Final Research
Final Research
Final Research
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to:
In Partial Fulfilment
Chapter I
our society especially for the growing population in our new generation. Students
are suffering from hard activities. There are so many effects to student on how
they understand all the lessons. However, one thing that we want to know is on
should know the strategies to literate their student. How is it helpful for us? If we
use traditional teaching, it might be helpful for us because we can utilize all the
data by writing or orally. Many things that can help us to determine our
understand the lessons that they want to share. Otherwise if the teachers use the
modern teaching. It also helpful for us and, it can prioritize the mindset of the
focusing on the technologies. However modern teaching is all about to teach and
by answering the questions “What are the best ways of achieving these
If teachers are willing to help their student, they much better used
traditional teaching. It is very comfortable for them to literate the student to help
and understand their discussion in school. Education is a vital to the face of the
helping children progress from one level to another in a more sociable interactive
learners. Traditional method relies mainly on textbook when the modern method
materials starts with the parts, then moves overall while in the modern approach,
presentation of materials, starts with the whole, then moves to the parts.
Traditional method emphasizes a big idea. Teaching methods are the best
articulated by answering the questions “What are the best ways of achieving
to have more knowledge to acquire that these two strategies have a big
significance for us. It may have negative effect but it derives the way to educate
the students not just to determine but to owe that we need to be with on this
strategy we need to literate other people and to come up with these two big
ideas. It is not just to commit those ways and strategies. On the other hand, it
can be helpful for us because we are student who needs to clarify the best way
to gather the unstructured data. We intended to acknowledge every student
The late Florentino Cayco, Sr., first Filipino Undersecretary of Public Instruction
and illustrious educator, conceptualized the birth and administered the growth of
Arellano Law College, named after Cayetano Arellano, first Filipino chief justice.
It closed in December 1941 until March 1945 under the Japanese occupation of
the Philippines during World War II. At the end of the war, this educational
offering a two-year preparatory law course and the regular four-year law course,
Caniogan Pasig City. The researchers lacked time in conducting study but we
have enough informants for the study. It derives the information of the ICT Grade
The purpose of the study is to understand and explore the negative effects
of modern and traditional teaching also the good effects of these two strategies:
4. If traditional teaching will only way to help the students, are you agree.
5. If modern teaching will only way to help the students, are you agree.
Theoretical Framework
Shaws’ (1908) notion that teaching is about learning with students as fellow
travelers – other way sees the process of teaching in entirely different way.
However, few educators would disagree with SHAWS’ view that the practice of
the world, it comes from the word "educare" which means, "to bring up", from e-
"out" and ducere "to lead; to bring forward". Historically higher education in
general and clinical teaching in particular placed little importance on the actual
Conceptual Framework
and Pahkratz (1991). Our conceptual frameworks is not static but in fact
encompass inclusion, equity, and justice. This work to enhance by liberal arts
authentic teaching and learning. This mission was facility by the strong liberal
[Grab your reader’s Process: Output:
attention with a great
quote questions
from the -Gathering the -Results in
document or theuse this information from observation on
names of
space to emphasize a respondents by the behavior and
key point. To place using the survey the opinions of the
this text box the questionnaire at respondents with
age, gender,
anywhere on theand ICT Grade 11 our survey form
grade and
page, just dragsection
it.] Students in and the
of the participants. Arellano Pasig. demographic
Teaching styles have changes significantly over the years. The traditional
way for the education to delivered fluently by the recitation and memorization
techniques, whereas the modern way of doing thing involves interactive methods.
conventional education, is still widely used in schools. The old fashion way of
students would sit in silence, while one student after another would take it in
turns to recite the lesson until each of one to call upon. The teacher would listen
students needs rather that assuming all students are the same level of
teachers gave.
To the family. It will inform own guardian on the way of the students it will
give them a prior knowledge to confirm the students has a big contribution on this
and it will help us to acknowledge other people if they use this kind of discussion
on their situation.
determine the memorization levels and for discovering new ideas of student and
it will be helpful because they can use single strategies or both of it.
Scope and Delimitation
Caniogan Pasig City. The researchers lacked time in conducting study but we
have enough informants for the study. It derives the information of the ICT Grade
nationalism. In the Philippines it has been recognized that other one of the goals
of the education act of 1982 that serve as a guideline for elementary education is
to promote and intensify the child knowledge of identification with and love for the
nation and the people to which and love for the nation.
the education act of 1982 the department of education came up with the following
organization to an agency.
methods, or notations.
Modern Teaching
Traditional Teaching
Teacher should know the strategies to literate their student. How is it helpful for
utilize all the data by writing or orally. Many things that can help us to determine
our knowledge, if teachers use the traditional way to teach, and to help, to
understand the lessons that they want to share. Otherwise if the teachers use the
modern teaching. It also helpful for us and, it can prioritize the mindset of the
student in terms of technologies. On this part you can see all the information
helped by search engines and other footnote of the authors. Information has a
big contribution in our research, modern and traditional teaching has a big impact
to the students who are curious to explore and to discover new things that they
need for their future. We emphasize the information from those authors to be
able to enumerate all the statement. This will be has a ethical way of researching
new things because we utilize all the statement before we kept all the information
traditional teaching is not just all about way of teaching but the righteous to know
that teaching strategies has planning, enumerating, determining and for other
researcher we need to elaborate all things by the help of survey is more on the
said that that great teacher make a difference. They have passion that seeps
through the skin a love of learning. Great progress was made but a working hum
and engagement is now not enough. What are now needed are quality learning
need to have a one mindset to be a one building that will kept the knowledge that
we explore, as of now in the millennials culture we are too closed to our teachers
to open up on how we are going to discover things and also facts that this new
generation has a big help for studying and also for communicating to each
other’s. One thing that may lead to be helpful is the significance of being
openness of students and teachers also the staffs of schools. It enlarges our
capacity to learn and to developed our cognitive and also our morality.
Doyal (Eds.), Engendering social policy (pp. 180-195). Philadelphia, PA: Open
these aspects of a teacher ‘s role requires significant expert use and the making
of finely tuned and sensitive judgments based on both breadth and depth of
When we are on discussion of teaching strategies it is not just all about
teachers between the students, but rather to emphasize the way in planning,
dependent just from themselves because nowadays we can fix something just by
Ministerial Round Table Meeting (2003) education (pg. 20-35), the image
of the teacher as a specialist in a specific subject who stands alone in front of the
class is still a reality today in many contexts, particularly at the elementary level.
However, this perception of the role of teachers no longer matches the demands
of teaching and the expectations that are made with regard to the education of
young people.
It shows that young educators have much efficient because they conquer
strategies that can help for their students. Teachers must be friendly and lovable
from their students just to be able to opened up all suggestions that students
want to express and to cope the things that they get bothered and bewildered.
Local Literature
with peers sensing a freedom from threat of failure identifying the area where the
on what you are going to build or create, as much a possible we can use modern
way to literate yourself, on the other hand we can feel the satisfaction of teaching
alternatives for learning skills and identify the failure that might be exist. Because
teaching strategies has many processes for you to know the easiest way of doing
Dunn and Dunn (1972) Modern teaching (pp 67-70), a student contract
teaching tool it should stimulate individualized learning. They also stated that
what he learns”
because today’s generation is not all about to compete and to determine you
capacity but to owe that we are what we are today because of our strategies that
we can do. They also stated the individualized instruction from one to one and it
and ‘own’ information and ideas, and a variety of options through which students
understand and to get you own way on how you can own your ideas or
easiest way to have a good strategy that suits to you. We can demonstrate or
exhibit just to have a way of strategies that we need. It's so important to keep the
teacher's authority and respect inside the class, and at the same time create a
relaxed atmosphere to the students to make them share ideas and ask
questions. I think teachers should have self-confidence and they should always
Foreign Studies
important. We are here to help you get to the next level by teaching you studying
strategies and easier ways to get what you need to get. We "students" read and
studied a lot of books and articles about teaching strategies, but ..can we apply
They say that theories can help but if we know how to apply the
correctly and add our own experience and personality. Teaching is not only about
motivating students to learn, but about helping them how to learn and get the
essence of the information. If the teachers have the passion and the love to their
career so I think they can convey them to the students. Knowledge is not only in
methods and theories, but it's about bridging the gap between theory and
practice. It's so important to keep the teacher's authority and respect inside the
class, and at the same time create a relaxed atmosphere to the students to make
them share ideas and ask questions. I think teachers should have self-
These intelligences differ among people and within a person, suggesting that an
individual can have all the intelligences but at varying degrees. The Theory of
Acknowledging where students excel at is the focal point of tailoring our teaching
teachers and parents, and previous work portfolio are good enough in
determining the varying aptitudes of students. Let us take a look at these
intelligences and understand the diverse teaching strategies that can be applied
students to learn through reading and writing. Allow them to lead group reading
activities. Word puzzles, sentence formation activities, journal making, guess that
word, and poem writing are just a few to help them understand lessons being
our learners. There are just some strategies in teaching that never grow old as
one of our development talks. Let me share them with you. If we want our class
to be interesting, the first piece of advice is to prepare and the next thing we do is
also to prepare. Lastly, never walk into the classroom cold. Classes become
boring (and the teacher is irritable) simply because the teacher doesn't know
what to do anymore. Students are hooked throughout the period if the teacher is
don't have.
have our discussion. Never dwell behind the teacher's table and make our lesson
move, too. Sometimes teachers stay in that particular topic for too long plainly
students into the act and ask relevant and sensible questions. Devising good
questions and asking them properly are skills that all teachers must acquire.
Sometimes students find it very hard to comprehend the topic because it appears
too abstract for them. As teachers, it is our job to make our lessons visible.
Local Studies
fascinating the students with what they see, we have to let them know the
importance of what we teach to their very own lives. If students find the topics
meaningful and beneficial, they are more willing to be engaged. Remember that
as humans, we are never bored by caring for our own needs. That is a fact.
Before entering the classroom to present our lesson, be sure that we know the
answer to the following questions: What is the sense in all of these? Why do I
have to learn this? If we can’t answer these basic questions, don’t expect our
generation, but not just only for our generation but to have a curricular system
and also to know that k-12 has a big impact on the process of making things or
discover new things just like teachers doing. They have many questions comes
complex and too abstract Math concepts, but he never fails to inject humor in his
discussions as well. In fact, there’s an article in the school paper devoted solely
for his jokes they termed as the JOCA. Injecting humor in the class relaxes
tension and prevents fatigue. This will aid you to keep the students awake and
attentive. Just make sure that the humor never goes out of hand. Let your
students know that you enjoy their company and find teaching fun because if you
learn. Try something new and perhaps something different every now, and then
think speaking loudly is enough, then we must think again. Let’s be mindful with
our pacing, the power of our voice, and with our pitch. We already know what will
about bringing out what is already within the child. As well as teaching children
about how to become “successful” we should also teach them how to be happy.
have more understanding and team building so that you can use the ethical way
and that is the openness we need to be responsible for you to have a good
communication from your teacher, grade is not a base of being intelligent but
attitude would be. But students deserve a good service to discover new things
and explore more ideas and thought by the modern and traditional teaching way
It refers to the modern and traditional teaching that can be helpful for us to
helpful to easily understand the lesson. Modern teaching is now more useful
they read with the goal of breaking down content into succinct pieces. This
strategy can be used with the whole class, small groups, or as an individual
students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for
students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that
support them. It is a technique that enables students to focus on key words and
phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering. Used in
conjunction with active learning teaching strategies, the traditional lecture can be
to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life experiences has proven to
fundamental dilemmas or critical issues and provide a format for role playing
Research Methodology
in our topic will have a big contribution to our study. Also, as a student too we are
aiming a good participation not just because it is study by its for help and for the
goods of others. That they will know how important to us, to know the good effect
of modern teaching and traditional teaching it may help to give the significance.
However, we use some old literature to help our information, to guide and to
Methods of Research
survey on the selected respondents about the study. Many things that can help
us to determine our knowledge, if teachers use the traditional way to teach, and
to help, to understand the lessons that they want to share. Otherwise if the
teachers use the modern teaching. It also helpful for us and, it can prioritize the
to understand the information that teachers want to share for us because modern
teaching is focusing on the technologies. However modern teaching, teach and
have a contribution and purpose on out study. The researchers have the quota of
100 respondents in ICT Grade 11 Students. The researchers chose a topic that
respondents is grade 11 ICT Students for us to be easily find some answer for
our questionnaire.
Sampling Technique
disagree. It specifically chose quota sampling for us to gain more data from our
respondents. Also, it helps us to guide the best answer or data that we need, that
is already connected to our topic. We chose a topic that may help us to prove
when the respondents have an idea of our topic. It is not commonly used topic in
performing a research that’s why we can prove our study by the help of
purposive sampling.
Data Collection Instrument
to be able to gather the needed data. In this study the questionnaire seeks the
important information to the target respondents like its demographic profile and
the question proper which shows the perceptions of respondents based based on
The researchers also used information from books and other reading materials to
supports the idea that would read to good outcomes of the study. Researchers
asked permission from Grade 11-12 ICT Students in Arellano University Pasig in
order to gather the needed data for this study. However, we use some old
traditional teaching, it might be helpful for us because we can utilize all the data
researcher creates using yellow paper to write the questionnaires to check the
grammar of the teacher to revised the wrong grammar after writing the correct
sentences you need to put in the soft copy. The survey was created using
in order to gather the relevant data. The researcher gathered an answer and
information from the respondents. The instrument was retrieved after they were
finished answered. The researcher used tally to get the number of the agree with
traditional and modern teaching. After tallying the data of the respondents input it
Validation of Instrument
The researchers need the approval of our research teacher and then after
that, the researchers validated the survey form on the four major English
every respondent on the particular strand and that is the ICT Strand. The four
teacher who help us to validated the survey form are Mr. Lorenzo, Mrs. Marabot,
Ms. Mora, Ms. Castillo. And the researchers are very thankful for them because
they are involved in this particular research. It has a big contribution in the
research especially if the researchers need to proceed on the next chapter. One
Mean and percentage are the statistical treatment will be use in this study.
𝑥̅ = 𝛴𝑓
% = 𝑓/𝑁𝑥100 Where:
P= ∗ 100
were favored most and which item were favored least by the respondents.
Xm = Σ +
new value. We give the smallest no. 5 and the next larger value the
5 = Undecided
4 = Strongly Disagree
3 = Disagree
2 = Agree
1 = Strongly Agree
Chapter IV
Presentation of Analysis and Findings
This Chapter shows the presentation and analysis of data revealed the
I. Demographic Profile
Table 1
Male 73 73%
Female 27 27%
Majority of the respondents were male (73%) and least respondents were female
No. of Respondents
YES % NO %
Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution according to Yes or No.
The majority for YES that obtained of the percentage is 22.10 the statement is
“Do you understand the lesson using traditional”, more than the respondent
answers for YES in term of traditional using than modern method / teaching, the
total equivalent of YES is 371 that obtained of the percentage of 100.01 but still
100%. The majority for NO that obtained of the percentage is 26.36 the
statement is “Are you comfortable using powerpoint than visual aid”, more than
the respondent answers for NO that their aren’t comfortable using powerpoint
than visual aid, the total equivalent of NO is 129 that obtained of the percentage
Table 3
Strongly Disagre y
Agree Neutral
Agree e Disagre
No No No N
% No % % % %
. . . o.
(i) Satisfied in
(iii) A skill
30 11.86 44 14.72 25 17.36 1 33.3 0 0
develop our
behavior and
prefer other
28 11.07 35 11.71 37 25.70 0 0 0 0
36 14.23 34 11.37 28 19.44 2 66.6 0 0
teaching affect
Table 3 presents the important of modern and traditional teaching / method with
the percentage to know the performances of the Grade 12, ICT students.
• Item (i): The majority of subjects, 15.05% agree to satisfied teaching the
modern and traditional method while only 15.02% for the strongly agree, 11.11%
• Item (ii): 16.21% of subjects strongly agree for the teaching strategy is
helpful in every student rather than least of percentage for disagree and strongly
• Item (iii): The majority of subjects, 16.05% agree to the skill develops
• Item (iv): 17.30% of subjects strongly agree that is helpful for gaining
new knowledge
statement that it is modern and traditional teaching develop our behavior and
attitude Only 11.86% of subjects see experience of modern and traditional
• Item (vi): Only 11.07% of the subjects disagree with the statement that
would you prefer other teaching strategies. The majority of subjects – 25.70% -
indicate that they’re prefer of the other teaching rather than the modern and
traditional method
Table 4
highest interpretation is five(5) which is strongly agree, and number four (4)
stands for agree, the three(3) for neutral, the next one is disagree its stand for
number two(2) and last one is stand for lower interpretation it is strongly agree.
Table 5
Questions 5 4 3 2 1 Total WM VI
(i) Satisfied
in modern
(ii) The
strategy is
41 47 12 0 0 100 4.29 SA
helpful in
(iii) A skill
(iv) Is
helpful for
44 46 10 0 0 100 4.34 SA
(v) Modern
(vi) Would
you prefer
affect your
daily life
TOTAL 4.11 A
Table 5 shows on how the important of modern and traditional teaching /
method to the majority of 4.11 for the weighted mean and the verbal
interpretation is the respondent are agree, the statement of number four which is
“Is helpful for gaining new knowledge” are the highest weighted mean to gained
of 4.34 and the verbal interpretation is strongly agree and the least is the
statement number five which is “Modern and traditional teaching develop our
behavior and attitude” to obtained of the weighted mean of 4.01 to present the
Summary of Findings
The main purpose of the study was to determine the “Satisfaction in modern
It tells about the importance of the modern and traditional teaching because
the students need to acknowledge and they are involved in this study. Most
specially the teachers also involved in performing this kind of teaching strategies.
It talks about the significance of this study in our society and environment.
Students have the righteous to know the effect and the value of this kind of study.
strategy that engages students in active discussion about issues and problems
Confidence is crucial for a great student teaching experience. Students need
to see that their teacher knows what he or she is talking about. They need a
teacher that demands respect. When I first started as a student teacher, I was
awkward and unsure of myself. I wasn’t sure what my cooperating teacher would
think, and I worried about how my students would perceive this teacher who
didn’t look old enough to teach in the first place. As I fell into my groove and
respected me but felt more comfortable talking to me, too. Confidence meant I
could be myself while still demanding respect from my students and colleagues.
can really enrich your student teaching experience. One of my biggest regrets as
a student teacher was that I didn’t get involved more. Sure, I attended all of the
meetings and met with parents. With the amount of work, I put into creating
lessons, I chose not to volunteer in after school activities, for example. I wish that
I would have taken the opportunity to get more involved. You can gain more
experience, meet more people, and find a new niche within the teaching
I found was that student teaching was the perfect time to think outside of the
box and try different things. If they didn’t work, they didn’t work. At least, I got to
try them in a safe environment. And in the process, I got to work on vital skills for
cooperating teacher who set me free to try new things. Of course, it was always
The timing has never been better for using technology to enable and improve
learning at all levels, in all places, and for people of all backgrounds. From the
cultural institutions, and all other stakeholders, these groups can eliminate
inefficiencies, reach beyond the walls of traditional classrooms, and form strong
Effective senior secondary pathways and curricula are linked to how well schools
have responded to the individual learning and career pathways of their students.
This evaluation identifies the need for schools to be more innovative to meet
the needs of all their students. It signals that the future success for secondary
aspirations, strengths, culture and needs of their students. The most responsive
schools put considerable effort into ensuring teachers understood the goals for
achieving their goals. The question that remains is – how can such leadership
and self-managing skills be developed in all schools, to help students find out
about their future opportunities and what they need to do to achieve them?
With all the foregoing analysis, interpretation and conclusions of this study,
how what is better the researcher assure you to gain knowledge about the topic
of the research and you can find out what the difference about tradition and
better use traditional teaching methods such as blackboard writing and visual
aids because it makes a better properly way to attribute for the people even
though to the young. The researcher will help you to define tradition and modern
teaching and learn the topic of the research, you can easily to understand the
1. Future researchers can conduct a similar study and improve same flaws.