B. Inggris 3 Latihan
B. Inggris 3 Latihan
B. Inggris 3 Latihan
TAHUN 2019/2020
42. The suitable expression to complete A. Create the new world for the
the dialogue is .... generation
B. We must be aware of the monster lifespan in their natural habitat, but it is
also believed that they can live longer ...
C. People must prepare to survive
they are under human care. Just like
D. Live in the world peacefuly human, they sleep ... 48
about 8 hours in
their underground burrows. They have a
wide variety of color, start from white,
44. The phrase “we could be a world brown, black and grey, but most of them
united” in the song lyric means ....
have a combination of some colors.
A. every country has different race Rabbits communicate to each other by
performing various body position and
B. we need peace living in the world
also by making a few sounds.
C. we need good leaders in the world
46. A. recorded
D. there are many people in the B. thought
world C. predicted
D. examined
Shop-keeper : Can I help you Sir?
Customer : Yes. I want to buy a cloth
47. A. because
for my son. He is five years old. Can you
give me a suggestion?
C. if
Shop-keeper : Ok. I have two models for
D. so
your son. The first is a cloth with animal
picture and the second is a cloth with
48. A. from
robot picture
B. to
Customer : My son really likes to
C. for
watch robotic movie.
D. at
Shop-keeper : I suggest you to choose
the cloth with robot picture.
49. Arrange the jumbled sentences into
Customer : .....
a good order of how to take a picture
Shop-keeper : I think so.
using a camera.
Cutormer : OK. I will buy this
45. Which option is correct to fill the 1. Center the object in the LCD and
gap? manage the zoom control untill you
A. I agree with you. He will like it. get the best view
B. He will be sad if I buy this for him
C. I think he will hate the robot 2. When you are ready to take the
picture picture, hold the shutter speed, and
various other calculations.
D. In my opinion he prefer animal
3. Then, a light should appear that let
picture you know the camera is set to go.
A. 4 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 2
B. 3 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 1
C. 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 1
D. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3