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Presenting A New Method To Estimate The Remaining Life of Aerial Bundled Cable Network

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23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Lyon, 15-18 June 2015

Paper 0112




Shiraz Electrical Dis.Co –Iran Shiraz Electrical Dis.Co -Iran Shiraz Electrical Dis.Co -Iran
F.nowbakht@gmail.com M_ahrarinouri@yahoo.com mansourisaba@yahoo.com

discharge is another influencing factor that may results in

ABSTRACT breakdown. The main reasons of PD are built of voids
Today, the aerial bundled cables (ABC) are gradually and sharp electrodes [3, 4]. Water tree phenomenon is
finding their place in low voltage electrical network another aging mechanism in extruded cables [5].Besides,
around the world and especially in the Middle East and wrong cable operation and designing of cable size would
respectfully Iran due to the benefits that are superior to be influential in life of cables.
the wired network. In recent years, around 70% of the In the following sections the major influencing factors on
low voltage power network in Iran has replaced by ABCs. aging are introduced. After that, by using the
mathematical methods and experiments obtained in
This paper introduces a new method of ABC’s life SHEDC a curve is proposed for life expectancy of ABC.
expectancy that can be useful for electrical network
operators. They can be informed about the useful life of
ABCs before serious damage happen and take remedial
activities such as repair or replacement of the network. BUNDLED CABLE LIFETIME REDUCTION
Firstly, the erosion processes in ABCs are introduced, Research shows that several factors are responsible of
and then using the factors of influence on the aging, and deterioration and reduction of the useful life of ABCs.
the math formula a chart for determine the remaining life Factors such as mechanical damage, moisture penetration
of the ABC will be presented. to cable insulation which is caused by hardware
installation, use of non-standard clamps and cultural
INTRODUCTION factors of the area as well as weather conditions are the
most important ones. Meantime, it is proven that the
During recent years, the process of changing bare copper cable insulation play major role in cable useful life. As a
wires to the aerial bundled cables (ABC) is accelerated so result, the cable insulation is a good indicator for
rapidly. Regarding the concern of ABC’s lifetime, there
calculating the remaining life in the ABCs. So that it can
is an important question among engineers and senior
be said that the determination of the time duration break
managers of the electrical distribution company that
down of the insulator in cable is equivalent to the
whether ABC is a good alternative for bare wire or not? remaining lifetime of ABCs.
Answering this question is highly related to determining
the useful life of ABC as accurately as it could be.
Obviously, due to the shorter lifetime of ABC insulator,
this cable has a shorter lifetime than copper or aluminum 2- AERIAL BUNDLED CABLE WITH POLY
wires. In order to find the true value of ABC’s life, ETHYLENE CROSS LINKED INSULATOR
important factors and parameters in erosion should be Compared to the other cables, ABCs have better thermal
recognized. Due to the growing use of ABC networks specification, withstanding temperature, dielectric loss
across the countries, poor information and maintenance and installation cost. Cross linked cables are able to work
instructions and procedures troubleshooting are high- up to 90 centigrade. Temperature increase has a great role
lighted. in life time of insulator. The temperature increase
Based on the experience gained in the Shiraz Electricity affected by parameters such as the maximum working
Distribution Company (SHEDC) the most important temperature allowed for cable, the environment
factors in shortening the lifespan of the ABC network are temperature and cable insulation structure. Cable rated
not following the standard quality from the manufacturer current must be designed to use throughout the year for
and the use of nonstandard hardware and clamps. In the worst case and can withstand the highest temperature.
return, correct maintenance and operation of the ABC With increasing temperature, the polymer material has
network and unified set of instructions will be helpful [1]. major change in the chemical qualities which results in
To estimate the ABC life, it is required to specify the physical characteristics shifts. For this reason, protection
mechanisms that cause errors, failures and aging. the polymer used in cable especially at high temperatures
It is possible that the cable insulator shield is corrupted to obtain the optimum time in operation is important.
during the construction, transportation or operation Due to the loss of the cable insulation at high
procedure, and so the insulator failure starting [2]. Partial temperatures, releasing of heat to the environment is an

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23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Lyon, 15-18 June 2015

Paper 0112

essential item. Moreover, the cable insulation must

protect against the explosion of sunlight (UV).
Research shows that black carbon is a good stabilizer for
poly elfin. The presence of oxygen in the air causes rapid
aging of the family of chemical compounds, polymers
(including poly elfin) and factors such as temperature and
light intensity this procedure [6].
The cross linking process is created by various conditions
such as high temperature heating cable in the steam room.
Figure 1: The water tree phenomenon in PE cables
This process changes the chemical structure of PE that
increases the threshold withstanding to heat. In relation
(1) the chemical structure of XLPE insulator illustrated. Experimental results show that the cable insulating
material has corrupted after 20 to 30 years of operation.
ࢄࡸࡼࡱ − ࡴ࢕࢓࢕࢖࢕࢒࢟࢓ࢋ࢘ + ሺࡱࡱ࡯࢕࢘ࡱ࡮࡯ሻ → ࢄࡸࡼࡱ − ࡯࢕࢖࢕࢒࢟࢓ࢋ࢘ Therefore, under the pressures, thermal and electrical
ࢄࡸࡼࡱ − ࡴ࢕࢓࢕࢖࢕࢒࢟࢓ࢋ࢘ =  −࡯ࡴ૛ −  ࡯ࡴ૛ − stresses the XLPE insulator will be suffered greatly [8-
ࡱࡱ࡯ =  −࡯ࡴ૛ −  ࡯ࡴ૛ − ࡯ࡴ − ࡯ࡴ૛ 10]. If there is no supervision on old cable insulation they
࡯=ࡻ are intended to absorb moisture and impurities much

࡯૛ ۶૞ more than the new ones. So cable insulator is a good
ࡱࡱ࡯ =  −࡯ࡴ૛ −  ࡯ࡴ૛ − ࡯ࡴ − ࡯ࡴ૛ indicator for the remaining life of the cable.
࡯=ࡻ Another phenomenon which causes gradual loss of
ࡻ insulation is partial discharge, which is a critical process
࡯૝ ۶૞
in cable lifetime. Usually partial discharge occurs in
Relation 1: Chemical structure of ABC insulator
cable joints and terminal or the location of wounding the
cables. It can be expanded with time and eventually lead
3- FACTORS AFFECTING ABC LIFE TIME to the defeat of the electrical insulation and collapse.
Research has shown that several factors affect the Operators can reduce the cost of maintenance by
deterioration of aerial bundled cables network and reduce determining the weak points and repairing or replacing it
the useful life of them. Factors such as mechanical in wright time. So knowing the lifetime is essential. In
damage, scarring or penetration of moisture into the cable general, determination of the duration left to the electrical
insulation through the fittings, use of non-standard breakup of cable insulation is called life estimation.
clamps, cultural factors and weather conditions concerns. Regular Service and maintenance would be very helpful
In this section, we mention a few effective indexes. in reliability and lifetime of cables.
3-2 Clamps
3-1 Cable Insulators One of the most influential factors in aging ABC is the
use of nonstandard electrical connections. This may cause
There are several phenomena in nature that causes the
premature aging of the network. ABC insulator layer can
loss of the cable insulation and the gradual deterioration
be damaged by malfunction or mechanical pressure
of aerial bundled cables. Several factors such as clash of
connectors and the rain water can easily penetrates
adjacent trees, dragging on the ground and on the sharp
through cable clamps.
rocks, intentional injuring to catch unauthorized
Therefore, the correct guidelines must comply with the
branching and non-implementation of standard clamps
implementation of the standard clamps and protect them
principally are make serious damage in cables. This eases
against water penetration (such as placement of screw
the water penetration into the cable and creating the
clamps to the top or use the rubber linings and grace in
phenomenon of the water tree over time.
them). Notice that there is no permission to take off
In water tree phenomenon the water penetrates in the
installing clamps from the network.
cable shell, and then converts to steam and causes the
The most common reasons for operation group
expansion [5]. This procedure causes small cracks in
rechecking are not tighten enough the closing screw
insulation layer and slowly grows so that the insulation
clamps and not going down steel blade in the cable
properties decrease rapidly.
Another influential parameter that creates the water tree
is voltage. The initial water tree and its growth is a 3-3 Temperature
function of the electric voltage at that point. This voltage Temperature plays a very prominent role in aging. In
should be between conductor and insulation cable layer. order to create the required temperature the electric
The average voltage must be between 2 to 8 KV/mm and current is used. Heat cycle can be 8-16 hours daily within
its frequency is 50 or 60 Hz. In figure (1) the water tree a few days of the week. Average ambient temperature for
phenomenon is shown. each country and each region varies according to the
region and weather conditions as well as the cable
installation conditions.

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23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Lyon, 15-18 June 2015

Paper 0112

Maximum working temperature of cable in accordance Voltage is the other affecting parameter in deterioration
with IEC287 standard for XLPE insulated cable is 90 of the cable. At temperatures higher than 90 degrees, the
degrees. Basically the length incensement due to short crystals of insulation are melting and then oxidizing. This
circuit currents causes expansion in cable conductor and leads to the weakening insulation property of XLPE
creates problems such as longitudinal advance in multi- cable. To apply the electrical breakdown voltage (EBV)
wires cables or displacement. the needle test is used. This process is controlled by
This is happen because of the effects of thermodynamic placing a needle into the cable insulation. The depth of
phenomena. This phenomenon creates electromagnetic the needle is variable and the duration of applied voltage
force from short circuit currents in the cable that results determines the lifetime of cable. In figure (3) this subject
in cable departure if the wires are not fasten tightly is shown [12].
together, thus increasing the length of the cable with the
temperature is inevitable.
This increase will be more in aluminum than copper. The
ABC cable characteristics necessitate length incensement
during hot season even if short circuit not happens.
Although cold weather of next year will partly
compensate this length growth but over time the length of
cable will get bigger. So cable length can be used as a
Figure 3: Electrical circuit diagram for breakdown voltage test
marker for age detecting of cable.


LABORATORIES In this section by using the math functions and the
introduced factors a formula for estimating the cable
In order To create the sample ABCs with different
lifetime is presented. The age of the cable operation is
lifetime in a laboratory an artificial aging is produced.
modeled by a multi variable function with linear
This action can be done under the mechanical, thermal
regression. In this function T is the age of cable in years
and electrical stresses which are caused by machines. In
and L is the increasing length and E is the electrical
the lab to create the required temperatures a proper
breakdown voltage (EBV). In formula (1), this function is
electrical current would pass through the cable in
consecutive cyclic duration of 8 to 10 hours within a few
days of the week. Basically, the large rise in the cable
temperature resulting from short circuit currents are ܶ௥௘௠௔௜௡௜௡௚ = ܽଵ + ܽଶ ‫ ܮ‬+ ܽଷ ‫ܧ‬ (1)
causing expansion of cable conductor. This expansion
causes problems such as longitudinal advance or cable The a1, a2 and a3 fixed constants and calculated by
displacement. The increasing longitudinal property of Eviews software which is one of the best among similar
cables can be used as an indicator for detection of the ones. This software calculates the constants by sum of
cable age. squared residuals method. Putting them in formula (1) the
The aging action of one piece cable should be done relation (2) is reached. This relation hands out the
according standard IEC811-1-2. To create lifetime of 5, estimation of cable lifetime.
10 and 15 years the cable placed in an oven for a week
and for 20 years of aging, the duration should be 2 weeks. ܶ௥௘௠௔௜௡௜௡௚ = 67.19 − .00435‫ ܮ‬+ 2.095‫ܧ‬ (2)
The oven temperature should be changed so that it
matches to natural conditions. In this test, three different According to results of needle tests, table (1) is
temperatures of 60, 80 and 100 °c is of interest, so that calculated. In table (2) the lifetimes for different cables
50% of cable life is in temperature of 80 degrees, 25% at are calculated by relation (2). The actual data plots of
the temperature of 60 °c and 25% of it spent in the fitted cables length value and electrical breakdown voltage are
temperature to 100 degrees. To create erosion in wet shown in figure (3) and (4). Finally a comparison among
environment, the cable can be put on the tank filled with EBV and cables length is done in figure (5).
water for a period of 4, 6 and 12 months. In Figure (2)
this issue is illustrated.
Table 1: The results of cable length increment and EBV
Cable age (year) 0 5 10 15 20
Cable length 1000 11000 1155 1270 1297
increment (mm)
EBV(kV) 13.6 11.6 9.8 8.8 8.7

Figure 2: The water tank used in the laboratory

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23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Lyon, 15-18 June 2015

Paper 0112

In this paper the calculation of remaining life of aerial
bundled cables are addressed based on the research and
experiences of other countries and leading distribution
Analysis the graphs of aging affecting factors in ABC
network can produce suitable information for estimating
the remaining lifetime. As a consequence, it is possible to
answer the question that how long the ABC network will
be work properly?
It should be noted that other effective factors in
deterioration of cable networks are the rate of
Figure 3: Increasing the length of the cable according to the age
unauthorized branches, intentional wounding and climate
of the cable.
changing that has a great effect on grid collapse.

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23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Lyon, 15-18 June 2015

Paper 0112

International Symposium on Electrical Insulation

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