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INSTITUTO CAMBRIDGE de Cultura Inglesa – MARZO 2019

3rd YEAR
2 TIME: 2 hours




1 P 1 - The activity of buying things.

2 A 2 - You wear these on your feet when you go for a run.
3 R 3 - Opposite of lend.
4 T 4 - You pay here when you go to the supermarket.
5 Y 5 - A person who doesn’t speak easily to people he/she
doesn’t know. (adj)


1- She has worked for IBM _____ 2008. a) for b) since c) from

2- My brother never does _____. a) housework b) mistakes c) plans

3- I met my best friend _____ university. a) in b) on c) at

4- He _____ go to Paris. He hasn’t decided yet. a) mustn’t b) might not c) doesn’t have to

MATCH A LINE FROM “A” WITH A LINE FROM “B”. Write the corresponding
4 x 0.25 = 1 mark
number from B in the box. There are two extra phrases in column B.

a Gino is the restaurant 1 where they met.
b How many people 2 he goes skiing.
c If it snows tonight, 3 he went to bed.
d He was really tired, so 4 did go to their party?
5 they’ll go skiing tomorrow.
6 passed the test?

EXCHANGES Match a line from A with a line from B to make short exchanges.
Write the corresponding number from B in the box. There are two extra phrases in B. 4 x 0.25 = 1 mark

a ‘…then turn left and take the C train.’ 1 We have maths now.
b What’s the matter? 2 I have a bad stomach.
c Can I get you something to start with? 3 Yes, a bit.
d You must be tired. 4 Could you say that again, please?
5 That was a lovely meal.
6 No, thanks. Just the steak.

COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, the Past Simple
5 x 0.4 = 2 marks
or Continuous, the Present or Past Perfect, the ‘Going to’ or the Simple Future

1- Dad: ____________________________ ? The match is going to start. (George/do)

Mum: He’s playing video games. I’ll call him.

3rd YEAR-02M 1
2- Dylan: ____________________________ when you arrived at the cinema? (the film/start)
Andrew: No, it hadn’t. Luckily, it started five minutes after we arrived.

3- Pat: _________________________________________ to work yesterday? (you/walk)

Ana: Because I couldn’t find my Sube card.

4- Carol: My husband’s in Paris on business.

Liz: ________________________________________there? (he/be)
Carol: He’s been there for a week. He left last Saturday.

5- Miriam: ______________________________________ on Saturdays? (you/get up)

Sally: At about ten. I usually go to bed late on Fridays.


THE VERBS IN BRACKETS. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, the Past Simple 10 x 0.2=2 marks
or Continuous, the Present or Past Perfect, the ‘Going to’ or the Simple Future

Hi Faith,
How are you? How’s the family? I’m writing to tell you that we 1) (just come) __________ back from a holiday in
the Alps. It was wonderful! We 2) (see) __________ some fantastic mountain scenery and beautiful lakes. Even the
kids enjoyed all the walking. I thought they would complain. We 3) (already decide) __________________ to go
again next year. Carol 4) (not come) _______________ with us. She 5) (study) _____________ for her final exams
and, if she passes them all, she 6) (graduate) _________________ next December. Yesterday, while I 7) (wash)
_______________ the dishes, she told me that one of her teachers 8) (offer) ______________ her a job in a law firm.
But she 9) (want) __________ to graduate first. I’m sure she 10) (be) ___________ very successful!
See you soon.

READING. Read this text and then complete tasks A and B 8 x 0.25=2 marks

Singapore is a fascinating place. It’s a giant floating city 130 kilometres north of the Equator. The city has four official
languages – Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English. English is the language everyone uses for official business and all the
schools teach English.
Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world, but it is also one of the richest. For years it has been famous
for its high level of education – and it’s the number one country in the world for teaching Maths. Most people think
that Asian schools in general are very strict. Is this the secret of Singapore’s real success, too? Not at all! If you walk
into a Maths class in a primary school in Singapore, you can see how active and noisy it is. Children don’t sit quietly
on their chairs watching their teacher at the board and writing sums in their notebooks. You can see a lot of activity
and hear a lot of noise.
School starts at the age of seven in Singapore. The Maths programme starts very slowly and the younger children
spend a lot of time on the first steps. They use everyday objects, like fruit, to feel and see the basic ideas. They don´t
copy from the board or do exercises in their books – they learn Maths through playing. A lot of schools around the
world have tried it out – the UK for example, and the USA. And it’s been a great success.

Task A : Circle T for True and F for False

1 In Singapore all schoolchildren learn English at school. T F

2 Students are good because teachers are strict. T F
3 Maths is taught in a really interesting way. T F
4 Students eat fruit in Maths lessons. T F
5 The text is about the richest city in the world. T F

Task B: Find the word/phrase that means

6 very big
7 approved by the government
8 without making much noise

WRITING 10 marks

3rd YEAR-02M 2
Use 90 to 120 words to write an EMAIL to a friend from a holiday resort and tell him/her about your
holidays. Use this plan and include linking words to join your sentences.

Paragraph 1
 Ask how your friend is.
 Say where and how you are.

Paragraph 2
 Tell him/her how you travelled there and what you have done so far.

Paragraph 3
 Write about your plans for the next few days.

Paragraph 4
 Tell your friend you want to see him/her as soon as you come back.
 Say goodbye.


WRITE: 1-shopping 2-trainers 3-borrow 4-checkout 5-shy
CIRCLE: 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-b
MATCH: a-1 b-6 c-5 d-3
EXCHANGES: a-4 b-2 c-6 d-3
QUESTIONS: 1-What’s George doing 2-Had the film started 3-Why did you walk 4-How long has he been
5-What time do you get up
TENSES: 1-have just come 2-saw 3-have already decided 4-didn’t come 5-is/was studying 6-will graduate
3rd YEAR-02M 3
7-was washing 8-had offered 9-wants 10-will be
READING: TASK A: 1-T 2-F 3-T 4-F 5-F TASK B: 6-giant 7-official 8-quietly

3rd YEAR-02M 4

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