Modeling and Optimization of CNC Drilling Operations in Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites Using Factorial, Nelder Mead, Genetic Algorithm Methods
Modeling and Optimization of CNC Drilling Operations in Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites Using Factorial, Nelder Mead, Genetic Algorithm Methods
Modeling and Optimization of CNC Drilling Operations in Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites Using Factorial, Nelder Mead, Genetic Algorithm Methods
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli-627007. Tamil Nadu, India
The useful life of a cutting tool and its operating conditions largely control the economics of the
machining operations. Hence, it is imperative that the condition of the cutting tool, particularly some
indication as to when it requires changing, to be monitored. The drilling operation is frequently used as a
preliminary step for many operations like boring, reaming and tapping; however, the operation itself is
complex and demanding. This paper discusses a mathematical model for correlating the interactions of
some drilling parameters such as drill bit diameter, speed and feed rate their effects on some responses
such as thrust force, torque and tool wear during drilling of roselle fiber reinforced composites by means
of factorial method. A three level full Factorial design was chosen for experimentation using CNC
milling machine and drill tool dynamometer. The measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion and
Interaction between variables were estimated using Minitab 15 and Design Expert 7.1.6 statistical
packages. The significance of the mathematical model developed was ascertained using statistical
packages Design Expert 7.1.6. The optimum value of responses was calculated using desirability
considerations. The equations are not only for predicting optimum operating conditions and also for
minimizing power and maximizing metal removal rate, hole quality etc during drilling operations.
Keywords: Factorial Design; Genetic Algorithm; Nelder Mead method; CNC milling machine; Machine
vision system; Tool wear
Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Design and Analysis (RIDA) 18 March 2009
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli-627007. Tamil Nadu, India
Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Design and Analysis (RIDA) 18 March 2009
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli-627007. Tamil Nadu, India
Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Design and Analysis (RIDA) 18 March 2009
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli-627007. Tamil Nadu, India
Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Design and Analysis (RIDA) 18 March 2009
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli-627007. Tamil Nadu, India
Optimum parameters
d s f tw
6 600 0.1 0.02
Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Design and Analysis (RIDA) 18 March 2009
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli-627007. Tamil Nadu, India
Optimum parameters
d s f tw
6 600 0.1 0.14
In thrust force analysis, if the drill bit
diameter increases the thrust force
correspondingly get increase with respect to the
feed rate levels. The interaction between drill bit
diameter and feed rate was maximum.
In torque analysis the most significant
Genetic algorithms are search algorithms variable was also feed rate. The interaction
for optimization, based on the mechanics of between drill bit diameter and feed rate was
natural selection and genetics. The power of these maximum. The interaction between drill bit
algorithms is derived from a very simple heuristic diameter and speed and all the three parameters
assumption that the best solution will be found in were insignificant.
the regions of solution space containing high Speed was not playing major role in tool
proposition of good solution and that these regions wear in drilling of sisal composites. The variable
can be identified by judicious and robust sampling interaction was also minimum in tool wear
of the solution space. The mechanics of genetic estimation.
algorithms is simple, involving copying of binary REFERENCES
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