Unit-2-Properties of Nanomaterials
Unit-2-Properties of Nanomaterials
Unit-2-Properties of Nanomaterials
Nano particles can make materials more chemically reactive and affect
their strength or electrical properties.
Second, quantum effects can begin to dominate the behaviour of matter
at the Nanoscale
Nanoscale materials are divided into three category,
1. Zero dimension – length , breadth and heights are confined at single
point. (for example, Nano dots)
2. One dimension – It has only one parameter either length (or) breadth
(or) height ( example:very thin surface coatings)
3. Two dimensions- it has only length and breadth (for example,
nanowires and nanotubes)
4. Three dimensions -it has all parameter of length, breadth and height.
(for example, Nano Particles).
Melting Point
Optical absorption spectrum of 20- and 80-nm gold nanoparticles embedded in glass.
[Adapted from F. Gonella et al., in Handbook of Nanostructured Material and Nanotechnology,
H. S. Nalwa, ed., Academic Press, San Diego, 2000, Vol. 4, Chapter 2, p.85.]
Optical Properties Due to increase energy level
• Energy levels: from atoms to bulk materials…
– The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that electrons can only
exist in unique, discrete energy states.
– In an atom the energy states couple together through spin-
orbit interactions to form the energy levels When atoms are
brought together in a bulk material, the energy states form
nearly continuous bands of states, or in semiconductors and
insulators, nearly continuous bands separated by an energy
Optical Properties
• Energy level spacing and quantum
– Semiconductor nanoparticles that exhibit 3
dimensional confinement in their electronic
band structure are called quantum dots.
– What does this all mean?
• Quantum dots are band gap tunable.
• We can engineer their optical properties by
controlling their size.
• For this reason quantum dots are highly desirable
for biological tagging.
Optical Properties
• Energy level spacing and quantum confinement
– As semiconductor particle size is reduced the band gap is
– Absorbance and luminescence spectra are blue shifted with
decreasing particle size.
Jyoti K. Jaiswal and Sanford M. Simon. Potentials and pitfalls of fluorescent quantum
dots for biological imaging. TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.9 September 2004
Optical Properties
Coulomb charging and Tunneling
The principal of quantum
Electrons exhibit wave behavior
and their position is presented by a
wave(probability) function.
Then we are be able to put many such layers in one chip. So, typical
sizes below 100 nanometers will be required in the future for such
M L C C or multi layer ceramic capacitor applications.
Decrease the size of the particle for the same area you can put more
number of particles if you have smaller particles, Hence this is very
important property of nanostructured materials.
Thermal Properties
Heat is transported in materials by two different mechanisms: