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516 PDF
516 PDF
The survey conducted by the Franklin Research Institute defined “Fire Hazard Conditions” to occur when receptacle
cover plate mounting screws reached 149°C (300°F), or sparks were emitted from the receptacle, or materials around the
receptacle were charred.
1 516 • June 2011
TROUBLE SIGNS or “Aluminum” and other information
marked on one side of the cable jacket
Unfortunately, failing aluminum-wired every few feet along its length. (Note: be
connections seldom provide easily detected sure to read as much of the marking as
warning signs. Aluminum-wired connec- possible because the marking “CU-clad”
tions and splices have been reported to fail or “ Copper-clad,” in addition to the “Al”
and overheat without any prior indications or “ Aluminum,” means that the cable uses
or problems. copper-coated aluminum wire and is not
If you notice any signs of a problem, have covered by the repair recommendations
a qualified electrician determine the cause. outlined in this publication).2,3
DO NOT TRY TO DO IT YOURSELF. If you are unable to identify the type of
You could be electrocuted, or you could wire in your home by this method, but
make the problem worse. Signs of electri- you suspect that you have aluminum
cal system problems include hot-to-the wire, have a qualified electrician make the
touch face plates on receptacles or switches; determination.
flickering lights; circuits that don’t work;
or the smell of burning plastic at outlets or If your home has aluminum wiring that has
switches. not been remediated, CPSC recommends
a permanent repair of the connections, as
described in the following sections.
Virtually all of the aluminum wiring was
installed as plastic-sheathed cable (type FIXING THE PROBLEM
NM, often called “Romex”) with no readily Aluminum wiring can be replaced or
discernable distinction from a cable with repaired to effectively and permanently re-
copper conductors. Look at the printed duce the possibility of fire and injury due to
or embossed markings on the outer jacket failing (overheating) wire connections and
of the electric cables, which are visible in splices. It is highly recommended that you
unfinished basements, attics, or garages. hire a qualified electrician to perform this
If necessary, use a flashlight shining on remediation.
the surface at a low angle to help make
Other than complete replacement of alu-
the e mbossed markings readable. Cable
minum wire with copper wire, there may
with aluminum conductors will have “Al”
Aluminum and copper-clad aluminum cables are sized at No.10 and No.12 AWG for 20-ampere and 15-ampere rated c ircuits,
r espectively, as opposed to No.12 and No.14 AWG for copper conductors.
The repairs outlined in this publication do not apply to larger gauge aluminum wire circuits and connections used for
s ervice entrance cables, electric clothes dryers, and cooking ranges.
be numerous potential solutions for the 1) Complete Replacement with Copper
permanent repair of hazardous aluminum Cable
wire connections and splices. However,
Replacement of the aluminum branch cir-
CPSC can recommend repair methods or
cuit conductors with copper wire eliminates
products only where there is satisfactory,
the primary cause of the potential hazards,
documented evidence that the methods or
the aluminum wire itself. Depending on
products meet the following criteria:
the architectural style of your home and
• Safe. The method or product must be the number and locations of unfinished
safe and not increase the risk of fire or spaces (e.g., basements and attics), it may
other hazards. be relatively easy for a qualified electrician
to rewire your home. A new copper wire
ffective. The method or product must
branch circuit system would be installed,
be effective and successfully eliminate or
and the existing aluminum wire could be
substantially mitigate the fire hazard.
abandoned inside the walls. This is the best
ermanent. The method or product method available; but for many homes,
must affect a permanent repair. Methods rewiring with copper is impractical and/or
or products designed to address tempo- prohibitively expensive.
rary or emergency repair situations, but
which may fail over time, are not consid-
ered permanent.
Based on these standards, as of the date
of this publication, CPSC approves of only
three methods for a permanent repair.4
1) Complete Replacement of Copper
2) COPALUM Method of Repair
3) Acceptable Alternative Repair
Method/AlumiConn Connector
Any individual or company that develops a method or product that meets these CPSC standards for a safe, effective,
and p ermanent repair of aluminum wire connections and splices and desires that the CPSC consider recommending the
method or product may submit documentation of compliance with such standards to: CPSC, 4330 East West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814. Recommendation of products or methods is rare and is solely within the discretion of the CPSC. The
burden and costs of establishing compliance with such standards is the responsibility of the requestor. Consideration of a
product or method is not intended and does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law
or in equity, by any party against the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or the United States, its officers, employ-
ees, or agents, or any other person.
2) COPALUM Method of Repair Every connection of aluminum-to-alumi-
num or aluminum-to-copper wire should be
As an alternate to rewiring with copper,
repaired in order to obtain the maximum
CPSC recommends attaching a short
benefit from such repair work. All appli-
section of copper wire to the ends of the
ances connected directly to No.12 or No.10
aluminum wire at connection points (a
AWG aluminum branch circuit wiring (e.g.,
technique commonly referred to as “pig-
dishwashers, cooling equipment, heaters,
tailing”), using a special connector named
air conditioners, and light fixtures) must be
COPALUM to join the wires. CPSC staff
repaired in addition to wall outlets, switch-
considers pigtailing with a COPALUM con-
es, junction boxes, and panel boxes.
nector to be a safe and permanent repair of
the existing aluminum wiring. The repair The COPALUM connector is a specially
should include every connection or splice designed system that includes a metal sleeve
involving aluminum wire in the home, in- intended to be installed only with a dedi-
cluding outlets, dimmers, switches, fixtures, cated power tool and crimping die to make
appliances, and junction boxes. The re- a permanent connection, that is, in effect,
paired system, with short copper wire exten- a cold weld (the precision dies in the CO-
sions at every termination throughout the PALUM tool compress the connector and
home, permits the use of standard wiring wires using upwards of 10,000 pounds of
devices, including receptacles and switches. force, as required to make the permanent
aluminum wire connection).
The COPALUM repair method is recom-
mended by CPSC on the basis of CPSC-
sponsored research, laboratory tests, and
demonstration projects. This repair method
has been thoroughly proven by more than
a quarter of a century of field experience to
provide a permanent, low-resistance elec-
trical connection to aluminum wire. The
COPALUM repair method eliminates the
aluminum connection failure problems and
still uses the existing, installed aluminum
wire. The COPALUM repair method has
been shown to be practical for installation
in an occupied and furnished home.
The tool is shown in the illustration below. Only electricians who are trained by the
An insulating sleeve is placed around the manufacturer to use the tool properly are
crimp connector to complete the repair. authorized to install COPALUM con-
The copper wire pigtail is then connected nectors. CPSC staff e mphasizes that this
to the switch, receptacle, or other termina- training is necessary to ensure that the
tion device. An example of a repaired recep- electrician uses the careful, professional
tacle outlet is also illustrated below. workmanship and thoroughness required to
make the crimp connector repair safe and
To determine if there is a COPALUM in-
staller in your region, visit: http://tooling.
home.asp, or contact the manufacturer at
(800) 722-1111 or at the following address:
TE Connectivity
Attn: COPALUM Aluminum Wire Repair
P.O. Box 3608
Harrisburg, Pa. 17105 The AlumiConn Connector
CPSC’s contractor self-funded the fundamental part of this research. The CPSC contract provided funds for additional
of twist-on connectors with aluminum
wire. It is possible that some pigtailing
“repairs” made with twist-on connec-
tors may be prone to even more failures
than the original a luminum wire connec-
tors. Accordingly, CPSC staff b elieves
that this method of repair does not solve
the problem of overheating present in
aluminum-wired branch circuits.
installed carefully and according to best Recommendations on Temporary Repairs
electrical practices. However, CO/ALR
AL/CU twist-on connector pigtails or
wiring d evices have failed in laboratory tests
CO/ALR devices may be used as an emer-
when connected to aluminum wire typical
gency, t emporary repair for a failed alumi-
of that installed in existing homes. The test
num termination. Should such a repair be
conditions simulated actual use conditions;
performed, CPSC staff recommends that
no “overstress” type of testing was used.
a complete repair of the aluminum-wired
Further, CO/ALR connectors are not
system be performed using the CPSC-
available for all parts of the wiring system
recommended methods as soon as possible.
(e.g., for the permanently wired appliances
and ceiling mounted light fixtures). In the
must be considered, at best, an incomplete
All modifications and additions to installed
wiring should be performed and inspected
in accordance with local regulations.
This pamphlet is available on the Web at: www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/516.pdf.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from
unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under
the agency’s jurisdiction. CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that
pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard. CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of c onsumer
products—such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals—contributed
significantly to the decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over
the past 30 years.