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8-Bit Xmega A Microcontroller Xmega A Manual

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This document contains complete and detailed description of all modules included in

the AVR® XMEGATM A Microcontroller family. The XMEGA A is a family of low power,
high performance and peripheral rich CMOS 8/16-bit microcontrollers based on the
AVR enhanced RISC architecture. The available XMEGA A modules described in this
manual are:
• Memories
• DMA - Direct Memory Access Controller
• Event System

System Clock and Clock options
Power Management and Sleep Modes
• System Control and Reset Microcontroller
• Battery Backup System
• WDT - Watchdog Timer
• Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller
• PORT - I/O Ports XMEGA A
• TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter
• AWeX - Advanced Waveform Extension
• Hi-Res - High Resolution Extension
• RTC - Real Time Counter
• RTC32 - 32-bit Real Time Counter
• TWI - Two Wire Serial Interface
• SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
• USART - Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter
• IRCOM - IR Communication Module Preliminary
• AES and DES Crypto Engine
• EBI - External Bus Interface
• ADC - Analog to Digital Converter
• DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
• AC - Analog Comparator
• IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Interface
• PDI - Program and Debug Interface
• Memory Programming
• Peripheral Address Map
• Register Summary
• Interrupt Vector Summary
• Instruction Set Summary

8077H- AVR-12/09

1. About the Manual

This document contains in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for the
AVR XMEGA A Microcontroller family. All features are documented on a functional level and
described in a general sense. All peripherals and modules described in this manual may not be
present in all XMEGA A devices.
For all device specific information such as characterization data, memory sizes, modules and
peripherals available and their absolute memory addresses refer to the device datasheets.
When several instances of one peripheral such as a PORT exist in one device, each instance of
a module will have a unique name, such as PORTA, PORTB etc. Register, bit names are unique
within one module.
For more details on applied use and code examples for all peripherals and modules, refer to the
XMEGA A specific application notes available from: http://www.atmel.com/avr.

1.1 Reading the Manual

The main sections describe the various modules and peripherals. Each section contains a short
feature list of the most important features and a short overview describing the module. The
remaining section describes the features and functions in more details.
The register description sections list all registers, and describe each bit/flag and its function. This
includes details on how to set up and enable various features in the module. When multiple bits
are needed for a configuration setting, these are grouped together in a bit group. The possible
bit group configurations are listed for all bit groups together with their associated Group Configu-
ration and a short description. The Group Configuration refer to the defined configuration name
used in the XMEGA A and assembler header files and application note source code.
The register summary sections list the internal register map for each module type.
The interrupt vector summary sections list the interrupt vectors and offset address for each mod-
ule type.

1.2 Resources
A comprehensive set of development tools, application notes and datasheets are available for
download on http://www.atmel.com/avr.

1.3 Recommended Reading

• XMEGA A Device Datasheets

• XMEGA Application Notes

This manual only contains general modules and peripheral descriptions. The XMEGA A device
datasheet contains device specific information. The XMEGA application notes contain example
code and show applied use of the modules and peripherals.

For new users it is recommended to read the AVR1000 - Getting Started Writing C-code for
XMEGA, and AVR1900 - Getting started with ATxmega128A1 application notes.


2. Overview
The XMEGA A is a family of low power, high performance and peripheral rich CMOS 8/16-bit
microcontrollers based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instruc-
tions in a single clock cycle, the XMEGA A achieves throughputs approaching 1 Million
Instructions Per Second (MIPS) per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power con-
sumption versus processing speed.
The AVR CPU combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working registers. All the
32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent
registers to be accessed in one single instruction, executed in one clock cycle. The resulting
architecture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs many times faster than conven-
tional single-accumulator or CISC based microcontrollers.
The XMEGA A devices provide the following features: In-System Programmable Flash with
Read-While-Write capabilities, Internal EEPROM and SRAM, four-channel DMA Controller,
eight-channel Event System and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller, up to 78 general
purpose I/O lines, 16- or 32-bit Real Time Counter (RTC), up to eight flexible 16-bit Timer/Coun-
ters with compare modes and PWM, up to eight USARTs, up to four I2C and SMBUS compatible
Two Wire Serial Interfaces (TWIs), up to four Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPIs), AES and DES
crypto engine, up to two 8-channel, 12-bit ADCs with optional differential input with programma-
ble gain, up to two 2-channel, 12-bit DACs, up to four analog comparators with window mode,
programmable Watchdog Timer with separate Internal Oscillator, accurate internal oscillators
with PLL and prescaler and programmable Brown-Out Detection.
The Program and Debug Interface (PDI), a fast 2-pin interface for programming and debugging,
is available. The devices also have an IEEE std. 1149.1 compliant JTAG test interface, and this
can also be used for On-chip Debug and programming.
The XMEGA A devices have five software selectable power saving modes. The Idle mode stops
the CPU while allowing the SRAM, DMA Controller, Event System, Interrupt Controller and all
peripherals to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the SRAM and register con-
tents but stops the oscillators, disabling all other functions until the next TWI or pin-change
interrupt, or Reset. In Power-save mode, the asynchronous Real Time Counter continues to run,
allowing the application to maintain a timer base while the rest of the device is sleeping. In
Standby mode, the Crystal/Resonator Oscillator is kept running while the rest of the device is
sleeping. This allows very fast start-up from external crystal combined with low power consump-
tion. In Extended Standby mode, both the main Oscillator and the Asynchronous Timer continue
to run. To further reduce power consumption, the peripheral clock to each individual peripheral
can optionally be stopped in Active mode and Idle sleep mode.
The devices are manufactured using Atmel's high-density nonvolatile memory technology. The
program Flash memory can be reprogrammed in-system through the PDI or JTAG. A Bootloader
running in the device can use any interface to download the application program to the Flash
memory. The Bootloader software in the Boot Flash section will continue to run while the Appli-
cation Flash section is updated, providing true Read-While-Write operation. By combining an
8/16-bit RISC CPU with In-System Self-Programmable Flash, the Atmel XMEGA A is a powerful
microcontroller family that provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution for many embed-
ded applications.
The XMEGA A devices are supported with a full suite of program and system development tools
including: C compilers, macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, programmers, and
evaluation kits.


2.1 Block Diagram

Figure 2-1. XMEGA A Block Diagram

PR[0..1] PQ[0..7]

PP[0..7] PN[0..7]

PORT Q (8)
PORT R (2)

PORT N (8)
PORT P (8)
Oscillator Watchdog
Circuits/ Oscillator
Real Time Watchdog
Counter Timer

Power VCC
DACA Supervision
Event System Oscillator POR/BOD &
Controller Control RESET GND
PA[0..7] PORT A (8)
DMA Sleep
ACA Controller Controller RESET/
BUS Prog/Debug
AREFA Controller Controller


Int. Ref.

Tempref DES OCD PORT M (8) PL[0..7]

PORT L (8) PL[0..7]
PORT K (8) PK[0..7]
JTAG PORT J (8) PJ[0..7]
NVM Controller
PORT B (8)
PORT H (8) PH[0..7]

PORT G (8) PG[0..7]















PORT C (8)

PORT D (8)

PORT E (8)

PORT F (8)

PC[0..7] PD[0..7] PE[0..7] PF[0..7]



3.1 Features
• 8/16-bit high performance AVR RISC CPU
– 138 instructions
– Hardware multiplier
• 32x8-bit registers directly connected to the ALU
• Stack in RAM
• Stack Pointer accessible in I/O memory space
• Direct addressing of up to 16M bytes of program memory and 16M bytes of data memory
• True 16/24-bit access to 16/24-bit I/O registers
• Efficient support for both 8-, 16- and 32-bit Arithmetic
• Configuration Change Protection of system critical features

3.2 Overview
XMEGA uses the 8/16-bit AVR CPU. The main function of the CPU is to ensure correct program
execution. The CPU is able to access memories, perform calculations and control peripherals.
Interrupt handling is described in a separate section, refer to ”Interrupts and Programmable
Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123 for more details on this.

3.3 Architectural Overview

In order to maximize performance and parallelism, the AVR uses a Harvard architecture with
separate memories and buses for program and data. Instructions in the program memory are
executed with a single level pipelining. While one instruction is being executed, the next instruc-
tion is pre-fetched from the Program Memory. This concept enables instructions to be executed
in every clock cycle. For the summary of all AVR instructions refer to ”Instruction Set Summary”
on page 388. For details of all AVR instructions refer to http://www.atmel.com/avr.


Figure 3-1. Block Diagram of the AVR Architecture


32 x 8 General
Instruction Registers

STATUS/ Instruction



Peripheral Peripheral
Module 1 Module n

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) supports arithmetic and logic operations between registers or
between a constant and a register. Single register operations can also be executed in the ALU.
After an arithmetic operation, the Status Register is updated to reflect information about the
result of the operation.
The ALU is directly connected to the fast-access Register File. The 32 x 8-bit general purpose
working registers all have single clock cycle access time allowing single-cycle Arithmetic Logic
Unit (ALU) operation between registers or between a register and an immediate. Six of the 32
registers can be used as three 16-bit address pointers for program and data space addressing -
enabling efficient address calculations.
The memory spaces are all linear and regular memory maps. The Data Memory space and the
Program Memory space are two different memory spaces.
The Data Memory space is divided into I/O registers and SRAM. In addition the EEPROM can
be memory mapped in the Data Memory.
All I/O status and control registers reside in the lowest 4K bytes addresses of the Data Memory.
This is referred to as the I/O Memory space. The lowest 64 addresses can be accessed directly,
or as the data space locations from 0x00 - 0x3F. The rest is the Extended I/O Memory space,
ranging from 0x40 to 0x1FFF. I/O registers here must be access as data space locations using
load (LD/LDS/LDD) and store (ST/STS/STD) instructions.


The SRAM holds data, and code cannot be executed from here. It can easily be accessed
through the five different addressing modes supported in the AVR architecture. The first SRAM
address is 0x2000.
Data address 0x1000 to 0x1FFF is reserved for memory mapping of EEPROM.
The Program Memory is divided in two sections, the Application Program section and the Boot
Program section. Both sections have dedicated Lock bits for write and read/write protection. The
SPM instruction that is used for self-programming of the Application Flash memory must reside
in the Boot Program section. A third section exists inside the Application section. This section,
the Application Table section, has separate Lock bits for write and read/write protection. The
Application Table section can be used for storing non-volatile data or application software.

3.4 ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) supports arithmetic and logic operations between registers or
between a constant and a register. Single register operations can also be executed. The ALU
operates in direct connection with all the 32 general purpose registers. In a typical single cycle
ALU operation, two operands are output from the Register File, the operation is executed, and
the result is stored back in the Register File.
In order to operate on data in the Data Memory, these must first be loaded into the Register File.
After the operation, the data can be stored from the Register File and back to the Data Memory.
The ALU operations are divided into three main categories - arithmetic, logical, and bit-functions.
After an arithmetic or logic operation, the Status Register is updated to reflect information about
the result of the operation.

3.4.1 Hardware Multiplier

The multiplier is capable of multiplying two 8-bit numbers into a 16-bit result. The hardware mul-
tiplier supports different variations of signed and unsigned integer and fractional numbers:
• Multiplication of unsigned integers.
• Multiplication of signed integers.
• Multiplication of a signed integer with an unsigned integer.
• Multiplication of unsigned fractional numbers.
• Multiplication of signed fractional numbers.
• Multiplication of a signed fractional number and with an unsigned.
A multiplication takes two CPU clock cycles.

3.5 Program Flow

After reset, the program will start to execute from program address 0. Program flow is provided
by conditional and unconditional jump and call instructions, able to directly address the whole
address space. Most instructions have a single 16-bit word format. Every program memory
address contains a 16- or 32-bit instruction. The Program Counter (PC) addresses the location
from where instructions are fetched. During interrupts and subroutine calls, the return address
PC is stored on the Stack.


When an enabled interrupt occurs, the Program Counter is vectored to the actual interrupt vector
in order to execute the interrupt handling routine. Hardware clears the corresponding interrupt
flag automatically.
A flexible interrupt controller has dedicated control registers with an additional Global Interrupt
Enable bit in the Status Register. All interrupts have a separate interrupt vector, starting from the
Reset Vector at address 0 in the Program Memory. All interrupts have a programmable interrupt
level. Within each level they have priority in accordance with their interrupt vector position where
the lower interrupt vector address has the higher priority.

3.6 Instruction Execution Timing

The AVR CPU is driven by the CPU clock clkCPU. No internal clock division is used. Figure 3-2
on page 8 shows the parallel instruction fetches and instruction executions enabled by the Har-
vard architecture and the fast-access Register File concept. This is the basic pipelining concept
to obtain up to 1 MIPS per MHz with the corresponding unique results for functions per cost,
functions per clocks, and functions per power-unit.

Figure 3-2. The Parallel Instruction Fetches and Instruction Executions

T1 T2 T3 T4

1st Instruction Fetch
1st Instruction Execute
2nd Instruction Fetch
2nd Instruction Execute
3rd Instruction Fetch
3rd Instruction Execute
4th Instruction Fetch

Figure 3-3 on page 8 shows the internal timing concept for the Register File. In a single clock
cycle an ALU operation using two register operands is executed, and the result is stored back to
the destination register.

Figure 3-3. Single Cycle ALU Operation

T1 T2 T3 T4

Total Execution Time

Register Operands Fetch

ALU Operation Execute

Result Write Back


3.7 Status Register

The Status Register (SREG) contains information about the result of the most recently executed
arithmetic or logic instruction. This information can be used for altering program flow in order to
perform conditional operations. Note that the Status Register is updated after all ALU opera-
tions, as specified in the instruction set reference. This will in many cases remove the need for
using the dedicated compare instructions, resulting in faster and more compact code.
The Status Register is not automatically stored when entering an interrupt routine nor restored
when returning from an interrupt. This must be handled by software.
The Status Register is accessible in the I/O Memory space.

3.8 Stack and Stack Pointer

The Stack is used for storing return addresses after interrupts and subroutine calls. It can also
be used for storing temporary data. The Stack Pointer (SP) register always points to the top of
the Stack. It is implemented as two 8-bit registers that is accessible in the I/O Memory space.
Data is pushed and popped from the Stack using the PUSH and POP instructions. The Stack is
implemented as growing from higher memory locations to lower memory locations. This implies
that a pushing data on the Stack decreases the SP, and popping data off the Stack increases
the SP.The SP is automatically loaded after reset, and the initial value is the highest address of
the internal SRAM. If the SP is changed, it must be set to point above address 0x2000 and it
must be defined before any subroutine calls are executed or before interrupts are enabled.
During interrupts or subroutine calls the return address is automatically pushed on the Stack.
The return address can be two or three bytes, depending of the memory size of the device. For
devices with 128K bytes or less of program memory the return address is two bytes, hence the
Stack Pointer is decremented/incremented by two. For devices with more than 128K bytes of
program memory, the return address is three bytes, hence the SP is decremented/incremented
by three. The return address is popped of the Stack when returning from interrupts using the
RETI instruction, and subroutine calls using the RET instruction.
The SP is decremented by one when data is pushed onto the Stack with the PUSH instruction,
and incremented by one when data is popped off the Stack using the POP instruction.
To prevent corruption when updating the Stack Pointer from software, a write to SPL will auto-
matically disable interrupts for up to 4 instructions or until the next I/O memory write.

3.9 Register File

The Register File consists of 32 x 8-bit general purpose registers. In order to achieve the
required performance and flexibility, the Register File supports the following input/output
• One 8-bit output operand and one 8-bit result input
• Two 8-bit output operands and one 8-bit result input
• Two 8-bit output operands and one 16-bit result input
• One 16-bit output operand and one 16-bit result input


Figure 3-4. AVR CPU General Purpose Working Registers

7 0 Addr.

R0 0x00
R1 0x01
R2 0x02

R13 0x0D
General R14 0x0E
Purpose R15 0x0F
Working R16 0x10
Registers R17 0x11

R26 0x1A X-register Low Byte
R27 0x1B X-register High Byte
R28 0x1C Y-register Low Byte
R29 0x1D Y-register High Byte
R30 0x1E Z-register Low Byte
R31 0x1F Z-register High Byte

Most of the instructions operating on the Register File have direct access to all registers, and
most of them are single cycle instructions.
The Register File is located in a separate address space, so the registers are not accessible as
data memory.

3.9.1 The X-, Y- and Z- Registers

The registers R26..R31 have added functions besides their general-purpose usage.
These registers can form 16-bit address pointers for addressing of the Data Memory. The three
address registers is called the X-, Y-, and Z-register. The Z-register can also be used as an
address pointer to read from and/or write to the Flash Program Memory, Signature Rows, Fuses
and Lock Bits.

Figure 3-5. The X-, Y- and Z-registers

Bit (individually) 7 R27 0 7 R26 0

X-register XH XL

Bit (X-register) 15 8 7 0

Bit (individually) 7 R29 0 7 R28 0

Y-register YH YL

Bit (Y-register) 15 8 7 0

Bit (individually) 7 R31 0 7 R30 0

Z-register ZH ZL

Bit (Z-register) 15 8 7 0

The lowest register address holds the least significant byte (LSB). In the different addressing
modes these address registers have functions as fixed displacement, automatic increment, and
automatic decrement (see the instruction set reference for details).


3.10 RAMP and Extended Indirect Registers

In order to access program memory or data memory above 64K bytes, the address or address
pointer must be more than 16-bits. This is done by concatenating one register to one of the X-,
Y- or Z-registers, and this register then holds the most significant byte (MSB) in a 24-bit address
or address pointer.
These registers are only available on devices with external bus interface and/or more than 64K
bytes of program or data memory space. For these devices, only the number of bits required to
address the whole program and data memory space in the device is implemented in the

3.10.1 RAMPX, RAMPY and RAMPZ Registers

The RAMPX, RAMPY and RAMPZ registers are concatenated with the X-, Y-, and Z-registers
respectively to enable indirect addressing of the whole data memory space above 64K bytes
and up to 16M bytes.

Figure 3-6. The combined RAMPX + X, RAMPY + Y and RAMPZ + Z registers

Bit (Individually) 7 0 7 0 7 0

Bit (X-pointer) 23 16 15 8 7 0

Bit (Individually) 7 0 7 0 7 0

Bit (Y-pointer) 23 16 15 8 7 0

Bit (Individually) 7 0 7 0 7 0

Bit (Z-pointer) 23 16 15 8 7 0

When reading (ELPM) and writing (SPM) program memory locations above the first 128K bytes
of the program memory, RAMPZ is concatenated with the Z-register to form the 24-bit address.
LPM is not affected by the RAMPZ setting.

3.10.2 RAMPD Register

This register is concatenated with the operand to enable direct addressing of the whole data
memory space above 64K bytes. Together RAMPD and the operand will form a 24-bit address.

Figure 3-7. The combined RAMPD + K register

Bit (Individually) 7 0 15 0

Bit (D-pointer) 23 16 15 0

3.10.3 EIND - Extended Indirect Register

EIND is concatenated with the Z-register to enable indirect jump and call to locations above the
first 128K bytes (64K words) of the program memory.

Figure 3-8. The combined EIND + Z register

Bit (Individually) 7 0 7 0 7 0

Bit (D-pointer) 23 16 15 8 7 0


3.11 Accessing 16-bits Registers

The AVR data bus is 8-bit so accessing 16-bit registers requires atomic operations. These regis-
ters must be byte-accessed using two read or write operations. When reading the high byte is
buffered and when writing the low byte will be buffered. A 16-bit register is connected to the 8-bit
bus and a temporary register using a 16-bit bus. This ensures that the low- and high-byte of 16-
bit registers is always accessed simultaneously when reading or writing the register.
For a write operation, the low-byte of the 16-bit register must be written before the high-byte.
The low-byte is then written into the temporary register. When the high-byte of the 16-bit register
is written, the temporary register is copied into the low-byte of the 16-bit register in the same
clock cycle.
For a read operation, the low-byte of the 16-bit register must be read before the high-byte. When
the low byte register is read by the CPU, the high byte of the 16-bit register is copied into the
temporary register in the same clock cycle as the low byte is read. When the high-byte is read, it
is then read from the temporary register.
Interrupts can corrupt the timed sequence if the interrupt is triggered and try to access the same
16-bit register during an atomic 16-bit read/write operations. To prevent this, interrupts can be
disabled when writing or reading 16-bit registers.
The temporary registers can also be read and written directly from user software.

3.11.1 Accessing 24- and 32-bit Registers

For 24- and 32-bit registers the read and write access is done in the same way as described for
16-bit registers, except there are two temporary registers for 24-bit register and three for 32-bit
registers. The least significant byte must be written first when doing a write, and read first when
doing a read.

3.12 Configuration Change Protection

System critical I/O register settings are protected from accidental modification. The SPM instruc-
tion is protected from accidental execution, and the LPM instruction is protected when reading
the fuses and signature row. This is handled globally by the Configuration Change Protection
(CCP) register. Changes to the protected I/O registers or bit, or execution of the protected
instructions are only possible after the CPU writes a signature to the CCP register. The different
signatures is described the register description.
There are 2 mode of operation, one for protected I/O registers and one for protected SPM/LPM.

3.12.1 Sequence for write operation to protected I/O registers

1. The application code writes the signature for change enable of protected I/O registers
to the CCP register.
2. Within 4 instruction cycles, the application code must write the appropriate data to the
protected register. Most protected registers also contain a write enable/change enable
bit. This bit must be written to one in the same operation as the data is written. The pro-
tected change is immediately disabled if the CPU performs write operations to the I/O
register or data memory, or if the instruction SPM, LPM or SLEEP is executed.


3.12.2 Sequence for execution of protected SPM/LPM

1. The application code writes the signature for execution of protected SPM/LPM to the
CCP register.
2. Within 4 instruction cycles, the application code must execute the appropriate instruc-
tion. The protected change is immediately disabled if the CPU performs write
operations to the data memory, or if SLEEP is executed.
Once the correct signature is written by the CPU, interrupts will be ignored for the configuration
change enable period. Any interrupt request (including Non-Maskable Interrupts) during the
CPP period will set the corresponding interrupt flag as normal and the request is kept pending.
After the CPP period any pending interrupts are executed according to their level and priority.
DMA requests are still handled, but do not influence the protected configuration change enable
period. A signature written by the DMA is ignored.

3.13 Fuse Lock

For some system critical features it is possible to program a fuse to disable all changes in the
associated I/O control registers. If this is done, it will not be possible to change the registers from
the user software, and the fuse can only be reprogrammed using an external programmer.
Details on this are described in the data sheet module where this feature is available.

3.14 Register Description

3.14.1 CCP - Configuration Change Protection Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 CCP[7:0] CCP

Read/Write W W W W W W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CCP[7:0] - Configuration Change Protection

The CCP register must be written with the correct signature to enable change of the protected
I/O register or execution of the protected instruction for a maximum of 4 CPU instruction cycles.
All interrupts are ignored during these cycles. After these cycles interrupts automatically handled
again by the CPU, and any pending interrupts will be executed according to their level and prior-
ity. When the Protected I/O register signature is written, CCP[0] will read as one as long as the
protected feature is enabled. Similarly when the Protected SPM/LPM signature is written CCP[1]
will read as one as long as the protected feature is enabled. CCP[7:2] will always be read as
zero. Table 3-1 on page 13 shows the signature for the various modes.

Table 3-1. Modes of CPU Change Protection

Signature Group Configuration Description
0x9D SPM Protected SPM/LPM
0xD8 IOREG Protected IO register

3.14.2 RAMPD - Extended Direct Addressing Register

This register is concatenated with the operand for direct addressing (LDS/STS) of the whole
data memory space on devices with more than 64K bytes of data memory. When accessing


data addresses below 64K bytes, this register is not in use. This register is not available if the
data memory including external memory is less than 64K bytes.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 RAMPD[7:0] RAMPD

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 – RAMPD[7:0]: Extended Direct Addressing bits

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 24-bit address created by RAMPD and the 16-bit operand.
Only the number of bits required to address the available data memory is implemented for each
device. Unused bits will always read as zero.

3.14.3 RAMPX - Extended X-Pointer Register

This register is concatenated with the X-register for indirect addressing (LD/LDD/ST/STD) of the
whole data memory space on devices with more than 64K bytes of data memory. When access-
ing data addresses below 64K bytes, this register is not in use. This register is not available if the
data memory including external memory is less than 64K bytes.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 RAMPX[7:0] RAMPX

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 – RAMPX[7:0]: Extended X-pointer Address bits

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 24-bit address created by RAMPX and the 16-bit X-register.
Only the number of bits required to address the available data memory is implemented for each
device. Unused bits will always read as zero.

3.14.4 RAMPY - Extended Y-Pointer Register

This register is concatenated with the Y-register for indirect addressing (LD/LDD/ST/STD) of the
whole data memory space on devices with more than 64K bytes of data memory. When access-
ing data addresses below 64K bytes, this register is not in use. This register is not available if the
data memory including external memory is less than 64K bytes.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0A RAMPY[7:0] RAMPY

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 – RAMPY[7:0]: Extended Y-pointer Address bits

These bits hold the 8 MSB of the 24-bit address created by RAMPY and the 16-bit Y-register.
Only the number of bits required to address the available data memory is implemented for each
device. Unused bits will always read as zero.

3.14.5 RAMPZ - Extended Z-Pointer Register

This register is concatenated with the Z-register for indirect addressing (LD/LDD/ST/STD) of the
whole data memory space on devices with more than 64K bytes of data memory. RAMPZ is
concatenated with the Z-register when reading (ELPM) program memory locations above the


first 64K bytes, and writing (SPM) program memory locations above the first 128K bytes of the
program memory.
When accessing data addressees below 64K bytes, reading program memory locations below
64K bytes and writing program memory locations below 128K bytes, this register is not in use.
This register is not available if the data memory including external memory and program mem-
ory in the device is less than 64K bytes.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0B RAMPZ[7:0] RAMPZ

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 – RAMPZ[7:0]: Extended Z-pointer Address bits

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 24-bit address created by RAMPZ and the 16-bit Z-register.
Only the number of bits required to address the available data and program memory is imple-
mented for each device. Unused bits will always read as zero.

3.14.6 EIND - Extended Indirect Register

This register is concatenated with the Z-register for enabling extended indirect jump (EIJMP)
and call (ECALL) to the whole program memory space devices with more than 128K bytes of
program memory. For jump or call to addressees below 128K bytes, this register is not in use.
This register is not available if the program memory in the device is less than 128K bytes.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0C EIND[7:0] EIND

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - EIND[7:0]: Extended Indirect Address bits

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 24-bit address created by EIND and the 16-bit Z-register.
Only the number of bits required to access the available program memory is implemented for
each device. Unused bits will always read as zero.

3.14.7 SPL - Stack Pointer Register Low

The SPH and SPL register pair represent the 16-bit value SP. The SP holds the Stack Pointer
that point to the top of the Stack. After reset, the Stack Pointer points to the highest internal
SRAM address.
Only the number of bits required to address the available data memory including external mem-
ory, up to 64K bytes is implemented for each device. Unused bits will always read as zero.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0D SP[7:0] SPL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1

Note: 1. Refer to specific device datasheets for exact initial values.

• Bit 7:0 - SP[7:0]: Stack Pointer Register Low byte

These bits hold the 8 LSB of the 16-bits Stack Pointer (SP).


3.14.8 SPH - Stack Pointer Register High

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0E SP[15:8] SPH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1

Note: 1. Refer to specific device datasheets for exact initial values.

• Bits 7:0 - SP[15:8]: Stack Pointer Register High byte

These bits hold the 8 MSB of the 16-bits Stack Pointer (SP).

3.14.9 SREG - Status Register

The Status Register (SREG) contains information about the result of the most recently executed
arithmetic or logic instruction.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0F I T H S V N Z C SREG

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 – I: Global Interrupt Enable

The Global Interrupt Enable bit must be set for interrupts to be enabled. If the Global Interrupt
Enable Register is cleared, none of the interrupts are enabled independent of the individual
interrupt enable settings. The I-bit is not cleared by hardware after an interrupt has occurred.
The I-bit can be set and cleared by the application with the SEI and CLI instructions, as
described in the “Instruction Set Description”.

• Bit 6 – T: Bit Copy Storage

The Bit Copy instructions Bit Load (BLD) and Bit Store (BST) use the T-bit as source or destina-
tion for the operated bit. A bit from a register in the Register File can be copied into T by the BST
instruction, and a bit in T can be copied into a bit in a register in the Register File by the BLD

• Bit 5 – H: Half Carry Flag

The Half Carry Flag (H) indicates a Half Carry in some arithmetic operations. Half Carry Is useful
in BCD arithmetic. See the “Instruction Set Description” for detailed information.

• Bit 4 – S: Sign Bit, S = N ⊕ V

The Sign bit is always an exclusive or between the Negative Flag N and the Two’s Complement
Overflow Flag V. See the “Instruction Set Description” for detailed information.

• Bit 3 – V: Two’s Complement Overflow Flag

The Two’s Complement Overflow Flag (V) supports two’s complement arithmetics. See the
“Instruction Set Description” for detailed information.

• Bit 2 – N: Negative Flag

The Negative Flag (N) indicates a negative result in an arithmetic or logic operation. See the
“Instruction Set Description” for detailed information.


• Bit 1 – Z: Zero Flag

The Zero Flag (Z) indicates a zero result in an arithmetic or logic operation. See the “Instruction
Set Description” for detailed information.

• Bit 0 – C: Carry Flag

The Carry Flag (C) indicates a carry in an arithmetic or logic operation. See the “Instruction Set
Description” for detailed information.

3.15 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x01 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x02 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x03 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x04 CCP CCP[7:0] 13
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x06 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x07 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x08 RAMPD RAMPD[7:0] 13
+0x09 RAMPX RAMPX[7:0] 14
+0x0A RAMPY RAMPY[7:0] 14
+0x0B RAMPZ RAMPZ[7:0] 14
+0x0C EIND EIND[7:0] 15
+0x0D SPL SPL[7:0] 15
+0x0E SPH SPH[7:0] 16
+0x0F SREG I T H S V N Z C 16


4. Memories

4.1 Features
• Flash Program Memory
– One linear address space
– In-System Programmable
– Self-Programming and Bootloader support
– Application Section for application code
– Application Table Section for application code or data storage
– Boot Section for application code or bootloader code
– Separate lock bits and protection for all sections
– Built in fast CRC check of a selectable flash program memory section
• Data Memory
– One linear address space
– Single cycle access from CPU
Byte and page accessible
Optional memory mapping for direct load and store
– I/O Memory
Configuration and Status registers for all peripherals and modules
16 bit-accessible General Purpose Register for global variables or flags
– External Memory support
Memory mapped external hardware
– Bus arbitration
Safe and deterministic handling of CPU and DMA Controller priority
– Separate buses for SRAM, EEPROM, I/O Memory and External Memory access
Simultaneous bus access for CPU and DMA Controller
• Production Signature Row Memory for factory programmed data
Device ID for each microcontroller device type
Serial number for each device
Oscillator calibration bytes
ADC, DAC and temperature sensor calibration data
• User Signature Row
One flash page in size
Can be read and written from software
Content is kept after chip erase

4.2 Overview
This section describes the different memories in XMEGA. The AVR architecture has two main
memory spaces, the Program Memory and the Data Memory. Executable code can only reside
in the Program Memory, while data can be stored both in the Program Memory and the Data
Memory. The Data Memory includes both SRAM, and an EEPROM Memory for non-volatile data
storage. All memory spaces are linear and require no paging. Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)


spaces can be locked for further write and read/write operations. This prevents unrestricted
access to the application software.
A separate memory section contains the Fuse bytes. These are used for setting important sys-
tem functions, and write access is only possible from an external programmer.

4.3 Flash Program Memory

The XMEGA contains On-chip In-System Reprogrammable Flash memory for program storage.
The Flash memory can be accessed for read and write both from an external programmer
through the PDI, or from application software running in the CPU.
All AVR instructions are 16 or 32 bits wide, and each Flash location is 16 bits wide. The Flash
memory in XMEGA is organized in two main sections, the Application Section and the Boot
Loader section, as shown in Figure 4-1 on page 19. The sizes of the different sections are fixed,
but device dependent. These two sections have separate lock bits and can have different level
of protection. The Store Program Memory (SPM) instruction used to write to the Flash from the
application software, will only operate when executed from the Boot Loader Section.
The Application Section contains an Application Table Section with separate lock settings. This
can be used for safe storage of Non-volatile data in the Program Memory.

Figure 4-1. Flash Memory sections

Read-While-Write Section

Application Flash

Application Table
Flash Section
End RWW, End Application
No Read-While-
Write Section

Start NRWW, Start Boot Loader

Boot Loader Flash


4.3.1 Application Section

The Application section is the section of the Flash that is used for storing the executable applica-
tion code. The protection level for the Application section can be selected by the Boot Lock Bits
for this section. The Application section can not store any Boot Loader code since the SPM
instruction cannot be executed from the Application section.

4.3.2 Application Table section

The Application Table section is a part of the Application Section of the Flash that can be used
for storing data. The size is identical to the Boot Loader Section. The protection level for the
Application Table section can be selected by the Boot Lock Bits for this section. The possibilities
for different protection levels on the Application Section and the Application Table Section
enable safe parameter storage in the Program Memory. If this section is not used for data, appli-
cation code can be reside here.

4.3.3 Boot Loader Section

While the Application Section is used for storing the application code, the Boot Loader software
must be located in the Boot Loader Section since the SPM instruction only can initiate program-
ming when executing from the this section. The SPM instruction can access the entire Flash,
including the Boot Loader Section itself. The protection level for the Boot Loader Section can be
selected by the Boot Loader Lock bits. If this section is not used for Boot Loader software, appli-
cation code can be stored here.

4.3.4 Production Signature Row

The Production Signature Row is a separate memory section for factory programmed data. It
contains calibration data for functions such as oscillators and analog modules. Some of the cali-
bration values will be automatically loaded to the corresponding module or peripheral unit during
reset. Other values must be loaded from the signature row and written to the corresponding
peripheral registers from software. For details on the calibration conditions such as temperature,
voltage references etc. refer to device data sheet.
The production signature row also contains a device ID that identify each microcontroller device
type, and a serial number that is unique for each manufactured device. The serial number con-
sist of the production LOT number, wafer number, and wafer coordinates for the device.
The production signature row can not be written or erased, but it can be read from both applica-
tion software and external programming.

4.3.5 User Signature Row

The User Signature Row is a separate memory section that is fully accessible (read and write)
from application software and external programming. The user signature row is one flash page
in size, and is meant for static user parameter storage, such as calibration data, custom serial
numbers or identification numbers, random number seeds etc. This section is not erased by
Chip Erase commands that erase the Flash, and requires a dedicated erase command. This
ensures parameter storage during multiple program/erase session and on-chip debug sessions.

4.4 Fuses and Lockbits

The Fuses are used to set important system function and can only be written from an external
programming interface. The application software can read the fuses. The fuses are used to con-
figure reset sources such as Brown-out Detector and Watchdog, Start-up configuration, JTAG
enable and JTAG user ID.


The Lock bits are used to set protection level on the different flash sections. They are used to
block read and/or write access of the code. Lock bits can be written from en external program-
mer and from the application software to set a more strict protection level, but not to set a less
strict protection level. Chip erase is the only way to erase the lock bits. The lock bits are erased
after the rest of the flash memory is erased.
An unprogrammed fuse or lock bit will have the value one, while a programmed flash or lock bit
will have the value zero.
Both fuses and lock bits are reprogrammable like the Flash Program memory.


4.5 Data Memory

The Data memory contains the I/O Memory, internal SRAM, optionally memory mapped
EEPROM and external memory if available. The data memory is organized as one continuous
memory section, as shown in Figure 4-2 on page 22.

Figure 4-2. Data Memory Map

Data Memory
I/O Memory
(Up to 4 KB)

(Up to 4 KB)


Internal SRAM

External Memory
(0 to 16 MB)


I/O Memory, EEPROM and SRAM will always have the same start addresses for all XMEGA
devices. External Memory (if exist) will always start at the end of Internal SRAM and end at
address 0xFFFFFF.

4.6 Internal SRAM

The internal SRAM is mapped in the Data Memory space, always starting at hexadecimal
address location 0x2000. SRAM is accessed from the CPU by using the load (LD/LDS/LDD) and
store (ST/STS/STD) instructions.


XMEGA has EEPROM memory for non-volatile data storage. It is addressable either in as a sep-
arate data space (default), or it can be memory mapped and accessed in normal data space.
The EEPROM memory supports both byte and page access.

4.7.1 Data Memory Mapped EEPROM Access

The EEPROM address space can optionally be mapped into the Data Memory space to allow
highly efficient EEPROM reading and EEPROM buffer loading. When doing this EEPROM is
accessible using load and store instructions. Memory mapped EEPROM will always start at
hexadecimal address location 0x1000.

4.8 I/O Memory

The status and configuration registers for all peripherals and modules, including the CPU, are
addressable through I/O memory locations in the data memory space. All I/O locations can be
accessed by the load (LD/LDS/LDD) and store (ST/STS/STD) instructions, transferring data
between the 32 general purpose registers in the Register File and the I/O memory. The IN and
OUT instructions can address I/O memory locations in the range 0x00 - 0x3F directly. In the
address range 0x00 - 0x1F, specific bit manipulating and checking instructions are available.
The I/O memory definition for an XMEGA device is shown in "Register Summary" in the device
data sheet.

4.8.1 General Purpose I/O Registers

The lowest 16 I/O Memory addresses is reserved for General Purpose I/O Registers. These reg-
isters can be used for storing information, and they are particularly useful for storing global
variables and flags, as they are directly bit-accessible using the SBI, CBI, SBIS, and SBIC

4.9 External Memory

XMEGA has up to 4 ports dedicated to External Memory, supporting external SRAM, SDRAM,
and memory mapped peripherals such as LCD displays or other memory mapped devices. For
details refer to the External Bus interface (EBI) description. The External Memory address space
will always start at the end of Internal SRAM.

4.10 Data Memory and Bus Arbitration

As the Data Memory organized as four separate sets of memories, the different bus masters
(CPU, DMA Controller read and DMA Controller write) can access different memories at the
same time. As Figure 4-3 on page 24 shows, the CPU can access the External Memory while
the DMA (DMA) Controller is transferring data from Internal SRAM to I/O Memory.


Figure 4-3. Bus Access

Data Memory Bus

I/O Memory

DMA Controller

DMA Controller
Write External

4.10.1 Bus Priority

When several masters request access to the same bus, the bus priority is in the following order
(from higher to lower priority)
1. Bus Master with ongoing access
2. Bus Master with ongoing burst
a. Alternating DMA Controller Read and DMA Controller Write when the they access
the same Data Memory section.
3. Bus Master requesting burst access
a. CPU has priority
4. Bus Master requesting bus access
a. CPU has priority

4.11 Memory Timing

Read and write access to the I/O Memory takes one CPU clock cycle. Write to SRAM takes one
cycle and read from SRAM takes two cycles. For burst read (DMA), new data is available every
cycle. EEPROM page load (write) takes one cycle and three cycles are required for read. For
burst read, new data is available every second cycle. External memory has multi-cycle read and
write. The number of cycles depends on type of memory and configuration of the External Bus
Interface. Refer to the instruction summary for more details on instructions and instruction

4.12 Device ID
Each device has a three-byte device ID which identifies the device. These registers identify
Atmel as the manufacturer of the device and the device type. A separate register contains the
revision number of the device.

4.13 JTAG Disable

It is possible to disable the JTAG interface from the application software. This will prevent all
external JTAG access to the memory, until the next device reset or if JTAG is enabled again


from the application software. As long as JTAG is disabled the I/O pins required for JTAG can be
used as normal I/O pins.

4.14 IO Memory Protection

Some features in the device is regarded to be critical for safety in some applications. Due to this,
it is possible to lock the IO register related to the Event System and the Advanced Waveform
Extensions. As long as the lock is enabled, all related IO registers are locked and they can not
be written from the application software. The lock registers themselves are protected by the
Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for details refer to ”Configuration Change Protec-
tion” on page 12.

4.15 Register Description - NVM Controller

4.15.1 ADDR2 - Non-Volatile Memory Address Register 2

The ADDR2, ADDR1 and ADDR0 registers represents the 24-bit value ADDR.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 ADDR[23:16] ADDR2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - ADDR[23:16]: NVM Address Register Byte 2

This register gives the address extended byte when accessing application and boot section.

4.15.2 ADDR1 - Non-Volatile Memory Address Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 ADDR[15:8] ADDR1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - ADDR[15:8]: NVM Address Register Byte 1

This register gives the address high byte when accessing either of the memory locations.

4.15.3 ADDR0 - Non-Volatile Memory Address Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 ADDR[7:0] ADDR0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - ADDR[7:0]: NVM Address Register Byte 0

This register gives the address low byte when accessing either of the memory locations.


4.15.4 DATA2 - Non-Volatile Memory Data Register Byte 2

The DATA2, DATA1 and ADDR0 registers represents the 24-bit value DATA.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 DATA[23:16] DATA2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DATA[23:16]: NVM Data Register 2

This register gives the data value byte 2 when running CRC check on application section, boot
section or combined.

4.15.5 DATA1 - Non-Volatile Memory Data Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 DATA[15:8] DATA1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DATA[15:8]: NVM Data Register Byte 1

This register gives the data value byte 1 when accessing application and boot section.

4.15.6 DATA0 - Non-Volatile Memory Data Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 DATA[7:0] DATA0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DATA[7:0]: NVM Data Register Byte 0

This register gives the data value byte 0 when accessing either of the memory locations.

4.15.7 CMD - Non-Volatile Memory Command Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0A - CMD[6:0] CMD

Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 6:0 -CMD[6:0]: NVM Command

These bits define the programming commands for the flash. Bit six is set for external program-
ming commands. See "Memory Programming data sheet" for programming commands.


4.15.8 CTRLA - Non-Volatile Memory Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0B - - - - - - - CMDEX CTRLA

Read/Write R R R R R R R S

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - Reserved Bits

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - CMDEX: Non-Volatile Memory Command Execute

Setting this bit will execute the command in the CMD register. This bit is protected by the Config-
uration Change Protection (CCP) mechanism, refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change
Protection” on page 12 for details on the CCP.

4.15.9 CTRLB - Non-Volatile Memory Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3 - EEMAPEN: EEPROM Data Memory Mapping Enable

Setting this bit will enable Data Memory Mapping of the EEPROM section. The EEPROM can
then be accessed using Load and Store instructions.

• Bit 2 - FPRM: Flash Power Reduction Mode

Setting this bit will enable power saving for the flash memory. The section not being accessed
will be turned off like in sleep mode. If code is running from Application Section, the Boot Loader
Section will be turned off and vice versa. If access to the section that is turned off is required, the
CPU will be halted equally long to the start-up time from the Idle sleep mode.

• Bit 1 - EPRM: EEPROM Power Reduction Mode

Setting this bit will enable power saving for the EEPROM memory. The EEPROM will then be
powered down equal to entering sleep mode. If access is required, the bus master will be halted
equally long as the start-up time from Idle sleep mode.

• Bit 0 - SPMLOCK: SPM Locked

The SPM Locked bit can be written to prevent all further self-programming. The bit is cleared at
reset and cannot be cleared from software. This bit is protected by the Configuration Change
Protection (CCP) mechanism, refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page
12 for details on the CCP.


4.15.10 INTCTRL - Non-Volatile Memory Interrupt Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0D - - - - SPMLVL[1:0] EELVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:2 - SPMLVL[1:0]: SPM Ready Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in ”Interrupts and Pro-
grammable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The interrupt is a level interrupt, which
will be triggered when the BUSY flag in the STATUS is set to logical 0. Since the interrupt is a
level interrupt note the following.
The interrupt should not be enabled before triggering a NVM command, as the BUSY flag wont
be set before the NVM command is triggered. Since the interrupt trigger is a level interrupt, the
interrupt should be disabled in the interrupt handler.

• Bit 1:0 - EELVL[1:0]: EEPROM Ready Interrupt Level

These bits enable the EEPROM Ready Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in
”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The interrupt is a
level interrupt, which will be triggered when the BUSY flag in the STATUS is set to logical 0.
Since the interrupt is a level interrupt note the following.
The interrupt should not be enabled before triggering a NVM command, as the BUSY flag wont
be set before the NVM command is triggered. Since the interrupt trigger is a level interrupt, the
interrupt should be disabled in the interrupt handler.

4.15.11 STATUS - Non-Volatile Memory Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - NVMBUSY: Non-Volatile Memory Busy

The NVMBSY flag indicates whether the NVM memory (FLASH, EEPROM, Lock-bits) is busy
being programmed. Once a program operation is started, this flag will be set and it remains set
until the program operation is completed. he NVMBSY flag will automatically be cleared when
the operation is finished.

• Bit 6 - FBUSY: Flash Section Busy

The FBUSY flag indicate whether a Flash operation (Page Erase or Page Write) is initiated.
Once a operation is started the FBUSY flag is set, and the Application Section cannot be
accessed. The FBUSY bit will automatically be cleared when the operation is finished.


• Bit 5:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - EELOAD: EEPROM Page Buffer Active Loading

The EELOAD status flag indicates that the temporary EEPROM page buffer has been loaded
with one or more data bytes. Immediately after an EEPROM load command is issued and byte is
written to NVMDR, or a memory mapped EEPROM buffer load operation is performed, the
EELOAD flag is set, and it remains set until an EEPROM page write- or a page buffer flush oper-
ation is executed.

• Bit 0 - FLOAD: Flash Page Buffer Active Loading

The FLOAD flag indicates that the temporary Flash page buffer has been loaded with one or
more data bytes. Immediately after a Flash load command has been issues and byte is written to
NVMDR, the FLOAD flag is set, and it remains set until an Application- or Boot page write- or a
page buffer flush operation is executed.

4.15.12 LOCKBITS - Non-Volatile Memory Lock Bit Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 BLBB[1:0] BLBA[1:0] BLBAT[1:0] LB[1:0] LOCKBITS

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

This register is a direct mapping of the NVM Lockbits into the IO Memory Space, in order to
enable direct read access from the application software. Refer to ”LOCKBITS - Non-Volatile
Memory Lock Bit Register” on page 34 for description of the Lock Bits.


4.16 Register Description – Fuses and Lockbits

4.16.1 FUSEBYTE0 - Non-Volatile Memory Fuse Byte 0 - JTAG User ID

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - JTAGUID[7:0]: JTAG USER ID

These fuses can be used to set the default JTAG USER ID for the device. During reset, the
JTAGUID fuse bits will be loaded into the MCU JTAG User ID Register.

4.16.2 FUSEBYTE1 - Non-Volatile Memory Fuse Byte1 - Watchdog Configuration

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 WDWPER[3:0] WDPER[3:0] FUSEBYTE1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - WDWPER[3:0]: Watchdog Window Timeout Period

The WDWPER fuse bits are used to set initial value of the closed window for the Watchdog
Timer in Window Mode. During reset these fuse bits are automatically written to the WPER bits
Watchdog Window Mode Control Register, refer to Section 11.7.2 ”WINCTRL – Window Mode
Control Register” on page 120 for details.

• BIT 3:0 - WDPER[3:0]: Watchdog Timeout Period

The WDPER fuse bits are used to set initial value of the Watchdog Timeout Period. During reset
these fuse bits are automatically written to the PER bits in the Watchdog Control Register, refer
to Section 11.7.1 ”CTRL – Watchdog Timer Control Register” on page 119 for details.

4.16.3 FUSEBYTE2 - Non-Volatile Memory Fuse Byte2 - Reset Configuration

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 – BOOTRST – – – – BODPD[1:0] FUSEBYTE2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This fuse bit is reserved. For compatibility with future devices, always write this bit to one when
this register is written.


• Bit 6 - BOOTRST: Boot Loader Section Reset Vector

The BOOTRST fuse can be programmed so the Reset Vector is pointing to the first address in
the Boot Loader Flash Section. In this case, the device will start executing from the from Boot
Loader Flash Section after reset.

Table 4-1. Boot Reset Fuse

BOOTRST Reset Address
0 Reset Vector = Boot Loader Reset
1 Reset Vector = Application Reset (address 0x0000)

• Bit 5:2 - Reserved

These fuse bits are reserved. For compatibility with future devices, always write these bits to one
when this register is written.

• Bit 1:0 - BODPD[1:0]: BOD operation in power-down mode

The BODPD fuse bits set the BOD operation mode in all sleep modes except Idle mode.
For details on the BOD and BOD operation modes refer to ”Brown-Out Detection” on page 106.

Table 4-2. BOD operation modes in sleep modes

BODPD[1:0] Description
00 Reserved
01 BOD enabled in sampled mode
10 BOD enabled continuously
11 BOD Disabled

4.16.4 FUSEBYTE4 - Non-Volatile Memory fuse Byte4 - Start-up Configuration

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These fuse bits are reserved. For compatibility with future devices, always write these bits to one
when this register is written.

• Bit: 4 - RSTDISBL - External Reset Disable

This fuse can be programmed to disable the external reset pin functionality. When this is done
pulling this pin low will not cause an external reset.

• Bit 3:2 - STARTUPTIME[1:0]: Start-up time

The STARTUPTIME fuse bits can be used to set at a programmable timeout period from all
reset sources are released and until the internal reset is released from the delay counter.
The delay is timed from the 1kHz output of the ULP oscillator, refer to Section 9.3 ”Reset
Sequence” on page 104 for details.


Table 4-3. Start-up Time

STARTUPTIME[1:0] 1kHz ULP oscillator Cycles
00 64
01 4
10 Reserved
11 0

• Bit 1 - WDLOCK: Watchdog Timer lock

The WDLOCK fuse can be programmed to lock the Watchdog Timer configuration. When this
fuse is programmed the Watchdog Timer configuration cannot be changed, and the Watchdog
Timer cannot be disabled from the application software. When this fuse is programmed the
ENABLE bit in the watchdog CTRL register is automatically set at reset. The WEN bit in the
watchdog WINCTRL register is not set automatically and needs to be enabled from software.

Table 4-4. Watchdog Timer locking

WDLOCK Description
0 Watchdog Timer locked for modifications
1 Watchdog Timer not locked

• Bit 0 - JTAGEN: JTAG enabled

The JTAGEN fuse decides whether or not the JTAG interface is enabled.
When the JTAG interface is disabled all access through JTAG is prohibited, and the device can
only be accessed using the Program and Debug Interface (PDI).

Table 4-5. JTAG Enable

JTAGEN Description
0 JTAG enabled
1 JTAG disabled

The JTAGEN fuse is only available on devices with JTAG interface.

4.16.5 FUSEBYTE5 - Non-Volatile Memory Fuse Byte 5

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 - - - - - -

• Bit 7:6 - Reserved

These bits are reserved. For compatibility with future devices, always write these bits to one
when this register is written.


• Bit 5:4 - BODACT[1:0]: BOD operation in active mode

The BODACT fuse bits set the BOD operation mode when the device is in active and idle mode
of operation. For details on the BOD and BOD operation modes refer to Section 9.4.2 ”Brown-
Out Detection” on page 106.

Table 4-6. BOD operation modes in Active and Idle mode

BODACT[1:0] Description
00 Reserved
01 BOD enabled in sampled mode
10 BOD enabled continuously
11 BOD Disabled

• Bit 3 - EESAVE: EEPROM memory is preserved through the Chip Erase

A chip erase command will normally erase the Flash, EEPROM and internal SRAM. If the
EESAVE fuse is programmed, the EEPROM is not erased during chip erase. In case EEPROM
is used to store data independent of software revision, the EEPROM can be preserved through
chip erase.

Table 4-7. EEPROM memory through Chip Erase

EESAVE Description
0 EEPROM is preserved during chip erase
1 EEPROM is not preserved during chip erase

Changing of the EESAVE fuse bit takes effect immediately after the write time-out elapses.
Hence, it is possible to update EESAVE and perform a chip erase according to the new setting
of EESAVE without leaving and re-entering programming mode

• Bit 2:0 - BODLEVEL[2:0] - Brown out detection voltage level

The BODLEVEL fuse bits sets the nominal BOD level value. During power-on the device is kept
in reset until the VCC level has reached the programmed BOD level. Due to this always ensure
that the BOD level is set lower than the VCC level, also if the BOD is not enabled and used during
normal operation, refer to Section 9.4 ”Reset Sources” on page 104 for details. For BOD level
nominal values, see Table 9-2 on page 106.

4.16.6 LOCKBITS - Non-Volatile Memory Lock Bit Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 BLBB[1:0] BLBA[1:0] BLBAT[1:0] LB[1:0] LOCKBITS

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7:6 - BLBB[1:0]: Boot Lock Bit Boot Loader Section

These bits indicate the locking mode for the Boot Loader Section. Even though the BLBB bits
are writable, they can only be written to a stricter locking. Resetting the BLBB bits is only possi-
ble by executing a Chip Erase Command.


Table 4-8. Boot Lock Bit for The Boot Loader Section
BLBB[1:0] Group Configuration Description
No Lock, no restrictions for SPM and (E)LPM accessing
the Boot Loader section.
Write Lock, SPM is not allowed to write the Boot Loader
Read Lock, (E)LPM executing from the Application
section is not allowed to read from the Boot Loader
If the interrupt vectors are placed in the Application
section, interrupts are disabled while executing from the
Boot Loader section.
Read and Write Lock, SPM is not allowed to write to the
Boot Loader section and (E)LPM executing from the
Application section is not allowed to read from the Boot
00 RWLOCK Loader section.
If the interrupt vectors are placed in the Application
section, interrupts are disabled while executing from the
Boot Loader section

• Bit 5:4 - BLBA[1:0]: Boot Lock Bit Application Section

These bits indicate the locking mode for the Application Section. Even though the BLBA bits are
writable, they can only be written to a stricter locking. Resetting the BLBA bits is only possible by
executing a Chip Erase Command.

Table 4-9. Boot Lock Bit for the Application Section

BLBA[1:0] Group Configuration Description
No Lock, no restrictions for SPM and (E)LPM accessing
the Application Section.
Write Lock, SPM is not allowed to write them
Application Section
Read Lock, (E)LPM executing from the Boot Loader
Section is not allowed to read from the Application
If the interrupt vectors are placed in the Boot Loader
Section, interrupts are disabled while executing from the
Application Section.
Read and Write Lock, SPM is not allowed to write to the
Application Section and (E)LPM executing from the
Boot Loader Section is not allowed to read from the
00 RWLOCK Application section.
If the interrupt vectors are placed in the Boot Loader
Section, interrupts are disabled while executing from the
Application Section.


• Bit 3:2 - BLBAT[1:0]: Boot Lock Bit Application Table Section

These bits indicate the locking mode for the Application Table Section. Even though the BLBAT
bits are writable, they can only be written to a stricter locking. Resetting the BLBAT bits is only
possible by executing a Chip Erase Command.

Table 4-10. Boot Lock Bit for the Application Table Section
BLBAT[1:0] Group Configuration Description
No Lock, no restrictions for SPM and (E)LPM accessing
the Application Table Section.
Write Lock, SPM is not allowed to write the Application
Read Lock, (E)LPM executing from the Boot Loader
Section is not allowed to read from the Application Table
If the interrupt vectors are placed in the Boot Loader
Section, interrupts are disabled while executing from the
Application Section.
Read and Write Lock, SPM is not allowed to write to the
Application Table Section and (E)LPM executing from
the Boot Loader Section is not allowed to read from the
00 RWLOCK Application Table Section.
If the interrupt vectors are placed in the Boot Loader
Section, interrupts are disabled while executing from the
Application Section.

• Bit 1:0 - LB[1:0]: Lock Bits

These bits indicate the locking mode for the Flash and EEPROM in Programming Mode. These
bits are writable only through an external programming interface. Resetting the Lock Bits is only
possible by executing a Chip Erase Command.

Table 4-11. Boot Lock Bit for The Boot Section

LB[1:0] Group Configuration Description
11 NOLOCK3 No Lock, no memory locks enabled.
Write lock, programming of the Flash and EEPROM is
10 WLOCK disabled for the programming interface. Fuse bits are
locked for write from the programming interface.
Read and Write Lock, programming and
read/verification of the flash and EEPROM is disabled
00 RWLOCK for the programming interface. The lock bits and fuses
are locked for read and write from the programming


4.17 Register Description - Production Signature Row

4.17.1 RCOSC2M - Internal 2 MHz Oscillator Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 RCOSC2M[7:0] RCOSC2M

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - RCOSC2M[7:0]: Internal 2 MHz Oscillator Calibration Value

This byte contains the oscillator calibration value for the internal 2 MHz oscillator. Calibration of
the oscillator is performed during production test of the device. During reset this value is auto-
matically loaded into the Calibration Register B for the 2 MHz DFLL, refer to ”CALB - Calibration
Register B” on page 92 for more details.

4.17.2 RCOSC32K - Internal 32.768 kHz Oscillator Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 RCOSC32K[7:0] RCOSC32K

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - RCOSC32K[7:0]: Internal 32 kHz Oscillator Calibration Value

This byte contains the oscillator calibration value for the internal 32.768 kHz oscillator. Calibra-
tion of the oscillator is performed during production test of the device. During reset this value is
automatically loaded into the calibration register for the 32.768 kHz oscillator, refer to
”RC32KCAL - 32 KHz Oscillator Calibration Register” on page 90 for more details.

4.17.3 RCOSC32M - Internal 32 MHz RC Oscillator Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 RCOSC32M[7:0] RCOSC32M

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - RCOSC32M[7:0]: Internal 32 MHz Oscillator Calibration Value

This byte contains the oscillator calibration value for the internal 32 MHz oscillator. Calibration of
the oscillator is performed during production test of the device. During reset this value is auto-
matically loaded into the Calibration Register B for the 32 MHz DFLL, refer to ”CALB -
Calibration Register B” on page 92 for more details.


4.17.4 LOTNUM0 - Lot Number Register 0

number for each device. Together with the wafer number and wafer coordinates this gives an
unique identifier or serial number for the device.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 LOTNUM0[7:0] LOTNUM0

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - LOTNUM0[7:0] - LOT Number Byte 0

This byte contains byte 0 of the LOT number for the device.

4.17.5 LOTNUM1 - Lot Number Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 LOTNUM1[7:0] LOTNUM1

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - LOTNUM1[7:0] - LOT Number Byte 1

This byte contains byte 1 of the LOT number for the device.

4.17.6 LOTNUM2 - Lot Number Register 2

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 LOTNUM2[7:0] LOTNUM2

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - LOTNUM2[7:0] - LOT Number Byte 2

This byte contains byte 2 of the LOT number for the device.

4.17.7 LOTNUM3- Lot Number Register 3

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 LOTNUM3[7:0] LOTNUM3

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - LOTNUM3[7:0] - LOT Number Byte 3

This byte contains byte 3 of the LOT number for the device.


4.17.8 LOTNUM4 - Lot Number Register 4

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0A LOTNUM4[7:0] LOTNUM4

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - LOTNUM4[7:0] - LOT Number Byte 4

This byte contains byte 4 of the LOT number for the device.

4.17.9 LOTNUM5 - Lot Number Register 5

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0B LOTNUM5[7:0] LOTNUM5

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - LOTNUM5[7:0] - LOT Number Byte 5

This byte contains byte 5of the LOT number for the device.

4.17.10 WAFNUM - Wafer Number Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x10 WAFNUM[7:0] WAFNUM

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - WAFNUM[7:0] - Wafer Number

This byte contains the wafer number for each device. Together with the LOT number and wafer
coordinates this gives an unique identifier or serial number for the device.

4.17.11 COORDX0 - Wafer Coordinate X Register 0

COORDX0, COORDX1, COORDY0 and COORDY1 contains the wafer X and Y coordinates for
each device. Together with the LOT number and wafer number this gives an unique identifier er
or serial number for each devicei
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x12 COORDX0[7:0] COORDX0

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - COORDX0[7:0] - Wafer Coordinate X Byte 0

This byte contains byte 0 of wafer coordinate X for the device.


4.17.12 COORDX1 - Wafer Coordinate X Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x13 COORDX1[7:0] COORDX1

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - COORDX0[7:0] - Wafer Coordinate X Byte 1

This byte contains byte 1 of wafer coordinate X for the device.

4.17.13 COORDY0 - Wafer Coordinate Y Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x14 COORDY0[7:0] COORDY0

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - COORDY0[7:0] - Wafer Coordinate Y Byte 0

This byte contains byte 0 of wafer coordinate Y for the device.

4.17.14 COORDY1 - Wafer Coordinate Y Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x15 COORDY1[7:0] COORDY1

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - COORDY1[7:0] - Wafer Coordinate Y Byte 1

This byte contains byte 1 of wafer coordinate Y for the device

4.17.15 ADCACAL0 - ADCA Calibration Register 0

ADCACAL0 and ADCACAL1 contains the calibration value for the Analog to Digital Converter A
(ADCA). Calibration of the Analog to Digital Converters are done during production test of the
device. The calibration bytes are not loaded automatically into the ADC calibration registers, and
this must be done from software..
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x20 ADCACAL0[7:0] ADCACAL0

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - ADCACAL0[7:0] - ADCA Calibration Byte 0

This byte contains byte 0 of the ADCA calibration data, and must be loaded into the ADCA CALL


4.17.16 ADCACAL1 - ADCA Calibration Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x21 ADCACAL1[7:0] ADCACAL1

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - ADCACAL1[7:0] - ADCA Calibration Byte 1

This byte contains byte 1 of the ADCA calibration data, and must be loaded into the ADCA
CALH register.

4.17.17 ADCBCAL0 - ADCB Calibration Register 0

ADCBCAL0 and ADCBCAL1 contains the calibration value for the Analog to Digital Converter
B(ADCB). Calibration of the Analog to Digital Converters are done during production test of the
device. The calibration bytes not loaded automatically into the ADC calibration registers, and
this must be done from software.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x20 ADCBCAL0[7:0] ADCBCAL0

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - ADCBCAL0[7:0] - ADCB Calibration Byte 0

This byte contains byte 0 of the ADCB calibration data, and must be loaded into the ADCB CALL

4.17.18 ADCBCAL1 - ADCB Calibration Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x21 ADCBCAL1[7:0] ADCBCAL1

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - ADCBCAL0[7:0] - ADCB Calibration Byte 1

This byte contains byte 1 of the ADCB calibration data, and must be loaded into the ADCB
CALH register.

4.17.19 TEMPSENSE0 - Temperature Sensor Calibration Register 0

TEMPSENSE0 and TEMPSENSE1 contains the 12-bit ADCA value from a temperature mea-
surements done with the internal temperature sensor. The measurements is done in production
test at 85C and can be used for single- or multi-point temperature sensor calibration.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value x x x x x x x x


• Bit 7:0 - TEMPSENSE0[7:0] - Temperature Sensor Calibration Byte 0

This byte contains the byte 0 (8 LSB) of the temperature measurement.

4.17.20 TEMPSENSE1 - Temperature Sensor Calibration Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - TEMPSENSE1[7:0] - Temperature Sensor Calibration Byte 1

This byte contains byte 1 of the temperature measurement.

4.17.21 DACAGAINCAL - DACA Gain Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - DACAGAINCAL[7:0] - DACA Gain Calibration Byte

This byte contains the gain calibration value for the Digital to Analog Converter A (DACA). Cali-
bration of the Digital to Analog Converters are done during production test of the device. The
calibration byte is not loaded automatically into the DAC Gain Calibration register, and this must
be done from software.

4.17.22 DACAOFFCAL - DACA Offset Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - DACAOFFCAL[7:0] - DACA Offset Calibration Byte

This byte contains the offset calibration value for the Digital to Analog Converter A (DACA). Cal-
ibration of the Digital to Analog Converters are done during production test of the device. The
calibration byte is not loaded automatically into the DAC Offset Calibration register, and this
must be done from software.

4.17.23 DACBGAINCAL - DACB Gain Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 x x x x


• Bit 7:0 - DACAGAINCAL[7:0] - DACB Gain Calibration Byte

This byte contains the gain calibration value for the Digital to Analog Converter B (DACB). Cali-
bration of the Digital to Analog Converters are done during production test of the device. The
calibration byte is not loaded automatically into the DAC Gain Calibration register, and this must
be done from software.

4.17.24 DACBOFFCAL - DACB Offset Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - DACBOFFCAL[7:0] - DACB Offset Calibration Byte

This byte contains the offset calibration value for the Digital to Analog Converter B (DACB). Cal-
ibration of the Digital to Analog Converters are done during production test of the device. The
calibration byte is not loaded automatically into the DAC Offset Calibration register, and this
must be done from software.

4.18 Register Description – General Purpose I/O Memory

4.18.1 GPIORn – General Purpose I/O Register n

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+n GPIORn[7:0] GPIORn

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This is a general purpose register that can be used to store data such as global variables in the
bit accessible I/O memory space.

4.19 Register Description – External Memory

Refer to ”EBI - External Bus Interface” on page 268.

4.20 Register Description – MCU Control

4.20.1 DEVID0 - MCU Device ID Register 0

The DEVID0, DEVID1 and DEVID2 contains the 3-byte identification that identify each micro-
controller device type. For details on the actual ID refer to the device data sheet.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 DEVID0[7:0] DEVID0

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0


• Bit 7:0 - DEVID0[7:0]: MCU Device ID Byte 1

This byte will always be read as 0x1E. This indicates that the device is manufactured by Atmel

4.20.2 DEVID1 - MCU Device ID Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 DEVID1[7:0] DEVID1

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0

• Bit 7:0 - DEVID[7:0]: MCU Device ID Byte 1

Byte 1 of the device ID indicates the flash size of the device.

4.20.3 DEVID2 - MCU Device ID Register 2

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 DEVID2[7:0] DEVID2

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0

• Bit 7:0 - DEVID2[7:0]: MCU Device ID Byte 2

Byte 0 of the device ID indicates the device number.

4.20.4 REVID - MCU Revision ID

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - REVID[3:0] REVID

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:0 - REVID[3:0]: MCU Revision ID

These bits contains the device revision. 0=A, 1=B and so on.

4.20.5 JTAGUID – JTAG User ID Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0


• Bit 7:0 - JTAGUID[7:0]: JTAG User ID

The JTAGUID can be used to identify two devices with identical Device ID in a JTAG scan chain.
The JTAGUID will during reset automatically be loaded from flash and placed in these registers.

4.20.6 MCUCR – MCU Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 - - - - - - - JTAGD MCUCR

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - JTAGD: JTAG Disable

Setting this bit will disable the JTAG interface. This bit is protected by the Configuration Change
Protection mechanism, for details refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on
page 12.

4.20.7 EVSYSLOCK – Event System Lock Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - EVSYS1LOCK:
Setting this bit will lock all registers in the Event System related to event channels 4 to 7 for fur-
ther modifications. The following registers in the Event System are locked: CH4MUX,
tected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for details refer to Section 3.12
”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

• Bit 3:1 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - EVSYS0LOCK:
Setting this bit will lock all registers in the Event System related to event channels 0 to 3 for fur-
ther modifications. The following registers in the Event System are locked: CH0MUX,


tected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for details refer to Section 3.12
”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

4.20.8 AWEXLOCK – Advanced Waveform Extension Lock Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R/W R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - AWEXELOCK: Advanced Waveform Extension Lock for TCE0

Setting this bit will lock all registers in the AWEXE module for Timer/Counter E0 for further mod-
ifications. This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for details
refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

• Bit 1 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - AWEXCLOCK: Advanced Waveform Extension Lock for TCC0

Setting this bit will lock all registers in the AWEXC module for Timer/Counter C0 for further mod-
ifications. This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for details
refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.


4.21 Register Summary - NVM Controller

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 ADDR0 NVM Address Byte 0 25
+0x01 ADDR1 NVM Address Byte 1 25
+0x02 ADDR2 NVM Address Byte 2 25
+0x03 Reserved
+0x04 DATA0 NVM Data Byte 0 26
+0x05 DATA1 NVM Data Byte 1 26
+0x06 DATA2 NVM Data Byte 2 26
+0x07 Reserved
+0x08 Reserved
+0x09 Reserved
+0x0A CMD CMD[6:0] 26
+0x0D INTCTRL SPMLVL[1:0] EELVL[1:0] 28
+0x0E Reserved
+0x10 LOCKBITS BLBB[1:0] BLBA[1:0] BLBAT[1:0] LB[1:0] 29

4.22 Register Summary - Fuses and Lockbits

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 FUSEBYTE1 WDWPER3:0] WDPER[3:0] 30
+0x03 Reserved
+0x06 Reserved
+0x07 LOCKBITS BLBB[1:0] BLBA[1:0] BLBAT[1:0] LB[1:0] 34


4.23 Register Summary - Production Signature Row

Address Auto Load Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 YES RCOSC2M RCOSC2M[7:0] 36
+0x01 Reserved
+0x02 YES RCOSC32K RCOSC32K[7:0] 36
+0x03 YES RCOSC32M RCOSC32M[7:0] 37
+0x04 Reserved
+0x05 Reserved
+0x06 Reserved
+0x07 Reserved
+0x08 NO LOTNUM0 LOTNUM0[7:0] 37
+0x09 NO LOTNUM1 LOTNUM1[7:0] 37
+0x0A NO LOTNUM2 LOTNUM2[7:0] 37
+0x0B NO LOTNUM3 LOTNUM3[7:0] 38
+0x0C NO LOTNUM4 LOTNUM4[7:0] 38
+0x0D NO LOTNUM5 LOTNUM5[7:0] 38
+0x0E Reserved
+0x0F Reserved
+0x10 NO WAFNUM WAFNUM[7:0] 38
+0x11 Reserved
+0x12 NO COORDX0 COORDX0[7:0] 39
+0x13 NO COORDX1 COORDX1[7:0] 39
+0x14 NO COORDY0 COORDY0[7:0] 39
+0x15 NO COORDY1 COORDY1[7:0] 39
+0x16 Reserved
+0x17 Reserved
+0x18 Reserved
+0x19 Reserved
+0x1A Reserved
+0x1B Reserved
+0x1C Reserved
+0x1D Reserved
+0x0E Reserved
+0x1E Reserved
+0x20 NO ADCACAL0 ADCACAL0[7:0] 39
+0x21 NO ADCACAL1 ADCACAL1{7:0] 40
+0x22 Reserved
+0x23 Reserved
+0x24 NO ADCBCAL0 ADCBCAL0[7:0] 40
+0x25 NO ADCBCAL1 ADCBCAL1[7:0] 40
+0x26 Reserved
+0x27 Reserved
+0x28 Reserved
+0x29 Reserved
+0x2A Reserved
+0x2B Reserved
+0x2C Reserved
+0x2D Reserved
+0x34 Reserved
+0x35 Reserved
+0x36 Reserved
+0x37 Reserved
+0x38 Reserved
+0x39 Reserved
0x3A Reserved
+0x3B Reserved
+0x3C Reserved
+0x3D Reserved
+0x3E Reserved


4.24 Register Summary - General Purpose I/O Registers

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 GPIOR0 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x01 GPIOR1 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x02 GPIOR2 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x03 GPIOR3 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x04 GPIOR4 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x05 GPIOR5 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x06 GPIOR6 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x07 GPIOR7 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x08 GPIOR8 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x09 GPIOR9 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x0A GPIOR10 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x0B GPIOR11 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x0C GPIOR12 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x0D GPIOR13 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x0E GPIOR14 GPIOR[7:0] 42
+0x0F GPIOR15 GPIOR[7:0] 42

4.25 Register Summary - MCU Control

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 DEVID0 DEVID0[7:0] 43
+0x01 DEVID1 DEVID1[7:0] 43
+0x02 DEVID2 DEVID2[7:0] 43
+0x03 REVID – – – – REVID[3:0] 43
+0x04 JTAGUID JTAGUID[7:0] 44
+0x05 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x06 MCUCR – – – – – – – JTAGD 48
+0x07 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0A Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0B Reserved – – – – – – – –

4.26 Interrupt Vector Summary - NVM Controller

Table 4-12. NVM Interrupt vectors and their word offset address from the NVM Controller interrupt base
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x02 SPM_vect Non-Volatile Memory SPM Interrupt vector
0x00 EE_vect Non-Volatile Memory EEPROM Interrupt vector


5. DMA - Direct Memory Access Controller

5.1 Features
• The DMA Controller allows high-speed transfers with minimal CPU intervention
– from one memory area to another
– from memory area to peripheral
– from peripheral to memory area
– from peripheral to another peripheral
• Four DMA Channels with separate
– transfer triggers
– interrupt vectors
– addressing modes
• From 1 byte to 16M bytes data transfer in a single transaction
• Up to 64 KByte block transfers with repeat
• 1, 2, 4, or 8 byte burst transfers
• Internal and external transfer triggers
• Multiple addressing modes
– Static
– Increment
– Decrement
• Optional reload of source and destination address at the end of each
– Burst
– Block
– Transaction
• Optional Interrupt on end of transaction
• Programmable channel priority

5.2 Overview
The XMEGA Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller is a highly flexible DMA Controller capable
of transferring data between memories and peripherals with minimal CPU intervention. The
DMA controller has flexible channel priority selection, several addressing modes, double buffer-
ing capabilities and large block sizes.
The DMA Controller can move data between memories and peripherals, between memories and
between peripheral registers directly.
There are four DMA channels that have individual source, destination, triggers and block sizes.
The different channels also have individual control settings and individual interrupt settings and
interrupt vectors. Interrupt requests may be generated both when a transaction is complete or if
the DMA Controller detects an error on a DMA channel. When a DMA channel requests a data
transfer, the bus arbiter will wait until the AVR CPU is not using the data bus and permit the DMA
Controller to transfer data. Transfers are done in bursts of 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. Addressing can be
static, incremental or decremental. Automatic reload of source and/or destination address can
be done after each burst transfer, block transfer, when transmission is complete, or disabled.
Both application software, peripherals and Events can trigger DMA transfers.


5.3 DMA Transaction

A complete DMA read and write operation between memories and/or peripherals is called a
DMA transaction. A transaction is done in data blocks and the size of the transaction (number of
bytes to transfer) is selectable from software and controlled by the block size and repeat counter
settings. Each block transfer is divided into smaller bursts.

5.3.1 Block Transfer and Repeat

The size of the block transfer is set by the Block Transfer Count Register, and can be anything
from 1 byte to 64 KBytes.
A repeat counter can be enabled to set a number of repeated block transfers before a transac-
tion is complete. The repeat is from 1 to 255 and unlimited repeat count can be achieved by
setting the repeat count to zero.

5.3.2 Burst Transfer

As the AVR CPU and DMA controller use the same data buses a block transfer is divided into
smaller burst transfers. The burst transfer is selectable to 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. This means that, if
the DMA acquires a data bus and a transfer request is pending it will occupy the bus until all
bytes in the burst transfer is transferred.
A bus arbiter controls when the DMA controller and the AVR CPU can use the bus. The CPU
always has priority, so as long as the CPU request access to the bus, any pending burst transfer
must wait. The CPU requests bus access when it executes an instruction that write or read data
to SRAM, I/O memory, EEPROM and the External Bus Interface. For more details on memory
access bus arbitration, refer to ”Data Memory” on page 22.

Figure 5-1. DMA transaction.

Four-byte burst mode Block size: 12 bytes Repeat count: 2

Burst transfer Block transfer

DMA transaction

5.4 Transfer Triggers

DMA transfers can only be started when a DMA transfer request is detected. A transfer request
can be triggered from software, from an external trigger source (peripheral) or from an event.
There are dedicated source trigger selections for each DMA channel. The available trigger
sources may vary from device to device, depending on the modules or peripherals that exist in
the device. Using a transfer trigger for a module or peripherals that does not exist will have no
effect, for a list of all transfer triggers refer to ”TRIGSRC - DMA Channel Trigger Source” on
page 58.


By default, a trigger starts a block transfer operation. The transfer continues until one block is
transferred. When the block is transferred, the channel will wait for the next trigger to arrive
before it start transferring the next block. It is possible to select the trigger to start a burst transfer
instead of a block transfer. This is called a single shot transfer. A new trigger will then start a new
burst transfer. When repeat mode is enabled, the start of transfer of the next block does not
require a transfer trigger. It will start as soon as the previous block is done.
If the trigger source generates a transfer request during an ongoing transfer this will be kept
pending, and the transfer can start when the ongoing one is done. Only one pending transfer
can be kept, so if the trigger source generates more transfer requests when one is already pend-
ing, these will be lost.

5.5 Addressing
The source and destination address for a DMA transfer can either be static, incremental or dec-
remental with individual selections for source and destination. When address increment or
decrement is used, the default behaviour is to update the address after each access. The origi-
nal source and destination address is stored by the DMA controller, so the source and
destination addresses can be individually configured to be reloaded at the following points:
• End of each burst transfer
• End of each block transfer
• End of transaction
• Never reload

5.6 Priority Between Channels

If several channels request data transfer at the same time a priority scheme is available to deter-
mine which channel is allowed to transfer data. Application software can decide whether one or
more channels should have a fixed priority or if a round robin scheme should be used. A round
robin scheme means that the channel that last transferred data will have the lowest priority.

5.7 Double Buffering

To allow for continuous transfer, two channels can be interlinked so that the second takes over
the transfer when the first is finished and vice versa. This is called double buffering. When a
transmission is completed for the first channel, the second channel is enabled. When a request
is detected on the second channel, the transfer starts and when this is completed the first chan-
nel is enabled again.

5.8 Transfer Buffers

Each DMA channel has an internal transfer buffer that is used for 2, 4 and 8 byte burst transfers.
When a transfer is triggered, a DMA channel will wait until the transfer buffer contains two bytes
before the transfer starts. For 4 or 8 byte transfer, any remaining bytes is transferred as soon as
they are ready for a DMA channel. The buffer is used to reduce the time the DMA controller
occupy the bus. When the DMA controller or a DMA channel is disabled from software, any
remaining bytes in the buffer will be transferred before the DMA controller or DMA channel is
disabled. This ensures that the source and destination address registers are kept synchronized.


5.9 Error detection

The DMA controller can detect erroneous operation. Error conditions are detected individually
for each DMA channel, and the error conditions are:
• Write to memory mapped EEPROM memory locations.
• Reading EEPROM memory when the EEPROM is off (sleep entered).
• DMA controller or a busy channel is disabled in software during a transfer.

5.10 Software Reset

Both the DMA controller and a DMA channel can be reset from the user software. When the
DMA controller is reset, all registers associated with the DMA controller is cleared. A software
reset can only be done when the DMA controller is disabled. When a DMA channel is reset, all
registers associated with the DMA channel are cleared. A software reset can only be done when
the DMA channel is disabled.

5.11 Protection
In order to insure safe operation some of the channel registers are protected during a transac-
tion. When the DMA channel Busy flag (CHnBUSY) is set for a channel, the user can only
modify these registers and bits:
• CTRL register
• INTFLAGS register
• TEMP registers
• CHEN, CHRST, TRFREQ, REPEAT bits of the Channel CTRL register
• TRIGSRC register

5.12 Interrupts
The DMA Controller can generate interrupts when an error is detected on a DMA channel or
when a transaction is complete for a DMA channel. Each DMA channel has a separate interrupt
vector, and there are different interrupt flags for error and transaction complete.
If repeat is not enabled the transaction complete flag is set at the end of the Block Transfer. If
unlimited repeat is enabled, the transaction complete flag is also set at the end of each Block


5.13 Register Description – DMA Controller

5.13.1 CTRL - DMA Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - ENABLE: DMA Enable

Setting this bit enables the DMA Controller. If the DMA Controller is enabled and this bit is writ-
ten to zero, the ENABLE bit is not cleared before the internal transfer buffer is empty and the
DMA data transfer is aborted.

• Bit 6 - RESET: DMA Software Reset

Setting this bit enables the software reset. This bit is automatically cleared when reset is com-
pleted. This bit can only be set when the DMA Controller is disabled (ENABLE = 0).

• Bit 5:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:2 - DBUFMODE[1:0]: DMA Double Buffer Mode

These bits enables the double buffer on the different channels according to Table 5-1.

Table 5-1. DMA Double Buffer settings

DBUFMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 DISABLED No double buffer enabled
01 CH01 Double buffer enabled on channel0/1
10 CH23 Double buffer enabled on channel2/3
11 CH01CH23 Double buffer enabled on channel0/1 and channel2/3

• Bit 1:0 - PRIMODE[1:0]: DMA Channel Priority Mode

These bits determine the internal channel priority according to Table 5-2.

Table 5-2. DMA Channel Priority settings

PRIMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 RR0123 Round Robin
01 CH0RR123 Channel0 > Round Robin (Channel 1, 2 and 3)
Channel0 > Channel1 > Round Robin (Channel 2 and
10 CH01RR23
11 CH0123 Channel0 > Channel1 > Channel2 > Channel3


5.13.2 INTFLAGS - DMA Interrupt Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - CHnERRIF[3:0]: DMA Channel n Error Interrupt Flag

If an error condition is detected on DMA channel n, the CHnERRIF flag will be set. Writing a one
to this bit location will clear the flag.

• Bit 3:0 - CHnTRNFIF[3:0]: DMA Channel n Transaction Complete Interrupt Flag

When a transaction on channel n has been completed, the CHnTRFIF flag will set. If unlimited
repeat count is enabled, this flag is read as one after each block transfer. Writing a one to this bit
location will clear the flag.

5.13.3 STATUS - DMA Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - CHnBUSY[3:0]: DMA Channel Busy

When channel n starts a DMA transaction, the CHnBUSY flag will be read as one. This flag is
automatically cleared when the DMA channel is disabled, when the Channel n transaction Com-
plete Interrupt Flag is set or if the DMA Channel n Error Interrupt flag is set.

• Bit 3:0 - CHnPEND[3:0]: DMA Channel Pending

If a block transfer is pending on DMA channel n, the CHnPEND flag will be read as one. This
flag is automatically cleared when the block transfer starts, or if the transfer is aborted.

5.13.4 TEMPH - DMA Temporary Register High

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 DMTEMP[15:8] TEMPH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - TEMP[7:0]: DMA Temporary Register

This register is used when reading and writing 24-bit registers in the DMA controller. Byte 2 of
the 24-bit register is stored when it is written by the CPU. Byte 2 of the 24-bit register is stored
here when byte 1 is read by the CPU. This register can also be read and written from the user
Reading and writing 24-bit register requires special attention, for details refer to Section 3.11
”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on page 12.


5.13.5 TEMPL - DMA Temporary Register Low

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 DMTEMP[7:0] TEMPL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - TEMP[7:0]: DMA Temporary Register 0

This register is used when reading 24- and 16-bit registers in the DMA controller. Byte 1 of the
16/24-bit registers is stored here when it is written by the CPU. Byte 1 of the 16/24-bit registers
are stored when byte 0 is read by the CPU. This register can also be read and written from the
user software.
Reading and writing 16- and 24-bit registers requires special attention. Please see detailed
description in the AVR Core manual.

5.14 Register Description – DMA Channel

5.14.1 CTRLA - DMA Channel Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7- CHEN: DMA Channel Enable

Setting this bit enables the DMA channel. This bit is automatically cleared when the transaction
is completed. If the DMA channel is enabled and this bit is written to zero, the CHEN bit is not
cleared before the internal transfer buffer is empty and the DMA transfer is aborted.

• Bit 6 - CHRST: DMA Channel Software Reset

Setting this bit enables the channel reset. This bit is automatically cleared when reset is com-
pleted. This bit can only be set when the DMA channel is disabled (CHEN = 0).

• Bit 5 - REPEAT: DMA Channel Repeat Mode

Setting this bit enables the repeat mode. In repeat mode, this bit is cleared by hardware in the
beginning of the last block transfer. The REPCNT register should be configured before setting
the REPEAT bit.

• Bit 4 - TRFREQ: DMA Channel Transfer Request

Setting this bit requests a data transfer on the DMA Channel. This bit is automatically cleared at
the beginning of the data transfer. Writing this bit does not have any effect unless the channel is

• Bit 3 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 2 - SINGLE: DMA Channel Single Shot Data transfer

Setting this bit enables the single shot mode. The channel will then do a burst transfer of
BURSTLEN bytes on the transfer trigger. This bit can not be changed if the channel is busy.

• Bit 1:0 - BURSTLEN[1:0]: DMA Channel Burst Mode

These bits decide the DMA channel burst mode according to Table 5-3 on page 56. These bits
can not be changed if the channel is busy.

Table 5-3. DMA channel burst mode

BURSTLEN[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 1BYTE 1 byte burst mode
01 2BYTE 2 bytes burst mode
10 4BYTE 4 bytes burst mode
11 8BYTE 8 bytes burst mode

5.14.2 CTRLB - DMA Channel Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7- CHBUSY - DMA Channel Busy

When the DMA Channel starts a DMA transaction, the CHBUSY flag will be read as one. This
flag is automatically cleared when the DMA channel is disabled, when the Channel Transaction
Complete Interrupt Flag is set or if the Channel Error Interrupt flag is set.

• Bit 6 - CHPEND - DMA Channel Pending

If a block transfer is pending on the DMA channel, the CHPEND flag will be read as one. This
flag is automatically cleared when the transfer starts, or if the transfer is aborted

• Bit 5 - ERRIF - DMA Channel Error Interrupt Flag

If an error condition is detected the DMA channel the ERRIF flag will be set, and the optional
interrupt is generated. Since the DMA Channel Error Interrupt share interrupt address with DMA
Channel Transaction Complete, the ERRIF will not be cleared when the interrupt vector is exe-
cuted. This flag is cleared by writing a one to the bit location.

• Bit 4 - TRNIF - DMA Channel n Transaction Complete Interrupt Flag

When a transaction on the DMA Channel has been completed, the TRNIF flag will set, and the
optional interrupt is generated. When repeat is not enabled the transaction is complete and the
TRNIFR is set after the block transfer. When unlimited repeat is enabled the TRNIF is also set
after each block transfer.
Since the DMA Channel Transaction Complete Channel Error Interrupt share interrupt address
with DMA Channel Error Interrupt, the TRNIF will not be cleared when the interrupt vector is exe-
cuted. This flag is cleared by writing a one to the bit location.


• Bit [3:2] - ERRINTLVL[1:0]: DMA Channel Error Interrupt Level

These bits enable the interrupt for DMA channel transfer error select the interrupt level as
described in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page
123. The enabled interrupt will trigger for the conditions when the ERRIF is set.

• Bit [1:0] - TRNINTLVL[1:0]: DMA Channel Transaction Complete Interrupt Level

These bits enable the interrupt for DMA channel transaction complete and select the interrupt
level as described in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller”
on page 123. The enabled interrupt will trigger for the conditions when the TRNIF is set.

5.14.3 ADDRCTRL - DMA Channel Address Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - SRCRELOAD[1:0]: DMA Channel Source Address Reload

These bits decide the DMA channel source address reload according to Table 5-4. These bits
can not be changed if the channel is busy.

Table 5-4. DMA channel source address reload settings

SRCRELOAD[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 NONE No reload performed.
DMA source address register is reloaded with initial
value at end of each block transfer.
DMA source address register is reloaded with initial
value at end of each burst transfer.
DMA source address register is reloaded with initial
value at end of each transaction.

• Bit 5:4 - SRCDIR[1:0]: DMA Channel Source Address Mode

These bits decide the DMA channel source address mode according to Table 5-5. These bits
can not be changed if the channel is busy.

Table 5-5. DMA channel source address mode settings

SRCDIR[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 FIXED Fixed
01 INC Increment
10 DEC Decrement
11 - Reserved

• Bit 3:2 - DESTRELOAD[1:0]: DMA Channel Destination Address Reload

These bits decide the DMA channel destination address reload according to Table 5-6 on page
58. These bits can not be changed if the channel is busy.


Table 5-6. DMA channel destination address reload settings

DESTRELOAD[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 NONE No reload performed.
DMA channel destination address register is reloaded
with initial value at end of each block transfer.
DMA channel destination address register is reloaded
with initial value at end of each burst transfer.
DMA channel destination address register is reloaded
with initial value at end of each transaction.

• Bit 1:0 - DESTDIR[1:0]: DMA Channel Destination Address Mode

These bits decide the DMA channel destination address mode according to Table 5-7 on page
58. These bits can not be changed if the channel is busy.

Table 5-7. DMA channel destination address mode settings

DESTDIR[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 FIXED Fixed
01 INC Increment
10 DEC Decrement
11 - Reserved

5.14.4 TRIGSRC - DMA Channel Trigger Source

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - TRIGSRC[7:0]: DMA Channel Trigger Source Select

These bits select which trigger source is used for triggering a transfer on the DMA channel. A
zero value means that the trigger source is disabled. For each trigger source the value to put in
the TRIGSRC register is the sum of the module or peripheral’s base value, and the offset value
for the trigger source in the module or peripherals. Table 5-8 on page 59 shows the base value
for all module and peripherals. Table 5-9 on page 59 to Table 5-12 on page 60 shows the offset
value for the trigger sources in the different modules and peripheral types. For modules or
peripherals which does not exist for a device, the transfer trigger does not exist. Refer to the
device data sheet for the list of peripherals available.


Table 5-8. DMA Trigger Sources, base value for all modules and peripherals
TRIGSRC base value Group Configuration Description
0x00 OFF Software triggers only
0x01 SYS System DMA triggers base value
0x10 ADCA ADCA DMA triggers base value
0x15 DACA DACA DMA trigger bas
0x20 ADCB ADCB DMA triggers base value
0x25 DACB DACB DMA triggers base value
0x40 TCC0 Timer/Counter C0 DMA triggers base value
0x46 TCC1 Timer/Counter C1 triggers base value
0x4A SPIC SPI C DMA triggers value
0x4B USARTC0 USART C0 DMA triggers base value
0x4E USARTC1 USART C1 DMA triggers base value
0x60 TCD0 Timer/Counter D0 DMA triggers base value
0x66 TCD1 Timer/Counter D1 triggers base value
0x6A SPID SPI D DMA triggers value
0x6B USARTD0 USART D0 DMA triggers base value
0x6E USARTD1 USART D1 DMA triggers base value
0x80 TCE0 Timer/Counter E0 DMA triggers base value
0x86 TCE1 Timer/Counter E1 triggers base value
0x8A SPIE SPI E DMA triggers value
0x8B USARTE0 USART E0 DMA triggers base value
0x8E USARTE1 USART E1 DMA triggers base value
0xA0 TCF0 Timer/Counter F0 DMA triggers base value
0xA6 TCF1 Timer/Counter F1 triggers base value
0xAA SPIF SPI F DMA trigger value
0xAB USARTF0 USART F0 DMA triggers base value
0xAE USARTF1 USART F1 DMA triggers base value

Table 5-9. DMA Trigger sources, offset values for Event System triggers
TRGSRC offset value Group Configuration Description
+0x00 CH0 Event Channel 0
+0x01 CH1 Event Channel 1
+0x02 CH2 Event Channel 2


Table 5-10. DMA Trigger sources, offset values for DAC and ADC triggers
TRGSRC offset value Group Configuration Description
+0x00 CH0 ADC/DAC Channel 0
+0x01 CH1 ADC/DAC Channel 1
+0x02 CH2 ADC Channel 2
+0x03 CH3 ADC Channel 3
+0x04 CH4 ADC Channel 0, 1, 2, 3

Notes: 1. For DAC only Channel 0 and 1 exists and can be used as triggers
2. Channel 4 equals ADC Channel 0 to 3 OR'ed together.

Table 5-11. DMA Trigger sources, offset values for Timer/ Counter triggers
TRGSRC offset value Group Configuration Description
+0x00 OVF Overflow/Underflow
+0x01 ERR Error
+0x02 CCA Compare or Capture Channel A
+0x03 CCB Compare or Capture Channel B
+0x04 CCC Compare or Capture Channel C
+0x05 CCD Compare or Capture Channel D

Note: 1. CC Channel C and D triggers are only available for Timer/Counter 0.

Table 5-12. DMA Trigger sources, offset values for USART triggers
TRGSRC offset value Group Configuration Description
0x00 RXC Receive complete
0x01 DRE Data Register Empty

The Group Configuration is the “base_offset”, for example TCC1_CCA for the Timer/Counter C1
CC Channel A the transfer trigger.

5.14.5 TRFCNTH - DMA Channel Block Transfer Count Register H

The TRFCNTH and TRFCNTL register pair represents the 16-bit value TRFCNT. TRFCNT
defines the number of bytes in a block transfer. The value of TRFCNT is decremented after each
byte read by the DMA channel. When TRFCNT reaches zero, the register is reloaded with the
last value written to it.
Reading and writing 16-bit values requires special attention, for details refer to Section 3.11
”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on page 12.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 TRFCNT[15:8] TRFCNTH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:0 - TRFCNT[15:8]: DMA Channel n Block Transfer Count Register High byte
These bits hold the 8 MSB of the 16-bits block transfer count.
The default value of this register is 0x1. If a user write 0x0 to this register and fire a DMA trigger,
DMA will be doing 0xFFFF transfers.

5.14.6 TRFCNTL - DMA Channel Block Transfer Count Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7:0 - TRFCNT[7:0]: DMA Channel n Block Transfer Count Register Low byte
These bits hold the 8 LSB of the 16-bits block transfer count.
The default value of this register is 0x1. If a user write 0x0 to this register and fire a DMA trigger,
DMA will be doing 0xFFFF transfers.

5.14.7 REPCNT - DMA Channel Repeat Counter Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 REPCNT[7:0] REPCNT

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

REPCNTcounts how many times a block transfer is performed. For each block transfer this reg-
ister will be decremented.
When repeat mode is enabled (see REPEAT bit in ”ADDRCTRL - DMA Channel Address Con-
trol Register” on page 57), this register is used to control when the transaction is complete. The
counter is decremented after each block transfer if the DMA has to serve a limited number of
repeated block transfers. When repeat mode is enabled the channel is disabled when REPCNT
reaches zero, and the last block transfer is completed. Unlimited repeat is achieved by setting
this register to zero.

5.14.8 SRCADDR2 - DMA Channel Source Address 2

SRCADDR0, SRCADDR1 and SRCADDR2 represents the 24-bit value SRCADDR, which is the
DMA channel source address. SRCADDR2 is the most significant byte in the register.
SRCADDR may be automatically incremented or decremented based on settings in the SRCDIR
bits in ”ADDRCTRL - DMA Channel Address Control Register” on page 57.
Reading and writing 24-bit values require special attention, for details refer to Section 3.11.1
”Accessing 24- and 32-bit Registers” on page 12.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:0 - SRCADDR[23:16]: DMA Channel Source Address 2

These bits hold byte 2 of the 24-bits source address.

5.14.9 SRCADDR1 - DMA Channel Source Address 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 SRCADDR[15:8] SRCADDR1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - SRCADDR[15:8]: DMA Channel Source Address 1

These bits hold byte 1 of the 24-bits source address.

5.14.10 SRCADDR0 - DMA Channel Source Address 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - SRCADDR[7:0]: DMA Channel Source Address 0

These bits hold byte 0 of the 24-bits source address.

5.14.11 DESTADDR2 - DMA Channel Destination Address 2

DESTADDR0, DESTADDR1 and DESTADDR2 represents the 24-bit value DESTADDR, which
is the DMA channel destination address. DESTADDR2 holds the most significant byte in the reg-
ister. DESTADDR may be automatically incremented or decremented based on settings in the
DESTDIR bits in ”ADDRCTRL - DMA Channel Address Control Register” on page 57.
Reading and writing 24-bit values require special attention, for details refer to Section 3.11.1
”Accessing 24- and 32-bit Registers” on page 12.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DESTADDR[23:16]: DMA Channel Destination Address 2

These bits hold byte 2 of the 24-bits source address.

5.14.12 DESTADDR1 - DMA Channel Destination Address 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:0 - DESTADDR[15:8]: DMA Channel Destination Address 1

These bits hold byte 1 of the 24-bits source address.

5.14.13 DESTADDR0 - DMA Channel Destination Address 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DESTADDR[7:0]: DMA Channel Destination Address 0

These bits hold byte 0 of the 24-bits source address.


5.15 Register Summary – DMA Controller

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x02 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x06 TEMPL TEMP[7:0] 55
+0x07 TEMPH TEMP[15:8] 54
+0x10 CH0 Offset Offset address for DMA Channel 0
+0x20 CH1 Offset Offset address for DMA Channel 0
+0x30 CH2 Offset Offset address for DMA Channel 0
+0x40 CH3 Offset Offset address for DMA Channel 0

5.16 Register Summary – DMA Channel

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x03 TRIGSRC TRIGSRC[7:0] 58
+0x04 TRFCNTL TRFCNT[7:0] 61
+0x05 TRFCNTH TRFCNT[15:8] 60
+0x06 REPCNT REPCNT[7:0] 61
+0x07 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x08 SRCADDR0 SRCADDR[7:0] 62
+0x09 SRCADDR1 SRCADDR[15:8] 62
+0x0A SRCADDR2 SRCADDR[23:16] 61
+0x0B Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0E DESTADDR2 DESTADDR[23:16] 62
+0x0F Reserved - - - - - - - -

5.17 DMA Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 5-13. DMA Interrupt vectors and their word offset addresses from the DMA Controller interrupt base
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 CH0_vect DMA Controller Channel 0 Interrupt vector
0x02 CH1_vect DMA Controller Channel 1 Interrupt vector
0x04 CH2_vect DMA Controller Channel 2 Interrupt vector
0x06 CH3_vect DMA Controller Channel 3 Interrupt vector


6. Event System

6.1 Features
• Inter peripheral communication and signalling
• CPU and DMA independent operation
• 8 Event Channels allows for up to 8 signals to be routed at the same time
• 100% predictable timing between peripherals
• Events can be generated by
– Timer/Counters (TCxn)
– Real Time Counter (RTC)
– Analog to Digital Converters (ADCx)
– Analog Comparators (ACx)
– Ports (PORTx)
– System Clock (ClkSYS)
• Events can be used by
– Timer/Counters (TCxn)
– Analog to Digital Converters (ADCx)
– Digital to Analog Converters (DACx)
– DMA (DMA) Controller
– Ports
• Advanced Features
– Manual Event Generation from software (CPU)
– Quadrature Decoding
– Digital Filtering
• Operative in Active and Idle mode

6.2 Overview
The Event System is a set of features for inter peripheral communication. It enables the possibil-
ity for a change of state in one peripheral to automatically trigger actions in other peripherals.
The change of state in a peripheral that will trigger actions in other peripherals is configurable in
software. It is a simple, but powerful system as it allows for autonomous control of peripherals
without any use of interrupt, CPU or DMA resources.
The indication of a change of state in a peripheral is referred to as an event. The events are
passed between peripherals using a dedicated routing network called the Event Routing Net-
work. Figure 6-1 on page 66 shows a basic block diagram of the Event System with the Event
Routing Network and the peripherals that are connected.


Figure 6-1. Event System Overview and Connected Peripherals


Event Routing



The CPU is not part of the Event System, but it indicates that it is possible to manually generate
events from software or by using the on-chip debug system.
The Event System works in active and idle mode.

6.3 Events
In the context of the Event System, an indication that a change of state within a peripheral has
occurred is called an event. There are two main types of events: Signaling events and data
events. Signaling events only indicate a change of state while data events contain additional
information on the event.
The peripheral from where the event origin is called the Event Generator. Within each periph-
eral, for example a Timer/Counter, there can be several event sources, such as a timer compare
match or timer overflow. The peripheral using the event is called the Event User, and the action
that is triggered is called the Event Action.

Figure 6-2. Example of event source, generator, user and action

Event Generator Event User

Timer/Counter ADC

Compare Match
Event Channel Sweep

| Routing
Network Single

Event Action Selection

Event Source Event Action


Events can be manually generated by writing to the STROBE and DATA registers.

6.3.1 Signaling Events

Signaling events are the most basic type of events. A signaling event does not contain any infor-
mation apart from the indication of a change in a peripheral. Most peripherals can only generate
and use signaling events. Unless otherwise stated, all occurrences of the word 'event' is to be
understood as a signaling event.

6.3.2 Data Events

Data events differ from signaling events in that they contain additional information that event
users can decode to decide event actions based on the receiver information.
The Event Routing Network can route all events to all event users. Event users that are only
meant for using signaling events have limited decode capabilities and cannot fully utilize data.
How event users decode data events is shown in Table 6-1 on page 67.
Event users that can utilize Data Events can also use Signaling Events. This is configurable, and
is described in the data sheet module for each peripheral.

6.3.3 Manually Generating Events

Events can be generated manually by writing the DATA and STROBE register. This can be done
from software, and by accessing the registers directly during on-chip debugging. The DATA reg-
ister must be written first since writing the STROBE register triggers the operation. The DATA
and STROBE registers contain one bit for each event channel. Bit n corresponds to event chan-
nel n. It is possible to generate events on several channels at the same time by writing to several
bit locations at once.
Manually generated events last for one clock cycle and will overwrite events from other event
during that clock cycle. When manually generating events, event channels where no events are
entered will let other events through.
Table 6-1 on page 67 shows the different events, how they can be manually generated and how
they are decoded.

Table 6-1. Manually Generated Events and decoding of events

STROBE DATA Data Event User Signaling Event User
0 0 No Event No Event
0 1 Data Event 01 No Event
1 0 Data Event 02 Signaling Event
1 1 Data Event 03 Signaling Event

6.4 Event Routing Network

The Event Routing Network routes events between peripherals. It consists of eight multiplexers
(CHnMUX), where events from all event sources are routed into all multiplexers. The multiplex-
ers select which event is routed back as input to all peripherals. The output from a multiplexer is
referred to as an Event Channel. For each peripheral it is selectable if and how incoming events
should trigger event actions. Details on these are described in the data sheet for each periph-
eral. The Event Routing Network is shown on Figure 6-3 on page 68.


Figure 6-3. Event Routing Network

Event Channel 7
Event Channel 6
Event Channel 5
Event Channel 4
Event Channel 3
Event Channel 2
Event Channel 1
Event Channel 0

(8) TCC0 (8)

TCC1 (8)
(8) TCD0 (8)

TCD1 (8)

(8) TCE0 (8)

TCE1 (8)

(8) TCF0 (8) (16)
TCF1 (8)

(8) ADCA (4)
(8) ADCB (4)
(8) DACA
(8) DACB





Having eight multiplexers means that it is possible to route up to eight events at the same time.
It is also possible to route one event through several multiplexers.
Not all XMEGA parts contain all peripherals. This only means that peripheral is not available for
generating or using events. The network configuration itself is compatible between all devices.


6.5 Event Timing

An event normally lasts for one peripheral clock cycle, but some event sources, such as low
level on an I/O pin, will generate events continuously. Details on this are described in the
datasheet for each peripheral, but unless stated, an event lasts for one peripheral clock cycle
It takes maximum two clock cycles from an event is generated until the event actions in other
peripherals is triggered. It takes one clock cycle from the event happens until it is registered by
the event routing network on the first positive clock edge. It takes an additional clock cycle to
route the event through the event channel to the event user.

6.6 Filtering
Each event channel includes a digital filter. When this is enabled for an event channel, an event
must be sampled with the same value for configurable number of system clock cycles before it is
accepted. This is primarily intended for pin change events.

6.7 Quadrature Decoder

The Event System includes three Quadrature Decoders (QDECs). This enables the Event Sys-
tem to decode quadrature input on I/O pins, and send data events that a Timer/Counter can
decode to trigger the appropriate event action: count up, count down or index/reset. Table 6-2
on page 69 summarizes which quadrature decoder data events are available, how they are
decoded, and how they can be generated. The QDECs and related features, control and status
register are available for event channel 0, 2 and 4.

Table 6-2. Quadrature Decoder Data Events

STROBE DATA Data Event User Signaling Event User
0 0 No Event No Event
0 1 Index/Reset No Event
1 0 Count Down Signaling Event
1 1 Count Up Signaling Event

6.7.1 Quadrature Operation

A quadrature signal is characterized by having two square waves phase shifted 90 degrees rela-
tive to each other. Rotational movement can be measured by counting the edges of the two
waveforms. The phase relationship between the two square waves determines the direction of


Figure 6-4. Quadrature signals from a rotary encoder

1 cycle / 4 states

Forward Direction


00 10 11 01


01 11 10 00

Figure 6-4 shows typical quadrature signals from a rotary encoder. The signals QDPH0 and
QDPH90 are the two quadrature signals. When QDPH90 leads QDPH0, the rotation is defined
as positive or forward. When QDPH0 leads QDPH90, the rotation is defined as negative, or
reverse. The concatenation of the two phase signals is called the quadrature state or the phase
In order to know the absolute rotary displacement a third index signal (QDINDX) can be used.
This gives an indication once per revolution.

6.7.2 QDEC Setup

For a full QDEC setup the following is required:
• I/O port pins - quadrature signal input
• The Event System - quadrature decoding
• A Timer/Counter - up, down and optional index count
The following procedure should be used for QDEC setup:
• Choose two successive pins on a port as QDEC phase inputs.
• Set pin direction for QDPH0 and QDPH90 as input.
• Set pin configuration for QDPH0 and QDPH90 to low level sense.
• Select QDPH0 pin as multiplexer input for an event channel, n.
• Enable quadrature decoding and digital filtering in the Event Channel.
• Optional:
a. Setup QDEC index (QINDX).
b. Select a third pin for QINDX input.
c. Set pin direction for QINDX as input.
d. Set pin configuration for QINDX to sense both edges.
e. Select QINDX as multiplexer input for Event Channel n+1
f. Set the Quadrature Index Enable bit in Event Channel n+1.
g. Select the Index Recognition mode for Event Channel n+1.
• Set quadrature decoding as event action for a Timer/Counter.
• Select Event Channel n as event source the Timer/Counter.


• Set the period register of the Timer/Counter to ('line count' * 4 - 1). (The line count of the
quadrature encoder).
• Enable the Timer/Counter by setting CLKSEL to a CLKSEL_DIV1.
The angle of a quadrature encoder attached to QDPH0, QDPH90 (and QINDX) can now be read
directly from the Timer/Counter Count register. If the Count register is different from BOTTOM
when the index is recognized, the Timer/Counter error flag is set. Similarly the error flag is set if
the position counter passes BOTTOM without the recognition of the index.

6.8 Register Description

6.8.1 CHnMUX – Event Channel n Multiplexer Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CHnMUX[7:0]: Channel Multiplexer

These bits select the event source according to Table 6-3. This table is valid for all XMEGA
devices regardless of if the peripheral is present or not. Selecting event sources from peripher-
als that are not present will give the same result as when this register is zero. When this register
is zero no events are routed through. Manually generated events will override the CHnMUX and
be routed to the event channel even if this register is zero.

Table 6-3. CHnMUX[7:0] Bit Settings

CHnMUX[7:4] CHnMUX[3:0] Group Configuration Event Source
None (manually generated events
0000 0 0 0 0
0000 0 0 0 1 (Reserved)
0000 0 0 1 X (Reserved)
0000 0 1 X X (Reserved)
0000 1 0 0 0 RTC_OVF RTC Overflow
0000 1 0 0 1 RTC_CMP RTC Compare March
0000 1 0 1 X (Reserved)
0000 1 1 X X (Reserved)
0001 0 0 0 0 ACA_CH0 ACA Channel 0
0001 0 0 0 1 ACA_CH1 ACA Channel 1
0001 0 0 1 0 ACA_WIN ACA Window
0001 0 0 1 1 ACB_CH0 ACB Channel 0
0001 0 1 0 0 ACB_CH1 ACB Channel 1
0001 0 1 0 1 ACB_WIN ACB Window
0001 0 1 1 X (Reserved)


Table 6-3. CHnMUX[7:0] Bit Settings (Continued)

CHnMUX[7:4] CHnMUX[3:0] Group Configuration Event Source
0001 1 X X X (Reserved)
0010 0 0 n ADCA_CHn ADCA Channel n (n =0, 1, 2 or 3)
0010 0 1 n ADCB_CHn ADCB Channel n (n=0, 1, 2 or 3)
0010 1 X X X (Reserved)
0011 X X X X (Reserved)
0100 X X X X (Reserved)
0101 0 n PORTA_PINn PORTA Pin n (n= 0, 1, 2 ... or 7)
0101 1 n PORTB_PINn(1) PORTB Pin n (n= 0, 1, 2 ... or 7)
0110 0 n PORTC_PINn PORTC Pin n (n= 0, 1, 2 ... or 7)
0110 1 n PORTD_PINn PORTD Pin n (n= 0, 1, 2 ... or 7)
0111 0 n PORTE_PINn PORTE Pin n (n= 0, 1, 2 ... or 7)
0111 1 n PORTF_PINn(1) PORTF Pin n (n= 0, 1, 2 ... or 7)
1000 M PRESCALER_M ClkPER divide by M (M=1 to 32768)
1001 X X X X (Reserved)
1010 X X X X (Reserved)
1011 X X X X (Reserved)
1100 0 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter C0 event type E
1100 1 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter C1 event type E
1101 0 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter D0 event type E
1101 1 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter D1 event type E
1110 0 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter E0 event type E
1110 1 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter E1 event type E
1111 0 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter F0 event type E
1111 1 E See Table 6-4 Timer/Counter F1 event type E

Note: 1. The description of how PORTS generate events are described in ”Port Event” on page 136.

Table 6-4. Timer/Counter Events

T/C Event E Group Configuration Event Type
0 0 0 TCxn_OVF Over-/Underflow (x = C, D, E or F) (n= 0 or 1)
0 0 1 TCxn_ERR Error (x = C, D, E or F) (n= 0 or 1)
0 1 X (Reserved)
1 0 0 TCxn_CCA Capture or Compare A (x = C, D, E or F) (n= 0 or 1)
1 0 1 TCxn_CCA Capture or Compare B (x = C, D, E or F) (n= 0 or 1)
1 1 0 TCxn_CCA Capture or Compare C (x = C, D, E or F) (n= 0 or 1)
1 1 1 TCxn_CCA Capture or Compare D (x = C, D, E or F) (n= 0 or 1)


6.8.2 CHnCTRL – Event Channel n Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 6:5 - QDIRM[1:0]: Quadrature Decode Index Recognition Mode

These bits determine the quadrature state for the QDPH0 and QDPH90 signals where a valid
index signal is recognized and the counter index data event is given according to Table 6-5 on
page 73. These bits is only needed to set when a quadrature encoed with a connected index sig-
nal is used.
These bits are only available for CH0CTRL, CH2CTRL and CH4CTRL

Table 6-5. QDIRM Bit Settings

QDIRM[1:0] Index Recognition State
0 0 {QDPH0, QDPH90} = 0b00
0 1 {QDPH0, QDPH90} = 0b01
1 0 {QDPH0, QDPH90} = 0b10
1 1 {QDPH0, QDPH90} = 0b11

• Bit 4 - QDIEN: Quadrature Decode Index Enable

When this bit is set the event channel will be used as QDEC index source, and the index data
event will be enabled.
These bit is only available for CH0CTRL, CH2CTRL and CH4CTRL.

• Bit 3 - QDEN: Quadrature Decode Enable

Setting this bit enables QDEC operation.
These bits is only available for CH0CTRL, CH2CTRL and CH4CTRL.

• Bit 2:0 - DIGFILT[2:0]: Digital Filter Coefficient

These bits define the length of digital filtering used. Events will be passed through to the event
channel only when the event source has been active and sampled with the same level for a a
number of peripheral clock for the number of cycles as defined by DIGFILT.


Table 6-6. Digital Filter Coefficient values

DIGFILT[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 1SAMPLE 1 sample
001 2SAMPLES 2 samples
010 3SAMPLES 3 samples
011 4SAMPLES 4 samples
100 5SAMPLES 5 samples
101 6SAMPLES 6 samples
110 7SAMPLES 7 samples
111 8SAMPLES 8 samples

6.8.3 STROBE – Event Strobe Register

If the STROBE register location is written, each event channel will be set according to the
STROBE[n] and corresponding DATA[n] bit setting if any are unequal to zero.
A single event lasting for one peripheral clock cycle will be generated.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x10 STROBE[7:0] STROBE

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6.8.4 DATA – Event Data Register

This register contains the data value when manually generating a data event. This register must
be written before the STROBE register, for details See ”STROBE – Event Strobe Register” on
page 74.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x11 DATA[7:0] DATA

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


6.9 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CH0MUX CH0MUX[7:0] 71
+0x01 CH1MUX CH1MUX[7:0] 71
+0x02 CH2MUX CH2MUX[7:0] 71
+0x03 CH3MUX CH3MUX[7:0] 71
+0x04 CH4MUX CH4MUX[7:0] 71
+0x05 CH5MUX CH5MUX[7:0] 71
+0x06 CH6MUX CH6MUX[7:0] 71
+0x07 CH7MUX CH7MUX[7:0] 71
+0x09 CH1CTRL - - - - - DIGFILT[2:0] 73
+0x0B CH3CTRL - - - - - DIGFILT[2:0] 73
+0x0D CH5CTRL - - - - - DIGFILT[2:0] 73
+0x0E CH6CTRL - - - - - DIGFILT[2:0] 73
+0x0F CH7CTRL - - - - - DIGFILT[2:0] 73
+0x10 STROBE STROBE[7:0] 74
+0x11 DATA DATA[7:0] 74


7. System Clock and Clock options

7.1 Features
• Fast start-up time
• Safe run-time clock switching
• Internal Oscillators:
– 32 MHz run-time calibrated RC oscillator
– 2 MHz run-time calibrated RC oscillator
– 32.768 kHz calibrated RC oscillator
– 32 kHz Ultra Low Power (ULP) oscillator with 1 kHz output
• External clock options
– 0.4 - 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator
– 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator
– External clock
• PLL with internal and external clock options with 1 to 31x multiplication
• Clock Prescalers with 1 to 2048x division
• Fast peripheral clock running at 2 and 4 times the CPU clock speed
• Automatic Run-Time Calibration of internal oscillators
• Crystal Oscillator failure detection

7.2 Overview
XMEGA has a flexible clock system, supporting a large number of clock sources. It incorporates
both accurate integrated oscillators, and external crystal oscillators and resonators. A high fre-
quency Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and clock prescalers can be used to generate a wide range of
clock frequencies. A calibration feature (DFLL) is available, and can be used for automatic run-
time calibration of the internal oscillators. A Crystal Oscillator Failure Monitor can be enabled to
issue a Non-Maskable Interrupt and switch to internal oscillator if the external oscillator fails.
After reset, the device will always start up running from the 2 MHz internal oscillator. During nor-
mal operation, the System Clock source and prescalers can be changed from software at any
Figure 7-1 on page 77 presents the principal clock system in the XMEGA. All of the clocks do not
need to be active at a given time. The clocks to the CPU and peripherals can be stopped using
sleep modes and power reduction registers as described in ”Power Management and Sleep” on
page 95.


Figure 7-1. The Clock system, clock sources and clock distribution
Real Time Non-Volatile
Peripherals RAM AVR CPU
Counter Memory





System Clock

Brown-out Watchdog
Detection Timer

System Clock Multiplexer



32 kHz 32.768 kHz 2 MHz 32 MHz XTAL XTAL External

Int. ULP Int. Osc. Int. Osc. Int. Osc. 32 kHz 0.4-16 Mhz Clock



7.3 Clock Distribution

Figure 7-1 on page 77 presents the principal clock distribution in the XMEGA.

7.3.1 System Clock - clkSYS

The System Clock is the output from the main system clock selection. This is fed into the pres-
calers that are used to generate all internal clocks except the Asynchronous Clock.

7.3.2 CPU Clock - clkCPU

The CPU Clock is routed to the CPU and Non-Volatile Memory. Halting the CPU Clock inhibits
the CPU from executing instructions.


7.3.3 Peripheral Clock - clkPER

The majority of peripherals and system modules use the Peripheral Clock. This includes the
DMA Controller, Event System, Interrupt Controller, External Bus Interface and RAM. This clock
is always synchronous to the CPU Clock but may run even if the CPU Clock is turned off.

7.3.4 Peripheral 2x/4x Clocks clkPER2/clkPER4

Modules that can run at two or four times the CPU Clock frequency can use the Peripheral 2x
and Peripheral 4x clocks.

7.3.5 Asynchronous Clock - clkASY

The Asynchronous Clock allows the Real Time Counter (RTC) to be clocked directly from an
external 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator, or the 32 times prescaled output from the internal
32.768 kHz oscillator or ULP oscillator. The dedicated clock domain allows operation of this
peripheral, even if the device is in sleep mode where the rest of the clocks are stopped.

7.4 Clock Sources

The clock sources are divided in two main groups: internal oscillators and external clock
sources. Most of the clock sources can be directly enabled and disabled from software, while
others are automatically enabled or disabled dependent on current peripheral settings. After
reset the device starts up running from the 2 MHz internal oscillator. The DFLLs and PLL are
turned off by default.

7.4.1 Internal Oscillators

The internal oscillators do not require any external components to run. For details on character-
istics and accuracy of the internal oscillators refer to the device data sheet. 32 kHz Ultra Low Power Oscillator

This oscillator provides an approximate 32 kHz clock. The 32 kHz Ultra Low Power (ULP) Inter-
nal Oscillator is a very low power clock source, and it is not designed for high accuracy.The
oscillator employs a built in prescaler providing both a 32 kHz output and a 1 kHz output. The
oscillator is automatically enabled/disabled when used as clock source for any part of the
device. This oscillator can be selected as clock source for the RTC. 32.768 kHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator

This RC oscillator provides an approximate 32.768 kHz clock. A factory-calibrated value is writ-
ten to the 32.768 kHz oscillator calibration register during reset to ensure that the oscillator is
running within its specification. The calibration register can also be written from software for run-
time calibration of the oscillator frequency. The oscillator employs a built in prescaler providing
both a 32.768 kHz output and a 1.024 kHz output. 32 MHz Run-time Calibrated Internal Oscillator

This RC oscillator provides an approximate 32 MHz clock. The oscillator employs a Digital Fre-
quency Locked Loop (DFLL) that can be enabled for automatic run-time calibration of the
oscillator. A factory-calibrated value is written to the 32 MHz DFLL Calibration Register during
reset to ensure that the oscillator is running within its specification. The calibration register can
also be written from software for manual run-time calibration of the oscillator.

XMEGA A 2 MHz Run-time Calibrated Internal Oscillator

This RC oscillator provides an approximate 2 MHz clock. The oscillator employs a Digital Fre-
quency Looked Loop (DFLL) that can be enabled for automatic run-time calibration of the
oscillator. A factory-calibrated value is written to the 2 MHz DFLL Calibration Register during
reset to ensure that the oscillator is running within its specification. The calibration register can
also be written from software for manual run-time calibration of the oscillator.

7.4.2 External Clock Sources

The XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins can be used to drive an external oscillator, either a quartz crystal or
a ceramic resonator. XTAL1 can be used as input for an external clock signal. The TOSC1 and
TOSC2 pins is dedicated for driving a 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. 0.4 - 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator

This oscillator can operate in four different modes, optimized for different frequency ranges, all
within 0.4 - 16 MHz. Figure 7-2 shows a typical connection of a crystal oscillator or resonator.

Figure 7-2. Crystal Oscillator Connection




Two capacitors, C1 and C2, may be added to match the required load capacitance for the con-
nected crystal. External Clock Input

To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 must be driven as shown in Figure 7-
3 on page 79. In this mode, XTAL2 can be used as a general I/O pin.

Figure 7-3. External Clock Drive Configuration

G e n e ra l
P u rp o s e XTAL2

E x te rn a l
C lo c k XTAL1
S ig n a l 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator

A 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator can be connected between TOSC1 and TOSC2 by enabling a
dedicated Low Frequency Oscillator input circuit. A typical connection is shown in Figure Figure


7-4 on page 80. A low power mode with reduced voltage swing on TOSC2 is available. This
oscillator can be used as clock source for the System Clock, RTC and as the DFLL reference.

Figure 7-4. 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator connection




Two capacitors, C1 and C2, may be added to match the required load capacitance for the con-
nected crystal.

7.5 System Clock Selection and Prescalers

All the calibrated internal oscillators, the external clock sources (XOSC) and the PLL output can
be used as the System Clock source. The System Clock source is selectable from software, and
can be changed during normal operation. Built-in hardware protection prevents unsafe clock
switching. It is not possible to select a non-stable or disabled oscillator as clock source, or to dis-
able the oscillator currently used as system clock source. Each oscillator option has a status flag
that can be read from software to check that the oscillator is ready.
The System Clock is fed into a prescaler block that can divide the clock signal by a factor from 1
to 2048 before it is routed to the CPU and peripherals. The prescaler settings can be changed
from software during normal operation. The first stage, prescaler A, can divide by a factor of 1 to
512. Then prescaler B and C can be individually configured to either pass the clock through or
divide it by a factor of 1 to 4. The prescaler guarantees that derived clocks are always in phase,
and that no glitches or intermediate frequencies occur when changing the prescaler setting. The
prescaler settings are always updated in accordance to the rising edge of the slowest clock.

Figure 7-5. System Clock Selection and Prescalers

Clock Selection

Internal 32.768 kHz Osc.

Internal 2 MHz Osc.
Internal 32 MHz Osc. ClkSYS Prescaler A Prescaler B Prescaler C
1, 2, 4, ... , 512 1, 2, 4 1, 2 ClkPER
Internal PLL.

External Oscillator or Clock.

Prescaler A divides the System Clock and the resulting clock is the clkPER4. Prescaler B and
prescaler C can be enabled to divide the clock speed further and enable peripheral modules to
run at twice or four times the CPU Clock frequency. If Prescaler B and C are not used all the
clocks will run at the same frequency as output from Prescaler A.


The System Clock selection and prescaler registers are protected by the Configuration Change
Protection mechanism, employing a timed write procedure for changing the system clock and
prescaler settings. For details refer to ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

7.6 PLL with 1-31x Multiplication Factor

A built-in Phase Locked Loop (PLL) can be used to generate a high frequency system clock. The
PLL has a user selectable multiplication factor from 1 to 31. The output frequency, fOUT is given
by the input frequency, fIN multiplied with the multiplication factor, PLL_FAC. The PLL must have
a minimum output frequency of 10 MHz.

f OUT = f IN ⋅ PLL_FAC

Four different reference clock sources can be chosen as input to the PLL:
• 2 MHz internal oscillator
• 32 MHz internal oscillator divided by 4
• 0.4 - 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator
• External clock

To enable the PLL the following procedure must be followed:

1.Enable clock reference source.
2.Set the multiplication factor and select the clock reference for the PLL.
3.Wait until the clock reference source is stable.
4.Enable the PLL.
Hardware ensures that the PLL configuration cannot be changed when the PLL is in use. The
PLL must be disabled before a new configuration can be written.
It is not possible to use the PLL before the selected clock source is stabile and the PLL has
If using PLL and DFLL the active reference cannot be disabled.

7.7 DFLL 2 MHz and DFLL 32 MHz

Two built-in Digital Frequency Locked Loops (DFLLs) can be used to improve the accuracy of
the 2 MHz and 32 MHz internal oscillators. The DFLL compares the oscillator frequency with a
more accurate reference clock to do automatic run-time calibration of the oscillator. The choices
for the reference clock sources are:
• 32.768 kHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator
• 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator connected to the TOSC pins
The DFLLs divide the reference clock by 32 to use a 1.024 kHz reference. The reference clock is
individually selected for each DFLL as shown on Figure 7-6 on page 82.


Figure 7-6. Figure 5-5. DFLL reference clock selection

32.768 kHz Crystal Osc.

32.768 kHz Int. Osc.


2 MHz Int. Osc.


32 MHz Int. Osc.

When the DFLL is enabled it will count each oscillator clock cycle, and for each reference clock
edge, the counter value is compared to the fixed ideal relationship between the reference clock
and the 1kHz reference frequency. If the internal oscillator runs too fast or too slow, the DFLL
will decrement or increment the corresponding DFLL Calibration Register value by one to adjust
the oscillator frequency slightly. When the DFLL is enabled the DFLL Calibration Register can-
not be written from software.
The ideal counter value representing the number of oscillator clock cycles for each reference
clock cycle is loaded to the DFLL Oscillator Compare Register during reset. The register can
also be written from software to change the frequency the internal oscillator is calibrated to.
The DFLL will stop when entering a sleep-mode where the oscillators are stopped. After wake-
up the DFLL will continue with the calibration value found before entering sleep. For the DFLL
Calibration Register to be reloaded with the default value it has after reset, the DFLL must dis-
abled before entering sleep and enabled the again after leaving sleep.
The active reference cannot be disabled when the DFLL is enabled.
When the DFLL is disabled the DFLL calibration Register can be written from software for man-
ual run-time calibration of the oscillator.
For details on internal oscillator accuracy when the DFLL is enabled, refer to the device data

7.8 External Clock Source Failure Monitor

To handle external clock source failures, there is a built-in monitor circuit monitoring the oscilla-
tor or clock used to derive the XOSC clock. The External Clock Source Failure Monitor is
disabled by default, and it must be enabled from software before it can be used. If an external


clock or oscillator is used to derive the System Clock (i.e clock reference for the PLL when this is
used as the active system clock) and an clock or oscillator fails (stops), the device will:
• Switch to the 2 MHz internal oscillator, independently of any clock system lock setting.
• Reset the Oscillator Control Register and System Clock Selection Register to their default
• Set the External Clock Source Failure Detection Interrupt Flag.
• Issue a non-maskable interrupt (NMI).
If the external oscillator fails when it is not used as the System Clock source, the external oscil-
lator is automatically disabled while the system clock will continue to operate normally.
If the external clock is below 32 kHz then the failure monitor mechanism should not be enabled
in order to avoid unintentional fail detection.
When the failure monitor is enabled, it cannot be disabled until next reset.
The failure monitor is automatically disabled in all sleep modes where the external clock or oscil-
lator is stopped. During wake-up from sleep it is automatically enabled again.
The External Clock Source Failure Monitor setting is protected by the Configuration Change Pro-
tection mechanism, employing a timed write procedure for changing the system clock and
prescaler settings. For details refer to ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.


7.9 Register Description - Clock

7.9.1 CTRL - System Clock Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - - - - SCLKSEL[2:0] CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2:0 - SCLKSEL[2:0]: System Clock Selection

SCLKSEL is used to select the source for the System Clock. See Table 7-1 for the different
selections. Changing the system clock source will take 2 clock cycles on the old clock source
and 2 clock cycles on the new clock source. These bits are protected by the Configuration
Change Protection mechanism, for details refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protec-
tion” on page 12.
SCLKSEL cannot be changed if the new source is not stable.

Table 7-1. System Clock Selection

SCLKSEL[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 RC2MHz 2 MHz Internal RC Oscillator
001 RC32MHz 32 MHz Internal RC Oscillator
010 RC32KHz 32 kHz Internal RC Oscillator
011 XOSC External Oscillator or Clock
100 PLL Phase Locked Loop
101 - Reserved
110 - Reserved
111 - Reserved

7.9.2 PSCTRL - System Clock Prescaler Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 6:2 - PSADIV[4:0]: Prescaler A Division Factor

These bits define the division ratio of the clock prescaler A according to Table 7-2. These bits
can be written run-time to change the clock frequency of the clkPER4 clock relative to the System
clock, clkSYS .

Table 7-2. Prescaler A division factor

PSADIV[4:0] Group Configuration Description
00000 1 No division
00001 2 Divide by 2
00011 4 Divide by 4
00101 8 Divide by 8
00111 16 Divide by 16
01001 32 Divide by 32
01011 64 Divide by 64
01101 128 Divide by 128
01111 256 Divide by 256
10001 512 Divide by 512
10101 Reserved
10111 Reserved
11001 Reserved
11011 Reserved
11101 Reserved
11111 Reserved

• Bit 1:0 - PSBCDIV: Prescaler B and C Division Factor

These bits define the division ratio of the clock prescaler B and C according to Table 7-3. Pres-
caler B will set the clock frequency for the clkPER2 clock relative to the clkPER4. Prescaler C will
set the clock frequency for the clkPER and clkCPU clocks relative to the clkPER2 clock. Refer to Fig-
ure 7-5 on page 80 fore more details.

Table 7-3. Prescaler B and C division factor

PSBCDIV[1:0] Group Configuration Prescaler B division Prescaler C division
00 1_1 No division No division
01 1_2 No division Divide by 2
10 4_1 Divide by 4 No division
11 2_2 Divide by 2 Divide by 2


7.9.3 LOCK - Clock System Lock Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - - - - - LOCK LOCK

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - LOCK: Clock System Lock

When the LOCK bit is written to one the CTRL and PSCTRL registers cannot be changed, and
the system clock selection and prescaler settings is protected against all further updates until
after the next reset. This bits are protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism,
for details refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.
The LOCK bit will only be cleared by a system reset.

7.9.4 RTCCTRL - RTC Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - RTCSRC[2:0] RTCEN RTCCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:1 - RTCSRC[2:0]: Clock Source

These bits select the clock source for the Real Time Counter according to Table 7-4..

Table 7-4. RTC Clock Source

RTCSRC[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 ULP 1 kHz from internal 32 kHz ULP
001 TOSC 1.024 kHz from 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator on TOSC
010 RCOSC 1.024 kHz from internal 32.768 kHz RC Oscillator
011 - Reserved
100 - Reserved
101 TOSC32 32.768 kHz from 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator on TOSC
110 - Reserved
111 - Reserved


• Bit 0 - RTCEN: RTC Clock Source Enable

Setting the RTCEN bit enables the selected clock source for the Real Time Counter.

7.10 Register Description - Oscillator

7.10.1 CTRL - Oscillator Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - PLLEN: PLL Enable

Setting this bit enables the PLL. Before the PLL is enabled, it should be configured with the
desired multiplication factor and input source. See ”STATUS - Oscillator Status Register” on
page 88..

• Bit 3 - XOSCEN: External Oscillator Enable

Setting this bit enables the selected external clock source, refer to ”XOSCCTRL - XOSC Control
Register” on page 88 for details on how to select and enable an external clock source. The
external clock source should be allowed time to become stable before it is selected as source for
the System Clock. See ”STATUS - Oscillator Status Register” on page 88.

• Bit 2 - RC32KEN: 32.768 kHz Internal RC Oscillator Enable

Setting this bit enables the 32.768 kHz internal RC oscillator. The oscillator must be stable
before it is selected as source for the System Clock. See ”STATUS - Oscillator Status Register”
on page 88.

• Bit 1- RC32MEN: 32 MHz Internal RC Oscillator Enable

Setting this bit will enable the 32 MHz internal RC oscillator. The oscillators should be allowed
time to become stable before wither is selected as source for the System Clock. See ”STATUS -
Oscillator Status Register” on page 88.

• Bit 0 - RC2MEN: 2 MHz Internal RC Oscillator enable

Setting this bit enables the 2MHz internal RC oscillator. The oscillator should be allowed time to
become stable before wither is selected as source for the System Clock. See ”STATUS - Oscil-
lator Status Register” on page 88.
By default the 2 Mhz Internal RC Oscillator is enabled and this bit is set.


7.10.2 STATUS - Oscillator Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - PLLRDY: PLL Ready

The PLLRDY flag is set when the PLL has locked on selected frequency and ready to be used
as he System Clock source.

• Bit 3 - XOSCRDY: External clock source Ready

The XOSCRDY flag is set when the external clock source is stable and ready to be used as the
System Clock source.

• Bit 2 - RC32KRDY: 32.768 kHz Internal RC Oscillator Ready

The RC32KRDY flag is set when the 32.768 kHz internal RC oscillator is stable and ready to be
used as the System Clock source.

• Bit 1 - RC32MRDY: 32 MHz Internal RC Oscillator Ready

The R32MRFY flag is set when the 32 MHz internal RC oscillator is stable and ready to be used
as the System Clock source.

• Bit 0 - RC2MRDY: 2 MHz Internal RC Oscillator Ready

The RC2MRDY flag is set when the 2 MHz internal RC oscillator is stable and is ready to be
used as the System Clock source.

7.10.3 XOSCCTRL - XOSC Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - FRQRANGE[1:0]: Crystal Oscillator Frequency Range Select

These bits select the frequency range for the connected crystal oscillator according to Table 7-5
on page 89.


Table 7-5. Oscillator frequency range selection

Recommended range
FRQRANGE[1:0] Group Configuration Frequency range for capacitors C1 and C2 (pF)
00 04TO2 0.4 MHz - 2 MHz 100
01 2TO9 2 MHz - 9 MHz 15
10 9TO12 9 MHz - 12 MHz 15
11 12TO16 12 MHz - 16 MHz 10

• Bit 5 - X32KLPM: Crystal Oscillator 32.768 kHz Low Power Mode

Setting this bit enables low power mode for the 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator. This will reduce
the swing on the TOSC2 pin.

• Bit 4 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:0 - XOSCSEL[3:0]: Crystal Oscillator Selection

These bits select the type and start-up time for the crystal or resonator that is connected to the
XTAL or TOSC pins. See Table 7-6 for crystal selections. If external clock or external oscillator is
selected as source for System Clock, see ”CTRL - Oscillator Control Register” on page 87, this
configuration can not be changed.

Table 7-6. External Oscillator selection and Startup Time

XOSCSEL[3:0] Group Configuration Selected Clock Source Start-up time
0000 EXTCLK External Clock 6 CLK
0010 32KHZ 32.768 kHz TOSC 16K CLK
0011 XTAL_256CLK 0.4 - 16 MHz XTAL 256 CLK
0111 XTAL_1KCLK(2) 0.4 - 16 MHz XTAL 1K CLK
1011 XTAL_16KCLK 0.4 - 16 MHz XTAL 16K CLK

Notes: 1. This option should only be used when frequency stability at start-up is not important for the
application. The option is not suitable for crystals.
2. This option is intended for use with ceramic resonators and will ensure frequency stability at
start-up. It can also be used when the frequency stability at start-up is not important for the

7.10.4 XOSCFAIL - XOSC Failure Detection Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - XOSCFDIF: Failure Detection Interrupt Flag

If the external clock source oscillator failure monitor is enabled, the XOSCFDIF is set when a
failure is detected. Writing logic one to this location will clear XOSCFDIF. Note that having this
flag set will not stop the fail monitor circuit to request a new interrupt if the external clock sources
are re-enabled and a new failure occurs.

• Bit 0 - XOSCFDEN: Failure Detection Enable

Setting this bit will enable the failure detection monitor, and a Non-Maskable Interrupt will be
issued when the XOSCFDIF is set.
This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, refer to Section 3.12
”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12 for details. Once enabled, the failure detection
will only be disabled by a reset.

7.10.5 RC32KCAL - 32 KHz Oscillator Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 RC32KCAL[7:0] RC32KCAL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit 7:0 - RC32KCAL[7:0]: 32.768 KHz Internal Oscillator Calibration Register

This register is used to calibrate the Internal 32.768 kHz Oscillator. A factory-calibrated value is
loaded from the signature row of the device and written to this register during reset, giving an
oscillator frequency close to 32.768 kHz. The register can also be written from software to cali-
brate the oscillator frequency during normal operation.

7.10.6 PLLCTRL - PLL Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 PLLSRC[1:0] - PLLFAC[4:0] PLLCTRL

Read/Write R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - PLLSRC[1:0]: Clock Source

The PLLSRC bits select the input source for the PLL according to Table 7-7 on page 91.


Table 7-7. PLL Clock Source

CLKSRC[1:0] Group Configuration PLL input source
00 RC2M 2 MHz Internal RC Oscillator
01 - Reserved
10 RC32M 32 MHz Internal RC Oscillator
11 XOSC External Clock Source(1)

Notes: 1. 32 kHz TOSC cannot be selected as source for the PLL. An external clock must be minimum
0.4 MHz to be used as source clock.

• Bit 5 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4:0 - PLLFAC[4:0]: Multiplication Factor

The PLLFAC bits set the multiplication factor for the PLL. The multiplication factor can be in the
range from 1x to 31x. The output frequency from the PLL should not exceed 200 MHz. The PLL
must have a minimum output frequency of 10 MHz.

7.10.7 DFLLCTRL - DFLL Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 – – – – – – R32MCREF RC2MCREF DFLLCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - RC32MCREF: 32 MHz Calibration Reference

This bit is used to select the calibration source for the 32 MHz DFLL. By default this bit is zero
and the 32.768 kHz internal RC oscillator is selected. If this bit is set to one the 32.768 kHz Crys-
tal Oscillator connected to TOSC selected as reference. The XOSCEN bit in the CTRL register
must be set to enable the external oscillator, and the XOSCLSEL bits in the XOSCCTRL register
must be set to 32.768 kHz TOSC when this clock source is selected as the the 32 MHz DFLL

• Bit 0 - RC2MCREF: 2 MHz Calibration Reference

This bit is used to select the calibration source for the 2 MHz DFLL. By default this bit is zero and
the 32.768 kHz internal RC oscillator is selected. If this bit is set to one the 32.768 kHz Crystal
Oscillator on TOSC is selected as reference. The XOSCEN bit in the CTRL register must be set
to enable the external oscillator, and the XOSCLSEL bits in the XOSCCTRL register must be set
to 32.768 kHz TOSC when this clock source is selected as the the 2 MHz DFLL reference.


7.11 Register Description - DFLL32M/DFLL2M

7.11.1 CTRL - DFLL Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 – – – – – – – ENABLE CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - ENABLE: DFLL Enable

Setting this bit enables the DFLL and auto-calibration of the internal oscillator

7.11.2 CALA - Calibration Register A

CALA and CALB register holds the 13 bit DFLL calibration value that is used for automatic run-
time calibration the internal oscillator. When the DFLL is disabled, the calibration registers can
be written by software for manual run-time calibration of the oscillator. The oscillators will be cal-
ibrated according to the calibration value in these registers also when the DFLL is disabled.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 CALL[7:0] CALA

Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CALL[7:0]: DFLL Calibration bits

These bits hold the 7 Least Significant Bits (LSB) of the calibration value for the oscillator. After
reset CALL is set to its middle value, and during automatic runtime calibration of the oscillator
these bits are use to change the oscillator frequency. The bits are controlled by the DFLL when
the DFLL is enabled.

7.11.3 CALB - Calibration Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 – – – CALH[12:8] CALB

Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 x x x x x

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 4:0 - CALH[12:8]: DFLL Calibration bits

These bits hold the 6 Most Significant Bits (MSB) of the calibration value for the oscillator. A fac-
tory-calibrated value is loaded from the signature row of the device and written to this register
during reset, giving an oscillator frequency approximate to the nominal frequency for the oscilla-
tor. These bits are not changed during automatic runtime calibration of the oscillator.

7.11.4 COMP0 - Oscillator Compare Register 0

COMP0, COMP1 and COMP2 represent the register value COMP that hold the oscillator com-
pare value. During reset COMP is loaded with the default value representing the ideal
relationship between oscillator frequency and the 1.024 kHz reference clock. It is possible to
write these bits from software, and then enable the oscillator to tune to a frequency different than
its nominal frequency. These bits can only be written when the DFLL is disabled.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 COMP[7:0] COMP0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - COMP[7:0]

These bits are the low byte of the COMP register.

7.11.5 COMP1 - Oscillator Compare Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 COMP[15:8] COMP1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - COMP[15:8]

These bits are the middle byte of the COMP register.

7.11.6 COMP2 - Oscillator Compare Register 2 COMP2 - Oscillator Compare Register 2, 2 MHz DFLL /32 MHz DFLL

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 COMP[23:16] COMP2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - COMP[23:16]

These bits are the highest bits of the COMP register.


7.12 Register Summary - Clock

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL – – – – – SCLKSEL[2:0] 84
+0x01 PSCTRL – PSADIV[4:0] PSBCDIV[1:0] 84
+0x02 LOCK – – – – – – – LOCK 86
+0x03 RTCCTRL – – – – RTCSRC[2:0] RTCEN 86
+0x04 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x05 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x06 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x07 Reserved – – – – – – – –

7.13 Register Summary - Oscillator

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x03 XOSCFAIL – – – – – – – – 89
+0x04 RC32KCAL RC32KCAL[7:0] 90
+0x05 PLLCTRL PLLSRC[1:0] - PLLFAC[4:0] 90
+0x06 DFLLCTRL – – – – – – – – 91
+0x07 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x08 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x09 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0A Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0B Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0C Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0D Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0E Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x0F Reserved – – – – – – – –

7.14 Register Summary - DFLL32M/DFLL2M

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL – ENABLE 92
+0x01 Reserved – – – – – – – –
+0x02 CALA CALL[7:0] 92
+0x03 CALB – – – CALH[11:8] 92
+0x04 COMP0 COMP[7:0] 92
+0x05 COMP1 COMP[15:8] 93
+0x06 COMP2 COMP[23:16] 93
+0x07 COMP2 COMP[7:0] 93

7.15 Crystal Oscillator Failure Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 7-8. Crystal Oscillator Failure Interrupt vector and its word offset address Crystal Oscillator Failure interrupt base
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 OSCF_vect Crystal Oscillator Failure Interrupt Vector (NMI)


8. Power Management and Sleep

8.1 Features
• 5 sleep modes
– Idle
– Power-down
– Power-save
– Standby
– Extended standby
• Power Reduction register to disable clock to unused peripherals

8.2 Overview
XMEGA provides various sleep modes and software controlled clock gating in order to tailor
power consumption to the application's requirement. Sleep modes enables the microcontroller to
shut down unused modules to save power. When the device enters sleep mode, program exe-
cution is stopped and interrupts or reset is used to wake the device again. The individual clock to
unused peripherals can be stopped during normal operation or in sleep, enabling a much more
fine tuned power management than sleep modes alone.

8.3 Sleep Modes

Sleep modes are used to shut down modules and clock domains in the microcontroller in order
to save power. XMEGA has five different sleep modes. A dedicated Sleep instruction (SLEEP) is
available to enter sleep. Before executing SLEEP, the selected sleep mode to enter must be
configured. The available interrupt wake-up sources is dependent on the selected sleep mode.
When an enabled interrupt occurs the device will wake up and execute the interrupt service rou-
tine before continuing normal program execution from the first instruction after the SLEEP
instruction. If other higher priority interrupts are pending when the wake-up occurs, their interrupt
service routines will be executed according to their priority before the interrupt service routine for
the wake-up interrupt is executed. After wake-up the CPU is halted for four cycles before execu-
tion starts.


Table 8-1 on page 96 shows the different sleep modes and the active clock domains, oscillators
and wake-up sources.

Table 8-1. Active clock domains and wake-up sources in the different sleep modes.
Active clock domain Oscillators Wake-up sources

Asynchronous Port Interrupts

System clock source

TWI Address match

RTC clock source

Real Time Clock

Peripheral clock

All interrupts
CPU clock

RTC clock


Sleep modes
Idle X X X X X X X X
Power-down X X
Power-save X X X X X
Standby X X X
Extended Standby X X X X X X

The wake-up time for the device is dependent on the sleep mode and the main clock source.
The start-up time for the system clock source must be added to the wake-up time for sleep
modes where the clock source is stopped. For details on the start-up time for the different oscil-
lators options refer to ”System Clock and Clock options” on page 76.
The content of the Register File, SRAM and registers are kept during sleep. If a reset occurs
during sleep, the device will reset, start up and execute from the Reset Vector.

8.3.1 Idle Mode

In Idle mode the CPU and Non-Volatile Memory are stopped, (note that any active programming
will be completed) but all peripherals including the Interrupt Controller, Event System and DMA
Controller are kept running. Any interrupt request interrupts will wake the device.

8.3.2 Power-down Mode

In Power-down mode all system clock sources, including the Real Time Counter clock source
are stopped. This allows operation of asynchronous modules only. The only interrupts that can
wake up the MCU are the Two Wire Interface address match interrupts, and asynchronous port

8.3.3 Power-save Mode

Power-save mode is identical to Power-down, with one exception:
If the Real Time Counter (RTC) is enabled, it will keep running during sleep and the device can
also wake up from either RTC Overflow or Compare Match interrupt.


8.3.4 Standby Mode

Standby mode is identical to Power-down with the exception that the enabled system clock
sources are kept running, while the CPU, Peripheral and RTC clocks are stopped. This reduces
the wake-up time.

8.3.5 Extended Standby Mode

Extended Standby mode is identical to Power-save mode with the exception that the enabled
system clock sources are kept running while the CPU and Peripheral clocks are stopped. This
reduces the wake-up time.

8.4 Power Reduction Registers

The Power Reduction (PR) registers provides a method to stop the clock to individual peripher-
als. When this is done the current state of the peripheral is frozen and the associated I/O
registers cannot be read or written. Resources used by the peripheral will remain occupied;
hence the peripheral should in most cases be disabled before stopping the clock. Enabling the
clock to a peripheral again, puts the peripheral in the same state as before it was stopped. This
can be used in Idle mode and Active mode to reduce the overall power consumption signifi-
cantly. In all other sleep modes, the peripheral clock is already stopped.
Not all devices have all the peripherals associated with a bit in the power reduction registers.
Setting a power reduction bit for a peripheral that is not available will have no effect.

8.5 Register Description – Sleep

8.5.1 CTRL- Sleep Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - - - SMODE[2:0] SEN CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:1 - SMODE[2:0]: Sleep Mode Selection

These bits select sleep modes according to Table 8-2 on page 97.

Table 8-2. Sleep mode

SMODE[2:0] SEN Group Configuration Description
XXX 0 OFF No sleep mode enabled
000 1 IDLE Idle Mode
001 1 - Reserved
010 1 PDOWN Power-down Mode
011 1 PSAVE Power-save Mode
100 1 - Reserved


Table 8-2. Sleep mode

SMODE[2:0] SEN Group Configuration Description
101 1 - Reserved
110 1 STDBY Standby Mode
111 1 ESTDBY Extended Standby Mode

• Bit 1 - SEN: Sleep Enable

This bit must be set to make the MCU enter the selected sleep mode when the SLEEP instruc-
tion is executed. To avoid unintentional entering of sleep modes, it is recommended to write
SEN just before executing the SLEEP instruction, and clearing it immediately after waking up.

8.6 Register Description – Power Reduction

8.6.1 PRGEN - General Power Reduction Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - AES: AES Module

Setting this bit stops the clock to the AES module. When the bit is cleared the peripheral should
be reinitialized to ensure proper operation.

• Bit 3 - EBI: External Bus Interface

Setting this bit stops the clock to the External Bus Interface. When the bit is cleared the periph-
eral should be reinitialized to ensure proper operation. Note that the EBI is not present for all

• Bit 2 - RTC: Real-Time Counter

Setting this stops the clock to the Real Time Counter. When the bit is cleared the peripheral
should be reinitialized to ensure proper operation.

• Bit 1 - EVSYS: Event System

Setting this stops the clock to the Event System. When the bit is cleared the module will continue
like before the shutdown.

• Bit 0 - DMA: DMA Controller

Setting this stops the clock to the DMA Controller. This bit can only be set if the DMA Controller
is disabled.


8.6.2 PRPA/B - Power Reduction Port A/B Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01/+0x02 - - - - - DAC ADC AC PRPA/B

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: Disabling of analog modules stops the clock to the analog blocks themselves and not only the

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - DAC: Power Reduction DAC

Setting this bit stops the clock to the DAC. The DAC should be disabled before shut down.

• Bit 1 - ADC: Power Reduction ADC

Setting this bit stops the clock to the ADC. The ADC should be disabled before shut down.

• Bit 0 - AC: Power Reduction Analog Comparator

Setting this bit stops the clock to the Analog Comparator. The AC should be disabled before shut

8.6.3 PRPC/D/E/F - Power Reduction Port C/D/E/F Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 6 - TWI: Two-Wire Interface

Setting this bit stops the clock to the Two-Wire Interface. When the bit is cleared the peripheral
should be reinitialized to ensure proper operation.

• Bit 5 - USART1
Setting this bit stops the clock to the USART1. When the bit is cleared the peripheral should be
reinitialized to ensure proper operation.

• Bit 4 - USART0
Setting this bit stops the clock to the USART0. When the bit is cleared the peripheral should be
reinitialized to ensure proper operation.


• Bit 3 - SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface

Setting this bit stops the clock to the SPI. When the bit is cleared the peripheral should be reini-
tialized to ensure proper operation.

• Bit 2 - HIRES: Hi-Resolution Extension

Setting this bit stops the clock to the Hi-Resolution Extension for the Timer/Counters. When the
bit is cleared the peripheral should be reinitialized to ensure proper operation.

• Bit 1 - TC1: Timer/Counter 1

Setting this bit stops the clock to the Timer/Counter 1. When the bit is cleared the peripheral will
continue like before the shut down.

• Bit 0 - TC0: Timer/Counter 0

Setting this bit stops the clock to the Timer/Counter 0. When the bit is cleared the peripheral will
continue like before the shut down.


8.7 Register Summary - Sleep

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL - - - - SMODE[2:0] SEN 97
+0x01 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x02 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x03 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x04 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x06 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x07 Reserved - - - - - - - -

8.8 Register Summary - Power Reduction

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 PRPA - - - - - DAC ADC AC 99
+0x02 PRPB - - - - - DAC ADC AC 99
+0x07 Reserved - - - - - - - -


9. Reset System

9.1 Features
• Power-on reset source
• Brown-out reset source
• Software reset source
• External reset source
• Watchdog reset source
• Program and Debug Interface reset source

9.2 Overview
The Reset System will issue a system reset and set the device to its initial state if a reset source
goes active. All IO registers will be set to their initial value, and the program counter is reset to
the Reset Vector location. The reset controller is asynchronous, hence no running clock is
required to reset the device.
XMEGA has seven different reset sources. If more than one reset source is active, the device
will be kept in reset until all reset sources have released their reset. After reset is released from
all reset sources, the default oscillator is started and calibrated before the internal reset is
released and the device starts running.
The reset system has a status register with individual flags for each reset source. The Status
register is cleared at Power-on Reset, hence this register will show which source(s) that has
issued a reset since the last power-on. A software reset feature makes it possible to issue a sys-
tem reset from the user software.
An overview of the reset system is shown in Figure 9-1 on page 103.


Figure 9-1. Reset system overview

Reset Status Register

Power - On

Brown - Out
Detection Reset

External Reset

Reset Delay Counter

Oscillator Startup
Oscillator Calibration
Program and
Debug Interface

Counter Reset Timeout


Internal Reset

Software Reset


9.3 Reset Sequence

Reset request from any reset source immediately reset the device, and keep it in reset as long
as the request is active. When all reset requests are released, the device will go through three
stages before the internal reset is released and the device starts running.
• Reset Counter Delay
• Oscillator startup
• Oscillator calibration
If one of the reset request occur during this, the reset sequence will start over again.

9.3.1 Reset Counter Delay

The Reset Counter Delay is the programmable period from all reset requests are released and
until the reset counter times out and releases reset. The Reset Counter Delay is timed from the
1 kHz output of the Ultra Low Power (ULP) Internal Oscillator, and the number of cycles before
the timeout is set by the STARTUPTIME fuse bits. The selectable delays are shown in Table 9-

Table 9-1. Reset Counter Delay

SUT[1:0] Number of 1 kHz ULP oscillator clock cycles
00 64
01 4
10 Reserved
11 0

9.3.2 Oscillator Startup

After the Reset Counter Delay, the default clock is started. This is the 2 MHz internal RC oscilla-
tor, and this uses 6 clock cycles to startup and stabilize.

9.3.3 Oscillator Calibration

After the default oscillator has stabilized, oscillator calibration values are loaded from Non-Vola-
tile Memory into the Oscillator Calibration registers. Loading the calibration values takes 24
clock cycles on the internal 2 MHz oscillator. The 2 MHz, 32 MHz and 32 kHz internal RC oscil-
lators are calibrated. When this is done the device will enter active mode and program execution
will begin.

9.4 Reset Sources

9.4.1 Power-On Reset

A Power-on detection circuit will give a Power-On Reset (POR) when supply voltage (VCC) is
applied to the device and the VCC slope is increasing in the Power-on Slope Range (VPOSR).
Power-on reset is released when the VCC stops rising or when the VCC level has reached the
Power-on Threshold Voltage (VPOT) level.
When VCC is falling, the POR will issue a reset when the Vpot level is reached. The Vpot level is
lower than the minimum operating voltage for the device, and is only used for power-off function-


ality and not to ensure safe operation. The Brown-out detection (BOD) must be enabled to
ensure safe operation and detect if VCC voltage drops below minimum operating voltage.
Only the Power-on reset Flag will be set after Power-on reset. The Brown-out Reset Flag is not
set even though the BOD circuit is used.

Figure 9-2. Power-On Reset (POR).




Figure 9-3. Increasing VCC slope in the Power-on slope range.

VCC dt



For characterization data on the VPOT level for rising and falling VCC, and VPOSR slope consult the
device data sheet.
Note that the Power-on detection circuit is not designed to detect drops in the VCC voltage.
Brown-out detection must be enabled to detect falling VCC voltage, even if the VCC level falls
below the VPOT level.


9.4.2 Brown-Out Detection

The Brown-Out Detection (BOD) circuit monitors that the VCC level is kept above a configurable
trigger level, VBOT. When the BOD is enabled, a BOD reset will be given if the VCC level falls bel-
low the trigger level for a minimum time, tBOD. The reset is kept active until the VCC level rises
above the trigger level again.

Figure 9-4. Brown-out Detection reset.





For characterization data on tBOD consult the device data sheet. The trigger level is determined
by a programmable BODLEVEL setting, see Table 9-2.

Table 9-2. Programmable BODLEVEL setting

111 1.6
110 1.8
101 2.0
100 2.2
011 2.4
010 2.7
001 2.9
000 3.2

Notes: 1. The values here are nominal values only. For typical, maximum and minimum numbers consult
the device data sheet.
2. Changing these fuse bits will have no effect until leaving programming mode.
The BOD circuit has 3 modes of operation:
• Disabled: In this mode there is no monitoring of the VCC level, and hence it is only
recommended for applications where the power supply is stable.
• Enabled: In this mode the VCC level is continuously monitored, and a drop in VCC below VBOT
for at least tBOD will give a brown-out reset.


• Sampled: In this mode the BOD circuit will sample the VCC level with a period identical to
the 1 kHz output from the Ultra Low Power (ULP) oscillator. Between each sample the BOD is
turned off. This mode will reduce the power consumption compared to the enabled mode, but
a fall in the VCC level between 2 positive edges of the 1 kHz ULP output will not be detected.
If a brown-out is detected in this mode, the BOD circuit is set in enabled mode to ensure that
the device is kept in reset until VCC is above VBOT again.
The BODACT fuse determines the BOD setting for active mode and idle mode, while the
BODPD fuse determines the brown-out detection setting for all sleep modes except idle mode.

Table 9-3. BOD setting Fuse Decoding

BODACT[1:0]/ BODPD[1:0] Mode
00 Reserved
01 Sampled
10 Enabled
11 Disabled

9.4.3 External reset

The External reset circuit is connected to the external RESET pin. The external reset will trigger
when the RESET pin is driven below the RESET pin threshold voltage, VRST, for longer than the
minimum pulse period tEXT. The reset will be held as long as the pin is kept low. The reset pin
includes an internal pull-up resistor.

Figure 9-5. External reset characteristics.



For characterization data on VRST and tEXT and pull-up resistor values consult the device data

9.4.4 Watchdog reset

The Watchdog Timer (WDT) is a system function for monitoring correct program operation. If the
WDT is not reset from the software within a programmable timout period, a Watchdog reset will
be given. The Watchdog reset is active for 1-2 clock cycles on the 2 MHz internal RC oscillator.


Figure 9-6. Watchdog reset.


1-2 2MHz Cycles

For information on configuration and use of the WDT, refer to the Section 11. ”WDT – Watchdog
Timer” on page 117.

9.4.5 Software reset

The Software reset makes it possible to issue a system reset from software by writing to the
Software Reset bit in the Reset Control Register.The reset will be issued within 1-2 system clock
CPU cycles after writing the bit. It is not possible to execute any instruction from a software reset
is requested and until it is issued.

Figure 9-7. Software reset


1-2 2MHz Cycle


9.4.6 Program and Debug Interface Reset

The Program and Debug Interface reset contains a separate reset source that is used to reset
the device during external programming and debugging. This reset source is only accessible
from debuggers and programmers.


9.5 Register Description

9.5.1 STATUS - Reset Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value - - - - - - - -

• Bit 7 – 6: Reserved
These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 5 – SRF: Software Reset Flag

This flag is set if a Software reset occurs. The flag will be cleared by a power-on reset or by writ-
ing a one to the bit location.

• Bit 4 - PDIRF: Program and Debug Interface Reset Flag

This flag is set if a Programming interface reset occurs. The flag will be cleared by a power-on
reset or by writing a one to the bit location.

• Bit 3 - WDRF: Watchdog Reset Flag

This flag is set if a Watchdog reset occurs. The flag will be cleared by a power-on reset or by
writing a one to the bit location.

• Bit 2 - BORF: Brown Out Reset Flag

This flag is set if a Brown out reset occurs. The flag will be cleared by a power-on reset or by
writing a one to the bit location.

• Bit 1 - EXTRF: External Reset Flag

This flag is set if an External reset occurs. The flag will be cleared by a power-on reset or by writ-
ing a one to the bit location.

• Bit 0 - PORF: Power On Reset Flag

This flag is set if a Power-on reset occurs. Writing a one to the flag will clear the bit location.

9.5.2 CTRL - Reset Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 – – – – – – – SWRST CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - SWRST: Software Reset

When this bit is set, a Software reset will occur. The bit is cleared when a reset is issued. This bit
is protected by the Configuration Change Protection, for details refer to Section 3.12 ”Configura-
tion Change Protection” on page 12.


9.6 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 CTRL – – – – – – – SWRST 109

10. Battery Backup System
10.1 Features
• Battery Backup voltage supply from dedicated VBAT power pin for:
– One Ultra Low-power 32-bit Real Time Counter
– One 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator with failure detection monitor
– Two Battery Backup Registers
• Automatic switching from main power to battery backup power at:
– Brown-Out Detection (BOD)
• Automatic switching from battery backup power to main power:
– Device reset after Brown-Out Reset (BOR) is released
– Device reset after Power-On Reset (POR) and BOR is released
10.2 Overview
The Battery Backup System includes functionality that enables automatic power switching
between main power and a battery backup power. Figure 10-1 on page 112 shows an overview
of the system.
The Battery Backup Module supports connection of a backup battery to the dedicated V BAT
power pin. This will ensure power to the 32-bit Real Time Counter, a 32.768 kHz crystal oscilla-
tor with failure detection monitor and two battery backup registers when the main power source
is unavailable.
Upon main power loss the device will detect this and automatically switch the Battery Backup
Module to be powered from the VBAT pin. After main power has been restored and both main
POR and BOR are released, the Battery Backup Module will automatically switch back to be
powered from main power again. The main BOD is used to detect the Vcc voltage levels, and
this must be enabled for the power switching to work.
The 32-bit Real Time Counter (RTC) must be clocked from the 1 Hz or 1.024 kHz output of a
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator connected between the TOSC1 and TOSC2 pins when running
from VBAT. For more details on the 32-bit RTC refer to the “32-bit Real Time Counter” section in
the XMEGA A Manual.

10.3 Battery Backup Module

Figure 10-1. Battery Backup Module and its power domain implementation

Power Watchdog w/ Main

switch independent power
supervisor RCOSC supervision
OCD & Oscillator &
Programming sleep
Interface controller

Level shifters / Isolation


RTC Internal
& Fuses

The Battery Backup Module consists of the following:

• A VBAT power supervisor that ensures correct operation and detection of falling power in the
backup battery power domain. It includes
– A Battery Backup Power-On Detector (BBPOD).
– A sampled Battery Backup Brown-Out Detector (BBBOD).
• A Power-switch for switching power to the battery backup domain between main power and the
VBAT pin.
• A 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC) with 32.768 kHz, 1.024 kHz and 1 Hz output.
• A XOSC Failure Monitor for detecting failure on the Crystal Oscillator.
• A 32-bit Real Time Counter.
• Two Battery Backup registers.
The main BOD is used to detect Brown-Out on the main power so this must be enabled for the
power switching to work.
When main BOD is detected, the Battery Backup Module will switch to be powered from the VBAT
pin. When main power is restored and/or the device is reset, software must enable access to the
Battery Backup Module by writing a dedicated Access Enable bit in the module.
10.3.1 Battery Backup Power-On Detection

The Battery Backup Power-On Detection circuit will set the POD Flag (BBPODF) when power is
connected to the VBAT pin.

The the 32-kHz crystal oscillator, oscillator failure detection and Real Time Counter must be
enabled from software before they can be used.
10.3.2 Battery Backup Brown-Out Detection

The Battery Backup Brown-Out Detector (BBBOD) ensures detection of falling power in the Bat-
tery Backup Module before the oscillator stops. When the VBAT pin voltage drops below the
BBBOD threshold voltage, the BOD Flag (BBBODF) will be set.
The BBBOD is sampled from the 1 Hz output of an ultra low power oscillator, and only designed
for detecting slow changes in the VBAT pin voltage level.
The BBBOD is turned off when the device runs from the main power. It is enabled when the Bat-
tery Backup Module is switched to be powered from the VBAT pin after a main power BOD.

10.4 Main Power Loss

When the main power drops below the programmed BOD threshold voltage, the device will:
1. Switch the Battery Backup Module to be powered from the VBAT pin. The BBBOD is
2. Ignore any input signals to the Battery Backup Module.
3. The part of the device that is only powered from VCC will be reset.
10.5 Main Reset and Start-up Sequence
The Battery Backup System adds some considerations regarding main reset and start-up
sequence. At every start-up after main reset the software should:
1. Check for sufficient power on VBAT pin by reading the BBPWR flag.
2. Check the Battery Backup Module status by reading the BBPODF and BBBODF flags.
3. Enable access to the Battery Backup Module, by setting the Access Enable (ACCEN) bit.
Based on the status in Battery Backup Module, two different things should be done after the ini-
tial sequence. Each is described in the two sections below.
10.5.1 Battery Backup enabled

If BBPODF and/or BBBODF is not set, it indicates that the Battery Backup Modules has not had
any power loss. Then the device should:
1. Set the Access Enable (ACCEN) bit
2. Check for 32-Khz Crystal Oscillator failure by reading the XOSC Failure flag.
If the XOSC Failure flag is cleared no further actions is required.
If the XOSC Failure flag is set, this indicates a failure on the external oscillator in the Battery
Backup Module. The software should assume that the RTC counter value is invalid and take
appropriate action.
10.5.2 Battery Backup failed and not enabled

If BBPODF and/or BBBODF is set this indicate that voltage on the VBAT pin has had a drop
sometime during the period when the rest of the device was unpowererd. The following proce-
dure should be followed:

1. Set the ACCEN bit and apply a RESET

1. Enable the Crystal oscillator.
2. Wait until Crystal Oscillator ready flag is set.
3. Enable XOSC Fault Detection.
4. Configure and enable the RTC32.
10.6 Register Description
10.6.1 CTRL: Battery Backup Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit [7:5] - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4- XOSCSEL: 32-kHz Crystal Oscillator Output Selection

This bit selects which clock output from the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator that will be used as
clock input for the 32-bit Real Time Counter (RTC).
By default this bit is zero, and the 1 Hz clock output is used as input for the RTC. Setting this bit
will select the 1.024 kHz clock output as input for the RTC. The Crystal Oscillator must be
enabled before the output is available. This bit cannot be changed when XOSCEN is set.

• Bit 3- XOSCEN: Crystal Oscillator Enable

Setting this bit will enable the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator, and thSetting this bite default 1 Hz
output from the oscillator. Writing the bit to zero will have no effect. The oscillator will remain
enabled until a Battery Backup RESET is issued.

• Bit 2- XOSCFDEN: Crystal Oscillator Failure DSetting this bitetection Enable

Setting this bit will enable the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator monitor. Writing the bit to zero will
have no effect. When enabled, the Crystal Oscillator Monitor will remain enabled until a Battery
Backup RESET is issued.

• Bit 1- ACCEN: Battery Backup Module Access Enable

Setting this bit will enable access to the Battery Backup Module. After main reset this bit must be
set in order to access (read from and write to) the battery backup domain functions and register
settings, except for the BBPODF, the BBBODF and the BBPWR flag.

• Bit 0- RESET: Battery Backup Reset

Setting this bit will force a reset of the Battery Backup Module. Writing the bit to zero will have no
effect. Writing a one to the XOSCEN or the XOSCFDEN bit the same time will block writing to
this bit. When this bit is set XOSCEN, XOSCFDEN, XOSCSEL, and XOSCRDY in STATUS will
be cleared.


These bits are protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for detailed
description refer to ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.
10.6.2 STATUS: Battery Backup Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 x x 0 0

• Bit 7 - BBPWR: Battery Backup Power

The Power on the VBAT pin is automatically checked each time the main domain is powered. The
BBPWR flag will be set to one when no VBAT pin power is detected. The flag can be cleared by
writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit [6:4] - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3- XOSCRDY: Crystal Oscillator Ready

When the 32 kHz crystal oscillator is stable and ready to be used, this flag is set. This flag can
be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit 2 - XOSCFAIL: Crystal Oscillator Failure

If the 32 kHz crystal oscillator has had an failure, the flag will be read as one. This flag can be
cleared by applying a RESET to the battery backup module.

• Bit 1 - BBBODF: Battery Backup Brown-Out Detection Flag

This flag is read one if a Battery Backup BOD is detected when the Battery Backup Module is
powered from the VBAT pin. This flag can be cleared by writing a one to its bit location. This flag
is not valid when BBPWR is set.

• Bit 0 - BBPODF: Battery Backup Power-On Detection Flag

This flag is set if a Battery Backup Power-On is detected, i.e when power is connected to VBAT.
This flag can be cleared by writing a one to its bit location. This flag is not valid when BBPWR is
10.6.3 BACKUP0: Battery Backup Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 BACKUP0[7:0] BACKUP0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value x x x x x x x x


• Bit [7:0] - BACKUP0: Battery Backup Register 0

This register can be used to store data in the Battery Backup Module before the main power is
lost or removed.
10.6.4 BACKUP1: Battery Backup Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 BACKUP1[7:0] BACKUP1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value x x x x x x x x

• Bit [7:0] - BACKUP0: Battery Backup Register 1

This register can be used to store data in the Battery Backup Module before the main power is
lost or removed.

10.7 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x02 BACKUP0 BACKUP0[7:0] 115
+0x03 BACKUP1 BACKUP1[7:0] 116


11. WDT – Watchdog Timer

11.1 Features
• 11 selectable timeout period, from 8 ms to 8s
• Two operation modes
– Standard mode
– Window mode
• Runs from 1 kHz Ultra Low Power clock reference
• Configuration lock

11.2 Overview
The Watchdog Timer (WDT) is a system function for monitoring correct program operation, mak-
ing it possible to recover from error situations, for instance run-away code. The WDT is a timer,
configured to a predefined timeout period and is constantly running when enabled. If the WDT is
not reset within the timeout period, it will issue a system reset. The WDT is reset by executing
the WDR (Watchdog Timer Reset) instruction from the application code.
The WDT also has a window mode that enables the user to define a time slot where WDT must
be reset within. If the WDT is reset too early or too late, a system reset will be issued.
The WDT will run in all power modes if enabled. It runs from a CPU independent clock source,
and will continue to operate to issue a system reset even if the main clocks fail.
The Configuration Change Protection mechanism ensures that the WDT settings cannot be
changed by accident. In addition the settings can be locked by a fuse.

11.3 Normal Mode Operation

In normal mode operation a single timeout period is set for the WDT. If the WDT is not reset from
the application code before the timeout occurs the WDT will issue a system reset. There are 11
possible WDT timeout (TOWDT) periods selectable from 8 ms to 8s, and the WDT can be reset at
any time during the period. After each reset, a new timeout period is started. The default timeout
period is controlled by fuses. Normal mode operation is illustrated in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1. Normal mode operation.

System Reset
WDT Count
Timely WDT
TO WDT = 16

WDT Timeout

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 t [ms]


11.4 Window Mode Operation

In window mode operation the WDT uses two different timeout periods, a "closed" window time-
out period (TOWDTW) and the normal timeout period (TOWDT). The closed window timeout period
defines a duration from 8 ms to 8s where the WDT cannot be reset: if the WDT is reset in this
period the WDT will issue a system reset. The normal WDT timeout period, which is also 8 ms to
8s, defines the duration of the "open" period, in which the WDT can (and should) be reset. The
open period will always follow the closed period, so the total duration of the timeout period is the
sum of the closed window and the open window timeout periods. The default closed window tim-
eout period is controlled by fuses. The window mode operation is illustrated in Figure 11-2.

Figure 11-2. Window mode operation.

WDT Count
Timely WDT

Early WDT Reset



System Reset

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 t [ms]

11.5 Watchdog Timer clock

The WDT is clocked from the 1 kHz output from the internal 32 kHz Ultra Low Power (ULP) oscil-
lator. Due to the ultra low power design, the oscillator is not very accurate so the exact timeout
period may vary from device to device. When designing software which uses the WDT, this
device-to-device variation must be kept in mind to ensure that the timeout periods used are valid
for all devices. For more information on the ULP oscillator accuracy, consult the device data

11.6 Configuration Protection and Lock

The WDT is designed with two security mechanisms to avoid unintentional changes of the WDT
The first mechanism is the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, employing a timed
write procedure for changing the WDT control registers. In addition, for the new configuration to
be written to the control registers, the register’s Change Enable bit must be written at the same
The second mechanism is to lock the configuration by setting the WDT lock fuse. When this fuse
is set, the Watchdog Time Control Register can not be changed, hence the WDT can not be dis-
abled from software. After system reset the WDT will resume at configured operation. When the
WDT lock fuse is programmed the window mode timeout period cannot be changed, but the win-
dow mode itself can still be enabled or disabled.


11.7 Registers Description

11.7.1 CTRL – Watchdog Timer Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - PER[3:0] ENABLE CEN CTRL



Initial Value
0 0 X X X X X 0
(x = fuse)

• Bits 7:6 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 5:2 - PER[3:0]: Watchdog Timeout Period

These bits determine the Watchdog timeout period as a number of 1 kHz ULP oscillator cycles.
In window mode operation, these bits define the open window period. The different typical time-
out periods are found in Table 11-1. The initial values of these bits are set by the Watchdog
Timeout Period (WDP) fuses, and will be loaded at power-on.
In order to change these bits the CEN bit must be written to 1 at the same time. These bits are
protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for detailed description refer to
Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

Table 11-1. Watchdog timeout periods

PER[3:0] Group Configuration Typical timeout periods
0000 8CLK 8 ms
0001 16CLK 16 ms
0010 32CLK 32 ms
0011 64CLK 64 ms
0100 125CLK 0.125 s
0101 250CLK 0.25 s
0110 500CLK 0.5 s
0111 1KCLK 1.0 s
1000 2KCLK 2.0 s
1001 4KCLK 4.0 s
1010 8KCLK 8.0 s
1011 Reserved
1100 Reserved
1101 Reserved
1110 Reserved
1111 Reserved


• Bit 1 - ENABLE: Watchdog Enable

This bit enables the WDT.
In order to change this bit the CEN bit in ”CTRL – Watchdog Timer Control Register” on page
119 must be written to one at the same time. This bit is protected by the Configuration Change
Protection mechanism, for detailed description refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Pro-
tection” on page 12.

• Bit 0 - CEN: Watchdog Change Enable

This bit enables the possibility to change the configuration of the ”CTRL – Watchdog Timer Con-
trol Register” on page 119. When writing a new value to this register, this bit must be written to
one at the same time for the changes to take effect. This bit is protected by the Configuration
Change Protection mechanism, for detailed description refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration
Change Protection” on page 12.

11.7.2 WINCTRL – Window Mode Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - - WPER[3:0] WEN WCEN WINCTRL



Initial Value
0 0 X X X X X 0
(x = fuse)

• Bits 7:6 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 5:2 - WPER[3:0]: Watchdog Window Mode Timeout Period

These bits determine the closed window period as a number of 1 kHz ULP oscillator cycles in
window mode operation. The typical different closed window periods are found in Table 11-2.
The initial values of these bits are set by the Watchdog Window Timeout Period (WDWP) fuses,
and will be loaded at power-on. In normal mode these bits are not in use.
In order to change these bits the WCEN bit must be written to one at the same time. These bits
are protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for detailed description refer
to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

Table 11-2. Watchdog closed window periods

WPER[3:0] Group Configuration Typical closed window periods
0000 8CLK 8 ms
0001 16CLK 16 ms
0010 32CLK 32 ms
0011 64CLK 64 ms
0100 125CLK 0.125 s
0101 250CLK 0.25 s


Table 11-2. Watchdog closed window periods (Continued)

WPER[3:0] Group Configuration Typical closed window periods
0110 500CLK 0.5 s
0111 1KCLK 1.0 s
1000 2KCLK 2.0 s
1001 4KCLK 4.0 s
1010 8KCLK 8.0 s
1011 Reserved
1100 Reserved
1101 Reserved
1110 Reserved
1111 Reserved

• Bit 1 - WEN: Watchdog Window Mode Enable

This bit enables the Watchdog Window Mode. In order to change this bit the WCEN bit in
”WINCTRL – Window Mode Control Register” on page 120 must be written to one at the same
time. This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, for detailed
description refer to Section 3.12 ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12.

• Bit 0 - WCEN: Watchdog Window Mode Change Enable

This bit enables the possibility to change the configuration of the ”WINCTRL – Window Mode
Control Register” on page 120. When writing a new value to this register, this bit must be written
to one at the same time for the changes to take effect. This bit is protected by the Configuration
Change Protection mechanism, but not protected by the WDT lock fuse.

11.7.3 STATUS – Watchdog Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - - - - - SYNCBUSY STATUS

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - Res:Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - SYNCBUSY
When writing to the CTRL or WINCTRL registers, the WDT needs to be synchronized to the
other clock domains. During synchronization the SYNCBUSY bit will be read as one. This bit is
automatically cleared after the synchronization is finished. Synchronization will only take place
when the ENABLE bit for the Watchdog Timer is set.


11.8 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL - - PER[3:0] ENABLE CEN 119
+0x01 WINCTRL - - WPER[3:0] WEN WCEN 120
+0x02 STATUS - - - - - - - SYNCBUSY 121


12. Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller

12.1 Features
• Separate interrupt vector for each interrupt
• Short, predictable interrupt response time
• Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller
– 3 programmable interrupt levels
– Selectable priority scheme within low level interrupts (round-robin or fixed)
– Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI)
• Interrupt vectors can be moved to the start of the Boot Section.

12.2 Overview
Interrupts signal a change of state in peripherals, and this can be used to alter program execu-
tion. Peripherals can have one or more interrupts, and all are individually enabled. When the
interrupt is enabled and the interrupt condition is present this will generate a corresponding inter-
rupt request. All interrupts have a separate interrupt vector address.
The Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller (PMIC) controls the handling of interrupt
requests, and prioritizing between the different interrupt levels and interrupt priorities. When an
interrupt request is acknowledged by the PMIC, the program counter is set to point to the inter-
rupt vector, and the interrupt handler can be executed.
All peripherals can select between three different priority levels for their interrupts; low, medium
or high. Medium level interrupts will interrupt low level interrupt handlers. High level interrupts
will interrupt both medium and low level interrupt handlers. Within each level, the interrupt prior-
ity is decided from the interrupt vector address, where the lowest interrupt vector address has
the highest interrupt priority. Low level interrupts have an optional round-robin scheduling
scheme to ensure that all interrupts are serviced within a certain amount of time.
Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI) are also supported.

12.3 Operation
Interrupts must be globally enabled for any interrupts to be generated. This is done by setting
the global interrupt enable bit (I-bit) in the CPU Status Register. The I-bit will not be cleared
when an interrupt is acknowledged. Each interrupt level must also be enabled before interrupts
with the corresponding level can be generated.
When an interrupt is enabled and the interrupt condition is present, the PMIC will receive the
interrupt request. Based on the interrupt level and interrupt priority of any ongoing interrupts, the
interrupt is either acknowledged or kept pending until it has priority. When the interrupt request
is acknowledged, the program counter is updated to point to the interrupt vector. The interrupt
vector is normally a jump to the interrupt handler; the software routine that handles the interrupt.
After returning from the interrupt handler, program execution continues from where it was before
the interrupt occurred. One instruction is always executed before any pending interrupt is
The PMIC status register contains state information that ensures that the PMIC returns to the
correct interrupt level when the RETI (interrupt return) instruction is executed at the end of an
interrupt handler. Returning from an interrupt will return the PMIC to the state it had before enter-
ing the interrupt. The Status Register (SREG) is not saved automatically upon an interrupt


request. The RET (subroutine return) instruction cannot be used when returning from the inter-
rupt handler routine, as this will not return the PMIC to its right state.

12.4 Interrupts
All interrupts and the reset vector each have a separate program vector address in the program
memory space. The lowest address in the program memory space is the reset vector. All inter-
rupts are assigned individual control bits for enabling and setting the interrupt level, and this is
set in the control registers for each peripheral that can generate interrupts. Details on each inter-
rupt are described in the peripheral where the interrupt is available.
All interrupts have an interrupt flag associated to it. When the interrupt condition is present, the
interrupt flag will be set, even if the corresponding interrupt is not enabled. For most interrupts,
the interrupt flag is automatically cleared when executing the interrupt vector. Writing a logical
one to the interrupt flag will also clear the flag. Some interrupt flags are not cleared when execut-
ing the interrupt vector, and some are cleared automatically when an associated register is
accessed (read or written). This is described for each individual interrupt flag.
If an interrupt condition occurs while another higher priority interrupt is executing or pending, the
interrupt flag will be set and remembered until the interrupt has priority. If an interrupt condition
occurs while the corresponding interrupt is not enabled, the interrupt flag will be set and remem-
bered until the interrupt is enabled, or the flag is cleared by software. Similarly, if one or more
interrupt conditions occur while global interrupts are disabled, the corresponding interrupt flag
will be set and remembered until global interrupts are enabled. All pending interrupts are then
executed according to their order of priority.
Interrupts can be blocked when executing code from a locked section, e.g. when the Boot Lock
bits are programmed. This feature improves software security, refer to memory programming for
details on lock bit settings.
Interrupts are automatically disabled for up to 4 CPU clock cycles when the Configuration
Change Protection register is written with the correct signature, refer to Section 3.12 ”Configura-
tion Change Protection” on page 12 for more details.

12.4.1 NMI – Non-Maskable Interrupts

Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI) are hardwired. It is not selectable which interrupts represent NMI
and which represent regular interrupts. Non-Maskable Interrupts must be enabled before they
can be used. Refer to the device data sheet for NMI present on each the device.
A NMI will be executed regardless of the setting of the I-bit, and it will never change the I-bit. No
other interrupts can interrupt a NMI interrupt handler. If more than one NMI is requested at the
same time, priority is static according to interrupt vector address where lowest address has high-
est priority.

12.4.2 Interrupt Response Time

The interrupt response time for all the enabled interrupts is five CPU clock cycles minimum. Dur-
ing these five clock cycles the program counter is pushed on the stack. After five clock cycles,
the program vector for the interrupt is executed. The jump to the interrupt handler takes three
clock cycles.
If an interrupt occurs during execution of a multi-cycle instruction, this instruction is completed
before the interrupt is served. If an interrupt occurs when the device is in sleep mode, the inter-


rupt execution response time is increased by five clock cycles. In addition the response time is
increased by the start-up time from the selected sleep mode.
A return from an interrupt handling routine takes five clock cycles. During these five clock cycles,
the program counter is popped from the stack and the stack pointer is incremented.

12.5 Interrupt level

The interrupt level is independently selected for each interrupt source. For any interrupt request,
the PMIC also receives the interrupt level for the interrupt. The interrupt levels and their corre-
sponding bit values for the interrupt level configuration of all interrupts is shown in Table 12-1.

Table 12-1. Interrupt level

Interrupt level
configuration Group Configuration Description
00 OFF Interrupt disabled.
01 LO Low level interrupt
10 MED Medium level interrupt
11 HI High level interrupt

The interrupt level of an interrupt request is compared against the current level and status of the
interrupt controller. An interrupt request on higher level will interrupt any ongoing interrupt han-
dler from a lower level interrupt. When returning from the higher level interrupt handler, the
execution of the lower level interrupt handler will continue.

12.6 Interrupt priority

Within each interrupt level, all interrupts have a priority. When several interrupt requests are
pending, the order of which interrupts are acknowledged is decided both by the level and the pri-
ority of the interrupt request. Interrupts can be organized in a static or dynamic (round-robin)
priority scheme. High and Medium level interrupts and the NMI will always have static priority.
For Low level interrupts, static or dynamic priority scheduling can be selected.

12.6.1 Static priority

Interrupt vectors (IVEC) are located at fixed addresses. For static priority, the interrupt vector
address decides the priority within one interrupt level where the lowest interrupt vector address
has the highest priority. Refer to the device data sheet for interrupt vector table with the base
address for all modules and peripherals with interrupt. Refer to the interrupt vector summary of
each module and peripheral in this manual for a list of interrupts and their corresponding offset
address within the different modules and peripherals.


Figure 12-1. Static priority.

Lowes t Addres s IVEC 0 Highes t Priority


IVEC x+1


Highes t Addres s IVEC N Lowes t Priority

12.6.2 Round-robin scheduling

To avoid the possible starvation problem for low level interrupts with static priority, the PMIC
gives the possibility for round-robin scheduling for low level interrupts. When round-robin sched-
uling is enabled, the interrupt vector address for the last acknowledged low level interrupt will
have the lowest priority next time one or more interrupts from the low level is requested.

Figure 12-2. Round-robin scheduling.

IV EC x las t ack now le dge d IV EC x+1 las t ack now le dge d

inte rrupt inte rrupt


: :
: :
: :

IV EC x Low est Priority IV EC x

IV EC x+1 Highest Priority IV EC x+1 Low est Priority
IV EC x+2 Highest Priority



12.7 Moving Interrupts Between Application and Boot Section

The interrupt vectors can be moved from the default location in the Application Section in Flash
to the start of the Boot Section.

12.8 Register Description

12.8.1 STATUS - PMIC Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - NMIEX: Non-Maskable Interrupt Executing

This flag is set if a Non-Maskable Interrupt is executing. The flag will be cleared when returning
(RETI) from the interrupt handler.

• Bit 6:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - HILVLEX: High Level Interrupt Executing

This flag is set if a high level interrupt is executing or the interrupt handler has been interrupted
by an NMI. The flag will be cleared when returning (RETI) from the interrupt handler.

• Bit 1 - MEDLVLEX: Medium Level Interrupt Executing

This flag is set if a medium level interrupt is executing or the interrupt handler has been inter-
rupted by an interrupt from higher level or an NMI. The flag will be cleared when returning (RETI)
from the interrupt handler.

• Bit 0 - LOLVLEX: Low Level Interrupt Executing

This flag is set if a low level interrupt is executing or the interrupt handler has been interrupted by
an interrupt from higher level or an NMI. The flag will be cleared when returning (RETI) from the
interrupt handler.

12.8.2 INTPRI - PMIC Priority Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 INTPRI[7:0] INTPRI

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - INTPRI: Interrupt Priority

When round-robin scheduling is enabled, this register stores the interrupt vector of the last
acknowledged low-level interrupt. The stored interrupt vector will have the lowest priority next
time one or more low-level interrupts are pending. The register is accessible from software to


change the priority queue. This register is not reinitialized to its initial value if round-robing
scheduling is disabled, so if default static priority is needed the register must be written to zero.

12.8.3 CTRL - PMIC Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - RREN: Round-robin Scheduling Enable

When the RREN bit is set the round-robin scheduling scheme is enabled for low level interrupts.
When this bit is cleared, the priority is static according to interrupt vector address where the low-
est address has the highest priority.

• Bit 6 - IVSEL: Interrupt Vector Select

When the IVSEL bit is cleared (zero), the interrupt vectors are placed at the start of the Applica-
tion section in flash. When this bit is set (one), the interrupt vectors are moved to the beginning
of the Boot section of the Flash. Refer to the device data sheet for the absolute address.
This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism, refer to Section 3.12
”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12 for details.

• Bit 5:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - HILVLEN: High Level Interrupt Enable

When this bit is set all high level interrupts are enabled. If this bit is cleared, high level interrupt
requests will be ignored.

• Bit 1 - MEDLVLEN: Medium Level Interrupt Enable

When this bit is set all medium level interrupts are enabled. If this bit is cleared, medium level
interrupt requests will be ignored.

• Bit 0 - LOLVLEN: Low Level Interrupt Enable

When this bit is set all low level interrupts are enabled. If this bit is cleared, low level interrupt
requests will be ignored.

12.9 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 INTPRI INTPRI[7:0] 127


13. I/O Ports

13.1 Features
• Selectable input and output configuration for each pin individually
• Flexible pin configuration through dedicated Pin Configuration Register
• Synchronous and/or asynchronous input sensing with port interrupts and events
• Asynchronous wake-up signalling
• Highly configurable output driver and pull settings:
– Totem-pole
– Pull-up/-down
– Wired-AND
– Wired-OR
– Bus keeper
– Inverted I/O
• Slew rate control
• Flexible pin masking
• Configuration of multiple pins in a single operation
• Read-Modify-Write (RMW) support
• Toggle/clear/set registers for OUT and DIR registers
• Clock output on port pin
• Event Channel 0 output on port pin 7
• Mapping of port registers (virtual ports) into bit accessible I/O memory space

13.2 Overview
XMEGA has flexible General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Ports. A port consists of up to 8 pins ranging
from pin 0 to 7, where each pin can be configured as input or output with highly configurable
driver and pull settings. The ports also implement several functions including interrupts, synchro-
nous/asynchronous input sensing and asynchronous wake-up signalling.
All functions are individual per pin, but several pins may be configured in a single operation. All
ports have true Read-Modify-Write (RMW) functionality when used as general purpose I/O ports.
The direction of one port pin can be changed without unintentionally changing the direction of
any other pin. The same applies when changing drive value when configured as output, or
enabling/disabling of pull-up or pull-down resistors when configured as input.
Figure 13-1 on page 130 shows the I/O pin functionality, and the registers that is available for
controlling a pin.


Figure 13-1. General I/O pin functionality.

Pull Enable

Pull Keep

Pull Direction



Input Disable

Wired AND/OR
Slew Rate Limit

Inverted I/O







Digital Input Pin

Analog Input/Output

13.3 Using the I/O Pin

Use of an I/O pin is controlled from the user software. Each port has one Data Direction (DIR),
Data Output Value (OUT) that is used for port pin control. The Data Input Value (IN) register is
used for reading the port pins. In addition each pin has a Pin Configuration (PINnCTRL) register
for additional pin configuration.
Direction of the pin is decided by the DIRn bit in the DIR register. If DIRn is written to one, pin n
is configured as an output pin. If DIRn is written to zero, pin n is configured as an input pin.
When direction is set as output, the OUTn bit in OUT is used to set the value of the pin. If OUTn
is written to one, pin n is driven high. If OUTn is written to zero, pin n is driven low.
The IN register is used for reading the pin value. The pin value can always be read regardless of
the pin being configured as input or output, except if digital input is disabled.
I/O pins are tri-stated when reset condition becomes active, even if no clocks are running.


13.4 I/O Pin Configuration

The Pin n Configuration (PINnCTRL) register is used for additional I/O pin configuration. A pin
can be set in a totem-pole, wired-AND, or wired-OR configuration. It is also possible to enable
inverted input and output for the pin.
For totem-pole output there are four possible pull configurations: Totem-pole (Push-pull), Pull-
down, Pull-up and Bus-keeper. The bus-keeper is active in both directions. This is to avoid oscil-
lation when disabling the output. The totem-pole configurations with pull-up and pull-down only
have active resistors when the pin is set as input. This feature eliminates unnecessary power
consumption. For wired-AND and wired-OR configuration, the optional pull-up and pull-down
resistors are active in both input and output direction.
Since pull configuration is configured through the pin configuration register, all intermediate port
states during switching of pin direction and pin values are avoided.
The I/O pin configurations are summarized with simplified schematics from Figure 13-2 on page
131 to Figure 13-7 on page 133.

13.4.1 Totem-pole
When configured for Totem-pole (push-pull), the pin is driven low or high according to the corre-
sponding bit setting in OUT. In this configuration there is no current limitation for sink or source
other than what the pin is capable of. If the pin is configured for input, the pin will float if no exter-
nal pull is connected.

Figure 13-2. I/O pin configuration - Totem-pole (push-pull)



INn Totem-pole with Pull-down

In this mode, the configuration is as for Totem-pole, expect the pin is configured with internal
pull-down when set as input.

Figure 13-3. I/O pin configuration - Totem-pole with pull-down (on input)




XMEGA A Totem-pole with Pull-up

In this mode, the configuration is as for Totem-pole, expect the pin is configured with internal
pull-up when set as input.

Figure 13-4. I/O pin configuration - Totem-pole with pull-up (on input).




13.4.2 Bus-keeper
When the pin is configured for bus-keeper, it provides a weak bus-keeper that will keep the pin
at its logic level when the pin is no longer driven to any logic state. If last level on the pin/bus was
1, the bus-keeper will use the internal pull resistor to keep the bus high. If last logic level on the
pin/bus was 0, the bus-keeper will use the internal pull resistor to keep the bus high.
The bus-keeper’s week output produces the same logical level as the last output level. It acts as
a pull-up if the last level was '1', and pull-down if the last level was '0'.

Figure 13-5. I/O pin configuration - Totem-pole with bus-keeper




13.4.3 Wired-OR
With Wired-OR configuration, the pin will be driven high when the corresponding bit in OUT is
written to one. When OUT is set to zero, the pin is released allowing the pin to be pulled low with
the internal or an external pull-resistor. If internal pull-down is used, this is also active if the pin is
set as input.


Figure 13-6. Output configuration - Wired-OR with optional pull-down.




13.4.4 Wired-AND
With Wired-AND configuration, the pin will be driven low when the corresponding bit in OUT is
written to zero. When OUT is set to one, the pin is released allowing the pin to be pulled low with
the internal or an external pull-resistor. If internal pull-up is used, this is also active if the pin is
set as input.

Figure 13-7. Output configuration - Wired-AND with optional pull-up.




13.5 Reading the Pin value

Independent of the pin data direction, the pin value can be read from the IN register as shown in
Figure 13-1 on page 130. If the digital input is disabled, the pin value cannot be read. The IN
register bit and the preceding flip-flop constitute a synchronizer. The synchronizer is needed to
avoid metastability if the physical pin changes value near the edge of the internal clock. The
Synchronizer introduces a delay on the internal signal line. Figure 13-8 on page 134 shows a
timing diagram of the synchronization when reading an externally applied pin value. The maxi-
mum and minimum propagation delays are denoted tpd,max and tpd,min respectively.


Figure 13-8. Synchronization when reading an externally applied pin value.


INSTRUCTIONS xxx xxx lds r17, PORTx+IN



r17 0x00 0xFF

tpd, max

tpd, min

13.6 Input Sense Configuration

Input sensing is used to detect an edge or level on the I/O pin input. The different sense configu-
rations that are available for each pin are detection of rising edge, falling edge or both edges, or
detection of low level. High level can be detected by using inverted input. Input sensing can be
used to trigger interrupt requests (IREQ) or s when there is a change on the pin.
The I/O pins support synchronous and asynchronous input sensing. Synchronous sensing
requires presence of the peripheral clock, while asynchronous sensing does not require any

Figure 13-9. Input sensing.

Asynchronous sensing


Synchronous sensing

Pn Synchronizer


13.7 Port Interrupt

Each port has two interrupt vectors, and it is configurable which pins on the port that can be
used to trigger each interrupt request. Port interrupts must be enabled before they can be used.
Which sense configurations that can be used to generate interrupts is dependent on whether
synchronous or asynchronous input sensing is used.
For synchronous sensing, all sense configurations can be used to generate interrupts. For edge
detection, the changed pin value must be sampled once by the peripheral clock for an interrupt
request to be generated.
For asynchronous sensing, only port pin 2 on each port has full asynchronous sense support.
This means that for edge detection, pin 2 will detect and latch any edge and it will always trigger
an interrupt request. The other port pins have limited asynchronous sense support. This means
that for edge detection the changed value must be held until the device wakes up and a clock is
present. If the pin value returns to its initial value before the end of the device start-up time, the
device will still wake up, but no interrupt request will be generated.
A low level can always be detected by all pins, regardless of a peripheral clock being present or
not. If a pin is configured for low level sensing, the interrupt will trigger as long as the pin is held
low. In active mode the low level must be kept until the completion of the currently executing
instructions for an interrupt to be generated. In all sleep modes the low level must be kept until
the end of the device start-up time for an interrupt to be generated. If the low level disappears
before the end of the start-up time, the device will still wake up, but no interrupt will be
Table 13-1, Table 13-2, and Table 13-3 on page 136 summarizes when interrupts can be trig-
gered for the various input sense configurations.

Table 13-1. Synchronous sense support

Sense settings Supported Interrupt description
Rising edge Yes Always Triggered
Falling edge Yes Always Triggered
Both edges Yes Always Triggered
Low level Yes Pin-level must be kept unchanged.

Table 13-2. Full asynchronous sense support

Sense settings Supported Interrupt description
Rising edge Yes Always Triggered
Falling edge Yes Always Triggered
Both edges Yes Always Triggered
Low level Yes Pin-level must be kept unchanged.


Table 13-3. Limited asynchronous sense support

Sense settings Supported Interrupt description
Rising edge No -
Falling edge No -
Both edges Yes Pin value must be kept unchanged.
Low level Yes Pin-level must be kept unchanged.

13.8 Port Event

Port pins can generate an event when there is a change on the pin. The sense configurations
decide when each pin will generate events. Event generation requires the presence of a periph-
eral clock, hence asynchronous event generation is not possible. For edge sensing, the
changed pin value must be sampled once by the peripheral clock for an event to be generated.
A level sensing, a low level pin value will not generate events, and a high pin value will continu-
ously generate events. For events to be generated on low level, the pin configuration mst be set
to inverted I/O.

13.9 Alternate Port Functions

Most port pins have alternate pin functions in addition to being a general purpose I/O pin. When
an alternate function is enabled this might override the normal port pin function or pin value. This
happens when other peripherals that require pins are enabled or configured to use pins. If, and
how a peripheral will override and use pins is described in section for that peripheral.
The port override signals and related logic (grey) is shown in Figure 13-10 on page 137. These
signals are not accessible from software, but are internal signals between the overriding periph-
eral and the port pin.


Figure 13-10. Port override signals and related logic

Pull Enable

Pull Keep

Pull Direction



Digital Input Disable (DID)


DID Override Value

DID Override Enable

Wired AND/OR
Slew Rate Limit

Inverted I/O



OUT Override Value

OUT Override Enable



DIR Override Value

DIR Override Enable




Digital Input Pin

Analog Input/Output

13.10 Slew-rate Control

Slew-rate control can be enabled for all I/O pins individually. Enabling the slew rate limiter will
typically increase the rise/fall time by 50-150% depending on voltage, temperature and load. For
information about the characteristics of the slew-rate limiter, please refer to the device data

13.11 Clock and Event Output

It is possible to output both the Peripheral Clock and the signaling event from Event Channel 0
to pin. Output port pin is selected from software. If an event occur on Event Channel 0, this will


be visible on the port pin as long as the event last. Normally this is one peripheral clock cycle

13.12 Multi-configuration
MPCMASK can be used to set a bit mask for the pin configuration registers. When setting bit n in
MPCMASK, PINnCTRL is added to the pin configuration mask. During the next write to any of
the port's pin configuration registers, the same value will be written to all the port's pin configura-
tion registers set by the mask. The MPCMASK register is cleared automatically after the write
operation to the pin configuration registers is finished.

13.13 Virtual Port Registers

Virtual port registers allow for port registers in the extended I/O memory space to be mapped vir-
tually in the I/O memory space. When mapping a port, writing to the virtual port register will be
the same as writing to the real port register. This enables use of I/O memory specific instructions
for bit-manipulation, and the I/O memory specific instructions IN and OUT on port register that
normally resides in the extended I/O memory space. There are four virtual ports, so up to four
ports can be mapped virtually at the same time. The mapped registers are IN, OUT, DIR and

13.14 Register Description – Ports

13.14.1 DIR - Data Direction Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 DIR[7:0] DIR

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DIR[7:0]: Data Direction

This register sets the data direction for the individual pins in the port. If DIRn is written to one, pin
n is configured as an output pin. If DIRn is written to zero, pin n is configured as an input pin.

13.14.2 DIRSET - Data Direction Set Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 DIRSET[7:0] DIRSET

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DIRSET[7:0]: Port Data Direction Set

This register can be used instead of a Read-Modify-Write to set individual pins as output. Writing
a one to a bit will set the corresponding bit in the DIR register. Reading this register will return
the value of the DIR register.


13.14.3 DIRCLR - Data Direction Clear Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 DIRCLR[7:0] DIRCLR

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DIRCLR[7:0]: Port Data Direction Clear

This register can be used instead of a Read-Modify-Write to set individual pins as input. Writing
a one to a bit will clear the corresponding bit in the DIR register. Reading this register will return
the value of the DIR register.

13.14.4 DIRTGL - Data Direction Toggle Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 DIRTGL[7:0] DIRTGL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DIRTGL[7:0]: Port Data Direction Toggle

This register can be used instead of a Read-Modify-Write to toggle the direction on individual
pins. Writing a one to a bit will toggle the corresponding bit in the DIR register. Reading this reg-
ister will return the value of the DIR register.

13.14.5 OUT - Data Output Value

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 OUT[7:0] OUT

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - OUT[7:0]: Port Data Output value

This register sets the data output value for the individual pins in the port. If OUTn is written to
one, pin n is driven high. If OUTn is written to zero, pin n is driven low. For this setting to have
any effect the pin direction must be set as output.

13.14.6 OUTSET - Data Output Value Set Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 OUTSET[7:0] OUTSET

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:0 - OUTSET[7:0]: Data Output Value Set

This register can be used instead of a Read-Modify-Write to set the output value on individual
pins to one. Writing a one to a bit will set the corresponding bit in the OUT register. Reading this
register will return the value in the OUT register.

13.14.7 OUTCLR - Data Output Value Clear Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 OUTCLR[7:0] OUTCLR

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - OUTCLR[7:0]: Data Output Value Clear

This register can be used instead of a Read-Modify-Write to set the output value on individual
pins to zero. Writing a one to a bit will clear the corresponding bit in the OUT register. Reading
this register will return the value in the OUT register.

13.14.8 OUTTGL - Data Output Value Toggle Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 OUTTGL[7:0] OUTTGL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - OUTTGL[7:0]: Port Data Output Value Toggle

This register can be used instead of a Read-Modify-Write to toggle the output value on individual
pins. Writing a one to a bit will toggle the corresponding bit in the OUT register. Reading this reg-
ister will return the value in the OUT register.

13.14.9 IN - Data Input Value Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 IN[7:0] IN

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - IN[7:0]: Data Input Value

This register shows the value present on the pins if the digital input driver is enabled. INn shows
the value of pin n on the port.


13.14.10 INTCTRL - Interrupt Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 - - - - INT1LVL[1:0] INT0LVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:2/1:0 - INTnLVL[1:0]: Interrupt n Level

These bits enable interrupt request for port interrupt n and select the interrupt level as described
in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123.

13.14.11 INT0MASK - Interrupt 0 Mask Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - INT0MSK[7:0]: Interrupt 0 Mask Register

These bits are used to mask which pins can be used as sources for port interrupt 0. If
INT0MASKn is written to one, pin n is used as source for port interrupt 0.The input sense config-
uration for each pin is decided by the PINnCTRL-registers.

13.14.12 INT1MASK - Interrupt 1 Mask Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - INT1MASK[7:0]: Interrupt 1 Mask Register

These bits are used to mask which pins can be used as sources for port interrupt 1. If
INT1MASKn is written to one, pin n is used as source for port interrupt 1.The input sense config-
uration for each pin is decided by the PINnCTRL-registers.


13.14.13 INTFLAGS - Interrupt Flag Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0C - - - - - - INT1IF INT0IF INTFLAGS

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1:0 - INTnIF: Interrupt n Flag

The INTnIF flag is set when a pin change according to the pin's input sense configuration
occurs, and the pin is set as source for port interrupt n. Writing a one to this flag's bit location will
clear the flag. For enabling and executing the interrupt refer to the interrupt level description.

13.14.14 PINnCTRL - Pin n Configuration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - SRLEN: Slew Rate Limit Enable

Setting this bit will enable slew-rate limiting on pin n.

• Bit 6 - INVEN: Inverted I/O Enable

Setting this bit will enable inverting output and input data on pin n.

• Bit 5:3 - OPC: Output and Pull Configuration

These bits set the Output/Pull configuration on pin n according to Table 13-4.

Table 13-4. Output/Pull Configuration

OPC[2:0] Group Configuration Output configuration Pull configuration
000 TOTEM Totempole (N/A)
001 BUSKEEPER Totempole Bus keeper
010 PULLDOWN Totempole Pull-down (on input)
011 PULLUP Totempole Pull-up (on input)
100 WIREDOR Wired OR (N/A)
101 WIREDAND Wired AND (N/A)
110 WIREDORPULL Wired OR Pull-down
111 WIREDANDPULL Wired AND Pull-up


• Bit 2:0 - ISC[2:0]: Input/Sense Configuration

These bits set the input and sense configuration on pin n according to Table 13-5. The sense
configuration decides how the pin can trigger port interrupts and events. When the input buffer is
not disabled, the schmitt triggered input is sampled (synchronized) and can be read in the IN

Table 13-5. Input/Sense Configuration

ISC[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 BOTHEDGES Sense both edges
001 RISING Sense rising edge
010 FALLING Sense falling edge
011 LEVEL Sense low level(1)
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 INTPUT_DISABLE Input buffer disabled(2)

Note: 1. A low pin value will not generate events, and a high pin value will continuously generate
2. Only Port A - F supports the input buffer disable option.

13.15 Register Description – Multiport Configuration

13.15.1 MPCMASK - Multi-pin Configuration Mask Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - MPCMASK[7:0]: Multi-pin Configuration Mask

The MPCMASK register enables several pins in a port to be configured at the same time. Writing
a one to bit n allows that pin to be part of the multi-pin configuration. When a pin configuration is
written to one of the PINnCTRL registers of the port, that value is written to all the PINnCTRL
registers of the pins matching the bit pattern in the MPCMASK register for that port. It is not nec-
essary to write to one of the registers that is set by the MPCMASK register. The MPCMASK
register is automatically cleared after any PINnCTRL registers is written.

13.15.2 VPCTRLA - Virtual Port-map Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 VP1MAP[3:0] VP0MAP[3:0] VPCTRLA

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:4 - VP1MAP: Virtual Port 1 Mapping

These bits decide which ports should be mapped to Virtual Port 1. The registers DIR, OUT, IN
and INTFLAGS will be mapped. Accessing the virtual port registers is equal to accessing the
actual port registers. See Table 13-6 for configuration.

• Bit 3:0 - VP0MAP: Virtual Port 0 Mapping

These bits decide which ports should be mapped to Virtual Port 0. The registers DIR, OUT, IN
and INTFLAGS will be mapped. Accessing the virtual port registers is equal to accessing the
actual port registers. See Table 13-6 for configuration.

13.15.3 VPCTRLB - Virtual Port-map Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 VP3MAP[3:0] VP2MAP[3:0] VPCTRLB

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - VP3MAP: Virtual Port 3 Mapping

These bits decide which ports should be mapped to Virtual Port 3. The registers DIR, OUT, IN
and INTFLAGS will be mapped. Accessing the virtual port registers is equal to accessing the
actual port registers. See Table 13-6 for configuration.

• Bit 3:0 - VP2MAP: Virtual Port 2 Mapping

These bits decide which ports should be mapped to Virtual Port 2. The registers DIR, OUT, IN
and INTFLAGS will be mapped. Accessing the virtual port registers is equal to accessing the
actual port registers. See Table 13-6 for configuration.

Table 13-6. Virtual Port mapping.

VPnMAP[3:0] Group Configuration Description
0000 PORTA PORTA mapped to virtual Port n
0001 PORTB PORTB mapped to virtual Port n
0010 PORTC PORTC mapped to virtual Port n
0011 PORTD PORTD mapped to virtual Port n
0100 PORTE PORTE mapped to virtual Port n
0101 PORTF PORTF mapped to virtual Port n
0110 PORTG PORTG mapped to virtual Port n
0111 PORTH PORTH mapped to virtual Port n
1000 PORTJ PORTJ mapped to virtual Port n
1001 PORTK PORTK mapped to virtual Port n
1010 PORTL PORTL mapped to virtual Port n
1011 PORTM PORTM mapped to virtual Port n
1100 PORTN PORTN mapped to virtual Port n


Table 13-6. Virtual Port mapping. (Continued)

VPnMAP[3:0] Group Configuration Description
1101 PORTP PORTP mapped to virtual Port n
1110 PORTQ PORTQ mapped to virtual Port n
1111 PORTR PORTR mapped to virtual Port n

13.15.4 CLKEVOUT - Clock and Event Out Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 - - EVOUT[1:0] - - CLKOUT[1:0] CLKEVOUT

Read/Write R R R/W R/W R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as one. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 5:4 - EVOUT[1:0] - Event Output Port

These bits decide which port the Event Channel 0 from the Event System should be output to.
Pin 7 on the selected port is always used, and the CLKOUT bits must be set different from
EVOUT. The pin must be configured as an output pin for the Signaling Event to be available on
the pin.
Table 13-7 on page 145 shows the possible configurations.
Table 13-7. Event Channel 0 output configurations
EVOUT[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 OFF Event out disabled
01 PC7 Event Channel 0 output on Port C pin 7
10 PD7 Event Channel 0 output on Port D pin 7
11 PE7 Event Channel 0 output on Port E pin 7

• Bits 3:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as one. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1:0 - CLKOUT[1:0] - Clock Output Port

These bits decide which port the Peripheral Clock should be output to. Pin 7 on the selected port
is always used. The Clock output setting, will override the Event output setting, thus if both are
enabled on the same port pin, the Peripheral Clock will be visible. The pin must be configured as
an output pin for the Clock to be available on the pin.
Table 13-8 on page 146 shows the possible configurations.


Table 13-8. Clock output configurations

CLKOUT[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 OFF Clock out disabled
01 PC7 Clock output on Port C pin 7
10 PD7 Clock output on Port D pin 7
11 PE7 Clock output on Port E pin 7

13.16 Register Description – Virtual Port

13.16.1 DIR - Data Direction

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 DIR[7:0] DIR

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DIR[7:0]: Data Direction Register

This register sets the data direction for the individual pins in the port mapped by "VPCTRLA -
Virtual Port-map Control Register A" or "VPCTRLB - Virtual Port-map Control Register B". When
a port is mapped as virtual, accessing this register is identical to accessing the actual DIR regis-
ter for the port.

13.16.2 OUT - Data Output Value

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 OUT[7:0] OUT

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - OUT[7:0]: Data Output value

This register sets the data output value for the individual pins in the port mapped by "VPCTRLA
- Virtual Port-map Control Register A" or "VPCTRLB - Virtual Port-map Control Register B".
When a port is mapped as virtual, accessing this register is identical to accessing the actual
OUT register for the port.

13.16.3 IN - Data Input Value

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 IN[7:0] IN

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:0 - IN[7:0]: Data Input Value

This register shows the value present on the pins if the digital input buffer is enabled. The config-
uration of "VPCTRLA - Virtual Port-map Control Register A" or "VPCTRLB - Virtual Port-map
Control Register B" decides the value in the register. When a port is mapped as virtual, access-
ing this register is identical to accessing the actual IN register for the port.

13.16.4 INTFLAGS - Interrupt Flag Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - - - INT1IF INT0IF INTFLAGS

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1:0 - INTnIF: Interrupt n Flag

The INTnIF flag is set when a pin change according to the pin's input sense configuration
occurs, and the pin is set as source for port interrupt n. Writing a one to this flag's bit location will
clear the flag. For enabling and executing the interrupt refer to the Interrupt Level description.
The configuration of "VPCTRLA - Virtual Port-map Control Register A" or "VPCTRLB - Virtual
Port-map Control Register B" decides which the flags mapped. When a port is mapped as vir-
tual, accessing this register is identical to accessing the actual INTFLAGS register for the port.


13.17 Register Summary – Ports

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 DIR DIR[7:0] 138
+0x01 DIRSET DIRSET[7:0] 138
+0x02 DIRCLR DIRCLR[7:0] 139
+0x03 DIRTGL DIRTGL[7:0] 139
+0x04 OUT OUT[7:0] 139
+0x05 OUTSET OUTSET[7:0] 139
+0x06 OUTCLR OUTCLR[7:0] 140
+0x07 OUTTGL OUTTGL[7:0] 140
+0x08 IN IN[7:0] 140
+0x09 INTCTRL - - - - INT1LVL[1:0] INT0LVL[1:0] 141
+0x0A INT0MASK INT0MSK[7:0] 141
+0x0B INT1MASK INT1MSK[7:0] 141
+0x0C INTFLAGS - - - - - - INT1IF INT0IF 142
+0x0D Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0E Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0F Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x10 PIN0CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x11 PIN1CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x12 PIN2CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x13 PIN3CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x14 PIN4CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x15 PIN5CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x16 PIN6CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x17 PIN7CTRL SRLEN INVEN OPC[2:0] ISC[2:0] 142
+0x18 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x19 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1A Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1B Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1C Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1D Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1E Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1F Reserved - - - - - - - -

13.18 Register Summary – Port Configuration

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 MPCMASK MPCMASK[7:0] 143
+0x01 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x02 VPCTRLA VP1MAP[3:0] VP0MAP[3:0] 143
+0x03 VPCTRLB VP3MAP[3:0] VP2MAP[3:0] 144
+0x04 CLKEVOUT EVOUT[1:0] CLKOUT[1:0] 145

13.19 Register Summary – Virtual Ports

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 DIR DIR[7:0] 146
+0x01 OUT OUT[7:0] 146
+0x02 IN IN[7:0] 146
+0x03 INTFLAGS - - - - - - INT1IF INT0IF 147

13.20 Interrupt vector Summary - Ports

Table 13-9. Ports Interrupt vectors and their word offset address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 INT0_vect Port Interrupt vector 0 offset
0x02 INT1_vect Port Interrupt vector 1 offset


14. TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter

14.1 Features
• 16-bit Timer/Counter
• Double Buffered Timer Period Setting
• Up to 4 Combined Compare or Capture (CC) Channels (A, B, C, and D)
• All Compare or Capture Channels are Double Buffered
• Waveform Generation:
– Single Slope Pulse Width Modulation
– Dual Slope Pulse Width Modulation
– Frequency Generation
• Input Capture:
– Input Capture with Noise Cancelling
– Frequency capture
– Pulse width capture
• 32-bit input capture Direction Control
• Timer Overflow and Timer Error Interrupts / Events
• One Compare Match or Capture Interrupt / Event per CC Channel
• Supports DMA Operation
• Hi-Res- Hi-Resolution Extension
– Increases PWM/FRQ Resolution by 2-bits (4x)
• AWeX - Advanced Waveform Extension
– 4 Dead-Time Insertion (DT) Units with separate high- and low-side settings
– Event controlled fault protection
– Single channel multiple output operation
– Pattern Generation

14.2 Overview
XMEGA has a set of high-end and very flexible 16-bit Timer/Counters (TC). Their basic capabili-
ties include accurate program execution timing, frequency and waveform generation, event
management, and time measurement of digital signals. The Hi-Resolution Extension (Hi-Res)
and Advanced Waveform Extension (AWeX) can be used together with a Timer/Counter to ease
implementation of more advanced and specialized frequency and waveform generation
A block diagram of the 16-bit Timer/Counter with extensions and closely related peripheral mod-
ules (in grey) is shown in Figure 14-1 on page 150.


Figure 14-1. 16-bit Timer/Counter and Closely Related Peripheral

Base Counter Prescaler clkPER
Timer Period
Control Logic
Counter Event

Compare/Capture Channel D
Compare/Capture Channel C
Compare/Capture Channel B

Compare/Capture Channel A DTI
Dead-Time Fault
Control Insertion Protection

The Timer/Counter consists of a Base Counter and a set of Compare or Capture (CC) channels.
The Base Counter can be used to count clock cycles or events. It has direction control and
period setting that can be used for timing. The CC channels can be used together with the Base
Counter to do compare match control, waveform generation (FRQ or PWM) or various input cap-
ture operations.
Compare and capture cannot be done at the same time, i.e. a single Timer/Counter cannot
simultaneously perform both waveform generation and capture operation. When used for com-
pare operations, the CC channels is referred to as compare channels. When used for capture
operations, the CC channels are referred to as capture channels.
The Timer/Counter comes in two versions: Timer/Counter 0 that has four CC channels, and
Timer/Counter 1 that has two CC channels. Hence, all registers and register bits that are related
to CC channel 3 and CC channel 4 will only exist in Timer/Counter 0.
All Timer/Counter units are connected to the common peripheral clock prescaler, the Event Sys-
tem, and their corresponding general purpose I/O port.
Some of the Timer/Counters will have Extensions. The function of the Timer/Counter Extensions
can only be performed by these Timers. The Advanced Waveform Extension (AWeX) can be
used for Dead Time Insertion, Pattern Generation and Fault Protection. The AWeX Extension is
only available for Timer/Counter 0.
Waveform outputs from a Timer/Counter can optionally be passed through to a Hi-Resolution
(Hi-Res) Extension before forwarded to the port. This extension, running at up to four times the
Peripheral Clock frequency, to enhance the resolution by four times. All Timer/Counters will
have the Hi-Res Extention.


14.2.1 Definitions
The following definitions are used extensively throughout the Timer/Counter documentation:

Table 14-1. Timer/Counter definitions

Name Description
BOTTOM The Counter reaches the BOTTOM when it becomes zero.
MAX The Counter reaches MAXimum when it becomes all ones.
The Counter reaches the TOP when it becomes equal to the highest value in the
TOP count sequence. The TOP value can be equal to the period (PER) or the Compare
Channel A (CCA) register setting. This is selected by the Waveform Generator Mode.
The Timer/Counter signalizes an update when it reaches BOTTOM or TOP
dependent of the Waveform Generator Mode.

In general the term Timer is used when the Timer/Counter clock control is handled by an internal
source and the term Counter is used if the clock is given externally (from an event).

14.3 Block Diagram

Figure 14-2 on page 152 shows a detailed block diagram of the Timer/Counter without the


Figure 14-2. Timer/Counter Block Diagram

Base Counter

Clock Select
PER Event Select

(INT/DMA Req.)
CNT Control Logic
(INT Req.)
I/O Data Bus (16-bit)




(x = {A,B,C,D})

V CCxBUF Control Logic

OCx Out

"match" CCxIF


I/O Data Bus (8-bit)

The Counter Register (CNT), the Period Registers w/buffer (PER and PERBUF), and the com-
pare and Capture registers w/buffers (CCx and CCxBUF) are 16-bit registers.
During normal operation the counter value is continuously compared to zero and the period
(PER) value to determine whether the counter has reached TOP or BOTTOM.
The counter value is also compared to the CCx registers. These comparators can be used to
generate interrupt requests or request DMA transactions. They also generate events for the
Event System. The waveform generator modes use the comparators to set the waveform period
or pulse width.
A prescaled peripheral clock and events from the Event System can be used for controlling the
counter. The Event System is also used as source to the input capture. Combined with the
Quadrature Decoding functionality in the Event System QDEC, the Timer/Counter can be used
for high speed Quadrature Decoding.


14.4 Clock and Event Sources

The Timer/Counter can be clocked from the Peripheral Clock (clkPER) and from the Event Sys-
tem, and Figure 14-3 shows the clock and event selection logic.

Figure 14-3. Clock and Event Selection

Common clkPER /
clkPER Event System events
Prescaler 2{0,...,15}
clk /
{1,2,4,8,64,256,1024} event channels

Control Logic


EVACT (Encoding)

The Peripheral Clock is fed into the Common Prescaler (common for all Timer/Counters in a
device). A selection of the prescaler outputs is directly available for the Timer/Counter. In addi-
tion the whole range from 1 to 215 times prescaling is available through the Event System.
Each Timer/Counter has separate clock selection (CLKSEL), to select one of the prescaler out-
puts directly or an event channel as the Counter (CNT) input. This is referred to as Normal
Operation for the Counter, for details refer to ”Normal Operation” on page 155. By using the
Event System, any event source such as an external clock signal on any I/O pin can be used as
clock input.
In addition the Timer/Counter can be controlled via the Event System. The Event Selection
(EVSEL) and Event Action (EVACT) settings can be used to trigger an event action from one or
more events. This is referred to as Event Action Controlled Operation for the Counter, for details
refer to ”Event Action Controlled Operation” on page 155. When Event Action Controlled Opera-
tion is used, the clock selection must be set to us an event channel as the Counter input.
By default no clock input is selected and the Timer/Counter is not running (OFF state).

14.5 Double Buffering

The Period Register and the CC registers are all double buffered. Each buffer registers have an
associated Buffer Valid (BV) flag, which indicate that the buffer contains a valid, i.e. a new value
that is to be copied into the belonging period or compare register. For the Period register and for
the CC channels when used for compare operation, the Buffer Valid flag is set when data is writ-
ten to the buffer register and cleared on UPDATE condition. This is shown for a compare
register in Figure 14-4 on page 154.


Figure 14-4. Period and Compare Double Buffering

"write enable"

I/O Bus (16-bit)





When the CC channels is used for capture operation a similar Double buffering mechanism is
used, but the Buffer Valid flag is set on the capture event as shown in Figure 14-5. For capture
the buffer and the corresponding CCx register acts like a FIFO. When the CC register is empty
or read, any contents in the buffer is passed to the CC register. The Buffer valid flag is passed to
the CCx Interrupt Flag (IF) which is them set and the optional interrupt is generated.

Figure 14-5. Capture Double Buffering

"capture" CNT

I/O Bus (16-bit)




Both the CCx and CCxBUF registers are available in the I/O register address map. This allows
initialization and bypassing of the buffer register, and the double buffering feature.

14.6 Counter Operation

Dependent of the mode of operation, the Counter is cleared, reloaded, incremented, or decre-
mented at each Timer/Counter clock input.


14.6.1 Normal Operation

In Normal Operation the Counter will count in the direction set by the Direction (DIR) bit for each
clock until it reaches TOP or BOTTOM. When TOP is reached when up-counting, the counter
will be set to zero when the next clock is given. When down-counting the Counter is reloaded
with Period Register value when BOTTOM is reached.

Figure 14-6. Normal Mode of Operation

CNT written






As shown in Figure 14-6 changing the counter value while the counter is running is possible. The
write access has higher priority than count, clear, or reload and will be immediate. The direction
of the Counter can also be changed during normal operation.
Normal operation must be used when using the counter as timer base for the capture channels.

14.6.2 Event Action Controlled Operation

The Event Selection and Event Action settings can be used to control the Counter from the
Event System. For the Counter the event actions can be selected to:
• Event system controlled Up/Down counting.
• Event system controlled Quadrature Decode counting.

14.6.3 32-bit Operation

Two Timer/Counters can be used together to enable 32-bit counter operation. By using two
Timer/Counters the overflow event from one Timer/Counter (least significant timer) can be
routed via the Event System and used as clock input for another Timer/Counter (most significant

14.6.4 Changing the Period

The Counter period is changed by writing a new TOP value to the Period Register. If double
buffering is not used, any period update is immediate as shown in Figure 14-7 on page 156.


Figure 14-7. Changing The Period without Buffering

Counter Wraparound





New TOP written to New TOP written to

PER that is higher PER that is lower
than current CNT than current CNT

When double buffering is used, the buffer can be written at any time, but the Period Register is
always updated on the “update” condition as shown in Figure 14-8. This prevents wraparound
and generation of odd waveforms.

Figure 14-8. Changing Period using Buffering





New Period written to New Period written to

New PER is updated
PERBUF that is higher PERBUF that is lower
with PERBUF value.
than current CNT than current CNT

14.7 Capture Channel

The CC channels can be used as capture channel to capture external events and give them a
time-stamp indicating time of occurrence. To use capture the Counter must be set in normal
Events are used to trigger the capture, i.e any events from the Event System including pin
change from any pin can trigger a capture operation. The Event Source Select setting, selects
the event channel that will trigger CC channel A, and the following event channels will then trig-
ger events on the following CC channels if configured. For instance setting the Event Source
Select to event channel 2 will result in CC channel A being connected to Event Channel 2, CC
channel B to event channel 3 and so on.


Event Source Selection for capture operation

Event System
CCA capture
CH0MUX Event channel 0
CH1MUX Event channel 1 CCB capture

CCC capture
CH7MUX Event channel 7
CCD capture

Event Source Selection

The Event Action setting in the Timer/Counter will determine the type of capture that is done.
The CC channel to use must be enabled individually before capture can be done. When the cap-
ture condition occur, the Timer/Counter will time-stamp the event by copying the current value in
the Count register into the enabled CC channel register.
When an I/O pin is used as event source for the Capture, the pin must be configured for edge
sensing. For details on sense configuration on I/O pins, refer to ”Input Sense Configuration” on
page 134. If the Period register value is set lower than 0x8000, the polarity of the I/O pin edge
will be stored in the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the Capture register after a Capture. If the
MSB of the Capture register is zero, a falling edge generated the Capture. If the MSB is one, a
rising edge generated the Capture.
Three different types of capture are available.

14.7.1 Input Capture

Selecting the input capture event action, makes the enabled capture channel perform an input
capture on any event. The interrupt flags will be set and indicate that there is a valid capture
result in the corresponding CC register. Equally the buffer valid flags indicates valid data in the
buffer registers. Refer to ”Double Buffering” on page 153 for more details on capture double
The counter will continuously count for BOTTOM to TOP, then restart on BOTTOM as shown in
Figure 14-9. The figure also shows four capture events for one capture channel.

Figure 14-9. Input capture timing





Capture 0 Capture 1 Capture 2 Capture 3


14.7.2 Frequency Capture

Selecting the frequency capture event action, makes the enabled capture channel perform an
input capture and restart on positive edge events. This enables Timer/Counter to use capture to
measure the period or frequency of a signal directly. The capture result will be the time, T, from
the previous Timer/Counter restart and until the event occurred. This can be used to calculate
the frequency, f, of the signal:
f = 1

Figure 14-10 on page 158 shows an example where the Period is measured twice for an exter-
nal signal.

Figure 14-10. Frequency capture of an external signal

Period (T)

external signal






Since all capture channels uses the same Counter (CNT), only one capture channels must be
enabled at a time. If two capture channels are used with different source, the Counter will be
restarted on positive edge events from both input sources, and the result from the input capture
will have no meaning.

14.7.3 Pulse-width Capture

Selecting the pulse-width measure event action makes the enabled compare channel perform
the input capture action on falling edge events and the restart action on rising edge events. The
counter will then start at zero at every start of a pulse and the input capture will be performed at
the end of the pulse. The event source must be an I/O pin and the sense configuration for the pin
must be set up to generate an event on both edges. Figure 14-11 on page 159 shows and exam-
ple where the pulse width is measured twice for an external signal.


Figure 14-11. Pulse-width capture of external signal.

Pulsewitdh (tp)

external signal






14.7.4 32-bit Input Capture

Two Timer/Counters can be used together to enable true 32-bit Input Capture. In a typical 32-bit
Input Capture setup the overflow event of the least significant timer is connected via the Event
System and used as clock input for the most significant timer.
Since all events are pipelined, the most significant timer will be updated one peripheral clock
period after an overflow occurs for the least significant timer. To compensate for this delay the
capture event for the most significant timer must be equally delayed by setting the Event Delay
bit for this timer.

14.7.5 Capture Overflow

The Timer/Counter can detect buffer overflow on any of the Input Capture Channels. In the case
where both the Buffer Valid flag and Capture Interrupt Flag are set, and a new capture event is
detected there is nowhere to store the new time-stamp. If a buffer overflow is detected the new
value is rejected, the Error Interrupt Flag is set and the optional interrupt is generated.

14.8 Compare Channel

Each compare channel continuously compares the counter value (CNT) with the CCx register. If
CNT equals CCx the comparator signals a match. The match will set the CC channel's interrupt
flag at the next timer clock cycle, and the event and optional interrupt is generated.
The compare buffer register provides double buffer capability equivalent to the period buffer.
The double buffering synchronizes the update of the CCx register with the buffer value to either
the TOP or BOTTOM of the counting sequence according to the UPDATE condition signal from
the Timer/Counter control logic. The synchronization prevents the occurrence of odd-length,
non-symmetrical PWM/FRQ pulses, thereby making the output glitch-free.


14.8.1 Waveform Generation

The compare channels can be used for waveform generation on the corresponding port pins. To
make the waveform visible on the connected port pin, the following requirements must be
1. A waveform generation mode must be selected.
2. Event actions must be disabled.
3. The CC channels to be used must be enabled. This will override the corresponding port
pin output register.
4. The direction for the associated port pin must be set to output.
Inverted waveform output can be achieved by setting the invert output bit for the port pin.

14.8.2 Frequency (FRQ) Waveform Generation

For frequency generation the period time (T) is controlled by the CCA register instead of PER,
which in this case is not in use. The Waveform Generation (WG) output is toggled on each com-
pare match between the CNT and CCA registers as shown in Figure 14-12 on page 160.

Figure 14-12. Frequency Waveform Generation

Period (T) Direction Change CNT written





WG Output

The waveform generated will have a maximum frequency of half of the Peripheral clock fre-
quency (f PER ) when CCA is set to zero (0x0000). This also applies when using the Hi-Res
Extension since this only increase the resolution and not the frequency. The waveform fre-
quency (fFRQ)is defined by the following equation:

f FRQ = -------------------------------
2N ( CCA+1 )

where N represents the prescaler divider used (1, 2, 4, 8, 64, 256, 1024, or event channel n).

14.8.3 Single Slope PWM Generation

For single slope PWM generation, the Period (T) is controlled by the PER, while CCx registers
control the duty cycle of the WG output. Figure 14-13 shows how the counter counts from BOT-
TOM to TOP then restarts from BOTTOM. The waveform generator (WG) output is set on the
compare match between the CNT and CCx registers, and cleared at TOP.


Figure 14-13. Single slope Pulse Width Modulation

Period (T) CCx=BOT CCx=TOP



WG Output

The PER register defines the PWM resolution. The minimum resolution is 2-bit (PER=0x0003),
and maximum resolution is 16-bit (PER=MAX).
The following equation can be used for calculate the exact resolution for single-slope PWM

( PER + 1 )-
R PWM_SS = log
log ( 2 )

The single slow PWM frequency (fPWM_SS) depends on the period setting (PER) and the Periph-
eral clock frequency (fPER), and can be calculated by the following equation:

f PWM_SS = ------------------------------
N ( PER + 1 )

where N represents the prescaler divider used (1, 2, 4, 8, 64, 256, 1024, or event channel n).

14.8.4 Dual Slope PWM

For dual slope PWM generation, the Period (T) is controlled by the PER, while CCx registers
control the duty cycle of the WG output. Figure 14-14 shows how for dual slope PWM the Coun-
ter counts repeatedly from BOTTOM to TOP, and then from TOP to BOTTOM. The waveform
generator output is set on BOTTOM, cleared on compare match when upcounting and set on
compare match when down counting.


Figure 14-14. Dual-slope Pulse Width Modulation

Period (T) CCx=BOT CCx=TOP




WG Output

Using dual-slope PWM result in a lower maximum operation frequency compared to the single-
slope PWM operation.
The period register (PER) defines the PWM resolution. The minimum resolution is 2-bit
(PER=0x0003), and maximum resolution is 16-bit (PER=MAX).
The following equation can be used for calculate the exact resolution for dual-slope PWM

( PER + 1 )-
R PWM_DS = log
log ( 2 )

The PWM frequency depends on the period setting (PER) and the Peripheral Clock frequency
(fPER), and can be calculated by the following equation:

f PWM_DS = -------------------

N represents the prescaler divider used (1, 2, 4, 8, 64, 256, 1024, or event channel n).

14.8.5 Port override for Waveform Generation

To make the waveform generation available on the port pins the corresponding port pin direction
must be set as output. The Timer/Counter will override the port pin values when the CC channel
is enabled (CCENx) and a waveform generation mode is selected.
Figure 14-15 on page 163 shows the port override for Timer/Counter 0 and 1. For Timer/Counter
1, CC channel A to D will override port pin 0 to 3 output value (OUTxn) on the corresponding
port pin (Pxn). For Timer/Counter 1, CC channel A and B will override port pin 4 and 5. Enabling
inverted I/O on the port pin (INVENxn) inverts the corresponding WG output.


Figure 14-15. Port override for Timer/Counter 0 and 1







14.9 Interrupts and events

The T/C can generate both interrupts and events. The Counter can generate an interrupt on
overflow/underflow, and each CC channel has a separate interrupt that is used for compare or
capture. In addition the T/C can generate an error interrupt if any of the CC channels is used for
capture and a buffer overflow condition occurs on a capture channel.
Event will be generated for all conditions that can generate interrupts. For details on event gen-
eration and available events refer to ”Event System” on page 65.


14.10 DMA Support.

The interrupt flags can be used to trigger DMA transactions. Table 14-2 on page 164 lists the
transfer triggers available from the T/C, and the DMA action that will clear the transfer trigger.
For more details on using DMA refer to ”DMA - Direct Memory Access Controller” on page 49.

Table 14-2. DMA Request Sources

Request Acknowledge Comment
OV/UNFIF DMA Controller writes to CNT
DMA Controller writes to PER
DMA Controller writes to PERBUF
CCxIF DMA Controller access of CCx Input Capture operation
DMA Controller access of CCxBUF Output Compare operation

14.11 Timer/Counter Commands

A set of commands can be given to the Timer/Counter by software to immediately change the
state of the module. These commands give direct control of the Update, Restart, and Reset
An update command has the same effect as when an update condition occurs. The update com-
mand is ignored if the Lock Update bit is set.
The software can force a restart of the current waveform period by issuing a restart command. In
this case the Counter, direction, and all compare outputs are set to zero.
A reset command will set all Timer/Counter registers to their initial values. A reset can only be
given when the Timer/Counter is not running (OFF).


14.12 Register Description

14.12.1 CTRLA - Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - - - CLKSEL[3:0] CTRLA

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved bits

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:0 - CLKSEL[3:0]: Clock Select

These bits select clock source for the Timer/Counter according to Table 14-3.
CLKSEL=0001 must be set to ensure a correct output from the waveform generator when the
Hi-Res extension is enabled.

Table 14-3. Clock Select

CLKSEL[3:0] Group Configuration Description
0000 OFF None (i.e, Timer/Counter in ‘OFF’ state)
0001 DIV1 Prescaler: clk
0010 DIV2 Prescaler: clk/2
0011 DIV4 Prescaler: clk/4
0100 DIV8 Prescaler: clk/8
0101 DIV64 Prescaler: clk/64
0110 DIV256 Prescaler: clk/256
0111 DIV1024 Prescaler: clk/1024
1xxx EVCHn Event channel n, n= [0,...,7]

14.12.2 CTRLB - Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 – CCxEN: Compare or Capture Enable

Setting these bits in FRQ or PWM waveform generation mode of operation will override of the
port output register for the corresponding OCn output pin.
When input capture operation is selected the CCxEN bits enables the capture operation for the
corresponding CC channel.


• Bit 3 – Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2:0 – WGMODE[2:0]: Waveform Generation Mode

These bits select the Waveform Generation Mode, and control the counting sequence of the
Counter, the TOP value, the UPDATE condition, the Interrupt/event condition, and type of wave-
form that is generated, according to Table 14-4 on page 166.
No waveform generation is performed in normal mode of operation. For all other modes the
result from the waveform generator will only be directed to the port pins if the corresponding
CCxEN bit has been set to enable this. The port pin direction must be set as output.

Table 14-4. Timer Waveform Generation Mode

Group Mode of
WGMODE[2:0] Configuration operation Top Update OVFIF/Event
010 Reserved - - -
Single Slope
100 Reserved - - -

14.12.3 CTRLC - Control Register C

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 – Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:0 – CMPx: Compare Output Value n

These bits allow direct access to the Waveform Generator's output compare value when the
Timer/Counter is set in “OFF” state. This is used to set or clear the WG output value when the
Timer/Counter is not running.


14.12.4 CTRLD - Control Register D

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:5 – EVACT[2:0]: Event Action

These bits define the Event Action the timer will perform on an event according to Table 14-5 on
page 167.
The EVSEL setting will decide which event source or sources that have the control in this case.

Table 14-5. Timer Event Action Selection

EVACT[2:0] Group Configuration Event Action
000 OFF None
001 CAPT Input Capture
010 UPDOWN Externally Controlled Up/ Down Count
011 QDEC Quadrature decode
100 RESTART Restart waveform period
101 FRQ Frequency Capture
110 PW Pulse Width Capture
111 Reserved

Selecting the any of the capture event action changes the behavior of the CCx registers and
related status and control bits to be used as for capture. The error status flag (ERRIF) will in this
configuration indicate a buffer overflow.

• Bit 4 – EVDLY: Timer Delay Event

When this bit is set, the selected event source is delayed by one peripheral clock cycle. This fea-
ture is intended for 32-bit input capture operation. Adding the event delay is necessary for
compensating for the carry propagation delay that is inserted when cascading two counters via
the Event System.

• Bit 3:0 – EVSEL[3:0]:Timer Event Source Select

These bits select the event channel source for the Timer/Counter. For the selected event chan-
nel to have any effect the Event Action bits (EVACT) must be set according to Table 14-6. When
the Event Action is set to capture operation, the selected event channel n will be the event chan-
nel source for CC channel A, and event channel (n+1)%8, (n+2)%8 and (n+3)%8 will be the
event channel source for CC channel B, C and D.


Table 14-6. Timer Event Source Selection

EVSEL[3:0] Group Configuration Event Source
0000 OFF None
0001 Reserved
0010 Reserved
0011 Reserved
0100 Reserved
0101 Reserved
0110 Reserved
0111 Reserved
1xxx CHn Event channel n, n={0,...,7}

14.12.5 CTRLE - Control Register E

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 - - - - - - - BYTEM CTRLE

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 – Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - BYTEM: Byte Mode:

Enabling the Byte Mode, sets the Timer/Counter in Byte (8-bit) Mode. Setting this bit will disable
the update of the temporary register (TEMP) when any of the 16-bit Timer/Counter registers are
accessed. In addition the upper byte of the counter (CNT) register will be set to zero after each
counter clock.

14.12.6 INTCTRLA - Interrupt Enable Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 - - - - ERRINTLVL[1:0] OVFINTLVL[1:0] INTCTRLA

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 3:2 - ERRINTLVL[1:0]:Timer Error Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Timer Error Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in ”Inter-
rupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123.

• Bit 1:0 - OVFINTLVL[1:0]:Timer Overflow/Underflow Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Timer Overflow/Underflow Interrupt and select the interrupt level as
described in ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123.

14.12.7 INTCTRLB - Interrupt Enable Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CCxINTLVL[1:0] - Compare or Capture x Interrupt Level:

These bits enable the Timer Compare or Capture Interrupt and select the interrupt level as
described in ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123.

14.12.8 CTRLFCLR/CTRLFSET - Control Register F Clear/Set

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 - - - - CMD[1:0] LUPD DIR CTRLFCLR

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 - - - - CMD[1:0] LUPD DIR CTRLFSET

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This register is mapped into two I/O memory locations, one for clearing (CTRLxCLR) and one for
setting the register bits (CTRLxSET) when written. Both memory locations yield the same result
when read.
The individual status bit can be set by writing a one to its bit location in CTRLxSET, and cleared
by writing a one to its bit location in CTRLxCLR. This each bit to be set or cleared without using
of a Read-Modify-Write operation on a single register.

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 3:2 - CMD[1:0]: Timer/Counter Command

These command bits can be used for software control of update, restart, and reset of the
Timer/Counter. The command bits are always read as zero.

Table 14-7. Command selections

CMD Group Configuration Command Action
00 NONE None
01 UPDATE Force Update
10 RESTART Force Restart
11 RESET Force Hard Reset (Ignored if T/C is not in “OFF“state)

• Bit 1 - LUPD: Lock Update:

When this bit is set no update of the buffered registers is performed, even though an UPDATE
condition has occurred. Locking the update ensures that all buffers, including DTI buffers, are
valid before an update is performed.
This bit has no effect when input capture operation is enabled.

• Bit 0 - DIR: Counter Direction:

When zero, this bit indicates that the counter is counting up (incrementing). A one indicates that
the counter is in down counting (decrementing) state.
Normally this bit is controlled in hardware by the waveform generation mode, or by event
actions, but this bit can also be changed from software.

14.12.9 CTRLGCLR/CTRLGSET - Control Register G Clear/Set

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Refer to section ”CTRLFCLR/CTRLFSET - Control Register F Clear/Set” on page 169 for infor-
mation on how to access this type of status register.

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4:1 - CCxBV: Compare or Capture x Buffer Valid

These bits are set when a new value is written to the corresponding CCxBUF register. These
bits are automatically cleared on an UPDATE condition.
Note that when input capture operation is used, this bit is set on capture event and cleared if the
corresponding CCxIF is cleared.

• Bit 0 - PERBV: Period Buffer Valid

This bit is set when a new value is written to the PERBUF register. This bit is automatically
cleared on an UPDATE condition.


14.12.10 INTFLAGS - Interrupt Flag Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - CCxIF: Compare or Capture Channel x Interrupt Flag

The Compare or Capture Interrupt Flag (CCxIF) is set on a compare match or on an input cap-
ture event on the corresponding CC channel.
For all modes of operation except for capture the CCxIF will be set when a compare match
occurs between the count register (CNT) and the corresponding compare register (CCx). The
CCxIF is automatically cleared when the corresponding interrupt vector is executed.
For input capture operation the CCxIF will be set if the corresponding compare buffer contains
valid data (i.e. when CCxBV is set). The flag will be cleared when the CCx register is read. Exe-
cuting the Interrupt Vector will in this mode of operation not clear the flag.
The flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.
The CCxIF can be used for requesting a DMA transfer. A DMA read or write access of the corre-
sponding CCx or CCxBUF will then clear the CCxIF and releases the request.

• Bit 3:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - ERRIF: Error Interrupt Flag

The ERRIF is set on multiple occasions depending on mode of operation.
In FRQ or PWM waveform generation mode of operation the ERRIF is set on a fault detect con-
dition from the fault protection feature in the AWeX Extention. For Timer/Counters which do not
have the AWeX extention available, this flag is never set in FRQ or PWM waveform generation
For capture operation the ERRIF is set if a buffer overflow occurs on any of the CC channels.
For event controlled QDEC operation the ERRIF is set when an incorrect index signal is given.
The ERRIF is automatically cleared when the corresponding interrupt vector is executed. The
flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit 0 - OVFIF: Overflow/Underflow Interrupt Flag

The OVFIF is set either on a TOP (overflow) or BOTTOM (underflow) condition depending on
the WGMODE setting. The OVFIF is automatically cleared when the corresponding interrupt
vector is executed. The flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.
The OVFIF can also be used for requesting a DMA transfer. A DMA write access of CNT, PER,
or PERBUF will then clear the OVFIF bit.

14.12.11 TEMP - Temporary Register for 16-bit Access

The TEMP register is used for single cycle 16-bit access to the 16-bit Timer/Counter registers
from the CPU. The DMA controller has a separate temporary storage register. There is one com-
mon TEMP register for all the 16-bit Timer/Counter registers.


For more details refer to Section 3.11 ”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on page 12.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0F TEMP[7:0] TEMP

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14.12.12 CNTH - Counter Register H

The CNTH and CNTL register pair represents the 16-bit value CNT. CNT contains the 16-bit
counter value in the Timer/Counter. The CPU and DMA write access has priority over count,
clear, or reload of the counter.
For more details on reading and writing 16-bit register refer to ”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on
page 12.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x21 CNT[15:8] CNTH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CNT[15:8]

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 16-bit Counter register.

14.12.13 CNTL - Counter Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x20 CNT[7:0] CNTL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CNT[7:0]

These bits holds the 8 LSB of the 16-bit Counter register.

14.12.14 PERH - Period Register H

The PERH and PERL register pair represents the 16-bit value PER. PER contains the 16-bit
TOP value in the Timer/Counter.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x27 PER[15:8] PERH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7:0 - PER[15:8]

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 16-bit Period register.


14.12.15 PERL - Period Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x26 PER[7:0] PERL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7:0 - PER[7:0]

These bits holds the 8 LSB of the 16-bit Period register.

14.12.16 CCxH - Compare or Capture Register n H

The CCxH and CCxL register pair represents the 16-bit value CCx.
These 16-bit registers have two functions dependent of mode of operation. For capture opera-
tion these registers constitute the second buffer level and access point for the CPU and DMA.
For compare operation these registers are all continuously compared to the counter value. Nor-
mally the outputs form the comparators are then used for generating waveforms.
CCx are updated with the buffer value from the corresponding CCxBUF register when an
UPDATE condition occurs.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CCx[15:8] CCxH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CCx[15:8]

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 16-bit Compare or Capture register.

14.12.17 CCxL - Compare or Capture Register n L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CCx[7:0] CCxL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CCx[7:0]

These bits holds the 8 LSB of the 16-bit Compare or Capture register.

14.12.18 PERBUFH - Timer/Counter Period Buffer H

The PERBUFH and PERBUFL register pair represents the 16-bit value PERBUF. This 16-bit
register serves as the buffer for the period register (PER). Accessing this register using CPU or
DMA will affect the PERBUFV flag.


Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x37 PERBUF[15:8] PERBUFH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7:0 - PERBUF[15:8]

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 16-bit Period Buffer register.

14.12.19 PERBUFL - Timer/Counter Period Buffer L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bit 7:0 - PERBUF[7:0]

These bits holds the 8 LSB of the 16-bit Period Buffer register.

14.12.20 CCxBUFH - Compare or Capture x Buffer Register H

The CCxBUFH and CCxBUFL register pair represents the 16-bit value CCxBUF. These 16-bit
registers serve as the buffer for the associated compare or capture registers (CCx). Accessing
any of these register using CPU or DMA will affect the corresponding CCxBV status bit.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CCxBUF[15:8]

These bits holds the 8 MSB of the 16-bit Compare or Capture Buffer register.

14.12.21 CCxBUFL - Compare or Capture x Buffer Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - CCxBUF[7:0]

These bits holds the 8 LSB of the 16-bit Compare or Capture Buffer register.


14.13 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRLA CLKSEL[3:0] 165
+0x02 CTRLC - - - - CPMD CPMC CPMB CPMA 166
+0x03 CTRLD EVACT[2:0] EVDLY EVSEL[3:0] 167
+0x04 CTRLE - - - - - - - BYTEM 168
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x06 INTCTRLA - - - - ERRINTLVL[1:0] OVINTLVL[1:0] 168
+0x08 CTRLFCLR - - - - CMD[1:0] LUPD DIR 169
+0x09 CTRLFSET - - - - CMD[1:0] LUPD DIR 170
+0x0D Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0E Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0F TEMP TEMP[7:0] 171
+0x10 to +0x1F Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x20 CNTL CNT[7:0] 172
+0x21 CNTH CNT[15:8] 172
+0x22 to +0x25 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x26 PERL PER[7:0] 173
+0x27 PERH PER[8:15] 172
+0x28 CCAL CCA[7:0] 173
+0x29 CCAH CCA[15:8] 173
+0x2A CCBL CCB[7:0] 173
+0x2B CCBH CCB[15:8] 173
+0x2C CCCL CCC[7:0] 173
+0x02D CCCH CCC[15:8] 173
+0x2E CCDL CCD[7:0] 173
+0x2F CCDH CCD[15:8] 173
+0x30 to +0x35 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x36 PERBUFL PERBUF[7:0] 174
+0x37 PERBUFH PERBUF[15:8] 173
+0x38 CCABUFL CCABUF[7:0] 174
+0x39 CCABUFH CCABUF[15:8] 174
+0x3A CCBBUFL CCBBUF[7:0] 174
+0x3B CCBBUFH CCBBUF[15:8] 174
+0x3C CCCBUFL CCCBUF[7:0] 174
+0x3D CCCBUFH CCCBUF[15:8] 174
+0x3E CCDBUFL CCDBUF[7:0] 174
+0x3F CCDBUFH CCDBUF[15:8] 174

14.14 Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 14-8. Timer/Counter Interrupt vectors and their word offset address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 OVF_vect Timer/Counter Overflow/Underflow Interrupt vector offset
0x02 ERR_vect Timer/Counter Error Interrupt vector offset
0x4 CCA_vect Timer/Counter Compare or Capture Channel A Interrupt vector offset
0x6 CCB_vect Timer/Counter Compare or Capture Channel B Interrupt vector offset
0x8 CCC_vect(1) Timer/Counter Compare or Capture Channel C Interrupt vector offset
0x0A CCD_vect(1) Timer/Counter Compare or Capture Channel D Interrupt vector offset

Note: 1. Only available on Timer/Counter with 4 Compare or Capture channels 16-bit.


15. AWeX – Advanced Waveform Extension

15.1 Features
• 4 Dead-Time Insertion (DTI) Units (8-pin)
– 8-bit Resolution
– Separate High and Low Side Dead-Time Setting
– Double Buffered Dead-Time
– Halts Timer During Dead-Time (Optional)
• Event Controlled Fault Protection
• Single Channel Multiple Output Operation (for BLDC control)
• Double Buffered Pattern Generation
• The Hi-Resolution Timer Extension Increases PWM/FRQ Resolution by 2-bits (4x)

15.2 Overview
The Advanced Waveform Extention (AWeX) provides extra features to the Timer/Counter in
Waveform Generation (WG) modes. The AWeX enables easy and robust implementation of
advanced motor control (AC, BLDC, SR, and Stepper) and power control applications.

Figure 15-1. Advanced Waveform eXtention and closely related peripherals (grey)

Timer/Counter 0 PORTx

Channel A Channel A

Channel B Channel B
Channel C Channel C

Channel D Channel D

Event Fault
System Protection

As shown in Figure 15-1 on page 176 each of the waveform generator outputs from the
Timer/Counter 0 are split into a complimentary pair of outputs when any AWeX features is
enabled. These output pairs go through a Dead-Time Insertion (DTI) unit that enables genera-
tion of the non-inverted Low Side (LS) and inverted High Side (HS) of the WG output with dead
time insertion between LS and HS switching. The DTI output will override the normal port value
according to the port override setting. Optionally the final output can be inverted by using the
invert I/O (INVEN) bit setting for the port pin (Pxn).


The Pattern Generation unit can be used to generate a synchronized bit pattern on the port it is
connected to. In addition, the waveform generator output from the Compare Channel A can be
distributed to and override all the port pins. When the Pattern Generator unit is enabled the DTI
unit is bypassed.
The Fault Protection unit is connected to the Event System, enabling any event to trigger a fault
condition that will disable the AWeX output.

15.3 Port Override

Common for all the timer/counter extensions is the port override logic. Figure 15-2 on page 178
shows a schematic diagram of the port override logic. When the dead-time enable (DTIENx) bit
is set the timer/counter extension takes control over the pin pair for the corresponding channel.
Given this condition the Output Override Enable (OOE) bits takes control over the CCxEN.
Note that timer/counter 1 (TCx1) can still be used even when DTI channels A, B, and D are


Figure 15-2. Timer/Counter extensions and port override logic

W G 0A
PO R Tx0
O C 0A

C hannel
W G 0A

C C EN B IN V x1
O C 0B
W G 0B PO R Tx1

W G 0C PO R Tx2
O C 0C

C hannel
W G 0B

C C EN D IN V x3
O C 0D
W G 0D PO R Tx3

W G 1A PO R Tx4
O C 1A

C hannel
W G 0C

C C EN B IN V x5
O C 1B
W G 1B PO R Tx5

PO R Tx6

D TI "0" IN V x6

C hannel
W G 0D

"0" IN V x7

PO R Tx7


15.4 Dead Time Insertion

The Dead Time Insertion (DTI) unit enables generation of “off” time where both the non-inverted
Low Side (LS) and inverted High Side (HS) of the WG output is low. This “off” time is called
dead-time, and dead-time insertion ensure that the LS and HS does not switch simultaneously.
The DTI unit consists of four equal dead time generators, one for each of the capture or com-
pare channel in Timer/Counter 0. Figure 15-3 on page 179 shows the block diagram of one dead
time generator. The dead time registers that define the number of peripheral clock cycles the
dead time is going to last, are common for all four channels. The High Side and Low Side can
have independent dead time setting and the dead time registers are double buffered.

Figure 15-3. Dead Time Generator block diagram


Dead Time Generator

Counter ("dti_cnt")


WG output D Q (To PORT)

Edge Detect (To PORT)

As shown in Figure 15-4 on page 180, the 8-bit Dead Time Counter (dti_cnt) is decremented by
one for each peripheral clock cycle until it reaches zero. A non-zero counter value will force both
the Low Side and High Side outputs into their “off” state. When a change is detected on the WG
output, the Dead Time Counter is reloaded with the DTx register value according to the edge of
the input. Positive edge initiates a counter reload of the DTLS Register and a negative edge a
reload of DTHS Register.


Figure 15-4. Dead Time Generator timing diagram


"WG output"



15.5 Pattern Generation

The pattern generator extension reuses the DTI registers to produce a synchronized bit pattern
on the port it is connected to. In addition, the waveform generator output from CC channel A
(CCA)) can be distributed to and override all the port pins. These features are primarily intended
for handling the commutation sequence in BLDC and Stepper Motor Applications.

Figure 15-5. Pattern Generator block diagram

Timer/Counter 0 (TCx0)


EN DTIOE[7:0] EN PORTx[7:0]


A block diagram of the pattern generator is shown in Figure 15-5 on page 180. For each port pin
where the corresponding OOE bit is set the multiplexer will output the waveform from CCA.
As for all other types of the Timer/Counter double-buffered registers the register update is syn-
chronized to the UPDATE condition set by the waveform generation mode. If the
synchronization provided is not required by the application, the application code can simply
access the DTIOE and PORTx registers directly.
The pins direction must be set for any output from the pattern generator to be visible on the port.


15.6 Fault Protection

The Fault Protection feature enables fast and deterministic action when a fault is detected. The
fault protection is event controlled, thus any event from the Event System can be used to trigger
a fault action.
When the Fault Protection is enabled an incoming event from any of the selected event channel
can trigger the event action. Each event channel can be separately enabled as fault protection
input, and the specified event channels will be ORed together allowing multiple event sources
top be used for fault protection at the same time.

15.6.1 Fault Actions

Two different even actions can be selected:
• The Clear Override Enable action will clear the Output Override Enable register (OUTOVEN)
and disable the output override on all Timer/Counter outputs. The result is that the in the
output will be as set by the port pin configuration.
• The Direction Clear action will clear the Direction (DIR) register in the associated port, setting
all port pins as tri-stated inputs.
When a fault is detected the Fault Detection Flag is set, and the Timer/Counter’s Error Interrupt
Flag is set and the optional interrupt is generated.
From the event occurs in one peripherals until the Fault Protection triggers the event action,
there is maximum two peripheral clock cycles. The Fault Protection is fully independent of the
CPU and DMA, but it requires the Peripheral Clock to run.

15.6.2 Fault Restore Modes

After a fault, that is when the fault condition is no longer active, it is selectable how the AWeX
and Timer/Counter can return from fault state and restore with normal operation. Two different
modes are available:
• In Latched Mode the waveform output will remain in the fault state until the fault condition is
no longer active and the fault detect flag has been cleared by software. When both of these
conditions are met, the waveform output will return to normal operation at the next UPDATE
• In Cycle-by-Cycle Mode the waveform output will remain in the fault state until the fault
condition is no longer active. When this condition is met, the waveform output will return to
normal operation at the next UPDATE condition.
When entering fault state and the Clear Override Enable action is selected, the OUTOVEN[7:0]
bits are reassigned a value on the next UPDATE condition. In pattern generation mode the reg-
ister is restored with the value in the DTLSBUF register. Otherwise the register bits are restored
according to the enabled DTI channels.
When entering fault state and Direction Clear action is select is set, corresponding DIR[7:0] bits
is restored with the value in the DTLSBUF register in pattern generation mode and for the pin
pairs corresponding to enabled DTI channels otherwise.
The UPDATE condition used to restore the normal operation is the same update as in the

15.6.3 Change Protection

To avoid unintentional changes in the fault protection setup all the control registers in the AWeX
Extension can be protected by writing the corresponding lock bit Advanced Waveform Extension


Lock Register. For more details refer to ”IO Memory Protection” on page 25 and ”AWEXLOCK –
Advanced Waveform Extension Lock Register” on page 45.
When the lock bit is set, the Control Register A, the Output Override Enable Register and the
Fault Dedec.tion Event Mask register cannot be changed.
To avoid unintentional changes in the fault event setup it is possible to lock the Event System
channel configuration by writing the corresponding Event System Lock Register. For more
details refer to ”IO Memory Protection” on page 25 and ”EVSYSLOCK – Event System Lock
Register” on page 44.

15.6.4 On-Chip Debug

When fault detection is enabled an OCD system receives a break request from the debugger,
this will by default function as a fault source. When an OCD break request is received, the
AWeX and corresponding Timer/Counter will enter fault state and the specified fault action(s) will
be performed.
After the OCD exits from the break condition, normal operation will be started again. In cycle-by-
cycle mode the waveform output will start on the first update condition after exit from break, and
in latched mode, the Fault Condition Flag must be cleared in software before the output will be
restored. This feature guarantees that the output waveform enters a safe state during break.
It is possible to disable this feature.

15.7 Register Description

15.7.1 CTRL - Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - RES - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 5 - PGM: Pattern Generation Mode

Setting this bit enables the pattern generation mode if set. This will override the DTI if enabled,
and the Pattern Generation reuses the dead-time registers for storing the pattern.

• Bit 4 - CWCM: Common Waveform Channel Mode

If this bit is set CC channel A waveform output will be used as input for all the dead-time genera-
tors. CC channel B, C, and D waveforms will be ignored.

• Bit 3:0 - DTICCxEN: Dead-Time Insertion CCx Enable

Setting these bits enables the Dead Time Generator for the corresponding CC channel. This will
override the Timer/Counter waveform outputs.


15.7.2 FDEMASK - Fault Detect Event Mask Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - FDEVMASK[7:0]: Fault Detect Event Mask

These bits enables the corresponding event channel as fault condition input source. Event from
all event channels will be ORed together allowing multiple sources to be used for fault detection
at the same time. When a fault is detected the Fault Detect Flag FDF is set and the fault detect
action (FDACT) will be performed.

15.7.3 FDCTRL - Fault Detection Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - FDDBD - FDMODE FDACT[1:0] FDCTRL

Read/Write R R R R/W R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:5 - RES - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - FDDBD: Fault Detection on Debug Break Detection

By default, when this bit is cleared and the fault protection is enabled, and OCD break request is
treated as a fault. When this bit is set, an OCD break request will not trigger a fault condition.

• Bit 3 - RES - Reserved

This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2- FDMODE: Fault Detection Restart Mode

This bit sets the fault protection restart mode. When this bit is cleared Latched Mode is use, and
when this is set Cycle-by-Cycle Mode is used.
In Latched Mode the waveform output will remain in the fault state until the fault condition is no
longer active and the FDF has been cleared by software. When both of these conditions are
met, the waveform output will return to normal operation at the next UPDATE condition.
In Cycle-by-Cycle Mode the waveform output will remain in the fault state until the fault condition
is no longer active. When this condition is met, the waveform output will return to normal opera-
tion at the next UPDATE condition.

• Bit 1:0 - FDACT[1:0]: Fault Detection Action

These bits define the action performed if a fault condition is detected, according to Table 15-1.


Table 15-1. Fault actions

FDACT[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 NONE None (Fault protection disabled)
01 CLEAROE Clear all override enable (OUTOVEN) bits, i.e. disable
the output override.
11 CLEARDIR Clear all Direction (DIR) bits, which correspond to
enabled DTI channel(s), i.e. tri-state the outputs

15.7.4 STATUS - Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - FDF: Fault Detect Flag

This flag is set when a fault detect condition is detected, i.e. when an event is detected on one of
the event channels enabled by the FDEVMASK. This flag is cleared by writing a one to its bit

• Bit 1 - DTHSBUFV: Dead-Time High Side Buffer Valid

If this bit is set the corresponding DT buffer is written and contains valid data that will be copied
into the DTLS Register on the UPDATE condition. If this bit is zero no action will be taken. The
connected Timer/Counter’s lock update (LUPD) flag also affects the update for dead time

• Bit 0 - DTLSBUFV: Dead-Time Low Side Buffer Valid

If this bit is set the corresponding DT buffer is written and contains valid data that will be copied
into the DTHS Register on the UPDATE condition. If this bit is zero no action will be taken. Note
that the connected Timer/Counter unit's lock update (LUPD) flag also affects the update for dead
time buffers.

15.7.5 DTBOTH - Dead-time Concurrent Write to Both Sides

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 DTBOTH[7:0] DTBOTH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:0 - DTBOTH: Dead-Time Both Sides

Writing to this register will update both DTHS and DTLS registers at the same time (i.e. at the
same I/O write access).

15.7.6 DTBOTHBUF - Dead-time Concurrent Write to Both Sides Buffer

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DTBOTHBUF: Dead-Time Both Sides Buffer

Writing to this memory location will update both DTHSBUF and DTLSBUF registers at the same
time (i.e. at the same I/O write access).

15.7.7 DTLS - Dead-Time Low Side Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 DTLS[7:0] DTLS

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DTLS: Dead-Time Low Side

This register holds the number of peripheral clock cycles for the Dead-Time Low Side.

15.7.8 DTHS - Dead-Time High Side Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 DTHS[7:0] DTHS

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DTHS: Dead-Time High Side

This register holds the number of peripheral clock cycles for the Dead-Time High Side.

15.7.9 DTLSBUF - Dead-Time Low Side Buffer Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DTLSBUF: Dead-Time Low Side Buffer

This register is the buffer for the DTLS Register. If double buffering is used, valid contents in this
register is copied to the DTLS Register on an UPDATE condition.


15.7.10 DTHSBUF - Dead-Time High Side Buffer Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - DTHSBUF: Dead-Time High Side Buffer

This register is the buffer for the DTHS Register. If double buffering is used, valid contents in this
register is copied to the DTHS Register on an UPDATE condition.

15.7.11 OUTOVEN - Output Override Enable Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: 1. Can only be written if the fault detect flag (FDF) is zero.

• Bit 7:0 - OUTOVEN[7:0]: Output Override Enable

These bits enable override of corresponding port output register (i.e. one-to-one bit relation to
pin position). The port direction is not overridden


15.8 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x02 FDEMASK FDEVMASK[7:0] 183
+0x03 FDCTRL - - - FDDBD - FDMODE FDACT[1:0] 183
+0x04 STATUS - - - - - FDF DTBHSV DTBLSV 184
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x06 DTBOTH DTBOTH[7:0] 184
+0x08 DTLS DTLS[7:0] 185
+0x09 DTHS DTHS[7:0] 185
+0x0A DTLSBUF DTLSBUF[7:0] 185
+0x0B DTHSBUF DTHSBUF[7:0] 185
+0x0C OUTOVEN OUTOVEN[7:0] 186


16. Hi-Res - High Resolution Extension

16.1 Features
• Increases Waveform Generator Resolution by 4x (2 bits)
• Supports Frequency generation, and single and dual-slope PWM operation
• Supports Dead-Time Insertion (AWeX)
• Supports Pattern Generation (AWeX)

16.2 Overview
The High-Resolution (Hi-Res) Extension can be used to increase the resolution of the waveform
generation output from a Timer/Counter by four (two bits). It can be used during Frequency and
PWM generation, and also in combination with the corresponding AWeX.

The Hi-Res Extension uses the Peripheral 4x Clock. The System Clock prescalers must be set
up so the Peripheral 4x Clock frequency is four times higher than the Peripheral and CPU clock
frequency (see ”System Clock Selection and Prescalers” on page 80) when the Hi-Res
Extension is enabled.

Figure 16-1. Timer/Counter operation with Hi-Res Extension enabled

PER[15:2] 0
clkPER clkPER4

CNT[15:2] 0

=0 =

AWeX HiRes Pnx

= Pattern
Waveform DTI
Generation 2 Dead-Time
2 Fault 2
CCx[15:2] [1:0]


The Hi-Res Extension is implemented by letting the Timer/Counter run at 4x its normal speed.
When Hi-Res Extension is enabled, the counter will ignore its two lowest significant bits (LSB)
and count by four for each Peripheral clock cycle. Overflow/Underflow and Compare match of
the 14 most significant bits (LSB) is done in the Timer/Counter. Count and Compare of the two
LSB is then handled and compared in the Hi-Res Extension running from the Peripheral 4x
The two LSB of the Period register must always be set to zero to ensure correct operation. If the
Count register is read, the two LSB will always be read as zero since the Timer/Counter run from
the Peripheral clock.
The Hi-Res Extension has narrow pulse deletion preventing output of any pulse shorter than one
Peripheral clock cycle, e.g. a compare value lower than foure will have no visible output.


16.3 Register Description

16.3.1 CTRLA - Hi-Res Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 – – – – – – HREN[1:0] CTRLA

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1:0 - HREN[1:0]: Hi-Resolution Enable

Enables Hi-Resolution mode for a Timer/Counter according to Table 16-1.
Setting one or both HREN bits will enable Hi-Resolution waveform generation output for the
entire general purpose I/O port. This means that both Timer/Counters connected to the same
port must enable Hi-Res if both are used for generating PWM or FRQ output on pins.

Table 16-1. Hi-Resolution Enable

HREN[1:0] Hi-Resolution Enabled
00 None
01 Timer/Counter 0
10 Timer/Counter 1
11 Both Timer/Counters

16.4 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRLA HREN[1:0] 189


17. RTC - Real Time Counter

17.1 Features
• 16-bit resolution
• Selectable clock reference
– 32.768 kHz
– 1.024 kHz
• Programmable prescaler
• 1 Compare register
• 1 Period register
• Clear Timer on overflow
• Optional Interrupt/ Event on overflow and compare match

17.2 Overview
The Real Time Counter (RTC) is a 16-bit counter, counting reference clock cycles and giving an
event and/or an interrupt request when it reaches a configurable compare and/or top value. The
reference clock is typically generated from a high accuracy crystal of 32.768 kHz, and the design
is optimized for low power consumption. The RTC typically operate in low power sleep modes,
keeping track of time and waking up the device at regular intervals.
The RTC reference clock may be taken from an 32.768 kHz or 1.024 kHz input. Both an external
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator or the 32 kHz internal RC oscillator can be selected as clock
source. For details on reference clock selection to the RTC refer to ”RTCCTRL - RTC Control
Register” on page 86 in the Clock System section. The RTC has a programmable prescaler to
scale down the reference clock before it reaches the Counter.
The RTC can generate both compare and overflow interrupt request and/or events.

Figure 17-1. Real Time Counter overview.

16-bit Period

32.768 kHz =

16-bit Counter

1.024 kHz =
Compare Match

16-bit Compare


17.2.1 Clock domains

The RTC is asynchronous, meaning it operates from a different clock source and independently
of the main System Clock and its derivative clocks such as the Peripheral Clock. For Control and
Count register updates it will take a number of RTC clock and/or Peripheral clock cycles before
an updated register value is available or until a configuration change has effect on the RTC. This
synchronization time is described for each register.
17.2.2 Interrupts and events

The RTC can generate both interrupts and events. The RTC will give a compare interrupt
request and/or event when the counter value equals the Compare register value. The RTC will
give an overflow interrupt request and/or event when the counter value equals the Period regis-
ter value. The overflow will also reset the counter value to zero.
Due to the asynchronous clock domains event will only will only be generated for every third
overflow or compare if the period register is zero. If the period register is one, events will only be
generated for every second overflow or compare. When the period register is equal to or above
two, events will trigger at every overflow or compare just as the interrupt request.

17.3 Register Description

17.3.1 CTRL - Real Time Counter Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - - - - PRESCALER[2:0] CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 2:0 - PRESCALER[2:0]: RTC Clock Prescaling factor

These bits define the prescaling factor for the RTC clock before the counter according to Table
17-1 on page 191.

Table 17-1. Real Time Counter Clock prescaling factor

PRESCALER[2:0] Group Configuration RTC clock prescaling
000 OFF No clock source, RTC stopped
001 DIV1 RTC clock / 1 (No prescaling)
010 DIV2 RTC clock / 2
011 DIV8 RTC clock / 8
100 DIV16 RTC clock / 16
101 DIV64 RTC clock / 64
110 DIV256 RTC clock / 256
111 DIV1024 RTC clock / 1024


17.3.2 STATUS - Real Time Counter Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - - - - - - - SYNCBUSY STATUS

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - SYNCBUSY: RTC Synchronization Busy Flag

This bit is set when the CNT, CTRL, PER or COMP register is busy synchronizing between the
RTC clock and system clock domains.

17.3.3 INTCTRL - Real Time Counter Interrupt Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - - COMPINTLVL[1:0] OVFINTLVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 3:2 - COMPINTLVL[1:0]: RTC Compare Match Interrupt Enable

These bits enable the RTC Compare Match Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described
in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The
enabled interrupt will trigger when the COMPIF in the INTFLAGS register is set.

• Bits 1:0 - OVFINTLVL[1:0]: RTC Overflow Interrupt Enable

These bits enable the RTC Overflow Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in Sec-
tion 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The enabled
interrupt will trigger when the OVFIF in the INTFLAGS register is set.


17.3.4 INTFLAGS - RTC Interrupt Flag Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - - - COMPIF OVFIF INTFLAGS

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - COMPIF: RTC Compare Match Interrupt Flag

This flag is set on the next count after a Compare Match condition occurs. The flag is cleared
automatically when RTC compare match interrupt vector is executed. The flag can also be
cleared by writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit 0 - OVFIF: RTC Overflow Interrupt Flag

This flag is set on the next count after an Overflow condition occurs. The flag is cleared automat-
ically when RTC overflow interrupt vector is executed. The flag can also be cleared by writing a
one to its bit location.

17.3.5 TEMP - RTC Temporary Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 TEMP[7:0] TEMP

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - TEMP[7:0]: Real Time Counter Temporary Register

This register is used for 16-bit access to the counter value, compare value and top value regis-
ters. The low byte of the 16-bit register is stored here when it is written by the CPU. The high
byte of the 16-bit register is stored when low byte is read by the CPU. For more details refer to
”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on page 12.

17.3.6 CNTH - Real Time Counter Register H

The CNTH and CNTL register pair represents the 16-bit value CNT. CNT counts positive clock
edges on the prescaled RTC clock. Reading and writing 16-bit values require special attention,
refer to ”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on page 12 for details.
Due to synchronization between RTC clock and the system clock domains, there is a latency of
two RTC clock cycles from updating the register until this has an effect. Application software
needs to check that the SYNCBUSY flag in the ”STATUS - Real Time Counter Status Register”
on page 192 is cleared before writing to this register.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 CNT[15:8] CNTH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bits 7:0 - CNT[15:8]: Real Time Counter value High byte

These bits hold the 8 MSB of the 16-bit Real Time Counter value.

17.3.7 CNTL - Real Time Counter Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 CNT[7:0] CNTL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - CNT[7:0]: Real Time Counter value Low byte

These bits hold the 8 LSB of the 16-bit Real Time Counter value.

17.3.8 PERH - Real Time Counter Period Register High

The PERH and PERL register pair represents the 16-bit value PER. PER is constantly com-
pared with the counter value (CNT). A match will set the OVFIF in the INTFLAGS register and
clear CNT. Reading and writing 16-bit values require special attention, refer to ”Accessing 16-
bits Registers” on page 12 for details.
Due to synchronization between RTC clock and the system clock domains, there is a latency of
two RTC clock cycles from updating the register until this has an effect. Application software
needs to check that the SYNCBUSY flag in the ”STATUS - Real Time Counter Status Register”
on page 192 is cleared before writing to this register.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0B PER[15:8] PERH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bits 7:0 - PER[15:8]: Real Time Counter Period High byte

These bits hold the 8 MSB of the 16-bit RTC top value.

17.3.9 PERL - Real Time Counter Period Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0A PER[7:0] PERL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• Bits 7:0 - PER[7:0]: Real Time Counter Period Low byte

These bits hold the 8 LSB of the 16-bit RTC top value.


17.3.10 COMPH - Real Time Counter Compare Register H

The COMPH and COMPL register pair represent the 16-bit value COMP. COMP is constantly
compared with the counter value (CNT). A compare match will set the COMPIF in the INT-
FLAGS register. Reading and writing 16-bit values require special attention, refer to
”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12 for details.
Due to synchronization between RTC clock and the system clock domains, there is a latency of
two RTC clock cycles from updating the register until this has an effect. Application SW needs to
check that the SYNCBUSY flag in the ”STATUS - Real Time Counter Status Register” on page
192 is cleared before writing to this register.
If the COMP value is higher than the PER value, no RTC Compare Match interrupt requests or
events will ever be generated.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0D COMP[15:8] COMPH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - COMP[15:8]: Real Time Counter Compare Register High byte
These bits hold the 8 MSB of the 16-bit RTC compare value.

17.3.11 COMPL - Real Time Counter Compare Register L

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0C COMP[7:0] COMPL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - COMP[7:0]: Real Time Counter Compare Register Low byte
These bits hold the 8 LSB of the 16-bit RTC compare value.


17.4 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL - - - - - PRESCALER[2:0] 191
+0x01 STATUS - - - - - - - SYNCBUSY 192
+0x02 INTCTRL - - - - COMPINTLVL[1:0] OVFINTLVL[1:0] 192
+0x03 INTFLAGS - - - - - - COMPIF OVFIF 193
+0x04 TEMP TEMP[7:0] 193
+0x08 CNTL CNT[7:0] 193
+0x09 CNTH CNT[15:8] 194
+0x0A PERL PER[7:0] 194
+0x0B PERH PER[15:8] 194
+0x0C COMPL COMP[7:0] 195
+0x0D COMPH COMP[15:8] 195

17.5 Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 17-2. RTC Interrupt vectors and their word offset address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 OVF_vect Real Time Counter Overflow Interrupt vector
0x02 COMP_vect Real Time Counter Compare Match Interrupt vector

18. RTC32 - 32-bit Real Time Counter
18.1 Features
• 32-bit resolution
• Selectable clock reference
– 1.024 kHz
– 1 Hz
• One Compare register
• One Period register
• Clear Timer on overflow
• Optional Interrupt/ Event on overflow and compare match
• Isolated VBAT power domain with dynamic switch over from/to VCC power domain
18.2 Overview
The 32-bit Real Time Counter is a 32-bit counter, counting reference clock cycles and giving an
event and/or an interrupt request when it reaches a configurable compare and/or top value. The
reference clock is generated from a high accuracy 32.768 kHz crystal, and the design is opti-
mized for low power consumption. The Real Time Counter (RTC) typically operates in low power
sleep modes, keeping track of time and waking up the device at regular intervals.
The RTC input clock can be taken from a 1.024 kHz or 1 Hz prescaled output from the 32.768
kHz reference clock. The RTC will give a compare interrupt request and/or event when the coun-
ter value equals the Compare register value. The RTC will give an overflow interrupt request
and/or event when the counter value equals the Period register value. Counter overflow will also
reset the counter value to zero.
The RTC can generate both compare and overflow interrupt request and/or events.

Figure 18-1. 32-bit Real Time Counter Overview

32-bit Period


1 Hz
32-bit Counter
1.024 kHz

Compare Match

32-bit Compare

18.2.1 Clock selection

An external 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator must be used as clock source. Two different frequency
outputs are available form this, and the RTC clock input can be 1.024 kHz or 1 Hz.
18.2.2 Clock domains

The RTC is asynchronous, meaning it operates from a different clock source and independently
of the main System Clock and its derivative clocks such as the Peripheral Clock. For Control and
Count register updates it will take a number of RTC clock and/or Peripheral clock cycles before
an updated register value is available or until a configuration change has effect on the RTC. This
synchronization time is described for each register.
The Peripheral clock must be eight times faster than the RTC clock (1.024 kHz or 1 Hz) when
any the Control and Count register is accessed (read or written), expect 12 times faster when
the Count register is written.
18.2.3 Power domains

For devices where the RTC is located in the VBAT power domain this enables the RTC to function
correctly with no VCC available. When running from the VBAT power domain, only the 1 Hz clock
source is available. A dynamic power-switch is used to automatically switch from VCC domain to
the VBAT domain if VCC falls below the operating voltage level for the device. When the VCC volt-
age is restored, the power is automatically switched back to VCC.
18.2.4 Interrupts and events

The RTC can generate both interrupts and events. The RTC will give a compare interrupt
request and/or event when the counter value equals the Compare register value. The RTC will
give an overflow interrupt request and/or event when the counter value equals the Period regis-
ter value. The overflow will also reset the counter value to zero.
Due to the asynchronous clock domains event will only will only be generated for every third
overflow or compare if the period register is zero. If the period register is one, events will only be
generated for every second overflow or compare. When the period register is equal to or above
two, events will trigger at every overflow or compare just as the interrupt request.

18.3 Register Description

18.3.1 CTRL - Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - ENABLE CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - ENABLE: RTC Enable
Setting this bit enables the RTC. The synchronization time between the RTC and the System
Clock domains is one half RTC clock cycle from writing the register and until this has effect in
RTC clock domain, i.e until the RTC starts.
For the RTC to start running the PER Register must also be set to a different value that zero.
18.3.2 SYNCCTRL - Synchronisation Control/Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R R R R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4- SYNCCNT: Enable Synchronization of the CNT register

Setting this bit will start synchronization of CNT register from the RTC clock to the System Clock
domain. The bit is automatically cleared when synchronization is done.

• Bits 3:1 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - SYNCBUSY: RTC Synchronization Busy Flag

This flag is set when the CTRL or CNT registers are busy synchronizing from the System Clock
to the RTC clock domain. The CTRL register synchronization is triggered when it is written. The
CNT register are synchronized when the most significant byte of the register is written.
18.3.3 INTCTRL - Interrupt Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - - COMPINTLVL[1:0] OCINTLVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 3:2 - COMPINTLVL[1:0]: RTC Compare Match Interrupt Enable

These bits enable the RTC Compare Match Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described
in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The
enabled interrupt will trigger when the COMPIF in the INTFLAGS register is set.

• Bits 1:0 - OVFINTLVL[1:0]: RTC Overflow Interrupt Enable

These bits enable the RTC Overflow Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in Sec-
tion 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The enabled
interrupt will trigger when the OVFIF in the INTFLAGS register is set
18.3.4 INTFLAGS - RTC Interrupt Flag Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - - - COMPIF OVFIF INTFLAGS

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 1 - COMPIF: RTC Compare Match Interrupt Flag

This flag is set on the next count after a Compare Match condition occurs. The flag is cleared
automatically when RTC compare match interrupt vector is executed. The flag can also be
cleared by writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit 0 - OVFIF: RTC Overflow Interrupt Flag

This flag is set on the next count after an Overflow condition occurs. The flag is cleared automat-
ically when RTC overflow interrupt vector is executed. The flag can also be cleared by writing a
one to its bit location
18.3.5 CNT3 - Counter Register 3

CNT3, CNT2, CNT1 and CNT0 registers represent the 32-bit value CNT. CNT counts positive
clock edges on the RTC clock.
Synchronization of a new CNT value to the RTC domain is triggered by writing CNT3. The syn-
chronization time is up to 12 Peripheral clock cycles from updating the register until this has an
effect in RTC domain. Write operations to CNT register will be blocked if the SYNCBUSY flag is
The Synchronization of CNT value from RTC domain to System Clock domain can be done by
writing one to the SYNCCNT bit in the CTRL register. The updated and synchronized CNT regis-
ter value is available after eight Peripheral Clock cycles.
After writing to the high byte of the CNT register, the condition for setting OVFIF and COMPIF,
as well as the Overflow and Compare Match Wakeup condition, will be disabled for the following
two RTC clock cycles.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 CNT[31:24] CNT3

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


18.3.6 CNT2 - Counter Register 2

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 CNT[23:16] CNT2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.7 CNT1 - Counter Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 CNT[15:8] CNT1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.8 CNT0 - Counter Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 CNT[7:0] CNT0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.9 PER3 - Period Register 3

PER3, PER2, PER1 and PER0 registers represent the 32-bit value PER. PER is constantly
compared with the counter value (CNT). A compare match will set the OVFIF in the INTFLAGS
register, and CNT will be set to zero in the next RTC clock cycle.
The PER register can only be written if the RTC is disabled and not currently synchronizing, i.e
when both ENABLE and SYNCBUSY are zero.
After writing a byte in the PER register the condition for setting OVFIF and the Overflow Wakeup
condition is disabled for the following two RTC clock cycles.
After reset this register is 0x0000, and it must be set to a value different that zero before the
enabled RTC starts counting.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0B PER[31:24] PER3

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


18.3.10 PER2 - Period Register 2

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0A PER[23:16] PER2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.11 PER1 - Period Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x09 PER[15:8] PER1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.12 PER0 - Period Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 PER[7:0] PER0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.13 COMP3 - Compare Register 3

The COMP0, COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 registers represents the 32-bit value COMP. COMP
is constantly compared with the counter value (CNT). A compare match will set the COMPIF in
the INTFLAGS register, and the optional interrupt is generated.
If the COMP value is higher than the PER value, no RTC Compare Match interrupt requests or
events will be generated
After writing the high byte of the COMP register, the condition for setting OVFIF and COMPIF,
as well as the Overflow and Compare Match Wakeup condition, will be disabled for the following
two RTC clock cycles.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0F COMP[31:24] COMP3

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.14 COMP2 - Compare Register 2

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0E COMP[23:16] COMP2

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


18.3.15 COMP1 - Compare Register 1

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0D COMP[15:8] COMP1

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.3.16 COMP0 - Compare Register 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0C COMP[7:0] COMP0

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Reset Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


18.4 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL - - - - - - - ENABLE 198
+0x01 SYNCCTRL - - - SYNCCNT - - - SYNCBUSY 199
+0x02 INTCTRL - - - - COMPINTLVL[1:0] OVFINTLVL[1:0] 199
+0x03 INTFLAGS - - - - - COMPIF OVFIF 200
+0x04 CNT0 CNT[7:0] 201
+0x05 CNT1 CNT[15:8] 201
+0x06 CNT2 CNT[23:16] 201
+0x07 CNT3 CNT[31:24] 200
+0x08 PER0 PER[7:0] 202
+0x09 PER1 PER[15:8] 202
+0x0A PER2 PER[23:16] 202
+0x0B PER3 PER[31:24] 201
+0x0C COMP0 COMP[7:0] 203
+0x0D COMP1 COMP[15:8] 203
+0x0E COMP2 COMP[23:16] 202
+0x0F COMP3 COMP[31:24] 202

18.5 Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 18-1. RTC32 Interrupt vectors and their word offset address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 OVF_vect Real Time Counter Overflow Interrupt vector
0x02 COMP_vect Real Time Counter Compare Match Interrupt vector


19. TWI – Two Wire Interface

19.1 Features
• Fully Independent Master and Slave Operation
• Multi-Master, Single Master, or Slave Only Operation
• Phillips I2C compatible
• SMBus compatible
• 100 kHz and 400 kHz support at low system clock frequencies
• Slew-Rate Limited Output Drivers
• Input Filter provides noise suppression
• 7-bit, and General Call Address Recognition in Hardware
• Address mask register for address masking or dual address match
• 10-bit addressing supported
• Optional Software Address Recognition Provides Unlimited Number of Slave Addresses
• Slave can operate in all sleep modes, including Power Down
• Support for Arbitration between START/Repeated START and Data Bit (SMBus)
• Slave Arbitration allows support for Address Resolve Protocol (ARP) (SMBus)

19.2 Overview
The Two Wire Interface (TWI) is bi-directional 2-wire bus communication, which is I2C and
SMBus compatible.
A device connected to the bus must act as a master or slave.The master initiates a data transac-
tion by addressing a slave on the bus, and telling whether it wants to transmit or receive data.
One bus can have several masters, and an arbitration process handles priority if two or more
masters try to transmit at the same time.
The TWI module in XMEGA implements both master and slave functionality. The master and
slave functionality are separated from each other and can be enabled separately. They have
separate control and status register, and separate interrupt vectors. Arbitration lost, errors, colli-
sion and clock hold on the bus will be detected in hardware and indicated in separate status
flags available in both master and slave mode.
The master module contains a baud rate generator for flexible clock generation. Both 100 kHz
and 400 kHz bus frequency at low system clock speed is supported. Quick Command and Smart
Mode can be enabled to auto trigger operations and reduce software complexity.
For the slave, 7-bit and general address call recognition is implemented in hardware. 10-bit
addressing is also supported. A dedicated address mask register can act as a second address
match register or as a mask register for the slave address to match on a range of addresses.
The slave logic continues to operate in all sleep modes, including Power down. This enables the
slave to wake up from sleep on TWI address match. It is possible to disable the address match-
ing and let this be handled in software instead. This allows the slave to detect and respond to
several addresses. Smart Mode can be enabled to auto trigger operations and reduce software
The TWI module includes bus state logic that collects information to detect START and STOP
conditions, bus collision and bus errors. This is used to determine the bus state (idle, owner,
busy or unknown) in master mode. The bus state logic continues to operate in all sleep modes
including Power down.


It is possible to disable the internal TWI drivers in the device, and enabling a 4-wire interface for
connecting external bus drivers.

19.3 General TWI Bus Concepts

The Two-Wire Interface (TWI) provides a simple two-wire bi-directional bus consisting of a serial
clock line (SCL) and a serial data line (SDA). The two lines are open collector lines (wired-AND),
and pull-up resistors (Rp) are the only external components needed to drive the bus. The pull-up
resistors will provide a high level on the lines when none of the connected devices are driving
the bus. A constant current source can be used as an alternative to the pull-up resistors.
The TWI bus is a simple and efficient method of interconnecting multiple devices on a serial bus.
A device connected to the bus can be a master or slave, where the master controls the bus and
all communication.
Figure 19-1 illustrates the TWI bus topology.

Figure 19-1. TWI Bus Topology






Note: RS is optional

A unique address is assigned to all slave devices connected to the bus, and the master will use
this to address a slave and initiate a data transaction. 7-bit or 10-bit addressing can be used.
Several masters can be connected to the same bus, and this is called a multi-master environ-
ment. An arbitration mechanism is provided for resolving bus ownership between masters since
only one master device may own the bus at any given time.
A device can contain both master and slave logic, and can emulate multiple slave devices by
responding to more than one address.
A master indicates the start of transaction by issuing a START condition (S) on the bus. An
address packet with a slave address (ADDRESS) and an indication whether the master wishes
to read or write data (R/W), is then sent. After all data packets (DATA) are transferred, the mas-
ter issues a STOP condition (P) on the bus to end the transaction. The receiver must
acknowledge (A) or not-acknowledge (A) each byte received.
Figure 19-2 shows a TWI transaction.


Figure 19-2. Basic TWI Transaction Diagram Topology


SCL 6 ... 0 7 ... 0 7 ... 0




Address Packet Data Packet #0 Data Packet #1


The master provides data on the bus

The master or slave can provide data on the bus
The slave provides data on the bus

The master provides the clock signal for the transaction, but a device connected to the bus is
allowed to stretch the low level period of the clock to decrease the clock speed.

19.3.1 Electrical Characteristics

The TWI in XMEGA follows the electrical specifications and timing of I2C and SMBus. These
specifications are not 100% compliant so to ensure correct behavior the inactive bus timeout
period should be set in TWI master mode.

19.3.2 START and STOP Conditions

Two unique bus conditions are used for marking the beginning (START) and end (STOP) of a
transaction. The master issues a START condition(S) by indicating a high to low transition on the
SDA line while the SCL line is kept high. The master completes the transaction by issuing a
STOP condition (P), indicated by a low to high transition on the SDA line while SCL line is kept

Figure 19-3. START and STOP Conditions


Condition Condition

Multiple START conditions can be issued during a single transaction. A START condition not
directly following a STOP condition, are named a Repeated START condition (Sr).


19.3.3 Bit Transfer

As illustrated by Figure 19-4 a bit transferred on the SDA line must be stable for the entire high
period of the SCL line. Consequently the SDA value can only be changed during the low period
of the clock. This is ensured in hardware by the TWI module.

Figure 19-4. Data Validity



DATA Change
Valid Allowed

Combining bit transfers results in the formation of address and data packets. These packets
consist of 8 data bits (one byte) with the most significant bit transferred first, plus a single bit not-
acknowledge (NACK) or acknowledge (ACK) response. The addressed device signals ACK by
pulling the SCL line low, and NACK by leaving the line SCL high during the ninth clock cycle.

19.3.4 Address Packet

After the START condition, a 7-bit address followed by a read/write (R/W) bit is sent. This is
always transmitted by the Master. A slave recognizing its address will ACK the address by pull-
ing the data line low the next SCL cycle, while all other slaves should keep the TWI lines
released, and wait for the next START and address. The 7-bit address, the R/W bit and the
acknowledge bit combined is the address packet. Only one address packet for each START
condition is given, also when 10-bit addressing is used.
The R/W specifies the direction of the transaction. If the R/W bit is low, it indicates a Master
Write transaction, and the master will transmit its data after the slave has acknowledged its
address. Opposite, for a Master Read operation the slave will start to transmit data after
acknowledging its address.

19.3.5 Data Packet

Data packets succeed an address packet or another data packet. All data packets are nine bits
long, consisting of one data byte and an acknowledge bit. The direction bit in the previous
address packet determines the direction in which the data is transferred.

19.3.6 Transaction
A transaction is the complete transfer from a START to a STOP condition, including any
Repeated START conditions in between. The TWI standard defines three fundamental transac-
tion modes: Master Write, Master Read, and combined transaction.
Figure 19-5 illustrates the Master Write transaction. The master initiates the transaction by issu-
ing a START condition (S) followed by an address packet with direction bit set to zero


Figure 19-5. Master Write Transaction

Address Packet Data Packet


N data packets

Given that the slave acknowledges the address, the master can start transmitting data (DATA)
and the slave will ACK or NACK (A/A) each byte. If no data packets are to be transmitted, the
master terminates the transaction by issuing a STOP condition (P) directly after the address
packet. There are no limitations to the number of data packets that can be transferred. If the
slave signal a NACK to the data, the master must assume that the slave cannot receive any
more data and terminate the transaction.
Figure 19-6 illustrates the Master Read transaction. The master initiates the transaction by issu-
ing a START condition followed by an address packet with direction bit set to one (ADRESS+R).
The addressed slave must acknowledge the address for the master to be allowed to continue
the transaction.

Figure 19-6. Master Read Transaction

Address Packet Data Packet


N data packets

Given that the slave acknowledges the address, the master can start receiving data from the
slave. There are no limitations to the number of data packets that can be transferred. The slave
transmits the data while the master signals ACK or NACK after each data byte. The master ter-
minates the transfer with a NACK before issuing a STOP condition.
Figure 19-7 illustrates a combined transaction. A combined transaction consists of several read
and write transactions separated by a Repeated START conditions (Sr).

Figure 19-7. Combined Transaction

Address Packet #1 N Data Packets Address Packet #2 M Data Packets


Direction Direction


19.3.7 Clock and Clock Stretching

All devices connected to the bus are allowed to stretch the low period of the clock to slow down
the overall clock frequency or to insert wait states while processing data. A device that needs to
stretch the clock can do this by holding/forcing the SCL line low after it detects a low level on the
Three types of clock stretching can be defined as shown in Figure 19-8.

Figure 19-8. Clock Stretching

SDA bit 7 bit 6 bit 0 ACK/NACK


Wakeup clock Periodic clock Random clock

stretching stretching stretching

If the device is in a sleep mode and a START condition is detected the clock is stretched during
the wake-up period for the device.
A slave device can slow down the bus frequency by stretching the clock periodically on a bit
level. This allows the slave to run at a lower system clock frequency. However, the overall per-
formance of the bus will be reduced accordingly. Both the master and slave device can
randomly stretch the clock on a byte level basis before and after the ACK/NACK bit. This pro-
vides time to process incoming or prepare outgoing data, or performing other time critical tasks.
In the case where the slave is stretching the clock the master will be forced into a wait-state until
the slave is ready and vice versa.

19.3.8 Arbitration
A master can only start a bus transaction if it has detected that the bus is idle. As the TWI bus is
a multi master bus, it is possible that two devices initiate a transaction at the same time. This
results in multiple masters owning the bus simultaneously. This is solved using an arbitration
scheme where the master loses control of the bus if it is not able to transmit a high level on the
SDA line. The masters who lose arbitration must then wait until the bus becomes idle (i.e. wait
for a STOP condition) before attempting to reacquire bus ownership. Slave devices are not
involved in the arbitration procedure.


Figure 19-9. TWI Arbitration

DEVICE1 Loses arbitration



bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4


Figure 19-9 shows an example where two TWI masters are contending for bus ownership. Both
devices are able to issue a START condition, but DEVICE1 loses arbitration when attempting to
transmit a high level (bit 5) while DEVICE2 is transmitting a low level.
Arbitration between a repeated START condition and a data bit, a STOP condition and a data
bit, or a repeated START condition and STOP condition are not allowed and will require special
handling by software.

19.3.9 Synchronization
A clock synchronization algorithm is necessary for solving situations where more than one mas-
ter is trying to control the SCL line at the same time. The algorithm is based on the same
principles used for clock stretching previously described. Figure 19-10 shows an example where
two masters are competing for the control over the bus clock. The SCL line is the wired-AND
result of the two masters clock outputs.

Figure 19-10. Clock Synchronization

Low Period Wait High Period
Count State Count




A high to low transition on the SCL line will force the line low for all masters on the bus and they
start timing their low clock period. The timing length of the low clock period can vary between the
masters. When a master (DEVICE1 in this case) has completed its low period it releases the
SCL line. However, the SCL line will not go high before all masters have released it. Conse-
quently the SCL line will be held low by the device with the longest low period (DEVICE2).
Devices with shorter low periods must insert a wait-state until the clock is released. All masters
start their high period when the SCL line is released by all devices and has become high. The


device which first completes its high period (DEVICE1) forces the clock line low and the proce-
dure are then repeated. The result of this is that the device with the shortest clock period
determines the high period while the low period of the clock is determined by the longest clock

19.4 TWI Bus State Logic

The bus state logic continuously monitors the activity on the TWI bus lines when the master is
enabled. It continues to operate in all sleep modes, including Power down.
The bus state logic includes START and STOP condition detectors, collision detection, inactive
bus timeout detection, and bit counter. This is used to determine the bus state. Software can get
the current bus state by reading the Bus State bits in the Master Status register. The bus state
can be 'unknown', 'idle', 'busy' or 'owner' and is determined according to the state diagram
shown in Figure 19-11. The value of the Bus State bits according to state is shown in binary in
the figure.

Figure 19-11. Bus State, State Diagram


P + Timeout

(0b01) P + Timeout (0b11)

Command P
Write ADDRESS Lost

After a system reset, the bus state is unknown. From this the bus state machine can be forced to
enter idle by writing to the Bus State bits accordingly. If no state is set by application software
the bus state will become idle when a STOP condition is detected. If the Master Inactive Bus
Timeout is enabled the bus state will change to idle on the occurrence of a timeout. After a
known bus state is established the bus state will not re-enter the unknown state from any of the
other states. Only a system reset or disabling the TWI master will set the state to unknown.
When the bus is idle it is ready for a new transaction. If a START condition generated externally
is detected, the bus becomes busy until a STOP condition is detected. The STOP condition will
change the bus state to idle. If the Master Inactive Bus Timeout is enabled bus state will change
from busy to idle on the occurrence of a timeout.


If a START condition is generated internally while in idle state the owner state is entered. If the
complete transaction was performed without interference, i.e. no collisions are detected, the
master will issue a STOP condition and the bus state changes back to idle. If a collision is
detected the arbitration is assumed lost and the bus state becomes busy until a STOP condition
is detected. A Repeated START condition will only change the bus state if arbitration is lost dur-
ing the issuing of the Repeated START.

19.5 TWI Master Operation

The TWI master is byte-oriented with optional interrupt after each byte. There are separate inter-
rupts for Master Write and Master Read. Interrupt flags can also be used for polled operation.
There are dedicated status flags for indicating ACK/NACK received, bus error, arbitration lost,
clock hold and bus state.
When an interrupt flag is set, the SCL line is forced low. This will give the master time to respond
or handle any data, and will in most cases require software interaction. Figure 19-12 shows the
TWI master operation. The diamond shaped symbols (SW) indicate where software interaction
is required. Clearing the interrupt flags, releases the SCL line.

Figure 19-12. TWI Master Operation


M1 M2 M3 M4


Wait for



SW Driver software
The master provides data
on the bus

Slave provides data on

the bus
Bus state

A/A Sr M3
Mn Diagram connections



The number of interrupts generated is kept at a minimum by automatic handling of most condi-
tions. Quick Command and Smart Mode can be enabled to auto trigger operations and reduce
software complexity.


19.5.1 Transmitting Address Packets

After issuing a START condition, the master starts performing a bus transaction when the mas-
ter Address register is written with the slave address and direction bit. If the bus is busy the TWI
master will wait until the bus becomes idle. When the bus is idle the master will issue a START
condition on the bus before the address byte is transmitted.
Depending on arbitration and the R/W direction bit one of four distinct cases (1 to 4) arises fol-
lowing the address packet. The different cases must be handled in software. Case M1: Arbitration lost or bus error during address packet
If arbitration is lost during the sending of the address packet the master Write Interrupt Flag and
Arbitration Lost flag are both set. Serial data output to the SDA line is disabled and the SCL line
is released. The master is no longer allowed to perform any operation on the bus until the bus
state has changed back to idle.
A bus error will behave in the same way as an arbitration lost condition, but the Error flag is set
in addition to Write Interrupt Flag and Arbitration Lost flag. Case M2: Address packet transmit complete - Address not acknowledged by slave
If no slave device responds to the address the master Write Interrupt Flag is set and the master
Received Acknowledge flag is set. The clock hold is active at this point preventing further activity
on the bus. Case M3: Address packet transmit complete - Direction bit cleared
If the master receives an ACK from the slave, the master Write Interrupt Flag is set, and the
master Received Acknowledge flag is cleared. The clock hold is active at this point preventing
further activity on the bus. Case M4: Address packet transmit complete - Direction bit set
If the master receives an ACK from the slave, the master proceeds receiving the next byte of
data from the slave. When the first data byte is received the master Read Interrupt Flag is set
and the master Received Acknowledge flag is cleared. The clock hold is active at this point pre-
venting further activity on the bus.

19.5.2 Transmitting Data Packets

Assuming case 3 above, the master can start transmitting data by writing to the master Data reg-
ister. If the transfer was successful the slave will signal with ACK. The master Write Interrupt
Flag is set, the master Received Acknowledge flag is cleared and the master can prepare new
data to send. During data transfer the master is continuously monitoring the bus for collisions.
The Received Acknowledge flag must be checked for each data packet transmitted before the
next data packet can be transferred. The master is not allowed to continue transmitting data if
the slave signals a NACK.
If a collision is detected and the master looses arbitration during transfer, the Arbitration Lost
flag is set.

19.5.3 Receiving Data Packets

Assuming case 4 above the master has already received one byte from the slave. The master
Read Interrupt Flag is set, and the master must prepare to receive new data. The master must
respond to each byte with ACK or NACK. Indicating a NACK might not be successfully executed


since arbitration can be lost during the transmission. If a collision is detected the master looses
arbitration and the Arbitration Lost flag is set.

19.6 TWI Slave Operation

The TWI slave is byte-oriented with optional interrupts after each byte. There are separate slave
Data Interrupt and Address/Stop Interrupt. Interrupt flags can also be used for polled operation.
There are dedicated status flags for indicating ACK/NACK received, clock hold, collision, bus
error and read/write direction.
When an interrupt flag is set, the SCL line is forced low. This will give the slave time to respond
or handle any data, and will in most cases require software interaction. Figure 19-13. shows the
TWI slave operation. The diamond shapes symbols (SW) indicate where software interaction is

Figure 19-13. TWI Slave Operation


P S2

S1 S3 A S1 Sr S3


P S2

A S1 Sr S3
SW Driver software
The master provides data
on the bus
Interrupt on STOP
Condition Enabled
Slave provides data on
the bus Collision Release
Hold S1
Sn Diagram connections

The number of interrupts generated is kept at a minimum by automatic handling of most condi-
tions. Quick Command can be enabled to auto trigger operations and reduce software
Promiscuous Mode can be enabled to allow the slave to respond to all received addresses.

19.6.1 Receiving Address Packets

When the TWI slave is properly configured, it will wait for a START condition to be detected.
When this happens, the successive address byte will be received and checked by the address
match logic, and the slave will ACK the correct address. If the received address is not a match,
the slave will not acknowledge the address and wait for a new START condition.
The slave Address/Stop Interrupt Flag is set when a START condition succeeded by a valid
address packet is detected. A general call address will also set the interrupt flag.
A START condition immediately followed by a STOP condition, is an illegal operation and the
Bus Error flag is set.


The R/W Direction flag reflects the direction bit received with the address. This can be read by
software to determine the type of operation currently in progress.
Depending on the R/W direction bit and bus condition one of four distinct cases (1 to 4) arises
following the address packet. The different cases must be handled in software. Case 1: Address packet accepted - Direction bit set

If the R/W Direction flag is set, this indicates a master read operation. The SCL line is forced
low, stretching the bus clock. If ACK is sent by the slave, the slave hardware will set the Data
Interrupt Flag indicating data is needed for transmit. If NACK is sent by the slave, the slave will
wait for a new condition and address match. Case 2: Address packet accepted - Direction bit cleared

If the R/W Direction flag is cleared this indicates a master write operation. The SCL line is forced
low, stretching the bus clock. If ACK is sent by the slave, the slave will wait for data to be
received. Data, Repeated START or STOP can be received after this. If NACK is indicated the
slave will wait for a new START condition and address match. Case 3: Collision

If the slave is not able to send a high level or NACK, the Collision flag is set and it will disable the
data and acknowledge output from the slave logic. The clock hold is released. A START or
repeated START condition will be accepted. Case 4: STOP condition received.

Operation is the same as case 1 or 2 above with one exception. When the STOP condition is
received, the Slave Address/Stop flag will be set indicating that a STOP condition and not an
address match occurred.

19.6.2 Receiving Data Packets

The slave will know when an address packet with R/W direction bit cleared has been success-
fully received. After acknowledging this, the slave must be ready to receive data. When a data
packet is received the Data Interrupt Flag is set, and the slave must indicate ACK or NACK.
After indicating a NACK, the slave must expect a STOP or Repeated START condition.

19.6.3 Transmitting Data Packets

The slave will know when an address packet, with R/W direction bit set, has been successfully
received. It can then start sending data by writing to the Slave Data register. When a data packet
transmission is completed, the Data Interrupt Flag is set. If the master indicates NACK, the slave
must stop transmitting data, and expect a STOP or Repeated START condition.

19.7 Enabling External Driver Interface

An external drivers interface can be enabled. When this is done the internal TWI drivers with
input filtering and slew rate control are bypassed. The normal I/O pin function is used and the
direction must be configured by the user software. When this mode is enabled an external TWI
compliant tri-state driver is needed for connecting to a TWI bus.
By default port pin 0 (Pn0) and 1 (Pn1) is used for SDA and SCL. The external driver interface
uses port pin 0 to 3 for the signals SDA_IN, SCL_IN, SDA_OUT and SCL_OUT.


19.8 Register Description - TWI

19.8.1 CTRL– TWI Common Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - - - - - SDAHOLD EDIEN CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - SDAHOLD: SDA Hold Time Enable.

Setting this bit to one enables an internal hold time on SDA with respect to the negative edge of

• Bit 0 - EDIEN: External Driver Interface Enable

Setting this bit enables the use of the external driver interface, clearing this bit enables normal
two wire mode. See Table 19-1 for details.

Table 19-1. External Driver Interface Enable

EDIEN Mode Comment
Two pin interface,
0 Normal TWI
Slew rate control and input filter.

External Driver Four pin interface,

Interface Standard I/O, no slew-rate control, no input filter.

19.9 Register Description - TWI Master

19.9.1 CTRLA - TWI Master Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - INTLVL[1:0]: Interrupt Level

The Interrupt Level (INTLVL) bit select the interrupt level for the TWI master interrupts.

• Bit 5 - RIEN: Read Interrupt Enable

Setting the Read Interrupt Enable (RIEN) bit enables the Read Interrupt when the Read Interrupt
Flag (RIF) in the STATUS register is set. In addition the INTLVL bits must be unequal zero for
TWI master interrupts to be generated.


• Bit 4 - WIEN: Write Interrupt Enable

Setting the Write Interrupt Enable (WIEN) bit enables the Write Interrupt when the Write Interrupt
Flag (WIF) in the STATUS register is set. In addition the INTLVL bits must be unequal zero for
TWI master interrupts to be generated.

• Bit 3 - ENABLE: Enable TWI Master

Setting the Enable TWI Master (ENABLE) bit enables the TWI Master.

• Bit 2:0 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

19.9.2 CTRLB - TWI Master Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - - - - TIMEOUT[1:0] QCEN SMEN CTRLB

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved Bits

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:2 - TIMEOUT[1:0]: Inactive Bus Timeout

Setting the Inactive Bus Timeout (TIMEOUT) bits unequal zero will enable the inactive bus time-
out supervisor. If the bus is inactive for longer than the TIMEOUT settings, the bus state logic
will enter the idle state.
Figure 19-2 lists the timeout settings.

Table 19-2. TWI master inactive bus timeout settings

TIMEOUT[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 DISABLED Disabled, normally used for I2C
01 50US 50 µs, normally used for SMBus at 100 kHz
10 100US 100 µs
11 200US 200 µs

• Bit 1 - QCEN: Quick Command Enable

Setting the Quick Command Enable (QCEN) bit enables Quick Command. When Quick Com-
mand is enabled, a STOP condition is sent immediate after the slave acknowledges the

• Bit 0 - SMEN: Smart Mode Enable

Setting the Smart Mode Enable (SMEN) bit enables Smart Mode. When Smart mode is enabled,
the Acknowledge Action, as set by the ACKACT bit in Control Register C, is sent immediately
after reading the DATA register.


19.9.3 CTRLC - TWI Master Control Register C

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - - - ACKACT CMD[1:0] CTRLC

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - ACKACT: Acknowledge Action

The Acknowledge Action (ACKACT) bit defines the master's acknowledge behavior in Master
Read mode. The Acknowledge Action is executed when a command is written to the CMD bits. If
SMEN in Control Register B is set, the Acknowledge Action is performed when the DATA regis-
ter is read.
Table 19-3 lists the acknowledge actions.

Table 19-3. ACKACT Bit Description

0 Send ACK
1 Send NACK

• Bit 1:0 - CMD[1:0]: Command

Writing the Command (CMD) bits triggers a master operation as defined by Table 19-4. The
CMD bits are strobe bits, and always read as zero. The Acknowledge Action is only valid in Mas-
ter Read mode (R). In Master Write mode (W), a command will only result in a Repeated START
or STOP condition. The ACKACT bit and the CMD bits can be written at the same time, and then
the Acknowledge Action will be updated before the command is triggered.

Table 19-4. CMD Bit Description

CMD[1:0] MODE Operation
00 X Reserved
Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by repeated START
01 X
W No operation
R Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by a byte receive
Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by issuing a STOP
11 X

Writing a command to the CMD bits will clear the master interrupt flags and the CLKHOLD flag.


19.9.4 STATUS - Master Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - RIF: Read Interrupt Flag

This Read Interrupt Flag (RIF) is set when a byte is successfully received in Master Read mode,
i.e. no arbitration lost or bus error occurred during the operation. Writing a one to this bit location
will clear the RIF. When this flag is set the master forces the SCL line low, stretching the TWI
clock period. Clearing the interrupt flags will release the SCL line.
This flag is also automatically cleared when:
• Writing to the ADDR register.
• Writing to the DATA register.
• Reading the DATA register.
• Writing a valid command to the CMD bits in the CTRLC register.

• Bit 6 - WIF: Write Interrupt Flag

The Write Interrupt Flag (WIF) flag is set when a byte is transmitted in Master Write mode. The
flag is set regardless of the occurrence of a bus error or an arbitration lost condition. The WIF is
also set if arbitration is lost during sending of NACK in Master Read mode, and if issuing a
START condition when the bus state is unknown. Writing a one to this bit location will clear the
WIF. When this flag is set the master forces the SCL line low, stretching the TWI clock period.
Clearing the interrupt flags will release the SCL line.
The flag is also automatically cleared for the same conditions as RIF.

• Bit 5 - CLKHOLD: Clock Hold

The master Clock Hold (CLKHOLD) flag is set when the master is holding the SCL line low. This
is a status flag, and a read only bit that is set when the RIF and WIF is set. Clearing the interrupt
flags and releasing the SCL line, will indirectly clear this flag.
The flag is also automatically cleared for the same conditions as RIF.

• Bit 4 - RXACK: Received Acknowledge

The Received Acknowledge (RXACK) flag contains the most recently received acknowledge bit
from slave. This is a read only flag. When read as zero the most recent acknowledge bit from the
slave was ACK, and when read as one the most recent acknowledge bit was NACK.

• Bit 3 - ARBLOST: Arbitration Lost

The Arbitration Lost (ARBLOST) flag is set if arbitration is lost while transmitting a high data bit,
a NACK bit, or while issuing a START or Repeated START condition on the bus. Writing a one
to this bit location will clear the ARBLOST flag.
Writing the ADDR register will automatically clear the ARBLOST flag.


• Bit 2 - BUSERR: Bus Error

The Bus Error (BUSERR) flag is set if an illegal bus condition has occurred. An illegal bus condi-
tion occurs if a Repeated START or STOP condition is detected, and the number of bits from the
previous START condition is not a multiple of nine. Writing a one to this bit location will clear the
BUSERR flag.
Writing the ADDR register will automatically clear the BUSERR flag.

• Bit 1:0 - BUSSTATE[1:0]: Bus State

The Bus State (BUSSTATE) bits indicate the current TWI bus state as defined in Table 19-5.
The change of bus state is dependent on bus activity. Refer to the Section 19.4 ”TWI Bus State
Logic” on page 212.

Table 19-5. TWI master Bus State

BUSSTATE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 UNKNOWN Unknown Bus State
01 IDLE Idle
10 OWNER Owner
11 BUSY Busy

Writing 01 to the BUSSTATE bits forces the bus state logic into idle state. The bus state logic
cannot be forced into any other state. When the master is disabled, and after reset the Bus State
logic is disabled and the bus state is unknown.

19.9.5 BAUD - TWI Baud Rate Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 BAUD[7:0] BAUD

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Baud Rate (BAUD) register defines the relation between the system clock and the TWI Bus
Clock (SCL) frequency. The frequency relation can be expressed by using the following

f sys
f TWI = ---------------------------------------- [Hz] [1]
2(5 + TWMBR)

The BAUD register must be set to a value that results in a TWI bus clock frequency (fTWI) equal
or less 100 kHz or 400 kHz dependent on standard used by the application. The following equa-
tion [2] expresses equation [1] with respect to the BAUD value:

f sys
- – 5 [2]
TWMBR = -------------
2f TWI

The BAUD register should be written while the master is disabled.


19.9.6 ADDR - TWI Master Address Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 ADDR[7:0] ADDR

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

When the Address (ADDR) register is written with a slave address and the R/W-bit while the bus
is idle, a START condition is issued, and the 7-bit slave address and the R/W-bit are transmitted
on the bus. If the bus is already owned when ADDR is written, a Repeated START is issued. If
the previous transaction was a Master Read and no acknowledge is sent yet, the Acknowledge
Action is sent before the Repeated START condition.
After completing the operation and the acknowledge bit from the slave is received, the SCL line
is forced low if arbitration was not lost. The WIF is set.
If the Bus State is unknown when ADDR is written. The WIF is set, and the BUSERR flag is set.
All TWI master flags are automatically cleared when ADDR is written. This includes BUSERR,
ARBLOST, RIF, and WIF. The Master ADDR can be read at any time without interfering with
ongoing bus activity.

19.9.7 DATA -TWI Master Data Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 DATA[7:0] DATA

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The data (DATA) register is used when transmitting and receiving data. During data transfer,
data is shifted from/to the DATA register and to/from the bus. This implies that the DATA register
cannot be accessed during byte transfers, and this is protected in hardware. The Data register
can only be accessed when the SCL line is held low by the master, i.e. when CLKHOLD is set.
In Master Write mode, writing the DATA register will trigger a data byte transfer, followed by the
master receiving the acknowledge bit from the slave. The WIF and the CLKHOLD flag are set.
In Master Read mode the RIF and the CLKHOLD flag are set when one byte is received in the
DATA register. If Smart Mode is enabled, reading the DATA register will trigger the bus opera-
tion as set by the ACKACT bit. If a bus error occurs during reception the WIF and BUSERR flag
are set instead of the RIF.
Accessing the DATA register will clear the master interrupt flags and the CLKHOLD flag.


19.10 Register Description - TWI Slave

19.10.1 CTRLA - TWI Slave Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - INTLVL[1:0]: TWI Slave Interrupt Level

The Slave Interrupt Level (INTLVL) bits select the interrupt level for the TWI slave interrupts.

• Bit 5 - DIEN: Data Interrupt Enable

Setting the Data Interrupt Enable (DIEN) bit enables the Data Interrupt when the Data Interrupt
Flag (DIF) in the STATUS register is set. The INTLVL bits must be unequal zero for the interrupt
to be generated.

• Bit 4 - APIEN: Address/Stop Interrupt Enable

Setting the Address/Stop Interrupt Enable (APIEN) bit enables the Address/Stop Interrupt when
the Address/Stop Interrupt Flag (APIF) in the STATUS register is set. The INTLVL bits must be
unequal zero for interrupt to be generated.

• Bit 3 - ENABLE: Enable TWI Slave

Setting the Enable TWI Slave (ENABLE) bit enables the TWI slave.

• Bit 2 - PIEN: Stop Interrupt Enable

Setting the Stop Interrupt Enable (PIEN) bit will set the APIF in the STATUS register when a
STOP condition is detected.

• Bit 1 - PMEN: Promiscuous Mode Enable

By setting the Promiscuous Mode Enable (PMEN) bit, the slave address match logic responds to
all received addresses. If this bit is cleared, the address match logic uses the ADDR register to
determine which address to recognize as its own address.

• Bit 0 - SMEN: Smart Mode Enable

Setting the Smart Mode Enable (SMEN) bit enables Smart Mode. When Smart mode is enabled,
the Acknowledge Action, as set by the ACKACT bit in the CTRLB register, is sent immediately
after reading the DATA register.

19.10.2 CTRLB - TWI Slave Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - - - - - ACKACT CMD[1:0] CTRLB

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 2 - ACKACT: Acknowledge Action

The Acknowledge Action (ACKACT) bit defines the slave's acknowledge behavior after an
address or data byte is received from the master. The Acknowledge Action is executed when a
command is written to the CMD bits. If the SMEN bit in the CTRLA register is set, the Acknowl-
edge Action is performed when the DATA register is read.
Table 19-6 lists the acknowledge actions.

Table 19-6. TWI slave acknowledge action

0 Send ACK
1 Send NACK

• Bit 1:0 - CMD[1:0]: Command

Writing the Command (CMD) bits triggers the slave operation as defined by Table 19-7. The
CMD bits are strobe bits, and always read as zero. The operation is dependent on the slave
interrupt flags, DIF and APIF. The Acknowledge Action is only executed when the slave receives
data bytes or address byte from the master.

Table 19-7. TWI slave command

CMD[1:0] DIR Operation
00 X No action
01 X Reserved
Used to complete transaction
Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by waiting for any START
10 0
(S/Sr) condition.
1 Wait for any START (S/Sr) condition.
Used in response to an Address Byte (APIF is set)
0 Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by reception of next byte.
1 Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by the DIF being set
Used in response to a Data Byte (DIF is set)
0 Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by waiting for the next byte.
1 No operation.

Writing the CMD bits will automatically clear the slave interrupt flags, the CLKHOLD flag and
release the SCL line. The ACKACT bit and CMD bits can be written at the same time, and then
the Acknowledge Action will be updated before the command is triggered.

19.10.3 STATUS– TWI Slave Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7 - DIF: Data Interrupt Flag

The Data Interrupt Flag (DIF) is set when a data byte is successfully received, i.e. no bus error
or collision occurred during the operation. Writing a one to this bit location will clear the DIF.
When this flag is set the slave forces the SCL line low, stretching the TWI clock period. Clearing
the interrupt flags will release the SCL line.
This flag is also automatically cleared when writing a valid command to the CMD bits in the
CTRLB register

• Bit 6 - APIF: Address/Stop Interrupt Flag

The Address/Stop Interrupt Flag (APIF) is set when the slave detects that a valid address has
been received, or when a transmit collision is detected. If the PIEN bit in the CTRLA register is
set a STOP condition on the bus will also set APIF. Writing a one to this bit location will clear the
APIF. When this flag is set the slave forces the SCL line low, stretching the TWI clock period.
Clearing the interrupt flags will release the SCL line.
The flag is also automatically cleared for the same condition as DIF.

• Bit 5 - CLKHOLD: Clock Hold

The slave Clock Hold (CLKHOLD) flag is set when the slave is holding the SCL line low.This is a
status flag, and a read only bit that is set when the DIF or APIF is set. Clearing the interrupt flags
and releasing the SCL line, will indirectly clear this flag.

• Bit 4 - RXACK: Received Acknowledge

The Received Acknowledge (RXACK) flag contains the most recently received acknowledge bit
from the master. This is a read only flag. When read as zero the most recent acknowledge bit
from the maser was ACK, and when read as one the most recent acknowledge bit was NACK.

• Bit 3 - COLL: Collision

The slave Collision (COLL) flag is set when slave is not been able to transfer a high data bit or a
NACK bit. If a collision is detected, the slave will commence its normal operation, disable data
and acknowledge output, and no low values will be shifted out onto the SDA line. Writing a one
to this bit location will clear the COLL flag.
The flag is also automatically cleared when a START or Repeated START condition is detected.

• Bit 2 - BUSERR: TWI Slave Bus Error

The slave Buss Error (BUSERR) flag is set when an illegal bus condition has occurs during a
transfer. An illegal bus condition occurs if a Repeated START or STOP condition is detected,
and the number of bits from the previous START condition is not a multiple of nine. Writing a one
to this bit location will clear the BUSERR flag.
For bus errors to be detected, the bus state logic must be enabled. This is done by enable TWI

• Bit 1 - DIR: Read/Write Direction

The Read/Write Direction (DIR) flag reflects the direction bit from the last address packet
received from a master. When this bit is read as one, a Master Read operation is in progress.
When read as zero a Master Write operation is in progress.


• Bit 0 - AP: Slave Address or Stop

The Slave Address or Stop (AP) flag indicates whether a valid address or a STOP condition
caused the last setting of the APIF in the STATUS register.

Table 19-8. TWI slave address or stop

AP Description
0 A stop condition generated the interrupt on APIF
1 Address detection generated the interrupt on APIF

19.10.4 ADDR - TWI Slave Address Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 ADDR[7:0] ADDR

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This register contains the TWI slave address used by the slave address match logic to deter-
mine if a master has addressed the slave. The 7 most significant bits (ADDR[7:1]) represents the
slave address and the least significant bit (ADDR[0]) is used for general call address recognition.
When ADDR[0] is set this enables general call address recognition logic so the device can
respond to a general address call that addresses all devices on the bus.
When using 10-bit addressing the address match logic only support hardware address recogni-
tion of the first byte of a 10-bit address. By setting ADDR[7:1] = "0b11110nn", 'nn' represents bit
9 and 8 for the slave address. The next byte received is bit 7 to 0 in the 10-bit address, and this
must be handled by software.
When the address match logic detects that a valid address byte is received, the APIF is set, and
the DIR flag is updated.
If the PMEN bit in CTRLA is set, the address match logic responds to all addresses transmitted
on the TWI bus. The ADDR register is not used in this mode.

19.10.5 DATA - TWI Slave Data Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 DATA[7:0] DATA

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The data (DATA) register is used when transmitting and received data. During data transfer,
data is shifted from/to the DATA register and to/from the bus. This implies that the DATA register
cannot be accessed during byte transfers, and this is protected in hardware. The Data register
can only be accessed when the SCL line is held low by the slave, i.e. when CLKHOLD is set.
When a master is reading data from the slave, data to send must be written to the DATA regis-
ter. The byte transfer is started when the Master start to clock the data byte from the slave,
followed by the slave receiving the acknowledge bit from the master. The DIF and the CLKHOLD
flag are set.
When a master write data to the slave the DIF and the CLKHOLD flag are set when one byte is
received in the DATA register. If Smart Mode is enabled, reading the DATA register will trigger
the bus operation as set by the ACKACT bit.


Accessing the DATA register will clear the slave interrupt flags and the CLKHOLD flag.

19.10.6 ADDRMASK - TWI Slave Address Mask Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:1 - ADDRMASK[7:1]: Read/Write Direction

These bits in the ADDRMASK register can act as a second address match register, or an
address mask register depending on the ADDREN setting.
If ADDREN is set to zero, ADDRMASK can be loaded with a 7-bit Slave Address mask. Each bit
in ADDRMASK can mask (disable) the corresponding address bit in the ADDR register. If the
mask bit is one the address match between the incoming address bit and the corresponding bit
in ADDR is ignored, i.e. masked bits will always match.
If ADDREN is set to one, ADDRMASK can be loaded with a second slave address in addition to
the ADDR register. In this mode, the slave will match on 2 unique addresses, one in ADDR and
the other in ADDRMASK.

• Bit 0- ADDREN: Address Enable

By default this bit is zero and the ADDRMASK bits acts as an address mask to the ADDR regis-
ter. If this bit is set to one, the slave address match logic responds to the 2 unique addresses in


19.11 Register Summary - TWI

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL - - - - - - SDAHOLD EDIEN 217
+0x01 MASTER Offset address for TWI Master
+0x08 SLAVE Offset address for TWI Slave

19.12 Register Summary - TWI Master

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRLA INTLVL[1:0] RIEN WIEN ENABLE - - - 217
+0x01 CTRLB - - - - TIMEOUT[1:0] QCEN SMEN 218
+0x02 CTRLC - - - - - ACKACT CMD[1:0] 219
+0x04 BAUD BAUD[7:0] 221
+0x05 ADDR ADDR[7:0] 222
+0x06 DATA DATA[7:0] 222

19.13 Register Summary - TWI Slave

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 CTRLB - - - - - ACKACT CMD[1:0] 223
+0x03 ADDR ADDR[7:0] 226
+0x04 DATA DATA[7:0] 226

19.14 Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 19-9. TWI Interrupt vectors and their word offset addresses
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 SLAVE_vect TWI Slave Interrupt vector
0x02 MASTER_vect TWI Master Interrupt vector


20. SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface

20.1 Features
• Full-duplex, Three-wire Synchronous Data Transfer
• Master or Slave Operation
• LSB First or MSB First Data Transfer
• Eight Programmable Bit Rates
• End of Transmission Interrupt Flag
• Write Collision Flag Protection
• Wake-up from Idle Mode
• Double Speed (CK/2) Master SPI Mode

20.2 Overview
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a high-speed synchronous data transfer interface using
three or four pins. It allows fast communication between an XMEGA device and peripheral
devices or between several AVR devices. The SPI supports full duplex communication.
A device connected to the bus must act as a master or slave.The master initiates and controls all
data transactions. The interconnection between Master and Slave CPUs with SPI is shown in
Figure 20-1 on page 229. The system consists of two shift Registers, and a Master clock gener-
ator. The SPI Master initiates the communication cycle when pulling low the Slave Select (SS)
pin of the desired Slave. Master and Slave prepare the data to be sent in their respective Shift
Registers, and the Master generates the required clock pulses on the SCK line to interchange
data. Data is always shifted from Master to Slave on the Master Out - Slave In (MOSI) line, and
from Slave to Master on the Master In - Slave Out (MISO) line. After each data packet, the Mas-
ter can synchronize the Slave by pulling high the SS line.

Figure 20-1. SPI Master-slave Interconnection


The XMEGA SPI module is single buffered in the transmit direction and double buffered in the
receive direction. This means that bytes to be transmitted cannot be written to the SPI Data Reg-
ister before the entire shift cycle is completed. When receiving data, a received character must
be read from the Data register before the next character has been completely shifted in. Other-
wise, the first byte is lost.


In SPI Slave mode, the control logic will sample the incoming signal of the SCK pin. To ensure
correct sampling of this clock signal, the minimum low and high periods must be:
Low period: longer than 2 CPU clock cycles.
High period: longer than 2 CPU clock cycles.
When the SPI module is enabled, the data direction of the MOSI, MISO, SCK, and SS pins is
overridden according to Table 20-1. The pins with user defined direction, must be configured
from software to have the correct direction according to the application.

Table 20-1. SPI pin overrides

Pin Direction, Master SPI Direction, Slave SPI
MOSI User Defined Input
MISO Input User Defined
SCK User Defined Input
SS User Defined Input

20.3 Master Mode

When configured as a Master, the SPI interface has no automatic control of the SS line. The SS
pin must be configured as output, and controlled by user software. If the bus consists of several
SPI slaves and/or masters, a SPI master can use general I/O pins to control the SS line to each
of the slaves on the bus.
Writing a byte to the Data register starts the SPI clock generator, and the hardware shifts the
eight bits into the selected Slave. After shifting one byte, the SPI clock generator stops and the
SPI Interrupt Flag is set. The Master may continue to shift the next byte by writing new data to
the Data register, or signal the end of transfer by pulling the SS line high. The last incoming byte
will be kept in the Buffer Register.
If the SS pin is configured as an input, it must be held high to ensure Master operation. If the SS
pin is input and being driven low by external circuitry, the SPI module will interpret this as
another master trying to take control of the bus. To avoid bus contention, the Master will take the
following action:
1. The Master enters Slave mode.
2. The SPI Interrupt Flag is set.

20.4 Slave Mode

When configured as a Slave, the SPI interface will remain sleeping with MISO tri-stated as long
as the SS pin is driven high. In this state, software may update the contents of the Data register,
but the data will not be shifted out by incoming clock pulses on the SCK pin until the SS pin is
driven low. If SS is driven low and assuming the MISO pin is configured as output, the Slave will
start to shift out data on the first SCK clock pulse. As one byte has been completely shifted, the
SPI Interrupt Flag is set. The Slave may continue to place new data to be sent into the Data reg-
ister before reading the incoming data. The last incoming byte will be kept in the Buffer Register.
When SS is driven high, the SPI logic is reset, and the SPI Slave will not receive any data. Any
partially received packet in the shift register will be dropped.


As the SS pin is used to signal start and end of transfer, it is also useful for doing packet/byte
synchronization, keeping the Slave bit counter synchronous with the Master clock generator.

20.5 Data Modes

There are four combinations of SCK phase and polarity with respect to serial data. The SPI data
transfer formats are shown in Figure 20-2. Data bits are shifted out and latched in on opposite
edges of the SCK signal, ensuring sufficient time for data signals to stabilize.

Table 20-2. SPI Modes

Mode Leading Edge Trailing Edge
0 Rising, Sample Falling, Setup
1 Rising, Setup Falling, Sample
2 Falling,Sample Rising, Setup
3 Falling, Setup Rising, Sample

Leading edge is the first clock edge in a clock cycle. Trailing edge is the last clock edge in a
clock cycle.

Figure 20-2. SPI Transfer modes

Mode 0

Mode 2




MSB first (DORD = 0) MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB
LSB first (DORD = 1) LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB

Mode 1

Mode 3




MSB first (DORD = 0) MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB
LSB first (DORD = 1) LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB


20.6 DMA Support

DMA support on the SPI module is only available in Slave mode. The SPI Slave can trigger a
DMA transfer as one byte has been shifted into the Data Register. It is possible to set up the
XMEGA USART in SPI mode to have DMA support for master mode, for details refer to Section
21.10 ”USART in Master SPI Mode” on page 247.

20.7 Register Description

20.7.1 CTRL - SPI Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - CLK2X: SPI Clock Double

When this bit is set the SPI speed (SCK Frequency) will be doubled in Master mode (see Table
20-4 on page 233).

• Bit 6 - ENABLE: SPI Enable

Setting this bit enables the SPI modules. This bit must be set to enable any SPI operations.

• Bit 5 - DORD: Data Order

DORD decide the data order when a byte is shifted out from the Data register. When DORD is
written to one, the LSB of the data byte is transmitted first, and when DORD is written to zero,
the MSB of the data byte is transmitted first.

• Bit 4 - MASTER: Master/Slave Select

This bit selects Master mode when written to one, and Slave mode when written to zero. If SS is
configured as an input and is driven low while MASTER is set, MASTER will be cleared.

• Bit 3:2 - MODE[1:0]: SPI Mode

These bits select the transfer mode. The four combinations of SCK phase and polarity with
respect to serial data is shown in Figure 20-3 on page 232. This decide whether the first edge in
a clock cycles (leading edge) is rising or falling, and if data setup and sample is on lading or trail-
ing edge.
When the leading edge is rising the bit SCK is low when idle, and when the leading edge is fall-
ing the SCK is high when idle.
Table 20-3. SPI transfer modes

MODE[1:0] Group Configuration Leading Edge Trailing Edge

00 0 Rising, Sample Falling, Setup
01 1 Rising, Setup Falling, Sample
10 2 Falling,Sample Rising, Setup
11 3 Falling, Setup Rising, Sample


• Bits 1:0 - PRESCALER[1:0]: SPI Clock Prescaler

These two bits control the SCK rate of the device configured in a Master mode. These bits have
no effect in Slave mode. The relationship between SCK and the Peripheral Clock frequency (clk-
PER)is shown in Table 20-4 on page 233.

Table 20-4. Relationship Between SCK and the Peripheral Clock (clkPER) frequency
CLK2X PRESCALER[1:0] SCK Frequency
0 00 clkPER/4
0 01 clkPER/16
0 10 clkPER/64
0 11 clkPER/128
1 00 clkPER/2
1 01 clkPER/8
1 10 clkPER/32
1 11 clkPER/64

20.7.2 INTCTRL - SPI Interrupt Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - - - - - - INTLVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 1:0 - INTLVL[1:0]: SPI Interrupt Level

These bits enable the SPI Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in Section 12.
”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The enabled inter-
rupt will be triggered when the IF in the STATUS register is set.

20.7.3 STATUS - SPI Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 SPIF WCOL - - - - - - STATUS

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - IF: SPI Interrupt Flag

When a serial transfer is complete and one byte is completely shifted in/out of the DATA regis-
ter, the IF bit is set. If SS is an input and is driven low when the SPI is in Master mode, this will
also set the IF bit. The IF is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt
handling vector. Alternatively, the SPIF bit can be cleared by first reading the STATUS register
with IF set, and then access the DATA register.


• Bit 6 - WRCOL: Write Collision Flag

The WRCOL bit is set if the DATA register is written during a data transfer. The WRCOL bit is
cleared by first reading the STATUS register with WRCOL set, and then accessing the DATA

• Bit 5:0 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

20.7.4 DATA - SPI Data Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 DATA[7:0] DATA

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The DATA register used for sending and receiving data. Writing to the register initiates the data
transmission, and the byte written to the register will be shifted out on the SPI output line. Read-
ing the register causes the Shift Register Receive buffer to be read, and return the last bytes
successfully received.

20.8 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 INTCTRL - - - - - - INTLVL[1:0] 233
+0x02 STATUS IF WRCOL - - - - - - 233
+0x03 DATA DATA[7:0] 234

20.9 SPI Interrupt vectors

Table 20-5. SPI Interrupt vector and its offset word address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 SPI_vect SPI Interrupt vector



21.1 Features
• Full Duplex Operation (Independent Serial Receive and Transmit Registers)
• Asynchronous or Synchronous Operation
• Master or Slave Clocked Synchronous Operation
• Enhanced Baud Rate Generator
• Supports Serial Frames with 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 Data Bits and 1 or 2 Stop Bits
• Odd or Even Parity Generation and Parity Check Supported by Hardware
• Data OverRun and Framing Error Detection
• Noise Filtering Includes False Start Bit Detection and Digital Low Pass Filter
• Separate Interrupts on TX Complete, TX Data Register Empty and RX Complete
• Multi-processor Communication Mode
• Double Speed Asynchronous Communication Mode
• Master SPI mode, Three-wire Synchronous Data Transfer
– Supports all four SPI Modes of Operation (Mode 0, 1, 2, and 3)
– LSB First or MSB First Data Transfer (Configurable Data Order)
– Queued Operation (Double Buffered)
– High Speed Operation (fXCK,max = fPER/2)
• IRCOM Module for IrDA compliant pulse modulation/demodulation

21.2 Overview
The Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter (USART) is a
highly flexible serial communication module. The USART supports full duplex communication,
and both asynchronous and clocked synchronous operation. The USART can be set in Master
SPI compliant mode and be used for SPI communication.
Communication is frame based, and the frame format can be customized to support a wide
range of standards. The USART is buffered in both direction, enabling continued data transmis-
sion without any delay between frames. There are separate interrupt vectors for receive and
transmit complete, enabling fully interrupt driven communication. Frame error and buffer over-
flow are detected in hardware and indicated with separate status flags. Even or odd parity
generation and parity check can also be enabled.
A block diagram of the USART is shown in Figure 21-1 on page 236. The main parts are the
Clock Generator, the Transmitter and the Receiver, indicated in dashed boxes.


Figure 21-1. USART Block Diagram

BSEL [H:L] OSC Clock Generator











The Clock Generation logic has a fractional baud rate generator that is able to generate a wide
range of USART baud rates. It also includes synchronization logic for external clock input in syn-
chronous slave operation.
The Transmitter consists of a single write buffer (DATA), a shift register, Parity Generator and
control logic for handling different frame formats. The write buffer allows continuous data trans-
mission without any delay between frames.
The Receiver consists of a two level FIFO receive buffer (DATA), and a shift register. Data and
clock recovery units ensure robust synchronization and noise filtering during asynchronous data
reception. It includes frame error, buffer overflow and parity error detection.
When the USART is set in Master SPI compliant mode, all USART specific logic is disabled,
leaving the transmit and receive buffers, shift registers, and Baud Rate Generator enabled. Pin
control and interrupt generation is identical in both modes. The registers are used in both
modes, but the functionality differs for some control settings.
An IRCOM Module can be enabled for one USART to support IrDA 1.4 physical compliant pulse
modulation and demodulation for baud rates up to 115.2 kbps. For details refer to Section 22.
”IRCOM - IR Communication Module” on page 256 for details.


21.3 Clock Generation

The clock used for baud rate generation, and for shifting and sampling data bits is generated
internally by the Fractional Baud Rate Generator or externally from the Transfer Clock (XCK)
pin. Five modes of clock generation are supported: Normal and Double Speed asynchronous
mode, Master and Slave synchronous mode, and Master SPI mode.

Figure 21-2. Clock Generation Logic, Block Diagram.I


Baud Rate
/2 /4 /2
Generator 0
fOSC txclk

Sync Edge
xcki Register Detector 0
xcko 1


21.3.1 Internal Clock Generation - The Fractional Baud Rate Generator

The Fractional Baud Rate Generator is used for internal clock generation for asynchronous
modes, synchronous master mode, and SPI master mode operation. The generated output fre-
quency (fBAUD) is given by the period setting (BSEL), an optional scale setting (BSACLE) and the
Peripheral Clock frequency (fPER). Table 21-1 on page 238 contains equations for calculating the
baud rate (in bits per second) and for calculating the BSEL value for each mode of operation.
BSEL can be set to any value between 0 and 4095. It also show the maximum baud rate versus
peripheral clock speed.
Fractional baud rate generation can be used in asynchronous mode of operation to increase the
average resolution. A scale factor (BSCALE) allows the baud rate to be optionally left or right
scaled. Choosing a positive scale value will results in right scaling, which increase the period
and consequently reduce the frequency of the produced baud rate, without changing the resolu-
tion. If the scale value is negative the divider uses fractional arithmetic counting to increase the
resolution by distributing the fractional divide value over time. BSCALE can be set to any value
from -7 to +7, where 0 implies no scaling. There is a limit to how high the scale factor can be and
the value 2BSCALE must be at least half of the minimum number of clock cycles a frame takes,
see Section 21.9 on page 246 for more details.


Table 21-1. Equations for Calculating Baud Rate Register Setting

Equation for Calculation Equation for Calculation
Operating Mode Conditions Baud Rate(1) BSEL Value
f PER f BAUD = -------------------------------------------------------------
- BSEL = ------------------------------------------------ –1
Asynchronous Normal f BAUD ≤ ----------- 2
⋅ 16( BSEL + 1) 2
⋅ 16 f BAUD
Speed mode (CLK2X = 0)
⎛ ---------------------
- – 1⎞⎠
f PER f BAUD = ------------------------------------------------------------------
- BSEL = ---------------------
BSCALE ⎝ 16f
f BAUD ≤ ----------- 16((2
⋅ BSEL ) + 1) 2 BAUD
f PER f BAUD = --------------------------------------------------------------
- -–1
BSEL = --------------------------------------------
f BAUD ≤ ----------- BSCALE BSCALE
⋅ 8 f BAUD
Asynchronous Double 8 2 ⋅ 8 ⋅ ( BSEL + 1 ) 2
Speed mode (CLK2X = 1)
⎛ ------------------
- – 1⎞
f PER f BAUD = ---------------------------------------------------------------
- BSEL = ---------------------
f BAUD ≤ ----------- BSCALE ⎠
8 8((2 ⋅ BSEL ) + 1) 2 BAUD

Synchronous and SPI

Master mode
f BAUD < ----------- f BAUD = ------------------------------------
- -–1
BSEL = ------------------
2 2 ⋅ ( BSEL + 1 ) 2f BAUD

Note: 1. The baud rate is defined to be the transfer rate in bit per second (bps)

21.3.2 External Clock

External clock is used in synchronous slave mode operation. The XCK clock input is sampled on
the Peripheral Clock frequency (fPER) by a synchronization register to minimize the chance of
meta-stability. The output from the synchronization register is then passed through an edge
detector. This process introduces a delay of two peripheral clock periods, and therefore the max-
imum external XCK clock frequency (fXCK)is limited by the following equation:

f XCK < -----------

Each high and low period the XCK clock cycles must be sampled twice by the Peripheral Clock.
If the XCK clock has jitter, or the high/low period duty cycle is not 50/50, the maximum XCK
clock speed must be reduced accordingly.

21.3.3 Double Speed Operation (CLK2X)

Double Speed operation can be enabled to allow for higher baud rates on lower peripheral clock
frequencies under asynchronous operation. When Double Speed operation is enabled the baud
rate for a given asynchronous baud rate setting as shown in Table 21-1 on page 238 will be dou-
bled. In this mode the Receiver will use half the number of samples (reduced from 16 to 8) for
data sampling and clock recovery. Due to the reduced sampling more accurate baud rate setting
and peripheral clock are required. See Section 21.8 ”Asynchronous Data Reception” on page
243 for more details on accuracy.


21.3.4 Synchronous Clock Operation

When synchronous mode is used, the XCK pin controls whether the transmission clock is input
(slave mode) or output (master mode). The corresponding port pin must be set to output for
master mode and to input for slave mode. The normal port operation of the XCK pin will be over-
ridden. The dependency between the clock edges and data sampling or data change is the
same. Data input (on RxD) is sampled at the opposite XCK clock edge of the edge where data
output (TxD) is changed.

Figure 21-3. Synchronous Mode XCKn Timing.


RxD / TxD



RxD / TxD


Using the Inverted I/O (INVEN) setting in the Pin Configuration Register for the corresponding
XCK port pin, it is selectable which XCK clock edge is used for data sampling and which is used
for data change. If inverted I/O is disabled (INVEN=0) data will be changed at rising XCK clock
edge and sampled at falling XCK clock edge. If inverted I/O is enabled (INVEN=1) data will be
changed at falling XCK clock edge and sampled at rising XCK clock edge. For more details, see
in “I/O Ports” on page 106.

21.3.5 SPI Clock Generation

For SPI operation only master mode with internal clock generation is supported. This is identical
to the USART synchronous master mode and the baud rate or BSEL setting are calculated by
using the same equations, see Table 21-1 on page 238.
There are four combinations of the XCK (SCK) clock phase and polarity with respect to serial
data, and these are determined by the Clock Phase (UCPHA) control bit and the Inverted I/O pin
(INVEN) setting. The data transfer timing diagrams are shown in Figure 21-4 on page 240. Data
bits are shifted out and latched in on opposite edges of the XCK signal, ensuring sufficient time
for data signals to stabilize. The UCPHA and INVEN settings are summarized in Table 21-2 on
page 239. Changing the setting of any of these bits during transmission will corrupt for both the
Receiver and Transmitter.

Table 21-2. INVEN and UCPHA Functionality

SPI Mode INVEN UCPHA Leading Edge Trailing Edge
0 0 0 Rising, Sample Falling, Setup
1 0 1 Rising, Setup Falling, Sample
2 1 0 Falling, Sample Rising, Setup
3 1 1 Falling, Setup Rising, Sample


Leading edge is the first clock edge in a clock cycle. Trailing edge is the last clock edge in a
clock cycle.

Figure 21-4. UCPHA and INVEN data transfer timing diagrams.



Data setup (TXD) Data setup (TXD)

Data sample (RXD) Data sample (RXD)



Data setup (TXD) Data setup (TXD)

Data sample (RXD) Data sample (RXD)

21.4 Frame Formats

Data transfer is frame based, where a serial frame consists of one character of data bits with
synchronization bits (start and stop bits), and an optional parity bit for error checking. Note that
this does not apply to SPI operation (See Section 21.4.2 ”SPI Frame Formats” on page 241).
The USART accepts all 30 combinations of the following as valid frame formats:
• 1 start bit
• 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 data bits
• no, even or odd parity bit
• 1 or 2 stop bits
A frame starts with the start bit followed by the least significant data bit and all data bits ending
with the most significant bit. If enabled, the parity bit is inserted after the data bits, before the first
stop bit. One frame can be directly followed by a start bit and a new frame, or the communication
line can return to idle (high) state. Figure 21-5 on page 240 illustrates the possible combinations
of the frame formats. Bits inside brackets are optional.

Figure 21-5. Frame Formats


(IDLE) St 0 1 2 3 4 [5] [6] [7] [8] [P] Sp1 [Sp2] (St / IDLE)


Table 1.
St Start bit, always low.
(n) Data bits (0 to 8).
P Parity bit. Can be odd or even.
Sp Stop bit, always high.
IDLE No transfers on the communication line (RxD or TxD). The IDLE state is always high.

21.4.1 Parity Bit Calculation

Even or odd parity can be selected for error checking. If even parity is selected, the parity bit is
set to one if the number of data bits that is one is odd (making the total number of ones even). If
odd parity is selected, the parity bit is set to one if the number of data bits that is one is even
(making the total number of ones odd).

21.4.2 SPI Frame Formats

The serial frame in SPI mode is defined to be one character of 8 data bits. The USART in Master
SPI mode has two valid frame formats:
• 8-bit data with MSB first
• 8-bit data with LSB first
When a complete frame of 8 bits is transmitted, a new frame can directly follow it, or the commu-
nication line returns to idle (high) state.

21.5 USART Initialization

USART initialization should use the following sequence:
1. Set the TxD pin value high, and optionally the XCK pin low.
2. Set the TxD and optionally the XCK pin as output.
3. Set the baud rate and frame format.
4. Set mode of operation (enables the XCK pin output in synchronous mode).
5. Enable the Transmitter or the Receiver depending on the usage.
For interrupt driven USART operation, global interrupts should be disabled during the
Before doing a re-initialization with changed baud rate or frame format, be sure that there are no
ongoing transmissions during the period the registers are changed. The transit and receive com-
plete interrupt flags can be used to check that the Transmitter has completed all transfers, and
that there are no unread data in the receive buffer.

21.6 Data Transmission - The USART Transmitter

When the Transmitter has been enabled, the normal port operation of the TxD pin is overridden
by the USART and given the function as the Transmitter's serial output. The direction of the pin
must be set as output using the Direction register in the corresponding port. For details on port
pin control refer to ”I/O Ports” on page 129.

21.6.1 Sending Frames

A data transmission is initiated by loading the transmit buffer (DATA) with the data to be sent.
The data in the transmit buffer is moved to the Shift Register when the Shift Register is empty
and ready to send a new frame. The Shift Register is loaded if it is in idle state (no ongoing


transmission) or immediately after the last stop bit of the previous frame is transmitted. When the
Shift Register is loaded with data, it will transfer one complete frame.
The Transmit Complete Interrupt Flag (TXCIF) is set and the optional interrupt is generated
when the entire frame in the Shift Register has been shifted out and there are no new data pres-
ent in the transmit buffer.
The Transmit Data Register (DATA) can only be written when the Data Register Empty Flag
(DREIF) is set, indicating that the register is empty and ready for new data.
When using frames with less than eight bits, the most significant bits written to the DATA are
ignored. If 9-bit characters are used the ninth bit must be written to the TXB8 bit before the low
byte of the character is written to DATA.

21.6.2 Disabling the Transmitter

A disabling of the Transmitter will not become effective until ongoing and pending transmissions
are completed, i.e. when the Transmit Shift Register and Transmit Buffer Register do not contain
data to be transmitted. When Transmitter is disabled it will no longer override the TxDn pin and
the pin direction is set as input.

21.7 Data Reception - The USART Receiver

When the Receiver is enabled, the RxD pin is given the function as the Receiver's serial input.
The direction of the pin must be set as input, which is the default pin setting.

21.7.1 Receiving Frames

The Receiver starts data reception when it detects a valid start bit. Each bit that follows the start
bit will be sampled at the baud rate or XCK clock, and shifted into the Receive Shift Register until
the first stop bit of a frame is received. A second stop bit will be ignored by the Receiver. When
the first stop bit is received and a complete serial frame is present in the Receive Shift Register,
the contents of the Shift Register will be moved into the receive buffer. The Receive Complete
Interrupt Flag (RXCIF) is set, and the optional interrupt is generated.
The receiver buffer can be read by reading the Data Register (DATA) location. DATA should not
be read unless the Receive Complete Interrupt Flag is set. When using frames with less than
eight bits, the unused most significant bits are read as zero. If 9-bit characters are used, the
ninth bit must be read from the RXB8 bit before the low byte of the character is read from DATA.

21.7.2 Receiver Error Flags

The USART Receiver has three error flags. The Frame Error (FERR), Buffer Overflow
(BUFOVF) and Parity Error (PERR) flags are accessible from the Status Register. The error
flags are located in the receive FIFO buffer together with their corresponding frame. Due to the
buffering of the error flags, the Status Register must be read before the receive buffer (DATA),
since reading the DATA location changes the FIFO buffer.

21.7.3 Parity Checker

When enabled, the Parity Checker calculates the parity of the data bits in incoming frames and
compares the result with the parity bit of the corresponding frame. If a parity error is detected the
Parity Error flag is set.


21.7.4 Disabling the Receiver

A disabling of the Receiver will be immediate. The Receiver buffer will be flushed, and data from
ongoing receptions will be lost.

21.7.5 Flushing the Receive Buffer

If the receive buffer has to be flushed during normal operation, read the DATA location until the
Receive Complete Interrupt Flags is cleared.

21.8 Asynchronous Data Reception

The USART includes a clock recovery and a data recovery unit for handling asynchronous data
reception. The clock recovery logic is used for synchronizing the incoming asynchronous serial
frames at the RxD pin to the internally generated baud rate clock. The data recovery logic sam-
ples and low pass filters each incoming bit, thereby improving the noise immunity of the
Receiver. The asynchronous reception operational range depends on the accuracy of the inter-
nal baud rate clock, the rate of the incoming frames, and the frame size in number of bits.

21.8.1 Asynchronous Clock Recovery

The clock recovery logic synchronizes internal clock to the incoming serial frames. Figure 21-6
on page 243 illustrates the sampling process of the start bit of an incoming frame. The sample
rate is 16 times the baud rate for Normal mode, and eight times the baud rate for Double Speed
mode. The horizontal arrows illustrate the synchronization variation due to the sampling pro-
cess. Note the larger time variation when using the Double Speed mode of operation. Samples
denoted zero are samples done when the RxD line is idle, i.e. no communication activity.

Figure 21-6. Start Bit Sampling


(U2X = 0) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3

(U2X = 1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2

When the clock recovery logic detects a high (idle) to low (start) transition on the RxD line, the
start bit detection sequence is initiated. Sample 1 denotes the first zero-sample as shown in the
figure. The clock recovery logic then uses samples 8, 9, and 10 for Normal mode, and samples
4, 5, and 6 for Double Speed mode (indicated with sample numbers inside boxes on the figure)
to decide if a valid start bit is received. If two or more of these three samples have a low level
(the majority wins), the start bit is accepted. The clock recovery logic is synchronized and the
data recovery can begin. If two or more of the three samples have a high level the start bit is
rejected as a noise spike and the Receiver starts looking for the next high to low-transition. The
synchronization process is repeated for each start bit.


21.8.2 Asynchronous Data Recovery

The data recovery unit uses sixteen samples in Normal mode and eight samples in Double
Speed mode for each bit. Figure 21-7 on page 244 shows the sampling process of data and par-
ity bits.

Figure 21-7. Sampling of Data and Parity Bit


(CLK2X = 0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1

(CLK2X = 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1

As for start bit detection, identical majority voting technique is used on the three center samples
(indicated with sample numbers inside boxes) for deciding of the logic level of the received bit.
This majority voting process acts as a low pass filter for the received signal on the RxD pin. The
process is repeated for each bit until a complete frame is received. Including the first, but exclud-
ing additional stop bits. If the stop bit sampled has a logic 0 value, the Frame Error (FERR) Flag
will be set.
Figure 21-8 on page 244 shows the sampling of the stop bit in relation to the earliest possible
beginning of the next frame's start bit.

Figure 21-8. Stop Bit Sampling and Next Start Bit Sampling

RxD STOP 1 (A) (B) (C)

(CLK2X = 0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0/1 0/1 0/1

(CLK2X = 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 0/1

A new high to low transition indicating the start bit of a new frame can come right after the last of
the bits used for majority voting. For Normal Speed mode, the first low level sample can be at
point marked (A) in Stop Bit Sampling and Next Start Bit Sampling. For Double Speed mode the
first low level must be delayed to (B). (C) marks a stop bit of full length at nominal baud rate. The
early start bit detection influences the operational range of the Receiver.

21.8.3 Asynchronous Operational Range

The operational range of the Receiver is dependent on the mismatch between the received bit
rate and the internally generated baud rate. If an external Transmitter is sending on bit rates that
are too fast or too slow, or the internally generated baud rate of the Receiver does not match the
external source’s base frequency, the Receiver will not be able to synchronize the frames to the
start bit.


The following equations can be used to calculate the ratio of the incoming data rate and internal
receiver baud rate.

Table 1.

( D + 1 )S ( D + 2 )S
R slow = ------------------------------------------- R fast = -----------------------------------
S – 1 + D ⋅ S + SF ( D + 1 )S + S M

Table 1.
D Sum of character size and parity size (D = 5 to 10 bit).
S Samples per bit. S = 16 for Normal Speed mode and S = 8 for Double Speed mode.
SF First sample number used for majority voting. SF = 8 for normal speed and SF = 4 for
Double Speed mode.
SM Middle sample number used for majority voting. SM = 9 for normal speed and SM = 5
for Double Speed mode.
Rslow Is the ratio of the slowest incoming data rate that can be accepted in relation to the
receiver baud rate.
Rfast Is the ratio of the fastest incoming data rate that can be accepted in relation to the
receiver baud rate.

Table 21-3 and Table 21-4 on page 245 list the maximum receiver baud rate error that can be
tolerated. Normal Speed mode has higher toleration of baud rate variations.

Table 21-3. Recommended Maximum Receiver Baud Rate Error for Normal Speed Mode
(CLK2X = 0)
D Recommended Max
#(Data + Parity Bit) Rslow (%) Rfast (%) Max Total Error (%) Receiver Error (%)
5 93.20 106.67 +6.67/-6.80 ± 3.0
6 94.12 105.79 +5.79/-5.88 ± 2.5
7 94.81 105.11 +5.11/-5.19 ± 2.0
8 95.36 104.58 +4.58/-4.54 ± 2.0
9 95.81 104.14 +4.14/-4.19 ± 1.5
10 96.17 103.78 +3.78/-3.83 ± 1.5

Table 21-4. Recommended Maximum Receiver Baud Rate Error for Double Speed Mode
(CLK2X = 1)
D Recommended Max
#(Data + Parity Bit) Rslow (%) Rfast (%) Max Total Error (%) Receiver Error (%)
5 94.12 105.66 +5.66/-5.88 ± 2.5
6 94.92 104.92 +4.92/-5.08 ± 2.0
7 95.52 104.35 +4.35/-4.48 ± 1.5


Table 21-4. Recommended Maximum Receiver Baud Rate Error for Double Speed Mode
(CLK2X = 1) (Continued)
D Recommended Max
#(Data + Parity Bit) Rslow (%) Rfast (%) Max Total Error (%) Receiver Error (%)
8 96.00 103.90 +3.90/-4.00 ± 1.5
9 96.39 103.53 +3.53/-3.61 ± 1.5
10 96.70 103.23 +3.23/-3.30 ± 1.0

The recommendations of the maximum receiver baud rate error was made under the assump-
tion that the Receiver and Transmitter equally divides the maximum total error.
There are two possible sources for the receivers baud rate error. The Receiver's system clock
will always have some minor instability. In addition, the baud rate generator can not always do
an exact division of the peripheral clock frequency to get the baud rate wanted. In this case the
BSEL and BSCALE value should be selected to give the lowest possible error.

21.9 The Impact of Fractional Baud Rate Generation

Fractional baud rate generation is possible for asynchronous operation due to the relatively high
number of clock cycles (i.e. samples) for each frame. Each bit is sampled sixteen times, but only
the center samples are of importance. This leaves some slack for each bit. Not only that, but the
total number of samples for one frame is also relatively high. Given a 1-start, 8-data, no-parity,
and 1-stop bit frame format, and assumes that normal speed mode is used, the total number of
samples for a frame is, (1+8+1)*16, or 160. As earlier stated, the UART can tolerate plus minus
some samples. The critical factor is the time from the falling edge of the start bit (i.e. the clock
synchronization) to the last bit's (i.e. the first stop bit) value is recovered.
Standard baud rate generators have the unwanted property of having large frequency steps
between high baud rate settings. Worst case is found between BSEL value 0x000 and 0x001.
Going from an BSEL value of 0x000 for which has a 10-bit frame of 160 samples, to an BSEL
value 0x001 with 320 samples, shows a 50% change in frequency. However, when increasing
the BSEL values the step change will quickly decrease. Ideally the step size should be small
even between the fastest baud rates. This is where the advantage of the fractional baud rate
generator emerges.
In principle the fractional baud rate generator works by doing uneven counting and distributing
the error evenly over the entire frame. A typical count sequence for an ordinary baud rate gener-
ator is:
2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, …
which has an even period time. A baud rate clock tick each time the counter reaches zero, and a
sample of the received signal on RXD is taken for each baud rate clock tick. For the fractional
baud rate generator the count sequence can have an uneven period:
2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, …
In this example an extra cycle is added every second cycle. This gives a baud rate clock tick jit-
ter, but the average period has been increased by a fraction, more precisely 0.5 clock cycles.
The impact of the fractional baud rate generation is that the step size between baud rate settings
has been reduced. Given a scale factor of -1 the worst-case step, then becomes from 160 to 240


samples per 10-bit frame compared to the previous from 160 to 320. Higher negative scale fac-
tor gives even finer granularity. There is a limit to how high the scale factor can be. A rule of
thumb is that the value 2BSCALE must be at least half of the minimum number of clock cycles a
frame takes. For instance for 10-bit frames the minimum number of clock cycles is 160. This
means that the highest applicable scale factor is -6 (2-6 = 64 < 160/2 = 80). For higher BSEL set-
tings the scale factor can be increased.

21.10 USART in Master SPI Mode

Using the USART in Master SPI mode (MSPIM) requires the Transmitter to be enabled. The
Receiver can optionally be enabled to serve as the serial input. The XCK pin will be used as the
transfer clock.
As for USART a data transfer is initiated by writing to the DATA location. This is the case for both
sending and receiving data since the transmitter controls the transfer clock. The data written to
DATA is moved from the transmit buffer to the shift register when the shift register is ready to
send a new frame.
The Transmitter and Receiver interrupt flags and corresponding USART interrupts in Master SPI
mode are identical in function to the normal USART operation. The receiver error status flags
are not in use and is always read as zero.
Disabling of the USART transmitter or receiver in Master SPI mode is identical in function to the
normal USART operation.

21.11 USART SPI vs. SPI

The USART in Master SPI mode is fully compatible with the SPI regarding:
• Master mode timing diagram.
• The UCPHA bit functionality is identical to the SPI CPHA bit.
• The UDORD bit functionality is identical to the SPI DORD bit.
Since the USART in Master SPI mode reuses the USART resources, the use of the USART in
MSPIM is somewhat different compared to the XMEGA SPI module. In addition to differences of
the control register bits and no SPI slave support, the following features differ between the two
• The Transmitter USART in Master SPI mode includes buffering. The XMEGA SPI has no
transmit buffer.
• The Receiver in USART in Master SPI includes an additional buffer level.
• The SPI WCOL (Write Collision) bit is not included in USART in Master SPI mode.
• The SPI double speed mode (SPI2X) bit is not included. However, the same effect is
achieved by setting BSEL accordingly.
• Interrupt timing is not compatible.
• Pin control differs due to the master only operation of the USART in Master SPI mode.


A comparison of the USART in Master SPI mode and the SPI pins is shown Table 21-5.

Table 21-5. Comparison of USART in Master SPI mode and SPI pins.
TxD MOSI Master Out only
RxD MISO Master In only
XCK SCK Functionally identical
N/A SS Not supported by USART in Master SPI

21.12 Multi-processor Communication Mode

Enabling the Multi-processor Communication Mode (MPCM) effectively reduces the number of
incoming frames that has to be handled by the Receiver in a system with multiple MCUs com-
municating via the same serial bus. In this mode a dedicated bit in the frames is used to indicate
whether the frame is an address or data frame.
If the Receiver is set up to receive frames that contain 5 to 8 data bits, the first stop bit is used to
indicate the frame type. If the Receiver is set up for frames with 9 data bits, the ninth bit is used.
When the frame type bit is one, the frame contains an address. When the frame type bit is zero,
the frame is a data frame. The Transmitter is unaffected by the MPCM setting, but if 5- to 8-bit
character frames are used, the Transmitter must be set to use two stop bit since the first stop bit
is used for indicating the frame type.
If a particular slave MCU has been addressed, it will receive the following data frames as nor-
mal, while the other slave MCUs will ignore the received frames until another address frame is

21.12.1 Using Multi-processor Communication Mode

For an MCU to act as a master MCU, it should use a 9-bit character frame format. The ninth bit
must be set when an address frame is being transmitted and cleared when a data frame is being
transmitted. The slave MCUs must in this case be set to use a 9-bit character frame format.
The following procedure should be used to exchange data in Multi-processor Communication
1. All Slave MCUs are in Multi-processor Communication mode.
2. The Master MCU sends an address frame, and all slaves receive and read this frame.
3. Each Slave MCU determines if it has been selected.
4. The addressed MCU will disable MPCM and receive all data frames. The other slave
MCUs will ignore the data frames.
5. When the addressed MCU has received the last data frame, it must enable MPCM
again and wait for new address frame from the Master. The process then repeats from
Using any of the 5- to 8-bit character frame formats is possible, but impractical since the
Receiver must change between using n and n+1 character frame formats. This makes full
duplex operation difficult since the Transmitter and Receiver uses the same character size


21.13 IRCOM Mode of Operation

IRCOM mode can be enabled to use the IRCOM Module with the USART. This enables IrDA 1.4
physical compliant modulation and demodulation for baud rates up to 115.2 Kbps. When IRCOM
mode is enabled, Double Transmission Speed cannot be used for the USART.
For devices with more than one USART, IRCOM mode can only be enabled for one USART at a
time. For details refer to Section 22. ”IRCOM - IR Communication Module” on page 256.

21.14 DMA Support

DMA support is available on the UART, USRT and SPI Master mode peripherals. For details on
different USART DMA transfer triggers refer to Section 5.4 ”Transfer Triggers” on page 50.

21.15 Register Description

21.15.1 DATA - USART I/O Data Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The USART Transmit Data Buffer Register and USART Receive Data Buffer Registers share the
same I/O address referred to as USART Data Register (DATA). The Transmit Data Buffer Reg-
ister (TXB) will be the destination for data written to the DATA Register location. Reading the
DATA Register location will return the contents of the Receive Data Buffer Register (RXB).
For 5-, 6-, or 7-bit characters the upper unused bits will be ignored by the Transmitter and set to
zero by the Receiver.
The transmit buffer can only be written when the DREIF Flag in the STATUS Register is set.
Data written to DATA when the DREIF Flag is not set, will be ignored by the USART Transmitter.
When data is written to the transmit buffer, and the Transmitter is enabled, the Transmitter will
load the data into the Transmit Shift Register when the Shift Register is empty. The data is then
transmitted on the TxD pin.
The receive buffer consists of a two level FIFO. The FIFO and the corresponding flags in the
Status Register (STATUS) will change state whenever the receive buffer is accessed (read).
Always read STATUS before DATA in order to get the correct flags.

21.15.2 STATUS - USART Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R/W R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - RXCIF: USART Receive Complete Interrupt Flag

This flag is set when there are unread data in the receive buffer and cleared when the receive
buffer is empty (i.e., does not contain any unread data). When the Receiver is disabled, the
receive buffer will be flushed and consequently the RXCIF will become zero.


When interrupt-driven data reception is used, the receive complete interrupt routine must read
the received data from DATA in order to clear the RXCIF. If not, a new interrupt will occur
directly after the return from the current interrupt. This flag can also be cleared by writing a one
to its bit location.

• Bit 6 - TXCIF: USART Transmit Complete Interrupt Flag

This flag is set when the entire frame in the Transmit Shift Register has been shifted out and
there are no new data in the transmit buffer (DATA). The TXCIF is automatically cleared when
the transmit complete interrupt vector is executed. The flag can also be cleared by writing a one
to its bit location.

• Bit 5 - DREIF: USART Data Register Empty Flag

The DREIF indicates if the transmit buffer (DATA) is ready to receive new data. The flag is one
when the transmit buffer is empty, and zero when the transmit buffer contains data to be trans-
mitted that has not yet been moved into the Shift Register. DREIF is set after a reset to indicate
that the Transmitter is ready. Always write this bit to zero when writing the STATUS register.
DREIF is cleared by writing DATA. When interrupt-driven data transmission is used, the Data
Register Empty interrupt routine must either write new data to DATA in order to clear DREIF or
disable the Data Register Empty interrupt. If not, a new interrupt will occur directly after the
return from the current interrupt.

• Bit 4 - FERR: Frame Error

The FERR flag indicates the state of the first stop bit of the next readable frame stored in the
receive buffer. The bit is set if the received character had a Frame Error, i.e. when the first stop
bit was zero, and cleared when the stop bit of the received data is one. This bit is valid until the
receive buffer (DATA) is read. The FERR is not affected by setting the SBMODE bit in CTRLC
since the Receiver ignores all, except for the first stop bit. Always write this bit location to zero
when writing the STATUS register.
This flag is not used in Master SPI mode of operation.

• Bit 3 - BUFOVF: Buffer Overflow

The BUFOVF flag indicates data loss due to a receiver buffer full condition. This flag is set if a
Buffer Overflow condition is detected. A Buffer Overflow occurs when the receive buffer is full
(two characters), it is a new character waiting in the Receive Shift Register, and a new start bit is
detected. This flag is valid until the receive buffer (DATA) is read. Always write this bit location to
zero when writing the STATUS register.
This flag is not used in Master SPI mode of operation.

• Bit 2 - PERR: Parity Error

If parity checking is enabled and the next character in the receive buffer has a Parity Error this
flag is set. If Parity Check is not enabled the PERR will always be read as zero. This bit is valid
until the receive buffer (DATA) is read. Always write this bit location to zero when writing the
STATUS register. For details on parity calculation refer to ”Parity Bit Calculation” on page 241.
This flag is not used in Master SPI mode of operation.

• Bit 1 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 0 - RXB8: Receive Bit 8

RXB8 is the ninth data bit of the received character when operating with serial frames with nine
data bits. When used, this bit must be read before reading the low bits from DATA.
This bit unused in Master SPI mode of operation.

21.15.3 CTRLA – USART Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 5:4 - RXCINTLVL[1:0]: Receive Complete Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Receive Complete Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in
Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The
enabled interrupt will be triggered when the RXCIF in the STATUS register is set.

• Bit 3:2 - TXCINTLVL[1:0]: Transmit Complete Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Transmit Complete Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in
Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The
enabled interrupt will be triggered when the TXCIF in the STATUS register is set.

• Bit 1:0 - DREINTLVL[1:0]: USART Data Register Empty Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Data Register Empty Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described
in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The
enabled interrupt will be triggered when the DREIF in the STATUS register is set.

21.15.4 CTRLB - USART Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - RXEN: Receiver Enable

Setting this bit enables the USART Receiver. The Receiver will override normal port operation
for the RxD pin when enabled. Disabling the Receiver will flush the receive buffer invalidating the
FERR, BUFOVF, and PERR flags.


• Bit 3 - TXEN: Transmitter Enable

Setting this bit enables the USART Transmitter. The Transmitter will override normal port opera-
tion for the TxD pin when enabled. Disabling the Transmitter (writing TXEN to zero) will not
become effective until ongoing and pending transmissions are completed, i.e., when the Trans-
mit Shift Register and Transmit Buffer Register do not contain data to be transmitted. When
disabled, the Transmitter will no longer override the TxD port.

• Bit 2 - CLK2X: Double Transmission Speed

Setting this bit will reduce the divisor of the baud rate divider from16 to 8 effectively doubling the
transfer rate for asynchronous communication modes. For synchronous operation this bit has no
effect and should always be written to zero. This bit must be zero when the USART Communica-
tion Mode is configured to IRCOM.
This bit is unused in Master SPI mode of operation.

• Bit 1 - MPCM: Multi-processor Communication Mode

This bit enables the Multi-processor Communication mode. When the MPCM bit is written to
one, the USART Receiver ignores all the incoming frames that do not contain address informa-
tion. The Transmitter is unaffected by the MPCM setting. For more detailed information see
”Multi-processor Communication Mode” on page 248.
This bit is unused in Master SPI mode of operation.

• Bit 0 - TXB8: Transmit Bit 8

TXB8 is the ninth data bit in the character to be transmitted when operating with serial frames
with nine data bits. When used this bit must be written before writing the low bits to DATA.
This bit is unused in Master SPI mode of operation.

21.15.5 CTRLC - USART Control Register C

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 CMODE[1:0] PMODE[1:0] SBMODE CHSIZE[2:0]

+0x05 CMODE[1:0] - - - UDORD UCPHA -

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

Note: 1. Master SPI mode

• Bits 7:6 - CMODE[1:0]: USART Communication Mode

These bits select the mode of operation of the USART as shown in Table 21-6.

Table 21-6. CMODE bit settings

CMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Mode
11 MSPI Master SPI(2)

Notes: 1. See Section 22. ”IRCOM - IR Communication Module” on page 256 for full description on
using IRCOM mode.


2. See ”USART” on page 235 for full description of the Master SPI Mode (MSPIM) operation.

• Bits 5:4 - PMODE[1:0]: Parity Mode

These bits enable and set the type of parity generation according to Table 21-7 on page 253.
When enabled, the Transmitter will automatically generate and send the parity of the transmitted
data bits within each frame. The Receiver will generate a parity value for the incoming data and
compare it to the PMODE setting and if a mismatch is detected, the PERR flag in STATUS will
be set.
These bits are unused in Master SPI mode of operation.

Table 21-7. PMODE Bits Settings

PMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Parity mode
00 DISABLED Disabled
01 Reserved
10 EVEN Enabled, Even Parity
11 ODD Enabled, Odd Parity

• Bit 3 - SBMODE: Stop Bit Mode

This bit selects the number of stop bits to be inserted by the Transmitter according to Table 21-8
on page 253. The Receiver ignores this setting.
This bit is unused in Master SPI mode of operation.

Table 21-8. SBMODE Bit Settings

SBMODE Stop Bit(s)
0 1-bit
1 2-bit

• Bit 2:0 - CHSIZE[2:0]: Character Size

The CHSIZE[2:0] bits sets the number of data bits in a frame according to Table 21-9 on page
253. The Receiver and Transmitter use the same setting.

Table 21-9. CHSIZE Bits Settings

CHSIZE[2:0] Group Configuration Character size
000 5BIT 5-bit
001 6BIT 6-bit
010 7BIT 7-bit
011 8BIT 8-bit
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 9BIT 9-bit


• Bit 2 - UDORD: Data Order

This bit sets the frame format. When written to one the LSB of the data word is transmitted first.
When written to zero the MSB of the data word is transmitted first. The Receiver and Transmitter
use the same setting. Changing the setting of UDORD will corrupt all ongoing communication for
both receiver and transmitter.

• Bit 1 - UCPHA: Clock Phase

The UCPHA bit setting determine if data is sampled on the leading (first) edge or tailing (last)
edge of XCKn. Refer to the ”SPI Clock Generation” on page 239 for details.

21.15.6 BAUDCTRLA - USART Baud Rate Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - BSEL[7:0]: USART Baud Rate Register

This is a 12-bit value which contains the USART baud rate setting. The BAUDCTRLB contains
the four most significant bits, and the BAUDCTRLA contains the eight least significant bits of the
USART baud rate. Ongoing transmissions by the Transmitter and Receiver will be corrupted if
the baud rate is changed. Writing BAUDCTRLA will trigger an immediate update of the baud rate

21.15.7 BAUDCTRLB - USART Baud Rate Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 BSCALE[3:0] BSEL[11:8] BAUDCTRLB

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - BSCALE[3:0]: USART Baud Rate Scale factor

These bits select the Baud Rate Generator scale factor. The scale factor is given in two's com-
plement form from -7 (0b1001) to 7 (0b0111). The -8 (0b1000) setting is reserved. For positive
scale values the Baud Rate Generator is prescaled by 2BSCALE. For negative values the Baud
Rate Generator will use fractional counting, which increases the resolution. See equations in
Table 21-1 on page 238.

• Bit 3:0 - BSEL[3:0]: USART Baud Rate Register

This is a 12-bit value which contains the USART baud rate setting. The BAUDCTRLB contains
the four most significant bits, and the BAUDCTRLA contains the eight least significant bits of the
USART baud rate. Ongoing transmissions by the Transmitter and Receiver will be corrupted if
the baud rate is changed. Writing BAUDCTRLA will trigger an immediate update of the baud rate


21.16 Register Summary

21.16.1 Register Description - USART

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 DATA DATA[7:0] 249
+0x02 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x03 CTRLA - - RXCINTLVL[1:0] TXCINTLVL[1:0] DREINTLVL[1:0] 251
+0x05 CTRLC CMODE[1:0] PMODE[1:0] SBMODE CHSIZE[2:0] 253
+0x06 BAUDCTRLA BSEL[7:0] 255
+0x07 BAUDCTRLB BSCALE[3:0] BSEL[11:8] 254

21.16.2 Register Description - USART in Master SPI Mode

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 DATA DATA[7:0] 249
+0x01 STATUS RXCIF TXCIF DREIF - - - - - 249
+0x02 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x03 CTRLA - - RXCINTLVL[1:0] TXCINTLVL[1:0] DREINTLVL[1:0] 251
+0x04 CTRLB - - - RXEN TXEN - - - 251
+0x05 CTRLC CMODE[1:0] - - - UDORD UCPH - 252
+0x06 BAUDCTRLA BSEL[7:0] 254
+0x07 BAUDCTRLB BSCALE[3:0] BSEL[11:8] 254

21.17 Interrupt Vector Summary

Table 21-10. USART Interrupt vectors and their word offset address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 RXC_vect USART Receive Complete Interrupt vector
0x02 DRE_vect USART Data Register Empty Interrupt vector
0x04 TXC_vect USART Transmit Complete Interrupt vector


22. IRCOM - IR Communication Module

22.1 Features
• Pulse modulation/demodulation for infrared communication
• IrDA 1.4 Compatible for baud rates up to 115.2 kbps
• Selectable pulse modulation scheme
– 3/16 of baud rate period
– Fixed pulse period, 8-bit programmable
– Pulse modulation disabled
• Built in filtering
• Can be connected to and used by any USART

22.2 Overview
XMEGA contains an Infrared Communication Module (IRCOM) IrDA 1.4 compatible module for
baud rates up to 115.2 kbps. This supports three modulation schemes: 3/16 of baud rate period,
fixed programmable pulse time based on the Peripheral Clock speed, or pulse modulation dis-
abled. There is one IRCOM available, and this can be connected to any USART to enable
infrared pulse coding/decoding for that USART.

Figure 22-1. IRCOM connection to USARTs and associated port pins

Event System events


.... RXD...
decoded RXD TXDC0

decoded TXD

Encoding encoded TXD

The IRCOM is automatically enabled when a USART is set in IRCOM mode. When this is done
signals between the USART and the RX/TX pins are routed through the module as shown in Fig-
ure 22-1 on page 256. It is also possible to select an Event Channel from the Event System as
input for the IRCOM receiver. This will disable the RX input from the USART pin.


For transmission, three pulse modulation schemes are available:

• 3/16 of baud rate period.
• Fixed programmable pulse time based on the Peripheral Clock speed.
• Pulse modulation disabled.
For reception, a minimum high-level pulse width for the pulse to be decoded as a logical 0 can
be selected. Shorter pulses will then be discarded and the bit will be decoded to logical 1 as if no
pulse where received.
One IRCOM will be available for use with any USART in the device. The module can only be
used in combination with one USART at a time, thus IRCOM mode must not be set for more
than one USART at a time. This must be ensured in the user software.

22.2.1 Event System Filtering

The Event System can be used as the receiver input. This enables IRCOM or USART input from
other I/O pins or sources than the corresponding RX pin. If Event System input is enabled, input
from the USART's RX pin is automatically disabled. The Event System has Digital Input Filter
(DIF) on the Event Channels, that can be used for filtering. Refer to Section 6. ”Event System”
on page 65” for details on using the Event System.


22.3 Registers Description

22.3.1 TXPLCTRL - IRCOM Transmitter Pulse Length Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - TXPLCTRL[7:0] - Transmitter Pulse Length Control

The 8-bit value sets the pulse modulation scheme for the transmitter. Setting this register will
have no effect if IRCOM mode is not selected by a USART.
By leaving this register value to zero, 3/16 of baud rate period pulse modulation is used.
Setting this value from 1 to 254 will give a fixed pulse length coding. The 8-bit value sets the
number of system clock periods for the pulse. The start of the pulse will be synchronized with the
rising edge of the baud rate clock.
Setting the value to 255 (0xFF) will disable pulse coding, letting the RX and TX signals pass
through the IRCOM Module unaltered. This enables other features through the IRCOM Module,
such as half-duplex USART, Loop-back testing and USART RX input from an Event Channel.
Note: TXPCTRL must be configured before USART transmitter is enabled (TXEN).

22.3.2 RXPLCTRL - IRCOM Receiver Pulse Length Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - RXPLCTRL[7:0] - Receiver Pulse Length Control

The 8-bit value sets the filter coefficient for the IRCOM transceiver. Setting this register will have
no effect if IRCOM mode is not selected by a USART.
By leaving this register value to zero, filtering is disabled. Setting this value between 1 and 255
will enable filtering, where x+1 equal samples is required for the pulse to be accepted.
Note: RXPCTRL must be configured before USART receiver is enabled (RXEN).

22.3.3 CTRL - IRCOM Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 - - - - EVSEL[3:0] CTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bits 3:0 - EVSEL [3:0]: Event Channel Selection

These bits select the event channel source for the IRCOM Receiver, according to Table 22-1 on
page 259. If event input is selected for the IRCOM Receiver, the input from the USART’s RX pin
is automatically disabled.

Table 22-1. Event Channel Select

EVSEL[3:0] Group Configuration Event Source
0000 None
0001 (Reserved)
0010 (Reserved)
0011 (Reserved)
0100 (Reserved)
0101 (Reserved)
0110 (Reserved)
0111 (Reserved)
1xxx CHn Event System Channelx; x = {0, …,7}

22.4 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL - - - - EVSEL[3:0] 258
+0x01 TXPLCTRL TXPLCTRL[7:0] 258
+0x02 RXPLCTRL RXPLCTRL[7:0] 258


23. Crypto Engines

23.1 Features
• Data Encryption Standard (DES) core instruction
• Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) crypto module
• DES Instruction
– Encryption and Decryption
– DES supported
– Single-cycle DES instruction
– Encryption/Decryption in 16 clock cycles per 8-byte block
• AES Crypto Module
– Encryption and Decryption
– Support 128-bit keys
– Support XOR data load mode to the State memory
– Encryption/Decryption in 375 clock cycles per 16-byte block

23.2 Overview
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES) are two com-
monly used standards for encryption. These are supported through an AES peripheral module
and a DES core instruction.
DES is supported by a DES instruction in the AVR XMEGA core. The 8-byte key and 8-byte data
blocks must be loaded into the Register file, and then DES must be executed 16 times to
encrypt/decrypt the data block.
The AES Crypto Module encrypts and decrypts 128-bit data blocks with the use of a 128-bit key.
The key and data must be loaded into the module before encryption/decryption is started. It
takes 375 peripheral clock cycles before encrypted/decrypted data can be read out.

23.3 DES Instruction

The DES instruction is a single cycle instruction, that needs to be executed 16 times subse-
quently in order to decrypt or encrypt a 64-bit (8 bytes) data block.
The data and key blocks must be loaded into the Register File before encryption/decryption is
started. The 64-bit data block (plaintext or ciphertext) is placed in registers R0-R7, where LSB of
data is placed in LSB of R0 and MSB of data is placed in MSB of R7. The full 64-bit key (includ-
ing parity bits) is placed in registers R8-R15, with LSB of key in LSB of R8 and MSB of key in
MSB of R15.


Figure 23-1. Register file usage during DES encryption/decryption.

Register File
R0 data0
R1 data1
R2 data2
R3 data3

R4 data4
R5 data5
R6 data6
R7 data7
R8 key0
R9 key1
R10 key2
R11 key3

R12 key4
R13 key5
R14 key6
R15 key7

Executing one DES instruction performs one round in the DES algorithm. Sixteen rounds must
be executed in increasing order to form the correct DES ciphertext or plaintext. Intermediate
results are stored in the register file (R0-R15) after each DES instruction. After sixteen rounds
the key is located in R8-R16 and the encrypted/decrypted ciphertext/plaintext is located in R0-
R7. The instruction's operand (K) determines which round is executed, and the half carry flag (H)
in the CPU Status Register determines whether encryption or decryption is performed. If the half
carry flag is set, decryption is performed and if the flag is cleared, encryption is performed.
For more details on the DES instruction refer to the AVR instruction set manual.

23.4 AES Crypto Module

The AES Crypto Module performs encryption and decryption according to the Advanced Encryp-
tion Standard (FIPS-197). The 128-bit key block and 128-bit data block (plaintext or ciphertext)
must be loaded into the Key and State memory in the AES Crypto Module. This is done by writ-
ing the AES Key Register and State register sequentially with 16 bytes.
It is selectable from software whether the module should perform encryption or decryption. It is
also possible to enable XOR mode where all new data loaded to the State key is XOR’ed with
the current data in the State memory.
The AES module uses 375 clock cycles before the encrypted/decrypted ciphertext/plaintext is
available for readout in the State memory.


The following procedure for setup and use is recommended:

1. Enable AES interrupts (optional)
2. Select the AES direction, encryption or decryption.
3. Load the Key data block into the AES Key memory
4. Load the data block into the AES State memory
5. Start the encryption/decryption operation
If more than one block is to be encrypted or decrypted repeat the procedure from step 3.
When the encryption/decryption procedure is complete the AES Interrupt Flag is set and the
optional interrupt is generated.

23.4.1 Key and State Memory

The AES Key and State memory are both 16 x 8-bit memories that are accessible through the
Key (KEY) and State (STATE) register, respectively.
Each memory has two 4-bit address pointers used to address the memory for read and write,
respectively. The initial value of the pointers are zero. After a read or write operation to the State
or Key register, the appropriate pointer is automatically incremented. Accessing (read or write)
the Control Register (CTRL) will reset all pointers to zero. A pointer overflow (a sequential read
or write is done more than 16 times) will also set the affected pointer to zero. The address point-
ers are not accessible from software. Read and write memory pointers are both incremented
during write operations in XOR mode.
Access to the Key and State registers are only possible when encryption/decryption is not in

Figure 23-2. The State memory with pointers and register

0 4-bit state read

1 address pointer

Reset pointer

4-bit state write 14 reset or access

address pointer 15 to AES Control

Reset pointer

reset or access
to AES Control STATE

STATE[read pointer]

I/O Data Bus xor


The State memory contains the AES State throughout the encryption/decryption process. The
initial value of the State is the initial data (i.e. plain text in the encryption mode, and cipher text in
the decryption mode). The last value of the State is the encrypted/decrypted data.

Figure 23-3. The Key memory with pointers and register.

0 4-bit key read

1 address pointer

Reset pointer

4-bit key write 14 reset or

address pointer 15 access to CTRL

Reset pointer

reset or
access to CTRL KEY

In the AES Crypto Module the following definition of the Key is used:
• In encryption mode, the Key is the one defined in the AES standard.
• In decryption mode, the Key is the last subkey of the Expanded Key defined in the AES
In decryption mode the Key Expansion procedure must be executed by software before opera-
tion with the AES Crypto Module, so that the last subkey is ready to be loaded through the Key
register. Alternatively this procedure can be run by hardware by using the AES Crypto Module
and process a dummy data block in encryption mode, using the same Key. After the end of the
encryption, reading from the Key memory allows to obtain the last subkey, i.e. get the result of
the Key Expansion procedure. Table 23-1 on page 263 shows the results of reading the key,
depending on the mode (encryption or decryption) and status of the AES Crypto Module.
Table 23-1. The result of reading the Key memory at different stages.

Encryption Decryption

Before data After data Before data After data

processing processing processing processing
The last subkey The initial key
Same key as loaded generated from the Same key as loaded generated form the last
loaded key loaded subkey.

23.4.2 DMA Support

The AES module can trigger a DMA transfer when encryption/decryption procedure is complete.
Fore more details on DMA transfer triggers, refer to Section 5.4 ”Transfer Triggers” on page 50.


23.5 Register Description - AES

23.5.1 CTRL - AES Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - START: AES Start/Run

Setting this bit starts the encryption/decryption procedure, and this bit remains set while the
encryption/decryption is ongoing. Writing this bit to zero will stop/abort any ongoing encryp-
tion/decryption process. This bit is automatically cleared if the SRIF or the ERROR flag in
STATUS is set.

• Bit 6 - AUTO: AES Auto Start Trigger

Setting this bit enables the Auto Start mode. In Auto Start mode the START bit will trigger auto-
matically and start the encryption/decryption when the following conditions are met:
• The AUTO bit is set before the State memory is loaded.
• All memory pointers (State read/write and Key read/write) are zero.
• State memory is fully loaded.
If not will the encryption/decryption be started with an incorrect Key.

• Bit 5 - RESET: AES Software Reset

Setting this bit will reset the AES Crypto Module to its initial status on the next positive edge of
the Peripheral Clock. All registers, pointers and memories in the module are set to their initial
value. When written to one, the bit stays high for one clock cycle before it is reset to zero by

• Bit 4 - DECRYPT: AES Decryption / Direction

This bit sets the direction for the AES Crypto Module. Writing this bit to zero will set the module
in encryption mode. Writing one to this bit sets the module in decryption mode.

• Bit 3 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - XOR: AES State XOR Load Enable

Setting this bit enables XOR data load to the State memory. When this bit is set the data loaded
to the State memory is bitwise XOR'ed with current data in the State memory. Writing this bit to
zero disables XOR load mode, thus new data written to the State memory overwrites the current
data in the State memory.


• Bit 1:0 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

23.5.2 STATUS - AES Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 ERROR - - - - - - SRIF STATUS

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - ERROR: AES Error

The ERROR flag indicates an illegal handling of the AES Crypto Module. The flag is set in the
following cases:
• Setting START in the Control Register while the State memory and/or Key memory are not
fully loaded or read. This error occurs when the total number of read/write operations from/to
the State and Key register is not a multiple of 16 before an AES Start.
• Accessing (read or write) the Control Register while the START bit is one.
This flag can be cleared by software by writing one to its bit location.

• Bit 6:1 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - SRIF: AES State Ready Interrupt flag

This flag is the interrupt/DMA request flag and is set when the encryption/decryption procedure
is completed and the State memory contains valid data. As long as the flag is zero this indicates
that there is no valid encrypted/decrypted data in the state memory.
The flag is cleared by hardware when a read access is made to the State memory (the first byte
is read). Alternatively the bit can be cleared by writing a one to its bit location

23.5.3 STATE - AES State Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The State Register is used to access the State memory. Before encryption/decryption can take
place the State memory must be written sequentially byte by byte through the State Register.
After encryption/decryption is done the ciphertext/plaintext can be read sequentially byte by byte
through the State Register.
Loading the initial data to the State Register should be made after setting the appropriate AES-
mode and direction. During encryption/ decryption this register can not be accessed.


23.5.4 KEY - AES Key Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 KEY KEY

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Key Register is used to access the Key memory. Before encryption/decryption can take
place the Key memory must be written sequentially byte by byte through the Key Register. After
encryption/decryption is done the last subkey can be read sequentially byte by byte through the
Key Register.
Loading the initial data to the Key Register should be made after setting the appropriate AES-
mode and direction.

23.5.5 INTCTRL - AES Interrupt Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 - - - - - - INTLVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.
• Bit 1:0 - INTLVL[1:0]: AES Interrupt priority and enable
These bits enable the AES Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in Section 12.
”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The enabled inter-
rupt will be triggered when the SRIF in the STATUS register is set.


23.6 Register Summary - AES

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 STATUS ERROR - - - - - - SRIF 265
+0x02 STATE STATE[7:0] 265
+0x03 KEY KEY[7:0] 266
+0x04 INTCTRL - - - - - - INTLVL[1:0] 266
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -

23.7 AES Interrupt vector

Table 23-2. AES Interrupt vector
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0 AES AES Interrupt vector offset


24. EBI - External Bus Interface

24.1 Features
• Supports SRAM up to
– 512K Bytes using 2-port EBI
– 16M Bytes using 3-port EBI
• Supports SDRAM up to
– 128M bit using 3-port EBI
• Four software configurable Chip Selects
• Software configurable Wait State insertion
• Clocked from the Fast Peripheral Clock at two times the CPU speed
24.2 Overview
The External Bus Interface (EBI) is the interface for connecting external peripheral and memory
to access it through the data memory space. When the EBI is enabled, data address space out-
side the internal SRAM becomes available using dedicated EBI pins.
The EBI can interface external SRAM, SDRAM, and/or peripherals such as LCD displays and
other memory mapped devices.
The address space, and the number of pins used for the external memory is selectable from 256
bytes (8-bit) and up to 16M bytes (24-bit). Various multiplexing modes for address and data lines
can be selected for optimal use of pins when more or less pins are available for the EBI. The
complete memory will be mapped into one linear data address space continuing from the end of
the internal SRAM, refer to ”Data Memory” on page 22 for details.
The EBI has four chip selects with separate configuration. Each can be configured for SRAM,
SRAM Low Pin Count (LPC) or SDRAM.
The EBI is clocked from the Fast Peripheral clock, running up to two times faster than the CPU
and supporting speeds of up to 64 MHz.
For SDRAM both 4-bit and 8-bit SDRAM is supported, and SDRAM configurations such as CAS
Latency and Refresh rate is configurable in software.
For more details on SRAM and SDRAM, and how these memory types are organized and work,
refer to SRAM and SDRAM specific documentation and data sheets. This section only contains
EBI specific details.

24.3 Chip Select

The EBI module has four Chip Select lines (CS0 to CS3) where each can be associated with
separate address ranges. The chip selects control which memory or memory mapped external
hardware that is accessed when a given memory address is issued on the EBI. Each Chip
Select has separate configuration, and can be configured for SRAM or SRAM Low Pin Count
(LPC). Chip Select 3 can also be configured for SDRAM.
The data memory address space associated for each chip select is decided by a configurable
base address and address size for each Chip Select.
24.3.1 Base Address

The base address is the lowest address in the address space for a chip select. This decides the
first location in data memory space where the connected memory hardware can be accessed.


The base address associated with each chip select must be on a 4 Kbyte boundary, i.e to
address 0, 4096, 8192 etc.
24.3.2 Address Size

The address size selects how many bits of the address that should be compared when generat-
ing a chip select. The address size can be anything from 256 bytes to 16M bytes. If the address
space is set to anything larger than 4K bytes, the base address must be on a boundary equal to
the address space. With 1M byte address space for a chip select, the base address must be on
a 0, 1M byte, 2M byte etc. boundary.
If the EBI is configured so that if the address spaces overlap, the internal memory space have
priority, followed by Chip Select 0 (CS0), CS1, CS2 and CS3.
24.3.3 Chip Select as Address Lines

If one or more Chip Select lines are unused, they can in some combinations be used as address
lines instead. This can enable larger external memory or external CS generation. Each column
in Figure 24-1 on page 269 shows enabled chip select lines (CSn), and the address lines avail-
able on unused chip select lines (Ann). Column four shows that all four CS lines are used as
address lines when only CS3 is enabled, and this is for SDRAM configuring.

Figure 24-1. Chip Select and address line combinations

CS3 CS3 CS3 A19

CS2 CS2 CS2 A18

CS1 CS1 A17 A17

CS0 A16 A16 A16

24.4 I/O Pin Configuration

When the EBI is enabled it will override the direction and/or value for the I/O pins where the EBI
lines are placed. The EBI will override the direction and value for the I/O pins where the EBI data
lines are placed. The EBI will only override value, but not direction for the I/O pins where the EBI
address and control lines are placed. These I/O pins must be configured to output when the EBI
is used. I/O pins for unused EBI address and control lines can be used as normal I/O pins or for
other alternate functions on the pins.
For control signals that are active-low, the pin output value should be set to one (high). For con-
trol signals that are active-high, pin output value should be set to zero (low). Address lines does
not requires specific pin output value configuration. The Chip Select lines should have pull-up
resistors to ensure that these are kept high during power-on and reset. If a Chip Select line is
active-high, a pull-down should be used instead of a pull-up.
For more details on I/O pin configuration refer to Section 13. on page 129.


24.5 EBI Clock

The EBI is clocked from the Peripheral 2x (Clk2PER) Clock. This clock can run at the CPU Clock
frequency, but it can also run at two times the CPU Clock frequency. This can be used to lower
the EBI access time. Refer to ”System Clock and Clock options” on page 76 for details the
Peripheral 2x Clock and how to configure this.

24.6 SRAM Configuration

For use with SRAM the EBI can be configured for various address multiplexing modes by using
external address latches, or with no multiplexing. When a limited number of pins on the device
are is available for the EBI, Address Latch Enable (ALE) signals are used to control external
latches that multiplex address lines from the EBI. The available configurations is shown in Sec-
tion 24.6.1 on page 270 through Section 24.6.4 on page 271. Table 24-1 on page 270 describe
the SRAM interface signals.

Table 24-1. SRAM Interface signals

Signal Description
CS Chip Select
WE Write Enable
RE Read Enable
ALE[2:0] Address Latch Enable
A[23:0] Address
D[7:0] Data bus
AD[7:0] Combined Address and Data

24.6.1 No Multiplexing

When no multiplexing is used, there is a one-to-one connection between the EBI and the SRAM.
No external address latches are used.

Figure 24-2. Non-multiplexed SRAM connection

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0] A[7:0]
A[15:8] A[15:8]

A[21:16] A[21:16]

24.6.2 Multiplexing address byte 0 and 1

When address byte 0 (A[7:0]) and address byte 1 (A[15:8]) are multiplexed, they are output from
the same port, and the ALE1 signal from the device control the address latch.


Figure 24-3. Multiplexed SRAM connection using ALE1

D[7:0] D[7:0]

EBI D Q A[15:8]

A[19:16] A[19:16]

24.6.3 Multiplexing address byte 0 and 2

When address byte 0 (A[7:0]) and address byte 2 (A[23:16) are multiplexed, they are output
from the same port, and the ALE2 signal from the device control the address latch.

Figure 24-4. Multiplexed SRAM connection using ALE2

D[7:0] D[7:0]

EBI A[15:8] A[15:8]

D Q A[23:16]

24.6.4 Multiplexing address byte 0, 1and 2

When address byte 0 (A[7:0]), address byte 1 (A[15:8]) and address byte 2 (A[23:16] are multi-
plexed, they are output from the same port, and the ALE1 and ALE2 signal from the device
control the external address latches.


Figure 24-5. Multiplexed SRAM connection using ALE1 and ALE2

D[7:0] D[7:0]
A[15:8]/ A[7:0]
EBI D Q A[15:8]

D Q A[23:16]

24.6.5 Address Latch Requirements

The Address Latch timing and parameter requirements are described in ”EBI Timing” on page
24.6.6 Timing

SRAM or external memory devices may have different timing requirements. To meet these vary-
ing requirements, each Chip Select can be configured with different wait-states. Timing details is
described in ”EBI Timing” on page 277.

24.7 SRAM LPC Configuration

The SRAM Low Pin Count (LPC) configuration enables EBI to be configured for multiplexing
modes where the data and address lines are multiplexed. Compared to SRAM configuration,
this can further reduce the number of pins required for the EBI. The available configurations is
shown in Section 24.7.1 on page 272 through Section 24.7.2 on page 273.
Timing and Address Latch requirements is as for SRAM configuration.
24.7.1 Multiplexing Data with Address Byte 0

When the data byte and address byte 0 (AD[7:0]) are multiplexed, they are output from the same
port, and the ALE1 signal from the device controls the address latch.

Figure 24-6. Multiplexed SRAM LPC connection using ALE1

AD[7:0] D[7:0]

D Q A[7:0]
A[15:8] A[15:8]

A[19:16] A[19:16]


24.7.2 Multiplexing Data with Address Byte 0 and 1

When the data byte and address byte 0 (AD[7:0]), and address byte 1 (A[15:8]) are multiplexed,
they are output from the same port, and the ALE1 and ALE2 signal from the device control the
external address latches.

Figure 24-7. Multiplexed SRAM LPC connection using ALE1 and ALE2

D Q A[7:0]
D Q A[15:8]

A[19:16] A[19:16]

24.8 SDRAM Configuration

Chip Select 3 on the EBI can be configured from SDRAM operation, and the EBI must be config-
ured for 3-Port or 4-Port interface. The SDRAM can be configured for 4-bit or 8-bit data bus, and
4-Port interface must be used for 8-bit data bus. The SDRAM interface signals from the EBI to
the SDRAM is listed in Table 24-2 on page 273.

Table 24-2. SDRAM Interface signals

Signal Description
CS Chip Select
WE Write Enable
RAS Row Address Strobe
CAS Column Address Strobe
DQM Data Mask Signal/ Output Enable
CKE Clock Enable
CLK Clock
BA[1:0] Bank Address
A[12:0] Address bus
A[10] Precharge
D[7:0] Data bus


24.8.1 Supported Commands

The SDRAM commands that are supported by the EBI is listed in Table 24-3 on page 274.

Table 24-3. Supported SDRAM commands

Command Description
NOP No Operation
ACTIVE Activate the selected bank and select the row.
READ Input the starting column address and begin the burst read operation.
WRITE Input the starting column address and begin the burst write operation.
PRECHARGE Deactivate the open row of selected bank or all banks
AUTO REFRESH Refresh one row of each bank
SELF REFRESH Activate self refresh mode

24.8.2 3-Port EBI Configuration

When 3 EBI ports are available, SDRAM can be connected with 3-Port EBI configuration. When
this is done only 4-bit data bus is available, and any chip select must be controlled from software
using a general purpose I/O pin (Pxn).

Figure 24-8. 3-Port SDRAM configuration

BA[1:0] BA[1:0]

D[3:0] D[3:0]
A[7:0]] A[7:0]
A[11:8] A[11:8]

Pxn CS

24.8.3 4-Port EBI Configuration

When 4 EBI ports are available, SDRAM can be connected with 3-Port or 4-Port EBI configura-
tion. When 4-Port configuration is used, 8-bit data bus is available and all four chip selects will
be available.


Figure 24-9. 4-Port SDRAM configuration

BA[1:0] BA[1:0]

D[7:0] D[7:0]
A[7:0]] A[7:0]
A[11:8] A[11:8]

CS[3:0] CS

24.8.4 Timing

The Clock Enable (CKE) signal is required for SDRAM when the EBI is clocked at 2x the CPU
clock speed.
24.8.5 Initialization

Configuring Chip Select 3 to SDRAM will enable the initialization of the SDRAM. The “Load
Mode Register” command is automatically issued at the end of the initialization. For the correct
information to be loaded to the SDRAM, one must do one of the following:
1. Configure SDRAM control registers before enabling Chip Select 3 to SDRAM.
2. Issue a “Load Mode Register” command and perform a dummy-access after SDRAM is
The SDRAM initialization is non-interruptible by other EBI accesses.
24.8.6 Refresh

The EBI will automatically handle the refresh of the SDRAM as long as the refresh period is con-
figured. Refresh will be done as soon as available after the refresh counter reaches the period.
The EBI can collect up to 4 refresh commands in case the interface is busy on another chip
select or in the middle of a read/write at a time a refresh should have been performed.

24.9 Combined SRAM & SDRAM Configuration

Combined SRAM and SDRAM configuration enables the EBI to have both SDRAM and SRAM
connected at the same time. This only available for devices with 4 port EBI interface. Figure 24-
10 on page 276 shows the configuration with all interface signals.


Figure 24-10. Combined SRAM and SDRAM connection

BA[1:0] BA[1:0]

D[7:0] D[7:0]
A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0]
A[11:8]/A[19:16] A[11:8]

CS[3:0] CS



A[7:0] SRAM

D Q A[15:8]



24.10 EBI Timing

(See Section 33. ”Appendix A: EBI Timing Diagrams” on page 392)
24.10.1 SRAM

Table 24-4. EBI SRAM Characteristics(1)

Symbol Parameter Min Typical Max Unit
tCLKPER2 Clock period 2 x ClkSYS
tALH Address Hold after ALE Low tCLKPER2 ns
tALS Address Setup before ALE low (read and write) tCLKPER2 ns
tALW ALE Width tCLKPER2 ns
tARH Address Hold after RE high tCLKPER2 ns
tAWH Address Hold after WE high tCLKPER2 ns
tARS Address Setup before RE high tCLKPER2 ns
tAWS Address Setup before WE low tCLKPER2 ns
tDRH Data Hold after RE high 0 ns
tDRS Data Setup to RE high TBD ns
tDWH Data Hold after WE high tCLKPER2 ns
tDWS Data Setup to WE high tCLKPER2 ns
tRW Read Enable Pulse width tCLKPER2 x SRWS ns
tWW Write Enable Pulse width tCLKPER2 x SRWS ns
tCH Chip Select hold after RE/WE high tCLKPER2 ns
tCRS Chip Select setup to RE low or ALE high 0 ns
tCWS Chip Select setup to WE low tCLKPER2 ns

Note: 1. For characterization of ClkSYS and tDRS refer to device data sheet


24.10.2 SDRAM

Table 24-5. EBI SDRAM Characteristics(1)

Symbol Parameter Min Typical Max t
tCLKPER2 Clock period 2 x ClkSYS ns
tAH Address Hold time 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tAS Address Setup time 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns

tCH Clock High-level witdh 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns

tCL Clock low-level witdh 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tCKH CKE Hold time 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tCKS CKE Setup time 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tCMH CS, RAS, CAS, WE, DQM hold time 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tCMS CS, RAS, CAS, WE, DQM setup time 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tDRH Data in Hold 0 ns
tDRS Data in Setup TBD 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tDWH Data out Hold 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns
tDWS Data out Setup 0.5 x tCLKPER2 ns

Note: 1. For characterization of ClkSYS and tDRS refer to device data sheet


24.11 Register Description - EBI

24.11.1 CTRL - EBI Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x00 SDDATAW[1:0] LPCMODE[1:0] SRMODE[1:0] IFMODE[1:0] CTRL
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - SDDATAW[1:0]: EBI SDRAM Data Width Setting

These bits select the EBI SDRAM data width configuration according to Table 24-6 on page 279.

Table 24-6. SDRAM Mode

SDDATAW[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 4BIT 4 bit data bus
01 8BIT 8 bit data bus
10 - Reserved
11 - Reserved

Note: 1. 8-bit data bus only available for 4-port EBI interface

• Bit 5:4 - LPCMODE[1:0]: EBI SRAM Low Pin-count Mode

These bits select the EBI SRAM LPC configuration according to Table 24-7 on page 279

Table 24-7. SRAM LPC Mode

LPCMODE[1:0] Group Configuration ALE Description
00 ALE1 ALE1 Data multiplexed with Address byte 0
01 - - Reserved
10 ALE12 ALE1 & 2 Data multiplexed with Address byte 0 and 1
11 - - Reserved

• Bit 3:2 - SRMODE[1:0]: SRAM Mode

These bits selects the EBI SRAM configuration according to Table 24-8 on page 279.

Table 24-8. SRAM Mode

SRMODE[1:0] Group Configuration ALE Description
00 ALE1 ALE1 Address byte 0 and 1 multiplexed
01 ALE2 ALE2 Address byte 0 and 2 multiplexed
10 ALE12 ALE1 & 2 Address byte 0, 1 and 2 multiplexed
11 NOALE No ALE No address multiplexing

Note: 1. ALE2 and NOALE only available with 4-port EBI interface


• Bit 1:0 - IFMODE[1:0]: EBI Interface Mode

These bits select EBI interface mode and the number of ports that should be enabled and over-
ridden for EBI, according to Table 24-9 on page 280.

Table 24-9. EBI Mode

IFMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 DISABLED EBI Disabled
01 3PORT EBI enabled with 3-port interface
10 4PORT EBI enabled with 4-port interface
11 2PORT EBI enabled with 2-port interface

24.11.2 SDRAMCTRLA - SDRAM Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 3 - SDCAS: SDRAM CAS Latency

This bit sets the CAS latency as a number of Peripheral 2x Clock cycles. By default this bit is
zero and the CAS latency is two Peripheral 2x Clock cycles. When this bit is set to one the CAS
latency is three Peripheral 2x Clock cycles.

• Bit 2 - SDROW: SDRAM Row Bits

This bit sets the number of row bit used for the connected SDRAM. By default this bit is zero,
and the row bit setting is set to 11 Row Bits. When this bit is set to one the row bit setting is set
to 12 Row Bits.

• Bit 1:0 - SDCOL[1:0]: SDRAM Column Bits

These bits select the number of column bits that are used for the connected SDRAM according
to table.Table 24-10 on page 280.

Table 24-10. SDRAM Column Bits

SDCOL[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 8BIT 8 Column Bits
01 9BIT 9 Column Bits
10 10BIT 10 Column Bits
11 11BIT 11 Column Bits


24.11.3 REFRESH - SDRAM Refresh Period Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x05 - - - - - - REFRESH[9:8] REFRESHH
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 15:10 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 9:0 - REFRESH[9:0]: SDRAM Refresh Period

This register sets the refresh period as a number of Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER) cycles. If the
EBI is busy with another external memory access at time of refresh, up to 4 refresh will be
remembered and given at the first available time.
24.11.4 INITDLY - SDRAM Initialization Delay Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x07 - - INITDLY[9:8] INITDLYH
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 15:14 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 13:0 - INITDLY[13:0]: SDRAM Initialization Delay

This register is used to delay the initialisation sequence after the controller is enabled until all
voltages are stabilized and the SDRAM clock has been running long enough to take the SDRAM
chip through its initialisation sequence. The initialisation sequence includes pre-charge all banks
to their idle state issuing an auto-refresh cycle and then loading the mode register. The setting in
this register is as a number of Peripheral 2x clock cycles.
24.11.5 SDRAMCTRLB - SDRAM Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7:6 - MRDLY[1:0]: SDRAM Mode Register Delay

These bits select the delay between Mode Register command and an Activate command in
number of Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles, according to Table 24-11 on page 282.

Table 24-11. SDRAM Column Bits settings

MRDLY[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles delay
01 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles delay
10 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles delay
11 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles delay

• Bit 5:3 - ROWCYCDLY[2:0]: SDRAM Row Cycle Delay

These bits select the delay between a Refresh and an Activate command in number of Periph-
eral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles, according to Table 24-12 on page 282..

Table 24-12. SDRAM Row Cycle Delay settings

ROWCYDLY[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles delay
001 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles delay
010 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles delay
011 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles delay
100 4CLK 4 CLKPER2 cycles delay
101 5CLK 5 CLKPER2 cycles delay
110 6CLK 6 CLKPER2 cycles delay
111 7CLK 7 CLKPER2 cycles delay

• Bit 2:0 - RPDLY[2:0]: SDRAM Row to Pre-charge Delay

RPDLY defines the delay between a Pre-charge command and another command in number of
Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles, according to Table 24-13 on page 282.

Table 24-13. SDRAM Row Cycle Delay settings

RPDLY[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles delay
001 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles delay
010 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles delay
011 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles delay
100 4CLK 4 CLKPER2 cycles delay
101 5CLK 5 CLKPER2 cycles delay
110 6CLK 6 CLKPER2 cycles delay
111 7CLK 7 CLKPER2 cycles delay


24.11.6 SDRAMCTRLC - SDRAM Control Register C

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:6 - WRDLY[1:0]: SDRAM Write Recovery Delay

These bits select the Write Recovery time in number of Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles,
according to Table 24-11 on page 282.

Table 24-14. SDRAM Write Recovery Delay settings

WRDLY[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles delay
01 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles delay
10 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles delay
11 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles delay

• Bit 5:3 - ESRDLY[2:0]: SDRAM Exit Self Refresh to Active Delay

This field defines the delay between CKE set high and an Activate command in a number of
Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles, according to Table 24-15 on page 283.

Table 24-15. SDRAM Exit Self Refresh Delay settings

ESRDLY[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles delay
001 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles delay
010 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles delay
011 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles delay
100 4CLK 4 CLKPER2 cycles delay
101 5CLK 5 CLKPER2 cycles delay
110 6CLK 6 CLKPER2 cycles delay
111 7CLK 7 CLKPER2 cycles delay

• Bit 2:0 - ROWCOLDLY[2:0]: SDRAM Row to Column Delay

This field defines the delay between an Activate command and a Read/Write command as a
number of Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles, according to Table 24-16 on page 283.

Table 24-16. SDRAM Row Column Delay settings

ROWCOLDLY[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles delay
001 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles delay
010 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles delay
011 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles delay


Table 24-16. SDRAM Row Column Delay settings (Continued)

ROWCOLDLY[2:0] Group Configuration Description
100 4CLK 4 CLKPER2 cycles delay
101 5CLK 5 CLKPER2 cycles delay
110 6CLK 6 CLKPER2 cycles delay
111 7CLK 7 CLKPER2 cycles delay

24.12 Register Description - EBI Chip Select

24.12.1 CTRLA - Chip Select Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x00 - ASIZE[4:0] MODE[1:0] CTRLA
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 6:2 - ASIZE[4:0]: Chip Select Address Size

These bits select the address size for the Chip Select. This is the size of the block above the
base address.

Table 24-17. Address space encoding

ASIZE[5:0] Group Configuration Address Size Address Lines Compared
00000 256B 256 Bytes ADDR[23:8]
00001 512B 512 Bytes ADDR[23:9]
00010 1K 1K Bytes ADDR[23:10]
00011 2K 2K Bytes ADDR[23:11]
00100 4K 4K Bytes ADDR[23:12]
00101 8K 8K Bytes ADDR[23:13]
00110 16K 16K Bytes ADDR[23:14
00111 32K 32K Bytes ADDR[23:15]
01000 64K 64K Bytes ADDR[23:16]
01001 128K 128K Bytes ADDR[23:17]
01010 256K 256K Bytes ADDR[23:18]
01011 512K 512K Bytes ADDR[23:19]
01100 1M 1M Bytes ADDR[23:20]
01101 2M 2M Bytes ADDR[23:21]
01110 4M 4M Bytes ADDR[23:22]


Table 24-17. Address space encoding (Continued)

ASIZE[5:0] Group Configuration Address Size Address Lines Compared
01111 8M 8M Bytes ADDR[23]
10000 16M 16M -
Other - Reserved
1. Entire available data space used.

• Bit 1:0 - MODE[1:0]: Chip Select Mode

These bits select the Chip Select Mode and decide what type of interface is used for the external
memory or peripheral according to Table 24-18 on page 285.

Table 24-18. Chip Select Mode selection

MODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 DISABLE Chip Select Disabled
01 SRAM Enable Chip Select for SRAM
10 LPC Enable Chip Select for SRAM LPC
11 SDRAM Enable Chip Select for SDRAM (1)
1. SDRAM can only be selected for CS3

24.12.2 CTRLB (SRAM) - Chip Select Control Register B

This configuration options in this register depend on the Chip Select Mode configuration. The
register description below is valid when the Chip Select Mode is configured for SRAM or SRAM
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x01 - - - - - SRWS[2:0] CTRLB
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 2:0 - SRWS[2:0]: SRAM Wait State

These bits select the number of wait states for SRAM and SRAM LPC access as a number of
Peripheral 2x clock (CLKPER2) cycles, according to Table 24-19 on page 285.

Table 24-19. Wait State selection

SRWS[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 0CLK 0 CLKPER2 cycles wait state
001 1CLK 1 CLKPER2 cycles wait state
010 2CLK 2 CLKPER2 cycles wait state
011 3CLK 3 CLKPER2 cycles wait state
100 4CLK 4 CLKPER2 cycles wait state


Table 24-19. Wait State selection (Continued)

SRWS[2:0] Group Configuration Description
101 5CLK 5 CLKPER2 cycles wait state
110 6CLK 6 CLKPER2 cycles wait state
111 7CLK 7 CLKPER2 cycles wait state

24.12.3 CTRLB (SDRAM) - Chip Select Control Register B

This configuration options in this register depend on the Chip Select Mode configuration. The
register description below is valid when the Chip Select Mode is configured for SDRAM.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - SDINITDONE: SDRAM Initialization Complete

This flag is set at the end of the SDRAM initialization sequence. The flag will remain set as long
as the EBI is enabled and the Chip Select is configured for SDRAM.

• Bit 6:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.

• Bit 2 - SDSREN: SDRAM Self-refresh Enable

When this bit is written to one the EBI controller will send a Self-refresh command to the
SDRAM. For leaving the self refresh mode, the bit must be written to zero.

• Bit 1:0 SDMODE[1:0]: SDRAM Mode

These bits select mode when accessing the SDRAM according to Table 24-20 on page 286.

Table 24-20. SDRAM Mode

SRMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 NORMAL Normal Mode. Access to the SDRAM is decoded normally.
Load Mode. The EBI issues a “Load Mode Register”
command when the SDRAM is accessed.
10 - Reserved
11 - Reserved

24.12.4 BASEADDR - Chip Select Base Address Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x02 BASEADDR[15:12] - - - - BASEADDRL
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 15:4 - BASEADDR[23:12]: Chip Select Base Address

The base address is the lowest address in the address space enabled by a chip select. Together
with the Chip Select Address Size (ASIZE) setting in “CTRLA - Chip Select Control Register A”
this gives the address space for the Chip Select.

• Bit 3:0 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero.


24.13 Register Summary - EBI

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL SDDATAW[1:0] LPCMODE[1:0] SRMODE[1:0] IFMODE[1:0] 279
+0x01 SDRAMCTRLA - - - - SDCAS SDROW SDCOL[1:0] 280
+0x02 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x03 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x04 REFRESHL SDRAM Refresh Period Low Byte 281
+0x05 REFRESHH - - - - - - SDRAM Refresh Period High 281
+0x06 INITDLYL SDRAM Initialization Time Low Byte 281
+0x07 INITDLYH - - SDRAM Initialization Time High Byte 281
+0x08 SDRAMCTRLB MRDLY[1:0] ROWCYCDLY[[2:0] RPDLY[2:0] 281
+0x0A Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0B Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0C Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0D Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0E Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0F Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x10 CS0 Chip Select 0 Offset Address
+0x14 CS1 Chip Select 1 Offset Address
+0x18 CS2 Chip Select 2 Offset Address
+0x1C CS3 Chip Select 3 Offset Address

24.14 Register Summary - EBI Chip Select

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRLA - ASIZE[4:0] MODE[1:0] 284
+0x01 CTRLB (SRAM) - - - - - SRWS[2:0] 285
+0x02 BASEADDRL Chip Select Base Address Low Byte - - - - 286
+0x03 BASEADDRH Chip Select Base Address High Byte 286


25. ADC - Analog to Digital Converter

25.1 Features
• 12-bit resolution
• Up to 2 Msps sample and conversion rate
• Single-ended or Differential measurements
• Signed and Unsigned mode
• 4 result registers with individual input control
• 8 - 16 single-ended inputs
• 8x4 differential inputs without gain
• 8x4 differential input with gain
• 4 internal inputs
– Temperature Sensor
– DAC Output
– VCC voltage divided by 10
– Bandgap voltage
• 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x or 64x software selectable gain
• 4 inputs can be sampled within 1.5 µs
• 8-, or 12-bit selectable resolution
• Minimum single result propagation delay of 2.5 µs (8-bit resolution)
• Minimum single result propagation delay of 3.5 µs (12-bit resolution)
• Built-in reference
• Optional external reference
• Optional event triggered conversion for accurate timing
• Optional DMA transfer of conversion results
• Optional interrupt/event on compare result

25.2 Overview
The ADC converts analog voltages to digital values. The ADC has 12-bit resolution and is capa-
ble of converting up to 2 million samples per second. The input selection is flexible, and both
single-ended and differential measurements can be done. For differential measurements an
optional gain stage is available to increase the dynamic range. In addition several internal signal
inputs are available. The ADC can provide both signed and unsigned results.
This is a pipeline ADC. A pipeline ADC consists of several consecutive stages, where each
stage convert one part of the result. The pipeline design enables high sample rate at low clock
speeds, and remove dependencies between sample speed and propagation delay. This also
means that a new analog voltage can be sampled and a new ADC measurement started while
other ADC measurements are ongoing.
ADC measurements can either be started by application software or an incoming event from
another peripheral in the device. Four different result registers with individual input selection
(MUX selection) are provided to make it easier for the application to keep track of the data. Each
result register and MUX selection pair is referred to as an ADC Channel. It is possible to use
DMA to move ADC results directly to memory or peripherals when conversions are done.
Both internal and external analog reference voltages can be used. A very accurate internal
1.00V reference is available.


An integrated temperature sensor is available and the output from this can be measured with the
ADC. The output from the DAC, VCC/10 and the Bandgap voltage can also be measured by the

Figure 25-1. ADC overview

Channel 0 MUX selection

Channel 1 MUX selection
Channel 2 MUX selection
Channel 3 MUX selection

Internal inputs
Configuration Channel 0 Result
Reference selection Register

Channel 1 Result
Pin inputs

Channel 2 Result
Pin inputs

Channel 3 Result
Event Register
1-64 X

25.3 Input sources

The input sources for the ADC are the analog voltage inputs that the ADC can measure and
convert. Four types of measurements can be selected:
• Differential input
• Differential input with gain
• Single ended input
• Internal input
The analog input pins are used for single ended and differential input, while the internal inputs
are directly available inside the device. In devices with two ADCs, PORTA pins can be input to
ADCA and PORTB pins can be input to ADCB. For XMEGA devices with only one ADC but with
analog input pins on both PORTA and PORTB, both PORTA and PORTB analog pins can then
be used as input.
The MUX Control registers select which input that is converted and the type of measurements in
one operation. The four types of measurements and their corresponding MUXes are shown in
Figure 25-2 on page 291 to Figure 25-6 on page 293.
The ADC itself is always differential, also for single ended inputs where the negative input for the
ADC will be connected to an fixed internal value.


25.3.1 Differential input

When differential input is selected all analog input pins can be selected as positive input, and
analog input pins 0 to 3 can be selected as negative input. The ADC must be set in signed mode
when differential input is used.

Figure 25-2. Differential measurement without gain



25.3.2 Differential input with gain

When differential input with gain is selected all analog input pins can be selected as positive
input, and analog input pins 4 to 7 can be selected as negative input. When the gain stage is
used, the differential analog input is first sampled and amplified by the gain stage before the
result is fed into the ADC. The ADC must be set in signed mode when differential input with gain
is used.
The gain is selectable to 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x and 64x gain.

Figure 25-3. Differential measurement with gain

ADC7 +

1-64 X ADC



25.3.3 Single ended input

For single ended measurements all analog input pins can be used as inputs. Single ended mea-
surements can be done in both signed and unsigned mode.
The negative input is connected to internal ground in signed mode.

Figure 25-4. Single-ended measurement in signed mode


In unsigned mode the negative input is connected to half of the voltage reference (VREF) volt-
age minus a fixed offset. The nominal value for the offset is:
ΔV = VREF × 0.05

Since the ADC is differential, unsigned mode is achieved by dividing the reference by two inter-
nally, resulting in an input range from VREF to zero for the positive single ended input. The
offset enables the ADC to measure zero cross detection in unsigned mode, and to calibrate any
positive offset where the internal ground in the device is higher than the external ground. See
Figure 25-11 on page 296 for details.

Figure 25-5. Single ended measurement in unsigned mode

− ΔV -
ADC7 2

25.3.4 Internal inputs

Four internal analog signals can be selected as input and measured by the ADC.
• Temperature sensor
• Bandgap voltage
• VCC scaled
• DAC output
The voltage output from an internal temperature reference can be measured with the ADC and
the voltage output will give an ADC result representing the current temperature in the microcon-
troller. During production test, the ADC measures a fixed temperature using the internal


temperature sensor, and the value is store in the production calibration row and can be used for
temperature sensor calibration.
The bandgap voltage is an accurate voltage reference inside the microcontroller that is the
source for other internal voltage references.
VCC can be measured directly by scaling it down and dividing it by 10 before the ADC input.
Thus, VCC of 1.8 V will be measured as 0.18 V and VCC of 3.6 V will be measured as 0.36 V.
The output from the DAC module can also be measured by the ADC. It is the output directly from
the DAC, and not the Sample and Hold (S/H) outputs, that is available for the ADC.
Some of the internal signals need to be turned on specifically before they can be used mea-
sured. Refer to the manual for these modules for details of how to turn them on. The sample rate
for the internal signals is lower than the maximum speed for the ADC, refer to the ADC charac-
teristics in the device data sheets for details on sample rate of the internal signals.
When measuring the internal signals, the negative input is connected to internal ground in
signed mode.

Figure 25-6. Internal measurements in signed mode


In unsigned mode the negative input is connected to a fixed value which is half of the voltage ref-
erence (VREF) minus a fixed offset as it is for single ended unsigned input. Refer to Figure 25-
11 on page 296 for details.

Figure 25-7. Internal measurements in unsigned mode

− ΔV -

25.4 ADC Channels

To facilitate the use of the ADC, the design implements four separate MUX control registers with
corresponding result registers. The MUX/result register pair is called an ADC channel, and this
is shown in Figure 25-1 on page 290. Each ADC channel can be set up individually to measure
different input sources, use different start conversion triggers, and they use different events and
interrupts. The result is stored in different result registers.


As an example of the ADC channel scheme, one of the MUX/result register pairs can be setup to
do single-ended measurements triggered by event signal input, the second MUX/result pair can
measure a differential input on another event signal input, and the two last MUX/result pairs can
measure two other input sources started by the application software.
All the ADC channels use the same ADC for the conversions, but due to the pipelined design a
new conversion can be started on each ADC clock cycle. This means that multiple ADC conver-
sions can be progressing simultaneously and independently without changing the MUX settings.
A conversion result can be kept in one result register, independently of other result registers that
are continuously updated with new conversion results. This can help reduce software complex-
ity, and different software modules can start conversions and read conversion results fully
independent of each other.

25.5 Voltage reference selection

The following voltages can be used as the voltage reference (VREF) for the ADC:
• Accurate internal 1.00V voltage.
• Internal VCC/1.6V voltage.
• External voltage applied to AREF pin on PORTA.
• External voltage applied to AREF pin on PORTB.

Figure 25-8. ADC voltage reference selection

Internal 1.00V
Internal VCC/1.6V

25.6 Conversion Result

The ADC can be set up to be either in signed or in unsigned mode. This setting is global for the
ADC and all ADC channels.
In signed mode, both negative and positive voltages can be measured, both for single ended
and differential input. With 12-bit resolution, the TOP value of a signed result is 2047 and the
results will be in the range -2048 to +2047 (0xF800 - 0x07FF). In unsigned mode the TOP value
is 4095 and results will be in the range 0 - 4095 (0 - 0x0FFF).
Signed mode must be used when any of the ADC inputs are set up for differential measure-
ments. In unsigned mode only single ended or internal signals can be measured.
The result of the analog to digital conversion is written to one of the result registers, RES.
In signed mode the ADC transfer function can be written as:

RES = --------------------------------- ⋅ GAIN ⋅ TOP

VINP and VINN are the positive and negative inputs to the ADC. GAIN is 1 unless differential
channels with gain is used.
In unsigned mode the ADC transfer functions can be written as:


VINP - (-ΔV )
RES = ---------------------------------- ⋅ TOP

VINP is the single ended or internal input.

The application software selects if an 8- or 12-bit result should be generated. A result with lower
resolution will be available faster. See the ”ADC Clock and Conversion Timing” on page 296 for
a description on how to calculate the propagation delay.
The result registers are 16-bit. An 8-bit result is always represented right adjusted in the 16-bit
result registers. Right adjusted means that the 8 LSB is found in the low byte. A 12-bit result can
be represented both left- or right adjusted. Left adjusted means that the 8 MSB are found in the
high byte.
When the ADC is in signed mode, the MSB represents the sign bit. In 12-bit right adjusted mode,
the sign bit (bit 11) is padded to bits 12-15 to create a signed 16-bit number directly. In 8-bit
mode, the sign bit (bit 7) is padded to the entire high byte.
Figure 25-9 on page 295 to Figure 25-11 on page 296 shows the different input options, the sig-
nal input range and the result representation with 12-bit right adjusted mode.

Figure 25-9. Signed differential input (with gain), input range, and result representation
VREF Dec Hex Binary 16-bit result register
GAIN 2047 7FF 0111 1111 1111 0000 0111 1111 1111
VINN 2046 7FE 0111 1111 1110 0000 0111 1111 1110
2045 7FD 0111 1111 1101 0000 0111 1111 1101
... ... ... ...
3 3 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0011
VINP 2 2 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010
1 1 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
0V 0 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
-1 FFF 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
-2 FFE 1111 1111 1110 1111 1111 1111 1110
... ... ... ...
RES -2045 803 1000 0000 0011 1111 1000 0000 0011
-2046 802 1000 0000 0010 1111 1000 0000 0010
-2047 801 1000 0000 0001 1111 1000 0000 0001
-VREF -2048 800 1000 0000 0000 1111 1000 0000 0000

Figure 25-10. Signed single ended and internal input, input range, and result representation

Dec Hex Binary 16-bit result register

2047 7FF 0111 1111 1111 0000 0111 1111 1111
2046 7FE 0111 1111 1110 0000 0111 1111 1110
VINP 2045 7FD 0111 1111 1101 0000 0111 1111 1101
... ... ... ...
3 3 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0011
2 2 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010
VINN = GND 1 1 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
0V 0 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
-1 FFF 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
-2 FFE 1111 1111 1110 1111 1111 1111 1110
... ... ... ...
-2045 803 1000 0000 0011 1111 1000 0000 0011
-2046 802 1000 0000 0010 1111 1000 0000 0010
-2047 801 1000 0000 0001 1111 1000 0000 0001
-VREF -2048 800 1000 0000 0000 1111 1000 0000 0000


Figure 25-11. Unsigned single ended and internal input, input range, and result representation
Dec Hex Binary 16-bit result register
4095 FFF 1111 1111 1111 0000 1111 1111 1111
VINP 4094 FFE 1111 1111 1110 0000 1111 1111 1110
4093 FFD 1111 1111 1101 0000 1111 1111 1101
... ... ... ...
203 0CB 0000 1100 1011 0000 0000 1100 1011
202 0CA 0000 1100 1010 0000 0000 1100 1010
VREF 201 0C9 0000 1100 1001 0000 0000 1100 1001
2 200 0C8 0000 1100 1000 0000 0000 1100 1000
0 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

25.7 Compare function

The ADC has a built in 12-bit compare function. The ADC compare register can hold a 12-bit
value that represent an analog threshold voltage. Each ADC Channel can be configured to auto-
matically compare its result with this 12-bit compare value to give an interrupt or event only
when the result is above or below the threshold.
All four ADC Channels share the same compare register.

25.8 Starting a conversion

Before a conversion is started, the desired input source must be selected for one or more ADC
channels. An ADC conversion for a ADC channel can either be started by the application soft-
ware writing to the start conversion bit for the ADC channel, or from any of the events in the
Event System. It is possible to write the start conversion bit for several ADC channels at the
same time, or to use one event to trigger conversions on several ADC channels at the same
time. Using this it is possible to scan several or all ADC channels from one event.

25.9 ADC Clock and Conversion Timing

The ADC is clocked from the Peripheral Clock. The ADC can prescale the Peripheral Clock to
provide an ADC Clock (ClkADC) that is within the minimum and maximum frequency for the ADC.

Figure 25-12. ADC Prescaler

ClkPER 9-bit ADC Prescaler




The maximum ADC sample rate is given by the he ADC clock frequency (fADC). The ADC can
sample a new measurement on every ADC clock cycle.
Sample Rate = f ADC

The propagation delay of an ADC measurement is given by:


1 + RES ----------- + GAIN

Propagation Delay = ------------------------------------------

RES is the resolution, 8- or 12-bit. The propagation delay will increase by one extra ADC clock
cycle if the Gain Stage (GAIN) is used.
Even though the propagation delay is longer than one ADC clock cycle, the pipelined design
removes any limitations on sample speed versus propagation delay.

25.9.1 Single conversion without gain

Figure 25-13 on page 297 shows the ADC timing for a single conversion without gain. The writ-
ing of the start conversion bit, or the event triggering the conversion (START), must occur
minimum one peripheral clock cycles before the ADC clock cycle where the conversion actually
start (indicated with the grey slope of the START trigger).
The analog input source is sampled in the first half of the first cycle, and the sample time is
always a half ADC clock period. Using a faster or slower ADC clock and sample rate will affect
the sample time.
The Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the result is converted first, and the rest of the bits are con-
verted during the next 3 (for 8-bit results) or 5 (for 12-bit results) ADC clock cycles. Converting
one bit takes a half ADC clock period. During the last cycle the result is prepared before the
Interrupt Flag is set. The result is available in the Result Register for readout.

Figure 25-13. ADC timing for one single conversion without gain

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





CONVERTING BIT MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

25.9.2 Single conversion with gain

Figure 25-14 on page 298 shows the ADC timing for one single conversion with gain. As seen in
the ”Overview” on page 289 the gain stage is placed prior to the actual ADC. This means that
the gainstage will sample and amplify the analog input source before the ADC samples an con-
verts the amplified analog value. Compared to a single conversion without gain this adds one
ADC clock cycle (between START and ADC Sample) for the gain stage sample and amplify. The
sample time for the gain stage is a half ADC clock cycle.


Figure 25-14. ADC timing for one single conversion with gain
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9







CONVERTING BIT MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

25.9.3 Single conversions on two ADC channels

Figure 25-15 on page 298 shows the ADC timing for single conversions on two ADC channels.
The pipelined design enables the second conversion to start on the next ADC clock cycle after t
the first conversion is started. In this example both conversions is triggered at the same time, but
for ADC Channel 1 (CH1) the actual start is not until the ADC sample and conversion of the MSB
for ADC Channel 0 (CH0) is done.

Figure 25-15. ADC timing for single conversions on two ADC channels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9







CONVERTING BIT CH0 MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

CONVERTING BIT CH1 MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

25.9.4 Single conversions on two ADC channels, CH0 with gain

Figure 25-16 on page 299 shows the conversion timing for single conversions on two ADC chan-
nels where ADC Channel 0 uses the gain stage. As the gain stage introduce one addition cycle
for the gain sample and amplify, the sample for ADC Channel 1 is also delayed one ADC clock
cycle, until the ADC sample and MSB conversion is done for ADC Channel 0.


Figure 25-16. ADC timing for single conversion on two ADC channels, CH0 with gain
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10









CONVERTING BIT CH0 MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

CONVERTING BIT CH1 MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

25.9.5 Single conversions on two ADC channels, CH1 with gain

Figure 25-17 on page 299 shows the conversion timing for single conversions on two ADC chan-
nels where ADC Channel 1 uses the gain stage.

Figure 25-17. ADC timing for single conversion on two ADC channels, CH1 with gain
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10









CONVERTING BIT CH0 MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

CONVERTING BIT CH1 MSB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB

25.9.6 Free running mode on two ADC channels with gain

Figure 25-18 on page 300 shows the conversion timing for all four ADC channels in free running
mode, CH0 and CH1 without gain and CH2 and CH3 with gain. When set up in free running
mode a ADC channel will continuously sample and do new conversions. In this example all ADC
channels are triggered at the same time, and each ADC channel sample and start converting as
soon as the previous ADC channel is done with it sample and MSB conversion. After four ADC
clock cycles all ADC channels have done the first sample and started the first conversion, and
each ADC channels can then do the sample conversion start for the second conversions. After 8
(for 12-bit mode) ADC clock cycles the first conversion is done for ADC Channel 0, and the
results for the rest of the ADC Channels is available in the next ADC clock cycles. After the next
clock cycle (in cycle 10) the result from the second ADC Channel is done and available and so
on. In this mode up to 8 conversions are ongoing at the same time.


Figure 25-18. ADC timing for free running mode

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








ADC SAMPLE 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0


25.10 ADC Input Model

An analog voltage input must be able to charge the sample and hold (S/H) capacitor in the ADC
in order to achieve maximum accuracy. Seen externally the ADC input consists of a input chan-
nel (Rchannel) and the switch (Rswitch) resistance, and the S/H capacitor. Figure 25-19 on page
300 and Figure 25-20 on page 300 shows the ADC input channels.

Figure 25-19. ADC input for single ended measurements

Rchannel Rswitch


Figure 25-20. ADC input for differential measurements and differential measurements with gain

Rchannel Rswitch


Rchannel Rswitch

In order to achieve n bit accuracy, the source output resistance, Rsource, must be less than the
ADC input resistance on a pin:

R source ≤ ----------------------------------------------
- – R channel – R switch
C sample ⋅ ln ( 2 )

where the ADC sample time, TS is one half ADC clock cycle given by:

T s ≤ -------------------
2 ⋅ f ADC

For details on Rchannel, Rswitch and Csample refer to the ADC and ADC gain stage electrical charac-
teristic in the device data sheet.

25.11 DMA transfer

The DMA Controller can be used to transfer ADC conversion results to memory or peripherals. A
new conversion completed in any of the ADC result registers may trigger a DMA transfer
request. See the DMA Controller manual for more details on DMA transfers.

25.12 Interrupts and events

The ADC can generate both interrupt requests and events. The ADC channels have individual
interrupt settings. Interrupt requests and events can be generated either when an ADC conver-
sion is complete or if an ADC measurement is above or below the ADC Compare register

25.13 Calibration
The ADC has a built-in calibration mechanism that calibrated the internal pipeline in the ADC.
The calibration value from the production test must be loaded from the signature row and into
the ADC calibration register from software to obtain 12 bit accuracy.

25.14 Channel priority

Since the System Clock can be faster than the ADC clock, it is possible to have the start conver-
sion bit set for several ADC channels within the same ADC clock period. Events may also trigger
conversions on several ADC channels and give the same scenario. In this case the ADC Chan-
nel with the lowest number will be prioritized. This is shown the timing diagrams in ”ADC Clock
and Conversion Timing” on page 296.

25.15 Synchronous sampling

Starting an ADC conversion may cause an unknown delay between the software start or event
and the actual conversion start since conversion of other higher priority ADC channels may be
pending, or since the System clock may be much faster than the ADC Clock. To start an ADC
conversion immediately on an incoming event, it is possible to flush the ADC for all measure-
ments, reset the ADC clock and start the conversion at the next Peripheral clock cycle, which
then will also be the next ADC clock cycle. If this is done all ongoing conversions in the ADC
pipeline will be lost. The ADC can either be flushed from software, or the incoming event can be
set up to do this automatically. If flushing is used it is important that the time between each con-
version start trigger is longer than the propagation delay to ensure that one conversion is
finished before the ADC pipeline is flushed and the next conversion is started.
In microcontrollers with two ADC peripherals, it is possible to start two ADC samples synchro-
nously in the two ADCs by using the same event channel to trigger both ADCs.


25.16 Register Description - ADC

25.16.1 CTRLA - ADC Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:6 – DMASEL[1:0]: DMA Request Selection

In addition to giving DMA transfer request for each ADC channel, the ADC can be set up to give
a combined request for all channels. The combined request is decided according to the DMA-
SEL bits. See Table 25-1 for details.

Table 25-1. ADC DMA Request Selection

DMASEL[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 OFF No combined DMA request
01 CH01 ADC Channel 0 or 1
10 CH012 ADC Channel 0 or 1 or 2
11 CH0123 ADC Channel 0 or 1 or 2 or 3

• Bits 5:2 – CH[3:0]START: ADC Channel Start single conversion

Setting any of these bits will start a conversion on the corresponding ADC channel. Setting sev-
eral bits at the same time will start a conversion sweep on the selected ADC channels, starting
with the channel with lowest number. These bits are cleared by hardware when the conversion
has started.

• Bit 1 – FLUSH: ADC Pipeline Flush:

Setting this bit will flush the ADC pipeline. When this is done the ADC Clock will be restarted on
the next Peripheral clock edge and all conversions in progress are aborted and lost.
After the flush and the ADC Clock restart, the ADC will resume where it left off. I.e. if a channel
sweep was in progress or any conversions was pending, these will enter the ADC pipeline and

• Bit 0 – ENABLE: ADC Enable

Setting this bit enables the ADC.

25.16.2 CTRLB - ADC Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 4 - CONVMODE: ADC Conversion Mode

This bit controls whether the ADC should work in signed or unsigned mode. By default this bit is
zero and the ADC is then configured for unsigned mode where single ended and internal signals
can be measured. When this bit is set to one the ADC is configured for signed mode where also
differential input can be used.

• Bit 3 - FREERUN: ADC Free Running Mode

This bit controls the free running mode for the ADC. When the bit is set to one the ADC channels
defined in the EVCTRL register are swept repeatedly.

• Bits 2:1 - RESOLUTION[1:0]: ADC Conversion Result Resolution

These bits define whether the ADC completes the conversion at 12- or 8-bit result. They also
define whether the 12-bit result is left or right oriented in the 16-bit result registers. See Table
25-2 on page 303 for possible settings.

Table 25-2. ADC Conversion Result resolution

RESOLUTION[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 12BIT 12-bit result, right adjusted
01 Reserved
10 8BIT 8-bit result, right adjusted
11 LEFT12BIT 12-bit result, left adjusted

• Bit 0 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

25.16.3 REFCTRL - ADC Reference Control register(1)

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R/W R/W R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: 1. Refer to datasheet for limitations on reference voltage.

• Bit 7:6 – Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 6:4 – REFSEL[1:0]: ADC Reference Selection

These bits selects the reference and conversion range for the ADC according to Table 25-3 on
page 304.


Table 25-3. ADC Reference Configuration

REFSEL[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 INT1V Internal 1.00V
01 INTVCC Internal VCC/1.6
10(1) AREFA External reference from AREF pin on PORT A.
11 AREFB External reference from AREF pin on PORT B.

Notes: 1. Only available if AREF exist on PORT A.

2. Only available it AREF exist on PORT B.

• Bit 3:2 – Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 – BANDGAP: Bandgap enable

Setting this bit enables the bandgap to prepare for ADC measurement. Note that if any other
functions are using the bandgap already, this bit does not need to be set. This could be when the
internal 1.00V reference is used in ADC or DAC, or if the Brown-out Detector is enabled.

• Bit 0 – TEMPREF: Temperature Reference enable

Setting this bit enables the temperature reference to prepare for ADC measurement.

25.16.4 EVCTRL - ADC Event Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 SWEEP[1:0] EVSEL[2:0] EVACT[2:0] EVCTRL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:6 - SWEEP[1:0]: ADC Channel Sweep

These bits control which ADC channels are included in a channel sweep triggered by the event
system or in free running mode. See Table 25-4 on page 304.

Table 25-4. ADC Channel Select

SWEEP[1:0] Group Configuration Active ADC channels for channel sweep
00 0 Only ADC channel 0
01 01 ADC channels 0 and 1
10 012 ADC channels 0, 1, and 2
11 0123 ADC channels 0, 1, 2, and 3

• Bits 5:3 - EVSEL[2:0]: event channel input select

These bits define which event channel should trigger which ADC channel. Each setting defines a
group of event channels, where the event channels with the lowest number will trigger ADC
channel 0 and the next event channel will trigger ADC channel 1 and so on. The number of
incoming event in use is defined by the EVACT bits. See Table 25-5 on page 305.


Table 25-5. ADC Event Line Select

EVSEL[2:0] Group Configuration Selected event lines
000 0123 Event channel 0, 1, 2, 3 as selected inputs
001 1234 Event channel 1, 2, 3, 4 as selected inputs
010 2345 Event channel 2, 3, 4, 5 as selected inputs
011 3456 Event channel 3, 4, 5, 6 as selected inputs
100 4567 Event channel 4, 5, 6, 7 as selected inputs
101 567 Event channel 5, 6, 7 as selected inputs (Max 3
event inputs in use)
110 67 Event channel 6, 7 as selected inputs (Max 2 event
inputs in use)
111 7 Event channel 7 as selected input (Max 1 event
input in use)

• Bits 2:0 - EVACT[2:0]: ADC Event Mode

These bits define how many of the selected event channel that are in use, and also some spe-
cial event modes as defined in Table 25-5 on page 305. This is for instance a complete channel
sweep triggered by a single event, or an event re-synchronized conversion to achieve a very
accurate timing for the conversion.

Table 25-6. ADC Event Mode Select

EVACT[2:0] Group Configuration Event input operation mode
000 NONE No event inputs
001 CH0 Event channel with the lowest number, defined by EVSEL
triggers conversion on channel 0
010 CH01 Event channel with the two lowest numbers, defined by
EVSEL trigger conversion on channel 0 and 1 respectively
011 CH012 Event channel with the three lowest numbers, defined by
EVSEL trigger conversion on channel 0, 1 and 2 respectively
100 CH0123 Event channel defined by EVSEL trigger conversion on
channel 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively
101 SWEEP One sweep of all active ADC channels defined by SWEEP on
incoming event channel with the lowest number, defined by
110 SYNCSWEEP One sweep of all active ADC channels defined by SWEEP on
incoming event channel with the lowest number, defined by
EVSEL. In addition, the conversion will be synchronized on
event to ensure a very accurate timing for the conversion.
111 Reserved


25.16.5 PRESCALER - ADC Clock Prescaler register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 - - - - - PRESCALER[2:0] PRESCALER

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 2:0 - PRESCALER[2:0]: ADC Prescaler configuration

These bits define the ADC clock relative to the Peripheral clock, according to Table 25-7 on
page 306.

Table 25-7. ADC Prescaler settings

PRESCALER[2:0] Group Configuration System clock division factor
000 DIV4 4
001 DIV8 8
010 DIV16 16
011 DIV32 32
100 DIV64 64
101 DIV128 128
110 DIV256 256
111 DIV512 512

25.16.6 INTFLAGS - ADC Interrupt Flag register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 - - - - CH[3:0]IF INTFLAGS

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 3:0 - CH[3:0]IF: Interrupt flags

These flags are set when the ADC conversion is complete for the corresponding ADC channel. If
an ADC channel is configured for compare mode, the corresponding flag will be set if the com-
pare condition is met. CHnIF is automatically cleared when the ADC channel n interrupt vector is
executed. The flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.


25.16.7 TEMP - ADC Temporary register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x07 TEMP[7:0] TEMP

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - TEMP[7:0]: ADC Temporary Register

This register is used when reading 16-bit registers in the ADC controller. The high byte of the 16-
bit register is stored here when the low byte read by the CPU. This register can also be read and
written from the user software.
For more details on 16-bit register access refer to Section 3.11 ”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on
page 12.

25.16.8 CALL - ADC Calibration value registers

The CALL and CALH register pair hold the 12-bit value ADC calibration value CAL. The ADC is
calibrated during production programming, the calibration value must be read from the signature
row and written to the CAL register from software.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0C CAL[7:0] CAL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - CAL[7:0]: ADC Calibration value

This is the 8 LSB of the 12-bit CAL value.

25.16.9 CALH - ADC Calibration value registers

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x0D - - - - CAL[11:8] CAL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - CAL[11:8]: ADC Calibration value

This is the 4 MSB of the 12-bit CAL value.

25.16.10 CHnRESH - ADC Channel n Result register High

The CHnRESL and CHnRESH register pair represents the 16-bit value CHnRES. For details on
reading 16-bit register refer to Section 3.11 ”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on page 12.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

12-bit, left CHRES[11:4]

12-bit, right - - - - CHRES[11:8]

8-bit - - - - - - - -

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

XMEGA A 12-bit mode, left adjusted

• Bits 7:0 - CHRES[11:4]: ADC Channel Result, high byte

These are the 8 MSB of the 12-bit ADC result. 12-bit mode, right adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits will in practice be the extension of the sign bit CHRES11 when ADC works in differen-
tial mode and set to zero when ADC works in signed mode.

• Bits 3:0 - CHRES[11:8]: ADC Channel Result, high byte

These are the 4 MSB of the 12-bit ADC result. 8-bit mode

• Bits 7:0 - Reserved

These bits will in practice be the extension of the sign bit CHRES7 when ADC works in signed
mode and set to zero when ADC works in single-ended mode.

25.16.11 CHnRESL - ADC Channel n Result register Low

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

12-/8- CHRES[7:0]

12-bit, left CHRES[3:0] - - - -

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12-/8-bit mode

• Bits 7:0 - CHRES[7:0]: ADC Channel Result, low byte

These are the 8 LSB of the ADC result. 12-bit mode, left adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - CHRES[3:0]: ADC Channel Result, low byte

These are the 4 LSB of the 12 bit ADC result.

• Bits 3:0 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

25.16.12 CMPH - ADC Compare register High

The CMPH and CMPL register pair represents the 16-bit value ADC Compare (CMP). For
details on reading and writing 16-bit registers refer to Section 3.11 ”Accessing 16-bits Registers”
on page 12.


Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x19 CMP[15:0] CMPH

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - CMP[15:0]: ADC Compare value high byte

These are the 8 MSB of the 16-bit ADC compare value. In signed mode, the number representa-
tion is 2's complement and the MSB is the sign bit.

25.16.13 CMPL - ADC Compare register Low

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x18 CMP[7:0] CMPL

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:0 - CMP[7:0]: ADC compare value high byte

These are the 8 LSB of the 16-bit ADC compare value. In signed mode, the number representa-
tion is 2's complement.

25.17 Register Description - ADC Channel

25.17.1 CTRL - ADC Channel Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x00 START - - GAIN[2:0} INPUTMODE[1:0] CTRL

Read/Write R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - START: START Conversion on Channel

Writing this to one will start a conversion on the channel. The bit is cleared by hardware when
the conversion has started. Setting this bit when it already is set will have no effect. Writing or
reading these bits is equivalent to writing the CH[3:0]START bits in ”CTRLA - ADC Control Reg-
ister A” on page 302.

• Bits 6:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 4:3 - GAIN[2:0]: ADC Gain Factor

These bits define the gain factor in order to amplify input signals before ADC conversion.


See Table 25-6 on page 305 for different gain factor settings. Gain is only valid with certain MUX
settings, see ”MUXCTRL - ADC Channel MUX Control registers” on page 310.

Table 25-8. ADC Gain Factor

GAIN[2:0] Group Configuration Gain factor
000 1X 1x
001 2X 2x
010 4X 4x
011 8X 8x
100 16X 16x
101 32X 32x
110 64X 64x
111 Reserved

• Bit 1:0 - INPUTMODE[1:0]: Channel Input Mode

These bits define the channel mode. This setting is independent of the ADC CONVMODE
(signed/unsigned mode) setting, but differential input mode can only be done in ADC signed
mode. In single ended input mode, the negative input to the ADC will be connected to a fixed
value both for ADC signed and unsigned mode.

Table 25-9. Channel Input Modes, CONVMODE=0 (unsigned mode)

INPUTMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 INTERNAL Internal positive input signal
01 SINGLEENDED Single-ended positive input signal
10 Reserved
11 Reserved

Table 25-10. Channel Input Modes, CONVMODE=1 (signed mode)

INPUTMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 INTERNAL Internal positive input signal
01 SINGLEENDED Single-ended positive input signal
10 DIFF Differential input signal
11 DIFFWGAIN Differential input signal with gain

25.17.2 MUXCTRL - ADC Channel MUX Control registers

The MUX register defines the input source for the channel.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - MUXPOS[3:0] - MUXNEG[1:0] MUXCTRL

Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 6:3 - MUXPOS[3:0]: MUX selection on Positive ADC input

These bits define the MUX selection for the positive ADC input. Table 25-11 on page 311 and
Table 25-12 on page 311 shows the possible input selection for the different input modes.

Table 25-11. ADC MUXPOS Configuration when INPUTMODE[1:0] = 00 (Internal) is used

MUXPOS[2:0] Group Configuration Analog input
000 TEMP Temperature Reference.
001 BANDGAP Bandgap voltage
010 SCALEDVCC 1/10 scaled VCC
011 DAC DAC output
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 Reserved

Table 25-12. ADC MUXPOS Configuration when INPUTMODE[1:0] = 01 (Single-ended),

INPUTMODE[1:0] = 10 (Differential) or INPUTPMODE[1:0] = 1 (Differential with
gain) is used.
MUXPOS[2:0] Group Configuration Analog input
000 PIN0 ADC0 pin
001 PIN1 ADC1 pin
010 PIN2 ADC2 pin
011 PIN3 ADC3 pin
100 PIN4 ADC4 pin
101 PIN5 ADC5 pin
110 PIN6 ADC6 pin
111 PIN7 ADC7 pin

For devices with more then 8 inputs into an ADC multiplexer, the MUXPOS3 bit is used to select
ADC channels 8 (ADC8) and above.

• Bits 2 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 1:0 - MUXNEG[1:0]: MUX selection on Negative ADC input

These bits define the MUX selection for the negative ADC input when differential measurements
are done. For internal or single-ended measurements, these bits are not in use.
Table 25-13 on page 312 andTable 25-14 on page 312 shows the possible input sections.


Table 25-13. ADC MUXNEG Configuration, INPUTMODE[1:0] = 10, Differential without gain
MUXNEG[1:0] Group Configuration Analog input
00 PIN0 ADC0 pin
01 PIN1 ADC1 pin
10 PIN2 ADC2 pin
11 PIN3 ADC3 pin

Table 25-14. ADC MUXNEG Configuration, INPUTMODE[1:0] = 11, Differential with gain
MUXNEG[1:0] Group Configuration Analog input
00 PIN4 ADC4 pin
01 PIN5 ADC5 pin
10 PIN6 ADC6 pin
11 PIN7 ADC7 pin

• Bit 0 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

25.17.3 INTCTRL - ADC Channel Interrupt Control registers

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - - INTMODE[1:0} INTLVL[1:0] INTCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:4 – Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 3:2 – INTMODE: ADC Interrupt Mode

These bits select the interrupt mode for channel n according to Table 25-15.

Table 25-15. ADC Interrupt mode

INTMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Interrupt mode
00 COMPLETE Conversion Complete
01 BELOW Compare Result Below Threshold
10 Reserved
11 ABOVE Compare Result Above Threshold


• Bits 1:0 – INTLVL[1:0]: ADC Interrupt Priority Level and Enable

These bits enable the ADC channel interrupt and select the interrupt level as described in Sec-
tion 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The enabled
interrupt will be triggered when the IF in the INTFLAGS register is set.

25.17.4 INTFLAGS - ADC Channel Interrupt Flag registers

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - - - - IF INTFLAGS

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:1 – Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 – IF: ADC Channel Interrupt Flag

The interrupt flag is set when the ADC conversion is complete. If the channel is configured for
compare mode, the flag will be set if the compare condition is met. IF is automatically cleared
when the ADC channel interrupt vector is executed. The bit can also be cleared by writing a one
to the bit location.

25.17.5 RESH - ADC Channel n Result register High

For all result registers and with any ADC result resolution, a signed number is represented in 2’s
complement form and the MSB represents the sign bit.
The RESL and RESH register pair represents the 16-bit value ADCRESULT. Reading and writ-
ing 16-bit values require special attention, refer to Section 3.11 ”Accessing 16-bits Registers” on
page 12 for details.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

12-bit, left. RES[11:4]

12-bit, right +0x05 - - - - RES[11:8]

8-bit - - - - - - - -

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12-bit mode, left adjusted

• Bits 7:0 - RES[11:4]: ADC Channel Result, high byte

These are the 8 MSB of the 12-bit ADC result. 12-bit mode, right adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits will in practice be the extension of the sign bit CHRES11 when ADC works in differen-
tial mode and set to zero when ADC works in signed mode.

• Bits 3:0 - RES[11:8]: ADC Channel Result, high byte

These are the 4 MSB of the 12-bit ADC result.

XMEGA A 8-bit mode

• Bits 7:0 - Reserved

These bits will in practice be the extension of the sign bit CHRES7 when ADC works in signed
mode and set to zero when ADC works in single-ended mode.

25.17.6 RESL - ADC Channel n Result register Low

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

12-/8- RES[7:0]
12-bit, left. RES[3:0] - - - -

Read/Write R R R R R R R R

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12-/8-bit mode

• Bits 7:0 - RES[7:0]: ADC Channel Result, low byte

These are the 8 LSB of the ADC result. 12-bit mode, left adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - RES[3:0]: ADC Channel Result, low byte

These are the 4 LSB of the 12 bit ADC result.

• Bits 3:0 - Reserved

These bits are reserved and will always read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.


25.18 Register Summary - ADC

This is the register summary when the ADC is configured to give standard 12-bit results. The register summary for 8-bit and
12-bit left adjusted will be similar, but with some changes in the result registers CHnRESH and CHnRESL.
Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x03 EVCTRL SWEEP[1:0] EVSEL[2:0] EVACT[2:0] 304
+0x04 PRESCALER - - - - - PRESCALER[2:0] 306
+0x05 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x06 INTFLAGS - - - - CH[3:0]IF 306
+0x07 TEMP TEMP[7:0] 307
+0x08 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x09 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0A Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0B Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0C CALL CAL[7:0] 307
+0x0D CALH - - - - CAL[11:8]
+0x0E Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x0F Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x10 CH0RESL CH0RES[7:0] 308
+0x11 CH0RESH CH0RES[15:8] 307
+0x12 CH1RESL CH1RES[7:0] 308
+0x13 CH1RESH CH1RES[15:8] 307
+0x14 CH2RESL CH2RES[7:0] 308
+0x15 CH2RESH CH2RES[15:8] 307
+0x16 CH3RESL CH3RES[7:0] 308
+0x17 CH3RESH CH3RES[15:8] 307
+0x18 CMPL CMP[7:0] 309
+0x19 CMPH CMP[15:8] 308
+0x1A Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1B Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1C Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1D Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1E Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x1F Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x20 CH0 Offset
+0x28 CH1 Offset
+0x30 CH2 Offset
+0x38 CH3 Offset

25.19 Register Summary - ADC Channel

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 CTRL START - - GAIN[2:0] INPUTMODE[1:0] 309
+0x01 MUXCTRL - MUXPOS[3:0] - MUXNEG[1:0] 310
+0x02 INTCTRL - - - - INTMODE[1:0] INTLVL[1:0] 312
+0x03 INTFLAGS - - - - - - - IF 313
+0x04 RESL RES[7:0] 314
+0x05 RESH RES[15:8] 313
+0x06 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x07 Reserved - - - - - - - -


25.20 Interrupt vector Summary

Table 25-16. Analog to Digital Converter Interrupt vectors and their word offset address
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 CH0 Analog to Digital Converter Channel 0 Interrupt vector
0x02 CH1 Analog to Digital Converter Channel 1 Interrupt vector
0x04 CH2 Analog to Digital Converter Channel 2 Interrupt vector
0x06 CH3 Analog to Digital Converter Channel 3 Interrupt vector


26. DAC - Digital to Analog Converter

26.1 Features
• 12-bit resolution
• Up to 1 Msps conversion rate
• Flexible conversion range
• Multiple trigger sources
• 1 continuous time or 2 Sample/Hold (S/H) outputs
• Built-in offset and gain calibration
• High drive capabilities
• Internal/External reference
• Possibility to use as input to analog comparator or ADC
• Power reduction mode

26.2 Overview
The DAC converts digital values to analog voltages. The DAC has 12-bit resolution and is capa-
ble of converting 1 million samples per second. The output from the DAC can either be
continuous to one pin, or fed to two different pins using a sample and hold (S/H) circuitry. A sep-
arate low power mode is available, and the DAC can be gain and offset calibrated.
The output signal swing is defined by the reference voltage (VREF). The following sources are
available as VREF in the DAC:
• Internal 1.00V
• External reference applied to the AREF pin on PORTA or PORTB

The output voltage from a DAC channel is given as:

V DACx = ---------------------------- ⋅ VREF

Figure 26-1 on page 318 illustrates the basic functionality related to the DAC. Not all functional-
ity is shown.


Figure 26-1. DAC overview


Int. 1.00 V

12 Output
12 Control and Driver


26.3 Starting a conversion

Conversions are either done when data is written to the data registers, or timed by an incoming
If auto trigger mode is not selected, a new conversion is automatically started when there is a
new value in the DAC data register. When auto trigger mode is selected, the new conversion will
be started on an incoming event from the selected event channel if there is new data in the data
register which has not been converted.
Both application software and the DMA controller may write to the data registers.

26.4 Output channels

The output from the DAC can either be continuous to one pin (Channel 0), or fed into two differ-
ent pins using a sample and hold circuitry (S/H). With S/H these two outputs can act
independently and create two different analog signals, different in both voltage and frequency.
The two S/H outputs have individual data and conversion control registers. The DAC output may
be used as input to other peripherals in XMEGA, such as the Analog Comparator or the Analog
to Digital Converter. It is the output directly from the DAC, not the S/H outputs, that is available
for these peripherals.

26.5 DAC Output model

Each DAC output channel has a driver buffer with feedback ensures that the voltage on the DAC
output pin is equal to the DACs internal voltage until the DAC output reaches its saturation volt-
age. Figure 26-2 on page 319 shows the DAC output model, for details on Rchannel, refer to the
DAC characteristics in the device data sheet.


Figure 26-2. DAC output model

R feedback

DAC voltage DAC out

Buffer DAC output
R channel

Notes: 1. The DAC Rchannel is ~300 Ω for ATxmegaA3 and ATxmegaA4

2. The DAC Rchannel is ~850 Ω for ATxmegaA1

26.6 DAC clock

The DAC is clocked from the Peripheral clock (clkPER) directly. The DAC conversion interval and
refresh rate in S/H mode is configured relative to the Peripheral Clock.

26.7 Timing constraints

Some timing constraints are given to make sure the DAC operates correctly. The timing con-
straints are relative to the frequency of the Peripheral clock. Not meeting the timing constraints
may reduce the accuracy of DAC conversions.
• The DAC sampling time is the time interval between a completed channel conversion until
starting a new conversion. This should not be less than 1 µs for single channel mode and 1.5
µs for dual channel (S/H) mode.
• The DAC refresh time is the time interval between each time a channel is updated in dual
channel mode. This should not be more than 30 µs.

26.8 Low Power mode

To reduce the power consumption in DAC conversions, the DAC may be set in a Low Power
mode. In Low Power mode, the DAC is turned off between each conversion. Conversion time
will be longer if new conversions are started in this mode. To put the DAC into low power mode,
you need to set the bit 1 in CTRLA register (called DACCRA).

26.9 Calibration
To achieve optimal accuracy, it is possible to calibrate both gain and offset error in the DAC.
There is a 7-bit calibration value for gain adjustment and a 7-bit calibration value for offset
To get the best calibration result it is recommended to use the same VREF, output channel
selection, sampling time, and refresh interval when calibrating as will be used in normal DAC
operation. The theoretical transfer function for the DAC was shown in ”Overview” on page 317.
Including errors, the DAC output value can be expressed as:

CHnDATA- + offset
V DACxX = gain ⋅ ---------------------------
In an ideal DAC, gain is 1 and offset is 0.


The calibration of the DAC adjust the offset and gain. To calibrate offset you can output mid
code and adjust the offset calibration until you get ~0 LSB offset The gain is adjusted around mid
code so it should not affect the offset calibration if you read the output at mid code and max (or
min code) and adjust the calibration values until you get ~0 LSB gain.

26.10 Register Description

26.10.1 CTRLA – DAC Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R R R/W R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - IDOEN: DAC Internal Output Enable

Setting this bit routs the internal DAC output to the ADC and Analog Comparator MUXes.

• Bit 3 - CH1EN: DAC Channel 1 Output Enable

Setting this bit will make channel 1 available on pin while clearing the bit makes channel 1 only
available for internal use.

• Bit 2 - CH0EN: DAC Channel 0 Output Enable

Setting this bit will make channel 0 available on pin while clearing the bit makes channel 0 only
available for internal use.

• Bit 1 - Res - Reserved

This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 - ENABLE: DAC Enable

This bit enables the entire DAC.

26.10.2 CTRLB – DAC Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x01 - CHSEL[1:0] - - - CH1TRIG CH0TRIG CTRLB

Read/Write R R/W R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 6:5 - CHSEL[1:0]: DAC Channel Selection

These bits control wether the DAC should operate with single or dual channel outputs. Table 26-
1 shows the available selections.


Table 26-1. DAC channel selection

CHSEL[1:0] Description
00 Single channel operation (for channel 0 only)
01 Reserved
10 Duel channel operation (S/H for channel 0 and channel 1)
11 Reserved

• Bits 4:2 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - CH1TRIG: DAC Auto trigged mode Channel 1

If this bit is set, the incoming event on the event channel selected in the EVCTRL Register will
start the conversion when a new value is written to high byte of the data register CH1DATA.

• Bit 0 - CH0TRIG: DAC Auto trigged mode Channel 0

If this bit is set, the incoming event on the event channel selected in the EVCTRL Register will
start the conversion when a new value is written to high byte of the data register CH0DATA.

26.10.3 CTRLC – DAC Control Register C

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 - - - REFSEL[1:0] - - LEFTADJ CTRLC

Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 4:3 - REFSEL[1:0]: DAC Reference Selection

These bits control the reference and thus the conversion range of the DAC.
Table 26-2 shows the available options.

Table 26-2. DAC Reference selection

REFSEL[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 INT1V Internal 1.00 V

• Bit 2:1 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 0 - LEFTADJ: DAC Left-Adjust Value

If this bit is set, CH0DATA and CH1DATA are left-adjusted.

26.10.4 EVCTRL – DAC Event Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x03 - - - - - EVSEL[2:0] EVCTRL

Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 2:1 - EVSEL[2:0]: DAC Event Channel Input Selection

These bits define which channel from the Event System that is used for triggering a DAC
Table 26-3 shows the available selections.

Table 26-3. DAC Event input Selection

EVSEL[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 0 Event channel 0 as input to DAC
001 1 Event channel 1 as input to DAC
010 2 Event channel 2 as input to DAC
011 3 Event channel 3 as input to DAC
100 4 Event channel 4 as input to DAC
101 5 Event channel 5 as input to DAC
110 6 Event channel 6 as input to DAC
111 7 Event channel 7 as input to DAC

26.10.5 TIMCTRL – DAC Timing Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 6:4 - [2:0]: - CONINTVAL - DAC Conversion Interval

These bits control the minimum interval between two successive conversions. The interval must
be set relative to the Peripheral clock (clkPER) to ensure that a new conversion is not started until
the result from the previous conversion has settled. The DAC Conversion Interval should never
be set lower than 1 µs during single channel operation, and not lower than 1.5 µs during dual
channel (S/H) operation.


Table 26-4 shows the available control settings as a number of peripheral clock cycles. To allow
for longer conversion intervals during dual channel operation, a 50% increase in the number
peripheral clock cycles is automatically added.

Table 26-4. DAC Conversion Interval

clkPER cycles for Single clkPER cycles for dual
CONINTCAL[2:0] Group Configuration channel operation channel (S/H) operation
000 1CLK 1 CLK 1 CLK
001 2CLK 2 CLK 3 CLK
010 4CLK 4 CLK 6 CLK
011 8CLK 8 CLK 12 CLK
100 16CLK 16 CLK 24 CLK
101 32CLK 32 CLK 48 CLK
110 64CLK 64 CLK 96 CLK
111 128CLK 128 CLK 192 CLK

The number of clock cycles selected multiplied with the period of the Peripheral clock gives the
minimum DAC conversion internal.

• Bits 3:0 - REFRESH[3:0]: DAC Channel Refresh Timing Control

These bits control time interval between each time a channel is refreshed in dual channel (S/H)
mode. The interval must be set relative to the Peripheral clock to avoid loosing accuracy of the
converted value.
Table 26-5 shows the available timing control settings as a number of peripheral clock cycles.

Table 26-5. DAC Channel refresh control selection

REFRESH[3:0] Group Configuration clkPER cycles refresh interval
0000 16CLK 16 CLK
0001 32CLK 32 CLK
0010 64CLK 64 CLK
0011 128CLK 128 CLK
0100 256CLK 256 CLK
0101 512CLK 512 CLK
0110 1024CLK 1024 CLK
0111 2048CLK 2048 CLK
1000 4096CLK 4096 CLK
1001 8192CLK 8192 CLK
1010 16384CLK 16384 CLK
1011 32768CLK 32768 CLK
1100 65536CLK 65536 CLK


Table 26-5. DAC Channel refresh control selection (Continued)

1101 Reserved
1110 Reserved
1111 OFF Auto refresh off

The number of clock cycles selected multiplied with the period of the Peripheral clock gives the
DAC refresh time.

26.10.6 STATUS – DAC Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 - - - - - - CH1DRE CH0DRE STATUS

Read/Write R R R R R R R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:2 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1 - CH1DRE: DAC Channel 1 Data Register Empty

This bit indicates that the data register for channel 1 is empty, meaning that a new conversion
value may be written. If the bit is cleared, writing to the data register may cause losing a conver-
sion value. This bit is directly used for DMA Request.

• Bit 0 - CH0DRE: DAC Channel 0 Data register Empty

This bit indicates that the data register for channel 0 is empty, meaning that a new conversion
value may be written. If the bit is cleared, writing to the data register may cause losing a conver-
sion value.This bit is directly used for DMA Request.

26.10.7 CH0DATAH – DAC Channel 0 Data Register High

The two registers CHnDATAH and CHnDATAL are the high byte and low byte respectively of the
12-bit value CHnDATA that is converted to an analog voltage on DAC channel n. By default, the
12 bits are distributed with 8 bits in CHnDATAL and 4 bits in 4 LSB position of CHnDATAH
(right-adjusted).To select left-adjusted data it is possible by setting the LEFTADJ bit in the
CTRLC register.
When this is selected, it is also possible to do 8-bit conversions by writing only CHnDATAH

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Right-adjust - - - - CHDATA[11:8]
Left-adjust CHDATA[11:4]

Right-adjust Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Left-adjust Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Right-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

XMEGA A Right-adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 3:0 - CHDATA[11:8]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 0, 4 MSB

These bits are the 4 MSB of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 0 in right-adjusted mode. Left-adjusted

• Bits 7:0 - CHDATA[11:4]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 0, 8 MSB

These bits are the 8 MSB of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 0 in left-adjusted mode.

26.10.8 CH0DATAL – DAC Channel 0 Data Register Low

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Right-adjust CHDATA[7:0]
Left-adjust CHDATA[3:0] - - - -

Right-adjust Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Left-adjust Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R R

Right-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right-adjusted

• Bits 7:0 - CHDATA[7:0]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 0, 8 LSB

These bits are the 8 LSB of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 0 in right-adjusted mode. Left-adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - CHDATA[3:0]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 0, 4 LSB

These bits are the 4 LSB of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 0 in left-adjusted mode.

• Bits 3:0 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

26.10.9 CH1DATAH – DAC Channel 1 Data Register High

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Right-adjust - - - - CHDATA[11:8]
Left-adjust CHDATA[11:4]

Right-adjust Read/Write R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W

Left-adjust Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Right-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

XMEGA A Right-adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 3:0 - CHDATA[11:8]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 1, 4 MSB

These bits are the 4 MSB of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 1 in right-adjusted mode. Left-adjusted

• Bits 7:0 - CHDATA[11:4]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 1, 8 MSB

These bits are the 8 MSB of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 1 in left-adjusted mode.

26.10.10 CH1DATAL – DAC Channel 1 Data Register Low byte

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Right-adjust CHDATA[7:0]
Left-adjust CHDATA[3:0] - - - -

Right-adjust Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Left-adjust Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R R

Right-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Left-adjust Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right-adjusted

• Bits 7:0 - CHDATA[7:0]: DBC Conversion Data Register Channel 1, 8 LSB

These bits are the 8 lsb of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 1 in right-adjusted mode. Left-adjusted

• Bits 7:4 - CHDATA[3:0]: DAC Conversion Data Register Channel 1, 4 LSB

These bits are the 4 lsb of the 12-bit value to convert to channel 1 in left-adjusted mode.

• Bits 3:0 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

26.10.11 GAINCAL – DAC Gain Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x08 - GAINCAL[6:0] GAINCAL

Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.


• Bits 6:0 - GAINCAL[6:0]: DAC Gain Calibration value

These bits are used to compensate the gain error in the DAC. See ”Calibration” on page 319 for
details on how to calibrate gain.

26.10.12 OFFSETCAL – DAC Offset Calibration Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 6:0 - OFFSETCAL[6:0]: DAC Offset Calibration value

These bits are used to compensate the offset error in the DAC. See ”Calibration” on page 319
for details on how to calibrate offset.

26.11 Register Summary

This is the I/O summary when the DAC is configured to give standard 12-bit results. I/O sum-
mary for 12-bit left adjusted will be similar, but with some changes in the data registers

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x01 CTRLB - CHSEL[1:0] - - - CH1TRIG CH0TRIG 320
+0x02 CTRLC - - - REFSEL[1:0] - - LEFTADJ 321
+0x03 EVCTRL - - - - - EVSEL[2:0] 322
+0x04 TIMCTRL - CONINTVAL[2:0] REFRESH[3:0] 322
+0x05 STATUS - - - - - - CH1DRE CH0DRE 324
+0x06 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x07 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x08 GAINCAL - GAINCAL[6:0] 326
+0x09 OFFSETCAL - OFFSETCAL[6:0] 327
+0x10 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x11 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x12 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x13 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x14 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x15 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x16 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x17 Reserved - - - - - - - -
+0x18 CH0DATAL CHDATA[7:0] 325
+0x19 CH0DATAH - - - - CHDATA[11:8] 324
+0x1A CH1DATAL CHDATA[7:0] 326
+0x1B CH1DATAH - - - - CHDATA[11:8] 325


27. AC - Analog Comparator

27.1 Features
• Flexible input selection
• High speed option
• Low power option
• Selectable input hysteresis
• Analog comparator output available on pin
• Window mode

27.2 Overview
The Analog Comparator (AC) compares the voltage level on two inputs and gives a digital output
based on this comparison. The Analog Comparator may be configured to give interrupt requests
and/or events upon several different combinations of input change.
Two important properties of the Analog Comparator when it comes to the dynamic behavior, are
hysteresis and propagation delay. Both these parameters may be adjusted in order to find the
optimal operation for each application.
The Analog Comparators are always grouped in pairs (AC0 and AC1) on each analog port. They
have identical behavior but separate control registers.


Figure 27-1. Analog Comparator overview.

Pin inputs

Internal inputs
Pin 0 output
Pin inputs -
Internal inputs
VCC scaled
Pin inputs control

Internal inputs
Pin inputs
Internal inputs
VCC scaled


27.3 Input Channels

Each Analog Comparator has one positive and one negative input. Each input may be chosen
among a wide selection of input channels: the analog input pins, internal inputs and a scaled
inputs. The digital output from the Analog Comparator is one when the difference between the
positive and the negative input is positive, and zero when the difference is negative.

27.3.1 Pin Inputs

The analog input pins on the port can be selected as input to the Analog Comparator.

27.3.2 Internal Inputs

There are three Internal inputs that are directly available for the Analog Comparator:
• Output from the DAC (If available on the specific device).
• Bandgap reference voltage.
• Voltage scaler that can do a 64-level scaling of the internal VCC voltage.

27.4 Start of Signal Compare

In order to start a signal compare, the Analog Comparator must be configured with the preferred
properties and inputs, before the module is enabled to start comparing the two selected inputs.
The result of the comparison is continuous and available for application software and the Event

27.5 Generating Interrupts and Events

The Analog Comparator can be configured to generate interrupts when the output toggles, when
output changes from zero to one (rising edge) or when the output changes from one to zero (fall-
ing edge). Events will be generated for the same condition as the interrupt, and at all times,
regardless of the interrupt being enabled or not.

27.6 Window Mode

Two Analog Comparators on the same analog port can be configured to work together in Win-
dow Mode. In this mode a voltage range may be defined, and the Analog Comparators may give
information about whether an input signal is within this range or not.


Figure 27-2. Analog Comparator Window Mode

U p p e r lim it o f w in d o w -
In te rru p ts
In te rru p t
In p u t s ig n a l s e n s itiv ity
E v e n ts
c o n tro l

L o w e r lim it o f w in d o w

27.7 Input hysteresis

Application software can select between no, low, and high hysteresis. Adding hysteresis can
avoid constant toggling of the output if the input signals are very close to each other and some
noise exists in either of the signals or in the system.

27.8 Power consumption vs. propagation delay

It is possible to enable High-speed mode to get the shortest possible propagation delay. This
mode consumes more power than the default Low-power mode that has a longer propagation

27.9 Register Description

27.9.1 ACnCTRL – Analog Comparator n Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:6 - INTMODE[1:0]:Analog Comparator Interrupt Modes

These bits configure the interrupt mode for Analog Comparator n according to Table 27-1.

Table 27-1. Analog Comparator n Interrupt Settings

INTMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 BOTHEDGES Comparator interrupt on output toggle
01 - Reserved
10 FALLING Comparator interrupt or event on falling output edge
11 RISING Comparator interrupt or event on rising output edge


• Bits 5:4 - INTLVL[1:0]: Analog Comparator Interrupt Level

These bits enable the Analog Comparator n Interrupt and select the interrupt level as described
in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on page 123. The
enabled interrupt will trigger according to the INTMODE setting.

• Bit 3 - HSMODE: Analog Comparator High-Speed Mode Select

Setting this bit selects High-speed mode and clearing this bit to select Low-power mode.

• Bits 2:1 - HYSMODE[1:0]: Analog Comparator Hysteresis Mode Select

These bits select hysteresis according to Table 27-2. For details on actual hysteresis levels refer
to device data sheet.

Table 27-2. Analog Comparator n Hysteresis Settings

HYSMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 NO No hysteresis
01 SMALL Small hysteresis
10 LARGE Large hysteresis
11 - Reserved

• Bit 0 - ENABLE: Analog Comparator Enable

Settings this bit enables the Analog Comparator n.

27.9.2 ACnMUXCTRL – Analog Comparator Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x02 / +0x03 - - MUXPOS[2:0] MUXNEG[2:0] ACnMUXCTRL

Read/Write R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:6 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bits 5:3 - MUXPOS[2:0]: Analog Comparator Positive Input MUX Selection

These bits select which input to be connected to the positive input of Analog Comparator n,
according to Table 27-3.

Table 27-3. Analog Comparator n Positive Input MUX Selection

MUXPOS[2:0] Group Configuration Description
000 PIN0 Pin 0
001 PIN1 Pin 1
010 PIN2 Pin 2
011 PIN3 Pin 3
100 PIN4 Pin 4


Table 27-3. Analog Comparator n Positive Input MUX Selection (Continued)

101 PIN5 Pin 5
110 PIN6 Pin 6
111 DAC DAC Output

• Bits 2:0 - MUXNEG[2:0]: Analog Comparator Negative Input MUX Selection

These bits select which input to be connected to the negative input of Analog Comparator n,
according to Table 27-4 on page 333.

Table 27-4. Analog Comparator n Negative Input MUX Selection

MUXNEG[2:0] Group Configuration Negative Input MUX Selection
000 PIN0 Pin 0
001 PIN1 Pin 1
010 PIN3 Pin 3
011 PIN5 Pin 5
100 PIN7 Pin 7
101 DAC DAC Output
110 BANDGAP Internal Bandgap Voltage
111 SCALER VCC Voltage Scaler

27.9.3 CTRLA – Control Register A

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x04 - - - - - - - AC0OUT CTRLA

Read/Write R R R R R R R R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:1 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 0 – AC0OUT: Analog Comparator Output

Setting this bit makes the output of Analog Comparator 0 available on pin 7 on the same port.

27.9.4 CTRLB – Control Register B

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x05 - - SCALEFAC[5:0] CTRLB

Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:6 - Res - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bits 5:0 - SCALEFAC[5:0]: Analog Comparator Input Voltage Scaling Factor

These bits define the scaling factor for the Vcc voltageF. The input to the Analog Comparator,

V CC ⋅ ( SCALEFAC + 1 )
V SCALE = ------------------------------------------------------------

27.9.5 WINCTRL – Analog Comparator Window Function Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

+0x06 - - - WEN WINTMODE[1:0] WINTLVL[1:0] WINCTRL

Read/Write R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:5 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 4 - WEN: Analog Comparator Window Enable

Setting this bit enables Window Mode for the two Analog Comparators on the same port.

• Bits 3:2 - WINTMODE[1:0]: Analog Comparator Window Interrupt Mode Settings

These bits configure the interrupt mode for Analog Comparator Window Mode according to
Table 27-5.

Table 27-5. Analog Comparator Window Mode Interrupt Settings

WINTMODE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 ABOVE Interrupt on signal above window
01 INSIDE Interrupt on signal inside window
10 BELOW Interrupt on signal below window
11 OUTSIDE Interrupt on signal outside window

• Bits 1:0 - WINTLVL[1:0]: Analog Comparator Window Interrupt Enable

These bits enable the Analog Comparator Window Mode Interrupt and select the interrupt level
as described in Section 12. ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller” on
page 123. The enabled interrupt will trigger according to the WINTMODE setting.

27.9.6 STATUS – Analog Comparator Common Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W

Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bits 7:6 - WSTATE[1:0]: Analog Comparator Window Mode Current State

These bits show the current state of the signal if the Window Mode is enabled according to
Table 27-6.


Table 27-6. Analog Comparator Window Mode Current State

WSTATE[1:0] Group Configuration Description
00 ABOVE Signal is above window
01 INSIDE Signal is inside window
10 BELOW Signal is below window
11 - Reserved

• Bit 5 - AC1STATE: Analog Comparator 1 Current State

This bit shows the current state of the input signal to Analog Comparator 1.

• Bit 4 - AC0STATE: Analog Comparator 0 Current State

This bit shows the current state of the input signal to Analog Comparator 0.

• Bit 3 - Reserved
This bit is unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always write
this bit to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 2 - WIF: Analog Comparator Window Interrupt Flag

This is the interrupt flag for the Window Mode. WIF is set according to the WINTMODE setting in
the Section 27.9.5 ”WINCTRL – Analog Comparator Window Function Control Register” on
page 334.
The WIF is automatically cleared when the analog comparator window interrupt vector is exe-
cuted. The flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit 1 - AC1IF: Analog Comparator 1 Interrupt Flag

This is the interrupt flag for Analog Comparator 1. AC1IF is set according to the INTMODE set-
ting in the corresponding Section 27.9.1 ”ACnCTRL – Analog Comparator n Control Register” on
page 331.
The AC1IF is automatically cleared when the analog comparator 1 interrupt vector is executed.
The flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.

• Bit 0 - AC0IF: Analog Comparator 0 Interrupt Flag

This is the interrupt flag for Analog Comparator 0. AC0IF is set according to the INTMODE set-
ting in the corresponding Section 27.9.1 ”ACnCTRL – Analog Comparator n Control Register” on
page 331.
The AC0IF is automatically cleared when the analog comparator interrupt vector is executed.
The flag can also be cleared by writing a one to its bit location.


27.10 Register Summary

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x02 AC0MUXCTRL - - MUXPOS[2:0] MUXNEG[2:0] 332
+0x03 AC1MUXCTRL - - MUXPOS[2:0] MUXNEG[2:0] 332
+0x04 CTRLA - - - - - - - ACOOUT 333
+0x05 CTRLB - - SCALEFAC5:0] 333
+0x06 WINCTRL - - - WEN WINTMODE[1:0] WINTLVL[1:0] 334

27.11 Interrupt vector Summary

Table 27-7. Analog Comparator Interrupt vectors
Offset Source Interrupt Description
0x00 COMP0_vect Analog Comparator 0 Interrupt vector
0x02 COMP1_vect Analog Comparator 1 Interrupt vector
0x04 WINDOW_vect Analog Comparator Window Interrupt vector


28. IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan interface

28.1 Features
• JTAG (IEEE std. 1149.1-2001 compliant) interface.
• Boundary-scan capabilities according to the JTAG standard.
• Full scan of all I/O pins.
• Supports the mandatory SAMPLE, PRELOAD, EXTEST, and BYPASS instructions.
• Supports the optional IDCODE, HIGHZ, and CLAMP instructions.
• Supports the AVR specific PDICOM instruction for accessing the PDI for debugging and
programming in its optional JTAG mode.

28.2 Overview
The JTAG Boundary-scan interface is mainly intended for testing PCBs by using the JTAG
Boundary-scan capability. Secondary, the JTAG interface is reused to access the Program and
Debug Interface (PDI) in its optional JTAG mode.
The Boundary-scan chain has the capability of driving and observing the logic levels on I/O pins.
At system level, all ICs having JTAG capabilities are connected serially by the TDI/TDO signals
to form a long shift register. An external controller sets up the devices to drive values at their out-
put pins, and observe the input values received from other devices. The controller compares the
received data with the expected result. In this way, Boundary-scan provides a mechanism for
testing interconnections and integrity of components on Printed Circuit Boards by using the four
TAP signals only.
The IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined mandatory JTAG instructions IDCODE, BYPASS, SAMPLE/
PRELOAD, and EXTEST together with the optional CLAMP, and HIGHZ instructions can be
used for testing the Printed Circuit Board. Initial scanning of the Data Register path will show the
ID-Code of the device, since IDCODE is the default JTAG instruction. If needed, the BYPASS
instruction can be issued to make the shortest possible scan chain through the device. The
EXTEST instruction is used for sampling external pins and loading output pins with data. The
data from the output latch will be driven out on the pins as soon as the EXTEST instruction is
loaded into the JTAG IR-Register. Therefore to avoid damaging the board when issuing the
EXTEST instruction for the first time, the merged SAMPLE/PRELOAD should be used for setting
initial values to the scan ring. SAMPLE/PRELOAD is also used for taking a non-intrusive snap-
shot of the external pins during normal operation of the part. The CLAMP instruction allows
static pin values to be applied via the Boundary-scan registers while bypassing these registers in
the scan path, efficiently shortening the total length of the serial test path. Alternatively the
HIGHZ instruction can be used to place all I/O pins in an inactive drive state, while bypassing the
Boundary-scan register chain of the chip.
The AVR specific PDICOM instruction makes it possible to use the PDI data register as an inter-
face for accessing the PDI for programming and debugging. Note that the PDICOM instruction
has nothing to do with Boundary-scan testing, but represents an alternative way to access inter-
nal programming and debugging resources by using the JTAG interface. For more details on
PDI, programming and on-chip debug refer to Section 29. ”Program and Debug Interface” on
page 344.
The JTAGEN Fuse must be programmed and the JTAGD bit in the MCUCR Register must be
cleared to enable the JTAG Interface and Test Access Port.


When using the JTAG interface for Boundary-scan, the JTAG TCK clock frequency can be
higher than the internal device frequency. The System Clock in the device is not required for

28.3 TAP - Test Access Port

The JTAG interface is accessed through four of the AVR's pins. In JTAG terminology, these pins
constitute the Test Access Port - TAP. These pins are:
• TMS: Test mode select. This pin is used for navigating through the TAP-controller state
• TCK: Test Clock. JTAG operation is synchronous to TCK.
• TDI: Test Data In. Serial input data to be shifted in to the Instruction Register or Data Register
(Scan Chains).
• TDO: Test Data Out. Serial output data from Instruction Register or Data Register.
The IEEE std. 1149.1-2001 also specifies an optional TAP signal; TRST - Test ReSeT. This is
not available.
When the JTAGEN Fuse is unprogrammed or the JTAG Disable bit is set the JTAG interface is
disabled. The four TAP pins are normal port pins and the TAP controller is in reset. When
enabled, the input TAP signals are internally pulled high and the JTAG is enabled for Boundary-
scan operations.

Figure 28-1. TAP Controller state diagram


The TAP controller is a 16-state finite state machine that controls the operation of the Boundary-
scan circuitry. The state transitions depicted in Figure 28-1 depend on the signal present on
TMS (shown adjacent to each state transition) at a time of the rising edge at TCK. The initial
state after a Power-on Reset is Test-Logic-Reset.
Assuming Run-Test/Idle is the present state, a typical scenario for using the JTAG interface is:
• At the TMS input, apply the sequence 1, 1, 0, 0 at the rising edges of TCK to enter the Shift
Instruction Register - Shift-IR state. While in this state, shift the four bits of the JTAG
instructions into the JTAG Instruction Register from the TDI input at the rising edge of TCK.
The TMS input must be held low during input of the 3 LSBs in order to remain in the Shift-IR
state. The MSB of the instruction is shifted in when this state is left by setting TMS high.
While the instruction is shifted in from the TDI pin, the captured IR-state 0x01 is shifted out
on the TDO pin. The JTAG Instruction selects a particular Data Register as path between TDI
and TDO and controls the circuitry surrounding the selected Data Register.
• Apply the TMS sequence 1, 1, 0 to re-enter the Run-Test/Idle state. The instruction is latched
onto the parallel output from the Shift Register path in the Update-IR state. The Exit-IR,
Pause-IR, and Exit2-IR states are only used for navigating the state machine.
• ·At the TMS input, apply the sequence 1, 0, 0 at the rising edges of TCK to enter the Shift
Data Register - Shift-DR state. While in this state, upload the selected Data Register
(selected by the present JTAG instruction in the JTAG Instruction Register) from the TDI input
at the rising edge of TCK. In order to remain in the Shift-DR state, the TMS input must be
held low during input of all bits except the MSB. The MSB of the data is shifted in when this
state is left by setting TMS high. While the Data Register is shifted in from the TDI pin, the
parallel inputs to the Data Register captured in the Capture-DR state is shifted out on the
TDO pin.
• Apply the TMS sequence 1, 1, 0 to re-enter the Run-Test/Idle state. If the selected Data
Register has a latched parallel-output, the latching takes place in the Update-DR state. The
Exit-DR, Pause-DR, and Exit2-DR states are only used for navigating the state machine.
As shown in the state diagram, the Run-Test/Idle state need not be entered between selecting
JTAG instruction and using Data Registers.
Note: Independent of the initial state of the TAP Controller, the Test-Logic-Reset state can
always be entered by holding TMS high for five TCK clock periods.

28.4 JTAG instructions

The Instruction Register is 4-bit wides. Listed below are the JTAG instructions for Boundary-
scan operation and the PDICOM instruction used for accessing the PDI in JTAG mode.
The LSB is shifted in and out first for all Shift Registers.
The OPCODE for each instruction is shown behind the instruction name in hex format. The text
describes which Data Register is selected as path between TDI and TDO for each instruction.

28.4.1 EXTEST; 0x1

EXTEST is mandatary and the instruction for selecting the Boundary-scan Chain as Data Regis-
ter for testing circuitry external to the AVR package. For the I/O port pins, both output control
(DIR) and output data (OUT) is controllable via the scan chain, while the output control and
actual pin value is observable. The contents of the latched outputs of the Boundary-scan chain
is driven out as soon as the JTAG IR-Register is loaded with the EXTEST instruction.


The active states are:

• Capture-DR: Data on the external pins are sampled into the Boundary-scan Chain.
• Shift-DR: Data in the Boundary-scan Chain is shifted by the TCK input.
• Update-DR: Data from the scan chain is applied to output pins.

28.4.2 IDCODE; 0x3

IDEOCE is mandatory and the instruction for selecting the 32 bit ID-Register as Data Register.
The ID-Register consists of a version number, a device number and the manufacturer code cho-
sen by JEDEC. This is the default instruction after power-up.
The active states are:
• Capture-DR: Data in the IDCODE Register is sampled into the Device Identification register.
• Shift-DR: The IDCODE scan chain is shifted by the TCK input.

28.4.3 SAMPLE/PRELOAD; 0x2

SAMPLE/RELOAD mandatory and the instruction for pre-loading the output latches and taking a
snapshot of the input/output pins without affecting system operation. However, the output
latches are not connected to the pins. The Boundary-scan Chain is selected as Data Register.
Note that since each of the SAMPLE and PRELOAD instructions implements the functionality of
the other, they share a common binary value, and can be treated as one single merged
The active states are:
• Capture-DR: Data on the external pins are sampled into the Boundary-scan Chain.
• Shift-DR: The Boundary-scan Chain is shifted by the TCK input.
• Update-DR: Data from the Boundary-scan chain is applied to the output latches. However,
the output latches are not connected to the pins.

28.4.4 BYPASS; 0xf

BYPASS is mandatory and the instruction for selecting the Bypass Register for Data Register.
The active states are:
• Capture-DR: Loads a logic "0" into the Bypass Register.
• Shift-DR: The Bypass Register cell between TDI and TDO is shifted.

28.4.5 CLAMP; 0x4

CLAMP is optional and the instruction for allowing the state of the input/output pins to be deter-
mined from the preloaded output latches. The Bypass register is selected as Data Register.
The active states are:
• Capture-DR: Loads a logical "0" into the Bypass Register.
• Shift-DR: The Bypass Register cell between TDI and TDO is shifted.

28.4.6 HIGHZ; 0x5

HIGHZ is optional and the instruction for putting all outputs in an inactive drive state (e.g. high
impedance). The Bypass register is selected as Data Register.
The active states are:


• Capture-DR: Loads a logical "0" into the Bypass Register.

• Shift-DR: The Bypass Register cell between TDI and TDO is shifted.

28.4.7 PDICOM; 0x7

PDICO is an AVR specific instruction and using the JTAG TAP as an alternative interface
towards the PDI (Programming and Debug Interface).
The active states are:
• Capture-DR: Parallel data from the PDI is sampled into the PDICOM data register.
• Shift-DR: The PDICOM data register is shifted by the TCK input.
• Update-DR: Commands or operands are parallel-latched from the PDICOM data register into
the PDI.

28.5 Data registers

The supported data registers that can be connected between TDI and TDO are:
• Bypass register (Ref: register A in Figure 28-2 on page 341).
• Device Identification register (Ref: registers C in Figure 28-2 on page 341).
• Boundary-scan chain (Ref: register D in Figure 28-2 on page 341).
• PDICOM data register (Ref: register B in Figure 28-2 on page 341)

Figure 28-2. JTAG data register overview

to a ll T C K
re g is te rs

JTAG Boundary-scan chain

I/O P O R T S In te rn a l re g is te rs


28.5.1 Bypass register

The Bypass Register consists of a single Shift Register stage. When the Bypass Register is
selected as path between TDI and TDO, the register is reset to 0 when leaving the Capture-DR
controller state. The Bypass Register can be used to shorten the scan chain on a system when
the other devices are to be tested.


28.5.2 Device Identification register

Figure 28-3. Device Identification register


Bit 31 28 27 12 11 1 0

Device ID Version Part Number Manufacturer ID 1

4 bits 16 bits 11 bits 1 bit Version
Version is a 4-bit number identifying the revision of the component. The JTAG version number
follows the revision of the device. Revision A is 0x0, revision B is 0x1 and so on. Part Number

The part number is a 16-bit code identifying the component. Refer to the device data sheets to
find the correct number. Manufacturer ID
The Manufacturer ID is an 11-bit code identifying the manufacturer. For Atmel this code is

28.5.3 Boundary-scan Chain

The Boundary-scan Chain has the capability of driving and observing the logic levels on all I/O
pins. Refer to Section 28.6 ”Boundary-scan chain” on page 342 for a complete description.

28.5.4 PDICOM data register

The PDICOM data register is a 9-bit wide register used for serial-to-parallel - and parallel-to-
serial conversion of data between the JTAG TAP and the PDI. For details refer to Section 29.
”Program and Debug Interface” on page 344.

28.6 Boundary-scan chain

The Boundary-scan chain has the capability of driving and observing the logic levels on the I/O
pins. To ensure a predictable chip behavior during and after the instructions EXTEST, CLAMP
and HIGHZ, the chip is automatically put in reset. During active reset, the external oscillators,
analog modules, and non-default port settings (like pull-up/down, bus-keeper, wired-AND/-OR)
are disabled. It should be noted that the current chip - and port state is unaffected by the SAM-
PLE and PRELOAD instructions.

28.6.1 Scanning the Port Pins

Figure 28-4 on page 343 shows the Boundary-scan Cell used for all the bi-directional port pins.
This cell is able to control and observe both pin direction and pin value via a two-stage Shift
Register. When no alternate port function is present, Output control corresponds to the DIR reg-
ister value, Output data corresponds to the OUT register value, and Input data corresponds to
the IN register value (tapped before the input inverter and - synchronizer). Mode represents
either an active CLAMP or EXTEST instruction, while ShiftDR is set when the TAP controller is
in its Shift-DR state.


Figure 28-4. Bidirectional boundary scan cell

Mode Shift DR To next cell

Output Control


Output Data (IN)

0 Pn


Input Data (IN)

From last cell Clock DR Update DR

28.6.2 Scanning the PDI pins.

Two observe-only cells are inserted to make the combined RESET and PDI_CLK pin, and the
PDI_DATA pin observable. Even though the PDI_DATA pin is bi-directional, it is only made
observable in order to avoid any extra logic on the PDI_DATA output path.

Figure 28-5. An observe-only input cell

To next cell

From system To system

pin logic

Clock DR
From last
Shift DR



29. Program and Debug Interface

29.1 Features
• Program and Debug Interface (PDI)
– 2-pin interface for external programming and on-chip debugging
– Uses Reset pin and dedicated Test pin
• No I/O pins required during programming or debugging
• Programming Features
– Flexible communication protocol
– 8 Flexible instructions.
– Minimal protocol overhead.
– Fast
• 10 MHz programming clock at 1.8V VCC
– Reliable
• Built in error detection and handling
• Debugging Features
– Non-Intrusive Operation
• Uses no hardware or software resource
– Complete Program Flow Control
• Symbolic Debugging Support in Hardware
• Go, Stop, Reset, Step into, Step over, Step out, Run-to-Cursor
– 1 dedicated program address breakpoint or symbolic breakpoint for AVR studio/emulator
– 4 Hardware Breakpoints
– Unlimited Number of User Program Breakpoints
– Uses CPU for Accessing I/O, Data, and Program
– High Speed Operation
• No limitation on system clock frequency
• JTAG Interface
– JTAG (IEEE std. 1149.1 Compliant) Interface
– Boundary-scan Capabilities According to the IEEE std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Standard
– Programming features as for PDI
– On-chip debug features as for PDI

29.2 Overview
The Program and Debug Interface (PDI) is an Atmel proprietary interface for external program-
ming and on-chip debugging of the device.
The PDI supports high-speed programming of all Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) spaces; Flash,
EEPOM, Fuses, Lockbits and the User Signature Row. This is done by accessing the NVM Con-
troller, and executing NVM Controller commands as described in Memory Programming.
The On-Chip Debug (OCD) system supports fully intrusive operation. During debugging no soft-
ware or hardware resources in the device is used (except for four I/O pins required if JTAG
connection is used). The OCD system has full program flow control, supports unlimited number
of program and data breakpoints and has full access (read/write) to all memories.
Both programming and debugging can be done through two physical interfaces. The primary
interface is the PDI Physical. This is a 2-pin interface using the Reset pin for the clock input


(PDI_CLK), and the dedicated Test pin for data input and output (PDI_DATA). A JTAG interface
is also available on most devices, and this can be used for programming and debugging through
the 4-pin JTAG interface. The JTAG interface is IEEE std. 1149.1 compliant, and supports
boundary scan. Unless otherwise stated, all references to the PDI assumes access through the
PDI physical. Any external programmer or on-chip debugger/emulator can be directly connected
to these interfaces, and no external components are required.

Figure 29-1. The PDI with JTAG and PDI physical and closely related modules (grey)
PDIBUS Internal Interfaces
Program and Debug Interface (PDI)

TMI JTAG Physical
TCK (physical layer)

Controller Memories

PDI_CLK PDI Physical

PDI_DATA (physical layer)

29.3 PDI Physical

The PDI physical layer handles the basic low-level serial communication. The physical layer
uses a bi-directional half-duplex synchronous serial receiver and transmitter (as a USART in
USRT mode). The physical layer includes start-of-frame detection, frame error detection, parity
generation, parity error detection, and collision detection.
The PDI is accessed through two pins:
• PDI_CLK: PDI clock input (Reset pin).
• PDI_DATA: PDI data input/output (Test pin).
In addition to these two pins, VCC and GND must also be connected between the External Pro-
grammer/debugger and the device. Figure 29-2 on page 345 shows a typical connection.

Figure 29-2. PDI connection







The remainder of this section is only intended for third parties developing programming support
for XMEGA.

29.3.1 Enabling
The PDI Physical must be enabled before it can be used. This is done by first forcing the
PDI_DATA line high for a period longer than the equivalent external reset minimum pulse width
(refer to device data sheet for external reset pulse width data). This will disable the RESET func-
tionality of the Reset pin, if not already disabled by the fuse settings.
In the next step of the enabling procedure the PDI_DATA line must be kept high for 16 PDI_CLK
cycles (16 positive edges detected). The first PDI_CLK cycle must start no later than 100uS
after the RESET functionality of the Reset pin was disabled. If this does not occur in time the
RESET functionality of the Reset pin is automatically enabled again and the enabling procedure
must start over again.
After this the PDI is enabled and ready to receive instructions. The enable sequence is shown in
Figure 29-3 on page 346.
The RESET pin is sampled when the PDI interface is enabled. The RESET register is then set
according to the state of the RESET pin, preventing the device from running code after the reset-
functionality of this pin is disabled.
The PDI_DATA pin has an internal pull-down resistor.

Figure 29-3. Sequence for enabling the PDI.

Disable RESET function on Reset (PDI_CLK) pin Activate PDI



29.3.2 Disabling
If the clock frequency on the PDI_CLK is lower than approximately 10 kHz, this is regarding as
inactivity on the clock line. This will then automatically disable the PDI. If not disabled by fuse,
the RESET function on the Reset (PDI_CLK) pin is automatically enabled again. If the time-out
occurs during the PDI enabling sequence, the whole sequence must be started from the
This also means that the minimum programming frequency is approximately 10 kHz.

29.3.3 Frame Format and Characters

The PDI physical layer uses a fixed frame format. A serial frame is defined to be one character
of eight data bits with start and stop bits and a parity bit.

Figure 29-4. PDI serial frame format.


(IDLE) St 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P Sp1 Sp2 (St/IDLE)


Table 29-1.
St Start bit, always low.
(0-7) Data bits (0 to 7)
P Parity bit, even parity is used
Sp1 Stop bit 1, always high.
Sp2 Stop bit 2, always high. Characters
Three different characters, DATA, BREAK and IDLE, are used. The BREAK character is equal
to 12 bit-length of low level. The IDLE character is equal to 12 bit-length of high level. Both the
BREAK and the IDLE character can be extended beyond the bit-length of 12.

Figure 29-5. Characters and timing for the PDI Physical.

1 DATA character

START 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P STOP

1 BREAK character


1 IDLE character


29.3.4 Serial transmission and reception

The PDI physical layer is either in Transmit (TX) or Receive (RX) mode of operation. By default
it is in RX mode, waiting for a start bit.
The programmer and the PDI operate synchronously on the PDI_CLK provided by the program-
mer. The dependency between the clock edges and data sampling or data change is fixed. As
illustrated in Figure 29-6 on page 347, output data (either from the programmer or from the PDI)
is always set up (changed) on the falling edge of PDI_CLK, while data is always sampled on the
rising edge of PDI_CLK.

Figure 29-6. Changing and sampling of data.



Sam ple Sam ple Sam ple


29.3.5 Serial Transmission

When a data transmission is initiated (by the PDI Controller), the transmitter simply shifts the
start bit, data bits, the parity bit, and the two stop bits out on the PDI_DATA line. The transmis-
sion speed is dictated by the PDI_CLK signal. While in transmission mode, IDLE bits (high bits)
are automatically transmitted to fill possible gaps between successive DATA characters. If a col-
lision is detected during transmission, the output driver is disabled and the interface is put into a
RX mode waiting for a BREAK character. Drive contention and collision detection

In order to reduce the effect of a drive contention (the PDI and the programmer drives the
PDI_DATA line at the same time), a mechanism for collision detection is supported. The mecha-
nism is based on the way the PDI drives data out on the PDI_DATA line. As shown in Figure 7,
the output pin driver is only active when the output value changes (from 0-1 or 1-0). Hence, if
two or more successive bit values are the same, the value is only actively driven the first clock
cycle. After this point the output driver is automatically tri-stated, and the PDI_DATA pin has a
bus-keeper responsible for keeping the pin-value unchanged until the output driver is re-enabled
due to a bit value change.

Figure 29-7. Driving data out on the PDI_DATA using bus-keeper


Output enable

Driven output

1 0 1 1 0 0 1

If the programmer and the PDI both drives the PDI_DATA line at the same time, the situation of
drive contention will occur as illustrated in Figure 29-8 on page 349. Every time a bit value is
kept for two or more clock cycles, the PDI is able to verify that the correct bit value is driven on
the PDI_DATA line. If the programmer is driving the PDI_DATA line to the opposite bit value
than what the PDI expects, a collision is detected.


Figure 29-8. Drive contention and collision detection on the PDI_DATA line


PDI output


1 0 X 1 X 1 1

= Collision

As long as the PDI transmits alternating ones and zeros, collisions cannot be detected because
the output driver will be active all the time preventing polling of the PDI_DATA line. However,
within a single frame the two stop bits should always be transmitted as ones, enabling collision
detection at least once per frame.

29.3.6 Serial Reception

When a start bit is detected, the receiver starts to collect the eight data bits and shift them into
the shift register. If the parity bit does not correspond to the parity of the data bits, a parity error
has occurred. If one or both of the stop bits are low, a frame error has occurred. If the parity bit is
correct, and no frame error detected, the received data bits are parallelized and made available
for the PDI controller. BREAK detector

When the PDI is in TX-mode, a BREAK character signalized by the programmer will not be inter-
preted as a BREAK, but cause a generic data collision. When the PDI is in RX-mode, a BREAK
character will be recognized as a BREAK. By transmitting two successive BREAK characters
(must be separated by one or more high bits), the last BREAK character will always be recog-
nized as a BREAK, regardless of whether the PDI was in TX- or RX-mode initially.

29.3.7 Direction Change

In order to ensure correct timing of the half-duplex operation, a simple Guard Time mechanism
is added to the PDI physical interface during direction change. When the PDI changes from
operating in RX-mode to operate in TX-mode, a configurable number of additional IDLE bits are
inserted before the start bit is transmitted. The minimum transition time between RX- and TX-
mode is two IDLE cycles, and these are always inserted. Writing the Guard Time bits in the PDI
Controller’s Control Register specifies the additional Guard Time. The default Guard Time value
is +128 bits.


Figure 29-9. PDI direction change by inserting IDLE bits

1 DATA character Dir. change 1 DATA character

St d2W DATA Receive (RX) P Sp1 Sp2 IDLE bits St d2W DATA Transmit (TX) V Sp1 Sp2

Data from Guard time Data from

Emulator to d2W # IDLE bits d2W interface
interface inserted to Emulator

The programmer will loose control of the PDI_DATA line at the point where the PDI target
changes from RX- to TX-mode. The Guard Time relaxes this critical phase of the communica-
tion. When the programmer changes from RX-mode to TX-mode, minimum a single IDLE bit
should be inserted before the start bit is transmitted.

29.4 JTAG Physical

The JTAG physical layer handles the basic low-level serial communication over four I/O lines;
TMS, TCK, TDI, and TDO. The JTAG physical layer includes BREAK detection, parity error
detection, and parity generation. For more details refer to ”IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan
interface” on page 337.

29.4.1 Enabling
The JTAGEN Fuse must be programmed and the JTAG Disable bit in the MCU Control Register
must be cleared to enable the JTAG Interface. By default the JTAGEN fuse is programmed, and
the JTAG interface is enabled. When the JTAG instruction PDICOM is shifted into the JTAG
instruction register, the PDI communication register is chosen as the data register connected
between TDI and TDO. In this mode, the JTAG interface can be used to access the PDI for
external programming and on-chip debug.

29.4.2 Disabling
The JTAG interface can be disabled by either unprogramming the JTAGEN fuse or by setting
the JTAG Disable bit in the MCU Control Register from the application code

29.4.3 JTAG Instruction Set

The XMEGA JTAG Instruction set consist of eight instructions related to Boundary Scan and PDI
access for NVM programming, for details on the instruction set refer to ”JTAG instructions” on
page 339. The PDICOM instruction

The 9-bit PDI communication register is selected as data register. Commands are shifted into
the register, while results from previous commands are shifted out from the register. The active
TAP-controller states are:
• Capture-DR: Parallel data from the PDI Controller is sampled into the PDI communication
• Shift-DR: The PDI communication register is shifted by the TCK input.
• Update-DR: Commands or operands are parallel-latched into registers in the PDI Controller.


29.4.4 Frame Format and Characters

The JTAG physical layer supports a fixed frame format. A serial frame is defined to be one char-
acter of eight data bits followed by one parity bit.

Figure 29-10. JTAG serial frame format


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P

Table 29-2.
(0-7) Data/command bits, least significant bit sent first (0 to 7)
P Parity bit, even parity is used Special data characters

Three data characters are given a special meaning. Common for all three characters is that the
Parity bit is inverted in order to force parity error upon reception. The BREAK character
(0xBB+P1) is used by the External Programmer to force the PDI to abort any on-going operation
and bring the PDI Controller into a known state. The DELAY Character (0xDB+P1) is used by
the PDI to tell the programmer that it has no data ready programmer that it has no transmission
pending (i.e. the PDI is in RX-mode).

Figure 29-11. Special data characters


1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 P1


1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 P1


1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 P1

29.4.5 Serial transmission and reception

The JTAG interface supports full duplex communication. At the same time as input data is
shifted in on the TDI pin, output data is shifted out on the TDO pin. However, PDI communica-
tion relies on half duplex data transfer. Dictated by the PDI Controller, the JTAG physical layer
operates in either Transmit- (TX) or Receive- (RX) mode. The available JTAG bit channel is
used for control and status signalling.
The programmer and the JTAG interface operate synchronously on the TCK clock provided by
the programmer. The dependency between the clock edges and data sampling or data change
is fixed. As illustrated in Figure 29-10 on page 351, TDI and TDO is always set up (changed) on
the falling edge of TCK, while data always should be sampled on the rising edge of TCK.


Figure 29-12. Changing and sampling data



S am ple S am ple S am ple

29.4.6 Serial transmission

When data transmission is initiated, a data byte is loaded in parallel into the shift register, and
then serialized by shifting the byte out on TDO. The Parity bit is generated and stitched to the
data byte during transmission. The transmission speed is dictated by the TCK signal. Status signalling

If the PDI is in TX-mode (as a response to an LD-instruction), and a transmission request from
the PDI Controller is pending when the TAP-controller enters the Capture-DR state, valid data
will be parallel-loaded into the shift-register and a correct Parity bit will be generated and trans-
mitted along with the data byte in the Shift-DR state.
If the PDI is in RX-mode when the TAP-controller enters the Capture-DR state, an EMPTY byte
(0xEB) will be parallel-loaded into the shift-register, and the Parity bit will be set (forcing a parity
error) when data is shifted out in the Shift-DR state. This situation occurs during normal PDI
command - and operand reception.
If the PDI is in TX-mode (as a response to an LD-instruction), but no transmission request from
the PDI Controller is yet pending when the TAP-controller enters the Capture-DR state, a
DELAY byte (0xDB) will be parallel-loaded into the shift-register, and the Parity bit will be set
(forcing a parity error) when data is shifted out in the Shift-DR state. This situation occurs during
data transmission if the data to be transmitted is not yet available.
Figure 29-13 on page 352 shows an uninterrupted flow of data frames from the PDI (Device) as
a response to the repeated indirect LD instruction. However, in this example the device is not
able to return data bytes faster than one valid byte per two transmitted frames, intermediate
DELAY characters are inserted.

Figure 29-13. Date not ready marking

Commands/data REP CNT LD *(ptr) 0xDB 1 D0 P 0xDB 1 D1 P

If a DELAY data frame is transmitted as a response to an LD instruction, the programmer should

interpret this as if the JTAG-interface had no data yet ready for transmission in the previous DR-
Capture state. The proper reaction from the programmer is to initiate repeated transfers until a
valid data byte is received. The LD-instruction is defined to return a specified number of valid
frames, not just a number of frames. Hence if the programmer detects a DELAY Character after
transmitting an LD-instruction, the LD-instruction should not be retransmitted, because the first
LD response would still be pending.


29.4.7 Serial reception

During reception, the receiver collects the eight data bits and the Parity bit from TDI and shifts
them into the shift register. Every time a valid frame is received, the data is latched in a parallel
way in the Update-DR state. Parity checker

The Parity Checker calculates the parity (even mode) of the data bits in incoming frames and
compares the result with the parity bit from the serial frame. In case of a parity error, the PDI
Controller is signalized. BREAK detector

The Parity checker is active in both TX- and RX-mode. If a parity error is detected, the received
data byte is evaluated and compared with the BREAK character (which always will generate a
parity error). In case the BREAK character is recognized, the PDI Controller is signalized.

29.5 PDI Controller

The PDI Controller includes data transmission/reception on a byte level, command decoding,
high-level direction control, control and status register access, exception handling, and clock
switching (PDI_CLK or TCK). The interaction between a programmer and the PDI Controller is
based on a scheme where the programmer transmits various types of requests to the PDI Con-
troller, which in turn responds in a way according to the specific request. A programmer request
comes in the form of an instruction, which may be followed by one or more byte operands. The
PDI Controller response may be silent (e.g. a data byte is stored to a location within the target),
or it may involve data to be returned back to the programmer (e.g. a data byte is read from a
location within the target).

29.5.1 Switching between PDI- and JTAG-mode

The PDI Controller uses either the JTAG - or the PDI physical layer for establishing a connection
to the programmer. Based on this, the PDI is said to be in either JTAG or PDI mode. When one
of the modes are entered, the PDI Controller registers will be initialized, and the correct clock
source is selected by the clock system. It should be noted that the PDI mode has higher priority
than the JTAG mode. Hence, if the PDI mode is enabled while the PDI Controller is already in
JTAG mode, the access layer will automatically switch over to PDI mode. Still, if by some reason
a user wants to switch physical layer without power on/off the device, the active layer should be
disabled (to trigger a reset of the PDI) before the alternative physical layer is enabled.

29.5.2 Accessing Internal Interfaces

After an external programmer has established communication with the PDI, the internal inter-
faces are not accessible by default. To get access to the NVM Controller and the NVM
memories for programming, a unique key must be signalized by using the KEY instruction. The
internal interfaces is accessed as one linear address space using a dedicated bus (PDIBUS)
between the PDI and the internal interfaces. The PDIBUS address space is the one shown in
Figure 30-4 on page 380. The NVM controller must be enabled for the PDI controller to have any
access to the NVMs. The PDI controller can only access the NVM and NVM controller in pro-
gramming mode. The PDI controller does not ever need to access the NVM controller's data or
address registers when reading or writing NVM.


29.5.3 NVM Programming Key

The key that must be sent using the KEY instruction is 64 bits long. The key that will enable
NVM Programming is:

29.5.4 Exception handling

There are several situations that are considered exceptions from normal operation. The excep-
tions depends on whether the PDI is in RX - or TX mode, and whether PDI or JTAG mode is
While the PDI is in RX mode, these exceptions are defined as:
• PDI:
– The physical layer detects a parity error.
– The physical layer detects a frame error.
– The physical layer recognizes a BREAK character (also detected as a frame error).
– The physical layer detects a parity error.
– The physical layer recognizes a BREAK character (also detected as a parity error).
While the PDI is in TX mode, these exceptions are defined:
• PDI:
– The physical layer detects a data collision.
– The physical layer detects a parity error (on the dummy data shifted in on TDI).
– The physical layer recognizes a BREAK character.
All exceptions are signalized to the PDI Controller. All on-going operations are then aborted and
the PDI is put in the ERROR state. The PDI will remain in this state until a BREAK is sent from
the External Programmer, and this will bring the PDI back to its default RX state.
Due to this mechanism the programmer can always synchronize the protocol by transmitting two
successive BREAK characters.

29.5.5 Reset signalling

Through the Reset Register, the programmer can issue a reset and force the device into reset.
After clearing the Reset Register, reset is released unless some other reset source is active.

29.5.6 Instruction Set

The PDI has a small instructions set that is used for all access to the PDI itself and to the internal
interfaces.All instructions are byte instructions. Most of the instructions require a number of byte
operands following the instruction. The instructions allow to external programmer to access the
PDI Controller, the NVM Controller and the NVM memories. LDS - Load data from PDIBUS Data Space using direct addressing
The LDS instruction is used to load data from the PDIBUS Data Space for serial read-out. The
LDS instruction is based on direct addressing, which means that the address must be given as
an argument to the instruction. Even though the protocol is based on byte-wise communication,
the LDS instruction supports multiple-bytes address - and data access. Four different


address/data sizes are supported; byte, word, 3 bytes, and long (4 bytes). It should be noted that
multiple-bytes access is internally broken down to repeated single-byte accesses. The main
advantage with the multiple-bytes access is that it gives a way to reduce the protocol overhead.
When using the LDS, the address byte(s) must be transmitted before the data transfer. STS - Store data to PDIBUS Data Space using direct addressing
The ST instruction is used to store data that is serially shifted into the physical layer shift-register
to locations within the PDIBUS Data Space. The STS instruction is based on direct addressing,
which means that the address must be given as an argument to the instruction. Even though the
protocol is based on byte-wise communication, the ST instruction supports multiple-bytes
address - and data access. Four different address/data sizes are supported; byte, word, 3 bytes,
and long (4 bytes). It should be noted that multiple-bytes access is internally broken down to
repeated single-byte accesses. The main advantage with the multiple-bytes access is that it
gives a way to reduce the protocol overhead. When using the STS, the address byte(s) must be
transmitted before the data transfer. LD - Load data from PDIBUS Data Space using indirect addressing
The LD instruction is used to load data from the PDIBUS Data Space to the physical layer shift-
register for serial read-out. The LD instruction is based on indirect addressing (pointer access),
which means that the address must be stored into the Pointer register prior to the data access.
Indirect addressing can be combined with pointer increment. In addition to read data from the
PDIBUS Data Space, the Pointer register can be read by the LD instruction. Even though the
protocol is based on byte-wise communication, the LD instruction supports multiple-bytes
address - and data access. Four different address/data sizes are supported; byte, word, 3 bytes,
and long (4 bytes). It should be noted that multiple-bytes access is internally broken down to
repeated single-byte accesses. The main advantage with the multiple-bytes access is that it
gives a way to reduce the protocol overhead. ST - Store data to PDIBUS Data Space using indirect addressing

The ST instruction is used to store data that is serially shifted into the physical layer shift-register
to locations within the PDIBUS Data Space. The ST instruction is based on indirect addressing
(pointer access), which means that the address must be stored into the Pointer register prior to
the data access. Indirect addressing can be combined with pointer increment. In addition to write
data to the PDIBUS Data Space, the Pointer register can be written by the ST instruction. Even
though the protocol is based on byte-wise communication, the ST instruction supports multiple-
bytes address - and data access. Four different address/data sizes are supported; byte, word, 3
bytes, and long (4 bytes). It should be noted that multiple-bytes access is internally broken down
to repeated single-byte accesses. The main advantage with the multiple-bytes access is that it
gives a way to reduce the protocol overhead. LDCS - Load data from PDI Control and Status Register Space
The LDCS instruction is used to load data from the PDI Control and Status Registers to the
physical layer shift-register for serial read-out. The LDCS instruction supports only direct
addressing and single-byte access. STCS - Store data to PDI Control and Status Register Space
The STCS instruction is used to store data that is serially shifted into the physical layer shift-reg-
ister to locations within the PDI Control and Status Registers. The STCS instruction supports
only direct addressing and single-byte access.

XMEGA A KEY - Set Activation Key

The KEY instruction is used to communicate the activation key bytes that is required for activat-
ing the NVM interfaces. REPEAT - Set Instruction Repeat Counter

The REPEAT instruction is used to store count values that are serially shifted into the physical
layer shift-register to the Repeat Counter Register. The instruction that is loaded directly after
the REPEAT instruction operand(s) will be repeated a number of times according to the speci-
fied Repeat Counter Register value. Hence, the initial Repeat Counter Value plus one, gives the
total number of times the instruction will be executed. Setting the Repeat Counter Register to
zero makes the following instruction run once without being repeated.
The REPEAT cannot be repeated. The KEY instruction cannot be repeated, and will override the
current value of the REPEAT counter register

29.5.7 Instruction Set Summary

The PDI Instruction set summary is shown in Figure 29-14 on page 357.


Figure 29-14. PDI instruction set summary

Cmd Size A Size B
0 0 0 LDS
LDS 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 LD
0 1 0 STS
0 1 1 ST
STS 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 LDCS (LDS Control/Status)
1 0 1 REPEAT
1 1 0 STCS (STS Control/Status)
Cmd Ptr Size A/B
1 1 1 KEY

LD 0 0 1 0
Size A - Address size (direct access)
0 0 Byte
0 1 Word (2 Bytes)
ST 0 1 1 0
1 0 3 Bytes
1 1 Long (4 Bytes)

CS Address
Ptr - Pointer access (indirect access)
0 0 *(ptr)
LDCS 1 0 0 0
0 1 *(ptr++)
1 0 ptr
1 1 ptr++ - Reserved
1 1 0 0

Size B - Data size

Size B
0 0 Byte
0 1 Word (2 Bytes)
REPEAT 1 0 3 Bytes
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 Long (4 Bytes)

CS Address (CS - Control/Status reg.)

0 0 0 0 Register 0
0 0 0 1 Register 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Register 2
0 0 1 1 Reserved
1 1 1 1 Reserved

29.6 Register Description - PDI Instruction and Addressing Registers

These registers are all internal registers that are involved in instruction decoding or PDIBUS
addressing. None of these registers are accessible as register in a register space.

29.6.1 Instruction Register

When an instruction is successfully shifted into the physical layer shift-register, it is copied into
the Instruction Register. The instruction is retained until another instruction is loaded. The rea-
son for this is that the REPEAT command may force the same instruction to be run repeatedly
requiring command decoding to be performed several times on the same instruction.

29.6.2 Pointer Register

The Pointer Register is used to store an address value specifying locations within the PDIBUS
address space. During direct data access, the Pointer Register is updated by the specified num-
ber of address bytes given as operand bytes to the instruction. During indirect data access,
addressing is based on an address already stored in the Pointer Register prior to the access


itself. Indirect data access can be optionally combined with pointer register post-increment. The
indirect access mode has an option that makes it possible to load or read the pointer register
without accessing any other registers. Any register update is performed in a little-endian fashion.
Hence, loading a single byte of the address register will always update the LSB byte while the
MSB bytes are left unchanged.
The Pointer Register is not involved in addressing registers in the PDI Control and Status Regis-
ter Space (CSRS space).

29.6.3 Repeat Counter Register

The REPEAT instruction will always be accompanied by one or more operand bytes that define
the number of times the next instruction should be repeated. These operand bytes are copied
into the Repeat Counter register upon reception. During the repeated executions of the instruc-
tion following immediately after the REPEAT instruction and its operands, the Repeat Counter
register is decremented until it reaches zero, indicating that all repetitions are completed. The
repeat counter is also involved in key reception.

29.6.4 Operand Count Register

Immediately after and instruction (except the LDCS and the STCS instructions) a specified num-
ber of operands or data bytes (given by the size parts of the instruction) are expected. The
operand count register is used to keep track of how many bytes that have been transferred.


29.7 Register Description - PDI Control and Status Register

These register are registers that are accessible in the PDI Control and Status Register Space
(CSRS) using the instructions LDCS and STCS. The CSRS is allocated for registers directly
involved in configuration and status monitoring of the PDI itself.

29.7.1 STATUS - Program and Debug Interface Status Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x00 - - - - - - NVMEN - STATUS
Read/Write R R R R R R R R
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:2 - Reserved Bits

These bits are reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices,
always write these bits to zero when this register is written.

• Bit 1- NVMEN: Non-Volatile Memory Enable

This status bit is set when the key signalling enables the NVM programming interface. The
External Programmer can poll this bit to verify successful enabling. Writing the NVMEN bit dis-
ables the NVM interface

• Bit 0 - Reserved Bit

This bit is reserved and will always be read as zero. For compatibility with future devices, always
write this bit to zero when this register is written.

29.7.2 RESET - Program and Debug Interface Reset register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x01 RESET[7:0] CTRLB
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:0 - RESET[7:0]: Reset Signature

When the Reset Signature - 0x59 - is written to RESET, the device is forced into reset. The
device is kept in reset until RESET is written with a data value different from the Reset Signature
(0x00 is recommended). Reading the least LSB bit the will return the status of the RESET. The 7
MSB bits will always return the value 0x00 regardless of whether the device is in reset or not.

29.7.3 CTRL - Program and Debug Interface Control Register

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0x02 - - - - - GUARDTIME[2:0] CTRL
Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W
Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Bit 7:3 - Reserved

These bits are unused and reserved for future use. For compatibility with future devices, always
write these bits to zero when this register is written.


• Bit 2:0 - GUARDTIME[2:0]: Guard Time

These bits specify the number of additional IDLE bits of Guard Time that are inserted in between
PDI reception and - transmission direction change. The default Guard Time is 128 IDLE bits,
and the available settings is shown in Table 29-3 on page 360. In order to speed up the commu-
nication, the Guard Time should be set to the lowest safe configuration accepted. It should be
noted that no Guard Time is inserted when switching from TX - to RX mode.

Table 29-3. Guard Time settings.

GUARDTIME Number of IDLE bits
000 +128
001 +64
010 +32
011 +16
100 +8
101 +4
110 +2
111 +0


29.8 Register Summary

Address Name Address Name Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Page
+0x00 STATUS - - - - - - NVMEN - 359
+0x01 RESET RESET[7:] 359
+0x02 CTRL - - - - - GUARDTIME[2:0] 359
+0x03 Reserved
+0x04 Reserved
+0x05 Reserved
+0x06 Reserved
+0x07 Reserved
+0x08 Reserved
+0x09 Reserved
+0x0A Reserved
+0x0B Reserved
+0x0C Reserved
+0x0D Reserved
+0x0E Reserved
+0x0F Reserved
+0x10 Reserved


30. Memory Programming

30.1 Features
• Read and Write access to all memory spaces from
– External programmers
– Application Software
• Self-Programming and Boot Loader Support
– Real Read-While-Write Self-Programming
– The CPU can run and execute code while Flash is being programmed
– Any communication interface can be used for program upload/download
• External Programming
– Support for in-system and production programming
– Programming through serial PDI or JTAG interface
– Fast and reliable interfaces.
• High Security with Separate Boot Lock Bits for
– External programming access
– Boot Loader Section access
– Application Section access
– Application Table access
• Reset Fuse to Select Reset Vector address to the start of the
– Application Section, or
– Boot Loader Section
• Code Efficient Algorithm
• Efficient Read-Modify-Write Support

30.2 Overview
This section describes how to program the Non Volatile Memory (NVM) in XMEGA, and covers
both self-programming and external programming. The NVM consist of the Flash Program Mem-
ory, User Signature and Calibration rows, Fuses and Lock Bits, and EEPROM data memory. For
details on the actual memories, how they are organized and the register description for the NVM
Controller used to access the memories, refer to ”Memories” on page 18.
The NVM can be accessed for read and write both from application software through self-pro-
gramming and from an external programmer. For both external programming and self-
programming access to the NVM is done through the common NVM Controller, and the two
methods of programming are very similar. Memory access is done by loading address and/or
data into the NVM, and a set of commands and triggers that make the NVM Controller perform
specific tasks on the NVM.
From external programming all memory spaces can be read and written, expect for the Calibra-
tion Row which can only be read. The device can be programmed in-system and is accessed
through the PDI using the PDI or JTAG physical interfaces, ”External Programming” on page
379 describes PDI and JTAG in detail.
Self-programming and Boot Loader support allows application software in the device to read and
write the Flash, User Signature Row and EEPROM, write the Lock Bits to a more secure setting,
and read the Calibration Row and Fuses. The Flash allows Read-While-Write self-programming
meaning that the CPU can continue to operate and execute code while the Flash is being pro-
grammed. ”Self-Programming and Boot Loader Support” on page 367 describes this in detail.


For both self-programming and external programming it is possible to run an automatic CRC
check on the Flash or a section of the Flash to verify its content.
The device can be locked to prevent read and/or write of the NVM. There are separate lock bits
for external programming access, and self-programming access to the Boot Loader Section,
Application Section and Application Table Section.

30.3 NVM Controller

All access to the Non Volatile Memories is done through the NVM Controller. This controls all
NVM timing and access privileges, and hold the status of the NVM. This is the common NVM
interface for both the external programming and self-programming. For more details on the NVM
Controller refer to ”Register Description” on page 385.

30.4 NVM Commands

The NVM Controller has a set of commands that decide the task to perform on the NVM. This is
issued to the NVM Controller by writing the selected command to the NVM Command Register.
In addition data and addresses must be read/written from/to the NVM Data and Address regis-
ters for memory read/write operations.
When a selected command is loaded and address and data is setup for the operation, each
command has a trigger that will start the operation. Bases on the triggers, there are three main
types of commands.

30.4.1 Action Triggered Commands

Action triggered commands are triggered when the Command Execute (CMDEX) bit in the NVM
Control Register A (CTRLA) is written. Action triggered commands typically are used for opera-
tions which do not read or write the NVM such as the CRC check.

30.4.2 NVM Read Triggered commands

NVM read triggered commands are triggered when the NVM memory is read, and this is typically
used for NVM read operations.

30.4.3 NVM Write Triggered Commands

NVM Write Triggered commands are triggered when the NVN is written, and this is typically
used for NVM write operations.

30.4.4 CCP Write/Execute Protection

Most command triggers are protected from accidental modification/execution during self-pro-
gramming. This is done using the Configuration Change Protection (CCP) feature which
requires a special write or execute sequence in order to change a bit or execute an instruction.
For details on the CCP, refer to ”Configuration Change Protection” on page 12

30.5 NVM Controller Busy

When the NVM Controller is busy performing an operation, the Busy flag in the NVM Status
Register is set and the following registers are blocked for write access:
• NVM Command Register
• NVM Control A Register
• NVM Control B Register
• NVM Address registers


• NVM Data registers

This ensures that the given command is executed and the operation finished before a new can
start. The External programmer or application software must ensure that the NVM is not
addressed while busy with a programming operation.
Programming any part of the NVM will automatically block:
• All programming to other parts of the NVM.
• All loading/erasing of the Flash and EEPROM Page Buffers.
• All NVM read from external programmers.
• All NVM read from the Application Section.
During Self-Programming interrupts must be disabled, or the Interrupt Vector table should be
moved to the Boot Loader Sections as described in ”Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level
Interrupt Controller” on page 123.

30.6 Flash and EEPROM Page Buffers

The Flash memory is updated in a page-by-page fashion. The EEPROM can be updated both in
a byte-by-byte and page-by-page fashion. Flash and EEPROM page programming is done by
first filling the associated page buffer, and then writing the entire page buffer to a selected page
in Flash or EEPROM. For both Flash and EEPROM, page erase and write each requires 4 ms.
The size of the page buffers depend on the Flash and EEPROM size in each device, and details
on page size and page number is described in each device data sheet.

30.6.1 Flash Page Buffer

The Flash page buffer is filled one word at a time, and it must be erased before it can be loaded.
If an already loaded location is written again, this will corrupt the content of that Flash page buf-
fer location.
Flash page buffer Locations that are not loaded will have the value 0xFFFF, and this value will
then be programmed into the flash page locations.
The Flash Page Buffer is automatically erased after:
• A system reset.
• Executing the Write Flash Page command.
• Executing the Erase and Write Flash Page command.
• Executing the Signature Row write command.
• Executing the Write Lock Bit command.

30.6.2 EEPROM Page Buffer

The EEPROM page buffer is filled one byte at a time and it must be erased before it can be
loaded. If an already loaded location is written twice, this will corrupt the content of that
EEPROM page buffer location.
EEPROM page buffer locations that are loaded will get tagged by the NVM Controller. During a
page write or page erase, only target locations will be written or erased. Locations that are not
target, will not be written or erased, and the corresponding EEPROM location will remain
unchanged. This means that also before an EEPROM page erase, data must be loaded to the
selected page buffer location to tag them. If the data in the page buffer is not going to be written
afterword, the actual values in the buffer does matter.


The EEPROM Page Buffer is automatically erased after:

• A system reset.
• Executing the Write EEPROM Page command.
• Executing the Erase and Write EEPROM Page command.
• Executing the Write Lock Bit and Write Fuse commands

30.7 Flash and EEPROM Programming Sequences

For Flash and EEPROM page programming, filling the page buffers and writing the page buffer
into Flash or EEPROM is two separate operations. The sequence of this is the same for both
self-programming and external programming.

30.7.1 Flash Programming Sequence

Before programming a Flash page with the data in the Flash page buffer, the Flash page must
be erased. Programming an un-erased flash Page will corrupt the content in the flash Page.
The flash page buffer can be filled either before the Erase Flash Page operation or between a
Erase Flash Page and a Write Flash Page operation:
Alternative 1, fill the buffer before a split Page Erase and Page Write:
• Fill the Flash Page Buffer.
• Perform a Flash Page Erase.
• Perform a Flash Page Write.
Alternative 2, fill the page buffer before an atomic Page Erase and Write:
• Fill the Flash Page Buffer.
• Perform a Page Erase and Write.
Alternative 3, fill the buffer after a Page Erase:
• Perform a Flash Page Erase.
• Fill the Flash Page Buffer.
• Perform a Flash Page Write.
The NVM command set supports both atomic erase and write operations, and split page erase
and page write commands. This split commands enables shorter programming time for each
command and the erase operations can be done during non-time-critical programming execu-
tion. When using alternative 1 or 2 above for self-programming, the Boot Loader provides an
effective Read-Modify-Write feature, which allows the software to first read the page, do the nec-
essary changes, and then write back the modified data. If alternative 3 is used, it is not possible
to read the old data while loading, since the page is already erased. The page address must be
the same for both Page Erase and Page Write operations when using alternative 1 or 3.

30.7.2 EEPROM programming sequence

Before programming an EEPROM page with the selected number of data bytes stored in the
EEPROM page buffer, the selected locations in the EEPROM page must be erased. Program-
ming an un-erased EEPROM page will corrupt the content in the EEPROM page. The EEPROM
page buffer must be loaded before any Page Erase or Page Write operations:
Alternative 1, fill the page buffer before a Page Erase:
• Fill the EEPROM page buffer with the selected number of bytes.


• Perform a EEPROM Page Erase.

• Perform a EEPROM Page Write.
Alternative 2, fill the buffer before a Page Erase and Write:
• Fill the EEPROM page buffer with the selected number of bytes.
• Perform an EEPROM Page Erase and Write.

30.8 Protection of NVM

To protect the Flash and EEPROM memories from write and/or read, Lock Bits can be set to
restrict access from external programmers and the Application Software. Refer to ”LOCKBITS -
Non-Volatile Memory Lock Bit Register” on page 29 for details on the available Lock Bit settings
and how to use them.

30.9 Preventing NVM Corruption

During periods when the VCC voltage is below the minimum operating voltage for the device, the
result from a Flash memory read or write can be corrupt as supply voltage is too low for the CPU
and the Flash to operate properly.

30.9.1 Write Corruption

To ensure that the voltage is correct during a complete write sequence to the Flash memory, the
BOD is automatically enabled by hardware when the write sequence starts. If a BOD reset
occurs, the programming sequence will be aborted immediately. If this happens, the NVM pro-
gramming should be restarted when the power is sufficient again in case the write sequence
failed or only partly succeeded.

30.9.2 Read Corruption

The NVM can be read incorrectly if the supply voltage is too low so the CPU execute instructions
incorrectly. To ensure that this does not happen the BOD can be enabled.

30.10 CRC Functionality

It is possible to run an automatic Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) on the Flash Program Mem-
ory. This can be issued from external programming or software to do a CRC on the Application
Section, Boot Loader Section or a selected address range of the Flash.
Once the CRC is started, the CPU will be halted until the CRC is done and the checksum is
available in the NVM Data Register. The CRC takes one CPU Clock cycle per word that is
included in the CRC address range.
The polynomial that is used for CRC is fixed, and this is: x24 + 4x3 + 3x +1.


30.11 Self-Programming and Boot Loader Support

Both the EEPROM and the Flash memory can be read and written from the application software
in the device. This is referred to as self-programming. A Boot Loader (Application code located
in the Boot Loader Section of the Flash) can both read and write the Flash Program Memory,
User Signature Row and EEPROM, and write the Lock Bits to a more secure setting. Application
code in both the Application Section can read from the Flash, User Signature Row, Calibration
Row and Fuses, and read and write the EEPROM.

30.11.1 Flash Programming

The Boot Loader support provides a real Read-While-Write self-programming mechanism for
downloading and uploading program code by the device itself. This feature allows flexible appli-
cation software updates controlled by the device using a Boot Loader application that reside in
the Boot Loader Section in the Flash. The Boot Loader can use any available communication
interface and associated protocol to read code and write (program) that code into the Flash
memory, or read out the program memory code. It has the capability to write into the entire
Flash, including the Boot Loader Section. The Boot Loader can thus modify itself, and it can also
erase itself from the code if the feature is not needed anymore. Application and Boot Loader sections

The Application and Boot Loader sections are different when it comes to self-programming. The
Application Section is Read-While-Write (RWW) while the Boot Loader Section is No Read-
While-Write (NRWW). Here “Read-While-Write” refers to the section being programmed (erased
or written), not the section being read during a Boot Loader software update. Whether the CPU
can continue to run and execute code or is halted to stop program execution during a Boot
Loader software update is depending on the Flash address being programmed:
• When erasing or writing a page located inside the Application Section (RWW), the Boot
Loader Section (NRWW) can be read during the operation, thus the CPU can run and
execute code from the Boot Loader Section (NRWW).
• When erasing or writing a page located inside the Boot Loader Section (NRWW), the CPU is
halted during the entire operation and code cannot execute.
The User Signature Row section is NRWW, hence erasing or writing this section has the same
properties as for the Boot Loader Section.
During an on-going programming, the software must ensure that the Application Section is not
accessed. Doing this will halt the program execution from the CPU. The user software can not
read data located in the Application Section during a Boot Loader software operation.

Table 30-1. Summary of RWW and NRWW functionality

Section being addressed by Z-pointer Section that can be read during Read-While-Write
during the programming? programming CPU Halted Supported
Application Section (RWW) Boot Loader Section (NRWW) No Yes
Boot Loader Section (NRWW) None Yes No
User Signature Row section (NRWW) None Yes No


Figure 30-1. Read-While-Write vs. No Read-While-Write

Application Section -

Z-pointer Z-pointer
Adresses RWW Adresses NRWW
Section Section
Boot Loader Section -
No Read-While-Write
Code Located in (NRWW) CPU is Halted
NRWW Section Can During the Operation
be Read During the
Operation Addressing the Flash

The Z-pointer is used to hold the Flash memory address for read and write access. The Z pointer
consists of the ZL and ZH registers in the register file, and RAMPZ Register for devices with
more than 64K bytes for Flash memory. For more details on the Z-pointer refer to ”The X-, Y-
and Z- Registers” on page 10.
Since the Flash is word accessed and organized in pages, the Z-pointer can be treated as hav-
ing two sections. The least significant bits address the words within a page, while the most
significant bits address the page within the Flash. This is shown in Figure 30-2 on page 369. The
word address in the page (FWORD) is held by the bits [WORDMSB:1] in the Z-pointer. The
remaining bits [PAGEMSB:WORDMSB+1] in the Z-pointer holds the Flash page address
(FPAGE). Together FWORD and FPAGE holds an absolute address to a word in the Flash.
For Flash read operations (ELPM and LMP), one byte is read at a time. For this the Least Signif-
icant Bit (bit 0) in the Z-pointer is used to select the low byte or high byte in the word address. If
this bit is 0, the low byte is read, and if this bit is 1 the high byte is read.
The size of FWORD and FPAGE will depend on the page and flash size in the device, refer to
each device data sheet for details on this.
Once a programming operation is initiated, the address is latched and the Z-pointer can be
updated and used for other operations.


Figure 30-2. Flash addressing for self-programming

Z-Pointer FPAGE FWORD 0/1

Low/High Byte select for (E)LPM




01 01
02 02



30.11.2 NVM Flash Commands

The NVM commands that can be used for accessing the Flash Program Memory, Signature
Row and Calibration Row are listed in Table 30-2.
For self-programming of the Flash, the Trigger for Action Triggered Commands is to set the
CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register (CMDEX). The Read Triggered Commands are trig-
gered by executing the (E)LPM instruction (LPM). The Write Triggered Commands is triggered
by a executing the SPM instruction (SPM).
The Change Protected column indicate if the trigger is protected by the Configuration Change
Protection (CCP). This is a special sequence to write/execute the trigger during self-program-
ming, for more details refer to ”CCP - Configuration Change Protection Register” on page 13.
CCP is not required for external programming. The two last columns shows the address pointer
used for addressing, and the source/destination data register.
Section on page 367 through Section on page 374 explain in details the
algorithm for each NVM operation.


Table 30-2. Flash Self-Programming Commands

CPU NVM Change Address Data
CMD[6:0] Group Configuration Description Trigger Halted Busy Protected pointer register

0x00 NO_OPERATION No Operation / Read Flash -/(E)LPM -/N N -/N -/ Z-pointer -/Rd

Flash Page Buffer

0x23 LOAD_FLASH_BUFFER Load Flash Page Buffer SPM N N N Z-pointer R1:R0

0x26 ERASE_FLASH_BUFFER Erase Flash Page Buffer CMDEX N Y Y Z-pointer -


0x2B ERASE_FLASH_PAGE Erase Flash Page SPM N/Y(2) Y Y Z-pointer -

0x02E WRITE_FLASH_PAGE Write Flash Page SPM N/Y Y Y Z-pointer -
0x2F ERASE_WRITE_FLASH_PAGE Erase & Write Flash Page SPM N/Y Y Y Z-pointer -


Application Section

0x20 ERASE_APP Erase Application Section SPM Y Y Y Z-pointer -

0x22 ERASE_APP_PAGE Erase Application Section Page SPM N Y Y Z-pointer -

0x24 WRITE_APP_PAGE Write Application Section Page SPM N Y Y Z-pointer -

0x25 ERASE_WRITE_APP_PAGE Erase & Write Application Section Page SPM N Y Y Z-pointer -

0x38 APP_CRC Application Section CRC CMDEX Y Y Y - DATA

Boot Loader Section

0x2A ERASE_BOOT_PAGE Erase Boot Loader Section Page SPM Y Y Y Z-pointer -

0x2C WRITE_BOOT_PAGE Write Boot Loader Section Page SPM Y Y Y Z-pointer -

0x2D ERASE_WRITE_BOOT_PAGE Erase & Write Boot Loader Section Page SPM Y Y Y Z-pointer -

0x39 BOOT_CRC Boot Loader Section CRC CMDEX Y Y Y - DATA

User Signature Row

0x01 READ_USER_SIG_ROW Read User Signature Row LPM N N N Z-pointer Rd

0x18 ERASE_USER_SIG_ROW Erase User Signature Row SPM Y Y Y - -

0x1A WRITE_USER_SIG_ROW Write User Signature Row SPM Y Y Y - -

Calibration Row

0x02 READ_CALIB_ROW Read Calibration Row LPM N N N Z-pointer Rd

Notes: 1. The Flash Range CRC command used byte addressing of the Flash.
2. Will depend on the flash section (Application or Boot Loader) that is actually addressed.
3. This command is qualified with the Lock BIts, and requires that the Boot Lock Bits are unprogrammed. Read Flash

The (E)LPM instruction is used to read one byte from the Flash memory.
1. Load the Z-pointer with the byte address to read.
2. Load the NVM Command register (NVM CMD) with the No Operation command.
3. Execute the LPM instruction.
The destination register will be loaded during the execution of the LPM instruction.

XMEGA A Erase Flash Page Buffer

The Erase Flash Page Buffer command is used to erase the Flash Page Buffer.
1. Load the NVM CMD with the Erase Flash Page Buffer command.
2. Set the Command Execute bit (NVMEX) in the NVM Control Register A (NVM CTRLA).
This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-programming.
The NVM Busy (BUSY) flag in the NVM Status Register (NVM STATUS) will be set until the
Page Buffer is erased. Load Flash Page Buffer

The Load Flash Page Buffer command is used to load one word of data into the Flash Page
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Load Flash Page Buffer command.
2. Load the Z-pointer with the word address to write.
3. Load the data word to be written into the R1:R0 registers.
4. Execute the SPM instruction. The SPM instruction is not protected when performing a
Flash Page Buffer Load.
Repeat step 2-4 until the complete Flash Page Buffer is loaded. Unloaded locations will have the
value 0xFFFF, and this is not a valid AVR CPU opcode/instruction. Erase Flash Page

The Erase Flash Page command is used to erase one page in the Flash.
1. Load the Z-pointer with the flash page address to erase. The page address must be
written to PCPAGE. Other bits in the Z-pointer will be ignored during this operation.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase Flash Page command.
3. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the erase operation is finished. The
Flash Section Busy (FBUSY) flag is set as long the Flash is Busy, and the Application section
cannot be accessed. Write Flash Page

The Write Flash Page command is used to write the Flash Page Buffer into one flash page in the
1. Load the Z-pointer with the flash page to write. The page address must be written to
PCPAGE. Other bits in the Z-pointer will be ignored during this operation.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Write Flash Page command.
3. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the write operation is finished. The
FBUSY flag is set as long the Flash is Busy, and the Application section cannot be accessed. Flash Range CRC

The Flash Range CRC command can be used to verify the content in an address range in Flash
after a self-programming.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Flash Range CRC command.
2. Load the start byte address in the NVM Address Register (NVM ADDR).


3. Load the end byte address in NVM Data Register (NVM DATA).
4. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set, and the CPU is halted during the execu-
tion of the command.
The CRC checksum will be available in the NVM DATA register.
In order to use the Flash Range CRC all the Boot Lock Bits must be unprogrammed (no locks).
The command execution will be aborted if the Boot Lock Bits for an accessed location are set. Erase Application Section

The Erase Application command is used to erase the complete Application Section.
1. Load the Z-pointer to point anywhere in the Application Section.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase Application Section command
3. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. The CPU will be
halted during the complete execution of the command. Erase Application Section / Boot Loader Section Page

The Erase Application Section Page Erase and Erase Boot Loader Section Page commands are
used to erase one page in the Application Section or Boot Loader Section.
1. Load the Z-pointer with the flash page address to erase. The page address must be
written to ZPAGE. Other bits in the Z-pointer will be ignored during this operation.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase Application/Boot Section Page command.
3. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the erase operation is finished. The
FBUSY flag is set as long the Flash is Busy, and the Application section cannot be accessed. Application Section / Boot Loader Section Page Write

The Write Application Section Page and Write Boot Loader Section Page commands are used to
write the Flash Page Buffer into one flash page in the Application Section or Boot Loader
1. Load the Z-pointer with the flash page to write. The page address must be written to
PCPAGE. Other bits in the Z-pointer will be ignored during this operation.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Write Application Section/Boot Loader Section
Page command.
3. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the write operation is finished. The
FBUSY flag is set as long the Flash is Busy, and the Application section cannot be accessed.
An invalid page address in the Z-pointer will abort the NVM command. The Erase Application
Section Page command requires that the Z-pointer addresses the Application section, and the
Erase Boot Section Page command requires that the Z-pointer addresses the Boot Loader

XMEGA A Erase & Write Application Section / Boot Loader Section Page
The Erase & Write Application Section Page and Erase & Write Boot Loader Section Page com-
mands are used to erase one flash page and then write the Flash Page Buffer into that flash
page in the Application Section or Boot Loader Section, in one atomic operation.
1. Load the Z-pointer with the flash page to write. The page address must be written to
PCPAGE. Other bits in the Z-pointer will be ignored during this operation.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase & Write Application Section/Boot Loader
Section Page command.
3. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. The
FBUSY flag is set as long the Flash is Busy, and the Application section cannot be accessed.
An invalid page address in the Z-pointer will abort the NVM command. The Erase & Write Appli-
cation Section command requires that the Z-pointer addresses the Application section, and the
Erase & Write Boot Section Page command requires that the Z-pointer addresses the Boot
Loader Section. Application Section / Boot Loader Section CRC

The Application Section CRC and Boot Loader Section CRC commands can be used to verify
the Application Section and Boot Loader Section content after self-programming.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Application Section/ Boot Load Section CRC
2. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set, and the CPU is halted during the execu-
tion of the CRC command. The CRC checksum will be available in the NVM Data registers. Erase User Signature Row

The Erase User Signature Row command is used to erase the User Signature Row.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase User Signature Row command.
2. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set, and the CPU will be halted until the
erase operation is finished. The User Signature Row is NRWW. Write User Signature Row

The Write Signature Row command is used to write the Flash Page Buffer into the User Signa-
ture Row.
1. Set up the NVM CMD register to Write User Signature Row command.
2. Execute the SPM instruction. This requires the timed CCP sequence during self-
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished, and the
CPU will be halted during the write operation. The Flash Page Buffer will be cleared during the
command execution after the write operation, but the CPU is not halted during this stage.

XMEGA A Read User Signature Row / Calibration Row

The Read User Signature Row and Red Calibration Row commands are used to read one byte
from the User Signature Row or Calibration Row.
1. Load the Z-pointer with the byte address to read.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Read User Signature Row / Calibration Row
3. Execute the LPM instruction.
The destination register will be loaded during the execution of the LPM instruction.

30.11.3 NVM Fuse and Lock Bit Commands

The NVM Flash commands that can be used for accessing the Fuses and Lock Bits are listed in
Table 30-3.
For self-programming of the Fuses and Lock Bits, the Trigger for Action Triggered Commands is
to set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register (CMDEX). The Read Triggered Commands
are triggered by executing the (E)LPM instruction (LPM). The Write Triggered Commands is trig-
gered by a executing the SPM instruction (SPM).
The Change Protected column indicate if the trigger is protected by the Configuration Change
Protection (CCP) during self-programming. The two last columns shows the address pointer
used for addressing, and the source/destination data register.
Section on page 374 through Section on page 374 explain in details the
algorithm for each NVM operation.

Table 30-3. Fuse and Lock Bit Commands

CPU Change Address Data NVM
CMD[6:0] Group Configuration Description Trigger Halted Protected pointer register Busy
0x00 NO_OPERATION No Operation - - - - - -

Fuses and Lock Bits


0x08 WRITE_LOCK_BITS Write Lock Bits CMDEX N Y ADDR - Y Write Lock Bits Write

The Write Lock Bits command is used to program the Boot Lock Bits to a more secure settings
from software.
1. Load the NVM DATA0 register with the new Lock bit value.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Write Lock Bit command.
3. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the command is finished. The CPU
is halted during the complete execution of the command.
This command can be executed from both the Boot Loader Section and the Application Section.
The EEPROM and Flash Page Buffer is automatically erased when the Lock Bits are written. Read Fuses

The Read Fuses command is used to read the Fuses from software.


1. Load the NVM ADDR registers with the address to the fuse byte to read.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Read Fuses command.
3. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The result will be available in the NVM DATA0 register. The CPU is halted during the complete
execution of the command.

30.11.4 EEPROM Programming

The EEPROM can be read and written from application code in any part of the Flash. Its is both
byte and page accessible. This means that either one byte or one page can be written to the
EEPROM at once. One byte is read from the EEPROM during read. Addressing the EEPROM

The EEPROM can be accessed through the NVM controller (I/O mapped), similar to the Flash
Program memory, or it can be memory mapped into the Data Memory space to be accessed
similar to SRAM.
When accessing the EEPROM through the NVM Controller, the NVM Address (ADDR) register
is used to address the EEPROM, while the NVM Data (DATA) register is used to store or load
EEPROM data.
For EEPROM page programming the ADDR register can be treated as having two section. The
least significant bits address the bytes within a page, while the most significant bits address the
page within the EEPROM. This is shown in Figure 30-3 on page 376. The byte address in the
page (E2BYTE) is held by the bits [1:BYTEMSB] in the ADDR register. The remaining bits
[PAGEMSB:BYTEMSB+1] in the ADDR register holds the EEPROM page address (E2PAGE).
Together E2BYTE and E2PAGE holds an absolute address to a byte in the EEPROM. The size
of E2WORD and E2PAGE will depend on the page and flash size in the device, refer to the
device data sheet for details on this.


Figure 30-3. I/O mapped EEPROM addressing






01 01

02 02


When EEPROM memory mapping is enabled, loading a data byte into the EEPROM page buffer
can be performed through direct or indirect store instructions. Only the least significant bits of
the EEPROM address are used to determine locations within the page buffer, but the complete
memory mapped EEPROM address is always required to ensure correct address mapping.
Reading from the EEPROM can be done directly using direct or indirect load instructions. When
a memory mapped EEPROM page buffer load operation is performed, the CPU is halted for 3
cycles before the next instruction is executed.
When the EEPROM is memory mapped, the EEPROM page buffer load and EEPROM read
functionality from the NVM controller is disabled.

30.11.5 NVM EEPROM Commands

The NVM Flash commands that can be used for accessing the EEPROM through the NVM Con-
troller are listed in Table 30-4.
For self-programming of the EEPROM the Trigger for Action Triggered Commands is to set the
CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register (CMDEX). The Read Triggered Command is triggered
reading the NVM DATA0 register (DATA0).
The Change Protected column indicate if the trigger is protected by the Configuration Change
Protection (CCP) during self-programming. CCP is not required for external programming. The
two last columns shows the address pointer used for addressing, and the source/destination
data register.


Section on page 377 through Section on page 378 explains in details the
algorithm for each EEPROM operation.

Table 30-4. EEPROM Self-Programming Commands

CPU Change Address Data NVM
CMD[6:0] Group Configuration Description Trigger Halted Protected pointer register Busy

0x00 NO_OPERATION No Operation - - - - - -

EEPROM Page buffer









The Load EEPROM Page Buffer command is used to load one byte into the EEPROM page
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Load EEPROM Page Buffer command
2. Load the NVM ADDR0 register with the address to write.
3. Load the NVM DATA0 register with the data to write. This will trigger the command.
Repeat 2-3 until for the arbitrary number of bytes to be loaded into the page buffer. Erase EEPROM Page Buffer

The Erase EEPROM Buffer command is used to erase the EEPROM page buffer.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase EEPROM Buffer command.
2. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. EPPROM Page Erase

The Erase EEPROM Erase command is used to erase one EEPROM page.
1. Set up the NVM CMD register to Erase EEPROM Page command.
2. Load the NVM ADDRESS register with the EEPROM page to erase.
3. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished.
The Page Erase commands will only erase the locations that correspond with the loaded and
tagged locations in the EEPROM page buffer.


The Write EEPROM Page command is used to write all locations that is loaded in the EEPROM
page buffer into one page in EEPROM. Only the locations that are loaded and tagged in the
EEPROM page buffer will be written.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Write EEPROM Page command.
2. Load the NVM ADDR register with the address for EEPROM page to write.
3. Set the CMDEX bit in NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence during
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Erase & Write EEPROM Page

The Erase & Write EEPROM Page command is used to first erase an EEPROM page and write
the EEPROM page buffer into that page in EEPROM, in one atomic operation.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase & Write EEPROM Page command.
2. Load the NVM ADDR register with the address for EEPROM page to write.
3. Set the CMDEX bit in NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence during
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Erase EEPROM

The Erase EEPROM command is used to erase all the locations in all EEPROM pages that cor-
responds the loaded and tagged locations in the EEPROM page buffer.
1. Set up the NVM CMD register to Erase EPPROM command.
2. Set the CMDEX bit in NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence during
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Read EPPROM

The Read EEPROM command is used to read one byte from the EEPROM,
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Read EPPROM command.
2. Load the NVM ADDR register with the address to read.
3. Set the CMDEX bit in NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence during
The data byte read will be available in the NVM DATA0.


30.12 External Programming

External Programming is the method for programming non volatile code and data into the device
from an external programmer or debugger. This can be done both in-system (In-System Pro-
gramming) or in mass production programming. The only restrictions on clock speed and voltage
is the maximum and minimum operating conditions for the device. Refer to the device data sheet
for details on this.
For external programming the device is accessed through the PDI and PDI Controller, using
either the JTAG or PDI physical connection. For details on PDI and JTAG and how to enable
and use the physical interface, refer to ”Program and Debug Interface” on page 344. The
remainder of this section assumes that the correct physical connection to the PDI is enabled.
Through the PDI, the external programmer access all NVM memories and NVM Controller using
the PDI Bus. Doing this all data and program memory spaces are mapped into the linear PDI
memory space. Figure 30-4 on page 380 shows the PDI memory space and the base address
for each memory space in the device.


Figure 30-4. Memory map for PDI accessing the data and program memories.

16 MB
(mapped IO/SRAM)

FLASH_BASE = 0x0800000
EPPROM_BASE = 0x08C0000
FUSE_BASE = 0x08F0020
DATAMEM_BASE = 0x1000000








0x0800000 16 MB




30.12.1 Enabling External Programming Interface

NVM programming from the PDI requires enabling, and this is one the following fashion.
1. Load the RESET register in the PDI with 0x59 - the Reset Signature.
2. Load the correct NVM key in the PDI.
3. Poll NVMEN in the PDI Status Register (PDI STATUS) until NVMEN is set.
When the NVMEN bit in the PDI STATUS register is set the NVM interface is active from the

30.12.2 NVM Programming Addressing the NVM

When the PDI NVM interface is enabled, all the memories in the device is memory-mapped in
the PDI address space. The PDI controller does not need to access the NVM controller's
address or data registers, but that the NVM controller must be loaded with the correct command
(i.e. to read from any NVM, the controller must be loaded with the NVM Read command before
trying to load data from the PDIBUS address space). For the reminder of this section all refer-
ences to reading and writing data or program memory addresses from PDI, refer to the memory
map as shown in Figure 30-4 on page 380.
The PDI is always using byte addressing, hence all memory addresses must be byte addresses.
When filling the Flash or EEPROM page buffers, only the least significant bits of the address are
used to determine locations within the page buffer. Still, the complete memory mapped address
for the Flash or EEPROM page is required to ensure correct address mapping. The user must
pay attention to page boundaries for both page buffer loads and page buffer writes. NVM Busy

During programming (page erase and page write) when the NVM is busy, the complete NVM is
blocked for reading.

30.12.3 NVM Commands

The NVM commands that can be used for accessing the NVM memories from external program-
ming are listed in Table 30-5. This is a super-set of the commands available for self-
For external programming, the Trigger for Action Triggered Commands is to set the CMDEX bit
in the NVM CTRLA register (CMDEX). The Read Triggered Commands are triggered by a direct
or indirect Load instruction (LDS or LD) from the PDI (PDI Read). The Write Triggered Com-
mands is triggered by a direct or indirect Store instruction (STS or ST) from the PDI (PDI Write).
Section on page 383 through Section on page 385 explains in detail the
algorithm for each NVM operation. The commands are protected by the Lock Bits, and if Read
and Write Lock is set, only the Chip Erase and Flash CRC commands are available.
Table 30-5. NVM commands available for external programming

CMD[6:0] Commands / Operation Trigger Protected NVM Busy

0x00 No Operation - - -
0x40 Chip Erase CMDEX Y Y

0x43 Read NVM PDI Read N N

Flash Page Buffer


CMD[6:0] Commands / Operation Trigger Protected NVM Busy

0x23 Load Flash Page Buffer PDI Write N N

0x26 Erase Flash Page Buffer CMDEX Y Y


0x2B Erase Flash Page PDI Write N Y

0x02E Flash Page Write PDI Write N Y

0x2F Erase & Write Flash Page PDI Write N Y

0x78 Flash CRC CMDEX Y Y

Application Section

0x20 Erase Application Section PDI Write N Y

0x22 Erase Application Section Page PDI Write N Y

0x24 Write Application Section Page PDI Write N Y

0x25 Erase & Write Application Section Page PDI Write N Y

0x38 Application Section CRC CMDEX Y Y

Boot Loader Section

0x68 Erase Boot Section PDI Write N Y

0x2A Erase Boot Loader Section Page PDI Write N Y

0x2C Write Boot Loader Section Page PDI Write N Y

0x2D Erase & Write Boot Loader Section Page PDI Write N Y

0x39 Boot Loader Section CRC NVMAA Y Y

Calibration and User Signature sections

0x01 Read User Signature Row PDI Read N N

0x18 Erase User Signature Row PDI Write N Y

0x1A Write User Signature Row PDI Write N Y

0x02 Read Calibration Row PDI Read N N

Fuses and Lock Bits

0x07 Read Fuse PDI Read N N

0x4C Write Fuse PDI Write N Y

0x08 Write Lock Bits CMDEX Y Y

EEPROM Page Buffer

0x33 Load EEPROM Page Buffer PDI Write N N

0x36 Erase EEPROM Page Buffer CMDEX Y Y



0x32 Erase EEPROM Page PDI Write N Y

0x34 Write EEPROM Page PDI Write N Y

0x35 Erase & Write EEPROM Page PDI Write N Y

0x06 Read EEPROM PDI Read N N

Notes: 1. If the EESAVE fuse is programmed the EEPROM is preserved during chip erase.

XMEGA A Chip Erase

The Chip Erase command is used to erase the Flash Program Memory, EEPROM and Lock
Bits. Erasing of the EEPROM depend EESAVE fuse setting, refer to ”FUSEBYTE5 - Non-Vola-
tile Memory Fuse Byte 5” on page 32 for details. The User Signature Row, Calibration Row and
Fuses are not effected.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with Chip Erase command.
2. Set the CMDEX bit in NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
Once this operation starts the PDIBUS between the PDI controller and the NVM is disabled, and
the NVMEN bit in the PDI STATUS register is cleared until the operation is finished. Poll the
NVMEN bit until this is set again, indicting the PDIBUS is enabled.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Read NVM

The Read NVM command is used to read the Flash, EEPROM, Fuses, and Signature and Cali-
bration row sections.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Read NVM command.
2. Read the selected memory address by doing a PDI Read operation.
Dedicated Read EEPROM, Read Fuse and Read Signature Row and Read Calibration Row
commands are also available for the various memory sections. The algorithm for these com-
mands are the same as for the NVM Read command. Erase Page Buffer

The Erase Flash Page Buffer and Erase EEPROM Page Buffer commands are used to erase
the Flash and EEPROM page buffers.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Erase Flash/EEPROM Page Buffer command.
2. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is completed. Load Page Buffer

The Load Flash Page Buffer and Load EEPROM Page Buffer commands are used to load one
byte of data into the Flash and EEPROM page buffers.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Load Flash/EEPROM Page Buffer command.
2. Write the selected memory address by doing a PDI Write operation.
Since the Flash page buffer is word accessing and the PDI uses byte addressing, the PDI must
write the Flash Page Buffer in correct order. For the write operation, the low-byte of the word
location must be written before the high-byte. The low-byte is then written into the temporary
register. The PDI then writes the high-byte of the word location, and the low-byte is then written
into the word location page buffer in the same clock cycle.
The PDI interface is automatically halted, before the next PDI instruction can be executed. Erase Page

The Erase Application Section Page, Erase Boot Loader Section Page, Erase User Signature
Row and Erase EEPROM Page commands are used to erase one page in the selected memory


1. Load the NVM CMD register with Erase Application Section/Boot Loader Section/User
Signature Row/EEPROM Page command.
2. Write the selected page by doing a PDI Write. The page is written by addressing any
byte location within the page.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Write Page

The Write Application Section Page, Write Boot Loader Section Page, Write User Signature Row
and Write EEPROM Page is used to write a loaded Flash/EEPROM page buffer into the
selected memory space
1. Load the NVM CMD register with Write Application Section/Boot Loader Section/User
Signature Row/EEPROM Page command.
2. Write the selected page by doing a PDI Write. The page is written by addressing any
byte location within the page.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Erase & Write Page

The Erase & Write Application Section Page, Erase & Write Boot Loader Section Page, and
Erase & Write EEPROM Page is used to erase one page and then write a loaded
Flash/EEPROM page buffer into that page in the selected memory space, in one atomic
1. Load the NVM CMD register with Erase & Write Application Section/Boot Loader Sec-
tion/User Signature Row/EEPROM Page command.
2. Write the selected page by doing a PDI Write. The page is written by addressing any
byte location within the page.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Erase Application/ Boot Loader/ EEPROM Section

The Erase Application Section, Erase Boot Loader Section and Erase EEPROM Section com-
mand is used to erase the complete section selected.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with Erase Application/ Boot/ EEPROM Section command
2. Write the selected section by doing a PDI Write. The section is written by addressing
any byte location within the section.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. Application / Boot Section CRC

The Application Section CRC and Boot Loader Section CRC commands can be used to verify
the content of the selected section after programming.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with Application/ Boot Loader Section CRC command
2. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. The CRC
checksum will be available in the NVM DATA register. Flash CRC

The Flash CRC command can be used to verify the content of the Flash Program Memory after
programming. The command can be executed independent of the lock bit state.


1. Load the NVM CMD register with Flash CRC command.

2. Set the CMDEX bit in the NVM CTRLA register. This requires the timed CCP sequence
during self-programming.
Once this operation starts the PDIBUS between the PDI Controller and the NVM is disabled, and
the NVMEN bit in the PDI STATUS register is cleared until the operation is finished. Poll the
NVMEN bit until this is set again, indicting the PDIBUS is enabled.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the operation is finished. The CRC
checksum will be available in the NVM DATA register. Write Fuse/ Lock Bit

The Write Fuse and Write Lock Bit command is used to write the fuses and the lock bits to a
more secure setting.
1. Load the NVM CMD register with the Write Fuse/ Lock Bit command.
2. Write the selected fuse or Lock Bits by doing a PDI Write operation.
The BUSY flag in the NVM STATUS register will be set until the command is finished.
For lock bit write the LOCK BIT write command can also be used.

30.13 Register Description

Refer to ”Register Summary - NVM Controller” on page 46 for complete register description on
the NVM Controller.
Refer to ”Register Description - PDI Control and Status Register” on page 359 for complete reg-
ister description on the PDI.

30.14 Register Summary

Refer to ”Register Summary - NVM Controller” on page 46 for complete register summary on the
NVM Controller.
Refer to ”Register Summary” on page 361 for complete register summary on the PDI.


31. Peripheral Module Address Map

The address maps show the base address for each peripheral and module in XMEGA. All
peripherals and modules are not present in all XMEGA devices, refer to device data sheet for
the peripherals module address map for a specific device.
Base Address Name Description Page
0x0000 GPIO General Purpose IO Registers 48
0x0010 VPORT0 Virtual Port 0
0x0014 VPORT1 Virtual Port 1
0x0018 VPORT2 Virtual Port 2
0x001C VPORT3 Virtual Port 3
0x0030 CPU CPU 17
0x0040 CLK Clock Control 94
0x0048 SLEEP Sleep Controller 101
0x0050 OSC Oscillator Control 94
0x0060 DFLLRC32M DFLL for the 32 MHz Internal RC Oscillator
0x0068 DFLLRC2M DFLL for the 2 MHz RC Oscillator
0x0070 PR Power Reduction 101
0x0078 RST Reset Controller 110
0x0080 WDT Watch-Dog Timer 122
0x0090 MCU MCU Control 48
0x00A0 PMIC Programmable Multilevel Interrupt Controller 128
0x00B0 PORTCFG Port Configuration 148
0x00C0 AES AES Module 267
0x00F0 VBAT Battery Backup System 116
0x0100 DMA DMA Controller 53
0x0180 EVSYS Event System 75
0x01C0 NVM Non Volatile Memory (NVM) Controller 46
0x0200 ADCA Analog to Digital Converter on port A
0x0240 ADCB Analog to Digital Converter on port B
0x0300 DACA Digital to Analog Converter on port A
0x0320 DACB Digital to Analog Converter on port B
0x0380 ACA Analog Comparator pair on port A
0x0390 ACB Analog Comparator pair on port B
0x0400 RTC Real Time Counter 196
0x0420 RTC32 32-bit Real Time Counter 204
0x0440 EBI External Bus Interface 288
0x0480 TWIC Two Wire Interface on port C
0x0490 TWID Two Wire Interface on port D
0x04A0 TWIE Two Wire Interface on port E
0x04B0 TWIF Two Wire Interface on port F
0x0600 PORTA Port A
0x0620 PORTB Port B
0x0640 PORTC Port C
0x0660 PORTD Port D
0x0680 PORTE Port E
0x06A0 PORTF Port F 148
0x06E0 PORTH Port H
0x0700 PORTJ Port J
0x0720 PORTK Port K
0x07C0 PORTQ Port Q
0x07E0 PORTR Port R
0x0800 TCC0 Timer/Counter 0 on port C
0x0840 TCC1 Timer/Counter 1 on port C
0x0880 AWEXC Advanced Waveform Extension on port C 187
0x0890 HIRESC High Resolution Extension on port C 189
0x08A0 USARTC0 USART 0 on port C
0x08B0 USARTC1 USART 1 on port C
0x08C0 SPIC Serial Peripheral Interface on port C 234
0x08F0 IRCOM Infrared Communication Module 259
0x0900 TCD0 Timer/Counter 0 on port D
0x0940 TCD1 Timer/Counter 1 on port D
0x0980 AWEXD Advanced Waveform Extension on port C 187
0x0990 HIRESD High Resolution Extension on port D 189
0x09A0 USARTD0 USART 0 on port D 255


Base Address Name Description Page

0x09B0 USARTD1 USART 1 on port D
0x09C0 SPID Serial Peripheral Interface on port D 234
0x0A00 TCE0 Timer/Counter 0 on port E
0x0A40 TCE1 Timer/Counter 1 on port E
0x0A80 AWEXE Advanced Waveform Extension on port E 187
0x0A90 HIRESE High Resolution Extension on port E 189
0x0AA0 USARTE0 USART 0 on port E
0x0AB0 USARTE1 USART 1 on port E
0x0AC0 SPIE Serial Peripheral Interface on port E 234
0x0B00 TCF0 Timer/Counter 0 on port F
0x0B40 TCF1 Timer/Counter 1 on port F
0x0B80 AWEXF Advanced Waveform Extension on port C 187
0x0B90 HIRESF High Resolution Extension on port F 189
0x0BA0 USARTF0 USART 0 on port F
0x0BB0 USARTF1 USART 1 on port F
0x0BC0 SPIF Serial Peripheral Interface on port F 234


32. Instruction Set Summary

Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Flags #Clocks

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions

ADD Rd, Rr Add without Carry Rd ← Rd + Rr Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

ADC Rd, Rr Add with Carry Rd ← Rd + Rr + C Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

ADIW Rd, K Add Immediate to Word Rd ← Rd + 1:Rd + K Z,C,N,V,S 2

SUB Rd, Rr Subtract without Carry Rd ← Rd - Rr Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

SUBI Rd, K Subtract Immediate Rd ← Rd - K Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

SBC Rd, Rr Subtract with Carry Rd ← Rd - Rr - C Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

SBCI Rd, K Subtract Immediate with Carry Rd ← Rd - K - C Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

SBIW Rd, K Subtract Immediate from Word Rd + 1:Rd ← Rd + 1:Rd - K Z,C,N,V,S 2

AND Rd, Rr Logical AND Rd ← Rd • Rr Z,N,V,S 1

ANDI Rd, K Logical AND with Immediate Rd ← Rd • K Z,N,V,S 1

OR Rd, Rr Logical OR Rd ← Rd v Rr Z,N,V,S 1

ORI Rd, K Logical OR with Immediate Rd ← Rd v K Z,N,V,S 1

EOR Rd, Rr Exclusive OR Rd ← Rd ⊕ Rr Z,N,V,S 1

COM Rd One’s Complement Rd ← $FF - Rd Z,C,N,V,S 1

NEG Rd Two’s Complement Rd ← $00 - Rd Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

SBR Rd,K Set Bit(s) in Register Rd ← Rd v K Z,N,V,S 1

CBR Rd,K Clear Bit(s) in Register Rd ← Rd • ($FFh - K) Z,N,V,S 1

INC Rd Increment Rd ← Rd + 1 Z,N,V,S 1

DEC Rd Decrement Rd ← Rd - 1 Z,N,V,S 1

TST Rd Test for Zero or Minus Rd ← Rd • Rd Z,N,V,S 1

CLR Rd Clear Register Rd ← Rd ⊕ Rd Z,N,V,S 1

SER Rd Set Register Rd ← $FF None 1

MUL Rd,Rr Multiply Unsigned R1:R0 ← Rd x Rr (UU) Z,C 2

MULS Rd,Rr Multiply Signed R1:R0 ← Rd x Rr (SS) Z,C 2

MULSU Rd,Rr Multiply Signed with Unsigned R1:R0 ← Rd x Rr (SU) Z,C 2

FMUL Rd,Rr Fractional Multiply Unsigned R1:R0 ← Rd x Rr<<1 (UU) Z,C 2

FMULS Rd,Rr Fractional Multiply Signed R1:R0 ← Rd x Rr<<1 (SS) Z,C 2

FMULSU Rd,Rr Fractional Multiply Signed with Unsigned R1:R0 ← Rd x Rr<<1 (SU) Z,C 2

DES K Data Encryption if (H = 0) then R15:R0 ← Encrypt(R15:R0, K) 1/2

else if (H = 1) then R15:R0 ← Decrypt(R15:R0, K)

Branch Instructions

RJMP k Relative Jump PC ← PC + k + 1 None 2

IJMP Indirect Jump to (Z) PC(15:0) ← Z, None 2

PC(21:16) ← 0

EIJMP Extended Indirect Jump to (Z) PC(15:0) ← Z, None 2

PC(21:16) ← EIND

JMP k Jump PC ← k None 3

RCALL k Relative Call Subroutine PC ← PC + k + 1 None 2 / 3(1)

ICALL Indirect Call to (Z) PC(15:0) ← Z, None 2 / 3(1)

PC(21:16) ← 0

EICALL Extended Indirect Call to (Z) PC(15:0) ← Z, None 3(1)

PC(21:16) ← EIND


Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Flags #Clocks

CALL k call Subroutine PC ← k None 3 / 4(1)

RET Subroutine Return PC ← STACK None 4 / 5(1)

RETI Interrupt Return PC ← STACK I 4 / 5(1)

CPSE Rd,Rr Compare, Skip if Equal if (Rd = Rr) PC ← PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3

CP Rd,Rr Compare Rd - Rr Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

CPC Rd,Rr Compare with Carry Rd - Rr - C Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

CPI Rd,K Compare with Immediate Rd - K Z,C,N,V,S,H 1

SBRC Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register Cleared if (Rr(b) = 0) PC ← PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3

SBRS Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register Set if (Rr(b) = 1) PC ← PC + 2 or 3 None 1/2/3

SBIC A, b Skip if Bit in I/O Register Cleared if (I/O(A,b) = 0) PC ← PC + 2 or 3 None 2/3/4

SBIS A, b Skip if Bit in I/O Register Set If (I/O(A,b) =1) PC ← PC + 2 or 3 None 2/3/4

BRBS s, k Branch if Status Flag Set if (SREG(s) = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRBC s, k Branch if Status Flag Cleared if (SREG(s) = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BREQ k Branch if Equal if (Z = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRNE k Branch if Not Equal if (Z = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRCS k Branch if Carry Set if (C = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRCC k Branch if Carry Cleared if (C = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRSH k Branch if Same or Higher if (C = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRLO k Branch if Lower if (C = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRMI k Branch if Minus if (N = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRPL k Branch if Plus if (N = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRGE k Branch if Greater or Equal, Signed if (N ⊕ V= 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRLT k Branch if Less Than, Signed if (N ⊕ V= 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRHS k Branch if Half Carry Flag Set if (H = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRHC k Branch if Half Carry Flag Cleared if (H = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRTS k Branch if T Flag Set if (T = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRTC k Branch if T Flag Cleared if (T = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRVS k Branch if Overflow Flag is Set if (V = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRVC k Branch if Overflow Flag is Cleared if (V = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRIE k Branch if Interrupt Enabled if (I = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

BRID k Branch if Interrupt Disabled if (I = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1 None 1/2

Data Transfer Instructions

MOV Rd, Rr Copy Register Rd ← Rr None 1

MOVW Rd, Rr Copy Register Pair Rd+1:Rd ← Rr+1:Rr None 1

LDI Rd, K Load Immediate Rd ← K None 1

LDS Rd, k Load Direct from data space Rd ← (k) None 2(1)(2)

LD Rd, X Load Indirect Rd ← (X) None 1(1)(2)

LD Rd, X+ Load Indirect and Post-Increment Rd ← (X) None 1(1)(2)

X ← X+1

LD Rd, -X Load Indirect and Pre-Decrement X ← X - 1, ← X-1 None 2(1)(2)

Rd ← (X) ← (X)

LD Rd, Y Load Indirect Rd ← (Y) ← (Y) None 1(1)(2)

LD Rd, Y+ Load Indirect and Post-Increment Rd ← (Y) None 1(1)(2)

Y ← Y+1


Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Flags #Clocks

LD Rd, -Y Load Indirect and Pre-Decrement Y ← Y-1 None 2(1)(2)

Rd ← (Y)

LDD Rd, Y+q Load Indirect with Displacement Rd ← (Y + q) None 2(1)(2)

LD Rd, Z Load Indirect Rd ← (Z) None 1(1)(2)

LD Rd, Z+ Load Indirect and Post-Increment Rd ← (Z), None 1(1)(2)

Z ← Z+1

LD Rd, -Z Load Indirect and Pre-Decrement Z ← Z - 1, None 2(1)(2)

Rd ← (Z)

LDD Rd, Z+q Load Indirect with Displacement Rd ← (Z + q) None 2(1)(2)

STS k, Rr Store Direct to Data Space (k) ← Rd None 2(1)

ST X, Rr Store Indirect (X) ← Rr None 1(1)

ST X+, Rr Store Indirect and Post-Increment (X) ← Rr, None 1(1)

X ← X+1

ST -X, Rr Store Indirect and Pre-Decrement X ← X - 1, None 2(1)

(X) ← Rr

ST Y, Rr Store Indirect (Y) ← Rr None 1(1)

ST Y+, Rr Store Indirect and Post-Increment (Y) ← Rr, None 1(1)

Y ← Y+1

ST -Y, Rr Store Indirect and Pre-Decrement Y ← Y - 1, None 2(1)

(Y) ← Rr

STD Y+q, Rr Store Indirect with Displacement (Y + q) ← Rr None 2(1)

ST Z, Rr Store Indirect (Z) ← Rr None 1(1)

ST Z+, Rr Store Indirect and Post-Increment (Z) ← Rr None 1(1)

Z ← Z+1

ST -Z, Rr Store Indirect and Pre-Decrement Z ← Z-1 None 2(1)

STD Z+q,Rr Store Indirect with Displacement (Z + q) ← Rr None 2(1)

LPM Load Program Memory R0 ← (Z) None 3

LPM Rd, Z Load Program Memory Rd ← (Z) None 3

LPM Rd, Z+ Load Program Memory and Post-Increment Rd ← (Z), None 3

Z ← Z+1

ELPM Extended Load Program Memory R0 ← (RAMPZ:Z) None 3

ELPM Rd, Z Extended Load Program Memory Rd ← (RAMPZ:Z) None 3

ELPM Rd, Z+ Extended Load Program Memory and Post- Rd ← (RAMPZ:Z), None 3
Increment Z ← Z+1

SPM Store Program Memory (RAMPZ:Z) ← R1:R0 None -

SPM Z+ Store Program Memory and Post-Increment (RAMPZ:Z) ← R1:R0, None -

by 2 Z ← Z+2

IN Rd, A In From I/O Location Rd ← I/O(A) None 1

OUT A, Rr Out To I/O Location I/O(A) ← Rr None 1

PUSH Rr Push Register on Stack STACK ← Rr None 1(1)

POP Rd Pop Register from Stack Rd ← STACK None 2(1)

Bit and Bit-test Instructions

LSL Rd Logical Shift Left Rd(n+1) ← Rd(n), Z,C,N,V,H 1

Rd(0) ← 0,
C ← Rd(7)

LSR Rd Logical Shift Right Rd(n) ← Rd(n+1), Z,C,N,V 1

Rd(7) ← 0,
C ← Rd(0)


Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Flags #Clocks

ROL Rd Rotate Left Through Carry Rd(0) ← C, Z,C,N,V,H 1

Rd(n+1) ← Rd(n),
C ← Rd(7)

ROR Rd Rotate Right Through Carry Rd(7) ← C, Z,C,N,V 1

Rd(n) ← Rd(n+1),
C ← Rd(0)

ASR Rd Arithmetic Shift Right Rd(n) ← Rd(n+1), n=0..6 Z,C,N,V 1

SWAP Rd Swap Nibbles Rd(3..0) ↔ Rd(7..4) None 1

BSET s Flag Set SREG(s) ← 1 SREG(s) 1

BCLR s Flag Clear SREG(s) ← 0 SREG(s) 1

SBI A, b Set Bit in I/O Register I/O(A, b) ← 1 None 1

CBI A, b Clear Bit in I/O Register I/O(A, b) ← 0 None 1

BST Rr, b Bit Store from Register to T T ← Rr(b) T 1

BLD Rd, b Bit load from T to Register Rd(b) ← T None 1

SEC Set Carry C ← 1 C 1

CLC Clear Carry C ← 0 C 1

SEN Set Negative Flag N ← 1 N 1

CLN Clear Negative Flag N ← 0 N 1

SEZ Set Zero Flag Z ← 1 Z 1

CLZ Clear Zero Flag Z ← 0 Z 1

SEI Global Interrupt Enable I ← 1 I 1

CLI Global Interrupt Disable I ← 0 I 1

SES Set Signed Test Flag S ← 1 S 1

CLS Clear Signed Test Flag S ← 0 S 1

SEV Set Two’s Complement Overflow V ← 1 V 1

CLV Clear Two’s Complement Overflow V ← 0 V 1

SET Set T in SREG T ← 1 T 1

CLT Clear T in SREG T ← 0 T 1

SEH Set Half Carry Flag in SREG H ← 1 H 1

CLH Clear Half Carry Flag in SREG H ← 0 H 1

MCU Control Instructions

BREAK Break (See specific descr. for BREAK) None 1

NOP No Operation None 1

SLEEP Sleep (see specific descr. for Sleep) None 1

WDR Watchdog Reset (see specific descr. for WDR) None 1

Notes: 1. Cycle times for Data memory accesses assume internal memory accesses, and are not valid
for accesses via the external RAM interface.
2. One extra cycle must be added when accessing Internal SRAM.


33. Appendix A: EBI Timing Diagrams

33.1 SRAM 3-Port ALE1 CS

Figure 33-1. Write, no ALE

Write, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0]

Figure 33-2. Write, ALE

Write, ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0]


Figure 33-3. Read, no ALE

Read, no ALE

Clk PER2
D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0]

Figure 33-4. Read, ALE

Read, ALE

Clk PER2
D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0]


33.2 SRAM 3-Port ALE12 CS

Figure 33-5. Write, no ALE

Write, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8]/A[23:16] A[7:0]

Figure 33-6. Write, ALE1

Write, ALE1

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8]/A[23:16] A[15:8] A[7:0]


Figure 33-7. Write, ALE1 + ALE2

Write, ALE1 + ALE2

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8]/A[23:16] A[23:16] A[15:8] A[7:0]

Figure 33-8. Read, no ALE

Read, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8]/A[23:16] A[7:0]


Figure 33-9. Read, ALE1

Read, ALE1

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8]/A[23:16] A[15:8] A[7:0]

Figure 33-10. Read, ALE1 + ALE2

Read, ALE1 + ALE2

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8]/A[23:16] A[23:16] A[15:8] A[7:0]


33.3 SRAM 4 -Port ALE2 CS

Figure 33-11. Write, no ALE

Write, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[23:16] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

Figure 33-12. Write, ALE

Write, ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[23:16] A[23:16] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]


Figure 33-13. Read, no ALE

Read, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[23:16] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

Figure 33-14. Read, ALE

Read, ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[23:16] A[23:16] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]


33.4 SRAM 4 - Port NOALE CS

Figure 33-15. Write


D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

A[17:16] A[17:16]

Figure 33-16. Read


D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

A[17:16] A[17:16]


33.5 LPC 2 - Port ALE12 CS

Figure 33-17. Write, ALE1

Write, ALE1

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]

Figure 33-18. Write, ALE1 + ALE2

Write, ALE1 + ALE2

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]


Figure 33-19. Read, ALE1

Read, ALE1

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]

Figure 33-20. Read, ALE1 + ALE2

Read, ALE1 + ALE2

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]


33.6 LPC 3 - Port ALE1 CS

Figure 33-21. Write


D[7:0]/A[7:0] A[7:0] D[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

Figure 33-22. Read


D[7:0]/A[7:0] A[7:0] D[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]


33.7 LPC 2 - Port ALE1 CS

Figure 33-23. Write


D[7:0]/A[7:0] A[7:0] D[7:0]

Figure 33-24. Read


D[7:0]/A[7:0] A[7:0] D[7:0]


33.8 SRAM 3 - Port ALE1 noCS

Figure 33-25. Write, no ALE

Write, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0]

A[19:16] A[19:16]

Figure 33-26. Write, ALE

Write, ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0]

A[19:16] A[19:16]


Figure 33-27. Read, no ALE

Read, no ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0]

A[19:16] A[19:16]

Figure 33-28. Read, ALE

Read, ALE

D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0]

A[19:16] A[19:16]


33.9 SRAM 4 - Port NOALE no CS

Figure 33-29. Write


D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

A[17:16] A[17:16]

A[21:18] A[21:18]

Figure 33-30. Read


D[7:0] D[7:0]

A[7:0] A[7:0]

A[15:8] A[15:8]

A[17:16] A[17:16]

A[21:18] A[21:18]


33.10 LPC 2 - Port ALE12 no CS

Figure 33-31. Write, ALE1

Write, ALE1

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]

Figure 33-32. Write, ALE1 + ALE2

Write, ALE1 + ALE2

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]


Figure 33-33. Read, ALE1

Read, ALE1

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]

Figure 33-34. Read, ALE1 + ALE2

Read, ALE1 + ALE2

D[7:0]/A[7:0]/A[15:8] A[15:8] A[7:0] D[7:0]


33.11 SDRAM init

Figure 33-35. SDRAM init

A[11:0] 0x400 Mode Register

Precharge All Banks


Auto Refresh**


Load Mode Register

* The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[2:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)

** The Auto Refresh and following NOPs are repeated 8 times
The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCYCDLY[2:0] (ROWCYCDLY = 1 is shown)


33.12 SDRAM 8-bit rwite

Figure 33-36. Single write

Single write

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0]



Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)

** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-37. Two consecutive writes

Two consecutive writes

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400 Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0] D[7:0]




Precharge All Banks





Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-38. Burst access within a single page

Burst access within a single page

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0] D[7:0] D[7:0]







* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown) Precharge All Banks

** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)

*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-39. Burst access crossing page boundary

Burst access crossing page boundary

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400 Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0] D[7:0] D[7:0]




Precharge All Banks







Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


33.13 SDRAM 8-bit read

Figure 33-40. Single read

Single read

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0]






Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)

** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-41. Two consecutive reads

Two consecutive reads

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400 Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0] D[7:0]






Precharge All Banks







Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

Data sampled
* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-42. Burst access within a single page

Burst access within a single page

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0] D[7:0] D[7:0]













Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled
* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-43. Burst access crossing page boundary

Burst access crossing page boundary

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400 Col Adr 0x400

D D[7:0] D[7:0] D[7:0]









Precharge All Banks








Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled
* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


33.14 SDRAM 4-bit rwite

Figure 33-44. Single write

Single write

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4]




Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)

** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-45. Two consecutive writes

Two consecutive writes

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400 Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4]





Precharge All Banks





Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-46. Burst access within a single page

Burst access within a single page

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4]







Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-47. Burst access crossing page boundary

Burst access crossing page boundary

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400 Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4]




Precharge All Banks







Precharge All Banks

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
*** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


33.15 SDRAM 4-bit read

Figure 33-48. Single read

Single read

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4]

Precharge All Banks






Clock suspend

Data sampled

Data sampled

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)

** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-49. Two consecutive reads

Two consecutive reads

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr 0x400 Row Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4]






Clock suspend


Precharge All Banks






Clock suspend


Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled
* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-50. Burst access within a single page

Burst access within a single page

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4]






Clock suspend




Clock suspend




Clock suspend


Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled
* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)
** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)

Figure 33-51. Burst access crossing page boundary

Burst access crossing page boundary

BA[1:0] Bank Adr 0x0 Bank Adr 0x0

A[11:0] Row Adr Col Adr Col Adr 0x400 Col Adr 0x400

D D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4] D[3:0] D[7:4]






Clock suspend




Clock suspend

Precharge All Banks







Clock suspend


Precharge All Banks

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

Data sampled

* The number of NOPs is equal to ROWCOLDLY[2:0] (ROWCOLDLY = 1 is shown)

** NOP is only inserted for CAS3
*** Clock suspended for 1 cycle when EBI is running at 1x and 1 or 2 cycles when EBI
is running at 2x, to enable sampling of data on the positive edge of the 1x clock.
**** The number of NOPs is equal to WRDLY[1:0] + 1 (WRDLY = 0 is shown)
***** The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)


33.16 SRAM refresh

Figure 33-52. Autorefresh when idle

Autorefresh when idle

Auto Refresh

* The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)

** The number of NOPs is equal to ESRDLY[2:0] (ESRDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-53. Autorefresh between two accesses

Autorefresh between two acesses

Precharge All


Auto Refresh

* The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)
** The number of NOPs is equal to ESRDLY[2:0] (ESRDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-54. Enter Self Refresh

Enter Self Refresh

Enter Self Refresh

* The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)

** The number of NOPs is equal to ESRDLY[2:0] (ESRDLY = 1 is shown)


Figure 33-55. Exit Self Refresh

Exit Self Refresh


* The number of NOPs is equal to RPDLY[1:0] (RPDLY = 1 is shown)

** The number of NOPs is equal to ESRDLY[2:0] (ESRDLY = 1 is shown)


34. Datasheet Revision History

Please note that the referring page numbers in this section are referring to this document. The
referring revision in this section are referring to the document revision.

34.1 8077H – 12/09

1. Updated ”CTRLB - Non-Volatile Memory Control Register B” on page 27.

2. Removed Spike detector from XMEGA A Manual
3. Removed Table 4-9 on page 34.
4. Updated ”System Clock and Clock options” on page 76.
5. Updated ”Internal Oscillators” on page 78.
6. Updated Figure 7-5 on page 80.
7. Updated ”Reset System” on page 102.
8. Updated Table 9-2 on page 106.
9. Updated ”I/O Pin Configuration” on page 131.
10. Updated ”Register Summary – Port Configuration” on page 148.
11. Updated ”STATUS - Real Time Counter Status Register” on page 192.
12. Updated the description of ”ADDR - TWI Slave Address Register” on page 226.
13. Updated ”Register Description - TWI Master” on page 217
14. Changed in all datasheet Res: Reserved to Reserved.
15. Updated IRCOM registers in ”Register Description” on page 249
16. Updated ”ADC - Analog to Digital Converter” on page 289.
17. Updated ”Program and Debug Interface” on page 344.

34.2 8077G – 04/09

1. Updated ”Register Description – Fuses and Lockbits” on page 30.

2. Updated ”Interrupt Vector Summary - NVM Controller” on page 48.
3. Updated ”COMP2 - Oscillator Compare Register 2” on page 93.
4. Moved ”TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter” on page 149 from section 26 to section 14.
5. Updated ”Interrupt Vector Summary” on page 204.
6. Updated ”EBI Timing” on page 277
7. Updated Figure 25-10 on page 295.
8. Updated ”Appendix A: EBI Timing Diagrams” on page 392.


34.3 8077F – 02/09

1. Updated ”STATUS: Battery Backup Status Register” on page 115.

2. Updated Table 9-2 on page 106.
3. Updated ”Conversion Result” on page 294.
4. Added ADC section ”Interrupt vector Summary” on page 316.
5. Updated ”Overview” on page 149.
6. Updated ”Capture Channel” on page 156.
7. Updated data sheet cross-references.

34.4 8077E – 01/09

1. Updated Figure 9-5 External reset characteristics in Section 9.4.3 ”External reset” on page 107.
2. Updated ”Capture Channel” on page 156.
3. Added ADC section ”ADC Input Model” on page 300.
4. Added DAC section ”DAC Output model” on page 318.

34.5 8077D – 12/08

1. Updated the front page.

2. Updated Feature list in ”Memories” on page 18.
3. Updated ”Production Signature Row” on page 20 and inserted ”User Signature Row” on page
Added Signtaure Row register description in Memory section, updated signature row summary
with byte addresses.
5. Updated ”MCUCR – MCU Control Register” on page 44.
6 Updated lication of BODACT fuse bits in FUSEBYTE5 in Section 4.22 ”Register Summary -
Fuses and Lockbits” on page 46.
7. Updated ”Interrupt Vector Summary - NVM Controller” on page 48.
8. Updated ”Priority Between Channels” on page 51.
9. Updated Overview in ”Event System” on page 65.
10. Updated ”Manually Generating Events” on page 67 and ”Event Routing Network” on page 67.
11. Updated ”Quadrature Decoder (QDEC)” on page 69.
12. Inserted a new section ”Battery Backup System” on page 111.
13. Updated title of the Table 13-7 on page 145: Event Channel 0 Output Configurations.
14. Updated Figure 13-1 ”General I/O pin functionality.” on page 130.
15. Updated Table 13-7 ”Event Channel 0 output configurations” on page 145.
16. Updated Figure 13-10 ”Port override signals and related logic” on page 137.


17. Added RTC section ”Interrupts and events” on page 190.

18. Updated ”Capture Channel” on page 156.
19. Updated ”Frequency Capture” on page 157.
20. Updated ”CTRLE - Control Register E” on page 167, ”Register Summary” on page 174 and ”TC
- 16-bit Timer/Counter” on page 379 by removing DTHM-bit register.
21. Updated RTC32 ”Overview” on page 196.
22. Inserted a new section ”RTC32 - 32-bit Real Time Counter” on page 196.
23. Updated ”STATUS– TWI Slave Status Register” on page 223, (Bit 7- DIF and Bit 6 - APIF).
24. Updated ”IRCOM Mode of Operation” on page 248.
25. Updated ”CTRLB - USART Control Register B” on page 250 (Bit 2).
26. Updated ”TXPLCTRL - IRCOM Transmitter Pulse Length Control Register” on page 257 and
”RXPLCTRL - IRCOM Receiver Pulse Length Control Register” on page 257 by inserting a
paragraph note.
27. Updated Bit 2 - SDROW in ”SDRAMCTRLA - SDRAM Control Register A” on page 279.
28. Updated EBI ”CTRLA - Chip Select Control Register A” on page 283 (Bit 1:0)
29. Updated ”Register Summary - EBI” on page 287 by inserting the page numbers in last column.
30. Added more details on unsigned input in the ADC section ”Input sources” on page 289.
31. Added ADC result representation figures in section ”Conversion Result” on page 294.
32. Added ADC section ”Compare function” on page 295.
33. Updated ADC section ”Calibration” on page 300.
34. Updated DAC section ”Timing constraints” on page 317.
35. Added ”Peripheral Module Address Map” on page 383.

34.6 8077C – 07/08

1. Updated Event System ”Features” on page 57.

2. Updated ”32 MHz Run-time Calibrated Internal Oscillator” on page 70.
3. Updated ”STATUS - PMIC Status Register” on page 119.
4. Updated ”Register Description” on page 173.
5. Updated ”Register Summary” on page 178.
6. Updated ”DES Instruction” on page 249.
7. Updated ”SDRAMCTRLC - SDRAM Control Register C” on page 272.
8. Updated ”TIMCTRL – DAC Timing Control Register” on page 309. Initial Value: 0110 0001.
9. Inserted general ”Register Summary” on page 374.
10. Inserted Interrupt vectors in manual and ”Interrupt Vector Summary” on page 383.
11. Inserted ”Appendix A: EBI Timing Diagrams” on page 390.


34.7 8077B – 06/08

1. Updated “Overview” , “AVR CPU” , “DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller” and “Memories” layout.
2. Updated bit names and register names in Section 5.14 ”Register Description – DMA Channel” on page
3. Updated bit names and register names in Section 4.20 ”Register Description – MCU Control” on page
4. Updated address register in Section 4.21 ”Register Summary - NVM Controller” on page 46.
5. Updated features in Section 6.1 ”Features” on page 65.
6. Updated bit name in Section 6.8.2 ”CHnCTRL – Event Channel n Control Register” on page 73.
7. Updated register format in Section 23.5 ”Register Description - AES” on page 263.
8. Updated register format, bit register and register names in Section 7. ”System Clock and Clock options”
on page 76.
9. Updated the table layout in Table 8-1 on page 96.
10. Updated register description in Section 8.6 ”Register Description – Power Reduction” on page 98.
11. Updated register description, register names and bit register in Section 14. ”TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter”
on page 149, in Section 15. ”AWeX – Advanced Waveform Extension” on page 175 and in Section 16.
”Hi-Res - High Resolution Extension” on page 187.
12. Updated register description, register names and bit register in Section 13. ”I/O Ports” on page 129, in
Section 19. ”TWI – Two Wire Interface” on page 204, in Section 17. ”RTC - Real Time Counter” on page
189, in Section 20. ”SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface” on page 228, in Section 21. ”USART” on page
234, in Section 22. ”IRCOM - IR Communication Module” on page 255 and in Section 25. ”ADC - Analog
to Digital Converter” on page 288.
13. Updated register description, register names and bit register in Section 26. ”DAC - Digital to Analog
Converter” on page 316, in Section 27. ”AC - Analog Comparator” on page 328, in Section 28. ”IEEE
1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan interface” on page 337, and in Section 29. ”Program and Debug Interface”
on page 344.
14. Removed “Possibility to drive output to ground” from Section 26.1 ”Features” on page 316.
15. Added “Internal/External reference” in Section 26.1 ”Features” on page 316.
16. Updated “Bit utilization” in Section 26.9.6 ”STATUS – DAC Status Register” on page 322.
17. Removed parentheses from the section’s title Section 26.9.10 ”CH1DATAL – DAC Channel 1 Data
Register Low byte” on page 325.
18. Added information text before the table in Section 26.10 ”Register Summary” on page 327.
19. Corrected the VSCALE formula in Section 27.9.4 ”CTRLB – Control Register B” on page 333.
20. Merged Section 23.3.2 and Section 23.3.3 in one Section 27.3.2 ”Internal Inputs” on page 330.
21. Changed “singed” to signed in Section 25.1 ”Features” on page 288.
22. Changed AWEXELOCK bit from position 4 to position 2 in Section 4.20.8 ”AWEXLOCK – Advanced
Waveform Extension Lock Register” on page 45, and updated the entire section and Section 4.25
”Register Summary - MCU Control” on page 48.
23. Added the last paragraph on Section 3.8 ”Stack and Stack Pointer” on page 9.
24. Inserted the correct Figure 14-1 on page 150.
25. Updated the Figure 14-2 on page 152.
26. Updated the Figure 13-10 on page 137.
27. Updated the Figure 25-18 on page 300 by removing the color.


28. Removed section 21.14.6. The removed section was only for the test.
29. Updated the Table 6-3 on page 71 with a footnote and cross-references to the footnote for PORTA_PINn
30. Changed connection description of CTRLA in Section 27.9.3 ”CTRLA – Control Register A” on page
333. AC0OUT is connected to pin 7, not on pin 0.
31. Updated the Section 4.1 ”Features” on page 18 with “Flexible Software CRC” in the feature list for the
32. Updated Figure 7-1 on page 77.
33. Removed Figure 28-4 on page 343 and Figure 28-5 on page 343 and replaced by ones drawn in visio.
34. Updated Figure 4-1 on page 19, Figure 4-2 on page 22 and Figure 4-3 on page 24.
35. Updated Figure 19-11 on page 211.
36. Corrected the bit 0 in Section 8.6.1 ”PR - General Power Reduction Register” on page 98 and in Section
8.7 ”Register Summary - Sleep” on page 101.
37. Updated the text in Section 9.4.6 ”Software reset” on page 109.
38. Updated the table notes in the Table 7-6 on page 89.
39. Updated the Figure 6-1 on page 66 with IRCOM.
40. Updated the Figure 29-1 on page 345.
41. Changed the initial value to FF on the RTC PERH and PERL registers in Section 17.3.8 ”PERH - Real
Time Counter Period Register High” on page 193 and in Section 17.3.9 ”PERL - Real Time Counter
Period Register L” on page 193.
42. Added a footnote in Table 13-5 on page 143 that explains the low level.
43. Updated the high byte and low byte in Section 4.26 ”Interrupt Vector Summary - NVM Controller” on
page 48.
44. Inserted a new Section 30. ”Memory Programming” on page 361.
45. Inserted a new figure Figure 2-1 on page 4.
46. Inserted a new figure Figure 3-1 on page 6.
47. Inserted new sections: ”EBI - External Bus Interface” on page 267, ”Memory Programming” on page
361, and ”Instruction Set Summary” on page 386.
48. Updated ”Virtual Registers” on page 138.
49. Deleted 2 Chapters: “Bootloader - Self-Programming” and Extern Programming.
50. Removed “TRUEGND” bit from ”Register Summary” on page 327.

34.8 8077A – 02/08

1. Initial revision


Table of Contents
1 About the Manual ..................................................................................... 2
1.1 Reading the Manual ..........................................................................................2
1.2 Resources .........................................................................................................2
1.3 Recommended Reading ....................................................................................2

2 Overview ................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Block Diagram ...................................................................................................4

3 AVR CPU .................................................................................................. 5

3.1 Features ............................................................................................................5
3.2 Overview ............................................................................................................5
3.3 Architectural Overview .......................................................................................5
3.4 ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit ...............................................................................7
3.5 Program Flow ....................................................................................................7
3.6 Instruction Execution Timing .............................................................................8
3.7 Status Register ..................................................................................................9
3.8 Stack and Stack Pointer ....................................................................................9
3.9 Register File ......................................................................................................9
3.10 RAMP and Extended Indirect Registers ..........................................................11
3.11 Accessing 16-bits Registers ............................................................................12
3.12 Configuration Change Protection ....................................................................12
3.13 Fuse Lock ........................................................................................................13
3.14 Register Description ........................................................................................13
3.15 Register Summary ...........................................................................................17

4 Memories ................................................................................................ 18
4.1 Features ..........................................................................................................18
4.2 Overview ..........................................................................................................18
4.3 Flash Program Memory ...................................................................................19
4.4 Fuses and Lockbits ..........................................................................................20
4.5 Data Memory ...................................................................................................22
4.6 Internal SRAM .................................................................................................22
4.7 EEPROM .........................................................................................................23
4.8 I/O Memory ......................................................................................................23
4.9 External Memory .............................................................................................23
4.10 Data Memory and Bus Arbitration ...................................................................23


4.11 Memory Timing ................................................................................................24

4.12 Device ID .........................................................................................................24
4.13 JTAG Disable ..................................................................................................24
4.14 IO Memory Protection ......................................................................................25
4.15 Register Description - NVM Controller ............................................................25
4.16 Register Description – Fuses and Lockbits .....................................................30
4.17 Register Description - Production Signature Row ...........................................36
4.18 Register Description – General Purpose I/O Memory .....................................42
4.19 Register Description – External Memory .........................................................42
4.20 Register Description – MCU Control ...............................................................42
4.21 Register Summary - NVM Controller ...............................................................46
4.22 Register Summary - Fuses and Lockbits .........................................................46
4.23 Register Summary - Production Signature Row ..............................................47
4.24 Register Summary - General Purpose I/O Registers ......................................48
4.25 Register Summary - MCU Control ...................................................................48
4.26 Interrupt Vector Summary - NVM Controller ....................................................48

5 DMA - Direct Memory Access Controller ............................................. 49

5.1 Features ..........................................................................................................49
5.2 Overview ..........................................................................................................49
5.3 DMA Transaction .............................................................................................50
5.4 Transfer Triggers .............................................................................................50
5.5 Addressing .......................................................................................................51
5.6 Priority Between Channels ..............................................................................51
5.7 Double Buffering ..............................................................................................51
5.8 Transfer Buffers ...............................................................................................51
5.9 Error detection .................................................................................................52
5.10 Software Reset ................................................................................................52
5.11 Protection ........................................................................................................52
5.12 Interrupts .........................................................................................................52
5.13 Register Description – DMA Controller ............................................................53
5.14 Register Description – DMA Channel ..............................................................55
5.15 Register Summary – DMA Controller ..............................................................64
5.16 Register Summary – DMA Channel ................................................................64
5.17 DMA Interrupt Vector Summary ......................................................................64

6 Event System ......................................................................................... 65


6.1 Features ..........................................................................................................65

6.2 Overview ..........................................................................................................65
6.3 Events ..............................................................................................................66
6.4 Event Routing Network ....................................................................................67
6.5 Event Timing ....................................................................................................69
6.6 Filtering ............................................................................................................69
6.7 Quadrature Decoder ........................................................................................69
6.8 Register Description ........................................................................................71
6.9 Register Summary ...........................................................................................75

7 System Clock and Clock options ......................................................... 76

7.1 Features ..........................................................................................................76
7.2 Overview ..........................................................................................................76
7.3 Clock Distribution .............................................................................................77
7.4 Clock Sources .................................................................................................78
7.5 System Clock Selection and Prescalers ..........................................................80
7.6 PLL with 1-31x Multiplication Factor ................................................................81
7.7 DFLL 2 MHz and DFLL 32 MHz ......................................................................81
7.8 External Clock Source Failure Monitor ............................................................82
7.9 Register Description - Clock ............................................................................84
7.10 Register Description - Oscillator ......................................................................87
7.11 Register Description - DFLL32M/DFLL2M ......................................................92
7.12 Register Summary - Clock ...............................................................................94
7.13 Register Summary - Oscillator .........................................................................94
7.14 Register Summary - DFLL32M/DFLL2M .........................................................94
7.15 Crystal Oscillator Failure Interrupt Vector Summary .......................................94

8 Power Management and Sleep ............................................................. 95

8.1 Features ..........................................................................................................95
8.2 Overview ..........................................................................................................95
8.3 Sleep Modes ....................................................................................................95
8.4 Power Reduction Registers .............................................................................97
8.5 Register Description – Sleep ...........................................................................97
8.6 Register Description – Power Reduction .........................................................98
8.7 Register Summary - Sleep ............................................................................101
8.8 Register Summary - Power Reduction ..........................................................101

9 Reset System ....................................................................................... 102


9.1 Features ........................................................................................................102

9.2 Overview ........................................................................................................102
9.3 Reset Sequence ............................................................................................104
9.4 Reset Sources ...............................................................................................104
9.5 Register Description ......................................................................................109
9.6 Register Summary .........................................................................................110

10 Battery Backup System ....................................................................... 111

10.1 Features ........................................................................................................111
10.2 Overview ........................................................................................................111
10.3 Battery Backup Module .................................................................................112
10.4 Main Power Loss ...........................................................................................113
10.5 Main Reset and Start-up Sequence ..............................................................113
10.6 Register Description ......................................................................................114
10.7 Register Summary .........................................................................................116

11 WDT – Watchdog Timer ....................................................................... 117

11.1 Features ........................................................................................................117
11.2 Overview ........................................................................................................117
11.3 Normal Mode Operation ................................................................................117
11.4 Window Mode Operation ...............................................................................118
11.5 Watchdog Timer clock ...................................................................................118
11.6 Configuration Protection and Lock ................................................................118
11.7 Registers Description ....................................................................................119
11.8 Register Summary .........................................................................................122

12 Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller ........ 123

12.1 Features ........................................................................................................123
12.2 Overview ........................................................................................................123
12.3 Operation .......................................................................................................123
12.4 Interrupts .......................................................................................................124
12.5 Interrupt level .................................................................................................125
12.6 Interrupt priority .............................................................................................125
12.7 Moving Interrupts Between Application and Boot Section .............................127
12.8 Register Description ......................................................................................127
12.9 Register Summary .........................................................................................128

13 I/O Ports ................................................................................................ 129

13.1 Features ........................................................................................................129


13.2 Overview ........................................................................................................129

13.3 Using the I/O Pin ...........................................................................................130
13.4 I/O Pin Configuration .....................................................................................131
13.5 Reading the Pin value ...................................................................................133
13.6 Input Sense Configuration .............................................................................134
13.7 Port Interrupt ..................................................................................................135
13.8 Port Event ......................................................................................................136
13.9 Alternate Port Functions ................................................................................136
13.10 Slew-rate Control ...........................................................................................137
13.11 Clock and Event Output .................................................................................137
13.12 Multi-configuration .........................................................................................138
13.13 Virtual Port Registers .....................................................................................138
13.14 Register Description – Ports ..........................................................................138
13.15 Register Description – Multiport Configuration ..............................................143
13.16 Register Description – Virtual Port ................................................................146
13.17 Register Summary – Ports ............................................................................148
13.18 Register Summary – Port Configuration ........................................................148
13.19 Register Summary – Virtual Ports .................................................................148
13.20 Interrupt vector Summary - Ports ..................................................................148

14 TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter .................................................................... 149

14.1 Features ........................................................................................................149
14.2 Overview ........................................................................................................149
14.3 Block Diagram ...............................................................................................151
14.4 Clock and Event Sources ..............................................................................153
14.5 Double Buffering ............................................................................................153
14.6 Counter Operation .........................................................................................154
14.7 Capture Channel ...........................................................................................156
14.8 Compare Channel .........................................................................................159
14.9 Interrupts and events .....................................................................................163
14.10 DMA Support. ................................................................................................164
14.11 Timer/Counter Commands ............................................................................164
14.12 Register Description ......................................................................................165
14.13 Register Summary .........................................................................................175
14.14 Interrupt Vector Summary .............................................................................175

15 AWeX – Advanced Waveform Extension ........................................... 176


15.1 Features ........................................................................................................176

15.2 Overview ........................................................................................................176
15.3 Port Override .................................................................................................177
15.4 Dead Time Insertion ......................................................................................179
15.5 Pattern Generation ........................................................................................180
15.6 Fault Protection .............................................................................................181
15.7 Register Description ......................................................................................182
15.8 Register Summary .........................................................................................187

16 Hi-Res - High Resolution Extension ................................................... 188

16.1 Features ........................................................................................................188
16.2 Overview ........................................................................................................188
16.3 Register Description ......................................................................................189
16.4 Register Summary .........................................................................................189

17 RTC - Real Time Counter ..................................................................... 190

17.1 Features ........................................................................................................190
17.2 Overview ........................................................................................................190
17.3 Register Description ......................................................................................191
17.4 Register Summary .........................................................................................196
17.5 Interrupt Vector Summary .............................................................................196

18 RTC32 - 32-bit Real Time Counter ...................................................... 197

18.1 Features ........................................................................................................197
18.2 Overview ........................................................................................................197
18.3 Register Description ......................................................................................198
18.4 Register Summary .........................................................................................204
18.5 Interrupt Vector Summary .............................................................................204

19 TWI – Two Wire Interface .................................................................... 205

19.1 Features ........................................................................................................205
19.2 Overview ........................................................................................................205
19.3 General TWI Bus Concepts ...........................................................................206
19.4 TWI Bus State Logic ......................................................................................212
19.5 TWI Master Operation ...................................................................................213
19.6 TWI Slave Operation .....................................................................................215
19.7 Enabling External Driver Interface .................................................................216
19.8 Register Description - TWI ............................................................................217
19.9 Register Description - TWI Master ................................................................217


19.10 Register Description - TWI Slave ..................................................................223

19.11 Register Summary - TWI ...............................................................................228
19.12 Register Summary - TWI Master ...................................................................228
19.13 Register Summary - TWI Slave .....................................................................228
19.14 Interrupt Vector Summary .............................................................................228

20 SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface ......................................................... 229

20.1 Features ........................................................................................................229
20.2 Overview ........................................................................................................229
20.3 Master Mode ..................................................................................................230
20.4 Slave Mode ....................................................................................................230
20.5 Data Modes ...................................................................................................231
20.6 DMA Support .................................................................................................232
20.7 Register Description ......................................................................................232
20.8 Register Summary .........................................................................................234
20.9 SPI Interrupt vectors ......................................................................................234

21 USART ................................................................................................... 235

21.1 Features ........................................................................................................235
21.2 Overview ........................................................................................................235
21.3 Clock Generation ...........................................................................................237
21.4 Frame Formats ..............................................................................................240
21.5 USART Initialization .......................................................................................241
21.6 Data Transmission - The USART Transmitter ...............................................241
21.7 Data Reception - The USART Receiver ........................................................242
21.8 Asynchronous Data Reception ......................................................................243
21.9 The Impact of Fractional Baud Rate Generation ...........................................246
21.10 USART in Master SPI Mode ..........................................................................247
21.11 USART SPI vs. SPI .......................................................................................247
21.12 Multi-processor Communication Mode ..........................................................248
21.13 IRCOM Mode of Operation ............................................................................249
21.14 DMA Support .................................................................................................249
21.15 Register Description ......................................................................................249
21.16 Register Summary .........................................................................................255
21.17 Interrupt Vector Summary .............................................................................255

22 IRCOM - IR Communication Module .................................................. 256

22.1 Features ........................................................................................................256


22.2 Overview ........................................................................................................256

22.3 Registers Description ....................................................................................258
22.4 Register Summary .........................................................................................259

23 Crypto Engines .................................................................................... 260

23.1 Features ........................................................................................................260
23.2 Overview ........................................................................................................260
23.3 DES Instruction ..............................................................................................260
23.4 AES Crypto Module .......................................................................................261
23.5 Register Description - AES ............................................................................264
23.6 Register Summary - AES ..............................................................................267
23.7 AES Interrupt vector ......................................................................................267

24 EBI - External Bus Interface ................................................................ 268

24.1 Features ........................................................................................................268
24.2 Overview ........................................................................................................268
24.3 Chip Select ....................................................................................................268
24.4 I/O Pin Configuration .....................................................................................269
24.5 EBI Clock .......................................................................................................270
24.6 SRAM Configuration ......................................................................................270
24.7 SRAM LPC Configuration ..............................................................................272
24.8 SDRAM Configuration ...................................................................................273
24.9 Combined SRAM & SDRAM Configuration ...................................................275
24.10 EBI Timing .....................................................................................................277
24.11 Register Description - EBI .............................................................................279
24.12 Register Description - EBI Chip Select ..........................................................284
24.13 Register Summary - EBI ................................................................................288
24.14 Register Summary - EBI Chip Select ............................................................288

25 ADC - Analog to Digital Converter ..................................................... 289

25.1 Features ........................................................................................................289
25.2 Overview ........................................................................................................289
25.3 Input sources .................................................................................................290
25.4 ADC Channels ...............................................................................................293
25.5 Voltage reference selection ...........................................................................294
25.6 Conversion Result .........................................................................................294
25.7 Compare function ..........................................................................................296
25.8 Starting a conversion .....................................................................................296


25.9 ADC Clock and Conversion Timing ...............................................................296

25.10 ADC Input Model ...........................................................................................300
25.11 DMA transfer .................................................................................................301
25.12 Interrupts and events .....................................................................................301
25.13 Calibration .....................................................................................................301
25.14 Channel priority .............................................................................................301
25.15 Synchronous sampling ..................................................................................301
25.16 Register Description - ADC ...........................................................................302
25.17 Register Description - ADC Channel .............................................................309
25.18 Register Summary - ADC ..............................................................................315
25.19 Register Summary - ADC Channel ................................................................315
25.20 Interrupt vector Summary ..............................................................................316

26 DAC - Digital to Analog Converter ..................................................... 317

26.1 Features ........................................................................................................317
26.2 Overview ........................................................................................................317
26.3 Starting a conversion .....................................................................................318
26.4 Output channels ............................................................................................318
26.5 DAC Output model ........................................................................................318
26.6 DAC clock ......................................................................................................319
26.7 Timing constraints .........................................................................................319
26.8 Low Power mode ...........................................................................................319
26.9 Calibration .....................................................................................................319
26.10 Register Description ......................................................................................320
26.11 Register Summary .........................................................................................327

27 AC - Analog Comparator ..................................................................... 328

27.1 Features ........................................................................................................328
27.2 Overview ........................................................................................................328
27.3 Input Channels ..............................................................................................330
27.4 Start of Signal Compare ................................................................................330
27.5 Generating Interrupts and Events ..................................................................330
27.6 Window Mode ................................................................................................330
27.7 Input hysteresis .............................................................................................331
27.8 Power consumption vs. propagation delay ....................................................331
27.9 Register Description ......................................................................................331
27.10 Register Summary .........................................................................................336


27.11 Interrupt vector Summary ..............................................................................336

28 IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan interface ..................................... 337

28.1 Features ........................................................................................................337
28.2 Overview ........................................................................................................337
28.3 TAP - Test Access Port .................................................................................338
28.4 JTAG instructions ..........................................................................................339
28.5 Data registers ................................................................................................341
28.6 Boundary-scan chain .....................................................................................342

29 Program and Debug Interface ............................................................. 344

29.1 Features ........................................................................................................344
29.2 Overview ........................................................................................................344
29.3 PDI Physical ..................................................................................................345
29.4 JTAG Physical ...............................................................................................350
29.5 PDI Controller ................................................................................................353
29.6 Register Description - PDI Instruction and Addressing Registers .................357
29.7 Register Description - PDI Control and Status Register ................................359
29.8 Register Summary .........................................................................................361

30 Memory Programming ......................................................................... 362

30.1 Features ........................................................................................................362
30.2 Overview ........................................................................................................362
30.3 NVM Controller ..............................................................................................363
30.4 NVM Commands ...........................................................................................363
30.5 NVM Controller Busy .....................................................................................363
30.6 Flash and EEPROM Page Buffers ................................................................364
30.7 Flash and EEPROM Programming Sequences .............................................365
30.8 Protection of NVM .........................................................................................366
30.9 Preventing NVM Corruption ...........................................................................366
30.10 CRC Functionality ..........................................................................................366
30.11 Self-Programming and Boot Loader Support ................................................367
30.12 External Programming ...................................................................................379
30.13 Register Description ......................................................................................385
30.14 Register Summary .........................................................................................385

31 Peripheral Module Address Map ........................................................ 386

32 Instruction Set Summary .................................................................... 388


33 Appendix A: EBI Timing Diagrams ..................................................... 392

33.1 SRAM 3-Port ALE1 CS ..................................................................................392
33.2 SRAM 3-Port ALE12 CS ................................................................................394
33.3 SRAM 4 -Port ALE2 CS .................................................................................397
33.4 SRAM 4 - Port NOALE CS ............................................................................399
33.5 LPC 2 - Port ALE12 CS .................................................................................400
33.6 LPC 3 - Port ALE1 CS ...................................................................................402
33.7 LPC 2 - Port ALE1 CS ...................................................................................403
33.8 SRAM 3 - Port ALE1 noCS ............................................................................404
33.9 SRAM 4 - Port NOALE no CS .......................................................................406
33.10 LPC 2 - Port ALE12 no CS ............................................................................407
33.11 SDRAM init ....................................................................................................409
33.12 SDRAM 8-bit rwite .........................................................................................410
33.13 SDRAM 8-bit read .........................................................................................414
33.14 SDRAM 4-bit rwite .........................................................................................418
33.15 SDRAM 4-bit read .........................................................................................422
33.16 SRAM refresh ................................................................................................425

34 Datasheet Revision History ................................................................ 429

34.1 8077H – 12/09 ...............................................................................................429
34.2 8077G – 04/09 ...............................................................................................429
34.3 8077F – 02/09 ...............................................................................................430
34.4 8077E – 01/09 ...............................................................................................430
34.5 8077D – 12/08 ...............................................................................................430
34.6 8077C – 07/08 ...............................................................................................431
34.7 8077B – 06/08 ...............................................................................................432
34.8 8077A – 02/08 ...............................................................................................433

Table of Contents....................................................................................... i

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