Zs6bkw Vs G5rv 20100221b
Zs6bkw Vs G5rv 20100221b
Zs6bkw Vs G5rv 20100221b
Antenna Patterns/SWR at 40 ft Center height, 27 ft end height ~148 Degree Included Angle
Compiled By: Larry James LeBlanc 2010 For the AARA Ham Radio Club Note: All graphs computed using MMANA GAL http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/mmana/index.htm
93.8 ft
28.52 ft
39.56 ft
Dipole length is 101.1 ft, ladder line 37.52 ft (28.52 ft when vf=.9)
Dipole length is 93.8 ft, ladder line 43.95 ft (39.56 ft when vf=0.9)
29.52 ft
Note: Avoid close proximity between the ladder line and any metal object (at least 3-6 inches) and do not lay the excess ladder line on the ground!)
= My ZS6BKW @29.5 ft
450 Ohm
400 Ohm
400 Ohm
450 Ohm
= My ZS6BKW @29.5 ft
= My ZS6BKW @29.5 ft
40.16 ft
39.56 ft
38.96 ft
26.24 ft 40 ft
52.5 ft
As can be seen above, The ZS6BKW performs quite well on all three bands. The other antennas perform as expected, with some advantages of each based on their intended use. Not shown above is that the 6BTV Vertical antenna nearly always has the advantage on a DX contact due to its excellent ground radial system and low angle of radiation. No tuner was used to obtain above results. Frequency within the band was random.
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Center Pole Tv Pole Hang from tree Wood pole Lumber Fiberglas pole
Two End Poles Two poles Two trees Tree and other structure Barn to house Lumber poles Fiberglas poles
Coax To Radio Purchase coax Surplus 50 ohm cable Surplus Tv 75 ohm Not practical to build
As can be seen above, The ZS6BKW performs quite well on all three bands. The other antennas perform as expected, with some advantages of each based on their intended use. Not shown above is that the 6BTV vertical antenna nearly always has the advantage on a DX contact due to its excellent ground radial system (>100 radials) and low angle of radiation. Also not shown is the verticals had slightly higher noise levels, making copy of weak signals difficult. No tuner was used to obtain above results. Frequency used within each band was chosen at random.
Fig 1
50 Ohm Coaxial Cable
Add common mode current suppressor here (Only if needed) (Use Ferrite beads or ring instead of expensive high quality balun)
Optional Ground
The End
So, what are you waiting for? Go out and build one! Or Take down your G5RV and fold over each end by 3.65 feet and tack on a 11 ft length of ladder line, put it back up and load up on more bands!!!
Antenna Patterns/SWR at 40 ft Center height, 27 ft end height ~148 Degree Included Angle
Compiled By: Larry James LeBlanc 2010 For the AARA Ham Radio Club Note: All graphs computed using MMANA GAL http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/mmana/index.htm
This presentation compares two dipoles configurations with the primary focus being adjustment of Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) to match a modern solid state transceiver with an internal autotuner. The results are studied using antenna design software adapted from the MiniNec version called MMana Gal. The ZS6BKW antenna configuration is a very good choice for a beginning ham radio operator who wants to get on the air quickly and effectively on the HF bands and who may not have a tuner or autotuner. It also will put more RF energy in the air and dissipate less in the coax, especially if the coax is not of the highest quality or when operating in the 10 meter band. The antennas were chosen for their low cost and availability. Each can be built by the average amateur for a total cost of less than 50 dollars (US). In addition, each antenna can be modified and transformed into the other antenna configuration with minimal effort. (Add or subtract wire or matching ladder line length)
Both antennas are simple dipoles fed with a selected length of standard ladder line. Both 450 and 300 ohm lines are commonly used. The ZS6BKW was introduced using 400 ohm line, and 300 ohm line, which provides a marginally better match for some antenna lengths and length of matching section than a length of 450 ohm line. The antenna portion uses 14 gauge copper coated steel wire for strength. Insulators should be capable of handling the high voltage at the center and ends of the antenna. The rope holding the antenna to the supports should resist UV rays and be strong enough to withstand the wind gusts expected. I use a tar coated twine designed for fishing nets for this purpose (750 pound test). I favor the copper coated antenna wire because of its favorable strength and good RF conductivity. Pure copper most likely has slightly lower resistance, but does not have the tensile strength of steel. The copper coating over the steel improves the conductivity over steel alone. However, the antenna can be constructed of steel, copper, or aluminum wire as well.
I have a fairly large yard (161 ft wide and 245 ft deep) and a 2 story home with a metal roof. In order to reach the antenna, I have to run my cable down about 29 feet from the second story radio location, then about 100 feet to the antenna support and then up about 30 ft up to the antenna. This means that I can have a significant amount of loss, especially on bands with high SWR.. I needed to have some distance from the house because I have a large metal roof, both on the house and the garage, as well as aluminum foil on the insulating boards on the sides of the house. Radio waves do not penetrate large metal structures, hence the choice of antenna location. I do have a fairly clear path to the North and Northeast from all my antennas.
93.8 ft
28.52 ft
39.56 ft
Dipole length is 101.1 ft, ladder line 37.52 ft (28.52 ft when vf=.9)
Dipole length is 93.8 ft, ladder line 43.95 ft (39.56 ft when vf=0.9)
The design of both antennas consist of a dipole configuration fed with a length of ladder line. I use copper coated steel for the dipole portion because I use the antenna wire as a partial support for the insulated pole supporting the antenna. The modeling was done with the same apex height (40 ft) and end heights (26.9 ft) for both antennas. The ladder line definition was the same for both antennas except for the length of the line. I chose 450 ohms for the modeling because it is commonly available, reasonably priced, and can handle full amateur legal power. My current height for my ZS6BKW is about 29.5 ft. This is different than that used in this model. I plan to replace the center support in the near future with a 40 ft push up pole. That is why I chose 40 ft as the modeling height. One advantage of the G5RV has over the ZS6BKW is that at practical (low) antenna heights for most hams, the G5RV 28.5 ft ladder line will not reach the ground. The 39.56 ft ladder line of the ZS6BKW must be hung or folded such that it does not lay on the ground or come in close proximity any metal objects, including the supporting pole if it is metal. If folded, the line should not have sharp bends, should be kept at least 4-6 inches away from metal or other ladder lines or coax runs.
The antenna patterns are very similar because the radiating antenna lengths are fairly close. This is true for each band analyzed. The ZS6BKW being shorter exhibits less pattern variation because it is closer to a standard dipole on most bands. Note that the antenna pattern is mainly a function of the antenna length, and the ladder matching section does not contribute much to the radiation pattern. The ZS6BKW has more gain broadside to the antenna, while the G5RV has better gain in its side lobes.
These plots are overlaid on a great circle view of the world to be able to visualize the preferred directional coverage of the antenna. I arbitrarily chose to orient the antenna broadside North to South for visualization. In my own installation, I have the antenna broadside and a little to the West of due north because of my choice of supports. Given a choice, I would have preferred to orient the maximum lobe which is broadside to the antenna at 20 meters in a NNE direction to favor the European areas. I may make that adjustment when I re-arrange the antennas. Note that two patterns are given, one at the maximum gain angle provided by the modeling program, and one at 6 degrees elevation, which is some indicator of how well it will perform on the band for DX work.
Forty meters has a slight directive pattern broadside to the antenna. It has some gain over a 40 M dipole at the same height.
The antenna pattern changes with the elevation angle, so orienting the antenna may entail a tradeoff between stateside and DX coverage. Note the large pattern change at 6 degrees vs that at 50 degrees.
The antenna pattern on 10 meters has considerable gain with multiple lobes. It also has good low angle radiation, even at the modest height of 12.2 meters. The direction and amplitude of maximum gain is very similar at both the lower and higher elevation angles on this band. The region of low SWR covers only a small portion of the band, making it necessary to use a tuner for full band coverage. The SWR at other portions of the 10M band can be very high, making the loss in the coax rise to very high levels.
29.52 ft
Note: Avoid close proximity between the ladder line and any metal object (at least 3-6 inches) and do not lay the excess ladder line on the ground!)
The slide shows the parameters used to model the feed line for both the G5RV and the ZS6BKW antennas. A resistive load was applied at the apex of the antenna instead of connecting the antenna wires. The SWR graph indicates that the model is realistic, at least when the load is matched to the line. The ladder line at these frequencies has very low loss, even with high values of SWR. The maximum added loss of the ZS6BKW ladder line is less than 0.7 DB at 29 mhz (40 ft with SWR of 14 at band edges). The loss for the G5RV with its shorter ladder line may be slightly smaller or larger, depending on the frequency, but very low nevertheless. A similar analysis was done for both 400 ohm and 300 ohm feed lines. The results are not shown here.
This indicates that the G5RV is marginally better than the ZS6BKW on the 80 meter band. However, both exhibit unsatisfactory SWR and would require a tuner to match it to your transmitter. Four options are available to improve the performance on this band: 1. Use an antenna tuner to match either antenna to the transmitter. 2. Insert traps or loading coils on the ends of the antenna and add wire to resonate the antenna within the 80 M band. 3. Lengthen the ladder line to move the resonant frequency within the band. 4. Use a separate antenna for 80 M and potentially 160 or 40 on the same center support but at 90 degrees to the primary antenna. This has an advantage of providing better support for both antennas and can replace the need for guy wires, letting the antenna wire act as guying for the center pole. I use a 80/40 meter antenna about 148 feet long modeled on the W5DXP design in this role. This antenna uses a ladder line to have resonant points in both the 80 and 40 meter bands which can be set to your favorite portion of each band. It does perform noticeably better on 80 meters and equal to the ZS6BKW on 40 meters. I use this antenna to join a couple of nets on 80 meters.
The 40 meter band is a natural for the ZS6BKW antenna. Its length is longer than a half wave and thus has some gain over a dipole in the broadside direction. It can be driven by most transceivers across the entire band without the use of a tuner or autotuner. The G5RV also performs fairly well, especially on the high end of the phone band. However, on the lower portion of this band the SWR of the G5RV may not be low enough to match many transmitters.
Neither antenna will provide satisfactory results on this band. The high SWR and the accompanying losses will make it difficult to make contacts on this band.
= My ZS6BKW @29.5 ft
This is the band that the G5RV was specifically designed to cover with both low SWR and a usable pattern. The ZS6BKW will have slightly lower losses and will match the transmitter over a larger portion of the band. However, both antennas should perform well on this band. The orientation of the antenna can make a significant difference in what areas are covered by the antenna pattern. This band would benefit from a higher antenna, which would increase the pattern gain and low angle radiation. Note that many hams will brag about their LOW SWR, as if that is the best criteria to judge an antenna. However, in most cases SWR that is lower than the modeled SWR comes about from losses introduced into the system by the coax length and cable routing. In my case, with a long run of coax, I enjoy a very low SWR on all portions of this band
Just to make sure that 450 Ohm cable is not going to disrupt totally the ZS6BKW run with 400 ohm transmission line proposed by Brian Austin, here are both plotted together. They are very similar and that is true for most of the bands studied.
450 Ohm
39.56 ft
400 Ohm
This band is improved considerably by using a 400 ohm matching section instead of 450 ohm line. Also shown on this graph is the range of matching that can be achieved by modifying the length of the matching section. This brings up the possibility of using a specially built short antenna with a matching section built specially for this band. This specially modified antenna can be used in conjunction with the standard ZS6BKW to improve performance on the 80 meter band. This is essentially what I have done by using the W5DXP configuration for 80 and 40 meters, which is a better choice for 80M because of the increased antenna wire length. However, if your setting will not allow for a longer antenna, the ZS6BKW (93.8 ft) or G5RV (101.1 ft) specially tuned for 80 M may offer a suitable alternative.
The 40 meter band is not significantly different with either line feed.
This band is not helped much by using 400 ohm line, although there is a difference in SWR curves.
The frequency of minimum SWR is shifted a little lower, but the useful range of the antenna is still limited.
400 Ohm
450 Ohm
Looks like the 450 ohm feed line provides the better match on this band.
The 17 meter band is one of my favorite bands. It looks like it matches fairly well over the majority of the band. The G5RV will not match well, and when matched by a tuner will have significant losses. (> 3 DB loss or half the power.)
= My ZS6BKW @29.5 ft
Both antennas are poor on this band. I do not understand why I measure fairly good SWR on this band. Most likely my particular length of coax is acting as an impedance transfromer matching the antenna to the transmitter. I have not operated on this band and so do not know how well the antenna performs on this band.
The ZS6BKW is somewhat better than the G5RV over most of this band.
The ZS6BKW resonates in the 10 meter band. However, it will not cover the entire band without a tuner. The G5RV resonates outside the band. It will not perform well on 10 meters with high losses due to the SWR. Note that the measured SWR is MUCH better than the modeled antenna SWR. This is because of the losses in the cable run to the antena at this frequency.
= My ZS6BKW @29.5 ft
Interesting that it also resonates within the 6 meter band. The G5RV would have high losses over the entire band.
40.16 ft
39.56 ft
38.96 ft
The ladder line is the magic that allows the ZS6BKW to match so many bands. Here we see that we can change the resonant point in the 20 meter band simply by adjusting the ladder line length. However, the characteristics of the other bands will change as well. If you have a favorite portion of a band, more than likely the antenna can be optimized for that portion of the band.
The frequency can also be shifted in the 40 meter band. It can be tuned for either the CW portion or the phone portion of the band.
26.24 ft 40 ft
52.5 ft
There is a small dependence of the SWR with height. This is true for all antennas and not unique to the ZS6BKW and G5RV. It is also true for the standard dipole. This can be factored into your modeled design of the antenna for optimum results.
The pattern change on either antenna with height is minimal for practical amateur installations. The effects are more noticeable at the higher frequencies. For instance, with the antenna up at 40 ft, to get a pattern which would look similar to the example F above (3/2 wavelength) you would need to have the antenna at these heights. PATTERN F 40 M 20 M 17 M 10 M 6M 196.8 ft 98.4 ft 83.64 ft 49.2 ft 29.52 ft PATTERN C 40 M 20 M 17 M 10 M 6M 65.6 ft 32.8 ft 27.9 ft 16.4 ft 9.84 ft
These are typical coax losses vs frequency for coax cable terminated in its characteristic impedance. Always use the cable with the lowest losses if you can afford its cost. A good working graph with standard coax types can also be found in the ARRL Antenna book. Making a choice of good low loss coax cable with help to minimize losses when matched AND help to keep the SWR down when the coax is not matching the antenna/ladder line. This is true both for the ZS6BKW and the G5RV. Note that running ladder line all the way to the transmitter would result in the lowest loss, but would require a tuner on most bands for matching to the transmitter. This is not a bad choice if you can run the ladder line to avoid proximity to metal objects or avoid losses by having the line too close to the ground.
This chart tells the story behind the concern expressed in this presentation. If you have losses in your coax (and you will have loss) and if the SWR at the load end of the coax is high, you will have lost some (or most) of the power you put into the coax at the transmitter end. This is even before it gets a chance to radiate. The above chart has a line cutting through the data, showing where the matched loss and SWR reading results in a 1 DB loss in signal strength. This difference of 1 DB is thought by most hams to be the level at which the effects would be too small to notice.
This graph shows that the losses in an ANTENNA SYSTEM is dependent on the cable losses as given by the manufacturer PLUS an additional loss due to the SWR of the load to which the coax is connected. Sometimes the losses are small, as when the coax cable run is short and high quality coax is used. However, even with high quality coax, the losses can be substantial if the SWR at the antenna end is large. Note that a loss of 3 DB is equivalent to one half of your transmit power. This is equivalent to making a 200 watt transmitter equal to one with 100 watts.
The above data is taken from the VK1OD web site. He has performed extensive computer analysis using NEC modeling software and custom computations, computing total system losses for the G5RV antenna with different feed systems. The data is not available for the ZS6BKW, but because the SWR is lower within the same ham bands, the losses will be lower as well. The above graph shows that there are significant gains to be made when coax losses are minimized and SEVERE penalties when they are not. Note that the above graph is with about 80 feet of high quality cable. The graph would show higher losses with a longer coax run or with lesser quality coax.
The data here is displayed to spotlight those bands or portions of bands where the antennas are effective (lower SWR and lower losses). Even if you have an antenna tuner to match antennas, you may still want to use the ZS6BKW version because it has lower coax cable losses due to the SWR at the antenna end of the coax. The tuner only serves to make the transmitter happy with delivering power into this mismatched coax and does not change the actual losses in the coax due to high SWR at the antenna end. Also Note: For those of you who still have a tube transmitter or amplifier, you will be glad to know that the matching range of your transmitter or amplifier will in most cases be greater that that assumed in this presentation. If so, it will allow you to operate in more portions of the ham bands using either antenna.
As can be seen above, The ZS6BKW performs quite well on all three bands. The other antennas perform as expected, with some advantages of each based on their intended use. Not shown above is that the 6BTV Vertical antenna nearly always has the advantage on a DX contact due to its excellent ground radial system and low angle of radiation. No tuner was used to obtain above results. Frequency within the band was random.
This graph should give you a good sense of the performance of these four antennas. Each of the antennas are good antennas and will make ham radion contacts on multiple bands. The W5DXP dipole is the best performer on the 80 and 75 M bands, with the tall vertical being a close second. The 6BTV vertical is the best performer on 40 M, only slightly better than the others. The 6BTV is also the better performer on 20 M with the ZS6BKW a close second. The ZS6BKW has consistently good performance on each of the above bands and would make an excellent station antenna. It is the easiest to construct and install, and is very portable. It is also the least expensive of all the antennas. Now for the cost: The commercial vertical antennas listed can be purchased for less than the indicated amount. However, you will need several added components to complete your antenna system. First, you will need a ground mount, like a pipe or wood pole to attach the antenna. Then you will need a substantial amount of copper wire, insulated or not, for the ground system. Especially for multiband use, a large number of radials of different lengths will be required. The wire antennas may need a center pole if you do not have a good tree.
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
For those who may want to model the antenna in their particular location, the above antenna definition can serve as a starting point. Just change the lengths to match and set up the height and end height of the antenna elements.
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
For those who may want to model the antenna in their particular location, the above antenna definition can serve as a starting point. Just change the lengths to match and set up the height and end height of the antenna elements.
Note: From the outset, I have stated that the antenna design presented here is not mine. I only extended the analysis to show that the antenna is effective and can be used in multiple ham bands, and for many is a better choice than the venerable G5RV.
Center Pole Tv Pole Hang from tree Wood pole Lumber Fiberglas pole
Two End Poles Two poles Two trees Tree and other structure Barn to house Lumber poles Fiberglas poles
Coax To Radio Purchase coax Surplus 50 ohm cable Surplus Tv 75 ohm Not practical to build
The above list is a generic list of materials that can be used to build the antenna. Your sources may be different. In particular, do not skimp on the coax run back to the shack. Any losses in the coax will not radiate from the antenna, and any losses on transmit will also be seen on the received signal strength.
Study the hints above before starting your antenna construction. The resistor across the middle antenna is optional, but will allow charge to drain from the antenna instead of building up and creating noise in the receiver.
The next set of slides provide the text of a short article on the ZS6BKW antenna without the full presentation. I converted it to MicroSoft publisher for inclusion in our AARA LARC newsletter.
As can be seen above, The ZS6BKW performs quite well on all three bands. The other antennas perform as expected, with some advantages of each based on their intended use. Not shown above is that the 6BTV vertical antenna nearly always has the advantage on a DX contact due to its excellent ground radial system (>100 radials) and low angle of radiation. Also not shown is the verticals had slightly higher noise levels, making copy of weak signals difficult. No tuner was used to obtain above results. Frequency used within each band was chosen at random.
Fig 1
50 Ohm Coaxial Cable
Add common mode current suppressor here (Only if needed) (Use Ferrite beads or ring instead of expensive high quality balun)
Optional Ground
The above is the flat-top version of the ZS6BKW antenna. Note especially the location for torroid suppressor choke (only if required.) Do not assume that you will need a choke. Another choke is to wind about 10 turns of your coax run on a form of about 6 incles. The antenna is a balanced system and should not require either type of choke, which will add to the expense and in some cases increase your losses. The factors which may create imbalance in the antenna system are: 1. Unequal antenna lengths on either side of the middle. 2. Unequal heights of the antenna on either side of the middle 3. Variation in ground conductivity on either side of the antenna. 4. Proximity of metal structures on either side of the antenns. 5. Large difference in the proximity of trees to the antenna. Try the antenna first without a balun or choke. If you get feedback through your microphone or in your audio system, then look at the various sources for RF and a choke in that case may be part of the solution. Also note the optional ground, which should be on the shack side of the choke or balun. It is there to provide some lightning protection to the antenna.
If you want to use different lengths for the ladder line or antenna, the above graph was provided by Brian Austin as part of his computer modeling. I have truncated the graph to a straight line through the center of his area graph for simplicity.
The End
So, what are you waiting for? Go out and build one! Or Take down your G5RV and fold over each end by 3.65 feet and tack on a 11 ft length of ladder line, put it back up and load up on more bands!!!
The antenna system presented has incremental improvement over a G5RV with the same basic design. Except for 80 M, there is no reason NOT to use the ZS6BKW over the G5RV design. Although the improvements are minimal if you do use a tuner, they are real. If you do not have a tuner, you will find that the ZS6BKW will allow you to operate on more bands and more of each band than the G5RV.