Final TOR Corridor
Final TOR Corridor
Final TOR Corridor
1.0 Background
A corridor is a generally linear area that is defined by one or more modes of transportation
like highways, railroads or public transit which share a common course. Development often
occurs around corridors. Corridors development means development of integrated networks
of infrastructure within a geographical area designed to stimulate economic development.
Corridors may be developed within a country or between countries.
The corridor development determines development of the area that could be served by it. To
plan the development, it is also important to foresee changes in different dimensions that
likely occur in the corridor region. With this regard, some of the pertinent issues related to the
corridor market centres may arise. The infrastructural services development is required to
guide the emerging and expanding market town. The healthy and planned network of
different sized settlements is developed in order to achieve a more balanced regional
development in the road corridor region. The spatial organization of settlements is likely to
undergo change, would require a pragmatic plan for the development of the settlement and
emerging market towns.
MOPID Corridor Development Approach is to consider the trunk corridor as the key
development axis that will stimulate and increase economic activity in the countries and
regions. By combining the development potential of the region with corridor infrastructure
improvement, the strategic regional development plan enables to revitalize the entire region
and to create a virtuous spiral of investment promotion and market expansion.
The project is being implemented in Dhanusha district. The Project is being implemented by the
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development through urban development and building
office. The long-term development plan of the proposed corridor will help to develop the
emerging new towns and to develop the existing town in an economically, culturally and
historically organized and sustainably planned way.
2.0 Objectives
The master plan of the corridor development should include potential sectors and subsectors
of the economy, market centres, land use, social infrastructure, natural resources,
Government, Guthi and Public Land, road network , public transport, cultural, tourism places
etc. along of the centre of the linear route and about 200 m on each side of centre of the
linear route. The study will include collection of secondary and primary information's
available with various sources and putting them in such order so as to make them useful for
planning the project activities and it will also include the survey of the potential target
households and enterprises that will help to prioritise the project activities and identification
of the specific target households. . The study will have to fulfil the following specific
To prepare a master plan of the corridor development along with the vision and
strategic plan of the area in line.
To prepare profile and to examine the existing conditions of resource endowment
of the corridor region.
Identify potential area for infrastructure development based on land suitability and
other factors in Corridor development. Analyse present land acquisition and
distribution of land in future.
To suggest a framework of development strategy of the delineated corridor region.
To prepare physical development plan of the corridor region.
To identify the potential market centres and which serve as the main markets for
these value chains
To locate Special Economic Zone (development )
To delineate area for the possible development of corridor.
To prepare a clean and sustainable development plans in delineated area.
Conduct a survey of the people and assess the constraints and challenges faced by
these people and provide feasible solution through infrastructure development.
To carry out Preliminary Study for Indicative Plan and Programme.
To identify and prepare detailed engineering design and cost estimate of at least
two infrastructures and services project along the corridor.
To propose institutional framework (infrastructure) and governance of corridor
To improve financial management and economic activity after preparing Corridor
prepare the DPR (Detail Project Report) of the two most important infrastructure
project. The DPR should include the detail engineering designs, drawing and Cost
3.0 Expected Outputs:
Resource potential analysis of the highway corridor. Such analysis reveals resource
endowment such as water resource, forest resource, agriculture as well as mineral resource
which determine directly the socio-economic activities of the region. In the same way, it also
deals with the social setting such as population, education status, major income source and
occupation, market centre and rural settlements in the corridor region and their spatial
Development framework and physical development plan along with land use and urban
form of different strategic nodes. Such physical development plan should indicate and guide
the strategic development pattern and land use should reveal the distribution of key land use
activities in the strategic development nodes, street and it must also tentatively forecast the
population that such development node can hold. The plan should also clearly indicate the
infrastructure services to be built in such strategic development nodes.
Detailed Engineering Report. Such report includes identification of existing and proposed
physical infrastructures and services along the corridor and detailed engineering design and
cost estimate of at least two prioritized infrastructures and services project. Detail survey
should also be carried out for the project before preparing detailed engineering design.
Investment plan. Such plan should reveal suggestive framework of development region
corridor identifying short-term (0-5 years), medium-term (5-10 years) and long-term (>10
years) programs/projects, cost estimate, and probable financing sources. Such
programs/projects should be to cater to both the short-term and long-term needs of the
municipality and the RMs, and should be consistent with the proposed framework of
development strategy.
Maps. Maps but not limited to the following needs to be included in the report. The scale and
size of the maps will be decided after the consultation with concerned section at MOPID.
Location map: Map of corridor RMs/ Municipalities/towns along with base map
showing towns, landmarks, road linkages and prominent infrastructures.
Existing land use map showing physical, social and economical infrastructure of the
corridor area
Proposed land use map showing proposed infrastructure of the corridor.
Map showing the relationship of the municipality, market centre / emerging towns
with the hinterlands.
5.0 Methodology
A complete analysis of the collected data needs to be done. The data has to be clearly
categorized and presented in tables, charts, diagrams, and maps which may also be
supplemented by the pictures and photographs.
S .No Personnel No Educational Qualification Major responsibilities
Responsible for leading the teams for
Minimum Master degree in studies, overall management,
architecture/urban planning coordination, Monitoring and
1 Team Leader 1 3 month
with at least 3 years of relevant Oversight and Preparation of Progress
experience after master degree. Reports, responsible for managing
workshop and Meetings.
Masters degree in Structure
Structural Engineering with at least 3 To study, analyze the structural aspect
2 1 1 month
Engineer years of relevant experience and support to prepare report.
after master degree.
Masters degree in
Environmental Environmental Engineering To study, analyze the environmental
3 1 1 month
Engineer with at least 3 years of relevant aspect and support to prepare report.
experience after master degree.
Masters degree in Sociology/
To study, analyze the social and
Socio- 0.5 Economics or related field with
4 1 economical aspect, and coordinate and
Economist month at least 3 years of relevant
support to prepare report.
experience after master degree.
Bachelors in Architecture with
To Study, analyze and prepare the
5 Architect 2 2 month at least 3 years of relevant
report and to support team leader
experience after master degree.
Bachelors in Civil Engineering
with at least 3 years of relevant To Study, analyze and prepare the
6 Civil Engineer 2 3 month
experience after bachelor report and to support team leader
The study team mentioned in the RFP should do the field visit and work during the entire
stated period. Failure to do so shall result in the cancellation of the contract. The team leader
should also sign the contract as representative of study team , along with the consultant
The team will be responsible for the technical part / study part and the team leader shall be
present in all the meetings and presentations
Only the financial and administrative matters will be discussed with the consultant
Before the team mobilization in the field, a detailed field work plan should be submitted and
approved one week prior to the mobilization at MOPID and Division Office.
The Inception report should contain vision paper of the corridor, introduction, remarks
and conclusions of existing corridor plans, literature review, primary data, Secondary data,
detail methodology, work plan, checklist, questionnaires, name of the officials and agencies
met or discussed during the field visits. A tentative table of contents of the final report
should also be included. After the submission of Inception Report, brief presentation should
be done at the section level at MOPID. Two hard copies should be submitted.
The Interim report should contain all the contents of inception report submitted with
feedbacks incorporated on that and analysis of data and preparation of conceptual Long
term Development Plan along with development strategy of the study area. All the
questionnaires used and GIS maps should be kept in appendices of the report. Revised table
of contents of the final report should also be included. Two hard copies should be
submitted. After submission of the report, a presentation on Interim report should be done
in MOPID and Division Office. Digital of the presentation should be submitted to MOPID.
The Draft-Final report should be the complete report of the study. It should contain all the
contents of Interim report submitted with feedbacks incorporated on that, complete analysis
of data along with tables, charts, diagrams and maps, long term development plan of
corridor area along with development strategies and programs, draft of master plan of the
delineated area for the development of infrastructure along the corridor inclusive
economic growth scenario of the region and detail design, drawing and estimate of
two major essential infrastructure. Two hard copies should be submitted. Final table of
contents should also be included. After submission of the report, it should be presented in
MOPID at Department level.
The Final report should be submitted with feedbacks incorporated on Draft final report.
The main detailed report and its executive summary with maps should be submitted in
English in three hard copies and three DVDs. The DVDs should contain the GIS data
files used for creating the maps. The Final reports submitted should be duly signed and
certified by the consultant. All relevant data, maps, questionnaire used, name of the officials
and agencies met or interviewed, minutes of the meetings/ consultations/ presentations, list
of the team members should be accordingly compiled in the appendices. All maps should be
clear and coloured and should be in A3 size as far as possible. Up-to-date bibliography in
standard format should also be included revealing the list of literatures, reports and other
publications reviewed and referred. Names of the members, participants involved in data
collection, plan preparation, meetings and workshops organized at local level should be
properly acknowledged in the acknowledgement.
The payments shall be made in four instalments. Each instalment shall be paid only when the required
report is submitted and accepted. Request for the payment should be accompanied by the progress/
revised progress report and signed time sheets of members of the team. In each report, the contents,
formats and copies to be submitted should be strictly as discussed above. The details of time period,
payment percentage of bid amount, the report to be submitted are shown in the following table.
No of Instalments Time period Payment % of total bid Report to be submitted
First Within 2 calendar 30% Inception report
weeks of the date of
Second Within 6 calendar 20% Interim report
weeks of the date of
Third Within 10 calendar 20% Draft-final report
weeks of the date of
Fourth and Final Within 3rd month 30% Final report