Published By:
Retrieval Number: A10541191S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A1054.1191S19 267 & Sciences Publication
Real Time Monitoring of Solar PV Parameter Using IoT
For sensing the voltage voltage sensor is In the network to the cloud. It synchronizes all the data records
methodology, we can see that the power flow of the model is received from the sensors, and send updates to user via things
explained in that the solar radiance energy i.e. sunlight from speak application. To utilize this consumer, have to make an
the source sun is trapped by solar panels the solar panel account on things speak clouds that contains various
converts the solar energy into electrical energy. This channels for various parameter of monitoring system in a
electrical energy is then sensed by various sensors such as remote device. It provides the admin or the consumer to read
voltage generated by solar panel is sensed by voltage sensor and visualize the data in graphical representation. Due to this
for measuring voltage with the help of voltage divider
user can read the data from anywhere from any place.
principle and current produced by solar panel is measured by
Thinkview application in which just by click on the add
current sensor module and temperature or heat energy
channel icon to make their channel it can be public or private
available or fall on solar panel is tracked by the temperature
sensor. in public mode the data is seen by anyone just by adding their
All collected data of voltage, current and temperature channel no. while in private model it requires a key to read
sensor is then fed to Node MCU which converts the signals the data or write the data of application of IOT devices[11].
into digital using serial interface and mcu act as a gateway
and sends this data over the cloud server and then this data is IV. HARDWARE
accessed via user over the application.
Fig. 3. Solar Panel Monitoring Installed App
B. Communication Pattern
A. Solar Panel
The communication pattern for IoT device is shown in
below fig 2. here we can see that communication can be done
in two ways viz. firstly the information to the user can be
forwarded either by cloud platform or by his/her smartphones
with the help of the mobile application.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A10541191S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A1054.1191S19 268 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1S, November 2019
Voltage Sensor Fig4c. shows the flow Chart of communication with IoT.
Sensor which is used to measure the solar panel voltage is When the data is obtained from solar PV PCU the connection
voltage sensor module, we uses the voltage sensor module is initialized in Embedded system gate way. Now the
which can measure voltage up to 25V. its works on the embedded system gateway collects the data from Solar PV
principle of voltage divider principle [5],[12] PCU and stored in temporary buffers. In embedded system
R2 gateway we used is Esp8266 Node MCU Programming is
Vout Vin
R1 R2 written using the Arduino IDE using C++.
Where, When all solar panel parameters are received from the
Vout= Output voltage of the sensor module, Solar PV System, then embedded system gateway begins to
Vin = Input voltage of the sensor module, send the data serially over the app. The following figure
R1= input to where voltage is to be measured & Explains the working of the IOT system for monitoring the
R2=parallel to measuring device and input to
node MCU
Current Sensor
Sensor which is used to track the solar panel current is
current Sensor, its works on the principle of hall effect sensor
and measure the current. Current sensor we are using is
ACS712 which is capable of measuring current up to 20A
Temperature Sensor
Temperature sensor measures the temperature of the solar
panel as we know the power generated by solar panel is
directly related to temperature at the panel i.e if temperature
is high at panel then the voltage current generated is also
more or vice versa. Therefore, measurement of temperature
is necessary which is done by temperature sensor module
The Hardware Arrangement of the prototype model is
shown in Fig 4a, 4b below figure here we can see that two
Esp8266 is used one for current sensing while other for
voltage Sensing and temperature sensor Dht11 is also
connected to Node MCU Esp8266 which sense the
temperature or radiating receiving at solar module. Power to
model is given by Ac to Dc converter as Esp8266 required 5V
DC input.
solar PV.
The data can be viewed at anytime and anywhere and also
it provides the real time status of solar PV Panel in regular
interval of time in previous papers they all have used lora,
arduino uno but in this research we avoid the use of any
arduino uno, raspberry pi and lora system so the overall
system is became more affordable i.e. the cost of the overall
system is reduced as that of previous techniques.
Fig4b. Hardware Model of Solar monitoring System Using IOT
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A10541191S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A1054.1191S19 269 & Sciences Publication
Real Time Monitoring of Solar PV Parameter Using IoT
The following results are obtained on the mobile
application by various sensors and various plots of voltage,
current, temperature and power plots are made in the mobile
application interface and value of sensor is refreshed in every
one minute interval and new value is recorded by the IOT
A. Voltage Plot
This plot showing the 44reading which observed by Fig5c. Panel Temperature
voltage sensor during the day time between 12.27pm and
12.52pm and the maximum values sense or generated by D. Power Plot
solar PV Panel is 23.64V while minimum value is 20.88V as
Power curve is the product of both current and voltage as
shwon in fig 5a.
from formulae P=V×I. The following power Curve is
obtained from the model on the application interface. Fig 5d
shows the power output from the panel.
B. Current Plot
An IoT Application of remote monitoring System of Solar
It’s showing the value of Current across the load i.e shunt
PV using node Mcu has been tested practically and proven to
Resistance which is recorded by current sensor ACS712
work adequately by monitoring the parame- ters successfully.
during time between 12.27pm and 12.52pm and the
The node mcu is programmed in c language in Esplora. The
maximum current sensed is 0.78Amps while minimum value
is 0.58Amps as shown in Fig.5b. IoT Application is designed on the software Android App
Studio which is capable to monitoring voltage current and
temperature and power. The data is transmitted by node mcu
and received on the solar panel monitoring application by
using internet The system is tested on single panel and it can
be expanded to with more no. panels and it is off grid system
can be upgrade on grid system in future frame work.
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: A10541191S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A1054.1191S19 270 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1S, November 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A10541191S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A1054.1191S19 271 & Sciences Publication