The Vanity of The Rat
The Vanity of The Rat
The Vanity of The Rat
Class secretary, please monitor our I’m glad to announce that all are
attendance. present, ma’am.
That’s nice!
Now, let’s play a modified one.
Let’s call it, Rack-A-Thon.
Let’s begin.
2. RAT
B. Development Activities
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Congratulations, class!
Now, who can tell us what our topic
is by interrelating those words in
just a sentence? Start it with the
phrase “The family of…” The family of rats has a daughter
looking for a partner in marriage.
RAT-A-Tour #2
Identify the voice of the verb in
each sentence.
RAT-A-Tour #3
Rewrite sentences changing the
voice from active to passive.
RAT-A-Tour #4
Express appreciation and gratitude
to their parents.
Yes, we are!
Are you ready to learn, class?
Team Rat
a. Narrator 1
b. Mr. and Mrs. Rat
Team Sun
a. Narrator 2
b. Mr. Sun
Team Cloud
a. Narrator 3
b. Mr. Cloud
Team Wind
a. Narrator 4
b. Mr. Wind
Team Wall
a. Narrator 5
b. Mr. Wall
Scene 1
NARRATOR 1: A long time ago, there lived a rat couple who had one
daughter, her name is Rena. Since they had no other children, they gave
her everything. When it became time for their daughter to marry, they
wanted only the best husband for her. They thought about all of the rats
that they knew, but none of them were good enough for their daughter.
One day, Mr. Rat said to his wife…
MR. RAT: "I know who will make the perfect husband for our daughter,
the Sun."
MRS. RAT: "The Sun? Why do you think the Sun would make a good
MR. RAT: "Because there is none more powerful in the world than the
MRS. RAT: "Yes, Yes. Yes. The Sun is the most powerful. He's bright as
well. Let's ask him at now."
MR. & MRS. RAT: "Oh, Mr. Sun!"
MR. SUN: "Yes, what can I do for you?"
MR. RAT: "Should you accept, my wife and I would like to offer you our
daughter's hand in marriage,"
MR. SUN: "I'm honored. But, why do you want me to marry your
MR. RAT: "Because you are so powerful and magnificent!"
MR. SUN: "Well, I'm pleased that you think so highly of me. But, there is
one that is more powerful than me."
MR. RAT: "Who might that be?”
MR. SUN: "Mr. Cloud, of course! I am powerless when he covers me."
MR. RAT: "Yes, so true!”
MRS. RAT: "Come on dear. Let's go see Mr. Cloud."
Scene 2
NARRATOR 2: They climbed up a nearby mountain, over which a big
cloud hung in the sky. They called to Mr. Cloud telling him what Mr. Sun
had said and offered their daughter's hand in marriage. Again, the couple
received a much different answer than what they were expecting.
MR. CLOUD: "What the Sun says is true. However, I am powerless when I
meet Mr. Wind. Wherever he blows, I must go."
MR. RAT: "Yes. Yes. Of course, of course."
Scene 3
NARRATOR 3: So they then set out to find Mr. Wind. Coming down the
mountain, they found Mr. Wind in a grove of trees. He already heard their
MR. WIND: "I am strong. I can make a big tree fall over or blow down a
house. I can shake up an ocean. But try as I may, I can't move Mr. Wall."
MR. RAT: "Then, we'll just have to ask him."
Scene 4
NARRATOR 4: So, Mr. and Mrs. Rat hurried down the mountain to Mr. Wall
standing near their village.
MR. WALL: "Well, I'm flattered that you want me to marry your daughter.
But I don't think I'm right for her either. I am indeed strong and Mr. Wind
can't move me, but I am no means the strongest of them all. There is one
that can make me fall over easily. The very thought of it is making me
shake already."
MR. RAT: "Please Mr. Wall. Please tell us who."
MR. WALL: "None other than you and your cousins, the moles. You and
your cousins are very strong. Why? Because, if you burrow under my feet,
I'll fall over and land on my head. I'm no match for you."
MR. RAT: “How true, how very true! Of course the race of rat is the most
powerful of all. "Thank you! You've been very helpful.”
MRS. RAT: “Yes! And, I know just the person: that nice Roger Rat who
seems to like Rena so much. And his parents are such good friends of ours,
MR. RAT: “Old Roland Rat’s boy? An excellent idea. Let’s see if he is in
Scene 5
NARRATOR 5: When Roger Rat appeared, Mr. and Mrs. Rat told him of
their offer, which he accepted immediately. Rena was very much delighted
that her parents were arranging for her to marry him. Mr. Rat was
convinced that he had made the best possible match for his darling
What does the story wanted to The story shows how the couple
show? searched for the right husband for
their only daughter.
How does the story ended? After the long search, Rena married
Roger, another rat.
Very good! We successfully
unlocked our first goal. It’s now time
for another one.
What do you think are those words? Ma’am, they are verbs.
Therefore, what is a verb? Verb is an action word or state of
being, ma’am.
Alright, that’s correct!
Now, let’s analyze the difference of
these sentences:
1. Mr. and Mrs. Rat visited Mr. Sun. 1. Mr. Sun was visited by Mr. and
Mrs. Rat.
2. Mr. Rat offered Mr. Cloud to 2. Mr. Cloud was offered by Mr. Rat
marry his daughter. to marry his daughter.
3. Mr. Wall honored Mr. Rat. 3. Mr. Rat was honoured by Mr.
1. Mrs. Rat accompanied Mr. Rat.
2. Mr. Sun was covered by Mr. 1. Active Voice
Cloud. 2. Passive Voice
3. Mr. Wind blew Mr. Cloud away. 3. Active Voice
4. Mr. Wall overpowered Mr. Wind. 4. Active Voice
5. Roger Rat was chosen by Rena 5. Passive Voice
Rat to be her husband.
1. Mr. Rat was accompanied by Mrs.
2. Mr. Cloud covered Mr. Sun.
3. Mr. Cloud was blown away by Mr.
4. Mr. Wind was overpowered by Mr.
5. Rena Rat chose Roger Rat to be
her husband.
Is everything clear and understood
to you now? Yes, ma’am!
Say Cheese!
Are we clear?
Yes, ma’am!
Now, I want to know how you give
thanks to your parents for all their
efforts trying to make your life easy
or trying to make you happy.
Ma’am I always hug them and say
“Thank You” especially when I know
that they are tired and sad.
How about the others?
I help them with the house works
That’s also nice! Remember that ma’am.
“Action speaks louder than words.”
A. No. of learners who earned
___% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other