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Emf Emf Visual 2010

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> EMF Visual

Simulation software - EMF Visual

main features system configuration

➊ Product category
• Electromagnetic exposure simulation software >Software:
➋ Simulation capabilities „ EMF Visual on CD Rom with dongle key
• EMF Visual is a prediction, analysis and † BSA Synthesis n CD Rom with dongle key
communication tool, which can accurately simulate † cote2emf n CD Rom with dongle key
exposure within a few hundred meters of the antennas † EMF2ascii n CD Rom with dongle key
while taking into account its environment
➌ User profile † Demo version with short course
• Broadcast, PMR and mobile phone operators and † Training
installers, municipalities, governmental agencies, † Hotline
regulatory and certification bodies
† Optional „ Included

STEP 1: 3D Scenario construction. Import of VRML/Open Inventor or DXF 3D objects

The EMF Visual software permits the creation of 3D
scenes by importing 3D objects (*.wrl or *.dxf) from the
EMF Visual generic database or using the Cote2emf
module. This module allows the creation of a 3D scenario
from a 2D map or by importing GIS files.

Cote2emf module: build & export 3D scenes from 2D
map images or GIS files.
• Definition of building and ground floor outlines with
graphic tools.
• Special GIS file format for automatic definition of
the outlines (*.shp files from 3 types:
Type 5: « polygon » Type 3: « polyline »
Type 15: « polygonZ »).
• Definition of element types: buildings, houses, trees,
roads, pavement.
• Random generation of buildings for large areas.

• Complete range of graphical tools to adjust the 3D • Grouping of objects: create, move, copy and paste
object properties. objects in group; translate or rotate a group.

• Wide choice of 3D objects to represent ground,

buildings, houses, masts, towers, indoor objects.

• Tools for assignment of the electromagnetic properties

to materials.

• Advanced texture mapping of faces from a bitmap

Antenna configuration tools.

• Geometric visualization of the antenna main beam

Simulation software - EMF Visual

cone in the scene together with graphic tools for
adjusting position, tilt, azimuth and power.

BSA Synthesis Module: define antenna

characteristics and create customized antennas.

• BSA Synthesis computes magnitude and phase

for each unit cell to generate an antenna model
that fits with far field radiation pattern:
- vertical and horizontal -3dB beam width
and frequency.
- first upper side lobe suppression.
- number of cell units or antenna length.
- front to back ratio.
• Analysis of antenna model from unit cell
magnitude and phase data (1D and 2D array
• Polar and Cartesian display of the radiation
• Exportation of the antenna model to the EMF
Visual database.
STEP 2: Antenna selection and installation.
The EMF Visual software permits the use of antenna
models from the EMF Visual generic database or a custom
antenna using BSA Synthesis modules.
A library of antenna models.
• A complete database of generic models of the most
current antennas in GSM, DCS and UMTS networks.
• A KATHREIN database for GSM, DCS and UMTS
• An additional database of FM and Wifi antennas
• Possible integration of an ambient electromagnetic
field at a specified frequency.

STEP 3: Computation. STEP 4: Result display.
After defining the computation volume around the area Once the computation is finished, the user can use iso-
of interest, the electromagnetic field level calculation is surface or cut plane tools to display the level of exposure
launched. The calculation is based on optical geometry in the vicinity of the 3D environment.
(ray tracing). It allows simulation to be performed over a
wide area in terms of wavelength and the interactions with
the environment of the radiating sources to be taken into Iso-surface

• Accurate representations of the near field by

considering the contribution of each sub-cell of the

Vertical cut plane

• Definition of a computation volume around the area of


Horizontal cut plane

• Selection of the active

• Adjustment of the mesh step
(number of computation
• Non-uniform grid to improve
resolution around
the antennas and to speed up
the calculations.

• Selection of the active antennas and adjustment of STEP 5: Result exportation (optional).
the input power of antennas to analyse co-sitting
EMF2ascii module allows for the conversion of
the binary result files into an ASCII Txt file
(permits result to be loaded in Excel, Matlab …).
• Creates ASCII file that contains the E-field
value (V/m) computed with EMF Visual.
• Displays the E-field values for each antenna
with the corresponding Cartesian coordinates.

Simulation software - EMF Visual

➊ Hardware requirements
Computer PC Pentium > 1 GHz
PC interface X 64 or USB port
Operating system Windows 98/2000/NT/XP/7/Vista
• Multiple cut plane and multiple distance measuring Memory > 256 MB RAM
possibilities for security perimeter definition. Free space 200 MB free space on hard disc
• Evaluates the levels of exposure in terms of E-field
(V/m), H-field (A/m), Power Density (W/m²), % of the
E-field or % of the Power for multi-frequency sources.
• Determines the safety distances with respect to
standards or recommendations (EU recommendation,
ICNIRP, and so on …).
• Visual post-processing of the results: choice of colour
or transparency.


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