Vinča Culture
Vinča Culture
Vinča Culture
DNA analyses show that many samples belonged to the paternal haplogroup H2. Haplogroup G-M201
was also found frequently.[12]
The origins of the Vinča culture are debated. Before the advent of radiocarbon dating it was thought, on
the basis of typological similarities, that Vinča and other Neolithic cultures belonging to the 'Dark
Burnished Ware' complex were the product of migrations from Anatolia to the Balkans. This had to be
reassessed in light of radiocarbon dates which showed that the Dark Burnished Ware complex appeared
at least a millennium before Troy I, the putative starting point of the westward migration. An alternative
hypothesis where the Vinča culture developed locally from the preceding Starčevo culture—first
proposed by Colin Renfrew in 1969—is now accepted by many scholars, but the evidence is not
The Vinča culture can be divided into two phases, closely linked with those of its type site Vinča-Belo
Vinča culture Vinča-Belo Brdo Years BC
Early Vinča period Vinča A 5700–4800
Vinča B
Vinča C
Late Vinča period Vinča D 4800–4200
In its later phase the centre of the Vinča network shifted from
Vinča-Belo Brdo to Vršac, and the long-distance exchange of
obsidian and Spondylus artefacts from modern-day Hungary and
the Aegean respectively became more important than that of
Vinča figurines. Eventually the network lost its cohesion
altogether and fell into decline. It is likely that, after two
millennia of intensive farming, economic stresses caused by
decreasing soil fertility were partly responsible for this Vinča figurine, British Museum
Most people in Vinča settlements would have been occupied with
Drawing of one of the Tărtăria
the provision of food. They practised a mixed subsistence economy tablets, dated to 5500–5300 BC
where agriculture, animal husbandry and hunting and foraging all and associated with the Vinča
contributed to the diet of the growing Vinča population. Compared culture. The Vinča symbols on it
to earlier cultures of the First Temperate Neolithic (FTN) these predate the proto-Sumerian
practices were intensified, with increasing specialisation on high- pictographic script. Discovered in
1961 at Tărtăria by the
yield cereal crops and the secondary products of domesticated
archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa.
animals, consistent with the increased population density.[18]
Generally speaking craft production within the Vinča network
was carried out at the household level; there is little evidence for
individual economic specialisation. Nevertheless, some Vinča
artefacts were made with considerable levels of technical skill. A
two-stage method was used to produce pottery with a polished,
multi-coloured finish, known as 'Black-topped' and 'Rainbow
Ware'. Sometimes powdered cinnabar and limonite were applied
to the fired clay for decoration. The style of Vinča clothing can be Vinča figurine
inferred from figurines depicted with open-necked tunics and
decorated skirts. Cloth was woven from both flax and wool (with
flax becoming more important in the later Vinča period), and buttons made from shell or stone were also
The Vinča site of Pločnik has produced the earliest example of copper tools in the world. However, the
people of the Vinča network practised only an early and limited form of metallurgy.[20] Copper ores were
mined on a large scale at sites like Rudna Glava, but only a fraction were smelted and cast into metal
artefacts – and these were ornaments and trinkets rather than functional tools, which continued to be
made from chipped stone, bone and antler. It is likely that the primary use of mined ores was in their
powdered form, in the production of pottery or as bodily decoration.[19]
In a 2017 genetic study published in Nature, the remains of six individuals ascribed to the Vinča culture
was analyzed. Of the three samples of Y-DNA extracted, one belonged to G2a2b2a1a, one belonged to
G2a2a, and one belonged to H2. mtDNA extracted were various subclades of U, H, T and K.[21][22]
See also
Tărtăria tablets
Old Europe
Sesklo culture
Varna culture
Hamangia culture
Cucuteni–Trypillia culture
Linear Pottery culture
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9. Porčić, Marko (2012). "Social complexity and inequality in the Late Neolithic of the Central
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11. Newsletter of the Association for Coroplastic Studies Number 12, Summer 2014 (http://coro
(PDF). Association for Coroplastic Studies. 2014.
12. Lipson, Mark; Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna; Mallick, Swapan; Pósa, Annamária; Stégmár, Balázs;
Keerl, Victoria; Rohland, Nadin; Stewardson, Kristin; Ferry, Matthew (16 November 2017).
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14. Chapman 1981, pp. 33–39.
15. Chapman 1981, pp. 17–32; calibrated with CalPal (
16. Chapman 1981, pp. 132–139.
17. Gimbutas 1976.
18. Chapman 1981, pp. 84–116.
19. Chapman 1981, pp. 117–131.
20. Cvekic 2007.
21. Lipson 2017.
22. Narasimhan 2019.
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Serbia". Antiquity. 91 (357). doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.41 (
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Editura Renaissance. pp. 75–86. ISBN 978-606-8321-01-1.
"Serbia's Journey Through Centuries: Prehistory" (
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Further reading
Tasić, Nikola; Srejović, Dragoslav; Stojanović, Bratislav (1990). Винча: Центар неолитске
културе у Подунављу ( [Vinča: Centre
of the Neolithic culture of the Danubian region]. Belgrade: Центар за археолошка
истраживања Филозофског факултета.
Vasić, Miloje (1932). Preistorijska Vinča I [Prehistoric Vinča I]. Beograd.
Vasić, Miloje (1936). Preistorijska Vinča II [Prehistoric Vinča II]. Beograd.
Vasić, Miloje (1936). Preistorijska Vinča III [Prehistoric Vinča III]. Beograd.
Vasić, Miloje (1936). Preistorijska Vinča IV [Prehistoric Vinča IV]. Beograd.
Винча и њен свет ( [Vinča and its
world]. Подунавље између 6000 и 3000 г. пре нове ере [The Danubian Region from 6000
to 3000 B. C.] (in Serbian). Belgrade: SANU. 1990.
External links
3D reconstruction of a Vinča house ( on
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