DLL in Mil 4.27.23
DLL in Mil 4.27.23
DLL in Mil 4.27.23
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy
A. Content Standard (MIL) and MIL related concepts.
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
B. Performance
Standard focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Specific objective:
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
C. Learning a. explain the importance of production and evaluation of a creative text-
Competencies based presentation
(include objective) b. apply certain techniques in order to create a good quality of material;
c. develop awareness of the country by being an advocate of the country.
UNIT 12: Text Media and Information
Lesson 4: Production and Evaluation of a Creative Text-Based
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Media and Information Literacy by Maria Jovit E. a Zarate
pages Quipper Philippines
2. Learner’s NA
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials for
Learning (LR) portal
A. Reviewing Activity 1: PRELIMINARIES (3 minutes)
previous lesson or 1. Prayer
presenting the new 2. Checking of attendance
lesson 3. Checking of students’ welfare
4. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness
5. Review
One common example of text media is a poster. It has a large notice that contains a heading, a
picture, and a message. We usually use present tense for this type of text.
Heading – it contains the main idea or title of the activity, notice, or reminder to the public.
In the example above, “celebrate mid autumn festival” is the heading of the poster.
Pictures – these are illustrations or still images that reinforce the message.
In the above text, tour de france is a popular event in cycling. The yellow image of a fading
cyclist and the wheels of a bicycle reinforce the heading.
Message – it contains the details and other pertinent information about the main topic.
In the above example, the message is about keeping oneself healthy by not smoking.
Another common example of text media is a brochure. This is usually used in marketing to
inform the public about the goods and services of the company.
What are the elements that you must consider in creating a brochure?
1. Name and Logo – the name should be short and catchy. The logo must also be pleasing to the
eyes. This is important since business are remembered and recognized by their name and logo.
2. Brochure cover – it usually has an image aside from the plain text and formatted text.
Remember the text should jive with the image.
3. Slogan - this is similar to a catchphrase that marks the uniqueness of your product or service.
This must be very short yet meaningful and relatable to the audience.
4. Main Text – this is where the voluminous information is found including product description,
pricing, features, and frequently asked questions. A combination of plain and formatted texts is
used on this part.
5. Contact Information – this is the most important feature since this is the direct way where
your clients can reach you to avail or ask questions about your products and services.
E. Discussing new Activity 5: TRIVIA (2 minutes)
concepts and
practicing new skills
Based on the advocacy that you want to talk about during the jump start,
design a poster that will illustrate your ideas.
● Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners _____ 12 Innovative
who earned 80% on _____ 12 Tolerance
the formative _____ 12 Workmanship
B. No. of learners _____ 12 Innovative
who require _____ 12 Tolerance
additional activities _____ 12 Workmanship
for remediation
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No
lessons work? No. of _____ 12 Innovative
learners who have _____ 12 Tolerance
caught up with the _____ 12 Workmanship
D. No. of learners _____ 12 Innovative
who continue to _____ 12 Tolerance
require remediation _____ 12 Workmanship
E. Which of my ___experiment ___role play ___collaborative learning
teaching strategies ___differentiated instruction ___lecture ___discovery
worked well? Why ___ others (pls. specify)
did this work? Why? ________________________________________________________
F. What difficulties ___ bullying among pupils ___pupil’s behavior/ attitude
did I encounter ___ colorful instructional materials
which my principal ___unavailable technology equipment (AVR/ LCD)
or supervisor can ___science/ computer/internet lab
help me solve? ___others (pls. specify) ____________________________________