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Dulcolax® [Adult supp]

Boehringer Ingelheim [ Metro Drug ]

MIMS Class : Laxatives, Purgatives

See related Dulcolax Adult supp information

Contents Bisacodyl
Indications Constipation. Prep for radiography; antepartum & postpartum care; prep for
sigmoidoscopy or proctoscopy; colonoscopy; hemorrhoids & anal fissures. All
conditions w/c require defacation to be facilitated.
Dosage Constipation Adult1-2 tab. 4-10 tab, relief in 6-12 hrs. Adult/Pediatric
Supp.relief in 15-30 min. For complete bowel clearance Adult & childn
>10 yr 2-4 tab the night before & 1 adult supp on the day of the
procedure; <10 yr 1 tab the night before & 1 ped supp on the day of the
Contraindications Ileus, intestinal obstruction, acute surgical abdominal conditions; severe
dehydration. Appendicitis & acute inflammatory bowel diseases.
Childn; pregnancy.
Adverse Drug Rarely, abdominal discomfort & diarrhoea.
Reactions View ADR Monitoring Website
Drug Interactions Diuretic & adrenocorticosteroids.
View more drug interactions with Dulcolax
Category (US
FDA) Category C: Either studies in animals have revealed adverse effects on the
foetus (teratogenic or embryocidal or other) and there are no controlled
studies in women or studies in women and animals are not available. Drugs
should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the
MIMS Class Laxatives, Purgatives
A06AB02 - Bisacodyl ; Belongs to the class of contact laxatives.
Poison Schedule Non-Rx
Form Packing/Price Photo
Dulcolax Adult suppository Dulcolax 10 mg x 50's (P1245)
Dulcolax Ped suppository Dulcolax 5 mg x 50's (P1140)
Dulcolax sugar-coated tablet Dulcolax 5 mg x 120's (P1770)

Teromac® [amp]
Huons [ Ormed Pharm / Medbridge ]
MIMS Class : Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

See related Teromac amp information

Contents Ketorolac trometamol

Indications Short-term management of moderate to severe post-op pain.
Dosage Adult IM/IV Initial dose: 10 mg. Maintenance: 10-30 mg 4-6 hrly. Max
daily dose: Adult Not >90 mg. Elderly, renal impairment, <50 kg body wt
60 mg. Childn ≥2 yr Single IV inj followed by several IV bolus inj if necessary. IM
inj followed by 0.5 mg/kg IV 6 hrly if necessary. Duration of treatment: Not >2
Contraindications Peptic ulcer. History of ulcers, perforation, gastric bleeding, cerebrovascular
bleeding. Moderate to severe renal insufficiency (serum creatine 160 mol/L,
bronchial asthma, vol depletion or dehydration, nasal polyp, angioedema,
symptoms of bronchospasm. Patient who have had tonsillectomy. Pregnancy &
lactation. Childn <2 yr.
Special Impaired hepatic function or history of liver disease; HTN. May affect ability to
Precautions drive or operate machinery. Elderly.
Adverse Drug Nausea, dyspepia, GI pain, diarrhea; rash; headache, sweating.
Reactions View ADR Monitoring Website
Drug Interactions Warfarin, salicylates, heparin or coumarin derivatives, furosemide, lithium,
methotrexate, nondepolarizing muscle relaxants, ACE inhibitors.
View more drug interactions with Teromac
Category (US
FDA) Category C: Either studies in animals have revealed adverse effects on the
foetus (teratogenic or embryocidal or other) and there are no controlled studies
in women or studies in women and animals are not available. Drugs should be
given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the foetus.
in 3rd trimester or near delivery.

Category D: There is positive evidence of human foetal risk, but the

benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk
(e.g., if the drug is needed in a life-threatening situation or for a serious
disease for which safer drugs cannot be used or are ineffective).
MIMS Class Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
ATC M01AB15 - Ketorolac ; Belongs to the class of acetic acid derivatives and related
Classification substances of non-steroidal antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products.
Poison Schedule Rx

holinerv® [amp]
Therapharma [ Therapharma ]
MIMS Class : Other CNS Drugs & Agents for ADHD

See related Cholinerv amp information

Contents Citicoline Na
Indications Cerebrovascular disorders including ischemic stroke, parkinsonism & head
Dosage Tab 500 mg once or bid. Oral drops Adult 100-200 mg bid or tid. Amp 125
mg/mL 1-2 inj/day. 250 mg/mL 1 inj/day.
Overdosage View Cholinerv overdosage for action to be taken in the event of an overdose.
Contraindications Parasympathetic hypertonia.
Special May aggravate increase in cerebral blood flow in persistent intracranial
Precautions hemorrhage. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Drug Stomach pain, diarrhea; hypotension, tachycardia, bradycardia.
Reactions View ADR Monitoring Website
Drug Interactions Meclophenoxate.
View more drug interactions with Cholinerv
Storage View Cholinerv storage conditions for details to ensure optimal shelf-life.
Mechanism of View Cholinerv mechanism of action for pharmacodynamics and
Action pharmacokinetics details.
MIMS Class Other CNS Drugs & Agents for ADHD
ATC N06BX06 - Citicoline ; Belongs to the class of other psychostimulants and
Classification nootropics.

Cholinerv® [tab]
Therapharma [ Therapharma ]
MIMS Class : Other CNS Drugs & Agents for ADHD

See related Cholinerv tab information

Contents Citicoline Na
Indications Cerebrovascular disorders including ischemic stroke, parkinsonism & head
Dosage Tab 500 mg once or bid. Oral drops Adult 100-200 mg bid or tid. Amp 125
mg/mL 1-2 inj/day. 250 mg/mL 1 inj/day.
Overdosage View Cholinerv overdosage for action to be taken in the event of an overdose.
Administration May be taken with or without food (Take w/ or between meals.).
Contraindications Parasympathetic hypertonia.
Special May aggravate increase in cerebral blood flow in persistent intracranial
Precautions hemorrhage. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Drug Stomach pain, diarrhea; hypotension, tachycardia, bradycardia.
Reactions View ADR Monitoring Website
Drug Interactions Meclophenoxate.
View more drug interactions with Cholinerv
Storage View Cholinerv storage conditions for details to ensure optimal shelf-life.
Mechanism of View Cholinerv mechanism of action for pharmacodynamics and
pharmacokinetics details.
MIMS Class Other CNS Drugs & Agents for ADHD
ATC N06BX06 - Citicoline ; Belongs to the class of other psychostimulants and
Classification nootropics.
Poison Schedule Rx

Oxatalis® [vial]
Pan-Ject Pharma [ Vitalis ]
MIMS Class : Penicillins

See related Oxatalis vial information

Contents Oxacillin Na
Indications Treatment of infections due to benzylpenicillin-resistant Staph.
Dosage Adult & adolescent 250 mg 4-6 hrly IM or IV. Bacterial meningitis 1.5-2 g
4 hrly IM. Neonate ≤2 kg body wt 25-50 mg/kg body wt 12 hrly during the
1st wk, then 50 mg/kg body wt 8 hrly IM or IV. Neonate ≥2 kg body wt 50
mg /kg body wt 8 hrly during the 1st wk, then 50 mg/kg body wt 6 hrly IM
or IV. Premature infant & neonate 6.25 mg 6 hrly IM or IV. Childn <40
kg 50-100 mg/kg daily in divided doses parenterally.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to penicillins.
Special Cystic fibrosis. History of GI disease esp antibiotic-associated colitis. Renal
Precautions impairment. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Drug Anaphylaxis, serum sickness-like reactions, skin rash, urticaria or pruritis,
Reactions exfoliative dermatitis.
View ADR Monitoring Website
Drug Interactions Aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol, erythromycins, sulphamides or
tetracyclines, other hepatotoxic drugs, probenecid, methotrexate.
View more drug interactions with Oxatalis
Category (US
FDA) Category B: Either animal-reproduction studies have not demonstrated a
foetal risk but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women or animal-
reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect (other than a decrease in
fertility) that was not confirmed in controlled studies in women in the 1st
trimester (and there is no evidence of a risk in later trimesters).
MIMS Class Penicillins
ATC J01CF04 - Oxacillin ; Belongs to the class of beta-lactamase resistant penicillins.
Classification Used in the systemic treatment of infections.
Poison Schedule Rx

Ulcemed® [tab]
Medica Korea [ Rojan / Unimex ]
MIMS Class : Antacids, Antireflux Agents & Antiulcerants

See related Ulcemed tab information

Contents Ranitidine HCl

Indications Gastric & duodenal ulcer, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroesophageal
reflux disease. Prevention of NSAID associated duodenal or gastric ulcer.
Prophylaxis of GI hemorrhage from stress ulceration. Prophylaxis of
recurrent hemorrhage in patients w/ bleeding peptic ulcers & before general
anesth in patients considered to be at risk of acid aspiration (Mendelson's
Dosage Tab Adult 150 mg bid. Gastric ulcer 150 mg bid or 300 mg single bedtime
dose. Duodenal ulcer 300 mg bid. Management of recurrent ulcers 150
mg once daily at bedtime. Reflux esophagitis 150 mg bid or 300 mg once
daily at bedtime for 8 wk, may be increased to 300 mg qid in severe cases.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Initially, 150 mg tid & then increased up to 6
g daily in severe cases. Treatment before induction of general anesth
(Mendelson's syndrome) 150 mg 2 hr before induction of anesth or in the
evening before operation. Childn 8-18 yr 150 mg bid. Slow IV Inj 50 mg
over a period of at least 2 min. Repeat at 6-8 hrly. Dilute to a vol of 20
mL/50 mg dose. Intermittent IV infusion 25 mg/hr for 2 hr. May repeat at 6-
8 hrly. Prophylaxis of upper-intestinal hemorrhage from stress
ulceration Priming dose: 50 mg as a low IV inj followed by a continous IV
infusion of 0.125-0.250 mg/kg/hr. Risk of developing acid aspiration
syndrome Inj may be given IM or by slow IV inj 45-60 min before induction of
general anesth.
Administration May be taken with or without food
Contraindications Hypersensitivity.
Special Tab: Renal & liver impairment. Pregnancy & lactation. Elderly. Inj: History of acute
Precautions intermittent porphyrin.
Adverse Drug Tab: Changes in liver function tests. GI disturbances, skin itching. Inj:
Reactions Changes in liver function test. Occasional hepatitis (hepatocellular,
hepatocanalicular or mixed) w/ or w/o jaundice. Severe headache, dizziness.
Skin rash.
View ADR Monitoring Website
Category (US
FDA) Category B: Either animal-reproduction studies have not demonstrated a
foetal risk but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women or animal-
reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect (other than a decrease in
fertility) that was not confirmed in controlled studies in women in the 1st
trimester (and there is no evidence of a risk in later trimesters).
MIMS Class Antacids, Antireflux Agents & Antiulcerants
ATC A02BA02 - Ranitidine ; Belongs to the class of H2-receptor antagonists. Used in
Classification the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Poison Schedule Rx

Ulcemed® [amp]
Medica Korea [ Rojan / Unimex ]
MIMS Class : Antacids, Antireflux Agents & Antiulcerants

See related Ulcemed amp information

Contents Ranitidine HCl

Indications Gastric & duodenal ulcer, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroesophageal
reflux disease. Prevention of NSAID associated duodenal or gastric ulcer.
Prophylaxis of GI hemorrhage from stress ulceration. Prophylaxis of
recurrent hemorrhage in patients w/ bleeding peptic ulcers & before general
anesth in patients considered to be at risk of acid aspiration (Mendelson's
Dosage Tab Adult 150 mg bid. Gastric ulcer 150 mg bid or 300 mg single bedtime
dose. Duodenal ulcer 300 mg bid. Management of recurrent ulcers 150
mg once daily at bedtime. Reflux esophagitis 150 mg bid or 300 mg once
daily at bedtime for 8 wk, may be increased to 300 mg qid in severe cases.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Initially, 150 mg tid & then increased up to 6
g daily in severe cases. Treatment before induction of general anesth
(Mendelson's syndrome) 150 mg 2 hr before induction of anesth or in the
evening before operation. Childn 8-18 yr 150 mg bid. Slow IV Inj 50 mg
over a period of at least 2 min. Repeat at 6-8 hrly. Dilute to a vol of 20
mL/50 mg dose. Intermittent IV infusion 25 mg/hr for 2 hr. May repeat at 6-
8 hrly. Prophylaxis of upper-intestinal hemorrhage from stress
ulceration Priming dose: 50 mg as a low IV inj followed by a continous IV
infusion of 0.125-0.250 mg/kg/hr. Risk of developing acid aspiration
syndrome Inj may be given IM or by slow IV inj 45-60 min before induction of
general anesth.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity.
Special Tab: Renal & liver impairment. Pregnancy & lactation. Elderly. Inj: History of acute
Precautions intermittent porphyrin.
Adverse Drug Tab: Changes in liver function tests. GI disturbances, skin itching. Inj:
Reactions Changes in liver function test. Occasional hepatitis (hepatocellular,
hepatocanalicular or mixed) w/ or w/o jaundice. Severe headache, dizziness.
Skin rash.
View ADR Monitoring Website
Category (US
FDA) Category B: Either animal-reproduction studies have not demonstrated a
foetal risk but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women or animal-
reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect (other than a decrease in
fertility) that was not confirmed in controlled studies in women in the 1st
trimester (and there is no evidence of a risk in later trimesters).
MIMS Class Antacids, Antireflux Agents & Antiulcerants
ATC A02BA02 - Ranitidine ; Belongs to the class of H2-receptor antagonists. Used in
Classification the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Poison Schedule Rx

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