Python Notes
Python Notes
Python Notes
text editor
Host centos7
Switch to root
yum update
exec $SHELL
sysadmin/master/helpers/bashrc -o ~/.bashrc
sysadmin/master/helpers/vimrc -o ~/.vimrc
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
vim ~/.vimrc
mkdir sample
cd sample/
touch file.txt
git init
git status
su root
yum install -y \
> libffi-devel \
> zlib-devel \
> bzip2-devel \
> openssl-devel \
> ncurses-devel \
> swlite-devel \
> readline-devel \
> tk-devel \
> gdbm-devel \
> db4-devel \
> libpcap-devel \
> xz-devel \
> expat-devel \
cd /usr/src/
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
tar xf Python-3.7.0.tgz
cd Python-3.7.0
./configure --enable-optimizations
make altinstall
exit to user
To exit
exit() or ctrl+d
print("Hello, World!")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
~ $ vim
~ $ python3.7
Hello, World!
~ $ vim
~ $ vim
~ $ python3.7
Hello, World!
~ $ chmod u+x
~ $ ./
Hello, World!
~ $ mv hello
~ $ ./hello
Hello, World!
~ $ echo $PATH
~ $ mkdir bin
~ $ mv hello bin/
~ $ hello
Hello, World!
~ $ vm .bashrc
bash: vm: command not found
~ $ vim .bashrc
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
#this is a comment line, and will not print
print("Hello, World!")
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
2 #this is a comment line, and will not print
3 print("Hello, World!")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
6 """
7 This is multiple line string
8 This takes multiple lines
9 """
Lecture: Strings
Let’s learn about one of the core data types in Python: the str type.
We’ve already worked with a string when we created our “Hello, World!” program. We
create strings using either single quotes ('), double quotes ("), or triple single or double
quotes for a multi-line string:
>>> 'single quoted string'
>>> '''
... '''
We can combine strings using the + operator and multiply a string by a number using the
* operator:
>>> "pass" + "word"
>>> "Ha" * 4
1. State
2. Behavior
For the built-in types, the state makes sense because it’s the entire contents of the object.
The behavior aspect means that there are functions that we can call on the instances of
the objects that we have. A function bound to an object is called a “method”. Here are
some example methods that we can call on strings:
find locates the first instance of a character (or string) in a string. This function returns
the index of the character or string:
>>> "double".find('s')
>>> "double".find('u')
>>> "double".find('bl')
lower converts all of the characters in a string to their lowercase versions (if they have
one). This function returns a new string without changing the original, and this becomes
important later:
>>> "TeStInG".lower() # "testing"
>>> "another".lower()
>>> "PassWord123".lower()
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Lastly, if we need to use quotes or special characters in a string we can do that using the
'’' character:
>>> print("Tab\tDelimited")
Tab Delimited
>>> print("New\nLine")
>>> print("Slash\\Character")
'Single' in Double
"Double" in Single
"Double" in Double
Let’s learn about some of the core data types in Python: the number types int and float.
There are two main types of numbers that we’ll use in Python, int and float. For the
most part, we won’t be calling methods on number types, and we will instead be using a
variety of operators.
>>> 2 + 2 # Addition
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> 10 - 4 # Subtraction
>>> 3 * 9 # Multiplication
>>> 5 / 3 # Division
>>> 2 ** 3 # Exponent
If either of the numbers in a mathematical operation in Python is a float, then the other
will be converted before carrying out the operation, and the result will always be a float.
Conversion is not uncommon since we need to convert from one type to another when
writing a script and Python provides built-in functions for doing that with the built-in
types. For strings and numbers, we can use the str, int, and float functions to convert
from one type to another (within reason).
>>> str(1.1)
>>> int("10")
>>> int(5.99999)
>>> float("5.6")
>>> float(5)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
You’ll run into issues trying to convert strings to other types if they aren’t present in the
>>> float("1.1 things")
Booleans represent “truthiness” and Python has two boolean constants: True and False.
Notice that these both start with capital letters. Later we will learn about comparisons
operations, and those will often return either True or False.
Most programming languages have a type that represents the lack of a value, and Python
is no different. The constant used to represent nothingness in Python is None. None is a
“falsy”, and we’ll often use it to represent when a variable has no value yet.
An interesting thing to note about None is that if you type None into your REPL, there will
be nothing printed to the screen. That’s because None actually evaluates into nothing.
Almost any script that we write will need to have a way for us to hold onto information
for use later on. That’s where variables come into play.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
We can assign a value to a variable by using a single = and we don’t need to (nor can we)
specify the type of the variable.
>>> my_str = "This is a simple string"
Now we can print the value of that string by using my_var later on:
>>> print(my_str)
Before, we talked about how we can’t change a string because it’s immutable. This is
easier to see now that we have variables.
>>> my_str += " testing"
>>> my_str
That didn’t change the string; it reassigned the variable. The original string of "This is
a simple string" was unchanged.
An important thing to realize is that the contents of a variable can be changed and we
don’t need to maintain the same type:
>>> my_str = 1
>>> print(my_str)
Ideally, we wouldn’t change the contents of a variable called my_str to be an int, but it is
something that python would let use do.
One last thing to remember is that if we assign a variable with another variable, it will be
assigned to the result of the variable and not whatever that variable points to later.
>>> my_str = 1
>>> print(my_int)
>>> print(my_str)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Lecture: Lists
In Python, there are a few different “sequence” types that we’re going to work with, the
most common of which is the list type.
• Sequence Types
• Lists
A list is created in Python by using the square brackets ([, and ]) and separating the
values by commas. Here’s an example list:
>>> my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
There’s really not a limit to how long our list can be (there is, but it’s very unlikely that
we’ll hit it while scripting).
To access an individual element of a list, you can use the index and Python uses a zero-
based index system:
>>> my_list[0]
>>> my_list[1]
If we try to access an index that is too high (or too low) then we’ll receive an error:
>>> my_list[5]
To make sure that we’re not trying to get an index that is out of range, we can test the
length using the len function (and then subtract 1):
>>> len(my_list)
Additionally, we can access subsections of a list by “slicing” it. We provide the starting
index and the ending index (the object at that index won’t be included).
>>> my_list[0:2]
[1, 2]
>>> my_list[1:0]
[2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> my_list[:3]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> my_list[0::1]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> my_list[0::2]
[1, 3, 5]
Modifying a List
Unlike strings which can’t be modified (you can’t change a character in a string), you can
change a value in a list using the subscript equals operation:
>>> my_list[0] = "a"
>>> my_list
['a', 2, 3, 4, 5]
If we want to add to a list we can use the .append method. This is an example of a method
that modifies the object that is calling the method:
>>> my_list.append(6)
>>> my_list.append(7)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> my_list
['a', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
['a', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> my_list
['a', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> my_list
>>> my_list[4:] = []
>>> my_list
Removing items from a list based on value can be done using the .remove method:
>>> my_list.remove('b')
>>> my_list
Attempting to remove and item that isn’t in the list will result in an error:
>>> my_list.remove('f')
Items can also be removed from the end of a list using the pop method:
>>> my_list = ['a', 'c', 'd']
>>> my_list.pop()
>>> my_list
['a', 'c']
We can also use the pop method to remove items at a specific index:
>>> my_list.pop(0)
>>> my_list
>>> my_list.pop(1)
>>> [].pop()
Lecture: Tuples
The most common immutable sequence type that we’re going to work with is going to be
the tuple.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
• Sequence Types
• Tuples
Tuples are a fixed width, immutable sequence type. We create tuples using parenthesis
(( and )) and at least one comma (,):
>>> point = (2.0, 3.0)
Since tuples are immutable, we don’t have access to the same methods that we do on a
list. We can use tuples in some operations like concatenation, but we can’t change the
original tuple that we created.
>>> point_3d = point + (4.0,)
>>> point_3d
One interesting characterist of tuples is that we can unpack them into multiple variables
at the same time:
>>> x, y, z = point_3d
>>> x
>>> y
>>> z
The time you’re most likely to see tuples will be when looking at a format string that’s
compatible with Python 2:
>>> print("My name is: %s %s" % ("Keith", "Thompson"))
Learn how to use dictionaries (the dict type) to hold onto key/value information in
• Dictionaries
Dictionaries are the main mapping type that we’ll use in Python. This object is
comparable to a Hash or “associative array” in other languages.
Things to note about dictionaries:
We create dictionary literals by using curly braces ({ and }), separating keys from values
using colons (:), and separating key/value pairs using commas (,). Here’s an example
>>> ages = { 'kevin': 59, 'alex': 29, 'bob': 40 }
>>> ages
>>> ages['billy']
KeyError: 'billy'
>>> ages['kayla'] = 21
>>> ages
Items can be removed from a dictionary using the del statement or by using the pop
>>> del ages['kevin']
>>> ages
>>> ages
>>> ages.pop('alex')
>>> ages
It’s not uncommon to want to know what keys or values we have without caring about
the pairings. For that situation we have the values and keys methods:
>>> ages = {'kevin': 59, 'bob': 40}
>>> ages.keys()
dict_keys(['kevin', 'bob'])
>>> list(ages.keys())
['kevin', 'bob']
>>> ages.values()
dict_values([59, 40])
>>> list(ages.values())
[59, 40]
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
There are a few other ways to create dictionaries that we might see, those being those
that use the dict constructor with key/value arguments and a list of tuples:
>>> weights = dict(kevin=160, bob=240, kayla=135)
>>> weights
>>> colors
Scripts become most interesting when they do the right thing based on the inputs that we
provide. To start building robust scripts, we need to understand how to make
comparisons and use conditionals.
• Comparisons
• if/elif/else
There are some standard comparison operators that we’ll use that match pretty closely
to those used in mathematical equations. Let’s take a look at them:
>>> 1 < 2
>>> 0 > 2
>>> 2 == 1
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> 2 != 1
If we try to make comparisons of types that don’t match up, we will run into errors:
>>> 3.1 <= "this"
We can compare more than just numbers. Here’s what it looks like when we compare
>>> "this" == "this"
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Notice that the string 'b' is considered greater than the strings 'a' and 'abc'. The
characters are compared one at a time alphabetically to determine which is greater. This
concept is used to sort strings alphabetically.
The in Check
We often get lists of information that we need to ensure contains (or doesn’t contain) a
specific item. To make this check in Python, we’ll use the in and not in operations.
>>> 2 in [1, 2, 3]
>>> 4 in [1, 2, 3]
With a grasp on comparisons, we can now look at how we can run different pieces of
logic based on the values that we’re working with using conditionals. The keywords for
conditionals in Python are if, elif, and else. Conditionals are the first language feature
that we’re using that requires us to utilize whitespace to separate our code blocks. We
will always use indentation of 4 spaces. The basic shape of an if statement is this:
The CONDITION portion can be anything that evaluates to True or False, and if the value
isn’t explicitly a boolean, then it will be converted to determine how to carry out proceed
past the conditional (basically using the bool constructor).
>>> if True:
Was True
>>> if False:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
To add an alternative code path, we’ll use the else keyword, followed by a colon (:), and
indenting the code underneath:
>>> if False:
... else:
Was False
In the even that we want to check multiple potential conditions we can use the elif
CONDITION: statement. Here’s a more robust example:
>>> name = "Kevin"
... else:
name is 5 characters
It’s incredibly common to need to repeat something a set number of times or to iterate
over content. Here is where looping and iteration come into play.
• while statement
• for statement
The most basic type of loop that we have at our disposal is the while loop. This type of
loop repeats itself based on a condition that we pass to it. Here’s the general structure of
a while loop:
The CONDITION in this statement works the same way that it does for an if statement.
When we demonstrated the if statement, we first tried it by simply passing in True as
the condition. Let’s see when we try that same condition with a while loop:
>>> while True:
... print("looping")
That loop will continue forever, we’ve created an infinite loop. To stop the loop, press
Ctrl-C. Infinite loops are one of the potential problems with while loops if we don’t use
a condition that we can change from within the loop then it will continue forever if
initially true. Here’s how we’ll normally approach using a while loop where we modify
something about the condition on each iteration:
>>> count = 1
... print("looping")
... count += 1
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
We can use other loops or conditions inside of our loops; we need only remember to
indent four more spaces for each context. If in a nested context, we want to continue to
the next iteration or stop the loop entirely. We also have access to the continue and
break keywords:
>>> count = 0
... if count % 2 == 0:
... count += 1
... continue
... count += 1
In that example, we also show off how to “string interpolation” in Python 3 by prefixing a
string literal with an f and then using curly braces to substitute in variables or
expressions (in this case the count value).
Here’s an example using the break statement:
>>> count = 1
... if count % 2 == 0:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
... break
... count += 1
It’s incredibly common to need to repeat something a set number of times or to iterate
over content. Here is where looping and iteration come into play.
• for statement
The most common use we have for looping is when we want to execute some code for
each item in a sequence. For this type of looping or iteration, we’ll use the for loop. The
general structure for a for loop is:
The TEMP_VAR will be populated with each item as we iterate through the SEQUENCE and it
will be available to us in the context of the loop. After the loop finishes one iteration, then
the TEMP_VAR will be populated with the next item in the SEQUENCE, and the loop’s body
will execute again. This process continues until we either hit a break statement or we’ve
iterated over every item in the SEQUENCE. Here’s an example looping over a list of colors:
>>> colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'purple']
... print(color)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> color
If we didn't want to print out certain colors we could utilize the continue or break
statements again. Let’s say we want to skip the string 'blue' and terminate the loop if
we see the string 'red':
>>> colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'purple']
... continue
... break
... print(color)
Lists will be the most common type that we iterate over using a for loop, but we can also
iterate over other sequence types. Of the types we already know, we can iterate over
strings, dictionaries, and tuples.
Here’s a tuple example:
>>> point = (2.1, 3.2, 7.6)
... print(value)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
A dictionary example:
>>> ages = {'kevin': 59, 'bob': 40, 'kayla': 21}
... print(key)
A string example:
>>> for letter in "my_string":
... print(letter)
We discussed in the tuples video how you can separate a tuple into multiple variables by
“unpacking” the values. Unpacking works in the context of a loop definition, and you’ll
need to know this to most effectively iterate over dictionaries because you’ll usually
want the key and the value. Let’s iterate of a list of “points” to test this out:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
x: 1, y: 2
x: 2, y: 3
x: 3, y: 4
Seeing how this unpacking works, let’s use the items method on our ages dictionary to
list out the names and ages:
>>> for name, age in ages.items():
Age of: 59
Age of: 40
Age of: 21
Up to this point, we’ve learned how to make simple comparisons, and now it’s time to
make compound comparisons using logic/boolean operators.
• Boolean Operators
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Sometimes we want to know the opposite boolean value for something. This might not
sound intuitive, but sometimes we want to execute an if statement when a value is
False, but that’s not how the if statement works. Here’s an example of how we can use
not to make this work:
>>> name = ""
We know that an empty string is a “falsy” value, so not "" will always return True. not
will return the opposite boolean value for whatever it’s operating on.
The or Operation
Occasionally, we want to carry out a branch in our logic if one condition OR the other
condition is True. Here is where we’ll use the or operation. Let’s see or in action with an
if statement:
>>> first = ""
If both first and last were “falsy” then the print would never happen:
>>> first = ""
Another feature of or that we should know is that we can use it to set default values for
>>> last = ""
>>> last_name
The or operation will return the first value that is “truthy” or the last value in the chain:
>>> 0 or 1
>>> 1 or 2
The opposite of or is the and operation, which requires both conditions to be True.
Continuing with our first and last name example, let’s conditionally print based on what
we know:
>>> first = "Keith"
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Now let’s try the same thing with both first and last:
>>> first = "Keith"
The and operation will return the first value that is “falsy” or the last value in the chain:
>>> 0 and 1
>>> 1 and 2
Using the variables, print the following to the screen when you run the script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
first_name = "Kevin"
last_name = "Bacon"
age = 59
birth_date = "07/08/1958"
Create a script that has a single variable you can set at the top called user. This
user is a dictionary containing the keys:
Depending on the values of user print one of the following to the screen when
you run the script.
Change the values of user and re-run the script multiple times to ensure that it
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
print(prefix + user['name'])
Building on top of the conditional exercise, write a script that will loop through
a list of users where each item is a user dictionary from the previous exercise
printing out each user’s status on a separate line. Additionally, print the line
number at the beginning of each line, starting with line 1. Be sure to include a
variety of user configurations in the users list.
User Keys:
Depending on the values of the user, print one of the following to the screen
when you run the script.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
users = [
{ 'admin': True, 'active': True, 'name': 'Kevin' },
{ 'admin': True, 'active': False, 'name': 'Elisabeth' },
{ 'admin': False, 'active': True, 'name': 'Josh' },
{ 'admin': False, 'active': False, 'name': 'Kim' },
line = 1
print(prefix + user['name'])
line += 1
Our scripts become most powerful when they can take in inputs and don’t just do the
same thing every time. Let’s learn how to prompt the user for input.
We’re going to build a script that requests three pieces of information from the user after
the script runs. Let’s collect this data:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
Being able to write code that we can call multiple times without repeating ourselves is
one of the most powerful things that we can do. Let’s learn how to define functions in
• Defining Functions
Function Basics
>>> hello_world()
Hello, World!
If we want to define an argument we will put the variable name we want it to have within
the parentheses:
>>> def print_name(name):
>>> print_name("Keith")
Name is Keith
Name is Keith
>>> output
Neither of these examples has a return value, but we will usually want to have a return
value unless the function is our “main” function or carries out a “side-effect” like printing.
If we don’t explicitly declare a return value, then the result will be None.
We can declare what we’re returning from a function using the return keyword:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> result
Now that we’ve looked into the structure of functions, let’s utilize them in a script.
• Defining Functions
To dig into functions, we’re going to write a script that prompts the user for some
information and calculates the user’s Body Mass Index (BMI). That isn’t a common
problem, but it’s something that makes sense as a function and doesn’t require us to use
language features that we haven’t learned yet.
Here’s the formula for BMI:
BMI = (weight in kg / height in meters squared )
For Imperial systems, it’s the same formula except you multiply the result by 703.
We want to prompt the user for their information, gather the results, and make the
calculations if we can. If we can’t understand the measurement system, then we need to
prompt the user again after explaining the error.
Gathering Info
Since we want to be able to prompt a user multiple times we’re going to package up our
calls to input within a single function that returns a tuple with the user given
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def gather_info():
We’re converting the height and weight into float values, and we’re okay with a
potential error if the user inputs an invalid number. For the system, we’re going to
standardize things by calling lower to lowercase the input and then calling strip to
remove the whitespace from the beginning and the end.
The most important thing about this function is the return statement that we added to
ensure that we can pass the height, weight, and system back to the caller of the function.
Once we’ve gathered the information, we need to use that information to calculate the
BMI. Let’s write a function that can do this:
def calculate_bmi(weight, height, system='metric'):
if system == 'metric':
return bmi
This function will return the calculated value, and we can decide what to do with it in the
normal flow of our script.
The triple-quoted string we used at the top of our function is known as a “documentation
string” or “doc string” and can be used to automatically generated documentation for our
code using tools in the Python ecosystem.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Our functions don’t do us any good if we don’t call them. Now it’s time for us to set up our
scripts flow. We want to be able to re-prompt the user, so we want to utilize an
intentional infinite loop that we can break out of. Depending on the system, we’ll
determine how we should calculate the BMI or prompt the user again. Here’s our flow:
while True:
if system.startswith('i'):
elif system.startswith('m'):
Full Script
Once we’ve written our script, we’ll need to make it executable (using chmod u+x
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
def gather_info():
if system == 'metric':
return bmi
while True:
if system.startswith('i'):
elif system.startswith('m'):
One of the best reasons to use Python for scripting is that it comes with a lot of useful
packages in the standard library.
Utilizing Packages
Up to this point, we’ve only used functions and types that are always globally available,
but there are a lot of functions that we can use if we import them from the standard
library. Importing packages can be done in a few different ways, but the simplest is using
the import statement. Here’s how we can import the time package for use:
>>> import time
Importing the package allows us to access functions and classes that it defines. We can do
that by chaining off of the package name. Let’s call the localtime function provided by
the time package:
>>> now = time.localtime()
>>> now
Calling this function returns a time.struct_time to use that has some attributes that we
can interact with using a period (.):
>>> now.tm_hour
Here is our first time interaction with an attribute on an object that isn’t a function.
Sometimes we need to access the data from an object, and for that, we don’t need to use
To put our knowledge of the standard library to use, we’re going to read through the
time package’s documentation and utilize some of its functions and types to build a
stopwatch. We’ll be using the following functions:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import time
start_time = time.localtime()
stop_time = time.localtime()
We’re only using a subset of the functions from the time package, and it’s a good practice
to only import what we need. We can import a subset of a module using the from
statement combined with our import. The usage will look like this:
from MODULE import FUNC1, FUNC2, etc...
Let’s convert our script over to only import the functions that we need using the from
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
start_time = localtime()
stop_time = localtime()
A common way to configure a script or CLI is to use environment variables. Let’s learn
how we can access environment variables from inside of our Python scripts.
• The os package
• The os.environ attribute
• The os.getenv function
By importing the os package, we’re able to access a lot of miscellaneous operating system
level attributes and functions, not the least of which is the environ object. This object
behaves like a dictionary, so we can use the subscript operation to read from it.
Let’s create a simple script that will read a 'STAGE' environment variable and print out
what stage we’re currently running in:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import os
stage = os.environ["STAGE"].upper()
if stage.startswith("PROD"):
We can set the environment variable when we run the script to test the differences:
$ STAGE=staging running
$ STAGE=production running
stage = os.environ["STAGE"].upper()
KeyError: 'STAGE'
This potential KeyError is the biggest downfall of using os.environ, and the reason that
we will usually use os.getenv.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
If the 'STAGE' environment variable isn’t set, then we want to default to 'DEV', and we
can do that by using the os.getenv function:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import os
if stage.startswith("PROD"):
• The io module
It’s pretty common to need to read the contents of a file in a script and Python makes that
pretty easy for us. Before we get started, let’s create a text file that we can read from
called xmen_base.txt:
Now that we have a file to work with, let’s experiment from the REPL before writing
scripts that utilize files.
Before we can read a file, we need to open a connection to the file. Let’s open the
xmen_base.txt file to see what a file object can do:
>>> xmen_file = open('xmen_base.txt', 'r')
>>> xmen_file
The open function allows us to connect to our file by specifying the path and the mode.
We can see that our xmen_file object is an _io.TextIOWrapper so we can look at the
documentation to see what we can do with that type of object.
There is a read function so let’s try to use that:
read gives us all of the content as a single string, but notice that it gave us an empty
string when we called the function as second time. That happens because the file
maintains a cursor position and when we first called read the cursor was moved to the
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
very end of the file’s contents. If we want to reread the file we’ll need to move the
beginning of the file using the seek function like so:
By seeking to a specific point of the file, we are able to get a string that only contains
what is after our cursor’s location.
Another way that we can read through content is by using a for loop:
Notice that we added a custom end to our printing because we knew that there were
already newline characters (\n) in each line.
Once we’re finished working with a file, it is import that we close our connection to the
file using the close function:
>>> xmen_file.close()
We now know the basics of reading a file, but we’re also going to need to know how to
write content to files. Let’s create a copy of our xmen file that we can add additional
content to:
>>> xmen_base = open('xmen_base.txt')
We have to reopen our previous connection to the xmen_base.txt so that we can read it
again. We then create a connection to a file that doesn't exist yet and set the mode to w,
which stands for “write”. The opposite of the read function is the write function, and we
can use both of those to populate our new file:
>>> new_xmen.write(
>>> new_xmen.close()
1. We read from the base file and used the return value as the argument to
write for our new file.
2. We closed the new file.
3. We reopened the new file, using the r+ mode which will allow us to read
and write content to the file.
4. We read the content from the new file to ensure that it wrote properly.
Now that we have a file that we can read and write from let’s add some more names:
>>> new_xmen.write("Beast\n")
>>> new_xmen.write("Phoenix\n")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
What happened there? Since we are using the r+ we are overwriting the file on a per
character basis since we used seek to go back to the beginning of the file. If we reopen
the file in the w mode, the pre-existing contents will be truncated.
Appending to a File
A fairly common thing to want to do is to append to a file without reading its current
contents. This can be done with the a mode. Let’s close the xmen_base.txt file and
reopen it in the a mode to add another name without worrying about losing our original
content. This time, we’re going to use the with statement to temporarily open the file and
have it automatically closed after our code block has executed:
>>> xmen_file.close()
>>> with f:
... f.write("Something\n")
>>> exit()
To test what we just did, let’s cat out the contents of this file:
$ cat xmen_base.txt
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Professor Xavier
Many times scripts are more useful if we can pass in arguments when we type the
command rather than having a second step to get user input.
Most of the scripts and utilities that we work with accept positional arguments instead of
prompting us for information after we’ve run the command. The simplest way for us to
do this in Python is to use the sys module’s argv attribute. Let’s try this out by writing a
small script that echoes our first argument back to us:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import sys
After we make this executable and give it a shot, we see that the first argument is the
script itself:
$ chmod u+x ~/bin/param_echo
$ param_echo testing
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
That’s not quite what we wanted, but now we know that argv will contain the script and
we’ll need to get the index of 1 for our first argument. Let’s adjust our script to echo all of
the arguments except the script name and then echo the first positional argument by
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import sys
$ param_echo
Positional arguments: []
Using sys.argv is the simplest way to allow our scripts to accept positional arguments.
In the next video, we’ll explore a standard library package that will allow us to provide a
more robust command line experience with help text, named arguments, and flags.
We can build simple scripts with positional arguments using sys.argv, but when we
want to provide a better command-line user experience, we should use something that
can provide contextual information and documentation. Let’s learn how to use the
argparse module to do just that.
The tool that we’re going to build in this video will need to do the following:
This sounds like quite a bit, but thankfully the argparse module will make doing most of
this trivial. We’ll build this script up gradually as we learn what the
argparse.ArgumentParser can do. Let’s start by building an ArgumentParser with our
required argument:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
Here we've created an instance of ArgumentParser without any arguments. Next, we'll
use the add_argument method to specify a positional argument called filename and
provide some help text using the help argument. Finally, we tell the parser to parse the
arguments from stdin using the parse_args method and stored off the parsed arguments
as the variable args.
Let’s make our script executable and try this out without any arguments:
$ chmod u+x ~/bin/reverse-file
$ reverse-file
Since filename is required and wasn’t given the ArgumentParser object recognized the
problem and returned a useful error message. That’s awesome! We can also see that it
looks like it takes the -h flag already, let’s try that now:
$ reverse-file -h
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
It looks like we’ve already handled our requirement to provide help text. The last thing
we need to test out is what happens when we do provide a parameter for filename:
$ reverse-file testing.txt
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
We can see here that args in our script is a Namespace object. This is a simple type of
object that’s sole purpose is to hold onto named pieces of information from our
ArgumentParser as attributes. The only attribute that we've asked it to hold onto is the
filename attribute, and we can see that it set the value to 'testing.txt' since that’s
what we passed in. To access these values in our code, we will chain off of our args object
with a period:
>>> args.filename
We’ve already handled two of the five requirements we set for this script; let’s continue
by adding the optional flags to our parser and then we’ll finish by implementing the real
script logic. We need to add a --limit flag with a -l alias.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import argparse
args = parser.parse_args()
To specify that an argument is a flag, we need to place two hyphens at the beginning of
the flag’s name. We’ve used the type option for add_argument to state that we want the
value converted to an integer, and we specified a shorter version of the flag as our second
Here is what args now looks like:
$ reverse-file --limit 5 testing.txt
Namespace(filename='testing.txt', limit=5)
Next, we’ll add a --version flag. This one will be a little different because we’re going to
use the action option to specify a string to print out when this flag is received:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import argparse
args = parser.parse_args()
This uses a built-in action type of version which we’ve found in the documentation.
Here’s what we get when we test out the --version flag:
$ reverse-file --version
reverse-file 1.0
Note: Notice that it carried out the version action and didn’t continue going through the
We’ve implemented the CLI parser for our reverse-file script, and now it’s time to
utilize the arguments that were parsed to reverse the given file’s content.
import argparse
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if args.limit:
lines = lines[:args.limit]
Here’s what we get when we test this out on the xmen_base.txt file from our working
with files video:
$ reverse-file xmen_base.txt
reivaX rosseforP
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
~ $ reverse-file -l 2 xmen_base.txt
reivaX rosseforP
We’ve run into a few situations already where we could run into errors, particularly
when working with user input. Let’s learn how to handle these errors gracefully to write
the best possible scripts.
In our reverse-file script, what happens if the filename doesn’t exist? Let’s give it a
$ reverse-file fake.txt
with open(args.filename) as f:
This FileNotFoundError is something that we can expect to happen quite often and our
script should handle this situation. Our parser isn’t going to catch this because we’re
technically using the CLI properly, so we need to handle this ourselves. To handle these
errors we’re going to utilize the keywords try, except, and else.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import argparse
args = parser.parse_args()
f = open(args.filename)
limit = args.limit
print(f"Error: {err}")
with f:
lines = f.readlines()
if limit:
lines = lines[:limit]
We utilize the try statement to denote that it’s quite possible for an error to happen
within it. From there we can handle specific types of errors using the except keyword
(we can have more than one). In the event that there isn’t an error, then we want to carry
out the code that is in the else block. If we want to execute some code regardless of there
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
being an error or not, we can put that in a finally block at the very end of our t, except
for workflow.
Now when we try our script with a fake file, we get a much better response:
$ reverse-file fake.txt
When we’re writing scripts, we’ll want to be able to set exit statuses if something goes
wrong. For that, we’ll be using the sys module.
When our reverse-file script receives a file that doesn’t exist, we show an error
message, but we don’t set the exit status to 1 to be indicative of an error.
$ reverse-file -l 2 fake.txt
~ $ echo $?
import argparse
import sys
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
args = parser.parse_args()
f = open(args.filename)
limit = args.limit
print(f"Error: {err}")
with f:
lines = f.readlines()
if limit:
lines = lines[:limit]
Now, if we try our script with a missing file, we will exit with the proper code:
$ reverse-file -l 2 fake.txt
$ echo $?
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Sometimes when we’re scripting, we need to call a separate shell command. Not every
tool is written in python, but we can still interact with the userland API of other tools.
For working with external processes, we’re going to experiment with the subprocess
module from the REPL. The main function that we’re going to work with is the function, and it provides us with a lot of flexibility:
>>> import subprocess
total 20
>>> proc
Our proc variable is a CompletedProcess object, and this provides us with a lot of
flexibility. We have access to the returncode attribute on our proc variable to ensure
that it succeeded and returned a 0 to us. Notice that the ls command was executed and
printed to the screen without us specifying to print anything. We can get around this by
capturing STDOUT using a subprocess.PIPE.
>>> proc =
... stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
... stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
... )
>>> proc
>>> proc.stdout
Now that we’ve captured the output to attributes on our proc variable, we can work with
it from within our script and determine whether or not it should ever be printed. Take a
look at this string that is prefixed with a b character. It is because it is a bytes object and
not a string. The bytes type can only contain ASCII characters and won’t do anything
special with escape sequences when printed. If we want to utilize this value as a string,
we need to explicitly convert it using the bytes.decode method.
>>> print(proc.stdout)
>>> print(proc.stdout.decode())
total 20
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
The function will not raise an error by default if you execute something
that returns a non-zero exit status. Here’s an example of this:
>>> new_proc =['cat', 'fake.txt'])
>>> new_proc
In this situation, we might want to raise an error, and if we pass the check argument to
the function, it will raise a subprocess.CalledProcessError if something goes wrong:
>>> error_proc =['cat', 'fake.txt'], check=True)
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
If you’re interested in writing code with the subprocess module that will still work with
Python 2, then you cannot use the function because it’s only in Python 3.
For this situation, you’ll want to look into using and
We’ve talked about how often we’re likely to work with large amounts of data, and we
often want to take a list and either:
• List Comprehensions
Note: we need the words file to exist at /usr/share/dict/words for this video. This can
be installed via:
$ sudo yum install -y words
To dig into list comprehensions, we’re going to write a script that takes a word that then
returns all of the values in the “words” file on our machine that contain the word. Our
first step will be writing the script using standard iteration, and then we’re going to
refactor our script to utilize a list comprehension.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import argparse
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
args = parser.parse_args()
snippet = args.snippet.lower()
with open('/usr/share/dict/words') as f:
words = f.readlines()
matches = []
if snippet in word.lower():
Let’s test out our first draft of the script to make sure that it works:
$ chmod u+x bin/contains
$ contains Keith
Note: Depending on your system’s words file your results may vary.
matches = []
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
if snippet in word.lower():
We can rewrite that chunk of our script as one or two lines using a list comprehension:
~/bin/contains (partial)
words = open('/usr/share/dict/words').readlines()
We can take this even further by removing the '\n' from the end of each “word” we
~/bin/contains (partial)
words = open('/usr/share/dict/words').readlines()
Final Version
Here’s the final version of our script that works (nearly) the same as our original version:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import argparse
args = parser.parse_args()
snippet = args.snippet.lower()
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
words = open('/usr/share/dict/words').readlines()
Over the next few videos, we’re going to look at some more useful packages that we have
access to from the Python standard library as we build a tool to reconcile some receipts.
To write our receipt reconciliation tool, we need to have some receipts to work with as
we’re testing out our implementation. We’re expecting receipts to be JSON files that
contain some specific data and we’re going to write a script that will create some receipts
for us.
We’re working on a system that requires some local paths, so let’s put what we’re doing
in a receipts directory:
$ mkdir -p receipts/new
$ cd receipts
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
The receipts that haven’t been reconciled will go in the new directory, so we’ve already
created that. Let’s create a file to create some unreconciled receipts
when we run it:
import random
import os
import json
content = {
'topic': random.choice(words),
json.dump(content, f)
We’re using the json.dump function to ensure that we’re writing out valid JSON (we’ll
read it in later). random.choice allows us to select one item from an iterable (str, tuple,
or list). The function random.uniform gives us a float between the two bounds specified.
This code does show us how to create a range, which takes a starting number and an
ending number and can be iterated through the values between.
Now we can run our script using the python3.6 command:
$ FILE_COUNT=10 python3.6
$ ls new/
$ cat new/receipt-0.json
Some of the most used utilities in Linux are mv, mkdir, cp, ls, and rm. Thankfully, we don’t
need to utilize subprocess to access the same functionality of these utilities because the
standard library has us covered.
Before we start doing anything with the receipts, we want to have a processed directory
to move them to so that we don’t try to process the same receipt twice. Our script can be
smart enough to create this directory for us if it doesn’t exist when we first run the script.
We’ll use the os.mkdir function; if the directory already exists we can catch the OSError
that is thrown:
import os
except OSError:
From the shell, we’re able to collect files based on patterns, and that’s useful. For our
purposes, we want to get every receipt from the new directory that matches this pattern:
That pattern translates to receipt-, followed by any number of digits, and ending with a
.json file extension. We can achieve this exact result using the glob.glob function.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
~/receipts/ (partial)
receipts = glob.glob('./new/receipt-[0-9]*.json')
subtotal = 0.0
Part of processing the receipts will entail adding up all of the values, so we’re going to
start our script with a subtotal of 0.0.
We used the json.dump function to write out a JSON file, and we can use the opposite
function json.load to read a JSON file. The contents of the file will be turned into a
dictionary that we can us to access its keys. We’ll add the value to the subtotal before
finally moving the file using shutil.move. Here’s our final script:
import glob
import os
import shutil
import json
except OSError:
receipts = glob.glob('./new/receipt-[0-9]*.json')
subtotal = 0.0
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
with open(path) as f:
content = json.load(f)
subtotal += float(content['value'])
name = path.split('/')[-1]
destination = f"./processed/{name}"
shutil.move(path, destination)
Let’s add some files that don’t match our pattern to the new directory before running our
touch new/receipt-other.json new/receipt-14.txt new/random.txt
Finally, let’s run our script twice and see what we get:
$ python3.6
$ python3.6
Note: The subtotal that is printed for you will be different since our receipts are all
randomly generated.
In this video, we take a look at some potential modifications that we can make to our file to change how we work with strings and numbers.
• The re module
• The math module
Occasionally, we need to be very specific about string patterns that we use, and
sometimes those are just not doable with basic globbing. As an exercise in this, let’s
change our file to only return even numbered files (regardless of
length). Let’s generate some more receipts and try to accomplish this from the REPL:
$ FILE_COUNT=20 python3.6
$ python3.6
>>> receipts.sort()
>>> receipts
That glob was pretty close, but it didn’t give us the single-digit even numbers. Let’s try
now using the re (Regular Expression) module’s match function, the glob.iglob
function, and a list comprehension:
>>> import re
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> receipts
We’re using the glob.iglob function instead of the standard glob function because we
knew we were going to iterate through it and make modifications at the same time. This
iterator allows us to avoid fitting the whole expanded glob.glob list into memory at one
Regular Expressions are a pretty big topic, but once you’ve learned them, they are
incredibly useful in scripts and also when working with tools like grep. The re module
gives us quite a few powerful ways to use regular expressions in our python code.
One actual improvement that we can make to our file is that we
can use a single function call to go from our path variable to the destination that we
want. This section:
~/receipts/ (partial)
name = path.split('/')[-1]
destination = f"./processed/{name}"
This is a useful refactoring to make because it makes the intention of our code more
Depending on how we want to process the values of our receipts, we might want to
manipulate the numbers that we are working with by rounding; going to the next highest
integer, or the next lowest integer. These sort of “rounding” actions are pretty common,
and some of them require the math module:
>>> import math
>>> math.ceil(1.1)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
>>> math.floor(1.1)
>>> round(1.1111111111, 2)
We can utilize the built-in round function to clean up the printing of the subtotal at the
end of the script. Here’s the final version of
import glob
import os
import shutil
import json
except OSError:
subtotal = 0.0
with open(path) as f:
content = json.load(f)
subtotal += float(content['value'])
shutil.move(path, destination)
I mentioned in the video that you can do some more complicated math to print a number
to a specified number of digits without rounding. Here’s an example a function that
would do the truncation (for those curious):
>>> import math
... else:
>>> ftruncate(num)
>>> ftruncate(num, 2)
>>> ftruncate(num, 8)
Functions are a great way to organize your code for reuse and clarity. Write a
script that does the following:
• Defines a function that takes a message and count then prints the message
that many times.
To end the script, call the function with the user-defined values to print to the
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
if count:
count = int(count)
count = 1
multi_echo(message, count)
Environment variables are often used for configuring command line tools and
scripts. Write a script that does the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
After the user enters an empty line, write all of the lines to the file and end the
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
def get_file_name(reprompt=False):
if reprompt:
print("Please enter a file name.")
file_name = get_file_name()
print(f"Please enter your content. Entering an empty line will write the content to {file_name}:\n")
eof = True
print(f"Lines written to {file_name}")
Make sure that you handle the following error cases by presenting the user
with a useful message:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('file_name', help='the file to read')
parser.add_argument('line_number', type=int, help='the line to print from the file')
args = parser.parse_args()
lines = open(args.file_name, 'r').readlines()
line = lines[args.line_number - 1]
except IndexError:
print(f"Error: file '{args.file_name}' doesn't have {args.line_number} lines.")
except IOError as err:
print(f"Error: {err}")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
It’s not uncommon for a process to run on a server and listen to a port.
Unfortunately, you sometimes don’t want that process to keep running, but all
you know is the port that you want to free up. You’re going to write a script to
make it easy to get rid of those pesky processes.
Write a script that does the following:
Python’s standard library comes with an HTTP server that you can use to start
a server listening on a port (5500 in this case) with this line:
Use a separate terminal window/tab to test our your script to kill that process.
lsof -n -i4TCP:PORT_NUMBER
That will return multiple lines, and the line you want will contain
• Use the string split() method to break a string into a list of its words.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
• You can either use the kill command outside of Python or the
os.kill(pid, 9) function.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import subprocess
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
port = parser.parse_args().port
result =
['lsof', '-n', "-i4TCP:%s" % port],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print(f"No process listening on port {port}")
listening = None
if listening:
# PID is the second column in the output
pid = int(listening.split()[1])
os.kill(pid, 9)
print(f"Killed process {pid}")
print(f"No process listening on port {port}")
You’ve now written a few scripts that handle errors, but when the failures
happen the status code returned is still a success (0).
Improve your script to kill processes by exiting with an error status code when
there isn’t a process to kill.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import subprocess
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from sys import exit
port = parser.parse_args().port
result =
['lsof', '-n', "-i4TCP:%s" % port],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print(f"No process listening on port {port}")
listening = None
if listening:
# PID is the second column in the output
pid = int(listening.split()[1])
os.kill(pid, 9)
print(f"Killed process {pid}")
print(f"No process listening on port {port}")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
We installed pip3.6 when we built Python 3, and now we’re ready to start working
with Third-Party code.
We can check out your installed packages using the list subcommand:
$ pip3.6 list
DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use -
-format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf unde
r the [list] section) to disable this warning.
pip (9.0.1)
setuptools (28.8.0)
You may have gotten a deprecation warning. To fix that, let’s create
a $HOME/.config/pip/pip.conf file:
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/pip
$ vim ~/.config/pip/pip.conf
Later in this course, we’ll be using the boto3 package to interact with AWS S3. Let’s
use that as an example package to install using the install subcommand:
$ pip3.6 install boto3
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packa
Since we installed Python 3.6 into /usr/local, it’s meant to be usable by all users,
but we can only add or remove packages if we’re root(or via sudo).
$ sudo pip3.6 install boto3
If we have a project that relies on boto3, we probably want to keep track of that
dependency somewhere, and pip can facilitate this through a “requirements file”
traditionally called requirements.txt. If we’ve already installed everything manually,
then we can dump the current dependency state using the freeze subcommand that
pip provides.
$ pip3.6 freeze
$ pip3.6 freeze > requirements.txt
Now we can use this file to tell pip what to install (or uninstall) using the -r flag to
either command. Let’s uninstall these packages from the global site-packages:
$ sudo pip3.6 uninstall -y -r requirements.txt
We need to use sudo to install packages globally, but sometimes we only want to
install a package for ourselves, and we can do that by using the --user flag to
the install command. Let’s reinstall boto3 so that it’s local to our user by using
our requirements.txt file:
$ pip3.6 install --user -r requirements.txt
$ pip3.6 list --user
$ pip3.6 uninstall boto3
Lecture: Virtualenv
We can only have one version of a package installed at a given time, and this can
sometimes be a headache if we have multiple projects that require different versions
of the same dependency. This is where virtualenv comes into play and allows us to
create sandboxed Python environments.
Virtualenv or Venv
The -m flag loads a module as a script, so it looks a little weird, but “python3.6 -m
venv” is a stand-alone tool. This tool can even handle its own flags.
Let’s create a directory to store our virtualenvs called venvs. From here we create
an experiment virtualenv to see how they work.
$ mkdir venvs
$ python3.6 -m venv venvs/experiment
Virtualenvs are local Python installations with their own site-packages, and they do
absolutely nothing for us by default. To use a virtualenv, we need to activate it. We
do this by sourcing an activate file in the virtualenv’s bin directory:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
$ source venvs/experiment/bin/activate
(experiment) ~ $
Notice that our prompt changed to indicate to us what virtualenv is active. This is part
of what the activate script does. It also changes our $PATH:
(experiment) ~ $ echo $PATH
(experiment) ~ $ which python
(experiment) ~ $ python --version
Python 3.6.4
(experiment) ~ $ pip list
Package Version
---------- -------
pip 9.0.1
setuptools 28.8.0
(experiment) ~ $ deactivate
$ which python
With the virtualenv activated, the python and pip binaries point to the local Python 3
variations, so we don’t need to append the 3.6 to all of our commands. To remove the
virtualenv’s contents from our $PATH, we will utilize the deactivate script that the
virtualenv provided.
Now that we know how to install third-party code, it’s time to learn how to use it in our
We’re going to write up the start of a script that can provide us with weather
information using data from For this video, we’re going to be
installing another package called requests. This is a nice package for making web
requests from Python and one of the most used Python packages. You will need to
get your API key from OpenWeatherMap to follow along with this video.
Let’s start off by activating the experiment virtualenv that we created in the previous
video. Install the package and set an environment variable with an API key:
$ source ~/venvs/experiment/bin/activate
(experiment) $ pip install requests
(experiment) $ export OWM_API_KEY=[YOUR API KEY]
import os
import requests
import sys
args = parser.parse_args()
api_key = os.getenv('OWM_API_KEY')
if not api_key:
print("Error: no 'OWM_API_KEY' provided")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
url = f"{},{
res = requests.get(url)
if res.status_code != 200:
print(f"Error talking to weather provider: {res.status_code}")
Notice that we were able to use the requests package in the same way that we would
any package from the standard library.
Let’s try it out:
(experiment) $ chmod u+x ~/bin/weather
(experiment) $ weather 45891
(experiment) ~ $ weather 45891
{'coord': {'lon': -84.59, 'lat': 40.87}, 'weather': [{'id': 801, 'main': 'Clouds',
'description': 'few clouds', 'icon': '02d'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main': {'temp':
282.48, 'pressure': 1024, 'humidity': 84, 'temp_min': 282.15, 'temp_max': 283.15},
'visibility': 16093, 'wind': {'speed': 1.5, 'deg': 210}, 'clouds': {'all': 20}, 'dt
': 1517169240, 'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 1029, 'message': 0.0043, 'country': 'US', '
sunrise': 1517143892, 'sunset': 1517179914}, 'id': 0, 'name': 'Van Wert', 'cod': 20
Currently, our weather script will only work if the experiment virtualenv is active since
no other Python has requests installed. We can get around this by changing the
shebang to point to the specific python within our virtualenv:
Make this script work regardless of active python by using this as the shebang:
You’ll need to substitute in your actual username for $USER. Here’s what the script
looks like on a cloud server with the username of user:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
import os
import requests
import sys
args = parser.parse_args()
api_key = os.getenv('OWM_API_KEY')
if not api_key:
print("Error: no 'OWM_API_KEY' provided")
url = f"{},{
res = requests.get(url)
if res.status_code != 200:
print(f"Error talking to weather provider: {res.status_code}")
{'coord': {'lon': -84.59, 'lat': 40.87}, 'weather': [{'id': 801, 'main': 'Clouds',
'description': 'few clouds', 'icon': '02d'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main': {'temp':
282.48, 'pressure': 1024, 'humidity': 84, 'temp_min': 282.15, 'temp_max': 283.15},
'visibility': 16093, 'wind': {'speed': 1.5, 'deg': 210}, 'clouds': {'all': 20}, 'dt
': 1517169240, 'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 1029, 'message': 0.0035, 'country': 'US', '
sunrise': 1517143892, 'sunset': 1517179914}, 'id': 0, 'name': 'Van Wert', 'cod': 20
Here’s one way that you could use pip to install the package:
$ mkdir venvs
$ python3.6 -m venv venvs/pg
$ source venvs/pg/bin/activate
(pg) $ pip install psycopg2
Make sure that you have the requests package installed. Now, write a script
that does the following:
Accepts a URL and destination file name from the user calling the script.
Utilizes requests to make an HTTP request to the given URL.
Has an optional flag to state whether or not the response should be JSON
or HTML (HTML by default).
Writes the contents of the page out to the destination.
Note: You’ll want to use the text attribute to get the HTML.
One possible solution:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import sys
import json
import requests
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('url', help='URL to store the contents of')
parser.add_argument('filename', help='the filename to store the content under')
parser.add_argument('--content-type', '-c',
choices=['html', 'json'],
help='the content-type of the URL being requested')
args = parser.parse_args()
res = requests.get(args.url)
if args.content_type == 'json':
content = json.dumps(res.json())
except ValueError:
print("Error: Content is not JSON")
content = res.text
print(f"Content written to '{args.filename}'")
In this last segment, we’re tackling a single, large problem over multiple videos. We’ll
dig into development practices that we can utilize to ensure the success of our
Our approach will include:
1. Project Planning
2. Documentation
3. Test Driven Development (TDD)
Through Test Driven Development, we’ll run into a wide variety of errors and establish
a familiarity with the stack trace that will make debugging projects in the future easier.
PostgreSQL RPM
The Project
We have many database servers that we manage, and we want to create a single tool
that we can use to easily back up the databases to either AWS S3 or locally. We
would like to be able to:
Before we begin, we’re going to need to need a PostgreSQL database to work with.
The code repository for this course contains a script that we’ll use on a
CentOS 7 cloud server to create and run our database. Create a “CentOS 7” cloud
server and run the following on it:
$ curl -o
$ chmod +x
$ ./
You will be prompted for your sudo password and for the username and password
you’d like to use to access the database.
On our development machines, we’ll need to make sure that we have the Postgres
client installed. The version needs to be 9.6.6.
On Red-hat systems we’ll use the following:
$ wget
$ sudo yum install pgdg-centos96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm epel-release
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum install postgresql96
Let’s make sure that we can connect to the PostgreSQL server from our development
machine by running the following command:
*Note: You’ll need to substitute in your database user’s values
$ psql postgres://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[SERVER_IP]:80/sample -c "SELECT count(id)
FROM employees;"
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
With this prep work finished, we’re ready to start planning the project itself.
To start out our project, we’re going to set up our source control, our virtualenv, and
finally start documenting how we want the project to work.
Since we’re building a project that will likely be more than a single file, we’re going to
create a full project complete with source control and dependencies. We’ll start by
creating the directory to hold our project, and we’re going to place this in
a code directory:
$ rm ~/requirements.txt
$ mkdir -p ~/code/pgbackup
$ cd ~/code/pgbackup
We’ve talked about pip and virtualenvs, and how they allow us to manage our
dependency versions. For a development project, we will leverage a new tool to
manage our project’s virtualenv and install dependencies. This tool is called pipenv.
Let’s install pipenv for our user and create a Python 3 virtualenv for our project:
$ pip3.6 install --user pipenv
$ pipenv --python $(which python3.6)
Rather than creating a requirements.txt file for us, pipenv has created
a Pipfile that it will use to store virtualenv and dependency information. To activate
our new virtualenv, we use the command pipenv shell, and to deactivate it we
use exit instead of deactivate.
Next, let’s set up git as our source control management tool by initializing our
repository. We’ll also add a .gitignore file from GitHubso that we don’t later track
files that we don’t mean to.
$ git init
$ curl -
o .gitignore
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
One great way to start planning out a project is to start by documenting it from the top
level. This is the documentation that we would give to someone who wanted to know
how to use the tool but didn’t care about creating the tool. This approach is
sometimes called “README Driven Development”. Whenever we write
documentation in a Python project, we should be using reStructuredText. We use this
specific markup format because there are tools in the Python ecosystem that can
read this text and render documentation in a standardized way. Here’s
our READEME.rst file:
Running Tests
$ make
Now that we’ve created our README.rst file to document what we plan on doing with
this project, we’re in a good position to stage our changes and make our first commit:
$ git add --all .
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit'
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
The last thing we need to do before we start implementing our pgbackup tool is
structure the project with the required files and folders.
There are a few specific places that we’re going to put code in this project:
We’re not going to write the code that goes in these directories just yet, but we are
going to create them and put some empty files in so that we can make a git commit
that contains these directories. In our src/pgbackup directory, we’ll use a special file
called, but in our tests directory, we’ll use a generically named, hidden
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ mkdir -p src/pgbackup tests
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ touch src/pgbackup/ tests/.keep
One of the requirements for an installable Python package is a file at the
root of the project. In this file, we’ll utilize setuptoolsto specify how our project is to be
installed and define its metadata. Let’s write out this file now:
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
description='Database backups locally or to AWS S3.',
package_dir={'': 'src'},
For the most part, this file is metadata, but the packages, package_dir,
and install_requires parameters of the setup function define where setuptools will
look for our source code and what other packages need to be installed for our
package to work.
To make sure that we didn’t mess up anything in our, we’ll install our
package as a development package using pip.
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ pip install -e .
Obtaining file:///home/user/code/pgbackup
Installing collected packages: pgbackup
Running develop for pgbackup
Successfully installed pgbackup
It looks like everything worked, and we won’t need to change our for awhile.
For the time being, let’s uninstall pgbackup since it doesn’t do anything yet:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ pip uninstall pgbackup
Uninstalling pgbackup-0.1.0:
Proceed (y/n)? y
Successfully uninstalled pgbackup-0.1.0
In our README.rst file, we mentioned that to run tests we wanted to be able to simply
run make from our terminal. To do that, we need to have a Makefile. We’ll create a
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
second make task that can be used to setup the virtualenv and install dependencies
using pipenv also. Here’s our Makefile:
.PHONY: default install test
default: test
pipenv install --dev --skip-lock
PYTHONPATH=./src pytest
With our project structured, we’re finally ready to start implementing the logic to create
database backups. We’re going to tackle this project using “Test Driven
Development”, so let’s learn the basics of TDD now.
Installing pytest
For this course, we’re using pytest as our testing framework. It’s a simple tool, and
although there is a unit testing framework built into Python, I think that pytest is a little
easier to understand. Before we can use it though, we need to install it. We’ll
use pipenv and specify that this is a “dev” dependency:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ pipenv install --dev pytest
Adding pytest to Pipfile's [dev-packages]…
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…
Updated Pipfile.lock (5c8539)!
Now the line that we wrote in our Makefile that utilized the pytest, CLI will work.
The first step of TDD is writing a failing test. In our case, we’re going to go ahead and
write a few failing tests. Using pytest, our tests will be functions with names that start
with test_. As long as we name the functions properly, the test runner should find and
run them.
We’re going to write three tests to start:
At this point, we don’t even have any source code files, but that doesn’t mean that we
can’t write code that demonstrates how we would like our modules to work. The
module that we want is called cli, and it should have a create_parser function that
returns an ArgumentParser configured for our desired use.
Let’s write some tests that exercise cli.create_parser and ensure that
our ArgumentParser works as expected. The name of our test file is important; make
sure that the file starts with test_. This file will be called
import pytest
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
url = "postgres://"
def test_parser_without_driver():
Without a specified driver the parser will exit
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
parser = cli.create_parser()
def test_parser_with_driver():
The parser will exit if it receives a driver
without a destination
parser = cli.create_parser()
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
parser.parse_args([url, "--driver", "local"])
def test_parser_with_driver_and_destination():
The parser will not exit if it receives a driver
with a destination
parser = cli.create_parser()
Running Tests
Now that we’ve written a few tests, it’s time to run them. We’ve created
our Makefile already, so let’s make sure our virtualenv is active and run them:
$ pipenv shell
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ make
PYTHONPATH=./src pytest
======================================= test session starts =======================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.4, pytest-3.3.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /home/user/code/pgbackup, inifile:
collected 0 items / 1 errors
Our current test failure is from there not being a file within
the src/pgbackup directory. Let’s do just enough to move onto the next error:
(partial make output)
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ touch src/pgbackup/
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ make
PYTHONPATH=./src pytest
======================================= test session starts =======================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.4, pytest-3.3.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /home/user/code/pgbackup, inifile:
collected 3 items
tests/ FFF
def test_parser_without_driver():
Without a specified driver the parser will exit
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
> parser = cli.create_parser()
E AttributeError: module 'pgbackup.cli' has no attribute 'create_parser'
tests/ AttributeError
def create_parser():
parser = ArgumentParser()
return parser
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/ SystemExit
-------------------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Interestingly, two of the tests succeeded. Those two tests were the ones that
expected there to be a SystemExit error. Our tests sent unexpected output to the
parser (since it wasn’t configured to accept arguments), and that caused the parser to
error. This demonstrates why it’s important to write tests that cover a wide variety of
use cases. If we hadn’t implemented the third test to ensure that we get the expected
output on success, then our test suite would be green!
For this course, we haven’t created any custom classes because it’s not something
that we’ll do all the time, but in the case of our CLI, we need to. Our idea of having a
flag of --driver that takes two distinct values isn’t something that any
existing argparse.Action can do. Because of this, we’re going to follow along with the
documentation and implement our own custom DriverAction class. We can put our
custom class in our file and use it in our add_argument call.
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser
class DriverAction(Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
driver, destination = values
namespace.driver = driver.lower()
namespace.destination = destination
def create_parser():
parser = ArgumentParser(description="""
Back up PostgreSQL databases locally or to AWS S3.
parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of database to backup")
help="how & where to store backup",
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
return parser
Our CLI is coming along, but we probably want to raise an error if the end-user tries to
use a driver that we don’t understand. Let’s add a few more tests that do the
1. Ensure that you can’t use a driver that is unknown, like azure.
2. Ensure that the drivers for s3 and local don’t cause errors.
test/ (partial)
def test_parser_with_unknown_drivers():
The parser will exit if the driver name is unknown.
parser = cli.create_parser()
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
parser.parse_args([url, "--driver", "azure", "destination"])
def test_parser_with_known_drivers():
The parser will not exit if the driver name is known.
parser = cli.create_parser()
Since we already have a custom DriverAction, we can feel free to customize this to
make our CLI a little more intelligent. The only drivers that we are going to support
(for now) are s3 and local, so let’s add some logic to our action to ensure that the
driver given is one that we can work with:
known_drivers = ['local', 's3']
class DriverAction(Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
driver, destination = values
if driver.lower() not in known_drivers:
parser.error("Unknown driver. Available drivers are 'local' & 's3'")
namespace.driver = driver.lower()
namespace.destination = destination
Before we consider this unit of our application complete, we should consider cleaning
up some of the duplication in our tests. We create the parser using create_parser in
every test but using pytest.fixture we can extract that into a separate function and
inject the parser value into each test that needs it.
Here’s what our parser function will look like:
tests/ (partial)
import pytest
def parser():
return cli.create_parser()
We haven’t run into this yet, but the @pytest.fixture on top of our function definition
is what’s known as a “decorator”. A “decorator” is a function that returns a modified
version of the function. We’ve seen that if we don’t use parentheses that our functions
aren’t called, and because of that we’re able to pass functions into other functions as
arguments. This particular decorator will register our function in the list of fixtures that
can be injected into a pytest test. To inject our fixture, we will add an argument to our
test function definition that has the same name as our fixture name, in this
case, parser. Here’s the final test file:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
import pytest
url = "postgres://"
def parser():
return cli.create_parser()
def test_parser_without_driver(parser):
Without a specified driver the parser will exit
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_parser_with_driver(parser):
The parser will exit if it receives a driver
without a destination
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
parser.parse_args([url, "--driver", "local"])
def test_parser_with_driver_and_destination(parser):
The parser will not exit if it receives a driver
with a destination
args = parser.parse_args([url, "--driver", "local", "/some/path"])
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def test_parser_with_unknown_drivers(parser):
The parser will exit if the driver name is unknown.
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
parser.parse_args([url, "--driver", "azure", "destination"])
def test_parser_with_known_drivers(parser):
The parser will not exit if the driver name is known.
for driver in ['local', 's3']:
assert parser.parse_args([url, "--driver", driver, "destination"])
Now, all of our tests should pass, and we’re in a good spot to make a commit.
The simplest way that we can get all of the information that we need out of a
PostgreSQL is to use the pg_dump utility that Postgres itself provides. Since that code
exists outside of our codebase, it’s not our job to ensure that the pg_dump tool itself
works, but we do need to write tests that can run without an actual Postgres server
running. For this, we will need to “stub” our interaction with pg_dump.
Install pytest-mock
Before we can learn how to use mocking in our tests, we need to install the pytest-
mock package. This will pull in a few packages for us, and mainly provide us with
a mocker fixture that we can inject into our tests:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ pipenv install --dev pytest-mock
We’re going to put all of the Postgres related logic into its own module called pgdump,
and we’re going to begin by writing our tests. We want this module to do the following:
url = "postgres://"
def test_dump_calls_pg_dump(mocker):
Utilize pg_dump with the database URL
assert pgdump.dump(url)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
The arguments that we’re passing to assert_called_with will need to match what is
being passed to subprocess.Popen when we exercise pgdump.dump(url).
We now have tests for our pgdump implementation, and we have a basic
understanding of mocking. Let’s start following the errors to completion.
Initial Implementation
Our first error is from not having a src/pgbackup/ file, so let’s be sure to
create that. We can guess that we’ll also have an error for the missing function, so
let’s skip ahead a little and implement that:
import subprocess
def dump(url):
return subprocess.Popen(['pg_dump', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
This will get our tests to passing, but what happens when the pg_dump utility isn’t
Let’s add another test that tells our subprocess.Popen to raise an OSError instead of
succeeding. This is the kind of error that we will receive if the end-user of our package
doesn’t have the pg_dump utility installed. To cause our stub to raise this error we need
to set the side_effect attribute when we call mocker.patch. We’ll pass in
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
an OSError to this attribute. Finally, we’ll want to exit with a status code of 1 if we
catch this error and pass the error message through. That means we’ll need to
use pytest.raises again to ensure we receive a SystemExit error. Here’s what the
final tests look like for our pgdump module:
import pytest
import subprocess
url = "postgres://"
def test_dump_calls_pg_dump(mocker):
Utilize pg_dump with the database URL
assert pgdump.dump(url)
subprocess.Popen.assert_called_with(['pg_dump', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def test_dump_handles_oserror(mocker):
pgdump.dump returns a reasonable error if pg_dump isn't installed.
mocker.patch('subprocess.Popen', side_effect=OSError("no such file"))
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
Since we know that subprocess.Popen can raise an OSError, we’re going to wrap that
call in a try block, print the error message, and use sys.exit to set the error code:
import sys
import subprocess
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def dump(url):
return subprocess.Popen(['pg_dump', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as err:
print(f"Error: {err}")
Manual Testing
We can have a certain amount of confidence in our code because we’ve written tests
that cover our expected cases, but since we used patching, we don’t know that it
works. Let’s manually load our code into the python REPL to test it out:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ PYTHONPATH=./src python
>>> from pgbackup import pgdump
>>> dump = pgdump.dump('postgres://demo:password@')
>>> f = open('dump.sql', 'w+b')
>>> f.write(
>>> f.close()
Note: We needed to open our dump.sql file using the w+b flag because we know that
the .stdout value from a subprocess will be a bytes object and not a str.
If we exit and take a look at the contents of the file using cat, we should see the SQL
output. With the pgdump module implemented, it’s now a great time to commit our
The last few pieces of logic that we need to implement pertain to how we store the
database dump. We’ll have a strategy for storing locally and on AWS S3, and it
makes sense to put both of these in the same module. Let’s use TDD to implement
the local storage strategy of our storage module.
Working with files is something that we already already know how to do, and local
storage is no different. If we think about what our local storage driver needs to do, it
really needs two things:
Notice that we didn’t say files, that’s because we don’t need our inputs to be file
objects. They need to implement some of the same methods that a file does,
like read and write, but they don’t have to be file objects.
For our testing purposes, we can use the tempfile package to create
a TemporaryFile to act as our “readable” and another NamedTemporaryFile to act as
our “writeable”. We’ll pass them both into our function, and assert after the fact that
the contents of the “writeable” object match what was in the “readable” object:
import tempfile
def test_storing_file_locally():
Writes content from one file-like to another
infile = tempfile.TemporaryFile('r+b')
outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
storage.local(infile, outfile)
with open(, 'rb') as f:
assert == b"Testing"
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
The requirements we looked at before are close to what we need to do in the code.
We want to call close on the “writeable” file to ensure that all of the content gets
written (the database backup could be quite large):
def local(infile, outfile):
The last unit that we need to implement before we can combine all of our modules
into our final tool is the storage strategy for AWS S3.
Installing boto3
The boto3 package works off of the same configuration file that you can use with the
official aws CLI. To get our configuration right, let’s leave our virtualenv and install
the awscli package for our user. From there, we’ll use its configure command to set
up our config file:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ exit
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
$ mkdir ~/.aws
$ pip3.6 install --user awscli
$ aws configure
$ exec $SHELL
The exec $SHELL portion reload the shell to ensure that the configuration changes are
picked up. Before moving on, make sure to reactivate our development virtualenv:
$ pipenv shell
Writing S3 test
Following the approach that we’ve been using, let’s write tests for our S3 interaction.
To limit the explicit dependencies that we have, we’re going to have the following
parameters to our storage.s3 function:
We need an infile for all of our tests, so let’s extract a fixture for that also.
tests/ (partial)
import tempfile
import pytest
def infile():
infile = tempfile.TemporaryFile('r+b')
return infile
Implementing S3 Strategy
Our test gives a little too much information about how we’re going to implement
our storage.s3 function, but it should be pretty simple for us to implement now:
src/pgbackup/ (partial)
def s3(client, infile, bucket, name):
client.upload_fileobj(infile, bucket, name)
Like we did with our PostgreSQL interaction, let’s manually test uploading a file to S3
using our storage.s3 function. First, we’ll create an example.txt file, and then we’ll
load into a Python REPL with our code loaded:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ echo "UPLOADED" > example.txt
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ PYTHONPATH=./src python
>>> import boto3
>>> from pgbackup import storage
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
CLI parsing
Postgres Interaction
Local storage driver
AWS S3 storage driver
Now we need to wire up an executable that can integrate these parts. Up to this point
we’ve used TDD to write our code. These have been “unit tests” because we’re only
ever testing a single unit of code. If we wanted to write tests that ensure our
application worked from start to finish, we could do that and they would be
“integration” tests. Given that our code does a lot with the network, and we would
have to do a lot of mocking to write integration tests, we’re not going to write them.
Sometimes the tests aren’t worth the work that goes into them.
We can make our project create a console script for us when a user runs pip
install. This is similar to the way that we made executables before, except we don’t
need to manually do the work. To do this, we need to add an entry point in
our (partial)
'console_scripts': [
Notices that we’re referencing our cli module with a : and a main. That main is the
function that we need to create now.
Our main function is going to go in the cli module, and it needs to do the following:
def main():
import boto3
from pgbackup import pgdump, storage
args = create_parser().parse_args()
dump = pgdump.dump(args.url)
if args.driver == 's3':
client = boto3.client('s3')
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
# TODO: create a better name based on the database name and the date
storage.s3(client, dump.stdout, args.destination, 'example.sql')
outfile = open(args.destination, 'wb')
storage.local(dump.stdout, outfile)
It worked! That doesn’t mean there aren’t things to improve though. Here are some
things we should fix:
For generating our filename, let’s put all database URL interactions in
the pgdump module with a function name of dump_file_name. This is a pure function
that takes an input and produces an output, so it’s a prime function for us to unit test.
Let’s write our tests now:
tests/ (partial)
def test_dump_file_name_without_timestamp():
pgdump.db_file_name returns the name of the database
assert pgdump.dump_file_name(url) == "db_one.sql"
def test_dump_file_name_with_timestamp():
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
pgdump.dump_file_name returns the name of the database
timestamp = "2017-12-03T13:14:10"
assert pgdump.dump_file_name(url, timestamp) == "db_one-2017-12-03T13:14:10.sql
We want the file name returned to be based on the database name, and it should also
accept an optional timestamp. Let’s work on the implementation now:
src/pgbackup/ (partial)
def dump_file_name(url, timestamp=None):
db_name = url.split("/")[-1]
db_name = db_name.split("?")[0]
if timestamp:
return f"{db_name}-{timestamp}.sql"
return f"{db_name}.sql"
We want to add a shorthand -d flag to the driver argument, let’s add that to
the create_parser function:
src/pgbackup/ (partial)
def create_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
Back up PostgreSQL databases locally or to AWS S3.
parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of database to backup")
parser.add_argument("--driver", "-d",
help="how & where to store backup",
metavar=("DRIVER", "DESTINATION"),
return parser
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Lastly, let’s print a timestamp with time.strftime, generate a database file name,
and print what we’re doing as we upload/write files.
src/pgbackup/ (partial)
def main():
import time
import boto3
from pgbackup import pgdump, storage
args = create_parser().parse_args()
dump = pgdump.dump(args.url)
if args.driver == 's3':
client = boto3.client('s3')
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M", time.localtime())
file_name = pgdump.dump_file_name(args.url, timestamp)
print(f"Backing database up to {args.destination} in S3 as {file_name}")
outfile = open(args.destination, 'wb')
print(f"Backing database up locally to {}")
storage.local(dump.stdout, outfile)
Feel free to test the CLI’s modifications and commit these changes.
For our internal tools, there’s a good chance that we won’t be open sourcing every
little tool that we write, but we will want it to be distributable. The newest and
preferred way to distribute a python tool is to build a ‘wheel’.
Let’s set up our tool now to be buildable as a wheel so that we can distribute it.
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Adding a setup.cfg
Before we can generate our wheel, we’re going to want to configure setuptools to not
build the wheel for Python 2. We can’t build for Python 2 because we used string
interpolation. We’ll put this configuration in a setup.cfg:
python-tag = py36
Next, let’s uninstall and re-install our package using the wheel file:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ pip uninstall pgbackup
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ pip install dist/pgbackup-0.1.0-py36-none-any.whl
We can use pip to install wheels from a local path, but it can also install from a
remote source over HTTP. Let’s upload our wheel to S3 and then install the tool
outside of our virtualenv from S3:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ python
>>> import boto3
>>> f = open('dist/pgbackup-0.1.0-py36-none-any.whl', 'rb')
>>> client = boto3.client('s3')
>>> client.upload_fileobj(f, 'pyscripting-db-backups', 'pgbackup-0.1.0-py36-none-an
>>> exit()
We’ll need to go into the S3 console and make this file public so that we can
download it to install.
Let’s exit our virtualenv and install pgbackup as a user package:
(pgbackup-E7nj_BsO) $ exit
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Over the course of the next few exercises, you’ll be creating a Python
package to manage users on a server based on an “inventory” JSON file.
The first step in this process is going to be setting up the project’s directory
structure and metadata.
Do the following:
There’s more than one way to set up a project, but here’s one way that you
could. First, set up the project’s folder structure:
$ mkdir hr
$ cd hr
$ mkdir -p src/hr tests
$ touch src/hr/ tests/.keep README.rst
With the folders setup, you can then utilize pipenv to add dependency
Note: Ensure that which has been installed and is in your $PATH
$ pipenv --python python3.6 install --dev pytest pytest-mock
description='Commandline user management utility',
author='Your Name',
package_dir={'': 'src'},
The alternative usage of the CLI will be to pass a --export flag like so:
$ hr --export path/to/inventory.json
This --export flag won’t take any arguments. Instead, you’ll want to default
the value of this field to False and set the value to True if the flag is present.
Look at the action documentation to determine how you should go about
doing this.
For this exercise, Write a few tests before implementing a CLI parser.
Ensure the following:
def parser():
return cli.create_parser()
def test_parser_fails_without_arguments(parser):
Without a path, the parser should exit with an error.
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def test_parser_succeeds_with_a_path(parser):
With a path, the parser should exit with an error.
args = parser.parse_args(['/some/path'])
assert args.path == '/some/path'
def test_parser_export_flag(parser):
The `export` value should default to False, but set
to True when passed to the parser.
args = parser.parse_args(['/some/path'])
assert args.export == False
def create_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('path', help='the path to the inventory file (JSON)')
parser.add_argument('--export', action='store_true', help='export current setti
ngs to inventory file')
return parser
Note: This exercise is large and could take some time to complete, but don't
get discouraged.
The tool you’re building is going to be running on Linux systems, and it’s
safe to assume that it’s going to run via sudo. With this information, it’s safe
to say that the tool can utilize usermod, useradd, and userdel to keep users on
the server up to date.
Create a module in your package to work with user information. You’ll want
to be able to do the following:
1. Received a list of user dictionaries and ensure that the system’s users
2. Have a function that can create a user with the given information if no
user exists by that name.
3. Have a function that can update a user based on a user dictionary.
4. Have a function that can remove a user with a given username.
5. The create, update, and remove functions should print that they are
creating/updating/removing the user before executing the command.
The user information will come in the form of a dictionary shaped like this:
'name': 'kevin',
'groups': ['wheel', 'dev'],
'password': '$6$HXdlMJqcV8LZ1DIF$LCXVxmaI/ySqNtLI6b64LszjM0V5AfD.ABaUcf4j9aJWse2t
crypt.crypt('password', crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512))
Tools to Consider:
You’ll likely want to interface with the following Unix utilities:
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
user_dict = {
'name': 'kevin',
'groups': ['wheel', 'dev'],
'password': password
def test_users_add(mocker):
Given a user dictionary. `users.add(...)` should
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def test_users_remove(mocker):
Given a user dictionary, `users.remove(...)` should
utilize `userdel` to delete the user.
def test_users_update(mocker):
Given a user dictionary, `users.update(...)` should
utilize `usermod` to set the groups and password for the
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def test_users_sync(mocker):
Given a list of user dictionaries, `users.sync(...)` should
create missing users, remove extra non-system users, and update
existing users. A list of existing usernames can be passed in
or default users will be used.
existing_user_names = ['kevin', 'bob']
users_info = [
'name': 'jose',
'groups': ['wheel'],
'password': password
users.sync(users_info, existing_user_names)[[
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def add(user_info):
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
def remove(user_info):
print(f"Removing user '{user_info['name']}'")
print(f"Failed to remove user '{user_info['name']}'")
def update(user_info):
print(f"Updating user '{user_info['name']}'")
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
print(f"Failed to update user '{user_info['name']}'")
def _groups_str(user_info):
return ','.join(user_info['groups'] or [])
def _user_names():
return [user.pw_name for user in pwd.getpwall()
if user.pw_uid >= 1000 and 'home' in user.pw_dir]
I utilized the pwd module to get a list of all of the users on the system and
determined which ones weren’t system users by looking for UIDs over 999 and
ensuring that the user’s directory was under home. Additionally, the join method
on str was used to combine a list of values into a single string separated by
commas. This action is roughly equivalent to:
index = 0
group_str = ""
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
To manually test this you’ll need to (temporarily) run the following from
within your project’s directory:
sudo pip3.6 install -e .
Then you will be able to run the following to be able to use your module in a
REPL without getting permissions errors for calling out to usermod, userdel,
and useradd:
sudo python3.6
>>> from hr import users
>>> password = '$6$HXdlMJqcV8LZ1DIF$LCXVxmaI/ySqNtLI6b64LszjM0V5AfD.ABaUcf4j9aJWse2
>>> user_dict = {
... 'name': 'kevin',
... 'groups': ['wheel'],
... 'password': password
... }
>>> users.add(user_dict)
Adding user 'kevin'
>>> user_dict['groups'] = []
>>> users.update(user_dict)
Updating user 'kevin'
>>> users.remove(user_dict)
Removing user 'kevin'
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Note: This exercise is large and could take some time to complete, but don't
get discouraged.
The last module that you’ll implement for this package is one for interacting
with the user inventory file. The inventory file is a JSON file that holds user
information. The module needs to:
1. Have a function to read a given inventory file, parse the JSON, and
return a list of user dictionaries.
2. Have a function that takes a path, and produces an inventory file
based on the current state of the system. An optional parameter could
be the specific users to export.
"groups": [],
"password": "$6$HXdlMJqcV8LZ1DIF$LCXVxmaI/ySqNtLI6b64LszjM0V5AfD.ABaUcf4j9aJWse
Hint: If you’re writing tests for this code you’ll need to heavily rely on
mocking to make the interactions with modules like grp, pwd,
and spwdconsistent.
def test_inventory_load():
`inventory.load` takes a path to a file and parses it as JSON
inv_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
"name": "kevin",
"groups": ["wheel", "dev"],
"password": "password_one"
"name": "lisa",
"groups": ["wheel"],
"password": "password_two"
"name": "jim",
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
"groups": [],
"password": "password_three"
users_list = inventory.load(
assert users_list[0] == {
'name': 'kevin',
'groups': ['wheel', 'dev'],
'password': 'password_one'
assert users_list[1] == {
'name': 'lisa',
'groups': ['wheel'],
'password': 'password_two'
assert users_list[2] == {
'name': 'jim',
'groups': [],
'password': 'password_three'
def test_inventory_dump(mocker):
`inventory.dump` takes a destination path and optional list of users to export
then exports the existing user information.
dest_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
with open( as f:
assert == """[{"name": "kevin", "groups": ["wheel"], "password": "
password"}, {"name": "bob", "groups": ["super", "wheel"], "password": "password"}]"
Notice that we had to jump through quite a few hoops to get the tests to
work consistently for the dump function. The test_inventory_dump required so
much mocking that it is debatable as to whether or not it’s worth the effort to
test. Here’s the implementation of the module:
import grp
import json
import spwd
def load(path):
with open(path) as f:
return json.load(f)
groups = _groups_for_user(user_name)
'name': user_name,
'groups': groups,
'password': password
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(users, f)
def _groups_for_user(user_name):
return [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user_name in g.gr_mem]
The default list of user_names for the dump function used the same code that
was used previously in the users module so it was extracted into a
new helpers module to be used in both.
import pwd
def user_names():
return [user.pw_name for user in pwd.getpwall()
if user.pw_uid >= 1000 and 'home' in user.pw_dir]
def add(user_info):
print("Adding user '%s'" % user_info['name'])
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
print("Failed to add user '%s'" % user_info['name'])
def remove(user_info):
print("Removing user '%s'" % user_info['name'])
print("Failed to remove user '%s'" % user_info['name'])
def update(user_info):
print("Updating user '%s'" % user_info['name'])
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
print("Failed to update user '%s'" % user_info['name'])
def _groups_str(user_info):
return ','.join(user_info['groups'] or [])
Now you can look at the new inventory.json file to see that it dumped the
users properly.
$ cat inventory.json
[{"name": "kevin", "groups": ["wheel"], "password": "$6$HXdlMJqcV8LZ1DIF$LCXVxmaI/y
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Now that you’ve implemented all of the functionality that the hr tools needs,
it’s time to wire the pieces together and modify the package metadata to
create a console script when installed.
1. Implement main function that ties all of the modules together based on
input to the CLI parser.
2. Modify the so that when installed there is an hr console script.
Here’s an example main function that was added to the cli module:
import argparse
def create_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('path', help='the path to the inventory file (JSON)')
parser.add_argument('--export', action='store_true', help='export current setti
ngs to inventory file')
return parser
def main():
from hr import inventory, users
args = create_parser().parse_args()
if args.export:
users_info = inventory.load(args.path)
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Here are the modifications for the file necessary to create a console
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description='Commandline user management utility',
author='Your Name',
package_dir={'': 'src'},
'console_scripts': 'hr=hr.cli:main',
Since you need sudo to run the script you’ll want to install it using sudo pip3.6:
positional arguments:
path the path to the inventory file (JSON)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Zafar Mohiuddin: Linux System Engineer
Now that you know the tool works, it’s time to build it for distribution. Build a
wheel for the package and use it to install the hr tool on your system.
Note: This package doesn’t support Python 2, so it is not a “universal”
Using the pipenv shell, this is the command that you would run to build the
(h4-YsGEiW1S) $ python bdist_wheel
Lastly, here’s how you would install this wheel for the root user to be able to
use (run from project directory):
$ sudo pip3.6 install --upgrade dist/hr-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl