Objective of The Sample Manual
Objective of The Sample Manual
Objective of The Sample Manual
The objective of the QS-9000 Sample Quality Manual is to provide an easy-to-follow, step-by-
step, comprehensive guide to assist you in either writing or revising your quality system manual.
The sample manual was written to satisfy the intent and requirements of QS-9000:1998. Since
both QS-9000 and the sample manual are generic in nature, the sample manual and
accompanying instructions, suggestions, and comments should be used to modify or create your
own company manual in a manner which reflects the unique characteristics and quality
requirements of your organization.
The sample manual and supporting guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for QS-9000. It
is highly recommended that you purchase this standard from the Automotive Industry Action
Group to supplement the quality manual and provide the baseline from which the sample manual
was written. Within the sample manual, excerpts from QS-9000:1998 are shown in bold italics
and excerpts from ISO 9001-1994 and the ANSI/ASQC Standard Q9001-1994 are shown in
italics to clearly identify their sources.
The ISO 9001-1994 Standard (as adopted by QS-9000) requires a company to prepare a quality
manual covering the requirements of this International Standard. The quality manual shall
include or make reference to the quality system procedures and outline the structure of the
documentation used in the quality system.
To meet this requirement, some companies may elect to reformat their existing quality manual
and develop a cross-reference between the requirements of QS-9000 and the related policy pages
in their manual. Other companies elect to completely rewrite their existing manual into the
standardized format (shown in the sample manual) to provide external auditors with what they
expect to see. In either case, the sample manual and supporting instructions, suggestions, and
comments are intended to provide you guidelines and examples to serve as useful references and
assist you in this process. On the other hand, if your company does not currently have a well-
defined and well-written quality manual, the sample manual can be used as the framework on
which to add (or delete) material to accurately describe your quality system and the unique
requirements of your organization. In general, your quality manual needs to reflect that you are
aware of the requirements of QS-9000, have interpreted them correctly for your organization,
and have incorporated them into implemented policies in your operations.
Remember, your quality manual is a personal document. In effect, no one can write your final
quality manual for you. The objective of this package is to assist you in that task.
The material presented in this manual and its accompanying instructions, suggestions,
and comments is based upon the requirements of QS-9000:1998 and our experiences
gained through successful application. Every company is different, however, in terms of
its needs, its culture, and its level of quality system development. These differences often
require that the generalized guidelines in this manual be applied with special approaches.
Readers are advised and cautioned that H.J. Steudel & Associates, Inc. will accept no
responsibility for the way in which these guidelines are applied in a company, or the
problems which may arise, unless we are contracted to assist in the implementation and
management of these activities. For a detailed description of our services, please call
(608) 271-3121 or fax (608) 271-4755.
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
Issued To _______________
Controlled Y N
The sample manual is organized into twenty sections corresponding to the twenty requirement
elements of QS-9000:1998. It may be necessary for you to add an additional section (or
sections) to your manual to cover customer-specific requirements. You may also want to include
the following activities in your manual if they are important and actively used as key
components of your quality program:
* Cost of Quality
* And Others
Although your quality manual may be organized in any format or style you prefer, it is important
that an external auditor be able to identify and locate the sections of your quality manual that
relate directly to and show compliance with the requirements of QS-9000. If you do not follow
the sequence of elements given, then you should provide a cross-reference index in the manual.
The best choice, however, is to organize your quality manual into sections corresponding to the
structure of QS-9000.
[Company Name]
6 I.4.6 Purchasing 0
18 I.4.18 Training 0
19 I.4.19 Servicing 0
Your company's mission statement is one of the most significant statements the company can
make. It reflects your vision of excellence, reason for being, and the way the company views
itself, its employees, and its customers.
If your company has a well-defined mission statement, then it should be stated in the quality
manual, and communicated and displayed openly in all areas of the company. If no mission
statement is explicitly defined, then develop one considering the following key concepts for
reflecting your policy and commitment to quality:
* Providing customers with products and services that address the needs of the
market niche the company serves.
* Cultivating cooperation and mutual respect with all employees and suppliers.
QS-9000 is best defined as a standard (or model) for the implementation and management of a
quality assurance system that ensures that a company can satisfy its customers' requirements.
The Standard is not a model for total quality management (TQM), although implementing QS-
9000 does include team efforts, management involvement and commitment, and the elimination
of waste and improvement of quality - key components of TQM. Thus, what to "name" the
quality system manual is a choice you need to make based upon your values, beliefs, convictions,
culture, and existing quality program. Some options are:
[Company Name] Page 1 of 1
Rev. 0 Date _________
The purpose of this manual is to describe the policies and company-wide control structure of the
quality management system (QMS) used to achieve the corporate mission at [Company Name].
See Comments
Because the quality of our products and services is and will continue to be the key to
competitiveness in the 1990's and beyond, it is increasingly vital for all of us at [Company
Name] to understand and use our quality management system to do a good job, the first time,
every time.
See Comments
The quality management system described in this manual addresses the requirements of Quality
System Requirements QS-9000:1998.
For Section 1, Page 1
A company's policy for quality includes its objectives for quality and its commitment to quality.
Like its mission statement, a company's objectives for quality need to be personal statements,
reflecting how the company really views itself and its commitment to quality. Thus, a company's
objectives for quality need to be developed, communicated, and fostered by top management.
Ideally, your company has already articulated its "Objectives for Quality." In this case, the
objectives listed on pages 1 and 2 in Section 1 should be replaced by your company's objectives,
or by similar policy statements for quality.
If your company has not defined its "Objectives for Quality," the objectives listed in the sample
manual serve as a good "prime for the pump." Use them to develop "personal objectives" for
your organization.
[Company Name] Page 1 of 11
Rev. 0 Date _________
Section 1 of the QMS Manual addresses the requirements of Section I, Elements 4.1.1
(Quality Policy), 4.1.2 (Organization), 4.1.3 (Management Review), 4.1.4 (Business
Plan), 4.1.5 (Analysis and Use of Company-Level Data), and 4.1.6 (Customer
Satisfaction) in QS-9000:1998.
Provide quality products and services by striving to exceed the defined needs and
expectations of our customers.
Define and implement our quality system based upon employee involvement and a
commitment to excellence.
Give all employees the training and support needed to provide quality products and
services to all customers.
Communicate our mission and quality objectives to all employees, and assign individual
responsibilities for quality and accountability.
Use statistical methods to monitor quality performance and isolate major problems for
immediate solution.
Establish and maintain a working environment that supports the production and delivery
of high quality products and services.
Form relationships with both customers and subcontractors that will improve quality in
all aspects of product usage and purchased parts.
For Section 17, Page 1
Your company needs to specify the steps for conducting internal quality audits within a
documented quality system procedure. Section 17 of the quality manual could thus be very brief,
and simply refer to the appropriate procedure(s). As a guide to companies in addressing the
requirements of this element of the Requirement QS-9000:1998, the sample manual takes a
second common approach of specifying in detail the manner in which the quality audit is
conducted and the associated responsibilities.
The Third Edition of QS-9000 has added a requirement that the audit schedule covers all shifts.
[Company Name] Page 1 of 2
Rev. 0 Date _________
Section 17 of the QMS Manual addresses the requirements of Section I, Element 4.17
(Internal Quality Audits) in QS-9000:1998.
a. [Company Name] plans and conducts internal quality audits according to the Internal
Quality Audit Procedure QSP 17.1 for the following purposes:
1. To verify whether quality activities and related results comply with planned
b. A minimum of two internal audits are conducted per year and every element of the
quality system is audited at a minimum of once per year. The frequency at which an
individual element is audited is based upon the importance and status of the element.
Internal audits cover all shifts and are conducted according to an audit schedule which is
updated annually. Planned audit frequencies are increased when a significant number
of nonconformances or customer complaints occur, as identified through the Quality
Failure Code Reporting and Feedback Procedure QSP 13.1 and the Customer
Complaint System Procedure QSP 19.3.
e. Audits are carried out by personnel independent of those having direct responsibility
for the activity being audited.
For Section 17, Page 2
Given the importance of internal quality audits, the manual should clearly identify the primary
responsibilities for planning, conducting, and documenting the company's audits. Although
these responsibilities are defined in detail in the procedural statements addressing who does
what, when, and how it is documented, it is often beneficial to provide a statement of
responsibilities in the quality manual. It informs your registrar, your employees, and your
customers of your understanding and commitment to internal auditing.
Note that the corrective action procedure is referenced in order to deal with deficiencies or
noncompliances identified in the quality audit; the preventive action procedure is referenced in
regards to weaknesses.
Note the direct tie between internal quality audits and the management review process.
The retention period of records documenting the quality audit process and results must be at least
three years to meet the requirements of Element 4.16 of QS-9000:1998. The sample manual
specifies five years, which is a common retention period.
[Company Name] Page 2 of 2
Rev. 0 Date _________
The Manager of Quality Assurance (QA) is responsible for organizing and coordinating
the internal audit to ensure that the requirements of the Internal Quality Audit
Procedure QSP 17.1 are followed.
a. The results in the audit report are reviewed and approved by the Manager of Quality
Assurance. The audit results are then distributed to senior management and to the
managers of the audited departments and their immediate supervisors.
b. In the case of noncompliances or weaknesses (in either the quality system and
procedures, or the performance and adherence to those systems and procedures),
timely action is taken by the relevant department manager according to the
Corrective Action Procedure QSP 14.1 and/or Preventive Action Procedure QSP
14.3, and the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective and preventive
actions are verified and recorded (reference Section 16).
c. The results of the internal audit are used as key input information for conducting the
management reviews.
d. Records documenting the audit process and results are kept for a period of five (5)
years by Quality Assurance.
Laura Schultz
Steudel & Schultz, LLC
6417 Normandy Lane, Suite 200
Madison, WI 53719
Tel: 608-271-3121 / Toll Free Tel: 866-271-3121
Fax: 608-271-4755