18 3D
18 3D
18 3D
• Folding a design in 3D
• 3D View Tools, View Angle and Light Source
• View Mode Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
• Adding a design to the 3D workspace
• Moving, Duplicating and Rotating 3D designs
• Dimensioning the 3D Image
• Fold to Meet
• Properties, Textures, Board Information and Paper
• Bend line type
• Background Image
• Creating an Assembly Drawing
• Animation
• VRML exports
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
6. In the Status bar at the bottom, select 90 from the Angle pop-up
menu. The design folds up
7. The Fold Angle tool allows you to manipulate one or more selected
crease lines. Select one crease line then shift-select to add to the
selection. You can also change the angle by entering a specific angle
value or using the slider.
Note: Clicking on the left or right arrows on the slider changes the angle
in one degree increments. Clicking in the grey area changes the angle by
ten degree increments. “Use Same as...” to copy an existing angle which
could be helpful when folding designs such as angled trays or angled
display bases.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
The View Toolbar contains some of the standard tools along with some
new additions.
12. Light Source: Changes the angle or color of lights, adds lights.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
Select the View Angle tool to manipulate the angle and elevation at which
you are viewing the folded design. Simply click and drag the mouse cursor
around the workspace to dynamically change the angle, elevation and roll
of the image or use the settings in the status bar manipulate the design.
1. Select the View Angle tool to manipulate the design by using the
View angle setting. Enter a specific View angle or drag the slider to
change the elevation.
2. Select the View Angle tool to manipulate the design by using the
Elevation angle setting. Enter a specific Elevation angle or drag the
slider to change the elevation
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
3. Select the View Angle tool to manipulate the design by using the Roll
angle setting. Enter a specific Roll angle or drag the slider to change it.
4. If you click and drag within the workspace with the view angle tool
selected, all three angles change. This allows you to rotate the design
up/down/left or right. Holding the control key down while you drag
rolls the design.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
1. Open the file Munchies.ard. Turn the Graphics layer on, if it is off.
2. Select Convert to 3D. Choose the Base Face.
If the design was not previously
folded, the “Use previous fold
angles” checkbox will not be
3. If the design is not folded, fold it. Graphics can be turned off and on
from View > View Mode dialog or from the right-click context
4. Select View > Light Source or select the Light Source tool. The
light bulb will be displayed.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
5. When the Light Source tool is selected, the sliders in the status bar
allow you to change the angle and elevation of the light or you can
drag the light around.
6. The Light Source tool also has buttons to add or delete lights.
The color and brightness of
the light bulb image
represents the color and
brightness of the light.
Double click a light to
change its RGB properties. The Delete Light button is disabled when there is only one light. The
Add Light button is disabled when there are eight lights.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
There are viewing options you can apply to the workspace in order to
manipulate how the design displays. The View Mode dialog box contains
radio buttons and checkbox options.
1. Select View Mode from the View menu. Selecting different options
will change the way the design is displayed. The first five options are
radio buttons. Make a change then click Apply to view how the design
will be effected.
The View Mode dialog window
can also be displayed by clicking
on the View Mode tool in the
3D View toolbar.
3. When the Fold All tool is used, the panels and flaps may not fold in
the correct order. Applying different view options will show what
needs to be ‘fixed’.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
4. Select Hidden lines Removed, click OK and use the Fold Angle tool to
change them.
5. These options can also be accessed from the View Mode toolbar or by
clicking the right mouse button in a blank area of the workspace to
display the context menu.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
The bottom six options in the View Mode toolbar correspond to some of
the checkboxes in the View Mode dialog window and the bottom six
options in the right click context menu.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
5. Checking Transparent makes the design see through so that you can
view hidden parts.
6. Checking the Creases pink checkbox shows the creases in pink, perfs in
blue and partial cuts in purple, so that you can differentiate between
line types better. When it is unchecked, the crease are the same color
as the board.
7. Checking the Bounding Box checkbox places the smallest 3
dimensional box that will fit around the 3D imagee.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
You can work with more than one design in a 3D workspace. For
example, if you wanted to assemble a display base with a tray and header.
In this example, we will add a folded design to an existing 3D workspace
then place a group of one of them inside the other.
3. Save the file as Packed_Shipper.A3D and keep it open for the next
4. With Packed_Shipper.A3D still open, select Add a design from the
File menu. Open the file Munchies.A3D.
The design gets added to the 3D workspace behind the first box.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
Designs within the 3D workspace can be moved and duplicated along the
X, Y or Z axis. Specify an axis then drag along that axis or input specific
X, Y or Z values. In 3D you have to pay attention to the direction of the
movement because a negative value may be needed.
1. Select the design by using the Select Designs tool to activate the
Move Designs tool.
2. Select the Move Designs tool then move the carton from behind the
shipping box. At the prompt, select the upper left corner as the
pickup point. An xyz axis will be displayed through that point. Select
the axis that will allow you to slide the carton to the left.
3. There is another Move tool that allows you to specify the offset in the
X, Y or Z direction. It is Move Designs in X,Y,Z. It shares the tool
flyout with the Move Designs tool.
4. Select Munchies.A3D (if not already selected). Select the Duplicate
Design tool from the Edit menu or the toolbar. Enter 1 as the
number of copies. Select the Pickup Point when prompted. The xyz
axis will be drawn through that point. Select the Axis to set the
5. Slide the copy along the axis and snap to a put down point making
sure to snap to the correct point. Or you can specify the Distance to
move the copy by entering the value in the data entry field. For this
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
example, -127.36 mm, the carton length plus 0.36 mm for the material
6. The direction you drag may require entering a negative value. Look at
the value in the distance field.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
8. Select both folding cartons. Select the Duplicate tool. Enter the
number of copies (3). Choose the back, top left corner as the pickup
point. Choose the axis and drag to make the copies.
10. Or specify a distance. For this example, the carton is 50.8 mm wide,
entering -51.36 mm will include the thickness of the material.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
11. Right click in the workspace to select Solid, Board thickness and
12. Drag the Selection rectangle to select the 8 cartons. Select the Group
tool. A bounding box will be displayed. Open the top flaps of the
shipping carton using the Fold Angle tool.
13. Select the group of cartons. Select the Move Point to Point tool.
Select the Pickup Point when prompted.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
14. Once the Pickup point is specified, you will be prompted for the put
down point. Zoom in to specify the correct point.
15. The group of cartons will move inside the shipping carton aligning
with the specified put down point. If you need to make adjustments to
the position of the cartons, use the Move tool.
16. Note: To turn off the bounding box, click on the Clear Extend tool
which is in the 3D Extend toolbar.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
2. Open the View Mode dialog window. Turn off board thickness and
Graphics then select Wireframe.
3. Select the design. Select the Rotate Designs tool. An xyz axis will be
displayed. Select the Axis of rotation and enter 90.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
4. Select the partition. Select the Duplicate designs tool. Drag forward
and enter -7 as the distance to move.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
8. Use Move point to point to bring them together. Use the slot as the
pickup and putdown points.
9. The partitions should looks like the drawing below when Solid,
Graphics and Board Thickness are turned back on in the View Mode
dialog window.
10. If you use the View Angle tool to turn the design (click and drag), you
will notice that there are two different colors applied to the partition.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
One is for the Outside Board and one for the inside board. Double
click on one partition to open the properties dialog window.
11. Edit the Outside board color to match the Inside board color.
Note: All 3D copies of designs are instances of the same design. They can
have different fold angles from the original but the material, properties
will be the same. Changing the color or board of one partition in this
example, will change the other copies.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
3. Click to set the extend position when prompted and the dimension
value will be displayed.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
4. Changing the view angle, elevation and roll of the image will cause the
dimension value to be rotated so that it remains visible. In the diagram
above, the image on the left has a view Angle of 30, an elevation of 30
and roll of 0. On the right the view angle is 44, elevation is -63 and roll
is -7.
5. Depending upon how you manipulate the view angle, elevation and
roll of the design, it is possible to have one or more dimension be
hidden. To correct this open the View Mode dialog box and check
Dimensions always visible. The diagram below shows the difference.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
8. The dimension text rotates parallel to one of the X,Y,Z axes. Some
rotations may cause the text to be hidden. Unchecking Auto rotate
text will constrain the text to remain parallel to the dimension extend
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
There are some designs, such as angled display bases and trays that
present more of a challenge to fold. There are two fold tools that can
make these types of designs much easier to fold. They are Fold 1 to Meet
and Fold 2 to Meet. The following example illustrates how they work.
1. Open the file Pentagon.A3D. The View Mode is set to Wire Form
2. The Fold 2 to Meet tool is used to get it started. Follow the prompts
at the bottom of the screen choosing the first line and first crease and
the second crease and second line it should meet.
3. Use the Fold 1 to Meet tool to select another line and its related
crease then the line it should meet. Continue with this tool to finish
folding the first half.
4. To get the second half started, select Fold 2 to Meet again. Then
switch to the Fold 1 to meet tool. When done, it should look like the
diagram on the left. Right click on a blank area of the workspace to
select Hidden Lines removed to display the diagram in the middle. Right
click and select Solid and Graphics to display the figure on the right.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
ArtiosCAD gets its board information from DataCenter. Flutes are added
to the Flute Browser with the correct Height, Pitch and Takeup Factor
values. The Board Browser contains the board details with the option to
assign Papers, Material Properties and Texture where applicable. You can
consult the DataCenter Chapter in the ArtiosCAD User Guide for more
detailed information on configuring boards. For this topic we will take a
look at applying the board properties in 3D.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
Note: 7. Click on the Board Information tab. It will display the same info that
Partial cuts fold outwards is was shown in 2D in the above diagram. Paper still cannot be changed
checked by default for all and board can be changed.
corrugated boards. It is
unchecked for Folding Carton
8. Click on the Texture tab. No texture has been associated with this
board in datacenter. You can assign Outside, Inside and Board edge
textures to the board.
9. Check Outside texture and click on the Browse button (...).
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
10. Go to the Artios > Common folder on the server for some default
board textures. For this example, select boardbrown.jpg. This is a
board texture 3 flutes wide.
11. Leave the Image height set to zero (0) and select 3 from the Image
width as number of flutes: drop down.
The texture images in the
Artios > Common folder can
be opened and viewed in a
graphic editing program.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
13. For the final touches on this corrugated board example, you can add a
board edge. Check Board edge texture and browse to the common folder
to select boardedge3.jpg.
14. In the Image width as number of flute drop down, select 3 because this is a
3 flute image. The board edge image may have a different number of
flutes than the inside or outside texture. Select Stretch like corrugations to
get the corrugation to display correctly on the rounded corners and
angled corners.
15. Close the Properties dialog and view the results of the changes.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
There is a new line type called Bend located in the Utility catalog of the
Line type set list. It works like a crease line in 3D and allows you to display
a smoother curved surface in 3D without creating additional crease
geometry in the workspace. Bend lines do not effect the file during
manufacturing or samplemaking.
1. Create a design and draw lines over the area you wish to appear
curved in 3D. (for example, open Chip_Header.ARD)
2. Change the lines to the Bend line type then turn on the Graphics.
3. Convert to 3D. The bend lines can be selected and manipulated with
the fold angle tools.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
Note: 5. The name of the image is listed in the View Mode window.
The background image would
normally be a digital JPEG
image between 1200 to 2500
pixels wide. You could convert
a PDF to a JPEG. Make
sure the image does not have
white space around it. You can
crop out the white space in a
graphics application.
6. Click Apply to view it and keep the View Mode dialog open. Click OK
to accept the image and close the dialog box.
7. The the design, in this case the display can be manipulated into position with
the View Angle, Zoom in/out, Pan and Perspective tools.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
In previous versions of
ArtiosCAD the image had to 5. Click on Edit > Paste or select CTRL+ V. You can move the image
be grouped because the pasted by using the Move tool in the Edit toolbar.
design had individual
ungrouped sections. In 6.5 the 6. Switch back to the TRAY_HEADER.A3D file by selecting it from
image comes in as a bitmap the Window menu.
“snapshot” image.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
7. In 3D, fold the design to represent the position for the first step.
8. Select Edit > Copy as bitmap. Switch back to the
TRAY_ASSEMBLY.ard file from the Windows menu.
9. Paste the 3D view into the Assembly file by selecting Edit > Paste
(Ctrl+V). Move this view of the image to the right of the last view by
using the Move tool on the Edit toolbar.
10. Continue folding, copying and pasting between the two windows until
you have all of the necessary steps for the assembly drawing
instructions. You may have to use the Scale tool to resize the pasted
images to match the existing images in the workspace.
11. Use the Text and Arrow tools to add applicable notations/
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
7. You can use the View tool to turn the design in order to get at a
hidden crease. Turn it back before using Add frame to take the next
“snapshot”. You can also work in wireframe mode, if you prefer.
8. It does not matter if graphics are on or off while creating the
animation sequence.
9. When moving the header into position, you will have to perform
more steps so that when the animation is replayed, one shape does
not appear to pass through another.
10. Select the Rotate Designs tool. Select the vertical axis. Rotate the
design 110 degrees to view the back. Add the frame. Select and rotate
it back -110 degrees to view the front again.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
12. The slider at the bottom of the window will be made available. Click
on the Play button to “watch” the animation. Click on the Stop button
to stop the animation at any point.
13. Click the double arrows on the left to rewind to the beginning. Click
the single arrow on the right to proceed one frame at a time.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
After viewing the animation with the playback tool you may wish to make
changes. There are several options available for making modifications to
the frames.
Select Discard changes, Update current frame or Insert changes as a new frame
then click OK.
3. Should you need to, you also have the capability to Shuffle a frame
Forward or Back and to Reverse the entire Animation sequence.
These choices are found in the Animation Menu.
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
4. When you change the angle of a crease, for example, and you want to
use the same angle for that crease in all of the frames to follow, choose
Animation > Update range of frames.
5. You can also adjust the Duration value at each frame to speed up or
slow down the playback from zero (0) to sixty (60) seconds.
6. Use Scale to fit for individual frames to improve the flow of the
animation as viewed in ArtiosCAD or a VRML viewer.
7. Click on the ellipse button to open the Frame Properties dialog box
Note: which lets you set the duration, scale to fit and create a Title for any
If you have the Animation frame all in one location.
module for 3D, you can animate
the steps for folding the design
then and use Output - 3D to
Animation-PPT, Animation-
DOC or Amination-PDF as
another option for creating an
assemble drawing.
Lesson 18: Artios 3D
1. You could export the file as a VRML formatted file so someone with-
out ArtiosCAD 3D could view the animation.
2. Select File > Open. Switch to Files of type Artios 3D(*.A3D)
this for example.
4. Select File > Outputs-3D > VRML Accept or change the VRML
5. Separate image on each face creates a set of JPG files that make up the
panels of the box. This set of files is needed to recreate the image in a
VRML plug-in.
6. If the VRML does not have any graphics or the stock has not been
colored, you can delete the JPG images. The VRML will run when the
WRL file is opened.
7. Selecting Single image for a Folding carton design will create two files:
the WRL file and one JPG file. Selecting Single image for a Corrugated
Introduction to ArtiosCAD 7
carton design will create three files: the WRL file, the with grain JPG
file and the cross grain JPG file.
8. To be able to control the settings for the background color in the
VRML plug-in, check No background.
9. Adjust the View zoom factor(%), if you wish. By default it is set to 100%.
10. In the Animation section, select With toolbar if you want the animation
to start at the first frame.
11. On the General page select an Output Directory and uncheck
Automatically open if you do not have the VRML plug-in on your
Lesson 18: Artios 3D