A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide To Using Edible Clay
A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide To Using Edible Clay
A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide To Using Edible Clay
This article is a comprehensive introduction to using clay internally. It covers the use of edible clay as a
natural dietary supplement. Please note that this article doesn’t cover therapeutic clay’s other uses,
such as clay baths and clay poultices.
This article provides instructions on how those who are new to clay can start to use it safely and
successfully. It also covers a wide range of issues and questions that new users often have when starting
out with clay. It has been written based on nearly 25 years of research and personal experience
working with others from all around the world. I am the founder of Eytons’ Earth
(www.eytonsearth.org), and the author of the book “Upon a Clay Tablet, The Definitive Guide to Healing
with Homeostatic Clay“.
Edible clay minerals used in natural medicine are considered GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by the
FDA, as clay was used medicinally prior to the formation of the FDA. In fact, clay has been used safely by
humans and animals for tens of thousands of years. If you were able to look at all of the modern
medical literature produced, you would never find reference to anyone seriously injured by proper use
of therapeutic clay.
Edible clay is part of the natural instinct of the animal kingdom. This can readily be seen by observing
animals in their natural habitat. For example, in the Amazon Basin, parrots eat clay as a mineral
supplement1 . They first eat their breakfast, and then they all gather at local “clay lick” (a collpa) and
have a healthy serving of raw clay.
“What, then, do the parrots actually gain from ingested soil? It turns out that they regularly eat seeds
and unripe fruits whose content of alkaloids and other toxins renders them bitter and even lethal to
humans and other animals. Because many of these chemicals are positively charged in the acidic
conditions found in the stomach, they bind to clay minerals bearing negatively charged cation-exchange
Elks, bears, raccoons, giraffes and zebra have also been observed eating clay4. Another report shows
that over 200 species of animals have been observed eating clay-rich soil5.
In fact, most of the therapeutic grade clay deposits that we know about were first discovered by
indigenous peoples following animals and observing them consume it. It doesn’t take an intelligent
being very long to get the idea that a clay deposit is a great place to go to when illness strikes.
Please note that there are many ways to supplement with clay. Clay use should be highly individualized,
based on the unique needs of each person.
The use of edible clay is a traditional practice that sometimes baffles researchers. Its use spans the
globe, and is much more wide spread than one might first imagine.
“The practice of eating dirt, usually fine clays, is so common in so many societies that it must be regarded
as a normal human behavior rather than an oddity, according to scientists who are studying it.”6.
Its use is certainly not limited to modern times. It is an ancient practice that has been used by nearly
every indigenous culture down through the ages. It is only our westernized, modern societies that have
lost this practice, due to a disconnect with ancestral traditions and the advent of the pharmaceutical
industry and “modern” medicines.
This article would be the size of a text book if all of the science, theory, and history was covered in
depth. For further information, please reference “Upon a Clay Tablet, the Definitive Guide to Healing
with Homeostatic Clay, Volume 1“, and the many articles available at the eytonsearth.org website.
The most common use for edible clay is to treat stomach and digestive system issues. Clay will often
eliminate symptoms of an acute upset stomach within 15 minutes of use, provided that it is taken upon
symptom onset. Clay has traditionally been known to be the very best natural substance to use
for acute digestive system issues. For example, the only active worthwhile ingredient in the old
“original” Pepto Bismol formulation was kaolin clay. The old Kaopectate formula had the “active”
ingredient of attapulgite clay7. In actuality, bentonite is most likely a superior clay to either, but it
wasn’t utilized for health purposes commercially until V.E. Irons produced the first hydrated bentonite
formula for supplement use8.
Individuals successfully heal things like acid reflux by using edible clay along with natural digestive aids
such as lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Another example would be using edible clay to prevent
stomach upset having eaten food that the body might not tolerate very well. A third example would be
using edible clay to treat food poisoning; many people make and consume a glass of water made with
medicinal clay and colloidal silver, which can quickly assist most common instances of food poisoning. In
fact, bentonite clay has been university studied as a treatment for diahhrea caused by toxins produced
by pathogenic bacteria9.
Another popular use for clay is for mineral supplementation. People have long consumed clay to help
normalize mineral levels in the body. This issue is becoming more and more important due to soil over-
farming (even organic foods). The quality of food is not what it used to be, and clay consumption has
been scientifically proven to help both prevent and treat mineral deficiencies. Clay use also assists in
nutrient uptake, most likely by improving digestive system efficiency.
This issue is so important that it bears repeating: If people knew how depleted their food (even organic)
was compared to the “normal” food in the early 20th century, everyone would be frantically
proactive! V. E. Irons went to jail for pointing this fact out, and that was back in the mid 20th
century. Those of us who have studied the history of supplementation in the United States consider V.
E. Irons the father of the natural supplementation movement. Both Daniel Read and Bernard Jensen
studied the philosophy of V. E. Irons.
Next, people use edible clay in digestive system/colon cleansing programs, as well as systemic
detoxification programs, often combined with other herbs and supplements. Edible clay has long been
used to help with acute and chronic toxicity issues, involving heavy metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, and
infectious conditions. For example, noted Lyme disease and detoxification expert Dr. Dietrich
Klinghardt, MD, utilizes bentonite with his patients to assist systemic cleansing10.
One of the most amazing (and sometimes confusing) things about clay is that it is a pro-life, anti-
infectious substance. There are many cases (such as with e-coli) where many different types of
therapeutic grade clay do not kill the micro-organism, but its use thereof results in the elimination of the
pathogenic condition. Clay accomplishes this via several different methods of action. One such method
is by simply changing the body’s bio-terrain to restore homeostasis. Another example would be clay’s
ability to sorpt toxins produced by the organism that either inhibit immune system function or are the
actual bio-chemicals that cause the disease state.
Finally, many people use clay simply to help keep the body healthy. Quite a few “over 50” athletes
report that using edible clay helps them keep their body in their ideal BMI range.
It should be noted that many people have found that clay is not only effective for the above uses, but
also that it is the most effect substance that they have found to use. In addition, not only is it often the
most effective, in comparison with other substances, it is also often the most affordable.
Should I Use Clay?
“Clay is the most versatile, profoundly effective, cheap, mysterious, underrated, covered-up health
treatment available. I know this because I am a natural health professional who uses clay personally and
professionally for healing and health maintenance. I research and read everything I can find on the
therapeutic use of clay. I have seen clay perform “miracles.” I get very excited about mud. And in case
you think I got my diploma out of a Cracker Jack’s box, rest assured; I have a bonafide Masters Degree…”
Eytons’ Earth exists to support and help educate those individuals who have elected to use clay. I do not
spend any energy trying to convince people that it is a good idea to use clay. That is a personal
decision. This document was developed to give anyone interested in exploring edible clay use enough
valid information to make a truly informed decision.
That said, it should be noted that our food supply is the lowest quality that it has been in modern
times. Much of the soil used for agricultural purposes has been so over-farmed that the volcanic-origin
minerals that were once richly available in the environment are now completely gone.
To demonstrate how great of an impact soil depletion is on plant growth, we once did a small controlled
growth rate experiment using wheat grass12. The yield after just 14 days increased by an average of 24%
over the control group. The growth rate greatly improved, as did the nutrient density. Also, please note
that we began with the highest quality organic wheat grass we could find.
For the reason of soil depletion alone, individuals should consider clay mineral supplementation. One
might think that plants absorb clay minerals better than humans do and therefore the comparison might
not be valid. However, numerous scientific studies have been done in animals as well. All of them have
clearly shown improved nutrient uptake and a positive impact on general health.
Furthermore, noble prize winning chemist Graham Cairns-Smith spent his entire career studying a
central idea: That life did not begin from organic molecules like DNA, but with simple clay
crystals13. The removal of clay minerals from entire ecosystems is a very bad idea. If the minerals are no
longer in the plants or water supply, then they certainly are not in our own bodies.
Last, consider that the human body has never had to deal with levels of chemical and environmental
toxicity that most of the world now deals with on a daily basis. To say that the human body in the
modern world is “detox challenged” is an understatement. This world is not the world of our ancestors,
and the human body could use all of the help it can get with its natural detoxification channels.
There have been no studies done to demonstrate the safety of edible clay use for pregnant women.
There also have been no official reported cases of edible clay use causing harm.
Many women have used clay when pregnant without any reported health issues. Some pregnant
women even crave clay when pregnant. However, without actual safety studies being done, I cannot
actually advise edible clay use during pregnancy. I can only state that reasonable use of edible clay has
not shown to cause any harm to the mother or to the developing fetus.
There have been no studies done demonstrating the safety of edible clay use with children. Many
parents do give kids clay as needed. Children, like adults, often respond very well to its correct use.
The dosage for a small child shouldn’t exceed 1/4 tsp of clay mixed in water.
The dosage for older children shouldn’t exceed 1/2 tsp of clay mixed in water.
These guidelines are offered out of an abundance of caution and only to provide parents with
reasonable usage information. I cannot recommend that parents give children clay as a regular
supplement. There is simply not enough data to warrant it.
I can state that as a parent, I did give my child proper doses of clay when needed to assist with digestive
system complaints that occurred rarely. As my child got older, I would also allow its use if he requested
There are many different ways to use clay. The most important step is to acclimate the body to its
use. Once the body is accustomed to clay use, it may be used as needed.
In Chapter 15 I presented data regarding the treatment used by several primitive races for preventing
and correcting serious disturbances in the digestive tract. This consisted in the use of clay or aluminum
silicate which modern science has learned has the important quality of being able to adsorb and
thus collect toxic substance and other products…
The first question people usually ask when becoming interested in trying clay is, “Which clay should I
use?“, and “What’s the very best clay out there?“. There isn’t an easy answer to this question, although
there are of course many opinions.
All clay deposits are unique. One cannot judge all of the properties of any clay by looking at its
classification. In other words, two sodium bentonites from two different clay deposits can be very
different from each other. Clay can even vary greatly in different locations within the same
quarry. Furthermore, different people respond differently to clays as well. What one person likes the
most may not be the same as what another person prefers.
There are currently three well established types of edible healing clays that have wide spread use.
The second type of healing clay is green illite. This type of clay is a mica. Illite particles have a much
smaller total surface area than smectites. These “roundish” clay particles have a very unique shape, and
are quite different from the “credit card” rectangular shape of the smectite particles. Illite functions
very differently in and on the body. I like to call green illite “The Grappler” because of the way it “grabs”
and holds on to substances it comes in contact with.
The third type is micronized zeolite. This is relatively new to the supplement world, and shows great
promise. It took me a very long time to warm to the idea of using micronized zeolite; over a decade in
fact. Due to the impressive body of formal research being done in Europe, I believe that this mineral
shows great promise for use in human health.
Eytons’ Earth always keeps a buying guide online for sources that we believe are excellent clays
marketed by highly ethical companies operating from a place of true good will who put the public
interest before profit motives15. Please note that I do have commercial interest in a company that sells
therapeutic grade clay wholesale. That said, this does not interfere with my ability to be objective, as
evidenced by the fact that there are several other companies that are listed in the buyer’s guide.
Also, please note that there are other great companies out there that are not listed on the Eytons’ Earth
website. Consider the Eytons’ Earth buying guide a good place to start, but not necessarily the end!
Once a person gets used to using edible clay, one can let one’s own body be the guide to follow! Don’t
be afraid to try a variety of good edible clays, and conversely, don’t be afraid to stick with a clay that has
worked well for you!
Nearly all of the true therapeutic grade clays used for health purposes are from very unique natural
deposits. There is much more to a healing clay than its official name. When getting started, there is no
need to get caught up in the terminology or try to figure everything out, especially since there is a lot of
conflicting information out there. It is sufficient for the beginner to simply acquire some edible clay
from a reputable source. Later, one can of course explore the vast scientific knowledge about clays in
greater depth.
The first step when beginning clay use: Allow the body to acclimate to it. Clay is truly a powerful
homeostatic healing substance, so new users should take it easy and proceed slowly. Any number of
initial reactions may– or may not– occur. One of clay’s extraordinary powers is its ability to
“exteriorize” latent health conditions in the body. In other words, by starting to use clay, one can
experience symptoms of conditions that may have been dormant previously. This can result in
temporary, but sometimes potent, effects as clay begins its work.
Allowing the body time to adjust to using edible clay is a relatively simple process. it involves drinking
clay water once daily, and simply pausing for three days if one experiences any uncomfortable effects.
The night before use, mix one teaspoonful of clay in 500 ml of water. The best thing to use is a glass or
plastic (BPA free) shaker bottle with an air tight lid. Shake very well, until all of the clay is mixed with the
water. Let the clay water breath by keeping the lid slightly “cracked” open. Store overnight at room
temperature in a clean environment. If for any reason there would be excessive chemicals in the air,
store the container sealed. Do not allow hydrated clay to remain in contact with any metal alloy. If a
shaker bottle comes with a metal ball, simply remove it.
First thing in the morning, shake the container well once again. Allow the clay to sit for about three
minutes. Then, drink all of the clay water, leaving any sediment that has settled out behind (sitting on
the bottom of the container). Different clays have different amounts of grit and sediment. While
drinking the grit/sediment won’t cause harm, most people prefer to drink only the clay water itself.
It is very important that clay be taken with plenty of water while adjusting to it. This will help prevent
problems due to any chronic dehydration issues in the colon. Taking clay on an empty stomach in 500
ml of water also limits the interaction between stomach acid and the clay. There are both advantages
and disadvantages to using clay in this manner. However, getting into the details of this issue would be
an advanced topic. Most people will always do very well taking clay in 500 ml of water!
By taking clay first thing in the morning, clay particles will be present during the first bile dump that
occurs with breakfast. Because the body goes through a nightly cleansing cycle, there will be more
heavy metals released via the bile in the morning compared to later in the day. It is a good idea to have
clay on-board for the first meal of the day. That said, try to wait an hour after taking clay to eat
breakfast. Also, separate clay use with any medications by an hour.
If experiencing any uncomfortable effects from taking clay, pause clay use for three days, and then
resume. If this occurs more than a few times, switch taking clay from the morning to the
evening. Again, take clay at least one hour after the last meal.
The fact is, that while it is a great idea to use clay first thing in the morning, some people respond better
taking clay after the last meal. The only way to know for sure which way will be best for any individual is
by personal experience!
Having successfully taken a teaspoonful of clay in water for ten days straight, one can move
forward. For some, simply taking one teaspoonful of clay daily, or three to four times per week, is all
that is required. One teaspoonful of clay should be considered the low end of one standard dose for an
adult. It should also be considered a good maintenance dose.
For people with existing detox issues, chronic illness, or chronic digestive system issues, the one tsp.
daily is simply the starting point.
The next step for using edible clay to heal the body: Slowly increase the amount taken until the
digestive system stabilizes. This means to take enough clay to transform/normalize the digestive
system’s bio-terrain. Feces should be well formed, with bowel function normalized.
To begin this process, increase the frequency of use (doses). First increase to twice daily, in between
meals. Then, if needed, increase to three times daily in between meals.
If still more clay is needed, increase the amount of clay used per dose. First, start with a tablespoonful
of clay in the morning dose. Then, increase to the tablespoonful dose twice daily. Finally, increase the
tablespoonful dose to three times daily.
Very few people will ever need to take more than three tablespoons of clay daily.
When using edible clay, individuals should always drink plenty of water. It is recommended that a
person drink 500 ml of good, clean water for ever dose of clay taken.
By using the above process to determine the proper clay dosage levels, clay use becomes a very simple
“Death begins in the colon… In my opinion, there is only one real disease, and that disease is
‘autointoxiation’ – the body poisoning itself. It’s the filth in our system that kills us. I’m convinced that
unless you clean out your colon you will never regain vibrant health.”
Clay use goes a long way to helping the entire digestive system heal. However, there are other things
that should be done, especially for those with severely sluggish digestive systems. Clay use will
sometimes quickly cure sluggish digestion. However, clay can only work with the body’s own natural
resources and energy reserves. If an individual is too depleted, then more help may be necessary.
There are many programs out there that use clay as a central ingredient to digestive system/colon
cleansing. Many of them are very good and safe. Some are simple while others are quite complex. Use
one’s own best judgment and common sense when following anyone’s detoxification program or advice.
Some beginners might wish to do a complete cleansing program when adjusting to clay use. Please visit
earthcures.org17 for a very simple 60 day digestive system cleansing protocol.
Individuals that have food intolerances report very good results taking a small amount of clay with
meals. At first glance, it may seem like clay taken with meals might negatively impact nutrient
uptake. However, it actually takes a lot of clay to impair the body’s ability to absorb
nutrients. According to animal studies done, it would take more than 11% clay (by weight) added to a
meal in order to adversely effect nutrient absorption18.
People often get confused with the conflicting advice. Most of the usage instructions out there state to
take clay away from meals. For the most part, this advice is good. Clay taken far away from meals
allows the clay to act as a healing agent in and on the digestive system. Clay is a more powerful healing
substance when it is able act on the the digestive tract itself, rather than on food in the digestive
tract. This is especially true when considering the stomach and small intestines, but not so much once
clay reaches the colon.
That said, clay has been used for centuries specifically to help treat both food sensitivity and food
poisoning. In order for clay to work in this manner, a small amount should be taken with meals. In fact,
one should not be afraid to drink copious amounts of clay water in the event of any acute digestive
system discomfort that may be caused by accidentally eating tainted food.
Individuals with developed food tolerance issues should also consider supplementing with HCL, digestive
enzymes, and apple cider vinegar. One may also wish to do a full digestive system cleansing
program. Clay is an excellent healing agent, but it can’t do everything on its own.
“…I have put a huge number of patients on these clay baths and the levels of heavy metals – mercury,
lead, arsenic, aluminum, and cadmium have come down dramatically…I have been monitoring the levels
of metals using all three methods (TD DMPS, oral DMSA and clay baths)and the clay baths are way faster
in the removal of metals…”
…”One particular patient had very high levels of mercury and levels of lead that were off the charts. In 3
months of twice weekly clay baths, the lead came down dramatically and the mercury disappeared. The
muscle weakness associated with high lead levels improved dramatically. Interestingly enough, another 5
months of these clay baths showed even lower levels of lead but the mercury reappeared. This supports
the theory that mercury is sequestered in different areas of our body and it takes time to get it all out.”
Edible clay is most excellent for assisting the body’s natural detoxification channels, including to help
eliminate heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Animal in-vivo studies20 and laboratory in vitro
studies21 have conclusively demonstrated that montmorillonite can remove water soluble lead and
mercury, and prevent these heavy metals from damaging the body via continued exposure.
Edible clay acts as a systemic catalyst for detoxification, and works as a direct detoxificant in the
digestive system. Clay stimulates systemic detoxification while binding heavy metals and waste
throughout the digestive tract. As such, clay helps to prevent retention toxicity, making certain that the
heavy metals being purged by the body are eliminated rather than reabsorbed back into the body. It
also protects the body from current exposure by preventing their absorption.
For heavy metal cleansing support, individuals should take a single dose of clay once to three times daily
in between meals. For individuals with documented elevated levels of heavy metals, It is a good idea to
do a complete heavy metal detox program which includes edible clay, polyphenols22and clay
baths. Again, these programs can be simple or complex, depending upon the needs of the individual.
For a very simple and affordable heavy metal cleansing program, visit www.earthcures.org23.
Please always consult a qualified health care professional when dealing with chemical/heavy metal
As a true homeostatic substance, edible clay may be useful in reducing the symptoms of
hyperthyroidism. An animal study (done with rats) demonstrated that montmorillonite ameliorated
hyperthyroidism by adsorbing the excess hormones24.
While this study has not been replicated with humans, one would expect clay’s adsorptive properties to
work the same. Smaller doses of clay taken more often (3-4 times a day) would likely be a good
supplement strategy.
Clay can be successfully used to reduce or eliminate detox effects and herxheimer reactions that are
common to some natural treatments of chronic infections and/or illnesses. To be clear, this method
should not be used to try to curb the effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Individuals suffering from side
effects from natural treatments can take up to one teaspoonful of edible clay mixed in a glass of
water, twenty minutes after doing the “offending” treatment.
As a true homeostatic substance, edible clay is very useful in a wide range of chronic conditions. While
clay may not be a stand alone cure for all illnesses, its use may provide pivotal support to any body that
is over-stressed due to chronic conditions.
This includes diabetes, where clay has been reported by some to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
This includes weight gain and weight retnetion associated with environmental toxicity and aging. Clay
has been reported by some to help normalize body weight when combined with a true healthy diet and
proper exercise and lifestyle choices.
Clay has been reported as useful for many different “mystery illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and Morgellon’s.
When clay is considered as simply a healthy lifestyle choice that supports vibrant health in the body, it
can be utilized by nearly anyone to help improve the quality of life and assist in bringing the body back
into a state of homeostasis.
Edible clay has been scientifically proven to help normalize mineral levels when added to the diet as a
supplement, even when a given mineral is not present in the clay.25. Clay is best used as a mineral
supplement to ensure proper uptake of nutrients consumed as a part of a healthy diet. It should NOT be
used as a replacement for any macro or trace minerals. In other words, even though taking calcium
bentonite has been shown to be protective/corrective for osteoporosis26, it should not be used as a
stand alone treatment for it. Clay should always be used as an adjunct; a healthy part of corrective
Many mineral imbalances in the body are the result of consuming unnatural foods, medications, or very
low quality drinking water. Clay can be considered as a critical part of correcting imbalances in the
body. However, using clay alone should not be relied upon to do things like de-calcify joints, correct
magnesium deficiency, or completely correct chronic pH/electrolyte imbalances that are now rampant
in the western world.
To use clay as a healthy real food mineral supplement is very simple. Consume one teaspoon of clay
mixed in water three to seven times weekly. In the past, it was believed that a healthy body would only
need clay three to four times per week. However, this “general rule of thumb” was established before
people had to deal with the massive amounts of toxic chemicals in the food, water, and environment.
If for whatever reason the body starts to crave more clay, it is perfectly fine to listen to the body and
adjust clay use.
If for whatever reason the body starts to reject clay use, then it would be wise to
investigate. Sometimes, an individual might do better switching clays. If drinking clay-rich water causes
nausea, first try to mix the clay water the day before use, and see if this helps. Edible clay is truly a
homeostatic substance; very few people have actual reactions to the clay particles which would prevent
its use. Since different clays have different mineral profiles, the body might be reacting to a co-mineral.
The bottom line: Listen to how the body responds to regular clay use, and adjust accordingly! Many,
many people have consumed clay regularly for 30 to 40 years with no ill effects.
There are some programs out there that recommend using massive amounts of clay. This “throw the
kitchen sink” at the problem mentality is not based on wisdom. It is more of a desperation attempt at
Most people should never exceed three tablespoonfuls of clay daily. However, like most rules, this rule
is designed to be broken under certain circumstances. The instructions in this beginners guide state to
slowly increase clay dosage, and the frequency of use, until the clay effects a positive bio-terrain
change. This is the proper method of clay use.
What will happen for a very small segment of people who are very chronically ill: Every time the dosage
is increased, the person feels a little bit better. So the individual increases a little bit more the next day,
and feels even better. The individual slowly keeps increasing the dosage until the symptoms (like
diarrhea) completely resolve. This is the one type of situation where it might be acceptable for a person
to increase the amount of clay consumed above three tablespoons daily.
One individual should never recommend that another individual to exceed three tablespoonfuls of clay
taken daily. This is a choice that one’s own body’s innate wisdom needs to suggest. Some people have
tried to force feed the body massive amounts of clay, day after day, week after week, month after
month, in order to try to force a healing. This never works. The bodies of these individuals start to
reject clay use, and it becomes harder and harder to consume it. Individuals need to learn to listen to
the innate wisdom of the body. There has never been a report of someone doing this causing any
actual harm, but practices such as this should be avoided as a matter of common sense.
On rare circumstances, people end up with clay blocking the intestines when following cleansing or
healing programs that suggest consuming copious amount of clay. While this is temporary, sometimes
medical intervention is needed.
So again, most people will do very well with smaller amounts of clay.
Some people encapsulate dry clay in order to make it easier to consume. It is the water that gives clay
most of its extraordinary properties. Encapsulated dry clay (or pressed clay tablets) will not likely fully
hydrate until it reaches the colon, if at all. One can attempt to drink a lot of water at the time that the
clay capsules are taken, but this does not guarantee that the clay will self-hydrate. It is far, far better to
take fully hydrated clay in order to harness all of the beneficial properties of clay.
However, it is better to take clay tablets or capsules then to not use clay at all! It is important to note
that most of the animal studies done were done by adding dry clay powder to animal feed. That said,
human digestive systems are obviously different from most animals.
Beginners should stick to drinking clay water as advised in this guide until the body is extremely well
adjusted to its use. Clay is safe and effective to use in this manner.
Clay magma, or clay gel, is completely different than completely aqueous clay water. A clay gel has a
collective electromagnetic energy field; the greater the volume of clay, the stronger the field. Clay
water, on the other hand, has single clay particles with a zeta potential. These particles act
independently of each other, and not collectively.
The electromagnetic field produced by hydrated clay gel is very important when using clay externally,
but this is usually not the case when using clay internally. The clay charge layers, which are responsible
for the electromagnetic field, will collapse when the hydrated clay comes in contact with stomach
acid. The clay then mixes with food and bile, and will not likely reform as a clay gel in the colon.
When consuming clay gel orally, the clay will coat all of the tissues that it comes in contact with. This
includes the throat and esophagus. This can be useful in some cases and problematic in others. One
study I found in my research concluded that consuming clay gel directly could result in nutrients not
being absorbed. This is quite possible if a large amount of clay gel was consumed at one time. This
could result in a thick coating of clay covering the entire upper GI tract. While this effect would be
temporary (likely limited to a single meal), there is no need to use clay in this manner unless one has a
very specific reason for doing so.
Conversely, individuals with severe upper-intestinal tract issues might experiment with this method of
administration. Consuming properly hydrated clay gel could be useful with ulcerations, in particular. It
bears repeating that the coating effect is only temporary; the clay will clear the intestines without any
need for intervention provided that one has not consumed so much clay as to cause an impacted colon.
Some companies sell pre-hydrated clay gel for colon cleansing. These formulations are usually done
very well, and are safe to use provided that individuals stick to the usage instructions. V.E. Irons, for
example, makes a super-hydrated sodium bentonite to use in their cleansing program.
If one still desires to use a home-made clay gel internally, and are worried about the coating effect, the
potential negative effects can be completely avoided. First, only consume small scoop of clay gel (1/4
tsp to 1 tsp) at a time. If one desires to avoid clay completely coating the upper GI, allow clay gel to
completely melt on the tongue with saliva before swallowing.
Please note: I often recommend that individuals use a clay gel orally. However, I personally consider
this an advanced use of clay, and not a beginner’s use. I much prefer to see individual acclimate to clay
use by drinking clay in a lot of water. This specifically helps to avoid the number one problem with clay
use: A re-existing condition of a dehydrated colon.
Once the body is adjusted to clay use and responding well, I recommend a clay gel orally for individuals:
1. With low stomach acid production who need to take clay with a meal.
7. In the rare situation where loose stools do not respond to clay water use.
Alternately, one can make tiny balls of clay paste, let them dry, and then rehydrate them in your
mouth. Many of the indigenous tribes in the United States would give their runners small balls of dried
clay to carry. The runners would allow the dry clay balls to slowly hydrate in the mouth with saliva. It is
believed that using clay in this manner increased the runner’s stamina for their long journeys between
However, avoid consuming dry clay powder. Not only will this act as a throat and esophagus irritant,
but one risks inhaling clay powder into the lungs. Always avoid breathing in clay dust/powder.
If one accidentally consumes too much clay gel, the potential negative effects can be countered by
drinking diluted apple cider vinegar.
To be clear, there is no direct evidence that eating a teaspoonful of clay gel causes any real health
The short answer is: Use the best drinking water you can find to hydrate clay with.
You can use purified water (reverse osmosis, filtered, or steam distilled), high quality spring water,
and/or structured water. Tap water should be used only if absolutely necessary.
Please keep in mind that it is the water that gives clay its most important properties. The water
activates the clay and the clay will inherit some of the water’s attributes.
When using purified water or steam distilled water, it is a good idea to add back in some healthy
dissolved minerals (such as Himalayan Crystal Salt). Most people, in general, will respond better to a
very clean drinking water supply as opposed to a water that is very high in minerals. For our purposes,
consider a clean water as any water with between 50 PPM and 200 PPM of dissolved solids.
Steam distilled water usually has between 0.3 and 1.5 PPM dissolved solids. Therefore, add about three
to six drops of a saturated natural sea/mineral salt solution per gallon of distilled water.
Most purified/reverse osmosis water has between 25 and 75 PPM dissolved solids. Therefore, add
between 2 to 4 drops of a saturated natural sea/mineral salt solution per gallon of water.
For external use, a high mineral-content water can be utilized to hydrate clay.
There is no need to get caught up in trying to find the ideal water to use clay with. The above is simply
provided as a baseline for reference.
Many researchers have tried to describe and isolate the “living” element of living clay. There is an
energy that exists as a part of clay. This energy can be physically quantified by measuring and studying
its piezoelectric properties, its sorption properties, and its zeta potential. However, it is perhaps wiser
to look at the energy of clay as a type of chi or prana; literally a living force that is highly supportive of
Furthermore, the living cell itself may have been “patterned” after clay crystals. In other words, clay
particles may be the actual blue print for the creation and evolution of the living cell.27.
There is overwhelming historic evidence showing the benefits of clay consumption. The scientific
studies that have been done28 have all demonstrated beneficial results, although most of the studies
have been done exploring clay use with animals. Even so, some people avoid its use before even taking
the opportunity to experience it first hand.
Is there any actual evidence that using clay can cause harm? Absolutely not. The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) still classifies medicinal clays as GRAS: Generally Regarded as Safe.
Clay should be considered a natural and healing medicinal food. The master naturopath, Raymond
Dexreit listed therapeutic clay as one of seven irreplaceable healing substances on the
planet 29. Tolerance to clay use is nearly universal; it is an actual homeostatic substance.
While keeping all of the above points in mind, let’s take a look at the concerns that people tend to have
about ingesting edible clay.
Soil is not dead. This is a good thing for life on planet Earth. This goes for natural clay deposits as
well. The aerobic plate counts for natural clay can be quite high, at least compared to purified/sterilized
supplements and medications. This is to be expected; humanity has always used raw foods in their
natural state. Most soil based organisms (SBOs) are non-pathogenic. In many cases, they have
a probiotic (life giving) effect on the body. Clays that have been over-processed and sterilized do not
seem to have the same healing power as natural clays.
However, surface clay deposits can be contaminated with any type of organism via environmental
exposure. Bird/animal feces is especially of concern. Decaying plant matter from the environment can
also contaminate surface clay. Surface clay in moist climates may also have elevated levels of mold, and
in worse case scenarios, tetanus. When assisting individuals exploring their own personal clay deposits,
I have done actual testing which reveals that the surface clay often does contain Coliform like e-coli as
well as other undesirable organisms. Therefore, the concern is not just theoretical.
The safest edible clay is therefore harvested beneath the surface of the Earth. The best companies
selling edible clay do microbial spot testing just to make sure that the clay does not contain pathogenic
In all the years of that I’ve been testing clay, I have yet to find any microbial problems with properly
harvested clay.
The bottom line: Experience shows that using therapeutic clay, both internally and externally, often has
a beneficial effect on infectious conditions in and on the body. So while this concern is valid, as long as
edible clay has been obtained from a reputable source, there is no real need for concern.
The worry over radiation naturally found in most clays is unwarranted. In fact, it turns out that just the
opposite may be true: Clays do a fantastic job at adsorbing and absorbing many elements (isotopes)
that emit radiation, rendering them inert as long as they remain sorpted. In fact, Bentonite was dumped
on top of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, creating a 45 foot barrier, because this was the only viable
solution that the world’s scientists could come up with to reduce the spread of radiation from the core
of the “melting” nuclear reactor30.
While no study has been done that can be considered definitive, the fact that scientists in many fields
are studying clay for radiation buffering and/or removal is a pretty good indicator that these scientists–
experts in their fields of study– are not worried about the low levels of natural radiation found in clay
Nearly all clay minerals emit low level radiation from small amounts of minerals such as Uranium and
Thorium. Traditional use edible clay has been studied to determine if this naturally occurring radiation
poses a health risk31. This study found that the seven investigated clay samples did not contain radiation
levels that posed any risk.
While the study was extremely limited in scope, it provides great reference points for study. A close
look at the mineral content of clay will reveal if the clay has any elements that may pose risk.
Only one out of all of the edible clays that I have studied contained a mineral profile unusual enough to
exclude itself from the general “safety” parameters that can be determined by the above referenced
study. And, of course, having an unusual trace mineral profile does not in and of itself mean that this
particular clay is dangerous.
Clays such as bentonite/montmorillonite and zeolite are being widely studied for their potential to
reduce environmental radiation levels from things like nuclear waste. The results of the study are
mixed, and depend upon a great deal upon variables such as pH levels and temperatures.
However, bentonite’s ability to remove cesium, for example, is well documented.32.
In fact, scientists in Russia have used clay to coat their skin prior to putting on radiation suits when
working with radioactive material. By doing so, they have been able to reduce their cumulative
radiation exposure.
There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that clay can be a valuable tool in human health specifically for
both radiation and chemical toxicity issues. In fact, clay is known to possess therapeutic effects both by
emitting energy and by removing excessive energy/radiation.
On an organism which has suffered and still retains the radiations of radium or any other intensive
radioactive source, the radioactivity is first enhanced and then absorbed. A clay could, in this way, ensure
the protection of organisms over-exposed to atomic radiations….
“…It would be presumptuous to attempt a precise and concrete explanation of the basic action of clay.
Among the properties to which we can attribute its effect is radioactivity. Clay is radioactive to a degree
(as is everything), but this radioactivity is generally imperceptible to the testing apparatus at present
used in laboratories… Radioesthetically, the matter has been extensively discussed. Scientists differ
widely as to the significance of this radioactivity in clay.33
The biggest hesitation that people have when considering the use of edible clay is because of the metals
naturally found in clay. Modern civilization has people terrified of heavy metals, even as it continues
polluting our air and water supplies with tens of thousands of chemicals that have never been present in
the environment before.
Most of the real threats involving heavy metals come from industrialization, not from nature, and
certainly not from therapeutic clay.
I’ve done extensive analytical testing of what I call traditional use edible clays. I define “traditional use”
as clay that has been safely used by humans and/or animals across generations. Having studied all of
the literature available on the subject, having done my own analytical testing, and having done my own
heavy metal tests, it is clear that most of the heavy metals in traditional use therapeutic clay are not
Remember, that in order for a substance to be harmful, it must be consumed in a form that is both bio-
active and bio-available. Traditional use clay itself is inert, and most of the heavy metals are complexed
in the clay crystalline structure; most of these “dangerous” metals were fused to the crystal as the result
of volcanic action, or are non-water or fat soluble.
In France, where medicinal clays have long been used, research accredited by COFRAC has shown that
only a tiny fraction of the metals in clay separate from the clay particles in water.34
In fact, an extensive study was done that demonstrated that bentonite does an excellent job of
REMOVING heavy metals such as lead from water35.
Please remember that not all clays available for sale are traditional use clays. There are bentonites
(particularly sodium bentonites) out there with much higher levels of lead then our baseline testing, and
there are also industrial grade clays that have been contaminated via environmental exposure. There
are many different grades of clay, even from the same quarry. Always stick with an experienced,
reputable company when purchasing clay for consumption!
The answer to the question of whether or not regular clay use increases heavy metal burden is: To the
contrary. Clay has been used by environmental medicine experts to help people purge heavy metals
from the body. These figures include Dr. Grace Ziem (who at one point used bentonite when she
consulted with John Hopkins University), Dr. Christopher Shade, Dr. Richard Schulze, and Dr. Dietrich
Klinghardt. If one were to compile a list of professionals harnessing the power of edible clay, the list
would span pages.
While official clinical studies on using edible clay to detox from heavy metals are rare, at least one
modern clinical study has shown that bentonite clay (combined with cilantro), results in the removal of
mercury, lead and aluminum from the body36.
Eytons’ Earth keeps an objective list of clays with a very long history of safe internal use on the
To be clear, all of the traditional use edible clays studied to date do have levels of both arsenic and lead
that would be troublesome if they were bio-available. To date, there is no scientific evidence or even
any reason to believe that these elements are absorbed into the body, or that they become bio-
It should also be noted that all traditional use clays are aluminum-silicates. This means that the clay
crystal structure contains aluminum. However, no scientific or medical authority believes that the
aluminum bound in clay is a health concern. It is not possible to separate the aluminum from the silica
without a great deal of physical force.
Last, there is no conclusive medical study which definitively proves that edible clay doesn’t release the
“undesirable” elements. While the available data indicates that this is not a valid health concern, each
person should look at the available information and make a personal, informed decision.
Many people who avoid clay use do so because they are afraid of clay causing constipation. Let me be
very clear: Edible clay does NOT cause constipation. Its use, however, can result in constipation.
It is easy to get confused based on all of the misguided information available. One can find a certain
number of people claiming that clay use cured their constipation, while at the same time one can find an
equal number of people complaining that they experienced constipation from its use. When using clay
results in constipation, it is an exteriorization. An exteriorization is a term used in natural medicine. It
means that the healing substance used is revealing a pre-existing condition; a latent condition that is
brought to the surface by the therapy. Experiencing an exteriorization allows a person to deal with the
pre-existing condtion before it develops into a serious, chronic illness.
1. Chronic Dehydration – Dehydration can occur even with individuals who drink plenty of
water. The solution is to be certain one is drinking enough water every day. Mix clay water with
eight to sixteen ounces of good drinking water. Try drinking clay first thing in the morning. If
this doesn’t work, switch to drinking clay one to two hours after dinner, at night.
2. Thyroid Dysfunction – Reduced thyroid function can result in constipation issues. Often times,
the individual is also experiencing adrenal fatigue.
3. Lilver/Gallbladder Dysfunction – Many people have dangerously sluggish digestive systems, and
have reduced bile production/bile flow. The quick solution to curing the constipation is to use
ox bile, pancreatic enzymes, and Russian radish. There is a supplement called GB-3 that can be
taken just before each meal. This supplement, however, does not have enough pancreatic
enzymes for people who are seriously depleted. If still experiencing issues, purchase a product
called “Pancreas” by Nutricology. Start with adding six capsules 10-30 minutes prior to
eating. Continue to ise the GB-3 before meals. Consider this a wise intervention in a condition
that can eventually develop into very serious chronic illness!
Neither of these two conditions is an actual, real barrier to clay use. Allow the body to adjust to clay use
as outlined in this guide.
Some people fear that clay will stick to the wall of the colon and cause health issues. While there have
been cases of people experiencing an impacted colon, these cases are limited to those who try to
consume massive amounts of clay, who are also in a state of chronic dehydration.
When using clay water, it is true that individual clay particles will adhere to tissues in the digestive
tract. This process is done via electrical attraction, and not because the clay is “sticky”. Clay water itself
is not sticky, nor are single particles of clay. In fact, bentonite is sometimes used as a lubricant for
machinery such as oil rigs. Edible clay is only sticky in a partially hydrated state.
When clay particles adhere to tissue, it is almost always due to injury/irritation at the location. This
direct physical effect of clay is one of the things that gives clay extraordinary healing power in the
digestive tract. Clay particles have a negative electrical charge, and adhere to damaged tissues. This
actually protects the tissue from further damage, and improves healing. Clay particles adhered to
tissues in the body will naturally release as the process of cell division replaces old cells with healthy
new cells.
Does Clay Prevent Nutrient Absorption?
Some people are scared away from clay because they believe using clay will result in reduced nutrient
absorption by the body. This is another case where the exact opposite is true! The use of edible clay
actually improves digestion and increases nutrient uptake. This is established scientific fact, and has
been confirmed with numerous animal studies.38
Over consumption of clay (as with everything) can possibly lead to health issues. However, the amount
of clay that it takes to reduce nutrient absorption is dozens of times more than the amounts
recommended for use as a natural medicine.
People also become concerned that using edible clay might hinder the absorption of medications being
used. This is a valid concern.
To avoid any issue, individuals simply need to separate clay use and medications by one to two hours. In
other words, simply allow enough time for any medication to be digested/absorbed before consuming
Most clays are high in iron. The amount of iron present in clay will vary from quarry to quarry.
The iron content in clay will not negatively impact most individuals. Furthermore, clay should not be
used as a stand alone iron supplement for those individuals with low iron levels.
There are a select few individuals that have an iron intolerance. Usually, these individuals are already
aware of their condition. Individuals with this medical condition should use edible clay only sparingly
and under the supervision of a doctor (who can do iron blood testing).
All clays have varying amounts of natural naphtha, which is a gas. Raymond Dextreit, author of Our
Earth, Our Cure, posited that this was one element responsible for clay’s extraordinary healing
power. Every once and awhile someone trying to adjust to clay use will react to the presence of
naphtha. If this is the case, all one has to do is “water wash” the clay. Make a clay water, keep mixing it,
and allow it to breathe. The excess naphtha will outgas. This is one reason why it is recommended that
a person make clay water to drink the night before when adjusting to clay use.
However, if one desires to harness all of the natural properties of clay, it is best to leave the clay in its
natural state. When one makes clay gel properly, all of the natural properties remain intact. When one
consumes clay water right after mixing, the same may be said.
About half of the people using edible clay water don’t notice the taste. There is a small segment of the
population that experiences the taste as highly desirable (it tastes great!). There is another small
segment that doesn’t like the taste. Taste buds will often change as the body adjusts to clay use.
Will Edible Clay Eliminate the Good Bacteria in the Digestive Tract?
No. Edible clay is a life-promoting, homeostatic substance. It’s use will not result in a detrimental effect
to the good, symbiotic bacteria that naturally lives in the digestive tract. This fact was scientifically
established by Dr. Howard E. Lind 39. Clay tends to normalize the bacterial counts in the colon by
changing the body’s bio-terrain. However, this doesn’t mean that probiotics or fermented foods may
not be needed to help the digestive system heal. In some cases, the digestive system is so imbalanced
that it may next extra help to heal.
You may now notice that you now know far more about edible clay than most of the food that you eat
on a daily basis. In some cases, supplements are held to a higher standard than almost anything found
in the average super market. Clay is one of those supplements because it has been scrutinized from
every angle.
While clay use may seem counter-intuitive at first glance, the more one learns about the nature of clay,
the more one may realize how natural its use really is.
Can New Users Experience Side Effects While Getting Used to Clay?
Most people can easily adjust to taking edible clay, especially if they follow the general guidance of
going slow and hydrating the body. However, there are cases where severe temporary side effects can
occur. To minimize unwanted effects, allow the body to adjust to clay use for about 10 days. If the body
experiences unpleasantness of any kind, pause for three days to allow the body to recover. Then,
proceed with half of the original dose.
In particular, those with severe kidney and/or liver issues need to apply due caution. Clay may seem
simple, but it can have a very powerful effect in-body.
Most of the rare individuals that experience severe side effects don’t hydrate the body, and then double
or triple the starting dose. People who report these difficulties usually tried to start with two to four
tablespoonfuls of clay. This is not the wisest course of action!
Many people who avoid clay use do so because they are afraid of clay causing constipation. Let me be
very clear: Edible clay does NOT cause constipation. Its use, however, can result in constipation.
It is easy to get confused based on all of the misguided information available. One can find a certain
number of people claiming that clay use cured their constipation, while at the same time one can find an
equal number of people complaining that they experienced constipation from its use. When using clay
results in constipation, it is an exteriorization. An exteriorization is a term used in natural medicine. It
means that the healing substance used is revealing a pre-existing condition; a latent condition that is
brought to the surface by the therapy. Experiencing an exteriorization allows a person to deal with the
pre-existing condtion before it develops into a serious, chronic illness.
1. Chronic Dehydration – Dehydration can occur even with individuals who drink plenty of
water. The solution is to be certain one is drinking enough water every day. Mix clay water with
eight to sixteen ounces of good drinking water. Try drinking clay first thing in the morning. If
this doesn’t work, switch to drinking clay one to two hours after dinner, at night.
2. Thyroid Dysfunction – Reduced thyroid function can result in constipation issues. Often times,
the individual is also experiencing adrenal fatigue.
3. Lilver/Gallbladder Dysfunction – Many people have dangerously sluggish digestive systems, and
have reduced bile production/bile flow. The quick solution to curing the constipation is to use
ox bile, pancreatic enzymes, and Russian radish. There is a supplement called GB-3 that can be
taken just before each meal. This supplement, however, does not have enough pancreatic
enzymes for people who are seriously depleted. If still experiencing issues, purchase a product
called “Pancreas” by Nutricology. Start with adding six capsules 10-30 minutes prior to
eating. Continue to ise the GB-3 before meals. Consider this a wise intervention in a condition
that can eventually develop into very serious chronic illness!
Individuals with weak digestive systems are encouraged to explore the “bare bones” digestive system
cleanse protocol. Doing the 60 day “plug and play” cleanse is a great way to re-hydrate the body, adjust
the body to clay use, and start to heal the digestive tract. We also have a full nutrition and
detoxification program in development.
One can also stagger clay use, as recommended by “The Grandfather” of clay therapy, Raymond
Dextreit. Take clay for three days, pause for four days. Then, take clay for four days and then pause for
three days. You can do this while at the same time working on remedying the sluggish digestive system.
For some people, the simple solution is to change the time of day clay is consumed. Some people will
do great doing clay first thing in the morning, and some will do great taking clay an hour after dinner,
before bedtime.
When I first began exploring the use of edible clay, it was very rare that an individual would get
constipated using clay. That is why most of the educational material out there lists clay as a cure for
constipation. Furthermore, the issue was almost always solved easily. However, now it is becoming a
bit more common. This suggests that the digestive system of individuals now tends to be
significantly weaker than it was 20 years ago. Also, low thyroid function, likely due to environmental
and dietary factors, are becoming even more common.
When thyroid issues are present, some people may not be able to adjust to clay use daily without doing
a simple digestive system cleanse, and supplementing with iodine. Iodine is the body’s own master
detoxification mineral. Clay use cannot always compensate for iodine-related health issues. A person
may need professional medical guidance to assist with thyroid issues.
I bought French green Illite from two different sources. One has a really strong taste. It tastes like
turpentine. Is the strong tasting clay contaminated?
While contamination is always something to consider, in cases like this the “culprit” is usually naturally
occurring naphtha. Raymond Dexriet, author of “Our Earth, Our Cure”, was the first to explore the idea
that naturally occurring gas enhanced the therapeutic properties of clay. Each batch of natural clay will
have varying amounts of naphtha; some deposits may have more than others. However, all of the
traditional-use therapeutic clays that we’ve studied have this substance.
Different people will also respond differently, even to the same batch of clay. One person might enjoy
the taste; another person might find the taste too strong.
It is always advisable to use clay in its natural form, without overly processing it, if an individual desires
to harness all of clay’s amazing natural properties. That said, it is very easy to out gas any excess
naphtha by making a clay water, and allowing it to breath over night. Furthermore, if an individual is
overly sensitive to it, one can use a table top water ozonator with a small diffuser stone, and bubble
ozone through the water for ten to twenty minutes, or until the taste is gone. Ozone safely breaks down
these types of organic molecules.
Change Log
October 25, 2017: Added the reference to edible clay use (montmorillonite) for
hyperthyroidism. Added Pub Med rat study citation.
October 27, 2017: Re-worded a citation for V.E. Irons to make it clear that V.E. was the first
to commercially sell a hydrated bentonite product for digestive system cleansing.
February 28, 2018: Added a FAQ section
July 31, 2018: Added a FAQ about side effects for those just starting to use clay for the first time.
July 31, 2018: Added a Raymond Dextreit Quote about clay and radiation
September 15, 2018: Added a third common cause for clay resulting in constipation: Liver/Gallbladder
insufficiency, along with recommendations to use ox bile, pancreatic enzymes, and Russian radish to
quickly remedy the issue.
2. Professor Diamond, “Nature 400″, pp. 120 – 121, copyright 1999, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
3. Metode.org
5. “Would You Like a Side of Dirt with That?“, Philip T. B. Starks, Brittany L. Slabach, Scientific
American, on June 1, 2012
6. Article, “Clay Eating Proves Widespread but Reason is Uncertain“, Erik Eckholm, July 22, 1986,
The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/1986/07/22/science/clay-eating-proves-
7. “Would You Like a Side of Dirt with That?“, Philip T. B. Starks, Brittany L. Slabach, Scientific
American, on June 1, 2012
8. V.E. Irons “Vit-Ra-Tox #16 Detoxificant, a purified and hydrated sodium bentonite, commercially
available since ~ 1946
9. See the BYU Redmond Clay study, “Upon a Clay Tablet, The Definitive Guide to Healing with
Homeostatic Clay, Volume 1“, Jason R. Eaton, pp 268 -296
10. A Treatment Guide: Lyme and other Chronic Infections, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, 2009
11. Julie Crist, aside from being an avid clay enthusiast, is a board certified accupuncturist and has a
masters degree in Chinese Medicine. Her website is http://www.acupla.net/
12. Edible Clay Plant Wheat Grass Growth Rate Experiment, Nicholas R. Eaton, April 2010
13. The Idea that Life Began as Clay Crystals, Martha Henriques, BBC Earth, August 24, 2016
14. Dr. Weston A. Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, A Comparison of Primitive and Modern
Diets and Their Effects, p 418, copyright 1939
15. http://www.eytonsearth.org/purchase-buy-healing-clay.php
16. V.E. Irons was the first person to market a hydrated bentonite clay drink for digestive system
cleansing. He is known by some as the grandfather of the natural supplement movement in the
United States
17. http://www.earthcures.org/digestive-system-simple-cleanse.php
18. See the animal studies on bentonite published in the book Upon a Clay Tablet
19. Dr. Miriam Jang, M.D., author of “Breakthroughs In Autism”, a synopsis of the DAN protocol
20. “Effects of Lead and Particulate Montmorillonite on Growth Performance, Hormone and Organ
Weight in Pigs”, D. Y. Yu**, Z. R. Xu and X. G. Yang, Feed Science Institute, Zhejiang University,
The Key Laboratory of Molecular Animal Nutrition Ministry of Education Hangzhou 310029, P. R.
21. “Microscopic analysis of bentonite used for adsorption of lead ions in water”, E. Manriquez
Reza, J. J. Perez Bueno, and A. Hurtado Macías, Current Microscopy Contributions to Advances
in Science and Technology (A. Méndez-Vilas, Ed.)
22. For further information, please study the work of both Dr. Christopher Shade and Dr. Detrich
Klinghardt. Both utilize clay and other heavy metal binding agents, and both have very specific
in depth protocols. Their work is based upon vast experience and both have great merit, but lie
outside of the scope of this article.
23. http://www.earthcures.org/heavy-metal-cleanse.php
24. Montmorillonite ameliorates hyperthyroidism of rats and mice attributed to its adsorptive
effect. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Dec 3;551(1-3):156-61. Epub 2006 Sep 7, Cai Y, Meng XF, Cao YX,
Lu H, Zhu SF, Zhou LZ.
25. Please see the NASA commissioned study done on Terramin calcium bentonite by Dr. Benjamin
Ershoff Ph.D, page 301, Upon a Clay Tablet, the Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic
Clay, Volume 1, Jason R. Eaton
26. Please see the NASA commissioned study done on Terramin calcium bentonite by Dr. Benjamin
Ershoff Ph.D, page 301, Upon a Clay Tablet, the Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic
Clay, Volume 1, Jason R. Eaton
27. The Idea that Life Began as Clay Crystals, Martha Henriques, BBC Earth, August 24, 2016 and all
of the scientific work presented by Chemist Graham Cairns-Smith.
28. see Book 2 Part B, Upon a Clay Tablet, The Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic Clay,
Volume 1“, Jason R. Eaton
29. See the handbook: “Our Earth, Our Cure“, by Raymond Dextreit
31. Coulibaly Vamoussa, Sei Joseph, Kouame N`Dri, Koua Aka Antonin, Oyetola Samuel and Brun
Stephane, 2013. Measurement of Natural Radioactivity in the Clays Consummated in Côte
d’Ivoire using Gamma-ray Spectrometry. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 140-146.
32. Removal of radioactive cesium, strontium, and iodine from natural waters using bentonite,
zeolite, and activated carbon, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, May 2013,
Volume 296, Issue 2, pp 981–984
34. less than 0.5 PPM of lead and less than 0.5 PPM of arsenic separate from illite, and there is no
reason to believe that even these elements become bio-available.
35. “Microscopic analysis of bentonite used for adsorption of lead ions in water”, E. Manriquez
Reza1, J. J. Perez Bueno, and A. Hurtado Macías, Current Microscopy Contributions to Advances
in Science and Technology (A. Méndez-Vilas, Ed.), 2012. A copy of the research paper can be
viewed in pdf form here.
36. The clinical work was conducted by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura with the Heart Research Foundation in
New York
37. http://www.eytonsearth.org/purchase-buy-healing-clay.php
38. see Book 2 Part B, Upon a Clay Tablet, The Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic Clay,
Volume 1″, Jason R. Eaton
39. Upon a Clay Tablet, the Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic Clay, Volume 1, pp. 252-
258, Jason R. Eaton
Article Name
Jason R Eaton
Publisher Name
Eytons' Earth
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Hi Jason,
My husband shared this with me and I am so glad he did. I have been using the clay due to intestinal
problems but have felt that I really did not have a good guidance. You answered a lot of questions in your
monograph – even ones that I had not thought of. Your comments about food allergies were particularly
interesting as well as the timing of when to take the clay. I am now quite sure I should have been
drinking more water when I have taken a dose.
I will print this and put it in a binder so I can underline and annotate.
Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.
1. eytonsearth says:
Hi Jane:
Thank you for writing, I appreciate it! And you are most welcome.
Yes, water is very, very important… not only when using clay, but in order to support the body’s natural
detoxification channels. The body can “forget” that it loves to drink water.
2. Nate says:
Jason, can you please comment on the techniques for making poultices for various areas of the body and
suggest time durations etc.
1. eytonsearth says:
July 2, 2019 at 5:03 pm
Hi Nate:
I would love to, but I can only outline the principles of application, because there are so many variables
involved. The following page is the best I can do:
There is also a link to another page at the bottom of this page.. and of course, there are many examples
of clay use scattered throughout the Eytons Earth site.
3. Alexandra P. says:
Thank you for your website, and for all your advice that came at such a right time .
My physical body has had more and more problem with the years, mostly due to fungal infection (skin)
and seemingly candida according to some dodgy alternative therapist who was charging ££££ for the
treatment afterwards, which I had declined at the time. However, maybe she was right about the
presence of candida. I thought it was just one of those fashionable fads.
In recent years, I have been dealing with very bad circulation, Raynaults they call it, but in winter it has
gone into very bad chilblains on both fingers and feet, but in summer, any extra heat and my feet and
ankles would swell up – and I am not even of a body type where one would think “it’s because she is
overweight”. I am not, I am 5″4, and weigh about 7 stones, so I am very thin.
I also have grown a superb 14cm fibroid in the last 5 years – now, is that what caused the circulatory
exacerbation, because such a lump for years does press against the diaphragm and is bound to create
congestion – the bigger it became, the less I moved (some other dodgy therapist told me I had the
kidneys attached weakly so I shouldn’t jump nor do any violent exercise like trampoline) . The fibroid
itself has been an interesting search on the “WHY OH WHY” , looking at emotional causes, childhood
sexual abuse, sex business, etc etc. Tried all sorts of things for it, from fibrin eating enzymes to all the
homeopathy, herbalism, diets, etc etc, nothing works.
In June this year I came across your website, at that point I had very bad skin inflammation, around the
feet where the fungus was worst (needless to point that I have been applying everything under the sun to
get rid of the fungus, from pharmacy chemicals to sulphur supplements, and as lately it made this rash
come, I stopped treating the fungus and just accepted that I had to have ugly feet) (Now I use alcohol
diluted propolis, no improvement but no worsening) , lots of spots on the toes and edge of the feet,
suffered visible ankle swelling if any heat, as well as when I would awake in the morning. I always
suffered from constipation as a kid and an adult, goats pellets since when I was about 25, and often
needing to strain. Anyway, in June, I wasn’t doing well and I was really fed up with all those non-life
threatening symptoms which I couldn’t heal whatever I ingested or did.
(nor the stress linked with that)
So, I read all about your clay (or some of it as I have to work also, your website is very extensive) and
remembered in France we eat a lot of it and use it for wounds etc, and once I had healed a swollen
ganglion on teh left breast after applying thin compresses of clay on it for a month. I had forgotten all
about that in my search for alternative health, so started drinking clay again, and started doing the
fermented cabbage water, (which I commented onto your post about, I had put things like fenucreek and
saffron in it for anti inflammation! ) went to Cornwall in England where I was able to bathe my feet in
sea water for a few days, but also started having clay baths (ahem, not minding so much that it was not
my waste pipes getting clogged…how selfish..now I scoop it up with newspaper)
and a little miracle started happening, with the cabbage water, eating clay water in the morning (and
the clay at the bottom) and the clay baths I had 5 of those in about 8 days, my feet started slowly getting
less inflamed.
Since June, I have had a clay bath about every 2 weeks (when good friends allow me to use their baths as
I have not one at home) have about a tablespoon of clay every morning (I am worried eating it at night –
do you know if mixing clay with the fat/oil from meals is toxic? My aunt always warned me to not ingest
clay with any fat? ) and cabbage fermented juice at least once every day (I tend to forget with the
meals). I also started sticking raw propolis in my teeth at night (it helped one tooth heal) and also
swallowing it, as propolis kills anything pathogenic in the hives but doesn’t harm the bees ecosystem. I
thought it would disinfect my guts, and it seems to do so with everything else.
My feet have truly come down! The rash is nearly gone, it came back last night as I looked after myself
very badly yesterday, eating coffee grains, chocolate and a lot of nuts – so the fungus rash and spotty
rash came for a bit but I know if I look after myself today, it will be nearly back to “better” by tomorrow.
No change on the fibroid yet, but I also started doing liver flushes and this seems to have helped the
inflammation a whole lot also. I follow the protocol of Andreas Moritz, though as well as drinking herbal
teas, it makes the day very confusing with all those potions and what I must take when, so it’s all a bit
too much really but a lot of stones came out in the first 2 flushes (I used to do them years ago before the
fibroid grew, I always wonder if it’s because I interrupted the flushes that the liver got worse as the old
stones moved forward and it got unable to process excess oestrogen which causes fibroid growth
apparently) . But… Something IS working!
A friend is also using me as a guinea pig for her herbalism so I take a lot of herbal tea (she warns me
against the liver flushes because her health state is such it would damage her to do them but I will go
through them till there are no more stones coming out – I used to have sluggish liver as a child so there
must be plenty of old toxins held in there, maybe from vaccines, maybe from trauma, who knows) .
However, I must say I trust in Clay, I am drinking the french Illite clay from Argiletz super ventilated, and
the clay baths are just wonderful. I am not sure what is working but coming across your website has
made such a difference to my life, thank you so very much for all your information, I will carry on with
clay as over years of drinking it, surely some cleansing will eventually happen.
I coudln’t cope with having more pills and trying the “Expel” remedy advertised from a link on your
website though it sounds good, but I do too much already and my poor body is probably shocked by all. I
wish I could feed it with love, but , seeing it as dirty and inferior, it is hard not to just try and cure it by
plants and “doing” instead of just “being” with it.
I don’t know. It’s all a journey, I am 41 now apparently, doing not bad at all, but I wish I could find self
confidence and stand up to others when needed. It is hard work being a shy person.
Thanks a lot, and if you could answer if you know anything about ingesting clay at the same time as a
normal meal with oils in, or fats, it would be a great thing so I could safely drink clay before bed as well
without thinking it would create hard toxic pellets in my guts.
Many blessings
1. eytonsearth says:
Greetings, Alexandra:
Thank you for the kind words, and I’m glad that you’ve found value in using clay and fermented cabbage
juice. Both can be powerful healing agents!
1. Candida… Fungal and yeast overgrowth… is a big issue, and it is real. The truth is readily evident once
a person is simply willing to look at themselves: Fungal rashes at the extremities, and a white coating on
the tongue. In almost all cases, where there are chronic fungal overgrowths in the body, leaky gut
syndrome is at the core. Without repairing the tissue of the colon, all other measures… herbs,
antifungals, etc…. will only be stop-gap measures. They will help, but won’t cure the condition. Eating
right is great, but eating right won’t likely cure a leaky gut. It will help, but won’t solve the problem.
2. I understand the desire…the mentality… to try certain things to see if they help. And, sometimes, a
person will stumble upon something that DOES give them the cure that they are looking for! However,
I’ve been trying (and encouraging others) to start to make permanent changes, and then adapt as
needed. An example would be “trying a diet” vs. changing your eating habits permanently. Discovering
the right way to eat for you might be a tough task, but it is very valuable. There is nothing wrong with
making small changes, and adjusting bit by bit. My work on nutrition is based on a complete detox
protocol and an elimination diet based in part on the clinical scientific work of Dr. Wahls of the Wahls
It is much easier to make small adjustments once you are eating right for where you, personally, are at.
Then, it is much easier to see if a particular herb or therapy is working as it should.
3. The Expel recommendation is not really an expel recommendation, per se. The document is a concept
protocol outlining exactly what must happen to heal leaky gut. The protocol is just one simple way to do
it. Purchasing and doing expel won’t work on its own to do this. You have to create a new synergy, a new
symphony of life in the digestive tract. And yes, you are right, if you are doing a bunch of other things for
health, it’s not the best idea to throw in a bunch of new things!
Once you have completed your experimentation with the herbal teas and other therapies, if your
digestive system still needs work, I would recommend revisiting the basic cleanse, and after doing that,
maybe a deeper cleanse, but ideally a deeper cleanse would be wise only after the digestive system is
working well and the liver is no longer congested.
4. I’m actually a very shy person. Clay amazed me so much, I just had to learn all about it. I spent about
two years reading everything I could about clay, everything possible that was in print. It was still a
private thing for me; something I did but did not talk much about. After a very profound experience with
another person, I had to make a decision. Ignore what happened and just move on with my life, or make
a deeper commitment to explore and reveal the wonders of clay therapeutics, and in an as responsible
manner as humanly possible. Honestly, I wanted to do the former and just move on. However, I felt a
very, very deep sense of obligation to help others with what I had discovered. This, of course, was before
the internet even existed. And when the internet was born, the information that started to become
available wasn’t always trustworthy and sometimes even deceiving, so maintaining and growing an
educational research project still remained very important to me.
4. gina says:
Hi, I loved reading on clay. And i have started using it. I am dealing with a fungus in my left ear… I am
trying everything. Any thoughts on that? Best and Thank you so much! Gina
1. eytonsearth says:
Hi Gina:
Thank you, I’m glad that you found the clay guide helpful.
External fungal issues are usually first internal fungus issues. Consider doing the digestive system cleanse
and see if you can get your immune system working more effectively.
For ear infections in general, I’ve always used EIS-Silver with some hydrogen peroxide added just before
5. Lesley says:
due to lack of credible evidence ebid3mce safe had insufficient research /evidence base to convince me
this was a safe and beneficial practice. sufficient to address my concerns I was about to dismiss the
practice it safe address my absolutely amazed by the improvement of my IBS symptoms in just four days
– it almost feels like it’s too good to be true as I have been struggling with severe IBS symptoms of
chronic diarrhea, gas & bloating for over twenty years!
Whilst I’m inclined to believe ‘traditional medicines/practices’ have stood the test of time for sound
reasons I’m sceptical about blindly following the latest ‘cure all fad’ & certainly had reservations about
eating clay ( aka dirt!). I looked at several websites giving information about edible clay which I found
lacking in credibility and was ready to dismiss the practice until finding Eytonearth.org
There is so much information on this website that resonates personally with me not simply due the
wealth of scientific research related to traditional practices; nor a writing style that makes complex
information accessible and interesting; but for me Jason’s personal integrity & beliefs shine throughout.
I found drinking clay water much easier than I anticipated and I haven’t made any other changes to my
diet or environment over the last four days . I really hope this isn’t some kind of a weird fluke or placebo
affect causing such dramatic improvement in my symptoms : i.e. from day two just the one , none urgent
need to empty my bowels each day with noticeable reduction in bloating & gas?
In the past I have invested more emotional energy , time and effort as required by more demanding
regimes with no success. I really hope that the simple action of drinking clay water will result in lasting
improvement and can only say thank you Jason and please do carry on with your good work.
1. eytonsearth says:
Greetings, Leslie:
With IBS, there are three common “types”, as far as I understand it. With one, clay works exceptionally
well, and should continue to work (IBS-C). While the IBS-C group responded extremely well, the
researchers noted that everyone in the study benefited:
“Although pain or discomfort was not significantly improved in the entire IBS population treated with
beidellitic montmorillonite in comparison with placebo, this study demonstrates that beidellitic
montmorillonite is efficient for C-IBS patients (P < 0.016). This effect of beidellitic montmorillonite on
pain cannot be explained by changes in bowel habits. The efficacy of this well-tolerated therapy warrants
further confirmatory therapeutic trials in C-IBS patients." I try to keep an updated selection of real
scientific studies and information on the page below. There is a link to the IBS study on our "clay
sciences" page: http://www.eytonsearth.org/clay-science.php
…as you continue to study the nature of clay, I’m sure that you’ll start to understand how such a simple
thing can be so amazing.
I recommend studying, in equal depth, all of the seven irreplaceable healing foods that Raymond Dextreit
outlined in his landmark publication, “Our Earth, Our Cure.” I include a concise summation of his work in
my own book, as well.