: visi peps-wire
Extensive range of CAD
interfaces for both
import and export
Automatic feature
VISI PEPS-Wire incorporates the industry leading recognition of EDM features
including 4 Axis, variable
PEPS Wire EDM CAM system, developed specifically taper, variable land,
constant taper & holes
for the precision engineering, tool-making, mould &
Roughing and finishing
die, press and extrusion tool industries, within the cuts easily applied to
multiple punches or dies
VISI design environment. Fully feature based, VISI
Multiple tagging options
PEPS-Wire provides automatic feature recognition of with auto tag removal
Extensive range of CAD interfaces Automatic feature recognition Cutting technology change
VISI can work directly with Parasolid, VISI PEPS-Wire offers powerful points can be applied
IGES, CATIA v4 & v5, Pro-E, UG, automatic feature recognition to any cut
STEP, Solid Works, Solid Edge, ACIS, developed specifically for Wire EDM
DXF, DWG, STL and VDA files. The technologies. Detection of ‘through’ Simple and intuitive tool
extensive range of translators ensures features including holes, open and to add multiple tags and
that users can work with data from closed pockets, constant taper corner relief
almost any supplier. Companies (including constant radius and conic
working with complex designs will corner modes), variable taper, taper
benefit from the simplicity with which and land, variable land and 4 axis is
their customer’s CAD data can be effortlessly achieved at the click of
manipulated. VISI can work directly a button. The resulting features are
with wireframe, solid, surface and grouped appropriately so that they can
mesh data or a combination of all four, be machined quickly and reliably using
providing the user with tools to work the preferred machining method and
with any CAD model or to quickly technology.
construct the information from paper
drawings ready for wire machining. Feature modification tools
Using native VISI graphical tools it is
Intuitive operation user interface very simple to edit advanced features
The 2 and 4 axis machining operations such as 4 axis or variable tapers. User
give the user a choice of parameters ‘constraints’ or ‘synchronisation lines’
such as machining direction, auto are easily added to 4 axis features
offsetting, lead on/off radius, tag and the results dynamically update;
distance, lead off distance, lead on/off particularly useful when designing
technology to name just a few. Each extrusion dies. Variable tapered
parameter is accompanied by a bitmap features can be edited graphically
giving the user additional information by dragging the angle on individual
on how it will affect the resultant faces of the feature; this is achieved
toolpath. using interactive graphical sliders
found extensively throughout the VISI
wire edm
By using VISI PEPS-Wire, your programming time will be minimised and your
toolpaths will become more efficient, saving further time on the machine.
VISI PEPS-Wire will streamline your day-to-day production, reducing costly
errors and eradicating the need for dry-runs, giving you a competitive
Multiple tagging and tag removal model and via on-screen messages. As common shop floor needs such as
VISI PEPS-Wire allows the user to slugs become detached, the simulation ‘attended day cutting’ and ‘unattended
provide multiple start holes on a part. advises the operator and graphically night cutting’
The system can automatically establish removes the part, emulating the cutting
tags near to the start of each new process on the machine tool exactly. • 4 Axis ‘null span’ support including
hole location. In VISI PEPS-Wire it is Toolpath verification also tests whether reliable offsetting where small
possible to select from several different the completed part is removable from spans are eliminated
methods of unattended machining. the component. It is also possible to
If your machine is equipped with perform a part comparison between • Square, conic and constant radius
automatic wire threading, then you target model and cut part, which corner modes for variable taper
will most likely want to run unattended highlights any rest material or gouges.
as long and as often as possible. • Separate clearance for main cuts
Unattended machining is performed Post processor database and tag removal available
by leaving the slugs attached while VISI PEPS-Wire supports a
all of the preliminary cuts are taken. comprehensive range of EDM • Additional M-Codes including
Numerous strategies are available to machines from leading Machine ‘Stop/Optional stop’, ‘Power on/off’
cut the part; for instance, taking all Tool manufacturers including Agie, and ‘Wire cut/Thread’ configurable
of the rough cuts before finishing, in Charmilles, Brother, Fanuc, Hitachi, at any point
which case all rough cuts are taken Makino, Ona, Sodick, Seibu and
while leaving the tags attached, then Mitsubishi. Machine Tool supplied • Automatic start hole creation using
the tags are removed, and finally the technology data is also included for CAD points or user configurable
finish cuts are taken. Alternatively, take supported machine tools together with start hole strategies
the rough and finish cuts while leaving JOB/Script file output for Agie and
the component or waste material in CMD file output for Charmilles. The • Secondary wire selection for
place and then remove the tag and advanced post processors are easily supported machines
finish this area. configured to suit different machine
models and configurations. • Incremental lead on points to
Toolpath verification and simulation help eliminate ‘witness marks’ on
The completed wire path can be Automatic Cutting Strategies finished component
simulated using rendered solid model VISI PEPS-Wire offers predefined
graphics, including fixtures and target cutting strategies for automatic • Automatic approach and retract
geometry. Any collisions that are ordering of rough, finish and tag technology to allow power to be
detected are highlighted both on the removal passes to accommodate ‘ramped’ up and down gradually