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3rd YEAR: INSTITUTO CAMBRIDGE de Cultura Inglesa - Noviembre-Diciembre 2016

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INSTITUTO CAMBRIDGE de Cultura Inglesa – Noviembre-Diciembre 2016

3rd YEAR
2 TIME: 2 hours



5 x 0.2 =1 mark
extra words

who smart until which as soon as so because pleased

1)______________ Penny’s alarm clock went off, she jumped out of bed and had a shower. She quickly got dressed.
As she had a job interview, she had decided to wear 2)______________ clothes. 3) ______________ she put on a
skirt, a blouse and her new shoes, she looked at herself in the mirror and she felt very 4) ___________. She had a
coffee and ran to take the bus. As she was getting to the bus stop, she saw the bus go past. Oh no! She was going to be
late. However, as she was waiting for the next bus, a car stopped in front of her. It was her friend Gary, 5) _________
offered to give her a lift to the office.


1- I look _____ my little cousin when my aunt works. a) for b) at c) after

2- To be a flight attendant you _____ speak English. a) mustn’t b) have to c) can

3- Anne is much _____. She’s lost 10 kilos. a) thin b) thinnest c) thinner

4- Are you good _____ sports? a) for b) at c) in

MATCH A LINE FROM “A” WITH A LINE FROM “B”. Write the corresponding
4 x 0.25 = 1 mark
number from B in the box. There are two extra phrases in column B.

a We are looking forward to 1 I will call him.
b If I had a baby brother, 2 who lives next door.
c That’s the hotel 3 going to Italy for our holidays.
d If I have the time, 4 visit our son.
5 where we stayed.
6 I would play with him.

EXCHANGES Match a line from A with a line from B to make short exchanges.
Write the corresponding number from B in the box. There are two extra phrases in B. 4 x 0.25 = 1 mark

a Brad Pitt is so handsome, isn’t he? 1 Sure, that’s fine.
b Sorry, you’re breaking up. I couldn’t hear that. 2 Yes, you look really tired!
c Are you coming to Paul’s birthday party tonight? 3 Ok. Can I get back to you later?
d It was such a long journey! 4 Yes, really good-looking.
5 I doubt it. I have an exam tomorrow morning.
6 I need a drink to cheer me up!

COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, the Past Simple
5 x 0.4 = 2 marks
or Continuous, the Present or Past Perfect, the ‘Going to’ or the Simple Future

1- Sarah: ___________________________________________ that watch? (you/have)

Tom: For two months. It’s new.

3rd YEAR-02M 1
2- Rick: ____________________________________ anything next Saturday? (you/do)
Lisa: Yes, I’m meeting my friends at a pub.

3- Mary:___________________________________ when Peter called you last night? (you/do)

Ted: I was watching the football match.

4- Isabel: My cousin Joaquin loves reading.

Tim: ______________________________________ Harry Potter? (he/read)
Isabel: Yes, he has, all of them.

5- Luke: _________________________________ nervous on the plane? (you/be)

Adrian: Because I had never flown before.


THE VERBS IN BRACKETS. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, the Past Simple 10 x 0.2=2 marks
or Continuous, the Present or Past Perfect, the ‘Going to’ or the Simple Future

My favourite relative is my Auntie Sandy. She is thirty-seven years old. She’s my dad’s younger cousin. She 1) (not
live) ___________________ in Britain, she 2) (live) __________________ in Los Angeles. She 3) (be born)
___________________ in Britain and 4) (grow up) ___________________ there but two years ago she moved to the
USA. She 5) (work) _____________________ for a TV company where TV series are made. Last year while she
6) (help) _______________________ with the production of a TV programme, she 7) (meet) _______________ a
famous actor and they 8) (get) ________________ married. They 9) (be) __________________ married for six months
now. Next summer they 10) (come) _______________________ to Buenos Aires to visit us.

READING. Read this text and then complete tasks A and B 8 x 0.25=2 marks

Every night when you fall asleep, you enter a strange world, somewhere where anything is possible- animals talk and
people can fly. It’s the world of dreams.
Everybody dreams every night, but we don’t dream for all of the night. In a normal night we have four or five periods of
dreaming. They last about one or two hours altogether. Sometimes when we wake up, we remember nothing about our
dreams. We remember them if we wake up while we’re actually dreaming. And we forget dreams very quickly.
Nobody knows why we dream. Most scientists believe that you dream because your brain is classifying information. A
lot of things happen in a normal day. While you’re asleep, your brain looks at everything and puts some things into your
memory and throws some things away.
Some people believe that dreams can predict the future. Andrew Drake, for example, is a writer who dreamt about a
horse race and he saw the winner. It was number 11. The next day he looked in the newspaper and found that number
11 was a horse called Star Boy. He put some money on it and the horse won. However, sleep expert Dr. Alison Steward
thinks that what happened to Andrew was just a coincidence. Many times we dream about things and then they don’t

TASK A : Circle T for True and F for False

1 The text is about scientists who study dreams. T F

2 Some people never dream. T F
3 We dream for about four or five hours every night. T F
4 According to scientists when we dream our brain works. T F
5 Experts believe that dreams cannot predict the future. T F

TASK B: What do the words in bold refer to?

6 they
7 them
8 it

WRITING 10 marks

Use 90 to 120 words to write a STORY beginning: “That was the happiest day of my life.”
3rd YEAR-02M 2
Use this plan and include linking words to join your sentences.

Paragraph 1
 Where were you? When?
 Who were you with?

Paragraph 2
 What happened?
 How did you feel?

Paragraph 3
 How did you react?

Paragraph 4
 How did you feel in the end?


COMPLETE TEXT: 1- as soon as 2- smart 3- so 4- pleased 5- who
CIRCLE: 1-c 2-b 3-c 4-b
MATCH: a-3 b-6 c-5 d-1
EXCHANGES: a-4 b-3 c-5 d-2
QUESTIONS: 1- How long have you had 2- Are you doing anything 3-What were you doing 4- Has he read
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5- Why were you
TENSES: 1- doesn’t live 2- lives 3- was born 4- grew up 5-works 6-was helping 7- met 8-got 9-have been
10- are coming/going to come
READING: TASK A:1-F 2-F 3-F 4-T 5-T TASK B: 6-periods of dreaming 7-dreams 8-Star boy (a

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