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Microcontrollers and Its Application

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• Introduction to Microprocessors
and Microcontrollers, 8-bit/16-bit
Introduction to Microprocessor Architectures
Processors [8085, 8086], Introduction to
ARM7, Intel I (i3, i5, i7)series
Internal organization of computing device
Module - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 2
❑ Fetch, decode and executes the instruction stored in memory
❑ CPU must equipped with necessary resource
❑ Important resources of CPU:
❑ Registers – to store the information temporarily
❑ ALU – to carryout Arithmetic and Logical operation
❑ Program Counter – to point the next instruction to be
executed. Instruction decoder – to interpret the
instruction fetched into the CPU
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❑ One of the important feature
❑ Binary digits : 0’s and 1’s
❑ Bit: 0 or 1
❑ Nibble: 4-Bits or half a byte – ex: 0101
❑ Byte: 8-Bit or Byte – ex: 1010 0101
❑ Word : 16-bits – ex: 1111 0000 1010 0101
❑ Kilo Byte: 210 = 1024 bytes, Mega : 220, Giga : 230, Tera : 240
❑ Ex: 16 Megabyte = 16 x 220 = 24 x 220 =224 Bytes
❑ Memory Types: RAM & ROM
❑ RAM or Volatile Memory : Temporary storage
❑ ROM or Non-volatile Memory : Permanent storage

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Input and outputs
❑ I/O devices used to provide a communication with CPU via
keyboard, video monitor etc.,
❑ CPU is connected through stripes of wires called Buses

❑ Address bus: To indentify the device connected to CPU. Total

number of memory location addressable by a CPU is 2x, where x
is the number of bits.

❑ Data Bus: To carry info. in and out of CPU, 8-bit to 64-bit

❑ Control bus: To provide the read or write signal to CPU

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Steps to execute an instruction
1. Fetch Instruction from Memory

2. Decode Instruction and Fetch Operands

3. Perform ALU Operations

4. Store ALU result to register file

5. Memory Access (for load/store)

6. Update PC
Module - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 6
❑ The short term of the microprocessor is uP, and it is a central
processing unit.

❑ A Microprocessor is used to make many tasks like arithmetic and

logic operations, system controlling & storing the data, etc.

❑ It will process the I/O peripheral data and gives the results back
to the peripherals to function.

❑ In the year 1968 the first microprocessor was developed by

Garrett Research’s .But, the commercial microprocessor was
released in the year 1971 which is termed as 4004.

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Microprocessor – Block Diagram
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❑ Microprocessor has several support devices like ROM, Read
write memory, timer, serial interface, I/O ports, etc.

❑ All these support devices are interfaced to the

microprocessor through a system bus.

❑ So finally we can conclude that all support devices in a

microprocessor are connected externally.

❑ The system bus consists of an address bus, control bus and

data bus.

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Microprocessor Based Temperature Monitoring System
Module - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 11
❑ A microcontroller is a computer on a chip in which many
support devices like RAM, ROM, timers, counters, I/O
peripherals are fixed in one IC.

❑ Microcontrollers is mainly designed to control

specific electronic applications. Microcontroller is a heart of
an embedded system. The short term of the microcontroller
is MCU or uC.

❑ Microcontroller can be easily interfaced to external

peripheral devices like ADC, DAC, serial ports, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi, etc.
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Module - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 13
❑ A microcontroller is a computer on a chip in which many
support devices like RAM, ROM, timers, counters, I/O
peripherals are fixed in one IC.

❑ The short term of the microcontroller is MCU or uC.

Microcontroller is a heart of an embedded system.

❑ Microcontroller can be easily interfaced to external

peripheral devices like ADC, DAC, serial ports, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi, etc.
Module - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 14
❑ Examples of the microcontrollers are microchip’s PIC, Intel’s
80196, The 8051, Motorola’s 68HCxx.

❑ Microcontrollers is mainly designed to control

specific electronic applications.

❑ Microcontrollers are normally found in toys, office machines,

automobiles, home appliances, etc.

❑ The applications of microcontrollers involve in various

embedded system projects and electronics projects.

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Microcontroller Based Temperature Monitoring System
Module - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 16
Parameters µP µC
Architecture Von-Neumann and CISC Harvard and RISC
architecture architectures.
Flexibility designer can decide on the amount fixed amount of on-chip ROM,
of ROM, RAM and I/O ports. RAM, I/O ports
Processing Power High Low
Design Time More Less
Power High Low
Protection Less More
Cost High Low
Applications Defense systems, computation Cell phones, watches, mp3
systems and n/w players

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X86 Architecture ARM, Power PC

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❑ The Intel 8085 ("eighty-eighty-five") is an 8-
bit microprocessor produced by Intel and introduced in 1976.

❑ It is software-binary compatible with the more-famous Intel

8080 with only a few minor instructions added.

❑ However, it requires less support circuitry, allowing simpler

and less expensive microcomputer systems to be built.

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❑ An improvement over the 8080 is that the 8085 can itself
drive a piezoelectric crystal directly connected to it

❑ A built-in clock generator generates the internal high

amplitude two-phase clock signals at half the crystal
frequency (a 6.14 MHz crystal would yield a 3.07 MHz
clock, for instance).

❑ Both the 8080 and the 8085 were eclipsed by the Zilog
Z80 for desktop computers in the early-to-mid-1980s.

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❑ The salient features of 8085 µp are:
➢ It is a 8 bit microprocessor
➢ Six 8-bit general purpose register arranged in pairs: BC,
➢ Data bus is a group of 8 lines D0 – D7
➢ It has 16-bit address bus and hence can address up to 216
= 65536 bytes (64KB) memory locations through A0-A15
➢ The first 8 lines of address bus and 8 lines of data bus are
multiplexed AD0 – AD7
MODULE - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 23
➢ It supports external interrupt request

➢ A 16 bit program counter (PC)

➢ A 16 bit stack pointer (SP)

➢ It requires a signal +5V power supply and operates at 3.2

MHZ single phase clock.

➢ It is enclosed with 40 pins DIP (Dual in line package).

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❑ It consists of five essential blocks.

(1) Arithmetic Logic Section

(2) Register Section

(3) The Interrupt Control Section

(4) Serial I/O Section

(5) The Timing And Control Unit

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❑ This section consists of
(a) An arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
(b) Accumulator Register (A)
(c) Temporary Register (TR)
(d) A flag register (FR)

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❑ The 8085/8080A has six general-purpose registers to store 8-bit
data; these are identified as B,C,D,E,H, and L

❑ They can be combined as register pairs - BC, DE, and HL - to

perform some 16-bit operations.

❑ The programmer can use these registers to store or copy data

into the registers by using data copy instructions.

❑ In addition, it has two 16-bit registers: the stack pointer and

the program counter.
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❑ Interrupt is a mechanism by which an I/O or an instruction

can suspend the normal execution of processor and get itself

❑ Generally, a particular task is assigned to that interrupt


❑ In the microprocessor based system the interrupts are used

for data transfer between the peripheral devices and the
MODULE - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 31

❑ Types of interrupts in 8085: Hardware & Software Interrupts

❑ Software Interrupt: A software interrupts is a particular

instructions that can be inserted into the desired location in
the program. There are eight Software interrupts in 8085
Microprocessor i.e from RST0 to RST7.

❑ Hardware Interrupt: Generated by user externally through

one of the interrupts pins: TRAP, RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5,

MODULE - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 32

❑ Serial communication is useful for data transfer between two
devices serially.

❑ SID (serial input data) used to accept serial 1 bit data under
software control when a RIM instruction is executed the SID
pin data is loaded in bit D7 of Accumulator

❑ SOD (serial output data) used to transfer 1 bit data under

software control when a SIM instruction is executed the SOD
pin is set or reset depending on D7 and D6 bit of Accumulator

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❑ It provides timing and control signal to the microprocessor to
perform the various operation.

❑ It controls all external and internal circuits. It synchronizes all

the data transfers. It Performs decoding of instruction.

❑ There are three control signal:

1.ALE-Address Latch Enable – Used to Demultiplexing the lower order Address
and Data bus
2.RD- This is active low used for reading operation.
3.WR-This is active low used for writing operation.

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❑ The Intel 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor intended to be
used as the CPU in a microcomputer.

❑ The term “16-bit” means that its arithmetic logic unit,

internal registers, and most of its instructions are designed
to work 16-bit binary words.

❑ It has 16-bit data bus and 20-bit address bus.

❑ The 8086 CPU is divided into two independent functional

parts, the bus interface unit or BIU, and the execution
unit or EU.
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❑ It is a first 16-bit μp.
❑ 8086 has a 20 bit address bus can access up to 220 =1 MB
❑ It provides 14, 16 -bit registers.
❑ Word size is 16 bits.
❑ It has multiplexed address and data bus AD0- AD15 and
A16 – A19.
❑ It requires single phase clock with 33% duty cycle to provide
internal timing.

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❑ 8086 is designed to operate in two modes, Minimum and
❑ It can pre-fetches up to 6 instruction bytes from memory
and queues them in order to speed up instruction execution.
❑ It requires +5V power supply.
❑ A 40 pin dual in line package.
❑ Address ranges from 00000H to FFFFFH
❑ Memory is byte addressable - Every byte has a separate

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Bus Interface Unit (BIU)
❑ The function of BIU is to:

➢ Fetch the instruction or data from memory.

➢ Write the data to memory.

➢ Write the data to the port.

➢ Read data from the port.

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Instruction Queue
1. To increase the execution speed, BIU fetches as many as six
instruction bytes ahead to time from memory.

2. All six bytes are then held in first in first out 6 byte
register called instruction queue.

3. Then all bytes have to be given to EU one by one.

4.This pre fetching operation of BIU may be in parallel with

execution operation of EU, which improves the speed
execution of the instruction.
MODULE - 1 ECE3003–Microcontroller and Applications 42
Execution Unit (EU)
❑ The functions of execution unit are:
➢ To tell BIU where to fetch the instructions or data

➢ To decode the instructions.

➢ To execute the instructions.

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Execution Unit (EU)
❑ The EU contains the control circuitry to perform various
internal operations.

❑ A decoder in EU decodes the instruction fetched memory to

generate different internal or external control signals
required to perform the operation. E

❑ EU has 16-bit ALU, which can perform arithmetic and logical

operations on 8-bit as well as 16-bit.

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General Purpose Registers of 8086

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General Purpose Registers of 8086
❑ These registers can be used as 8-bit registers individually or
can be used as 16-bit in pair to have AX, BX, CX, and DX.

1. AX Register: AX register is also known as accumulator

register that stores operands for arithmetic operation like
divided, rotate. 2

2. BX Register: This register is mainly used as a base

register. It holds the starting base location of a memory
region within a data segment.
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General Purpose Registers of 8086

3. CX Register: It is defined as a counter. It is primarily used

in loop instruction to store loop counter.

4. DX Register: DX register is used to contain I/O port

address for I/O instruction.

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Instruction Pointer (IP)

❑ In the BIU, the next register, below the segment register is

instruction pointer.

❑ The instruction pointer (IP) holds the 16-bit address of the

next code byte within this code segment.

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Flag Register(FR)
❑ A 16-bit flag register is a flip-flop which indicates some
condition produced by the execution of an instruction or
controls certain operations of the EU.

❑ They are modified automatically by CPU after mathematical


❑ It has 9 flags and they are divided into two categories:

1. Conditional Flags
2. Control Flags
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Flag Register(FR)

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Control Flags
❑ Control flags are set or reset deliberately to control the
operations of the execution unit.

❑ Control flags are as follows:

➢ Trap Flag (TF)
➢ Interrupt Flag (IF)
➢ Direction Flag (DF)

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Conditional Flags
❑ Conditional flags represent result of last arithmetic or logical
instruction executed. Conditional flags are as follows:
➢ Carry Flag (CF)
➢ Auxiliary Flag (AF)
➢ Parity Flag (PF)
➢ Zero Flag (ZF)
➢ Sign Flag (SF)
➢ Overflow Flag (OF)
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