HamMag - Noise Measurement
HamMag - Noise Measurement
HamMag - Noise Measurement
November 2009
Ma k e y o u r Q S L c a r d MF & H F A n te n n a
T h e No i se,
measu remen t
[ H O ME B R E W ] [ CATEGORIES ] DX Calendar 22
Noise measurement 9
DX NE W S 20
A hundred year of
amateur radio (part.2) 28
MF & HF receiving
A nt enna 32
If you are recording sounds from a radio in a computer and you do not have enough audio output from
this box, then just reverse the step down transformer. The position shown works ok for my set up. The
meter, diode and, potty circuit are not necessary, but can be added as a “Brag” feature.
I am using this output into a Kenwood which has the Network type mic socket. You may have to modify
the output cable to attach a plug of the type to suit your personal equipment.
The two variable potties are shown with a + value and can be substituted for another suitable value
that works for you. It’s a nice easy to build project, and can be a useful gadget to have in your Shack.
73’s ZS2ABF
Each ham’s QSL card has a unique design that may include words and pictures about his or her family,
friends, and places that are special to them. The cards also include information about the ham’s call
sign, radio contact equipment, date, time and type of contact, and geographic location of the ham.
One of the best things about being a ham radio operator is the chance to talk to people on the other
side of town, the other side of the state or even the other side of the planet that you wouldn't have
otherwise met. Ham radio operators traditionally exchange QSL cards through the mail to confirm that
mutual contact has occurred. A custom QSL card is truly a collector's item for the people you contact.
Fortunately, with a little help from your computer and printer, they're easy and fun to make.
There is nice software that can be down loaded – QSL Maker, developed by WB8RCR let’s you design
and print your own QSL cards, allowing to personalize background, by importing pictures or just filling
with a plain color, and let’s you personalize headings and address as well as your own callsign. It can
import ADIF log file for fields autofilling during the print process, or allow you to insert directly QSO
Data into a table. It runs on Windows, I've tested it on Windows XP, and is completely Free ! Works
great. You can make a very custom QSL Cards.
Sample Card:
N°35 November
15 octobre2009
2009] ]
OnLine Only:
The website RadioQTH offers a very nice service. You can use this web page to create QSL cards.
You don’t even need to get a login to use the service. The cards will be created in the form of a PDF
document that you can then print on lightweight card stock. The individual cards can then be cut out
and the information filled in and mailed to the intended recipient. You have the option of printing a single
QSL card or printing up to four cards per page. The cards are printed 5.5 inches wide by 3.5 inches
high. This is a standard size for a QSL card. It allows you to personalize background, by importing
pictures and you can also do some color selection. Less custom, but very easy to use and nothing to
Sample :
2) Mounting you antenna: Ground losses are your biggest problem. If you mount your antenna
properly, your ground losses will be low and your signal will be large. It’s your choice, mount your
antenna in the proper location, or suffer the loss of performance that is a certainty with a poor location.
Physically mounting the antenna to withstand a driving speed of 80 MPH into a 25 MPH headwind,
along with the normal pitching and heaving of the vehicle as it traverses the roadway is a serious
problem. You need a strong mount. NO MAG MOUNTS! If you cannot bring yourself to drill holes in
your vehicle, give up now take up playing cards.
73, K0HL
The most pervasive source of noise is thermal noise, due to the motion of thermally agitated free
electrons in a conductor. Since everything in the universe is at some temperature above absolute zero,
every conductor must generate noise. Every resistor (and all conductors have resistance) generates an
rms noise voltage:
e= V4kTRB
Where R is the resistance, T is the absolute temperature in degrees K, B is the bandwidth in Hertz, and
k is Boltzmann’s constant, 1.38 x 1023 joules / K.
Converting to power, e2 /R , and adjusting for the Gaussian distribution of noise voltage, the noise
power generated by the resistor is:
Pn = kTB (watts)
Which is independent of the resistance. Thus, all resistors at the same temperature generate the same
noise power. The noise is white noise, meaning that the power density does not vary with frequency, but
always has a power density of kT watts/Hz. More important is that the noise power is directly
proportional to absolute temperature T, since k is a constant. At the nominal ambient temperature of
290 K, we can calculate this power; converted to dBm, we get the familiar 174 dBm/Hz. Just multiply
by the bandwidth in Hertz to get the available noise power at ambient temperature. The choice of 290 K
for ambient might seem a bit cool, since the equivalent 17° C or 62° F would be a rather cool room
temperature, but 290 makes all the calculations come out to even numbers.
The instantaneous noise voltage has a Gaussian distribution around the rms value. The gaussian
distribution has no limit on the peak amplitude, so at any instant the noise voltage may have any value
from infinity to +infinity. For design purposes, we can use a value that will not be exceeded more than
0.01% of the time. This voltage is 4 times the rms value, or 12 dB higher, so our system must be able to
handle peak powers 12 dB higher than the average noise power 1 to if we are to measure noise without
Now that we know the noise power in a given bandwidth, we can easily calculate how much signal is
required to achieve a desired signal to noise ratio, S/N. For SSB, perhaps 10 dB S/N is required for
good communications; since ambient thermal noise in a 2.5 KHz bandwidth is 140 dBm, calculated as
The signal power must be 10 dB larger, so minimum signal level of 130 dBm is required for a 10 dB
S/N. This represents the noise and signal power levels at the antenna. We are then faced with the task
of amplifying the signal without degrading the signal to noise ratio.
Noise Temperature
Any amplifier will add additional noise. The input noise Ni per unit bandwidth is kTg is amplified by gain
G to produce an output noise of kTgG. The additional noise, kTn is added to produce a total noise
output power No:
No = kTgG + kTn
To simplify future calculations, we pretend that the amplifier is noisefree but has an additional noise
generating resistor of temperature Te at the input, so that all sources of noise are inputs to the amplifier.
Then the output noise is:
No = kG ( Tg + Te )
And Te is the Noise Temperature of the excess noise contributed by the amplifier. The noise added by
an amplifier is then kGTe, which is the fictitious noise source at the input amplified by the amplifier gain.
Cascaded Amplifiers
If several amplifiers are cascaded, the output noise No of each becomes the input noise Tg to the next
stage, we can create a large equation for the total. After removing the original input noise term, we are
left with the added noise:
With the noise of each succeeding stage reduced by the gain of all preceeding stages.
Clearly, if the gain of the first stage, G1, is large, then the noise contributions of the succeeding stages
are not significant. This is why we concentrate our efforts on improving the first amplifier or preamplifier.
Noise Figure
The noise figure of an amplifier is the logarithm of the ratio (so we can express it in dB) of the total
noise output of an amplifier with an input Tg of 290 K to the noise output of an equivalent noisefree
amplifier. A more useful definition is to calculate it from the excess temperature Te:
NF = 10log( 1 + Te /T0) (dB) @ T0 = 290 K
If the NF is known, then Te may be calculated after converting the NF to a ratio, F:
Te = ( F 1) T0
Typically, Te is specified for very low noise amplifiers, where the NF would be fraction of a dB, and NF is
used when it seems a more manageable number than thousands of K.
Antenna Temperature
How can we have a source temperature much lower than ambient? If an antenna, assumed to be
lossless, is receiving signals from space, rather than the warm earth, then the background noise is
much lower. The background temperature of the universe has been measured as about 3.2 K. An
empirical number 2 for a 10 GHz antenna pointing into clear sky is about 6 K, since we must always
look through attenuation and temperature of the atmosphere. The figure will vary with frequency, but a
good EME antenna might have a Tg of around 20 K at UHF and higher frequencies.
A couple of examples of actual antennas3 might bring all of this together.
1. A 30 inch conventional dish at 10 GHz, with measured gain of 36.4 dBi and efficiency of 64%. The
estimated spillover efficiency is 87% for a 10 dB illumination taper. With the dish pointing at a high
elevation as shown in Figure 1, perhaps half of the spillover is illuminating earth at 290 K, which adds
an estimated 19 K to the 6 K of sky noise, for a total of 25 K. In a 500 Hz bandwidth, the noise output is
157.6 dBm.
2. An 18 inch DSS offsetfed dish at 10 GHz, with measured gain of 32.0 dB and efficiency of 63%. The
spillover efficiency should be comparable, but with the offset dish pointing at a high elevation as shown
in Figure 2, far less of the spillover is illuminating warm earth. If we estimate 20%, then 8 K is added to
the 6 K of sky noise, for a total of 14 K. In a 500 Hz bandwidth, the noise output is 160 dBm.
Fig.1. Parabolic Dish Antenna Aimed at Satellite Fig.2. Offset Parabolic Dish Antenna Aimed at
Image Response
Most receiving systems use at least one frequency converting mixer which has two responses, the
desired frequency and an image frequency on the other side of the local oscillator. If the image
response is not filtered out, it will add additional noise to the mixer output. Since most preamps are
broadband enough to have significant gain (and thus, noise output) at the image frequency, the filter
must be placed between the preamp and the mixer. The total NF including image response is
NF = 10log[ ( 1 + Te /T0)( 1 + Gimage/Gdesired) ]
assuming equal noise bandwidth for desired and image responses. Without any filtering,
Gimage = Gdesired so Gimage/Gdesired = 1
Doubling the noise figure which is the same as adding 3 dB. Thus, without any image rejection, the
overall noise figure is at least 3 dB regardless of the NF of the preamp. For the image to add less than
0.1 dB to the overall NF, a quick calculation shows that the gain at the image frequency must be at least
16 dB lower than at the operating frequency.
So far we have dixcussed the sources of noise, and a figure of for evaluating the a receiving system’s
response to noise. How can we measure an actual receiver?
The noise figure of a receiver is determined by measuring its output with two different noise levels, Thot
and Tcold, applied at the input. The ratio of the two output levels is referred to as the “Yfactor”. Usually,
the ratio is determined from the difference in dB between the two output levels,
Ydb: Y(ratio) = log1(Ydb / 10)
Then the receiver Te may be calculated using Y(ratio) :
Te = (Thot YTcold ) / (Y1)
and converted to noise figure:
NF = 10log (1 + Te /T0) (dB) where T0 = 290 K
The two different noise levels may be generated separately, for instance by connecting resistors at two
different temperatures. Alternatively, we could use a device that can generate a calibrated amount of
noise when it is turned on. When such a device is turned off, it still generates noise from its internal
resistance at Tcold, the ambient temperature (290 K); usually this resistance is 50 ohms, to properly
terminate the transmission line which connects it to the receiver.When the noise generator is turned on,
it produces excess noise equivalent to a resistor at some higher temperature at Thot.
The terms Tex and ENR are used rather loosely; assume that a noise source specified in dB refers to
ENRdB, while a specification in degrees or K refers to Tex.
An automatic noise figure meter, sometimes called a PANFI ( for Precision Automatic Noise Figure
Meter), turns the noise source on and off at a rate of about 400 Hz and performs the above calculation
electronically. A wide bandwidth is required to detect enough noise to operate at this rate; a manual
measurement using a narrowband communications receiver would require the switching rate to be less
than one Hz, with some kind of electronic integration to properly average the gaussian noise.
Noise figure meters seem to be fairly common surplus items. The only one in current production, the HP
8970, measures both noise figure and gain, but commands a stiff price.
AIL (later AILTECH or Eaton) made several models; the model 2075 measures both NF and gain, while
other models are NF only. The model 75 (a whole series whose model numbers start with 75) shows up
frequently for anywhere from $7 to $400, typically $25 to $50 and performs well. Every VHFer I know
has one, with most of them waiting for a noise source to be usable. Earlier tube models, like the AIL 74
and the HP 340 and 342, have problems with drift and heat, but they can also do the job.
Another alternative is to build a noise figure meter5.
I’ll describe the basic procedure using the Model 75; others are similar, but the more complex
instruments will require studying the instruction manual. Input to almost all noise figure meters is at 30
MHz, so a frequency converter is required (some instruments have internal frequency converters;
except for the HP 8970, I’d avoid using this feature). Most ham converters with a 28 MHz IF work fine,
unless the preamp being measured is so narrowband that a MHz or two changes the NF. The input is
fairly broadband, so LO leakage or any other stray signals can upset the measurement ¾ this
has been a source of frustration for many users. There are two solutions: a filter (30 MHz lowpass TVI
filters are often sufficient) or a tuned amplifier at 30 MHz. Since a fair amount of gain is required in front
of the noise figure meter, an amplifier is usually required anyway.
A noise source (which we will discuss in detail later) is connected to the rear of the instrument: a BNC
connector marked “DIODE GATE” provides +28 volts for a solidstate noise source, and high voltage
leads for a gas tube noise source are also available on many versions. The noise figure meter switches
the noise source on and off. The noise output coax connector of the noise source is connected to the
receiver input. The model 75 has four function pushbuttons: OFF, ON, AUTO, and CAL. The OFF and
ON positions are for manual measurements: OFF displays the detector output with the noise source
turned off, and ON displays the detector output with the noise source turned on. If all is working, there
should be more output in the ON position, and a step attenuator in the IF line may be used to determine
the change in output, or Yfactor, to sanitycheck our results. The knob marked “GAIN” is used to get
the meter reading to a desirable part of the scale in the OFF and ON positions only; it has no effect on
automatic measurements.
The AUTO position causes the instrument to turn the noise source on and off at about a 400 Hz rate
and to calculate the NF from the detected change in noise. The model 75 has a large green light near
the meter which indicates that the input level is high enough for proper operation ¾ add gain until the
light comes on. Then the meter should indicate a noise figure, but not a meaningful one, since we must
first set the ENRdB using the CAL position. The lower scale on the meter is marked for from 14.5 to
16.5 dB of ENR; adjust the “CAL ADJ” knob until the reading in the CAL position matches the ENR of
the noise source. If the ENR of your noise source is outside the marked range, read the section below
on homebrew noise sources.
Another way to measure noise figure at microwave frequencies is by measurement of sky noise and
ground noise3,6. Sky noise is very low, around 6 K at 10 GHz, for instance, and ground noise is due to
the ground temperature, around 290 K, so the difference is nearly 290 K. At microwave frequencies we
can use a manageable antenna that is sharp enough that almost no ground noise is received, even in
sidelobes, when the antenna is pointed at a high elevation. A long horn would be a good antenna
choice. The antenna is pointed alternately at clear sky overhead, away from the sun or any obstruction,
and at the ground. The difference in noise output is the Yfactor; since we know both noise
temperatures, the receiver noise temperature is calculated using the Y(ratio):
Te = (Thot YTcold ) / (Y1)
The latest version of my microwave antenna program3, HDLANT21, will make this calculation. Since
the measured Yfactor will be relatively small, this measurement will only be accurate for relatively low
noise figures. On the other hand, they are the most difficult to measure accurately using other
techniques. A system for measuring sun noise was described by Charlie, G3WDG7, which also works
well for measuring noise figure from sky noise. He built a 144 MHz amplifier with moderate bandwidth
using MMICs and helical filters which amplifies the transverter output to drive a surplus RF power
meter. The newer solidstate power meters are stable enough to detect and display small changes in
noise level, and the response is slow enough to smooth out flicker. Since my 10 GHz system has an IF
output at 432 MHz, duplicating Charlie’s amplifier would not work. In the junk box I found some surplus
broadband amplifiers and a couple of interdigital filters, and combined these to provide high gain with a
few MHz bandwidth, arranged as shown in Figure 3. I found that roughly 60 dB of gain after the
transverter was required to get a reasonable level on the power meter, while the G3WDG system has
somewhat narrower bandwidth so more gain is required.
1. Peak noise power must not exceed the level that any amplifier stage can handle without gain
compression. Amplifiers with broadband noise output suffer gain compression at levels lower than
found with signals, so be sure the amplifier compression point is at least 12 dB higher than the
indicated average noise power.
Noise Sources
The simplest noise source is simply a heated resistor ¾ if we know the temperature of the resistor, we
can calculate exactly how much noise it is generating. If we then change the temperature, the noise
output will change by a known amount. This would work if we could find a resistor with good RF
properties whose value does not change with temperature, an unlikely combination. There are
commercial units, called HotCold Noise Sources, with two calibrated resistors at different temperatures
with low VSWR. Typically, one resistor is cooled by liquid nitrogen to 77.3 K (the boiling point of
nitrogen), while the other is heated by boiling water to 100°C, or 373.2 K. The preamp is connected to
first one resistor, then the other; the difference in noise in noise output is the Yfactor. Using the Y(ratio),
the preamp noise temperature is calculated:
Te = (Thot YTcold ) / (Y1)
Since the boiling point of pure liquids is accurately known, this type of noise generator can provide very
accurate measurements. However, they are inconvenient to use, since the receiver must be connected
directly to alternate resistors (the loss in an RF switch would significantly reduce the noise output and
accuracy). Also, few amateurs have a convenient source of liquid nitrogen.
Three types of noise sources are commonly available and convenient to use:
There are three components of a noise source: a noise generator, an attenuator, and the calibration
data of ENR at each frequency. The most critical one is the attenuator; it is very important that the noise
source present a very low VSWR to the preamp or whatever is being measured, since lownoise
amplifiers are sensitive to input impedance, and even more important that the VSWR does not change
when the noise source is turned on and off, since a change causes error in the measurement. Because
an attenuator provides twice as many dB of isolation as loss (reflections pass through a second time),
10 dB or more of attenuation will reduce any change in VSWR to a very small value. Commercial solid
state noise sources occasionally appear in surplus sources, usually at high prices but occasionally very
cheap if no one knows what it is. I have found two of the latter, and one of them works! It produces
about 25 dB of excess noise, which is too much to be usable. I went through my box of hamfest
attenuators and found one which has excellent VSWR up to 10 GHz and 13 dB of attenuation. Mated
with the noise source, the combination produces about 12 dB of excess noise — a very usable amount.
Finally, I calibrated it against a calibrated noise source for all ham bands between 50 MHz and 10 GHz;
not exactly NTIS traceable, but pretty good for amateur work.
While noise sources are hard to locate, noise figure meters are frequent finds. If we could come up with
some noise sources, all the VHFers who have one gathering dust could be measuring and optimizing
their noise figure.
The only alignment requirement for a solidstate noise source is to set the diode current; the current is
always set at the highest frequency of interest. A noise figure meter must be set up with converters,
etc., for the highest frequency at which the noise source might be used, and set to display the detector
output ( OFF position on a model 75). Then voltage from a variable DC power supply is applied to the
noise diode through the 1K currentlimiting resistor. The detector output should increase as the voltage
(diode current) increases, reach a peak, then decrease slightly. The optimum current is the one that
produces peak output at the highest frequency (I set mine at 10 GHz). Then additional resistance must
be added in series with the currentlimiting resistor so that the peak output occurs with 28 volts applied,
so that the noise source may be driven by the noise figure meter. Once the proper resistor is
determined and added, the DC end of the noise source is connected to the diode output of the noise
figure meter, and the meter function set to ON. This should produce the same detector output as the
power supply. Then the meter function is set to AUTO, and the meter should produce some noise figure
indication, but not a calibrated one yet. However, it is good enough to tune up preamps ¾ a lower noise
figure is always better, even if you don’t know how low it is.
Much of the high price of commercial noise sources pays for the NTIStraceable calibration. Building a
noise source only solves part of the problem ¾ now we need to calibrate it. The basic calibration
technique is to measure something with a known noise figure using the new noise source, then
calculate what ENR would produce the indicated noise figure. Fortunately, the calculation is a simple
one involving only addition and subtraction; no fancy computer program required. Simply subtract the
indicated noise figure, NFindicated, from the known noise figure, NFactual, and add the difference to the
ENR for which the meter was calibrated, ENRcal :
ENR (noise source) = ENRcal + (NFactual NFindicated )
This procedure must be repeated at each frequency of interest; at least once for each ham band should
be fine for amateur use. The known noise figure is best found by making the measurement with a
calibrated noise source, then substituting the new noise source so there is little opportunity for anything
to change. Next best would be a sky noise measurement on a preamp. Least accurate would be to
measure a preamp at a VHF conference or other remote location, then bring it home and measure it,
hoping that nothing rattled loose on the way. If you can’t borrow a calibrated noise source, it would be
better to take your noise source elsewhere and calibrate it. Perhaps we could measure noise sources
as well as preamps at some of these events.
Now that the ENR of the noise source has been calibrated, the noise figure calibration must be adjusted
to match. However, the model 75 in the CAL position has only two dB of adjustment range marked on
the meter scale. Older instruments have no adjustment at all. However, we can just turn around the
equation we used to calculate the ENR and calculate the NF instead:
NFactual = NFindicated + ( ENR (noise source) ENRcal )
There is a short cut. My noise source has an ENR around 12 dB, so I set the “CAL ADJ” in the CAL
position as if the ENR were exactly 3 dB higher, then subtract 3 dB from the reading. Even easier, the
meter has a +3dB position on the “ADD TO NOISE FIGURE” switch. Using that position, I can read the
meter starting at 0 dB. Any ENR difference from 15 dB that matches one of the meter scales would also
work ¾ rather than an involved explanation, I’d urge you to do the noise figure calculations, then try the
switch positions and see what works best for quick readout.
The value of noise figure measurement capability is to help us all to hear better. A good noise source is
an essential part of this capability. Accurate calibration is not necessary, but helps us to know whether
our receivers are as good as they could be.
1. R. Pettai, Noise in Receiving Systems, Wiley, 1984.
2. M.B. Graves, WRØI, “Computerized Radio Star Calibration Program,” Proceedings of the 27th
Conference of the Central States VHF Society, ARRL, 1993, pp. 1925.
3. P. Wade, N1BWT, “More on Parabolic Dish Antennas,” QEX, December 1995, pp 1422. HDLANT21
program may be downloaded from http://www.arrl.org/qexfiles
4. W.E. Pastori, “DirectReading Measurement of ReceiverNoise Parameters,” Microwave Journal,
April 1973, pp. 1722.
5. R. Bertelsmeier, DJ9BV, & H. Fischer, DF7VX, “Construction of a Precision Noise Figure Measuring
System,” DUBUS Technik 3, DUBUS, 1992, pp. 106144.
6. H. Fasching, OE5JFL, “Noise Figure Measurement using Standard Antennas,” DUBUS Technik 4,
DUBUS, 1995, pp. 2325.
7. C. Suckling, G3WDG, “144MHz wideband noise amplifier,” DUBUS, 2/1995, pp.58.
8. R. Turrin, W2IMU, “Method for Estimating Receiver Noise Temperature,” Crawford Hill Technical Note
#20, September 1986.
9. K. Britain, WA5VJB, “10 GHz Noise Source,” Microwave Update ‘87, ARRL, 1987, p 63.
10. P. Wade, N1BWT, & S. Horsefield, NR1E, “Homebrew Solid State Noise Sources,” Proceedings of
the 1992 (18th) Eastern VHF/UHF Conference, ARRL, 1992.
11. W.E. Sabin, WØIYH, “A Calibrated Noise Source for Amateur Radio,” QST, May 1994, pp. 3740.
12. G.E. Valley, Jr., & H. Wallman, Vacuum Tube Amplifiers, MIT Radiation Laboratory Series, McGraw
Hill, 1948.
13. P. Wade, N1BWT, “Building VHF Power Attenuators,” QEX, April 1994, pp. 2829. PAD.EXE
program may be downloaded from http://www.arrl.org/qexfiles
David, CT1DRB, will be active as T6AG from here the next 6 months as of October 21st. Activity will
only be CW. QSL via EA3GHZ direct.
Mac, JA8SLU, will once again return to Mali and be active as TZ6JA between November 223rd. Activity
will be SSB only. QSL direct only to: Mac Obara, P.O. Box 59, Tama, Tokyo, 2068691 JAPAN.
Wil, AA4NC, will be active as V31RR between February 1723rd. Activity will be on the HF bands
including 30/17/12m using CW, SSB and RTTY. His activity will also include the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 2021st) as a SingleOp entry. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.
Eric, K9GY, will once again be active as YN2GY from Octavio's, YN2N, QTH in Grenada, during the
2010 ARRL DX CW Contest (February 2021st) as a SingleOp/AllBand/LowPower entry. He will be
there between February 1822nd. Outside of the contest, look for CW activity on 30/17/12 meters. QSL
via LoTW or to his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.
The war against Hitlers Germany ended, officially at one minute past midnight on Tuesday, May 8,
1945, but the struggle against Japan continued until August 14, 1945. During the weeks that
followed, conditions near to chaos existed on the amateur bands, mainly because certain allied
military commanders in widely different parts of the world had given permission for prewar licence
holders to operate service transmitting equipment. This was a direct contravention to the law, but was
done to boost morale.
The 'seventies
Radical changes occurred during the 'seventies. The shelves of "electronic scrap" at the local
amateur radio emporium were replaced by expensive Japanese radio equipment. The new
generation of radio amateur has become a "black box operator" (not interested in how it works).
The Post Office introduced a VHF (Very high frequency) only licence, which an applicant can obtain
without passing a Morse test. This licence restricts the holder to VHF and UHF working only, and
deprives him/her of the thrill and excitement in communicating with people all over the world using
the shortwave bands. It is not until he/she has become proficient in the Morse code that he/she will be
granted a FULL LICENCE.
On 14th September 1972, the first UK repeater was activated with the callsign GB3PI and was
located in Cambridge at the Pye Telecom site. Soon after,
other repeaters were set up and they operated on 2m and
70cm bands.
In 1977, the separate mobile and amateur television
licences were abolished, and these modes of operation were
included in the main licence (One Fee).
At the World Administrative Radio Conference in 1979, three
new bands were gained: 10∙100 10∙150MHz, 18∙068
18∙168MHz, and 24∙890 24∙990MHz.
The 'eighties
In the early 'eighties, the old 405line vhf television services finished broadcasting in the uk. This
used to be an Amateur Radio band until the BBC acquired it for television after the second world war.
Radio Amateurs requested the band be returned, and this was granted in 1983 (The band is 50
In the 1980's, Information Technology and the Computer age arrived.
Radio Amateur enthusiasts like myself started to purchase or build the
Sinclair ZX81 microcomputer. This escalated to the introduction of the
Unfortunately, the Internet has led to a reduction in recruitment of
Radio Amateurs it is so easy to contact people worldwide using the
'Internet'. This is all well and good but one doesn't get the thrill of that
exotic contact especially when using home constructed equipment.
(Prior to the year 2006, the licence fee was only £15 per year now it is FREE of charge!). On the
positive side however,
Space Operation:
With the advent of the American Space Shuttle, space flight
became a comparatively normal event and Amateur Radio was
allowed on a number of missions. The first amateur operation from
space was W0ORE using a Motorola handheld.
Further missions took radio amateurs into space, and in 1985 an all
German crew operated with the callsign DP0SL. For Britain there
has been operation from space, when the first British cosmonaut,
Helen Sharman, went up with a Russian MIR space mission in May
1991 using the callsign GB1MIR.
73's ! G3NGD
My first shortwave antenna was a simple endfed wire which started at my bedroom window and
extended out horizontally to a tree which was 25 feet away from our house. The antenna feed line was
a short piece of wire that connected to the near end of the antenna and entered the house through a
small hole I made in my wooden window sill. This feed line was directly connected to my receiver's high
impedance antenna input. My station ground was long piece of wire that was connected to a copper
pipe located in the bathroom next door. While this antenna brought in "the world" to my bedroom, it was
extremely noisy. Directly connecting your antenna feed line and house ground system to your receiver
are not good RFI reduction practices. This web page will explore some experiments in trying to
minimize the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) arising from my local environment.
The methods I used to potentially lower unwanted RFI to my antenna system are as follows:
1.The receiver and power supply are independently connected to a single, central ground point (ground
buss) in the radio shack.
2.610 gauge wire is used for my ground system (not including the radials which are bare 12 gauge
3.The ground wire connecting to my first earth stake to the station ground buss is just outside the shack
window and is short as possible to provide a low impedance and low inductance path for MF and HF
4.There is a second ground stake located 1 meter from the primary ground stake (I will add 24 more in
5.I have a large piece of steel buried underneath the soil tied in to my system as well as 3 bare copper
radials. The radials are 3 7 meters in length.
6.New RG58/U coax was used as the feed line.
7.All wire splices in the grounding system are soldered and taped up. I used conductive grease (to
prevent oxidation at the wirestake interface) on any clamps connected to ground stakes. My ground
stakes are ~ 2 meters long.
8.The earth grounding area soil is moist and peatladen and is watered regularly.
9.I plan to maintain this ground system every 2 years.
HAM cats !