Project Details
Project Details
Project Details
Discuss/ explain with examples reflection and symmetry. Conduct a study on its various applications in
different fields of enquiry.
Bring out the differences between similar figures and reflected figures.
With a suitable model discuss size transformation in real world (relate to either sciences or industry)
Discuss properties of different geometric shapes (BOTH PLANE FIGURES AND SOLID FIGURES).
Using cross sectional areas of these figures derive the volume and surface area formulae for the 3D
structures (NOT CUBE AND CUBOID), compare and relate them.
What do you mean by slope of a line in 2-D. What are the different ways of writing the equation of a line
in 2-D?
Starting from 2 dimensional space discuss the advancement of math to 3-D spaces.
Its uses and application. What changes happen to equation of lines when plotted in a 3-D space?
Define the different trigonometric ratios. Derive relations between these ratios.
Application of trigonometry in real life situations and for the study of different sciences.
Build a model which would help explain the concepts of heights and distances:
angle of elevation and depression, finding heights/distances of objects with t-ratios, etc.
Show how the probability changes with changes to the elements of the game
Sample space, tree diagram, events, mutually exclusive, mutually exhaustive events.
6) Graphical Representation
Analyze the best graphical representation for different types of data (small data, large data, etc)
Through a survey, collect suitable data around you and make a comparison using an ogive and
7) Loci
Design a working model(s) which would help explain the concept of loci.
Define quadratic equations, discuss the different methods of solving the equations (include
graphical method)
Also, bring in the applications in solving real life problems in diverse fields.
Linear inequalities
Support your project with adequate real time data and graphs based on your research work.
Define matrices
Also, bring in the applications in solving real life problems in diverse fields.
You are required to submit a Project on the topic assigned to you according to the given
instructions. The booklet is compulsory. The project booklet finally should be hand-written,
spiral bound(should be submitted for approval before spiral binding) and should contain a
minimum of twelve A4 size pages. The booklet should be accompanied by a chart and a model.
Substantiate your work with evidence like photographs, videos, interviews etc.
The cover page of your booklet should be creative and must carry your name, class and section
and appropriate title.
You are also required to submit the Assignment given to you, which should be done on a
separate book/register.
Your Project and Assignment will count for internal assessment for the board exam along with
other parameters. You are required to submit both on the reopening day . Any delay in
submission will lead to loss of marks. The project should include the following sections:
1. Title page: indicating the title of your project, its author, the course name, and the date.
2. Index: list of the contents of the booklet organized in the order in which they appear.
“I take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to the Department of Mathematics
for their guidance and encouragement for this project.
I also express my profound gratitude and deep regard to my guide (Teacher/Mentor Faculty
Name) for his/her help and cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped
me in completing this task through various stages.
Lastly, I would like to thank my family and friends for their constant encouragement without
which this assignment would not be possible. “
4. An introduction: consisting of a brief description of their context and importance, and the
mathematical methods you used.
5. Core content: The actual elaborate work done by the student on the topic.
The student should establish meaningful connections of the topic to his prior knowledge and
experiences, through the body of the project. The student is expected to examine real- world
dilemmas, natural processes and advances in technology, related to the topic. A systematic and
relevant research work is expected to be carried out, so as to integrate, synthesize and critically
evaluate the information collected during the research.
His findings should be an outcome of deep thought, discussions, genuine and sustained inquiry
leading to a better understanding of the topic and a neat presentation of the same will
constitute the body of the project.
6. Summary: Summarizing the results obtained from the solutions described in the body.
8. Time chart: either as a tabulated data/graphical representation, indicating clearly the time
taken for collection, organization, compilation, representation etc.
9. Bibliography: list of resources: websites (other than Wikipedia and Google), books, resource
Main purpose of the project: The main purpose of this project is to give you a chance to
develop a personal insight into the nature of Mathematics and develop your ability to ask your
own questions about Mathematics. This project will enable you to initiate and sustain a piece
of work in Mathematics that is truly your own. This will enable you to acquire confidence in
developing strategies for dealing with new situations and problems no matter where they
occur. You should be able to use this project to also see connections and applications of
Mathematics in other areas of interest outside of the "typical" Mathematics settings.
i) Neatness 5
ii) Creativity 5
iii) Originality 5
iv) Math Content 10
v) Difficulty Level (Grade Appropriate) 5
Presentation & Viva 10