Dlp-Cot2a MIL
Dlp-Cot2a MIL
Dlp-Cot2a MIL
Teacher Learning Area Media and Information Literacy (MIL)
PLAN Teaching Dates Semester 2nd
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of different resources of media and information, their design principle and elements, and selection
B. Performance Standard The learners produce a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing their/his/her
understanding, insights and perceptions of the different resources of media and information.
After the “posting” of responses, students watch a short video presentation on Animation. Sharing of insights.
D. Application:
APPLICATION: Making Flipbook ( Integration within curriculum)
The class will group into 3 groups, they will work independently and instruct how to do it.
1. Bring out the materials needed. ( Storyboard, drawings, paste, coloring materials, pens,etc.)
2. Make a stack of paper and bind it using glue or staples or a paper clip.
3. Paste your drawing left aligned as a starting point.
4. On the next sheet of paper, not in the same spot. See to it the second sequence should display minor shift from the first image.
5. Use coloring pens and materials to make it more interesting.
6. Flip through your flipbook to watch your animation once it is finished, be sure they are not sticking together.
D. Synthesis: Representatives from each group will be called to share their answers. Processing of responses in class will follow.
V. Remarks: Flip books are often illustrated books for children, but may also be geared towards adults and employ a series of photographs rather than
Literacy skills are honed through the various readings and interpretations done in class, through the Storyboard of “The Life Cycle of
Numeracy skills are targeted in the discussion of figures presented through the video in Animation.
Engaging learners in various tasks in succession allow management of learners inside the classroom, their physical learning
Group tasks: answering different questions allow for diversity of learners. Shy or passive students will be given a chance to voice out or
express themselves. Groupings which were done heterogeneously, considered the learners’ genders, needs, strengths, interests, &
The use of Constructivism and PAR (Present-Apply-Review) Model allowed the developmental sequencing of the lesson.
Finally, since the lesson focused on textual analysis, it will contribute to the achievement of both the Content and Performance standards
for the quarter.
VI. Reflection: