ESO Data Dictionary
ESO Data Dictionary
ESO Data Dictionary
Phase 2
Section Control
Section Purpose
This document represents the third deliverable of Phase 2 of the ESO Data Dictionary
Project being the ESO Data Dictionary.
Section Identification
Section title Deliverable 3 – Data Dictionary
ESO Data Dictionary Project Phase 2
Section filename ESO Data Dictionary Phase 2 - D Data Dictionary V4
Section Production
Client Contact Melanie Stutchbury,
Project Manager, Fire and Rescue NSW
Telephone: 02 9265 2674
Table of Contents
1. Overview 5
1.1 The Project 5
1.2 This Document 5
3. Data Dictionary 14
3.1 Annotations 14
3.2 Dictionary Content 14
4. Code Tables 35
4.1 Classifications and Codes 35
4.2 Activity Type 36
4.3 Event Type 42
4.4 Other Restructured Classifications 44
4.5 Roles in Relationships 45
4.6 Granularity of Coding Levels 45
5. Document Sources 46
1.1 The Project
The National Disaster Mitigation Program has initiated a Project to develop a Data Model,
Data Classification Scheme and Data Dictionary to support collection of common,
consistent and relevant data for Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Phase 1 of this Project developed three draft, high level data models (core class models)
and associated environmental scan and gap analysis.
Phase 2 of the Project has reviewed the Phase 1 draft data models and merged the business
content of these models into a single overall model. This model has then been extended to
include a detailed classification model and data dictionary for activity related data.
Phase 2 is introducing revised terminology to remove ambiguity that remained after Phase
1. The deliverables resulting from Phase 2 include the following:
The Core Class Model: representing the high-level classes of data.
The Initial Classification Model
The Data Dictionary, which is the subject of this document.
1As a project progresses through an enterprise view, a business system view and eventually an
application view, a data dictionary contains more and more information about the data item.
Specifies Combination,
Calculation &
The Data Dictionary focuses on defining the data items that we would need to maintain
about each specific Activity. If we maintain information about each specific activity, then
we can create a wide range of reports by assembling and summarising data concerning
selected groups of activities.
As discussed in the methodology chapter of the Classification Model deliverable, the
nature of an item of data is that it is either:-
A classifier (it classifies a core class),
A relationship (it defines the relationship between core classes), or,
A descriptor (it describes a core class).
The Classification Model provided an insight as to classifiers and relationship data for
ESO’s. Types of descriptive data can be summarised by the classification structure below:-
Field Groups
Fields are grouped into ‘Field Groups’ where each field group contains a set of Fields
which serve a specific purpose in describing the Core Class.
These are fields that serve to identify a specific instance of a core class. The important
aspect of these fields is that they uniquely identify an instance of the Core Class. For
example, an Event Identifier field must contain a value that is unique to a particular
Event. Often these fields will contain a system imposed identifier or a name.
These are fields which indicate that the instance of the Core Class belongs to a particular
subtype of core class, e.g. a particular type of Activity. Note that the classification schemes,
and the consequent subtype values are documented in the Classification Model.
In the simple case, the Core Class is classified by a classification scheme which results in a
set of subtype values. Here, the classification scheme from the Classification Model
becomes the name of a field in the data dictionary and the subtype values become the
values that can be placed in the field (referred to as the value domain or logical codeset).
These values are typically implemented in an information system as a set of short codes,
each code item corresponding to a classification value.
In the more complex case, the subtype values, themselves, have classification schemes.
These schemes form a further breakdown of the overall concept into narrower
classification values. This is particularly apparent in the ‘Type’ schemes within the
Classification Model. In the Data Dictionary, the highest level classification scheme is
referred to as the ‘level 1’ scheme, the next level down are referred to as a ‘level 2’ schemes,
and finally, the lowest level schemes are referred to as the ‘level 3’ schemes.
The ESO Classification Model does not necessarily subset concepts into three levels of
classification. To implement a three level coding system in the Data Dictionary
Framework, classification schemes and values in the Classification Model have been
restructured to create a three level structure, and code tables are created which define
codes to be used to represent each classification value.
Value Code
Description Attributes
These are fields which provide free-form textual or graphical descriptions or definitions of
the instance of the core class.
These are fields which indicate the date, time of recording and party who created the
record. (These would typically be automatically generated by the system).
Defining Characteristics
A set of defining characteristics is documented for each field in the data dictionary.
Technical personnel refer to these characteristics as ‘metadata’ (data about data).
Field Name: A unique name for the field.
Definition: A textual description of the business meaning of the field.
Purpose: A textual description of the contribution the field makes to activity
Data Type: The format of the field, e.g., text, number, date
Minimum Characters: Minimum number of characters (if relevant)
Maximum Characters: Maximum number of characters (if relevant)
Business Rule: A rule which relates values in this field to values in another field (if
Code List: An indication that a list of logical codes used in the field is available
Examples: Examples of use (optional)
3.1 Annotations
The following annotations are used in the data dictionary presented below.
OP = Optional
MA = Mandatory
ALPHA = Alphanumeric
BIOB = Binary Object
NUM = Numeric
ACTIVITY An ACTIVITY is anything that the Emergency Services Organisation does, either in delivering services or supporting its own
Activity Type Specifies the class To group Activities of a similar CODE 2 2 YES See
Level 1 (classification or type) of the nature for reporting and Section
Activity at the broadest level of analysis purposes. 5.2
classification according to the
Event Role)) The role that the Event takes in Identifies a classification of role CODE 1 1 YES
the Activity. played by an event involved in
the Activity.
Temporal, Quantity and Descriptive Attributes to be defined in a Business System View for all relationships
Activity Role)) The role that another Activity Report on the relationship
takes with respect to the between Activities.
Activity Start The date the Activity started To identify and/or group DATE 10 10 Mandato
Date Activities that commenced on a ry field
particular date for reporting
and analysis purposes.
Activity Start The time the Activity started To identify and/or group TIME 0 8 Linked
Time Activities that commenced at a to
Temporal Attributes
Activity non- A representation of the Activity This could take the form of media files in standard file formats (e.g. .PNG, .MPEG, .AVI)
Textual in graphical or pictorial form
Activity non- The format of the Activity non- This could take the form of media files in standard file formats (e.g. .PNG, .MPEG, .AVI)
Textual textural description
Creator ID Unique identifier of party Used for audit and quality Format dependent upon local installation.
responsible for the creation of control purposes.
the record
Timestamp Date The date the record was Used for audit and quality DATE 10 10
created. control purposes.
Timestamp The time the record was Used for audit and quality TIME 0 8
Time created. control purposes.
EVENT An EVENT is a happening or occurrence that is of interest to the Emergency Services Organisation.
Event Name Unique Title for an event This is an optional field, which could be replaced by event descriptor (see below).
Event Type L1 A classification of Events that To group Events CODE 2 2 YES See
distinguishes incidents from of a similar Section
other types of events at the nature for 5.3
broadest level that is of interest reporting and
to the ESO. analysis
Event Type L2 A classification of Events that To group Events CODE 2 2 Defined YES
Event Type L3 A classification of Events that To group Events CODE 2 2 Defined YES
distinguishes incidents from of a similar Parent
other types of events at the nature for
lower level that is of interest to reporting and
the ESO. analysis
Event Role)) The role that another Event Report on the CODE 1 1 YES
takes in relation to the current role of an Event
Event. in the occurrence
Relationship Identifiers
(Event) causation.
Location Role)) The role that the Location Report on the CODE 1 1 YES
takes in the Event. role of Location
in a particular
Event Start Time The time the Event started. To identify TIME 8 8 Linked to
and/or group Event
Events that Start Date
commenced at a
particular time
within a day for
Temporal Attributes
reporting and
Event Finish Date The date the Event finished. To identify DATE 10 10
and/or group
Events that
commenced on a
particular date
for reporting and
Event Finish Time The time the Event finished. To identify and 8 8 Linked to
group Events that TIME Event
commenced at a Finish
particular time of Date
day for reporting
and analysis
Creator ID Unique identifier of party Used for audit Format dependent upon local installation.
responsible for the creation of and quality
the record. control
Timestamp Date The date the record was Used for audit DATE
Timestamp Time The time the record was Used for audit TIME
created. and quality
LOCATION A LOCATION is any point, line, or area of interest to the Emergency Services Organisation.
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Location ID Unique identifier for a Location. To uniquely A Location ID is conventionally defined by one or more
identify a standards (e.g. Lat/long). For effective reporting, it will be
Location Name Unique title for a Location. This is an optional field, which could be replaced by location descriptor (see
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Location quantitative information could include: height, area, gradient, distance, etc.
Creator ID Unique identifier of party Used for audit Format dependent upon local installation.
responsible for the creation of and quality
the record control
Timestamp Date The date the record was created. Used for audit DATE 10 10
and quality
Timestamp Time The time the record was created. Used for audit TIME
and quality
MATERIAL A MATERIAL is any item or substance of interest to the Emergency Services Organisation.
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Material ID Unique identifier for a To uniquely Unique identification of Materials will be particularly important
Material. identify a for Appliances and other mobile equipment. A formalised
Material Name Unique title for a Material. This is an optional field, which could be replaced by material descriptor (see
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Material Type L3 A classification of Material at To group CODE 2 2 Defined YES
the lower level that is of Materials of a Parent
interest to the ESO. similar nature
for reporting
and analysis
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Material Ownership A binary classification scheme To distinguish B/C 1 1 YES
Type that differentiates between between
Materials, based on whether or Materials
not the ESO is the owner. involved in the
Activity which
are owned by
the ESO.
Material Start Date The date at which the Material To report on DATE 10 10
became involved in the Activity. the duration of
use of the
Temporal Attributes
Material in the
Material Start Time The time at which the Material To report on DATE 8 8
became involved in the Activity. the duration of
use of the
material in the
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Material Finish Date The date at which the Material To report on DATE 10 10
ceased to be involved in the the duration of
Activity. use of the
Temporal Attributes
material in the
Material Finish Time The time at which the Material To report on DATE 8 8
ceased to be involved in the the duration of
Activity. use of the
material in the
Quantity of Material The quantity of Material used Defines the NUM 0 Infinite
involved in the Activity amount of
involved in the
Quantity Attributes
Unit of Measure of The unit of measure used to Defines the CODE Linked to YES
Quantity qualify the quantity of Material. unit of measure Quantity
to be used of
when Material
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Creator ID Unique identifier of party Used for audit Format dependent upon local installation
responsible for the creation of and quality
the record. control
Timestamp Date The date the record was Used for audit DATE
Timestamp Time The time the record was Used for audit TIME
created. and quality
PARTY A PARTY is any individual, organisation, animal, group of animals, that is of interest to the EMERGENCY SERVICE
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Type Min Max Business Code List Examples
Field Group
Char Char Rule
Party ID Unique identifier for a Party. To uniquely For individuals especially, a unique national identification
identify a scheme is highly desirable, in order to facilitate skill sharing and
Party across resourcing over extended periods.
all ESO’s
This may require synchronisation with existing human resource
Party Name Unique title for a Party. This is an optional field, which could be replaced by party descriptor (see
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Type Min Max Business Code List Examples
Field Group
Char Char Rule
Creator ID Unique identifier of party Used for Format dependent upon local installation
responsible for the creation of the audit and
record quality
Timestamp Date The date the record was created. Used for DATE 10 10
audit and
Timestamp Time The time the record was created. Used for TIME 8 8
audit and
BUSINESS A BUSINESS DRIVER is an aspect of an Emergency Services Organisation’s nature or environment that defines the manner
DRIVER and circumstances under which it will carry out its business.
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Business Driver ID Unique identifier for a Business To uniquely This is most likely to be required at a jurisdictional level only.
Driver. identify a
Business Driver
across all ESO’s
Business Driver Unique title for a Business Driver This is an optional field, which could be replaced by Business Driver descriptor
Name (see below).
Business Driver Type A classification scheme that To identify the CODE 2 2 YES
Creator ID Unique identifier of party Used for audit Format dependent upon local installation
Field Name Definition Purpose Data Min Max Business Code Examples
Field Group
Type Char Char Rule List
Timestamp Date The date the record was created. Used for audit DATE
and quality
Timestamp Time The time the record was created. Used for audit TIME
and quality
Classification fields in the Dictionary Framework correspond to classification schemes, or
groups of classification schemes in the Classification Model.
The classification values of classification schemes in the Classification Model provide the
domain of values that can be represented in the Classification fields in the Dictionary
Illustrative code tables have been developed below for key portions of the classifications
for Activity and Event. A complete specification of code tables would occur following
complete specification of the classifications in a Business Systems View.
Simple classifications
A simple example of a classification is the field “Activity Focus”. This field corresponds to
the Classification Scheme ACTIVITY FOCUS which has Classification values:
Preparedness, Prevention, Recovery, Response in the Classification Model.
Therefore a code table for Activity Focus could look like:-
Prevention ~~
Preparedness ~~
Response ~~
Recovery ~~
Similar tables can be constructed for the other single level classification fields described
for Activity in the Dictionary Framework, specifically:
- Activity Mutual Aid
- Activity Nature
- Activity Participation
- Activity Phase
- Activity Priority
2Specification of actual code values for each classification value (the ‘code’ column in the
table) is a subject of subsequent project(s). Specification of code values is strongly
dependent on the existence of codes currently being employed in operational systems and
the degree to which classification information is to be shared amongst jurisdictions.
Figure 10. Activity Type Level 3 (Restructured Classification Model) Showing other Level
1 Activities
Emergency activity ~~
Business Support activity ~~
Training activity ~~
b) Code Table for the Field – Activity Type Level 2. (Partial, for illustration)
The Field ‘Activity Type Level 2’ contains the codes that correspond to the classification
Etc.......... ~~
c) Code table for the Field – Activity Type Level 3. (Partial, for illustration).
Search Emergency ~~
assistance activity
Rescue Emergency ~~
assistance activity
Etc...... ~~
Incident ~~
Trigger Event ~~
c) Code Table for the Field – Event Type Level 3. (Partial, for illustration)
The Field ‘Event Type Level 3’ contains the codes that correspond to the classification
Planned Event ~~
Unplanned Event ~~
Current Event ~~
Future Event ~~
Past Event
The values of this code list are obtained from the Classification Model as Classification
Values of Core Concept to Core Concept Relationship Schemes. For example, the role of a
Location in an Activity can be “Activity carried out in Location”, “Activity maintains
Location” or “Activity occurs at Location”. These are the classification values of the
The following documents were sources for the Initial Classification Model & Data