Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
This chapter presents the research method used in the conduct of this
study. It likewise introduced the sources of data, the data gathering procedure
and requisite instrument to achieve the desired goal of the study. It also includes
Research Method
This research will use the descriptive research design to answer the
Accomplishment. It will also look into the level of awareness of Gender and
along Policies; Program and Activities; and Gender Equality and Sensitivity.
Sources of data
The basic data in this study will come from the primary and secondary
sources. The primary sources came from the responses of the respondents using
the survey questionnaire. The secondary source will come from the documents
like inventory report of facilities and equipment, profile teachers, annual report of
problem number 2 and 3 will be gathered from the responses of the respondents
through survey questionnaire. The action plan will be based from the findings and
Table 1
Research Respondents
The Tabaco City Division composed of eight districts. These are the ____.
Each school has their respective coordinator which will serve as the primary
Research Instrument
personal profile of the respondents (GAD Coordinator); and the second part is
Program. The study used a Likert-type of survey questionnaire that will give the
High - 2.25-3.00 - 3
Moderate - 1.68-2.34 - 2
Not/Low - 1.00-1.67 - 1
These scales are base from awareness on Gender and Development
first phase will be on face validation which will conducted by the Thesis
Committee during the presentation of the research tool of the study. The second
will be on the content validation done by the external validators will be suggested
by the thesis committee during the proposal examination. Letters to the external
validators will be distributed together with the research instrument upon the
The basic data in this study came from the primary and secondary
sources. The primary sources are the responses that were gathered through
questionnaires. First, the researcher will seek permission from the adviser to
conduct the research. After seeking the permission from the adviser, the
researcher will also seek permission from the School District Superintendent and
later at the School Principal. Right after, the researcher will start the conduct of
the research.
to the respondents. The gathering of the data will be done based from the
availability of the respondents on the day and time the questionnaires distributed.
After, the tabulation and interpretation, the researcher will conduct interview to
selected GAD coordinator by district. This will be employed to support the clarity
The statistical tool will use in this study is the frequency count, weighted
mean, and percentage. This is the method by which the number of respondents,
X =f (w)
P = n x 100
P - Percentage
n - Given quantity
X2c = E[o-e]
o = observed frequencies
e = expected frequencies
Jose F. Calderon and Expectacion Gonzalez.Method of Research and