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Crtical Review

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No Judul

Safety Risks Assessment on Container Terminal Using Hazard

Identification and Risk Assessment and Fault Tree Analysis Methods

2 A risk assessment approach for enhancing construction safety performance

Identification of the risk factors associated with cheese

3 production to implement the hazard analysis and critical
control points (HACCP) system on cheese farms

4 Cost-based fire risk assessment in natural gas industry by means of fuzzy FTA and ETA

Preliminary hazard identification for risk

5 assessment on a complex system for hydrogen

Using stakeholders’ Judgement and Fuzzy Logic Theory to Analyze the Risk Influencing Factors in
Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects: Case Study in Iraq, Stage II

7 Environmental risk source management system for thepetrochemical industry

Conducting a drought-specific THIRA (Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment): A
8 powerful tool for integrating all-hazard mitigation and drought planning efforts to increase drought
mitigation quality

Assessment Risiko Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Menurut Variabel OHSAS Dengan
10 Menggunakan Metode HIRA, HAZID dan HAZOP (Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Ciputra
World Phase 3, Surabaya)
Tahun Penulis

2016 Sunaryoa, Mochamad Aditya Hamka

Muizz O. Sanni-Anibirea, Abubakar

S. Mahmouda, Mohammad A.
Babatunde A. Salamic

Conrado Carrascosa, Rafael Millán,

2016 Pedro Saavedra, José Raduán Jaber,
António Raposo, and Esther Sanjuán

Navid Hosseini, Saeed Givehchi,

Reza Maknoon

Hefaidh Hadef, Belkhir Negrou, Tom

as Gonz alez Ayuso,
M ebarek Djebabra, Mohamad

Layth Kraidi, Raj Shah, Wilfred

Matipa, and Fiona Borthwick

Qinqin Chen, Qian Jia, Zengwei

Yuan∗, Lei Huang

Elliot D. Wickhama, Deborah

Bathkeb, Tarik Abdel-Monemc,
2019 Tonya Bernadtb, Denise Bullingc,
Lisa Pytlik-Zilligc, Crystal Stilesd,
Nicole Wallb
Hafiz Nurcahyo Eka Putra, Arief
Subekti, Aulia Nadia Rachmad

Anita Trisiana , Dwi Sanjaya Ali Yafi,

Anik Ratnaningsih
Critical Review Penelitian Bidang…


Procedia Engineering

Safety Science

American Dairy Science Association

Loss Prevention in the Process Industries

Hydrogen Energy

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Disaster Risk Reduction

Proceeding 1st Conference on Safety Engineering and Its

Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan

Critical Review Penelitian Bidang…

Tujuan Penelitian

The study is aimed to conduct safety assessment that can be used further
for minimising work accidents at the port.

This study aims at developing a risk assessment approach that can

be used to enhance the safety performance of construction projects. The paper also provided
recommendations to improve the safety performance of the case study.

The purpose of this paper was to evaluate, by statistical analyses, risk factors on cheese farms that can
influence the microbial contamination of their products.

This study addressed the issue of quantitative risk assessment when plant-specific historical
failure data is deficient.

The present paper presents a risk analysis study for the EGA-
9000 hydrogen production system.

This study aims to identify and analyze potential risk influencing factors using a more integrated risk
analysis framework.

To identify environmental risk sources within the petrochemical industry with a bow-tie analysis,
evaluate environ-mental risk sources with an integrated environmental risk assessment index, and
classify environmental risk sourcesconsidering both environmental consequences and management

To address potential drought planning gaps

(1) Menganilsa risiko pada perlengkapan di unit steam turbine pada PT.X
menggunakan metode FMECA (2) Menentukan prioritas perbaikan menggunakan metode TOPSIS (3)
urutan prioritas perbaikan yang dihasilkan oleh metpde FMECA dan metode TOPSIS.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor risiko dan risiko dominan serta
pengendalian risiko dalam proyek tersebut.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

(HIRA) method and Fault Tree Analysis
(FTA) method

Risk Assessment

Hazard Analysis
and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Fault Tree

Analysis (FTA) and Event Tree Analysis
FAST (Functional
Analysis System Technique) functional
analysis method and HAZOP (HAZard and

Stakeholders’ Judgement and Fuzzy Logic

bow-tie analysis, an integrated environmental

risk assessment index

Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk

Assessment (THIRA)
FMECA dan Technique for Order of
Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution



There are five hazards that have very high level of risk i.e. worker struck by falling hatch cover or container; wo
slips, trips or falls; worker trapped by container; worker struck by truck; and truck struck by quay crane. And t
most common root causes are unclear SOP, Corroded parts, bad weather, messy operation room, improper person
recruitment and training, and unclear regulation.

The study revealed that the type of accident with the highest
risk score is “falling objects”, while the most significant cause is excessive winds on the project site. the average p
performance was at 2.33-sigma which implies that 228,739 accidents may occur in every million opportunitie

The results revealed that the highest contamination by Staph. aureus was found in milk, and the highest contaminatio
coli was found in cheese.

The calculated risk is categorized as ‘Moderate’ level of risk.

The evaluation of the thirty-three scenarios

identified by the risk analysis shows that the studied system is insecure. Indeed, five
scenarios at an unacceptable level of risk. And it is noted that the risk of fire and explosion
is the major risk for all scenarios studied.
The range of the RIFs reflects the fact that the critical RIFs in OGPs in Iraq are the safety and security RIFs, which
threaten these projects during their planning and design, construction, and operation stages. Also the survey
results showed that explicit attention needs to be paid to find out exactly what motivates
intentional TPD.

Developed the software,named PIERSMSPI, for the routine inspection and manage-ment of environmental risk so
within the petrochemicalindustry.

The plans in this analysis scored low for drought mitigation efforts, the opportunity exists to improve plan quality
Hasil analisa risiko menggunakan metode FMECA menunjukkan bahwa sudu mengalami korosi mendapatkan priorit
dalam pengawasan. Sedangkan pada metode TOPSIS prioritas pengawasan diterima oleh sludge menempel pada sud

Hasil yang didapatkan adalah terdapat 48 jenis faktor risiko, 47 dengan kategori sedang dan 1 dengan kategori ren
Terdapat 5 risiko dominan dan 12 pengendalian untuk risiko tersebut.

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