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Cot 2022 - Froi

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SCHOOL San Joaquin National High School GRADE LEVEL 9

TEACHING DATES June 24, 2022 QUARTER 3rd Quarter

Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways
of analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbals for him/her to skillfully
perform in a one-act play.
A. Performance Standards The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal
and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
B. Learning Competencies/  MELC 2: Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in
Objectives the material viewed.
C. Write the LC code for each EN9VC-Iva-10
 Identify the social issues presented from the given situation
 Determine the kinds of social issues
 Address the importance of preventing or lessening the impact of the social


a. Reference Most Learning Competencies page 140.
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No. 1 in English 9 Quarter 3 Week 2
Learning Resources (LR) Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No. 2 in English 8 Quarter 3 Week 2
portal Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No. 1 in Aral. Pan. 10 – Kwarter 1 Linggo 1
b. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, Print-out Pictures, Chalk
RPMS: KRA’S & Objectives/
1. Activity Preliminary Activities (Prayer and Attendance) Indicator 4: Establish safe and secure
-Pre Activity Remind with the COVID-19 Protocols learning environments to enhance
(review/ drill if it is a past learning through the consistent
lesson) implementation of policies, guidelines
(motivate directly if it is a and procedures
new lesson)
Raise your right hand if you want to answer, ask questions, or you have some Indicator 3: Use effective verbal and
concerns non-verbal classroom communication
Raise your left hand if you want to go out (e.g. go to the restroom) strategies to support learner
understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement

DIRECTION: The teacher will show pictures and would let a student choose and Indicator 4: Establish safe and secure
describe a picture. learning environments to enhance
learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines
and procedures
Presentation of the Lesson Objectives:
 Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
material viewed
 Identify the social issues presented from the given situation
 Address the importance of preventing or lessening the impact of the social

The teacher will show a video documentary titled “Anak ng Maynila” that is
focused on street children which was categorized in two and defined as “children
on the streets” or “children of the streets” by UNICEF.

The following questions will be asked to the students:

 What was the documentary about?
 How did they end up on the streets?
 Are they totally homeless?
 What is their request?

Questions will be asked to the students:

 Why do you think they ended up on the streets?
 Does this type of living should be addressed?
 Cite some possibilities that could have been the cause why they ended up
in the streets?
-Proper Activity
presentation of activity,
activity sheets, tasks

Teacher will ask the class:

How did you know the reason why they ended up on the streets?
-Post Activity What were your basis in choosing your answer?
Question and answer Do you believe that they need to be helped?
Do you think it’s wrong to help them by giving alms?
Should we stop judging them?
What do you think will be the result if the government helps them?

Answer may vary but possible answer for the last question can be “they will no
2. Analysis longer be on the streets”
Question and answer about
the post activity
Discussion of Social Issues
The world has had to tackle several social issue problems that influences a
considerable number of individuals. It is an aspect of society that people are
concerned about and would like to get it changed. A social issue arises due to
diverse opinions of individuals based on what is perceived as right. Social issue
does not necessarily refer to an ill to be solved, but it may be a topic to be
discussed and it would be interesting to list the top ten social issues that have hit
3. Abstraction humanity. In this way, we can analyze where we are heading towards
Lesson Proper
 Presentation of Key The following are social issues that have made an impact on this entire
Concepts world.
 Generalization
1. Child Labor
This social against children prevents the right of a child to enjoy its childhood
and attend regular schooling. The inability of parents and selfishness of
employers work together promote child labour. Online help systems have
been initiated to locate child labourers, rescue them and provide relief from
their suffering. The general public requires more awareness to eradicate this
social issue.
Example: A grade 8 student forced to work after school in commercial

2. Poverty
Poverty means lack of money or material possessions and it is one of the
most important social issue. The poverty level is higher in the rural areas as
compared to urban areas. Poverty leads to many other social problem such
as lack of food, education and health.
Example: Parents cannot provide enough food for the family.

3. Violence
An act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. The
damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychosocial, or both.
Regardless of its cause, violence has a negative impact on those who
experience or witness it. Violence can cause physical injury as well as
psychological harm.
Example: A kid whose asking for alms on the street was kicked.

After the discussion, let the students explain what social issue is and let them
give an example based on what they observe within the vicinity of Calbayog City
and identify what kind of social issue it is.

Generalization TABLEAU – a theatrical technique in which actors freeze in poses that create a
picture of one important moment.

The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will choose one issue. They
will have the draw lots. Each group will create a human picture of a certain issue
and a photo will be taken after they finish creating it. One of their groupmates
will explain what issue they are portraying.

They will be given 10 minutes to brainstorm the scenario that they want and try
to create it. They are free to use some props if needed.

Then 3-5 minutes for presentation.

4. Application Indicator 1: Apply knowledge of

 Integration of lesson They will rate their own group and each other’s group using the rubrics through content within and across curriculum
Relationship of lesson within the picture taken. teaching areas
and across curriculum
Indicator 4: Establish safe and secure
The teacher will also rate them using the rubrics. learning environments to enhance
So, there will be three ratings for each group. learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines
and procedures
After the presentation, the teacher will ask them: Indicator 5: Maintain learning
Was the tableau created clearly and shows the issue that they wanted to portray? environments that promote fairness,
Why did you choose that issue? respect, and care to encourage learning
What could be the possible reasons why they ended up like that?
If you are a person in authority or power, how will you address such issues to Indicator 6: Maintain learning
prevent it from growing? environments that nurture and inspire
learners to participate, cooperate and
collaborate in continued learning

Indicator 7: Apply range of successful

RUBRICS FOR TABLEAU strategies that maintain learning
environments that motivate learners to
Criteria 4 3 2 SCORE work productively by assuming
 The responsibility for their own learning
portrayal of
 The portrayal
 The portrayal tableau is
of tableau is
of the tableau unclear
is clear  Some of
 Some of the
Overall  Members the
members are
Picture of were very still members
moving while
Tableau while taking a tumbles
photo is being
photo and down and
taken and
during keeps on
while during
explanation moving
 Explained  Explanation
 Well Explained
Clearly is unsure
 Somewhat
Explanation  Able to  Unable to
able to identify
of the identify who identify
what is the
Tableau or what is what is the
member is
that member member is
is portraying portraying
 measures if the DIRECTION: Choose the correct letter that best describes the picture.
objectives were carried
 questions should jibe 1.
with the objectives
a. Poverty
b. Child Labor
c. Violence


a. Child Labor
b. Violence
c. Poverty

a. Poverty
b. Violence
c. Child Labor


a. Poverty
b. Child Labor
c. Violence

a. Violence
b. Poverty
c. Child

DIRECTION: Search about the following terms for the next lesson.
ASSIGNMENT: 1. Valid Claims
2. Invalid Claims

Prepared by: Inspected/Checked:

SST-I Cluster Head

Principal III

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