Periodic 9th
Periodic 9th
Periodic 9th
I) Write a short descriptive paragraph on the famous Indian scientist Sir C.V Raman
in 100-150 words on the basis of following inputs. (1*5=5 marks)
II) The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against
which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer
sheet against the correct blank. (6*1/2= 3marks)
Incorrect Correct
III) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
(3*1=3 marks)
The sound was a familiar one. One could say that the rats and I shared the room. I
took out my box of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table.
The hose was not electrified; it was a small rented home. I had just set up the medical
practice and my earnings were meagre
(a) The sound was a familiar one. What was the sound of?
(b) What was the condition of the house the author lived in?
(c) ‘The rats and I shared the same room’ What does it imply?
(a) Describe the reaction of the doctor when he confronted the snake. Patience
and presence of mind are revealed from his behavior. Discuss.