DLL Science 8-4thQ-2
DLL Science 8-4thQ-2
DLL Science 8-4thQ-2
G. Finding Ask one member of the Recite in front of the class Complete the idea map about Make a diagram showing
practical/applications of group to report and share some treatment and digestion. the process of digestion.
concepts and skills in the group's sharing in the procedures affecting the
daily living entire class. Sharing digestive system.
about the diseases and
their signs and
H. Making generalizations and Some common diseases PDF Presentation. There are two ways that The digestive system carries
abstractions about the lesson of the digestive system Teacher will present a occur to food at different out the following processes:
are: Appendicitis, pdf file to discuss times and places along the ingestion of food, digestion
Colorectal cancer , some procedures and digestive tube. Physical of food, absorption of
Diverticulitis, treatment affecting the change occurs when large nutrients and excretion of
Salmonellosis, digestive system. food pieces are broken wastes. These processes are
Gastroenteritis , Ulcer, down into smaller pieces. part of a continuous
The food is still in the same biological event and are
Gastritis, Gastroenteritis,
form. Only the size and related to each other. These
Colitis, and Food
shape of food particles are processes work together to
Poisoning. different. Chewing by the enable organisms to obtain
teeth causes this change in energy from the food they
food. Grinding and mixing eat.
also cause physical change.
Chemical change occurs
when food changes into
forms which cells can use.
The digestive system makes
chemicals that help with the
chemical changes. These
chemicals are added to food
as it moves through the
organs of the digestive
syste. The chemicals are
called enzymes.
I. Evaluating Learning Describe the signs and Memorize treatment Bromelain refers to a group of In life we go through
symptoms of these and procedures enzymes from bromeliad plants different journey, it is up
diseases or how they are affecting digestive that break down proteins. They to us on how we make the
detected. system. are proteases. Bromelain is journey fulfilled and
found in fresh pineapples. successful.
J.Additional activities for Research about digestive Research on some Complete the sentence. So far I Research about a common
application or remediation system diseases and its preventive measures in learned that … diseases of the digestive
treatment. protecting and caring the system particulary their
digestive system. signs and symptoms.
VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students, progress this week. What works?
What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for
you so when you meet them, you can ask relevant questions.
A.No. of learners who earned
80% of the formative assessment
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C.Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?