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QR Code

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Chapter I



The purpose of this study is to recognize the feedback of the effect

of using quick response code identification to the parents of 12 CSS 1

General Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades.

Through a composite of various authors discussed in the literature

review. The researcher will inform the discussion of the quick response

code identification. This chapter focuses on the significance of QR code

to the parents of 12 CSS 1.

Statement of the Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this study is to know the feedback of the effect of

using quick response code identification to the parents of 12 CSS 1 in

General Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades. The

purpose of the study is to answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact does the QR code to the parents?

2. How does QR code signify when it comes to grading system?

3. How does QR code give benefits to the parents?

Significance of the Study

This study was concern about the feedback of the effect of using

QR code ID to the parents will benefit the following:

To the Teachers, this research will help them to know the feedback of

the effect of using QR code identification to the parents.

To the Parents/ Guardians, this research helps them to known the

grades of the student using QR code ID.

To the Learners, this research may serve as a guide and reference for the

students undertaking similar studies.

Last, to the Researchers this study would benefit the student’s

researcher to be knowledgeable about this research.

Scope and delimitation of the Study

This study was delimited to the 30 parents of 12 CSS 1 in General

Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades. The

Researchers will use a survey questionnaire in conducting a research.

Chapter II



Analysis of the Problem

School ID is one of the most important things of a student should

have. The ordinary ID these days only contains the basic information of

the learners and the modern technology is progressing and developing in

a very fast rate, therefore the researchers have come up of integrating the

modern technology to the old fashion ID of the learners.

The study addresses the problem of the learner’s ID which having

the basic information of the learners and the researchers notice that the

students have a huge space for developments. The old fashion ID is very

simple therefore the researchers wanted to add additional features to

provide convenience to the parents, teachers and the learners.

The old fashion ID need to be upgraded and should be improving

with the help of the modern technology. If the improvement will be

successful it addresses the problem of the ID that is only having the

basic information.

The researchers ought to add Quick Response code or QR code to

the learner’s ID to solve the ID being addressed in the study. The QR

code will give the certain link that will automatically go to the site where

the learner’s parents and teachers can view the information associated to

the link within the QR code and with this it gives convenience.

Review of Related Literature

It could be stated that studies on use of QR Codes in education

were generally conducted in the field of mobile learning. Review of the

related literature revealed that mobile devices were used while using QR

Codes. According to So (2008), the most important aspect of mobile

learning is the trilogy of ‘location independence’, ‘time independence’ and

‘meaningful content’. These three basic features are among

characteristics of mobile learning, and they differ from e-learning and

web-based learning due to these features (Law & So, 2010).

The rising speed of mobile technology is increasing and penetrating

all aspects of human life. Therefore, this technology plays a vital role in

learning different dimensions of information. Today, a clear shift from

teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning causes students

to find technology more effective and interesting than ever before

(Miangah, 2012)

In another study carried out by McCabe and Tedesco (2012), QR

codes were used via smart phones for direct connection with the subjects

within the scope of the course of mathematics. In the study conducted

with 14 learners, all the learners reported positive views about the QR

codes prepared for the course of mathematics. In such a course process,

83% of the learners stated that they prepared for the following lesson

better and did their homework more productively, and 67% of them

stated that there was an increase in their course marks and that they

found it easy to use QR codes. In addition, as revealed by the most

important finding obtained in the study, 83% of the learner experienced

less stress when they studied for the lessons with the help of QR codes.

According to the learners, the reason was that it was instantly possible to

access the necessary information via QR codes without having to ask

their peers or teachers.

Hernández-Julián & Peters (2012), in their study conducted to

compare doing homework online with doing homework on paper, found

that an electronic environment could make it easier to access an

instructional material and that it did not significantly influence learning.

Al-Khalifa (2011) developed a Mobile Snapshot Response system

with QR Codes. The system aimed at helping improve the communication

between teachers and their students. Rivers (2010) designed a task-

based QR Code system for English language teaching. In the study, the

researcher explained how the system was developed, applied and tested.

It was found in 47 the study that the learners enjoyed and benefited from

the system while using it to carry out the course activities. Liu, Tan and

Chu (2007), in their study, developed a learning system to improve

learners’ English language levels with the help of QR Codes. The study

revealed that the QR Code system helped learn English.

In their study, Ozcelik and Acarturk (2011) aimed at reducing the

spatial space between printed and online resources using QR Codes. In

this empirical study carried out with 44 university students, the

students were divided into two groups (paper + mobile phone and paper

+ computer). In the study, it was concluded that thanks to QR codes

found in course books, mobile devices contribute to learning since it is

easily possible to access information online.

Today, Smart-phone plays a significant role in people’s daily lives.

According to previous research, it is found that the mobile activated

space maintains steady growth. In 2012, the range of mobile activated

space is 8,448 activated pages, until 2013, the range of mobile activated

space increases to 13,088 activated pages. (Nellymoser2013.)

There are a lot of activities in mobile space, such as social

networking and shopping, therefore, the identification and payment

methods are created. What kind of thing can be replacing as an identity

to visit a virtual store by their smart-phone If consumers shopping

online? Quick Response Code (hereinafter QR Code) as a new identity is

used in the world, it looks like a small box which includes a random

series of black and white pixels. Even though QR Code is a tiny symbol, a

website address, specifications of particular products or personal

information can be included in this symbol. In addition, the surprising

news is that various information accesses can be done through smart-

phones. (Speed & Nykamp & Heiser & Anderson & Nampalli 2013, 17-


QR Code is becoming popular and extensive adoption in

international. Especially in Japan and Korea, people who are using QR

Code scanning to visit Internet accounts for 96%. The QR Code is often

used on newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, advertisement, and

advertisement board to store websites‟ addresses, content information

and miscellaneous data. For instance, QR Code is used in

advertisements 7 to guide people to visit their websites in business

world. (Jin & Du 2014, 910-911.) Additionally, QR Code becomes an

official tool is utilized in governments and companies (Speed & Nykamp

& Heiser & Anderson & Nampalli 2013, 18). In 2011, the Royal Dutch

Mint announced QR Code embedded into the official coin that QR Code

would direct a user to a website about the Royal Mint‟s centennial. The

world's largest QR Code is created by Hacherspace and painted on the

top of their company's building in Charlotte, North Carolina in 2010

(MCNC, cited by Speed & Nykamp & Heiser & Anderson & Nampalli

2013, 18.) In China, QR Code is used on the train tickets on the corner

of the right bottom and the names of passengers and relevant personal

information are also included in this QR Code (TCHINASIA 2011, cited by

Speed & Nykamp & Heiser & Anderson & Nampalli 2013, 18).

In compliance with the description of the QR Code illustrates the

wide usage of the QR Code in different fields. Yet, the majority of

companies are still confused about the concept of QR Code even though

they follow the market trend while using QR Code. This research

concentrates on the concept of QR Code and attempts to understand the

characteristics of QR Code. On the basis of the underlying technologies

of QR Code, combinations of essential knowledge of QR Code explore and

analyzed the benefits of using QR Code for companies. To sum up, this

research emphasizes on describing the concept of QR Code for the sake

of offering decision guidelines for company managers when they are

implementing the platform of QR Code.

When considering QR codes in an educational context, it is

important to see QR technology as an enabler. The focus should be more

on the learners and pedagogy than on QR technology, as mobile

technologies do not guarantee enhanced learning by themselves. The

potential for mobile learning is dependent on the provision and

development of pedagogically meaningful opportunities and

environments that enhance learning. The intention should be to promote

more learner-centered learning, not to bind teaching and learning to

mobile devices. (Zhang et al., 2010)

Review of Related Study

For identification of students they still lie on manual handwritten

ID card and files. If proper ID card system is introduced, then it would be

much easier to identify a student and can track his/her progress.

Therefore, in this research we implemented advanced using of QR code

and student ID generation. We tried level best to make right

implementation of QR code with student ID card. Automated student ID

had image capturing facility and requirements of an ID and there is no

need of hand written ID card. QR code is attached into ID card and

student personal details can be found by scanning the QR code with

smart phones (downloaded & installed QR reader software). QR code is

said to be the next generation of bar code and using QR code with ID

card brought positive outcomes. While using software tools, identity

cards works fine and suitable for an educational institution as it is free.

Thus, ID card will be a perfect use of modern technology in developing

countries (Dybowski & Haque 2014).

Higher education is also poised to benefit from the momentum

created by the uptake of QR codes in the corporate world and popular

culture. Briefly, the potential of QR codes in education is related to their

ability to allow learners to use their mobile devices to link to specific

information quickly and easily. Our paper summarizes previous research

regarding the use of QR codes in higher education and presents ways to

use these codes as a support for expanding and delivering resources to

students, for interactive discovery and for making learning more

engaging for students. Also, the findings of a research among students

from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies will be exposed in

our paper. The objective of the survey was to identify students' readiness

towards the use of mobile devices for learning, their technical

possibilities and their willingness to use QR codes in learning context

and their perceptions regarding the usefulness of such instruments in

some specific learning situations (Albastroiu & Felea 2015)

Chapter III


This chapter covers the design phase, dimensions, supplies and

materials, tools instrument and equipment used, schedule of activities,

creation process, production cost, layout and revision made. The

instrument used in gathering data, who are the evaluators, locale and

the data gathering.

Specification of the Project

Height: 8.5 cm; Width: 5.4 cm

Color: Blue and White

Design Phase

Front View

Figure 1. In this figure shows about the front view of the Innovative ID.

Back View

Figure 2. In this figure shows about Back View of the Innovative ID.

New Process Flow

Scan the Qr code using the QR code Scanner or any scanner.

Step 1

After loading click the link.

Step 2

The grades will now appear.

Step 3

Figure 3. New Process Flow

In this figure shown above the new process flow, which is scanning the

QR code on your ID.

Supplies and Materials

Table 1. List of supplies and materials for the significance of quick

response code identification to the parents of 12 CSS 1.

Item No. Quantity Unit Description

1 1 Pack PVC Board
1 1 Pack Laminating Film

Table 1. The table above shows the list of supplies and materials

for the innovative ID.

Tools and Equipment

Table 2. List of tools and equipment and their functions.

Tools Functions
PVC cutter Cutting PVC board.
Laminator To laminate the ID.

Equipment Functions
Computer set Designing the ID.
Printer Printing output.

Table 2. The table above shows the list of tools and equipment and

their functions of the innovative ID.

Creation Procedure

Creating preparation

1.1 Install adobe photo shop.

1.2 Draft design.

1.3 Select appropriate size, based on the specification of QR code ID.


1.4 Canvass and purchased PVC and printing materials.

1.5 Prepare of tools and equipment that was required in one process

and creation.

1.6 Lay out the design.

Contribution Time Frame

A period of time especially with respect to some action or project is

shown on table 2.

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a bar chart that activities as blocks over time. The

beginning to end of the block corresponds to the duration of the projects


Table 3. Construction Time Frame



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Preparation/ Purchasing

Preparation of tools/


Draft design

Getting students profile

Preparing manuscript




Table 2. The table above shows the constructive time frame of

significance of quick response code identification to the parents of 12

CSS 1.


Table 4. Cost of supplies and materials of the innovative ID.

Description Quantity Unit Unit Total

(Cost) (Cost)

PVC Board 1 1 380 380

Laminating 1 1 Package in

Film PVC board

Table 4. Show about the cost of supplies and materials of Innovative ID.

Table 5. Summary of Sources and Costs

Sources Amount


Supplies and Materials 380

Total Cost of the Project 380

Table 5. Show about the summary of sources of cost of supplies

and materials use in designing and developing innovative ID.

Try-outs and Revision

After the construction of the project, the project was evaluated for

its functionality and cost effectiveness. Trial and error method was used

in lay outing the innovative ID. Table # shows the defects that were

found during the try-outs and the revision made to remedy any defects.

Table 6. Try-out and Revision

Defects Revision

Quick response code application Change of application.


Table 6. Shows about the try-out and revision of innovative ID.

Research Instrument

This study used questionnaires, research instrument to collect

data from individuals to ensure that difference in responses to questions

can be interpreted as reflecting differences among respondents, rather

than differing in the process that produce the answer. (Siniscalco &

Auriat, 2005)

The study utilized questionnaires as the instrument of the study

which seeks to identify that of the respondents and to check the

significance of quick response code identification to the parents of 12

CSS 1.

Evaluation of the Project

Significance of quick response code identification was evaluated by

the 12 CSS 1 parents/ guardians of General Santos City National

Secondary School of Arts and Trades.

The project was evaluated by the respondents through the

researchers-made questionnaires that aimed to assess the significance of

quick response code identification. The evaluation was based on the

perception of the respondents of the project as they observed it during

the actual demonstration.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at General Santos City National

Secondary School of Arts and Trades, Tiongson Street Lagao, General

Santos City.

Data Gathering Procedures

The steps below were followed in the gathering data necessary for

the study;

1. Letter of request was given to the grade 12 curriculum head asking

permission to utilize time during HRPTA meeting of CSS 1parents

to be the respondents of the study.

2. The respondents were visited in their class where the researcher

had a demonstration about the project.

3. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents during the

testing of innovative ID.

4. After the questionnaires were answered the researcher retrieved

them for analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment

Descriptive measure is a kind of measure dealing with the

quantitative data in a mass that exhibits certain general characteristics.

Frequency, percentage, general the statistical tool to be used is the

interpretation of data will include the weighted arithmetic Holcomb


The study used descriptive measure such as frequency counting,

percentages, given frequency was utilized. The respondent’s evaluations

were interpreted based on the given criteria. The formula shown below

were used I the calculation of the percentages of frequency and the

weighted mean of the data gathered.

P= 100%


P= Percentage

f = Frequency

N= Population of the respondents



x̄= mean

Σ= Sum of

F= Frequency

X= Scores in the distribution

N= Population

Perception of feedback of the effect of using quick response code

identification to the parents of 12 CSS 1 of General Santos City National

Secondary School of Arts and Trades.

To interpret the data in feedback of the effect of using quick response

code identification to the parents of 12 CSS 1 of General Santos City

National Secondary School of Arts and Trades.

Range Rating Descriptive Rating

3.50-4.00 4 Strongly Agree
2.50-3.49 3 Agree
1.50-2.40 2 Disagree
1.00-1.49 1 Strongly Disagree
Table 7. Interpret the data in the innovative ID.

Chapter IV


This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation

of the data gathered and the structure of the project, limitations and

operating procedures.

Presentation of data

Table 8. Shows the summary evaluation result of The feedback of

the effect using QR code with the summary grand mean of the innovative

ID which are interpreted as agree with the description of x̄= 2.99.

Item Mean Descriptive

1 The QR code makes a difference when it comes to 3.67 Strongly

releasing of cards? Agree

2 The QR code is a good way to access your 3.53 Strongly

children’s grade. Agree

3 The QR code is helpful in accessing your 3.5 Strongly

children’s grade easily. Agree

4 The QR code is satisfying in terms of ID. 3.71 Strongly

5 Using QR codes is better instead of previous type 3.39 Agree

of releasing card.
6 The QR code is beneficial to the parents. 3.28 Agree
7 The QR code ID is different from the old ID 3.60 Strongly

system. Agree

8 The QR code is convenient to use. 3.53 Strongly

9 The QR code on the ID provides information you 3.57 Strongly

want or need. Agree

10 The QR code system allows convenient access of 3.57 Strongly

the student’s grades for the parents. Agree

Grand Mean 3.53 Strongly


Table 8 shows that the summary evaluation result of feedback of

the effect of using quick response code identification with the summary

grand mean of x̄= 3.53 which are interpreted that the parents of 12 CSS

1 answered on the item number 4 the QR code is satisfying in terms of

ID. The respondents choose strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.71.

On item number 1 The QR code makes a difference when it comes to

releasing of cards? The respondents choose strongly agree with a

description of x̄= 3.67. On the item number 7 the QR code ID is different

from the old ID system. The respondents choose strongly agree with a

description of x̄= 3.60. On the item number 9 the QR code on the ID

provides information you want or need, the respondents choose strongly

agree with a description of x̄= 3.57. On the item number 10 the QR code

system allows convenient access of the student’s grades for the parents,

the respondents choose strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.57. On

the item number 2 the QR code is a good way to access your children’s

grade, the respondents choose strongly agree with a description of x̄=

3.53. On the item number 8 the QR code is convenient to use, the

respondents choose strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.53. On the

item number 3 the QR code is helpful in accessing your children’s grade

easily, the respondents choose strongly agree with a description of x̄=

3.5. On the item number 5 using QR codes is better instead of previous

type of releasing card, the respondents choose agree with a description of

x̄= 3.39. On the item number 6 the QR code is beneficial to the parents,

the respondents choose agree with a description of x̄= 3.28.

Findings of the Study

Table 9. Shows the grand mean of the innovative ID.

Respo Item No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3
3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 3 1 1 4 2 1 3 2 2 2
6 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
7 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4
8 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3
9 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
13 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
14 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
15 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4
16 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4
17 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
18 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
19 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
20 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3
21 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
22 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4

23 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
24 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4
25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
26 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3
27 4 4 4 4 2 1 4 4 3 2
28 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
Total 3.67 3.53 3.5 3.71 3.39 3.28 3.60 3.53 3.57 3.57
Grand 3.53

Table 9. Shows the Grand mean of the innovative ID.

The table above shows the findings of the study of innovative ID.

The parents of 12 CSS 1 answered on the item number 4 the QR code is

satisfying in terms of ID. The respondents choose strongly agree with a

description of x̄= 3.71. On item number 1 The QR code makes a

difference when it comes to releasing of cards? The respondents choose

strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.67. On the item number 7 the

QR code ID is different from the old ID system. The respondents choose

strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.60. On the item number 9 the

QR code on the ID provides information you want or need, the

respondents choose strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.57. On the

item number 10 the QR code system allows convenient access of the

student’s grades for the parents, the respondents choose strongly agree

with a description of x̄= 3.57. On the item number 2 the QR code is a

good way to access your children’s grade, the respondents choose

strongly agree with a description of x̄= 3.53. On the item number 8 the

QR code is convenient to use, the respondents choose strongly agree with

a description of x̄= 3.53. On the item number 3 the QR code is helpful in

accessing your children’s grade easily, the respondents choose strongly

agree with a description of x̄= 3.5. On the item number 5 using QR codes

is better instead of previous type of releasing card, the respondents

choose agree with a description of x̄= 3.39. On the item number 6 the

QR code is beneficial to the parents, the respondents choose agree with a

description of x̄= 3.28.


The feedback of the effect of using the innovative Quick Response

code (QR) Identification (ID) can only be for the students of General

Santos City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades. This limit is

to scan the QR code to the ID.

Operating Procedures

The following steps are needed to operate the innovative ID:

Install the QR code scanner.

Step 1

Scan the QR code.

Step 2

click the link that appeared on the screen.

Step 3

Figure 4. Operating Procedures of the innovative ID.


In order to maintain functionality and cost effectiveness of

innovative ID it must be observed.

1. The QR code of the ID should be clear.

2. The QR code in the ID has always updated.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of finding after the

complete project was evaluated. Conclusions including recommendations

were then drafted with reference to the responses of the evaluators.

Summary of Findings

The project study entitled feedback of the effect of using quick

response code identification to the parents of 12 CSS 1 of General Santos

City National Secondary School of Arts and Trades was created to give

solution to the problem of researchers, 12 CSS 1, General Santos City

National Secondary School of Arts and Trades. Regarding students

Identification during grade 11 class. Upon testing and revising the

project has.


Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that innovative

ID is successful. It was designed and tested using the survey

questionnaire tendered to the respondents of the study. The innovative

ID was able to see the information of the students such as grades. The

QR code will change every quarter. Therefor as a result, the project was

highly functional and cost effective.


In the light of the findings of the study, the following

recommendations are deemed appropriate:

1. Improve the QR code.

2. Provide more information to the content of QR code.




Name: ______________________________

Direction: Check the box that corresponds your answer base on the

question below.


4- Strongly Agree 2- Disagree

3- Agree 1- Strongly Agree

Questions: 4 3 2 1

1. The QR code makes a difference when it comes to

releasing of cards?
2. The QR code is a good way to access your children’s


3. The QR code is helpful in accessing your children’s

grade easily.
4. The QR code is satisfying in terms of ID.

5. Using QR codes is better instead of previous type of

releasing card.
6. The QR code is beneficial to the parents.

7. The QR code ID is different from the old ID system.

8. The QR code is convenient to use.

9. The QR code on the ID provides information you want

or need.
10. The QR code system allows convenient access

of the student’s grades for the parents.
























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