometric views for the given solids with hollow and
cut sections.
14.5 Draw the given objects/component in perspective view by
Vanishing point method (i) Single point perspective (ii)Two
point perspective/Angular perspective Visual ray
method/multi-view method
14.6 Check the drawings to confirm their compliance with the
supplied design / object.
15. Drawing of component 15.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
parts of a single storied sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
residential building with and information received are sufficient for preparation of
suitable symbol and scales. drawing.
15.2 Construct parts of a building and list the sequence of
15.3 Draw and indicate the levels of different parts of building.
15.4 Draw dressing and varieties of finishes, artificial stones, natural
bed of stone.
15.5 Draw RCC used in different component parts of a building.
15.6 Draw timber joints used in doors, windows and arches.
15.7 Draw steel framing for pre-cast concrete,
15.8 Use codes and other references that follow the required
15.9 (a) draw the appropriate signs and symbols for showing
different types of openings used in drawing.
Draughtsman Civil
16. Drawing of different types 16.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as roug
of stone and brick sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
masonry. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
16.2 Sketch the different types of stone masonry and bonding.
16.3 Draw and mention the types of bonds used in brick masonry.
16.4 Draw different types of special bricks.
16.5 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements.
16.6 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the supplied
17. Drawing of different types 17.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of shallow and deep sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
foundation. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
17.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
17.3 Draw different types of shallow and deep foundation.
17.4 (a) draw footing for column,
(b) draw footings for wall,
(c) draw stepped foundation and inverted arch foundation,
17.5 (a) draw grillage foundation
(b) draw raft foundation
17.6 (a) draw various types of pile foundation,
(c) draw pier foundation
(d) draw well foundation (caisson),
17.7 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements.
17.8 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the supplied
18. Drawing of different types 18.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of shoring, scaffolding, sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
underpinning, form work and information received are sufficient for preparation of
and timbering. drawing.
18.2 carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
Draughtsman Civil
19. Drawing of different types 19.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of damp proofing in sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
different position. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
19.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
19.3 (a) draw details of damp proofing in basement.,
19.4 (b) draw details of damp proofing in external wall,
19.5 (c) draw details of damp proofing in internal walls
19.6 (a) draw details of damp proofing by cavity wall.
(b) draw details of damp proofing in flat roof and parapet
19.7 (a) draw details of damp proofing of flat roof by tar felting,
(b) draw details of damp proofing by mud phuska terracing
with tile,
(c) draw details of damp proofing in pitched roof.
19.8 draw sectional view of thermal insulation used in cold storage
floor, walls and roof.
19.9 add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements
19.10 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
20. Drawing of different types 20.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of arches and lintels with sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
chajja. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
20.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Draughtsman Civil
22. Perform the site survey 22.1 Interpret the drawing requirements
using prismatic compass. 22.2 Observe the bearings of lines and conduct the traverse survey
using compass and other accessories.
22.3 enter Field book and ploting
22.4 Calculate area and check the traverse.
22.5 prepare the site map.
22.6 add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements
22.7 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
23. Perform site survey with 23.1 Interpret the drawing requirements.
plane table and prepare a 23.2 Perform plane table survey by the following methods:
map. Radiation Intersection Traversing Resection (Orientation)
23.3 Prepare the traverse by any type of method,
23.4 Calculate area.
23.5 prepare the site map.
23.6 add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements
23.7 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
Draughtsman Civil
required design.
25. Perform a site survey with 25.1 Interpret the drawing requirements.
Theodolite and prepare the 25.2 Conduct reconnaissance survey, prepare key plan.
site plan 25.3 Mark station points.
25.4 Prepare reference sketches.
25.5 Measure lengths and bearing.
25.6 Measure angles, repetition.
25.7 Compute co-ordinates, check angles, calculate bearings, find
consecutive co-ordinates, find independent co-ordinates.
25.8 Prepare the traverse.
25.9 Calculate area.
25.10 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements.
25.11 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
26. Drawing of different types 26.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of carpentry joints. sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
and information received are sufficient for preparation of
26.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
26.3 Draw different types of carpentry joints:
(a)draw the views of lengthening joints
(b) draw the views of widening joints
26.4 (a) draw the views of bearing joints
(b) angled or corner joints
(c) oblique shouldered joints
26.5 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements.
26.6 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
Draughtsman Civil
required design.
27. Draw different types of 27.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
doors and windows sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
according to manner of and information received are sufficient for preparation of
construction, Arrangement drawing.
of component, and 27.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
working operation. Various components/ parts of drawings.
27.3 Draw ledged and battened door, ledged, battened and braced
door And ledged, battened, broced and framed door.
27.4 Draw panelled door and panelled and glazed door.
27.5 (a) draw flush doors,
(b) draw collapsible door,
(c) draw Sliding door
27.6 Draw different types of fixtures and fastenings.
27.7 Draw the different types of windows:
(a) panelled windows
(b) metal windows
(c) corner window
(d) gable window
(e) ventilators, etc.
27.8 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements.
27.9 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
28. Prepare the detailed 28.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
drawing of electrical wiring sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
system. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
28.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
28.3 Draw the signs and symbols used in wiring plan.
28.4 Furnish all the details and complete the drawing
28.5 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements
28.6 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
29. Draw types of ground and 29.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
upper floors. sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
and information received are sufficient for preparation of
29.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Draughtsman Civil
30. Draw different types of 30.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
vertical movement sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
according to shape, and information received are sufficient for preparation of
location, materials in stair, drawing.
lift, ramp and escalator. 30.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
30.3 draw ramp
30.4 draw straight stair
30.5 draw quarter turn newel stair
30.6 (a) draw bifurcated stair
(b) draw quarterturn and geometrical stair
(c) draw halfturn and R.C.C dog legged stair
(d) draw the R.C.C open well stair
(e) draw three quater turn stairs
(f) draw spiral stairs
30.7 (a) prepare the data table of the different loading capacity of
a lift.
(b) draw the schematic diagram of lift well and other
mountings for a load of 10 persons.
(c) draw the typical arrangements of a lift.
30.8 Draw moving stairs (escalators)
30.9 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements
30.10 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
31. Draw different types of 31.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
roofs, truss according to sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
shape, construction, and information received are sufficient for preparation of
purpose and span. drawing.
31.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
33. create objects on CAD 33.1 Ensure that computer system is correctly operating. Check
workspace using tool bars, that all required peripheral devices are connected and
commands, menus and correctly operating.
formatining layers and 33.2 Start up the software and adjust the page size, measurement
styles. unit, scale and plot area before staring the work
33.3 Set drawing parameters like, colour, layer, line type, line
weight, text font etc. prepare title block for the drawing
covering specification required.
33.4 Draw 2D drafting by using CAD toolbars and from set of
tool icons in ribbon.
33.5 Draw drawing using sortcut keyboard command. Layers.
33.6 Creating templates, inserting drawings, Layers, Modify
33.7 Customize Dimension and Text styles.
33.8 Provide title and dimension on object drawing.
33.9 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements
33.10 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
33.11 Create layout space and viewports,
33.12 Plot the drawing with required scale.
34. Draw a sanction plan of 34.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
double storied flat roof sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
residential building by and information received are sufficient for preparation of
using CAD. drawing.
34.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
34.3 Use appropriate commands in the software to draw the
required drawings as per standard practices. Use keyboard
commands and pull down menus available in common cad
systems to prepare the drawings.
34.4 Prepare drawing of plan, elevation, section, site plan location
plan and area statement of double storied flat roof residential
building with suitable symbols and scales according to local
bye laws.
34.5 Prepare structural arrangement of the above plan.
34.6 Draw the plan sectional elevation and front elevation two
storied residential building showing partly tiled and partly RCC
flat roof.
34.7 Prepare the working drawing of the building.
34.8 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements.
34.9 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
Draughtsman Civil
35. Create objects on 3D 35.1 start up the software and adjust the page size, measurement
modeling concept in CAD. unit, scale and plot area before staring the work.
35.2 Define 3D modeling concept in CAD.
35.3 Demonstrate 3D coordinate systems to aid in the construction
of 3D objects.
35.4 Create and use model space viewports.
35.5 Create a standard engineering layout.
35.6 Create and edit wireframe model.
35.7 Create and edit solid mesh and surface modeling.
35.8 Create and edit simple 2D regions and 3D solid models.
35.9 Generate 3D text and dimensions using a variety of 3D display
35.10 Render a 3D model with a variety of lights and materials.
35.11 plot the drawing with required scale.
35.12 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
36. Prepare a drawing of 36.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
public building detailing sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
with roof, column by and information received are sufficient for preparation of
framed structure using drawing.
CAD. 36.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
36.3 Prepare a Public Building drawing indicating all related data
and service plan:
(a) Village library – in RCC flat roof.
(b) Workshop building – in pitch roof
(c) Primary Health Centre – in RCC flat roof.
(d) Restaurant Building – in RCC flat roof.
36.4 School building – in RCC flat roof.
36.5 Bank Building – in RCC flat roof.
36.6 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements
36.7 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
37. Prepare detailed drawing 37.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of RCC structures using sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
CAD and prepare bar and information received are sufficient for preparation of
bending schedule. drawing.
37.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
37.3 Draw different types of structural arrangements of RCC
Draughtsman Civil
38. Draw the details of a 38.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
framed structure and sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
portal frame of a and information received are sufficient for preparation of
residential building using drawing.
CAD. 38.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
38.3 Prepare the features of framed structure, portal frame and its
reinforcement details.
38.4 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
eferences as per the drawing requirements
38.5 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
39. Draw the different types of 39.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
steel sections, rivets and sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
bolts using CAD. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
39.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
39.3 Draw the different views of steel section, rivets and bolts.
39.4 Prepare drawing of bolted and riveted joints in steel
39.5 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements
Draughtsman Civil
40. Draw the details of girders, 40.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
roof trusses and steel sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
stanchions using CAD. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
40.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/parts of drawings.
40.3 Draw the elevation and section of girders, roof trusses and
steel stanchions.
40.4 add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
eferences as per the drawing requirements
40.5 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
41. Prepare the detailed 41.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
drawing showing the sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
different types of sanitary and information received are sufficient for preparation of
fittings, arrangements of drawing.
manholes, details of septic 41.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
tank using CAD. Various components/ parts of drawings
41.3 Draw plumbing and sanitary appliances and sanitary fittings,
41.4 Draw system of plumbing.
41.5 design the septic tank according to the users.
41.6 draw the plan, and sectional elevation of man hole and septic
41.7 draw the features of drainage system and sewer system.
41.8 draw the service plan.
41.9 add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements
41.10 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design.
42. Draw the details flow 42.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
diagram of water sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
treatment plant (WTP) and and information received are sufficient for preparation of
Swerage Treatment plant drawing.
(STP). 42.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings
42.3 draw the features and functions of water treatment plant
42.4 draw the plan, longitudinal and cross sectional elevation of
water treatment plant (WTP).
Draughtsman Civil
44. Draw the details of 44.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
different types of culverts sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
using CAD. and information received are sufficient for preparation of
44.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
components / parts of drawings
44.3 draw the half sectional Plan, longitudinal and cross sectional
elevation of different culvert.
44.4 add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements
44.5 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
45. Prepare detailed drawing 45.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough,
a bridge using CAD. specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data and
information received are sufficient for preparation of drawing.
45.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Draughtsman Civil
46. Draw the typical cross 46.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
section of rail sections, sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
railway tracks in cutting and information received are sufficient for preparation of
and embankment using drawing.
CAD. 46.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
46.3 draw coning of wheels, hogged rail, bending of rail, creep of
rail and fixtures and fastenings.
46.4 draw and indicate the structural parts of typical permanent
way in cutting and embankment.
46.5 Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements.
46.6 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
47. Prepare detailed drawing 47.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
of typical cross sections of sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
Dam, barrages, weir and and information received are sufficient for preparation of
Cross drainage works drawing.
using CAD. 47.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
47.3 draw detail drawing of Dams, barrages and weirs, cross
drainage works and head regulators in irrigation structure.
47.4 add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements.
47.5 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
48. Draw the schematic 48.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
diagram of different sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data
structures of Hydro and information received are sufficient for preparation of
electric project using CAD. drawing.
48.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
Draughtsman Civil
49. Prepare detailed estimate 49.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements, specifications,
and cost analysis of etc. ensure data and information received are sufficient for
different types of building preparation of estimation.
and other structures using 49.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute estimation and
application software. cost analysis.
49.3 Prepare detailed estimate of a building.
49.4 Prepare a detailed estimate for – boundary wall, septic tank,
underground and overhead reservoir.
49.5 Calculate the quantities in the standard format.
49.6 Prepare abstract of estimate.
49.7 Check estimation and cost analysis to confirm their compliance
with the design.
50. Prepare rate analysis of 50.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements,
different items of work. specifications,etc. ensure data and information received are
sufficient for preparation of rate analysis.
50.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute estimation and
cost analysis.
50.3 preapare rate analysis and identify the units of measurement.
50.4 calculation techniques of quantities of materials or by standard
50.5 calculate quantities of labour required for different item of
work from standard data.
50.6 calculate the rate per unit of works of different items including
labour charges from schedule of rate.
50.7 Check rate analysis to confirm their compliance with the
51. Problems on preparing 51.1 Read and interpret the drawing requirements, specifications,
preliminary/Approximate etc. ensure data and information received are sufficient for
estimates for building preparation of estimation.
project. 51.2 Carry out necessary calculations to compute estimation and
cost analysis.
51.3 Prepare the contents of a building project.
51.4 Calculatethe difference to be occur in structural detailing and
various finishing.
Draughtsman Civil
52. Prepare a map using Total 52.1 Interpret the drawing requirements.
station. 52.2 adjust and fix the Total Station in an station point.
52.3 conduct reconnaissance survey-prepare key plan.
52.4 prepare reference sketches.
52.5 conduct traverse survey-set up the instrument over the first
station-set job-set station-orient-collect data-take foresight to
next station-shift instrument to next station-set up-back
orientation-collect data-repeat same procedure at each
52.6 download and process the data, prepare plan/map.
52.7 measure remote distance and elevation.
52.8 calculate 2D / 3D area on field/site.
52.9 calculates surface volume of field/site.
52.10 add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements.
52.11 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
53. Locate the station point 53.1 Interpret the drawing requirements.
using GPS and obtain a 53.2 Set up and use GPS equipment.
set of co-ordinates. 53.3 Practical application of GPS and Components of GPS data
53.4 Determine the position of points.
53.5 Record and process the results, TOA,TOT,TOF, set the co
53.6 Open CAD and set up the basic requirement for drafting.
comparison of GPS with GIS,CAD
53.7 Export the details from GPS system
53.8 Operate co- ordinate and time system, satellite and
conversional geodetic system. and GPS. Signal, code, and
53.9 Apply Remote sensing and Photogrammetry.
53.10 Perform tracking devises & system, time measurement and
GPS timing.
53.11 Create arial photography, satellite images use pattern
recognition and digital signal.
53.12 Add specifications and use codes and other references as per
the drawing requirements
53.13 Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
different solid, hollow 21. Oblique and Perspective views porcelain, terracotta, glazing.
and cut sections with of step block. (18 hrs) Mortar & Concrete:–
proper lines and Types,uses, preparation,
dimensions as per proportion, admixtures and
standard convension. applications.
10 Draw component parts Drawing of :- Building materials:-
of a single storied 22. Component parts of a single Timber:- Types, Structure,
residential building storied residential building. disease & defects,
with suitable symbols (in sectional details) Showing characterstic, seasoning,
and scales. Foundation, Plinth, Doors, preservation and uitility.
Windows, Brick work, Roof, Alternaative material to
Lintel and Chajjah, etc. (28 Timber
Plywood, Block board, Particle
board, Fireproof reinforced
plastic(FRP), Medium density
fireboard (MDF) etc.
Tar, bitumen, asphalt:-
Properties, application and
11-13 Draw different types of 23. Draw Details of stone masonry Protective materials:-
stone and brick including stone joints. (26 hrs) Paints:- characteristic, types,
masonry. 24. Drawing of :- Different types uses.
of brick bonding Showing Varnishes :– characteristics
arrangement of bricks in and uses.
different layers as per Metal:– characteristic, types,
thickness of wall, pillars, uses.
copying, etc. (58 hrs). Plastics :– characteristic, types,
Building Construction:-
Sequence of construction of a
Name of different parts of
Stone masonry:-
Terms, use and classification.
Principle of construction,
composite masonry.
Strength of walls.
Strength of masonry.
Brick masonry – principles of
construction of bonds. Tools
and equipments used.
14-16 Draw different types of Drawing of Foundation:- Building Construction:-
shallow and deep Drawing of different types of Foundation:-
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be
taken for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce part/ sub-drawings in appropriate time i.e., may be in
the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. Drawings at weeks 1 to 54 are in traditional and from 55 to 99 weeks are in computer
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
Adjustment of a close
Problems in transit
latitude, northing and
38-39 Drawing of different Making detailed drawing of :- Carpentry joints :-terms,
types of carpentry 78. Carpentry joints:- lengthening, classification of joints, Uses,
joints. bearing, housing, framing, types of fixtures , fastenings.
panelling & moulding. (22 hrs) Doors –Parts, Location,
Draw different types of 79. Different Types doors standard sizes, types.
doors and windows including panelled, glazed and Windows-types.
according to Manner of flush door. (22 hrs) Ventilators-purpose-types.
construction, 80. Different types windows and
Arrangement of ventilators. (12 hrs)
component, and
working operation
40 Prepare the detailed Electrical Wiring:- Electrical Wiring:-
drawing of electrical Prepare drawing of Safety precaution and
wiring system. 81. Wiring in different system. (08 elementary first aid.
hrs) Artificial respiration and
82. Electrical wiring plan with all treatment of electrical shock
fittings showing in drawing. Elementary electricity.
(20 hrs) General ideas of supply
Wireman’s tools kit. Wiring
materials. Electrical fittings.
System of wirings. Wiring
installation for domestic
41-42 Draw types of ground Drawing details of:- Floors – Ground floor & upper
and upper floors. 83. Types of ground & upper floor-Types.
floors. (28 hrs) Flooring- materials used
84. Various floor finishing, types.
sequence of construction. (28
43-44 Draw different types of Drawing different forms of vertical Stairs:- Terms. Requirements,
vertical movement movements:- Planning and designing of
according to shape, 85. As per shape - Drawing of stair and details of
location, materials by straight, open newel, dog- construction.
using stair, lift, ramp legged, geometrical and Basic concept of lift and
and escalator. bifurcated stairs & spiral Escalator
stairs. (18 hrs)
Draughtsman Civil
50-51 Revision
52 Examination
Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be
taken for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce part/ sub-drawings in appropriate time i.e., may be in
the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. Drawings at weeks 1 to 54 are in traditional and from 55 to 99 weeks are in computer
Draughtsman Civil
Professional Skills
Week Ref. Learning Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
53-54 Draw single storied Drawing details of:- Building:-
Building site plan 91. Single storied residential Principle of planning
layout. house with attached bath of Objectives & importance.
both pitched and flat roof. (12 Function& responsibility.
hrs) Orientation.
92. Making plan, elevation, and Local building Bye-Laws as per
section with aid of line ISI code.
diagrams of the building. (26 Lay out plan & key plan.
hrs) Submitted in composition of
93. Layout and detailing of drawing.
residential building. (06 hrs) Provisions for safety.
94. Create a drawing of building Requirement of green belt
showing set backs. (06 hrs) and land.
95. Showing layout plan and key
plan. (06 hrs)
55-56 Create objects on Computer practice:-
CAD workspace 96. Function of keys and practice Computer aided drafting:-
using Toolbars, of basic commands. (06 hrs) Operating system ,Hardware
Commands, 97. Use of elementary commands & software.
Menus, formatting by CAD toolbar. (06 hrs) Introduction of CAD.
layer and style. 98. Creation of objects in different Its Graphical User Interface.
layers on CAD workspace. (10 Method of Installation.
hrs) Basic commands of CAD.
99. Plotting of drawing from CAD. Knowledge of Tool icons and
(02 hr) set of Toolbars.
100. 2D drafting of flash door, Knowledge of shortcut
panel door, window, hand keyboard commands.
railing, wash basin, sewerage
pipe joints, etc. (20 hrs)
101. Preparing Library folder by
creating blocks of the above
items. (12 hrs)
57-58 Draw a sanction Building Drawing (Residential) Building Planning:-
plan of double Prepare:- Economy & orientation.
storied flat roof 102. Plan, section and elevation Provision for lighting and
of buildings with ventilation.
residential building
specifications for the given Provision for drainage and
Draughtsman Civil
62-63 Prepare a drawing Building Drawing (Public) Parks & play ground- Types of
of public building Prepare:- recreation, landscaping. etc
detailing with roof, 117. A Primary health center for
column by framed rural area with R.C.C roof. Concepts of design of
structure using (10 hrs.) earthquake resisting
CAD 118. A Village Library building buildings- requirements
with R.C.C flat roof. (06 hrs.) resistance , safety, flexible
119. A small Restaurant building building elements, special
with R.C.C flat roof. (06 hrs.) requirements, base isolation
120. A Single storeyed School techniques.
building with R.C.C flat roof.
(10 hrs.)
121. A Small workshop with north
light steel roof truss (6 to
10m Span) over R.C.C.
Columns. (12 hrs.)
122. Service plans. (06 hrs)
123. A Bank building with R.C.C
flat roof. (06 hrs)
64-65 Prepare detailed Drawing details of RCC members Reinforced cement concrete
drawing of RCC with reinforcement:- structure:-
structures using 124. Rectangular beams (Single Introduction to RCC uses.
CAD and prepare reinforced & Double Materials – proportions
bar bending reinforced). (17 hrs) Form work
schedule. 125. Lintel, chajjas & slabs. (12 Bar bending details as per IS
hrs) Code.
126. Stair - details of step. (17 Reinforced brick work.
66-68 Prepare detailed Draw Reinforced details of RCC Materials used for RCC:-
drawing of RCC members:- Construction.
structures using 127. Preparing bar-bending Selection of materials – coarse
CAD and prepare schedule. (12 hrs) aggregate, fine aggregate,
bar bending 128. Details of one-way slab & cement water and
schedule. two-way slab. (20 hrs) reinforcement.
129. T-beam, Inverted beam, Characteristics.
Draw the details of cantilever, retaining wall, Lift Method of mixing concrete –
a framed structure well. (16 hrs) machine mixing and hand
and portal frame of 130. Column with footing. (12 mixing.
a residential hrs) Slump test.
building using CAD. 131. Continuous columns Structure – columns, beams,
showing disposition of slabs - one-way slab & two-
reinforcement. (12 hrs) way slab.
132. RCC framed structure, portal Innovative construction.
frame, B.I.S. Code 456-2000, Safety against earthquake.
SP - 34 and its application.
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
(b) Prepare drawing of public building detailing with roof, structure etc. using CAD.
(c) Prepare drawing of Bath/ Kitchen/ Reception Hall in details using Auto CAD 3D
modeling with rendering.
76-77 Revision
78 Examination
Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be
taken for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce part/ sub-drawings in appropriate time i.e., may be in
the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. Drawings at weeks 1 to 54 are in traditional and from 55 to 99 weeks are in computer
Draughtsman Civil
section of rail sections, 153. Draw typical cross section of Permanent way
railway tracks in cutting rail track. (06 hrs) Rail gauges, Functions,
and embankment using 154. Draw Railway tracks – Requirements, Types,
CAD embankment layout plans of Sections, Length of rail.
railway platform. (22 hrs) Welding of rail, wear of rail.
155. Draw typical cross-section of Coning of wheels, hogged rail,
railway tracks cutting & bending of rail, creep of rail.
embankment (single lane & Causes and prevention of
double lane). (22 hrs) creep.
156. Draw layout of signalling Sleeper and ballast-function,
points & crossing. (06 hrs) types, requirement, materials,
Fixtures, Fastenings and plate
laying in rail.
Joints-types, fish plate, fish
bolt-spikes, chairs and keys-
bearing plate, block elastic,
base plate.
Anchors and anti-creepers.
Construction of permanent
Railway station and yard.
86-89 Prepare detailed drawing Drawing of different types of Irrigation Engineering:-
of typical cross sections irrigation structures: – Terms used in irrigation.
of Dam, barrages, weir 157. Dams, barrages, weir etc. Hydrology like duty, delta,
and Cross drainage works (18 hrs) base period, intensity of
using CAD 158. Longitudinal section of irrigation.
distributaries with the help Hydrograph, peak flow, run
Draw the schematic of given sketch & data. (18 off, catchment area, CCA,
diagram of different hrs) corps like, rabi, kharif etc.
structures of Hydro 159. Head regulators. (15 hrs) Storage, diversion head work -
electric project using CAD 160. Types of cross drainage characteristics and types.
work. (18 hrs.) Reservoir –types of reservoirs,
161. Hydro electric project. (18 i.e., single purpose and multi-
hrs) purpose, area, capacity and
Drawing of canal curves of reservoir.
162. Alignment including Dams, weir & barrages- types
longitudinal and cross purposes.
sections of canals with the Hydro electric project like
given data. (25 hrs) Forebay, Penstock, Turbines,
Power house, etc.
Canals- classification and
distribution system, canal
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
104 Examination
Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be
taken for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce part/ sub-drawings in appropriate time i.e., may be in
the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. Drawings at weeks 1 to 54 are in traditional and from 55 to 99 weeks are in computer
Draughtsman Civil
First Semester
2 Fractions : Fractions, Decimal fraction, Mass ,Weight and Density : Mass, Unit of
L.C.M., H.C.F., Multiplication and Division Mass, Weight, difference between mass
of Fractions and Decimals, conversion of and weight, Density, unit of density,
Fraction to Decimal and vice versa. Simple specific gravity of metals.
problems using Scientific Calculator.
3 Square Root : Square and Square Root, Speed and Velocity: Rest and motion,
method of finding out square roots, speed, velocity, difference between speed
Simple problem using calculator. and velocity, acceleration, retardation,
equations of motions, simple related
Second Semester
1 Algebra : Addition, Subtraction, Heat & Temparature: Heat and
Multiplication, Division, Algebraic temperature, their units, difference
formula, Linear equations (with two between heat and temperature, boiling
variables). point, melting point, scale of temperature,
relation between different scale of
temperature, Thermometer, pyrometer,
transmission of heat, conduction,
convection, radiation.
Draughtsman Civil
5 Material weight and cost problems Circular Motion: Relation between circular
related to trade. motion and Linear motion, Centrifugal
force, Centripetal force
6 Finding the value of unknown sides and
angles of a triangle by Trigonometrical -------------------
7 Finding height and distance by -------------------
8 Application of trigonometry in shop -------------------
problems. (viz. taper angle calculation).
Fourth Semester
1 Graph: - Friction- co-efficient of friction,
- Read images, graphs, diagrams application and effects of friction in
– bar chart, pie chart. Workshop practice.
Draughtsman Civil
- Graphs: abscissa and ordinates, graphs Centre of gravity and its practical
of straight line, related to two sets of application.
varying quantities.
2 Simple problem on Statistics: - Magnetic substances- natural and
- Frequency distribution table artificial magnets.
- Calculation of Mean value. - Method of magnetization. Use of
- Examples on mass scale productions. magnets.
-Cumulative frequency
-Arithmetic mean
Draughtsman Civil
First Semester
Duration : 20 hrs
1. English Literacy
Marks : 09
Pronunciation Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words,
Diction (use of word and speech)
Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and
Duration : 20 hrs
2. IT Literacy
Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and
peripherals, Switching on-Starting and shutting down of the
Word Processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, Opening and Closing
Worksheet Documents, Use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text,
Formatting the Text, Insertion &Creation of Tables. Printing
document. Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic
Draughtsman Civil
Computer Networking Basic of Computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of
and Internet Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet,
Concept of Internet (Network of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, WebsSite, Web
page and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and
use of email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in
Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.
Duration : 15 hrs
3. Communication Skills
Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non-verbal, written, email, talking
on phone.
Non-verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.
Draughtsman Civil
Second Semester
Duration : 15 hrs
4. Entrepreneurship Skills
Marks : 06
Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises: Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.
Performance &record, Role &function of entrepreneurs in relation to
the enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,
Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.
Project Preparation & Qualities of a good entrepreneur, SWOT and risk analysis. Concept
Marketing Analysis &Application of PLC, Sales &Distribution management. Difference
between small scale &large scale business, Market survey, Method
of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing mix.
Institution’s Support Preparation of project. Role of various schemes and institutes for
self-employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/
non-financing support agencies to familiarize with the policies /
programmes, procedure & the available scheme.
Duration : 10 hrs
5. Productivity
Marks : 05
Benefits Personal/ Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.
Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash
Management handling, Personal risk and insurance.
Duration : 15 hrs
6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Marks : 06
Draughtsman Civil
Global Warming Global warming, climate change and ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and
harvesting of water.
Duration : 10 hrs
8. Quality Tools
Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.
Draughtsman Civil
29. Instrument for Total Station Graphic LCD display on both 02 Nos.
Draughtsman Civil
Draughtsman Civil
Note: Above Tools & Equipment are not required, if Computer LAB is available in the institute.
Draughtsman Civil
Learning Outcome:
Assessment Marks
Attendance/ Punctuality
Quality in Workmanship
Skills to Handle Tools &
Safety Consciousness
Total Internal
Economical Use of
Manuals/ Written
Result (Y/N)
Ability to Follow
Application of
S No.
Candidate Name