Otitis Externa
Otitis Externa
Otitis Externa
Follow-up The design and general content of this factsheet are reproduced
with the permission of the Victorian Minister for Health, from
If you have had a wick inserted into the ear you factsheets that are Copyright © the State of Victoria. Unauthorised
reproduction and other uses comprised in the copyright are
will need to see your doctor as instructed to prohibited without permission.
change the wick. If there are ongoing problems,
your local doctor may refer you to a specialist for
further treatment, and to prevent permanent
There are a number of steps you can take to
prevent otitis externa.
Avoid getting water into your ears. Wear
earplugs or plug your ears with cotton wool
coated in Vaseline when bathing and using
hair products.
Avoid swimming in dirty or polluted water.
Dry your ears well after bathing. Shake the
water out or use a hair dryer. You may be
advised to use ear drops, which are available
at pharmacies.
Do not poke your fingers or any other objects
into your ears. The ear cleans itself naturally.
Seeking help
In a medical emergency, go to the nearest
hospital emergency department or call an
ambulance (dial 000).
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